Why do video game companies keep using real life models? Why not just make their own?
Why do video game companies keep using real life models? Why not just make their own?
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Is this the Jordan thread
making your own models is hard.
Why do all that work making your own when perfection already exists?
Why build perfection when nature already gives you it?
She's 17.
Back off you perverts
Too lazy.
Like other anyone are saying: it's a lot easier to build your 3d assets from an existing person rather than trying to design from scratch. Plus it means they have the IRL model as a reference for more specific animations such as facial expressions and speech.
Models are making me hard
some design team had to goblina this beauty
as simple as that
they HAD to GOBLINA her for some reason
like, using the tools they had in hand to GOBLINA her face into goblin standards
She's a post pubescent woman, what's the issue?
whats the problem
No she isn't. She's 18.
how the hell do 17 and 18 year olds even get found, just dumb luck or "oh look at me, I live in a city and applied". i know models start off young, pic related, canadian resident at the time, was found by calvin klein while he was 17 in Florida. Like what the shit?! I know people look their best when they're young, but come on, this is just dumb luck.
Moron, they have casting calls and if they like your audition they keep you
Looks nothing like her.
Shes actually 20
>ywn start a moderately popular pornhub channel with her
One of my cousins was a model. Either they find you - your Instagram, Twitter, or see you somewhere - or you approach them.
dubs and I will kill myself
When is my wife Taylor Swift going to get to be a video game protagonist?
models are in agencies who find work for them
I know the male model world is basically the same as the body building world, 6 packs only and all that jazz even if we don't see you shirtless, so I messed up by not having an instagram when I was 18 in 2009 and not having a 6 pack the day I turned 16 (which only 2 guys at my school did AFAIK at that age) while happening to be in the right place at the right time in a different state. I know Julia Voth was approached when she was in Japan.
desu I really dispise those jobs that "only way to get in is if someone finds you" 99% of the time. same with nepotism.
casting calls? sounds like porn stuff if you ask me, I don't know much about all the hollywood stuff, I'm a "fill in application online and hope for the best" guy since that is all that is over here in my area besides nepotism, no kinds of open houses or "casting calls" where I live,
oh that kinda explains it, the bigger the gig the better. idk how much models make but the victoria secret models make 7 figure salaries, close to 8 figure salary
You dodged a bullet. Professional modeling is a shit job. The pay is VERY low for 95% of models, contrary to the glamorous impression given by supermodels. And basically your career only lasts till you're 35. On top of that to succeed you constantly need to pretend to be bubbly and socialable and kiss ass because like you said it's an industry based on nepotism. You don't know who your friends are, you never know if people are your friends or business contacts, and you basically sell your social life. Your entire life is devoted to looking outwardly glamorous.
They think their customers care for celebs.
>using models that can't even hold a controller
Triggers my autism. They always hire models that have no idea how to play games.
she looks like she fucks asian guys
oh wait...
I thought the "she looks like she fucks Asian guys" look was blonde with small tits and a huge ass
any excuse to take photos of high school girls in their underwear
God bless them. I fucking love 18 year olds
Why are you saying this in every Jordan thread ? Jesus christ, no she doesn't. the guy is a friend.
this guy squinting is becoming a meme at this point
reminder to not taint your cookie with garbage content
you don't call an escort a "girlfriend"
It's called bait and you newfags keep falling for it
Good god, how do I unsee this?
She was 16 when they scanned her
even better
You go outside and notice that most women actively avoid most black men.
You guys are quickly becoming the new Joostfags. I'm worried about you bros
There are hundreds of thousands young women racemixing in america there is also millions that don't
Okay thank you, that scared me for a few minutes.
Yes, only the hot ones go for black guys. The rest don't have the self esteem.
>Irrelevant FG player
Saves money and lessens photorealistic uncanny valley.
So you can hire prostitutes (aka models) and have the company pay for it
Thats so sad hahahahhaah
Japs are ugly as hell. He thinks about suicide everyday, I bet.
Its easier to make something if you have a point of reference. Similar to a painting.
And way easier to just copy and paste something into a medium, like a photograph.
I feel that
He's more interesting than the entire fighting community combined. Granted, not on purpose though.
>that feel when you'll never be so well known for having a waifu that your waifu's actress meets you
it just works
asians lack the masculinity
i can never imagine a woman going willingly for an asian "man"
>Julia Voth
she looks like she fucks random dudes without protection at a Burning Man festival
i assume you're a model yourself?
because it's probably cheaper and takes less time to create the 3d models
Just her husband apparently.
While random bystanders get t watch ;_;
because facescanning doesn't require talent
the hardest of resources to obtain
they clearly can model tho, i don't think ada is scanned
if she was we would know by now
memeing aside, its probably cheaper and faster to scan those bitches up and touch up the result than doing it from scratch
claire grew on me over the course of the game but i think we lucked out
i don't like realism in my vidya, i play that shit to escape said realism
I'll rather watch some high level gameplay than watch LTG rage after losing to a Ganon. LTG's shit gets boring after a while.
Ada was scanned. She was touched up though. The model didn't look asian.
My cousin was.
some parts of that sentence arnt true
Yeah but when you're actually really beautiful, a lot more people notice you.
im happy for Filthy Frank
I want to cum inside of her so badly
>rices your twitch thot
do you have some sauce on that ada model ?
thats disappointing actually
I wanna marry and impregnate Jordan
they are cheap and stupid
do you have any idea how hard it is to fully model a realistic human face from scratch?
claire is cute
That was physically painful to watch. Delet this
They've been doing it since the early 2000s user, even before face scanning.
post pics of your cousin