I have $100.00

I have $100.00.

What game should I buy?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Download FEH and buy $100 worth of orbs.

pirate every game

When did MJ become a gook? Not a complaint at all.

Attached: smug anime chick.jpg (384x384, 77K)

>Buying games

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based and ricepilled

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pirate the game, spend (some) money on coffee or green tea to have some drink with your vidya

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There's your answer, OP. RE2make.

or pirate a game, drink water and send me the 100

Buy these 2:

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Who tf is this bih

Don't waste your money on dumb games. You will constantly feel like you could be doing something better with your time. As a matter of fact, get off of Yea Forums right now. Fall asleep to some lewd chinese ASMR. Then, when you wake up you should spend that money on literally anything else that won't do you or anyone else harm. Go away.

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So, videogames?


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Split the money and buy 5 games from like 2 or 3 years ago. Don't spend all on one game that just go released.

Cool, thanks

Do you know any good puzzle games?

I know Annapurna games released Gorogoa, a weird puzzle game last year. I'm thinking of buying it.

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Would unironically be cooler if this was MJ and not the mongrel goblina they are trying to push on us as if nigger morales wasn't enough.

Sad that this is the state we are in and we need to compromise on what was supposedly set in stone many years ago but here we are.

What kind of puzzle games are you looking for?
Platformer? Riddle-Games?
For Platformer I would suggest Hollow-, or Shovel-Knight. They are pretty good and cheap games because they come from indie-developers.
If you want a riddle game I would suggest the "We were here"-series. It has 2 games released and one more in development. The only -downside- (if you want to call it that), is that you need a second player. There is voicechat ingame but it's not that great and I wouldn't go for randoms. If they don't speak your language or you fail a puzzle they more often than not just quit out.
For solo-puzzle I would take a look at the Resident-Evil series. The older games should be pretty cheap and they aren't that visually focused on horror, if that kinda stuff scares you off.

what would i do with my time if not video games user?

Kingdom Hearts: The Complete Package, that’s about 8 games in one.

half of an EA game.

Name of the girl in your pic? It's actually super endearing how normal she looks.

Probs still wouldn't bang you loser lmao

I'm more into games like this:


Rena Takeda

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I couldn't come up with the right word but you should go fellate a horse.

>Chinese asmr
chinese sounds nasty as hell my guy

You get past that eventually