
Attached: dissapointments.png (917x934, 623K)

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>trinity of massive disappointments
>posts an okay game, a good game and GOTY 2015
What did OP mean by this?

I haven't played KH3 yet. How bad is it? I've played both MGSV and FFXV and haven't been so disappointed in games this badly, so I've become very cautious about purchasing games now.

>GOTY 2015

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Mine list:
Diablo 3
Guild Wars 2

Diablo 3 is good now

KH3 is great. OP's image is a shitpost image that gets spammed for replies pretty much day in day out.

KH3 is trash
MGSV was meh
FFXV was good.

>KH3 is great

KH3 is what an actual disappointment looks like.

FF Characters in KH2
>Yuna, Rikku, Paine

FF Characters in KH3


Spore was the Episode I of videogames.

Holy shit

KH3 is as bad as the pile of shit that was base 2, BB, and DDD. DOn't know how you could be disappointed when it's already expected to be mediocre. Replace it with something else


>How bad is it?
Imagine every meaningful scene in the series.
Now imagine square somehow finding a way to make those scenes meaningless and ruin their impact

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what the fuck happened

the mouse

>having any expectations for FFXV whatsoever



All of the appeal of Kingdom Hearts was mixing Final Fantasy with Disney. What would possibly possess Squeenix and Disney, so that they wouldn't include FF in the final installment of the series?

>the mouse
They forced Capcom to take X-Men and the Fantastic Four out of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Attached: Harambe.jpg (1920x1080, 298K)

>Final installment
>He doesn't know the traitor called his buddies on his wacky cellphone

>before kh3 release
>KH3 releases, actual realization sinks in how shit it is no FF characters

fuckers deserve it. cope posting that hard. I DIDN'T ... WA--WANT FF CHARACTERS IN--ANYWAY...

yeah did you fuck

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video games are for children, not amerifat man babies who should have jobs. Get a job, go to college.

>go in to FFXV with no expectations
>end up really enjoying it.

Probably on Yea Forums even then it’s only shitposters who say this

Wasn't massively disappointed in any of them.
FFXV is the only bad game out of those 3.

>shitting on the only MGS game with competent gameplay and level design
This is why Yea Forums is a joke.

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its a fun game, riding around with your homosexual friends. beating up random things. Has animation cancels, who even wants to commit to animations, ya know?

Ground zeroes had good level design, I hope you're not implying Phantom Pain did.

this image isn't wrong, but it's because MGS1 was practically a port of Kojima's good Metal Gear game. Metal Gear 2 is the much better version of Metal Gear Solid. (it has the same story beats and lots of sections are too similar, and the stuff that's different is better than what's in MGS1 too.

I still like Metal Gear Solid, but everything that isn't a boss fight is pretty lackluster when compared to its 2D brother.

MGS2 and 3 have fun and cool gameplay and level level design too.

If you pretend some of the bases are levels and the way the map guides you to those bases, then it, for the most part, has good level design.

Or maybe I'm just remembering the good bases, but I feel like most of the ones on Afghanistan were good, and at least the ones in Africa where you have a story mission are good.

I have 150+ hours invested in the game, and that's mostly because I like doing the hunts. The story sucks, the combat system is broken, and the world is underdeveloped, but I love doing hunts. Of course, doing sidequests completely squashes the main story's difficulty (along with EXP multiplying spells), but they are the only redeeming factor of the game.

Phantom Pain did in the bases
>he expects people to hand design the nature between the bases

A good bit of nature was still decently designed. Big chunks of trees were obviously procedurally made, but procedurally made doesn't mean it doesn't fit some aspect of design and a lot of the areas on the sides of the roads probably had some thought put into what to put there and how this road is going to guide them to the next base.

The story is a bit weak, but that is every FF. At least it has a very likable cast of characters, and a great world(in the physical sense at least). I really enjoyed exploring, all the towns and the roadtrip vibe. The campaign drops off once it is no longer free roam, but not the end of the world. I also really enjoyed the combat and don't understand the complaints. It is easy yes, so is every other FF, but it is somewhat more difficult to do hunts you are way underlevelled for with no items. The main gripe with combat is items need to be nerfed. People forget that most FF games have terrible combat and are quite easy.
This user gets it.

MGSV is one of the best games of the generation though

It's a last gen game though

No it's not

It's both bc kojima likes to optimize his leather clad asses.

Yes it is. It was designed and developed for last gen consoles. It was also released on next gen because development took too long.

It's on current gen first and foremost and was put on last gen so they could make more money and because gz was too you stupid fuck.

>started playing MGSV at the start of this year
>still enjoying it
>still haven't finished it
I just enjoy invading FOBs too much

fuck you OP mgsv is a great game

It was literally announced in 2012 for PS3/X360 you goddamn retard.

MGSurvive >>>>> MGSV

>current gen first and foremost
Why does it look so shitty then?

The story is terrible and the pacing is horrendous. The plot jumps all over the place, and gigantic parts of it were not even in the game. The main characters aren't around for the most interesting parts, and the love interest dies the first time she is encountered by the party. It's fine if you don't like the stories of the other games, but this one didn't even try.

The combat is basically "warp to win." The camera angles are shit, magic is completely unbalanced, and summons are RNG. The game encourages exploring the open-world, but if one does, the actual story is completely pathetic--no grinding needed.

Honestly, if one doesn't like doing hunts, I don't know why else to play FFXV. The dungeons often tie back to hunts, so there isn't any point in completely them separately, when one can do the hunt tied to it and kill two birds with one stone.

The game is a good time waster. Anybody who expects interesting characters or plotlines, will be sorely disappointed.

I never see people explaining why outside of "it's fun with friends!"


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Magic is unbalanced in literally everything the bumbling retards at Square make.

> All Japanese
> goty 2015
Holy shit, even trannies would call you delusional

>and summons are RNG
forgot that. Another thing that should have been removed.
>Anybody who expects interesting characters or plotlines, will be sorely disappointed.
Probably the most likable party in a FF game though.

Fuck off plebbit

Why is Japan so shit at vidya game development lads?


>Holy shit, even trannies would call you delusional
How does one reach this level of obsession?

Why would they call me delusional? I said it's the GOTY 2015, not that it's a great game.

Tomb Raider 2013, or one of its sequels.

MGSV was legitimately fun. The only major problems it had were the lack of bosses and Hayter being recast. Everything else was great.
Without using memes, you have ten seconds to explain why Bloodborne was bad.

It's Rise. Enjoy the ass.

>Hayter being recast
Dude can't act for shit.

He can act just fine and I'd much rather have Hayter than having three fucking lines of Keifer "Half The Budget Went To Casting Me" Sutherland.

>Probably the most likable party in a FF game though.
They would have been more likable if they (A) actually influenced the plot in the beginning, instead of learning about things from far away, and (B) actually had some chicks (e.g., Iris, Luna, and Aranea). There wasn't nearly enough variety, and by the time it took to actually be able to control the other party members, there was little reason to do so.

You would have had the same number of lines even if Hayter was cast.

Listen to Hayter in MGS3, and Then in Peace Walker. then ask yourself, what the fuck happened to him and why is his voice doing that?

The fuck are you smoking?
>not known for much else beyond writing and MGS
>million fucking lines in every other MGS game
>A-list Hollywood actor
>a few grunts and a monologue at the end

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that shit out, user.

They literally asked him to do something similar to Old Snake during PW

disappointing, because it was even worse than the expectations
disappointing, because it was just as bad as the expectations
disappointing, because while it was a good game, it could have been great

Thanks for confirming that you're retarded

>doesn't take a rocket scientist to figuire that shit out.
True, but it takes more than your dumbass apparently.
>Venom was just like that cause they got a better actor!
sure bud sure. If it was a budget issue they wouldn't have had him to so much mocap.

Seems autistic man. The difference in 'age' between Snake in 2 and Snake in 4 is way different from BB in 3 and BB in PW, if he was directed to sound like that then Kojima deserves something unfortunate to happen to one of his household appliances.

Old snake shouldn't have sounded as gravelly as he did in 4 anyways. Certainly older, certainly more grizzled than in 2, but not like that.

Nah. Kojima saw Fury Road and wanted Snake to be like Max and cut all his lines.

Kojima wasn't the voice director for 4/PW.

Fair enough, That doesn't change the fact that I feel like those performances weren't Hayter's good ones.

The only good Hayter performance is 1, but that's the one where everyone gives good performances.
2 and 3 have awful dialogue and even worse voice acting.
4 is decent. PW is shit. V is okay.

Big boss should not have the same voice as Solid Snake.

Jokes on you I liked them all fag

what is funny is that as someone who didn't play the series till the 2000s, I always though Hayter in MGS sounded like a poor Jack Bauer impersonation. Like in a charming B camp sort of way though.

>4 is decent

>I always though Hayter in MGS sounded like a poor Jack Bauer impersonation.
Always struck me as more Clint Eastwood-y.

I think Sutherland was a decent casting choice, though, once I got beyond the fact I was hearing Sutherland's voice.

>y-yeah, Diablo 3 is good now guys, I swear, it only t-took the b-b-b-better half of a decade to make it s-so

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Sutherland surpsingly doesn't mail it in when he does vidya. Compare him in CoD to Kevin Spacey in CoD for example.

Fear 3 was definitely one of my biggest disappointments, holy shit they turned it into trash.

I didn't even notice they were missing lol. The story focuses on tying up the xehanort saga anyway majority of ff character plot lines were resolved in kh2 anyway
>hollow bastion restored to radiant garden
>life continues on as usual
>cloud v sephiroth fanservice missing but not that big of a deal

Reading comprehension

And all of this happens because that faggot nomura is still salty about SE bailed him out of FFXV.

Hayter's performance in 4 is awful. The dialogue is awful.

you can't put f3ar imo because while it is a trash game for sure, 2 was sufficiently mediocre to lower expectations for 3

You still pushing these lines, Xniggie?

For me it is
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
and Mass Effect 3.
And by Mass Effect 3, I mean the ending. and not cause of muhh choices.

Honourable mentions include
Fallout 4
Valk Chronicles 4