would a singleplayer WoW RPG be good?
Would a singleplayer WoW RPG be good?
it can be done, in an Elder Scrolls fashion, just focusing on a single region at a time
It's already a single player game.
Neo-WoW effectively is a single player game already. Aside from the highest artificial difficulty setting, the game works such that other players might as well be NPCs.
imagine if blizzard put all their money into this
the amount of content and replayability would be absurd
I'd kill for this
>Not a CO-OP WoW RPG
It would print money.
We'll find out when I finish my game :^)
I forgot to actually answer the question.
Maybe. Basically, world content makes up the bulk of what you'd do in WoW modified for single player. However, power creep and decreased emphasis on leveling has rendered old world content pointless beyond Wrath (not to mention ruined world) so it wouldn't be compelling as-is. Thinking of Wrath (or vanilla/TBC) however, for someone new to the game, I think the core fundamentals like atmospheric zones, character progression systems, smooth combat etc. are there, and it would produce a perfectly serviceable RPG experience for one or two playthroughs, although I don't see any particular reason why you'd play it on a local single player server. As a matter of fact, there's player bots for Wrath emulation so you could also do some group content on your local server (they apparently are surprisingly competent).
If the game could be modified with heavier hand, like forgetting about balance as a goal entirely in favor of greater character customization possiblities, revamping loot and profession systems, making it a party-based game in which you could switch characters similar to classic RPGs, and perhaps adding some overarching plot quests, I think it could make a good game, even for those who have leveled 30+ vanilla 1x equivalents worth of characters. After all, some bits of WoW, like the world design, are really damn good.
yes and it would probably be better than wow
No, RPGs need a good story and Warcraft haa been trash since WotLK.
God damn that image gave me nostalgia
>Nostalgia for cataclysm
lol no
kill yourself illicuck
kill yourself retard
Playing on empty pservers is depressing. I always thought it was what I wanted, but after 5 minutes I was desperately hoping to see someone jump around or talk about trannies in general chat.
that's because of braindead enemies, NPCs and boring combat
imagine a WoW RPG with the NPC interaction of CRPGs and the combat of Dragons Dogma
WoW is a single player game, and so are every MMORPGs that copied it.
I'd prefer a SRPG like Disgaea or Final Fantasy Tactics.
For me best expansion was lich king.ulduar being my fav raid.
WOW should have always been singleplayer, the multiplayer aspect just ruined any sense of adventure the world could offer as well as making the quests and getting around as tedious as possible
More of these map screenshots
Casual here, only played BC and Lich King, got banned in Cataclysm for robbing a bank in holland to change race and faction and buying blizzard keyboards and shit and also making the whole Yea Forums do the same thing
But how the fuck did you get so deep into dungeons? You needed another 24 autists who were online every day and unless you knew the perfect strategy for each boss you'd get assblasted also you needed super powerful equipment that you would only get if you got lucky and rolled higher than other 24 fucks, who has time for that kind of autism??
I remember making a guild just to explore secret places you weren't supposed to access like that dwarven airport, good times
Nice. I like how shit but also good it looks
Was it just a meme or did people really get banned for doing that?
Maybe if you were really obnoxious about it.
I've been to the airport, various edges of the world, old hyjal and other hidden places countless times and even brought friends with me, and I never got banned.
I once got three days during MoP for showing someone you could buy lockboxes from that Isle of Thunder faction, take almost everything out, and return them, but I guess that was justified.
Check retail for answer
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning was ok
How is that wow
Not that guy but that shit felt like an offline MMO through and through.
>the shitty writing, worldbuilding and setting of WoW with bad gameplay with non of the social aspects
lol? Is this a joke?
What software was used to create these? Would it work with vanilla client?
How big are the areas supposed to be anyway, in-universe? Is Kalimdor as big as an average sized country, or more like a continent?
Man, something about this image in particular makes me depressed. I was so fucking hyped for WotLK. Pulled an allnighter when it was released, grinding through levels.
Now I have responsibilities, bills, a job that makes me miserable and exhausted. I'd be lucky to play 3hrs of vidya a week. I just want to go back to those carefree times.
>Is Kalimdor as big as an average sized country
look at the fucking cities, now think about how small a city is in those games
I think the most accurate would be to measure how many days orcs walked from Dustwallow to Ashenvale in W3 and extrapolate. I'm too lazy to check it though but it took them days, maybe a week.
That map is so shit.
I hate that WoW popularized the theme park style world.
Runescape (mostly) tried to be consistent. With the exception of Al Kharid being wedged between three swamps, the rest of the world is appropriate.