What are some erotic games where you ended up not caring about porn and stayed for the gameplay?
What are some erotic games where you ended up not caring about porn and stayed for the gameplay?
Other urls found in this thread:
Frank's Adventure 1 through 4
Alchemy Meister
Are there more translated eushully Games?
>user's life
I honestly have to skip through the sex in Rance games because it is so cringe.
But I really like the gameplay, even if it isn't perfectly balanced. I'm really starved for games like this though, any unit strategy RPG, I'll take it. Hear that japan!?
Literally the first thing that happened to him was touching a vagina.
vagina's aren't erotic by default, in fact they're objectively pretty disgusting
life is all about achieving sex, you just aren't getting any
>8 years later still no Rance Quest
Do I have to die then I can complete Rance games?
Duel Savior
that doesn't make it erotic, just as being hungry doesn't make life "edible"
Millenium War Aigis. Sadly nutaku fucked up and removed the only good game they had in their list.
Plebs just list down the handful of babby's first H-games because they're the only ones in english and cant play the other great titles still in Japanese
nah those devs fucked up by not making it an actual stand-alone game
monster mind
The Last Sovereign
Kamidory Alchemy Meister
based JOP dabbing on the baka gaijin EOPs
Amayui has a translated interface I think, it's basically kamidori but improved in many ways.
Bunny Black was pretty fun.
>not posting the ultimate NEVER EVER
Smash Boy
Rance 10
Lulu Farea
Kozukuri Banchou
I'm a JOP and that looks meh
What game is this? Rance?
rance is legit one of the best games ive ever played. i wish it wasn't a porn game. i skip through the H scenes
Team fortress 2
This doesn't necessarily happen only due to great gameplay, it can also happen due to bad porn.
>want to make "adult" game
>can't into art
>can't decide on what engine to use
Shit sucks. Any /agdg/ fags here?
Arizona Department of Water Resources?
if is a VN use Renpy.
If you can't draw make it 3D and use either Daz or even strangely enough Honey Select. Heck even The Klub 17 works for making scenes.
Nah, it's a management game. Very simple, sell drugs and engage in various crimes while expanding throughout the town. That's why I'm thinking Unity, but then someone said Gamemaker Studio but there's no platforming or "moving parts" or anything.
Just use Unity.
fuck sekai
the point is that these threads are always going to be listing the same shit over and over
it's always going to be a combination of:
- Sengoku Rance
- Alchemy Meister
- Bunny Black
- Assorted DLsite doujin games with varying translation quality
- Etc...
Because none of these bottomfeeders will ever be able to play anything outside of the small handful of titles that a few dedicated individuals went through the trouble of translating, even though there's an even greater wealth of untranslated titles that are also great games
It's like watching a stray dog being so fucking amazed at the leftover scraps it's being fed, when they have no idea just how great the spread is on the dining table inside the house
Eiyuu Senki, but that game was basically designed to be Sengoku Rance clone. It tried to add a bit to the game design but is infinitely less replayable. Achiles is best girl.
Thanks. Those faggots over at /vg/ won't assist with shit when it comes to making a game. I'm convinced they just buy assets for whatever engine they're using and shut down when you ask them about anything off the beaten path or not available on the asset store.
Don't you mean based Sekai?
>chronoclock instead of Hotaru's game
Bunch of idiots.
This. I only really played sengoku rance and evenicle, both of these have porn that's mediocre at best
literally every visual novels
The main plot-point literally hinges on a single homonym so I don't really blame them.
You misunderstand, user
I mean, a retard can remember Hotaru means firefly if you tell him.
Not that one.
Oh that one, yeah, that's pretty untranslatable, I agree.
I'm here user, recommend me a great game, I could really use one right now.
Mentaisan Defense was another one with good gameplay, although short.
It's kinda ironic really.
The plot itself is really simple but that one word literally cockblock'd any chance of it getting localized ever.
>It's always going to be...
>- Assorted DLsite doujin games with varying translation quality
>Literally ousting niche porn game translations as predictable and dull
user you realize that this is an english imageboard right?
Maybe it's about time to realize your tastes are too farfetched for even Yea Forums and that you need to find a different community instead of lashing out.
>Literally ousting niche porn game translations as predictable and dull
If only.
Some of them are literally un-edited Google translations.
this just came out
they're still putting out some hotfixes though, so maybe wait a week
Makenshi Leane 2. It plays a bit like Fire Emblem with base capture/management.
Holy shit, this looks great. I was just in the mood for some Dungeon Keeper.
Are you a bad enough dude?
their card games were pretty good but this game is so bad it hurts
Might or might not be good judging by the previews, the guild management seems pretty barebones.
Downloaded and installing for now.
It's a dungeon crawler
it's also a fucking cuckold/ntr game and I didn't figure it out until like six hours
the brown girl who saves you at the beach was so cute too
I will NEVER forgive Sekai Project for killing Aroduc. Never.
He shouldn't be dealing with those scums to begin with.