Why do you hate Melee and Melee fans so much?
Why do you hate Melee and Melee fans so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you?
melee doesnt have ddd
This is easily answered by a google search
there's faults at all levels, game is good but competitive is a different story
They don't stay in their general
Your post along with the attached image kinda already explained it. Most likely not in the way you think.
Stinkies in general make way too fucking many duplicate threads, learn to use the search bar.
I don't
I don't hate Melee fans for playing the game they want, personally speaking. More power to them sticking with the game they want. However I want to point out something to you. Don't act Melee fans are never rude to the other fans for what they play in this fanbase, because they do give shit to people if they prefer any other Smash for the most part (64 is like the only exception usually).
Jesus fucking Christ I never realized just how personally goblins take it when you point out their odor
They'll defend their fear of the shower to this extent
They smell like shit
because i'm too fat, gay, retarded/autistic, underage and shitty to play and only play the new game because it's new even though it's complete retard shit please kill me
Because melee fags were always aggressive dickheads to anyone that didn't play their game, and are now acting like victims because they got their just desserts
They're retarded, like any smash fan.
This is it pretty much.
i have all smashfags because they won;'t fuck off to discord but they keep making the same three threads for fucking months and months and never actually discuss the game
Meleefag are seething hard
user you son of a bitch
Oh surely, the Meleefags who go out of their way to annoy other people for their game of choice are trash too, but i think it would require quite a lot of dishonesty to act like that hasn't been mostly in retaliation to the overwhelming amount of shit they and their game constantly get.
I don't think anyone seriously believes Meleefags have never been vitriolic towards other smash games . But the amount of hate they and their game get is exponentially greater than what they dish out.
That's understandable. Honestly the whole Smash fanbase as a whole needs to stop giving each other shit, if they complain about receiving shit from each other, despite just doing it to each other.
If melee was made into a true sequel where the game had 360 smashes
360 dtilts
360 aerials
360 grabs
360 b moves
Aerial 360 dtilts
Aerial 360 smashes
Aerial 360 grabs
Aerial clanks
Aerial power shields
Double and triple smashes
And velocity button pressing on a and b and sticks.
I would buy the new smashes
Even if it had lesser quality in aesthetics gameplay music sound.
If it kept melee gameplay with those things id not care.
I don't hate Melee as a game.
But I absolutely and undeniably detest the sanctimonious people who play it and make a fun game a living hell for everyone else around them thanks to their undiagnosed autismoelitism
fuck all smashniggers
Nintendo shills their new products and theur old games are competition
Just wait for the mod.
They hate us like libtards hate trump.. We won.. We MAGA
It's sad, imagine if Sakurai wasn't so averse to the competitive edge Melee had and fostered it instead of destroying it.
Like, a game with Ultimate's content variety and Melee's tight controls would be the hypest shit ever.
I already love Ultimate, but damn it could be so much more.
Ultimate bs.
Fuck that pm was too easy.
I want 1 for 1 movement with my char
You talk about this competive edge like it was intentional
>I want 1 for 1 movement with my char
play tekken then
I don't think this is smashes fault but more or less a nintendo adding features in their game and then stopping that to recreate the same game over and over. Even odyssey and botw felt stale with their so called overhauls
>n-no we're actually the victims
not fooling anybody, we remember you smug dickheads constantly shitting on people that liked the other smash games. And being dickheads to the other players of different games at these tournaments. Meleefags deserve this, this is what you get for your autism over a children's party game.
Nes and every game had this till wii. Then it was dropped
Of course it wasn't, that's the point.
Sakurai had 3 options when making Brawl, he could've kept things the same, refine the unintentional stuff in Melee to make it even better but also more accessible, or remove all the cool stuff in Melee.
He chose the last option sadly.
I just hate people.
>Nes and every game had this
Had what?
Based SILLY chads
>act like an obnoxious faggot
>play the victim when people retaliate and make a stupid I AM SILLY comic
is that a tiny black dick going into his mouth?
>paying 4 times for call of duty smash
I still don't get the stink meme. Is this some American thing?
That's because the newer smash games are shit for actual retards. This isn't going to change that.
>Smash is a yearly release
Americans can't afford water and soap because they need to buy healthcare, it's very sad.
It's more or less an autistic neckbeard thing. It's true in my experiences since I was in the Smash Club at my college and the most obnoxious faggots looked hideous, fat, and acne-ridden.
Direct control of your character now we have this.
I haven't bought any nintendo retard garbage after gamecube because the wii was blatantly advertised TOWARDS ACTUAL FUCKING RETARDS and if you don't realize this you're fucking retard cattle who should be thrown into a woodchipper.
No it means modern nintendo games
Again, no one is pretending meleefags never acted that way, but you're pretending they weren't being shit on from literally everyone else from both the smash community and the FGC as a whole too.
No shit that's gonna happen with 3D compared to 2D
>shit on every other fan base and be rude as fuck to everyone else when your game is at evo
>act like poor misunderstood victims when people shit on you in retaliation
Get fucked and maybe take a shower while you're at it, cunts.
Meleefags be like 'It was the most broken so it was the best!'
melee is awesome, melee supremacists are really gay and annoying
Shitty gameplay in modern nintendo titles?
>Meta finally reaches end game with H.Box puff being so strong but insanely boring to watch.
>This starts killing stream numbers and tournament entrants along with how strong Ultimate is because now Puff is S+ tier but not Metaknight brawl broken
>Melee fans refuse to admit defeat and claim its still a viable game despite this
It's over. Melee is dead.
What i don't like is the same 5 opinions that were stated by the creator of the game.
When is someone going to say something along the lines like
Melee is a superior casual game to ultimate because in ultimate nothing is limited so you can do whatever you wanted.
Adding 300 characters and items does not do anything to the samey feel for all characters in the game.
This is a major flaw that should be addressed
>The last copy of Melee will get disc rot in my lifetime
>The last Wii will burn out it's GPU in my lifetime
any day now
Brawl and Tr4sh were objectively shit games and they had every right to be shat on, took 18 years for something as half decent as Ultimate to come out and be anywhere near the competitive level Melee was. Now that Ultimate is out and hype we don't need Melee around to foothold the competitive standard.
I'll just continue playing Melee HD on Dolphin with a netcode that puts Ultimate's to shame
Tr4sh was unironically a horrible game, it was one of the worst competitive Smash games and easily the worst casual one.
Anyone who disagrees is a delusional drone.
Ultimate is fun tho, yeah.
>No no. Sonyfans are the worst!
How can anyone claim that with a straight face? Either you are ignorant or you are delusional.
I'm begging ya to take a shower and lose weight.
The only way id buy a switch is if nintendo made old school design happen in their games
A 3d game with nes difficulty.
This has never been done before.
A 3d game easy to play impossible to master game.
This was litterally all nintendo games nes and snes. Besides the most easy.
This would be equivalent to an medium to hard psx and the hardest 64 game.
With every generation games depth has decreased.
I would support nintendo if they had a 9 dollar per month charge to play games on anything.
I'd also support them if they focused on super mario adventure romhack instead of new super mario brothers
I would support nintendo if they fired their devs and replaced them with cryzenx pannenkeok
Kaze and the one other known guy i forgot his name.
Lost impact is a better mario game than every single mario game besides 64.
Prove to me that
Are not the same game repackaged
Where to begin...
>defend censorship even if it means pretending to be retarded for a spin
>openly brag about how games are turning into cinema and how everyone else has to be on board even if it means pretending to be retarded for a spin
>start 99.9% of console wars threads
The PS2 is my favorite console of all time but modern Sony and its shillbase is disgusting.
Because it's a game for children.
Sakurai dosen't think or care about the ~10 million smelly 20 year olds who showed up to the smash launch. Given the option to trade every last one of you to make 7 year olds care about Nintendo again the Japanese suits would gladly take it
Competitive is stale as all hell
Meleefags kick in scream whenever theyre not treated like kings of the FGC
Always smell like ass
When you realize the AAA companies either hire shills use bots or ai to sell modern games to us is when you will be happy.
Im sure that this is one of those threads
you want a game with learnable patterns [i.e. Pac-Man] with how AI works now that's not going to happen
>Overblown, biggest moviegame of last year RDR2 was multiplat, every normie has blood on their hands about this, and lots of stuff Yea Forums considers movies really isn't
>Raw Conjecture
I give you 1/3.
Sorry, none of these are crimes more serious than the amount of fucking Smash spam we get on this stupid board
Legit complaints about nintendo
Shill cointelpro101
How to know about shilling.
From now on you should use some cool shit like bad grammar to know that it is a real person is talking.
Shills type perfectly.
Also shills will tell you things like oh hey this is going to be a part of the game.
Oh man this looks good i just pre-order this.
Old game bad
New game good.
Legit complaints their adversaries come up.
oh now there is a trailer for pikachu the movie.
When is scooby do going to be shilled.
Its all corporate bs.
At least the spam is videogame related
Or making 500 anti-JRPG threads.
I don't see how "melee being dead" lead to "you have to buy a switch" in your head.
The thing is making so many patterns that people have to react to like we have been reacting to things for 1000s of years
melee players actively boo other games during their finals. I also use the term "player" very loosely, since 99% of the melee fanbase are autistic fanboys that cant actually play.
>posting a twitter screencap of some dude who doesn't even play melee
what did user mean by this?
>defend censorship even if it means pretending to be retarded for a spin
It is their own personal platform. Just buy the competitions platform that doesn't have that policy. That is what I am doing.
>openly brag about how games are turning into cinema and how everyone else has to be on board even if it means pretending to be retarded for a spin
And then the whole train clapped!
>start 99.9% of console wars threads
Again. False.
>The PS2 is my favorite console of all time but modern Sony and its shillbase is disgusting.
You are delusional. That is why you think this way. You literally can't see the truth of the matter because of how skewed you are.
Because Melee fans are obnoxious as fuck.
Address the complaints at hand or go stick a joycon up your asshole maybe it will make the gameplay better in your modern nintendo shallow game
Melee's a solved meta and the same characters always win
Shit's boring as fuck
>this level of victim complex
Meleefags just dug their graves deeper
t. Resetera tranny who commits all of the above and then plays victim when found out
Did you just have a stroke?
I don't even own a switch, how did literally a single mention of ultimate even make you seethe this much, it wasn't even a positive mention of ultimate
Legit complaints about nintendo now is not the main focus
The main focus is now trannies
Suda51 get off Yea Forums
>Dude post fan art of K Rool spanking isabelle
>dude fuck [x] mains
>Yooo look at what melee competitor said on stream! I know his name is in the catalog 4 or 5 times but I think we need another
These are not high quality vidya threads
That's a new one. No clue what you're talking about
>I am silly
Weren't it for one and a half decade of autistic retards sperging about melee nobody would give a single fuck.
People still have tournaments for older Street Fighter games too no biggy.
t. Resetera tranny
Opinion discarded. Learn more words before you talk to me again.
What? You walked into a tournament for some other game and it smelled noticeably better than a smash tournament?
Yea Forums
Here is sjws being created by darpa
Are you having a stroke mate?
Subject only please
>people complaining about how Meleefags are smelly autists that act like 10 year-olds
>"B-b-b-b-b-but Sony!...."
Fuck off larping retard.
Subject ONLY
What does Sony have to do with this post lol
They invented the whirr meme.
That's bad enough.
I don't know how many word variations you expect the sentence "just dont buy a switch" to have
Take a bath lol
OP is based. Outsiders have absolutely zero understanding of Melee and what is attractive about it, but know surface level information about Hbox, Fox in meta, and what characters are frequently played. They also don't understand the difference in generations of Melee players and immediately sperg out at their nearest doc kid because they resemble the guys who told them Brawl sucks in the comments of a Youtube video in 2009.
>The funniest shitpost to come out of Yea Forums
>Made by obvious falseflaggers
>bad enough
>toilet humor
perhaps if you're 8
>solved meta
>pikachu almost won genesis
>top player beaten twice by a yoshi
>PPMD returning with the falco next month
Eat my ass friend.
This guy doesn't even play Melee and barely plays Ultimate. He posts gifs of top level plays for likes.
Its funny because of how insecure it makes your ass lmao
>Spend LITERALLY years shitting on every other fighter and even other smash games at every opportunity all over the internet
>"W-why is everyone so mean?! I just want to play the game I like in peace!"
Suck my shit, stinkies.
you're getting insecure right now after being called an 8 year old
imagine being you
where did they get this video of me
You and I both know those were falseflags by meleehaters, they don't count
I don't hate Melee, but to say it's better than the games that came after it just because of an arbitrary ruleset is ludicrous.
Imagine if I argued Smash Ultimate was the best because of all the photographic options it had. Hell, Melee only allowed photos with a special mode, and 64 no pictures at all!
Nope. It is pretty obvious you are insecure about it because you can't even prove it wasn't made by falseflaggers.
It is like /pol/tards reacting to blacked threads. Just don't reply kek
>no u
uh oh
Honestly melee vs. other smash arguments really reminds me of all those arguments about fighting games without IAD require no skill.
The only people that talk a bunch of shit about Melee are the same people that don't even understand the game. The only legit shit talk, not criticism, I've seen about Melee is how it hurts your hands by people who no longer play it and didn't stop playing it just cause their hands hurt.
You're right. It has two.
I don't hate Melee. I just don't want it to take up an Evo slot anymore. The passage of time has made it incredibly boring to watch. Just let it sink into obscurity already, it had a great life.
The Melee tournaments that I’ve attended have literally smelled of human waste
meant to reply to
BASED sillybros
I don't hate melee, but it doesn't have my main man Wario, which is the sole reason I got Brawl.
Because you attended them.
because you post shit like this
That's alpha as fuck
was this written by a fucking bot
Based Dedede companion
Melee seems pretty fun but I could never get into it competitively. Having less than half of the roster be viable in higher levels of gameplay feels so discouraging. I don't have the balls to play Peach in public either.
I'll just assume the hate means we're doing something right
What exactly happened with EVO and Melee? I've just seen people spamming memes with Guilty Gear, UNIST and Samurai Shodown destroying pictures of Melee in various ways. Was Melee finally kicked out?
I mean i sympathize with your points, but not even a fourth of Ultimate characters are currently considered viable as major tournament winners by most top players.
>sonyfans do these 3 things on Yea Forums that intentionally piss people off!
im sure theres no reason to believe someone could be pretending to be a sony fan when doing something they know will get people upset with sony fans
I suppose you're right but I feel like an Ultimate bottom tier is better at handling a top tier than, say, Kirby vs Fox. Ultimate also has the ability to improve existing fighters than dealing with a horribly unbalanced game. For a game with seventy fighters, there hasn't been an example of an outright terrible character with as many flaws as, say Game and Watch who can't even shield right.
Tekken 7
And motherfucking Samurai Shodown
That's the EVO 2019 lineup.
Thats fucking amazing. Get fucked Melee, good job UNIST and Shodown.
Hurr durrr we need crt monitors, LCD wont do
Hurr durrr we need bo 5 matches, bo3 wont do even tho our games take the longest already
Im glad they booted those autistic crybabies that are unwilling to compromise on anything
Because they have zero understanding for things that aren't their game. That is the true sense in which Melee is not a fighting game, like arab culture is not western culture because they can only tolerate each other from afar.
A Tekken player is like an actual black man or an asian. You might not like Tekken in particular, but they're willing to compromise on cultural issues in the name of having fun - you can still find a common interest in Soulcalibur, or MK, or DoA - or, hell, even Smash. You can sit down and play a Tekken player in >some game< even though you don't main Tekken.
A Melee player will never attempt to learn a game that is not Melee and will insult all the other games, and expect to be tolerated. You will never share any values with him unless you also play Melee. They are aliens to us and never tried to be a part of us. That is the long and short of it.
It's all so tiresome.
The best part is SamSho is coming out of Wiz's pocket since he was a big fan of the old SamSho and SNK is broke as shit
That is honestly the case with all types of elitist. Mind you, I'm not trying to defend meleefags, just saying that this cancerous behavior isn't exclusive to them
you've never talked to a melee player irl have you
reminder that the melee scene has a bad rep but it's mostly because of shitposters being obsessed with them and bandwagoners believing everything they read.
i definitely have and it only gets so fun hanging out with them every time i have to hear him jerk off over how superior it is to literally ever fighting game
It's like someone who is passionate about a game and puts in many hours to be good at it would say it's better than other games
Nope bro, nobody forgets. You can't just pretend like you were good sports.
You were arrogant little pricks for years, hope you're game dies real soon
No DDD, now it's DDDead
If people can move on from Super Turbo the smash community can move on from melee.
What the fuck is "stinky day"?
>dude I'm really passionate about Fischer Price Fighter from 1998, can't believe retarded kids play the new version
Lmao at your life and existence, the fall of Smelee is sweeter than anyone could have hoped
>you have never talked to a muslim irl have you
>actually jihad is more like an internal mental struggle,
I'm glad to see the hive mind still operates. Thought the old girl was long dead.
this picture is funny because the author forgot to add the guys yelling tournyfags and ironically saying fox only final destination back in 07-08
the fact that melee not being there is the highlight of the 8 fighting games added to evo is hilarious to me and it'll be even more hilarious once it outlives every single game on that roster as it did the previous 2 generation
>Yea Forums already forgot about Dylan Tnga
Any get together of meleefags
Have you seen the smash general? It's literally autistic discord users having a constant back-and-forth over namefags. No-one plays melee there, except when there's an event, and even then they only shitpost about the players and not the game.
yeah and /fgg/ is the height of imageboard quality
But why do you so desperately want melee players to learn other games? And to say that melee players aren't interested in other games is fucking retarded- not every melee fan is identical. That's Ultimate fans.
Well it is the catch all general for punch centric things nobody plays.
i'd say they are, they post the most images of any fighting game general
Your picture already summarized it well with the middle 2 text bubbles. It's "newgame" complex having corporate sheep with little standards for their games. Don't get me wrong, I think Ultimate's a fine smash game, but it'll never replace Melee. That said I'll definitely play it alongside it.
The thing people don't understand on why we stick to Melee after all this time, is that their knowledge is only surface deep. They see people do all this cool movement on streams, and have no idea the time you have to invest to be able to do it. It's not easy, especially if you play a fast faller. They have no idea how to play the game deeper than wait for people to talk into their charged fsmash into teabag spam because they did something they consider funny like all their favorite youtubers.
They'll never know the joy of a TRUE 0 to death combo (not these loosely linked together reads that they call combos in brawl and tr4sh) grinding out new tech skill that still gets discovered like 17-18 years later, or refining the sheer ocean of stuff that already exists because of the games incredible engine. Like, I will say Melee was definitely 100% a mistake, no game should ever be this complex, it's not just me or others sucking the games dick, there's literally too much to ever learn because of what the mechanics allow you to do with your characters.
It is quite literally, the most un-limited (in terms of intended developer scope or design) game, whether you consider it a fighter or just a platform brawler.
I don't, they can go fuck themselves for all I care.
I am just saying that if there was in theory some topic we had in common that we actually could talk about that isn't Melee, maybe I would not feel this way at this point.
notice you are also dissing Ultimate players in the very same breath, confiriming what was said
Reminder that all of those other games will be dead for years while people will still be enjoying Melee and you'll be able to do nothing about it than to seethe.
it's honestly pretty sad because axe has been doing really well recently.
i have other stuff to watch, but still. this year could've been really great. i think the game has ran its course but it still manages to surprise me every now and then like with atomic axe at genesis.
The difference is that I was making a joke and their's was a completely serious redpill post
take a shower
can you provide any example of the melee community at large being assholes, or can you only same that some shitposters on the internet represented the interests of everybody?
Welcome to melee, dummy. When was the last time you heard someone debate the frames on some shit in this 17 year old game? Melee is purely a scene at this point, the fans barely even get to play
Git gud.
People are still going to enjoy those games the same way people still enjoy fucking Vampire Savior and fucking Super Turbo you asswipe.
Except those people don't start crying the moment everyone stops paying attention to them or don't get a space on the main stage unlike you retards that were the same people to say "We don't need EVO" but are now throwing a tantrum because you didn't get in the main lineup.
can't forget something you never knew in the first place.
just look at i guarantee you that 90% of this post is regurgiated hot opinions that have no basis in reality or experience.
>i’d say they are
>they post the most images of any fighting game general
Why you gotta have such a victim complex, Melee? You got 17 years of coverage and massive accommodation, and you wont even let yourself be held responsible for your behavior. Sure youre not all bad, but you need to understand what community means and the effects of being a stinky crowd with a famous sperg as your representative. Every piece of news that comes out of Melee is a problem, the only thing you guys have to report on is mistakes and rage. To act so persecuted because your 17-year run at someone else's event is up, is unbelievable, and belies the reason why people have trouble with your entitlement.
Well this series is pretty good. Seems like debating the mechanics to me.
There's always gonna be a vocal minority. The entire fucking melee scene isn't languishing at the fact that they won't be at EVO- it's a set-back, of course, but it's one tournament. There are plenty of others that top players will be attending.
>Except those people don't start crying the moment everyone stops paying attention to them
Funny how the only people who start melee threads instead of playing the game are ultimate players who want to shit on melee.
are you dizzy or do you actually not know what a debate is
Fucking shitters are getting what they deserve
you better back off before i sniff you
Postal 2?
>Funny how the only people who start melee threads instead of playing the game are ultimate players who want to shit on melee.
nah I just wanted to post it because it's great and nobody has a counterpoint to the game being a broken mess anyway
Thank God Melee is finally dead, what an incredibly obnoxious fandom.
As if you didn't spend the last 5 years complaining about Melee lmao.
The difference is that people are actually going to watch Melee
Yeah Meleefags are the calmest fanbase of all.
>jerking off to post counts
Classic video game forums
>4 years ago an Melee is the only one still being played(with the exception of Tekken 7 but that's still the new one)
P4 is being played, Xrd is being played, KI is sure as hell being played, mahvel 3 gets more attention than it deserves, the fuck you saying?
Even if literally every single melee player was complaining it still wouldn't reach 5% of the people complaining about it even when EVO slots aren't part of the discussion.
So, i fucking love Melee. I love to play it, its fun to watch a lot of cool stuff, so why is it that I NEVER defend slot hogging, going over, BO, the autistic fueding between the six or so people who actually play, and the absolute AUDACITY of meleefags to insist their game has infinite depth and every other gsme has none? Is it because I'm not a colossal bandwagoning faggot who thinks its his job to run PR for a community that historically cannot play nice? You decide
The whole melee situation is baffling to me overall. In case of SF, Tekken, MK, GG and virtually any other fighter on earth you usually see people moving on from one game to another. Sometimes begrudgingly, other times willingly.
Not melee players though. Somehow they think that their outdated game is the pinnacle of balance and perfection, so it's relevant even now and will stay that way until every single CRT on earth gets turned into dust. Despite the fact that there has been other, newer instalments in the franchise since then.
Alright, I will suspend my disbelief and imagine that Melee IS the absolute best smash game. That still doesn't mean that it's supposed to be at EVO every single year. People get tired of seeing the same shit, and there is not a whole of room for improvement here, aside from truly autistic stuff like using 1/1000 defect controllers for very specific QoL improvements.
You don't get to win every year, this isn't something to cry about. You still have side tourneys where you can go and have fun, you still have your own tourneys if you want exposure.
Do you want to play games and have fun, or do you just desperately want to show that you're relevant?
Nah, I spent the last 5 years complaining about Capcom so I don't have time for the 4 or 5 dudes passing a cup around another year.
People will watch whatever they want to watch, even Melee. But don't pretend your party fighter will outlive other games when fucking Street Fighter Alpha 3 or Hokuto no Ken are still getting streams and views to this day.
Melee just makes people really obnoxious
I remember my brother got into Melee then he couldn't stop telling me about how Melee is superior to not only the other Smash games but also other fighting games in general. Now I can't talk about Smash with him because he just says the other games are shit because "they don't have glitches to exploit" as he says.
>That still doesn't mean that it's supposed to be at EVO every single year. People get tired of seeing the same shit, and there is not a whole of room for improvement here
Despite your misunderstanding or lack of knowledge everywhere else, I'll ignore those. I'm not even mad Melee isn't at EVO this year, even if new Smash games aren't as good other games even outside of Ultimate deserve a chance. I've played Melee since 2004 myself, and honestly even if its not at EVO ever again I'm not fussed. It's a great game, it's the most mechanically sound in the series, and I'll always be able to play it in some form. UNINST and others can have their turn to shine and get ahead.
See if you genuinely want to know why people stick to melee after all these years, if you're not just a bandwagoner shitposter on some stream monster shit.
melee is a great game but boy do the fans suck complete ass
and smell like it too
>But don't pretend your party fighter will outlive other games when fucking Street Fighter Alpha 3 or Hokuto no Ken are still getting streams and views to this day.
The difference is Melee will have tens of thousands of views consistently when those games MIGHT have a 300 viewers stream of a 20 person tournament once a year LMAOOOOOOOO
But yeah keep spamming "FOX ONLY ITEMS NO" for 5 years again it's been doing great so far to stop people from playing.
literally yes
I mean sure if you want tens of thousands of views of the same 3 guys winning then by all means go ahead.
You assume I've talked for years about Melee when I'd rather complain about other games I know better. You keep bragging about how great Melee is. The way you talk is sad, and reflects why people shit on you guys so much.
I hope it's just you and not the rest of the community. But you do you, man.
Honestly I'm baffled that Melee players are so mad about UNIST. It's been 9 years since French Bread has had a game in the main EVO line up. Given how long French Bread has been in the fighting game scene it's actually insulting that Melty Blood in 2010 was the last time they were given any attention.
Even the "most mechanically sound" excuse doesn't make sense because Melee players also don't want to use the European version which is the newest, and most updated version of the game. They want the one with all the bugs that make it "competitive." They always say "well we don't want to abandon the best game" but it's not like other scenes abandon their games. 3rd Strike still has a 1000+ player circuit in Asia that a lot of westerners compete in, USF4 is going to be at Toushinsai which is Japan's national game circuit, KOF98 still has a large Asian scene, etc.
Melee players just have to accept that EVO is part of many tournament circuits for games now.
melee more like mehlee am i right guys! guys?
>spends years shitting on other fighting games and their fans saying they are plebs who play babby games and be an obnoxious tourneyfag even when you're playing for fun
>shit your diaper when said fighting games fans are laughing at your demise
>They'll never know the joy of a TRUE 0 to death combo
That's never a fun thing in any fighting game, what the fuck do you mean?
>grinding out new tech skill that still gets discovered like 17-18 years later
I'll give you that one, stuff that's found in older games is always interesting at the very least.
>refining the sheer ocean of stuff that already exists because of the games incredible engine
All these years of refinement and the entire scene is still commanded by 4-5 people who have been pulling the same shit for years, amazing. Also, I wouldn't call a game engine that has to be glitched out and exploited to hell and back for competitive play incredible.
not an argument
>Despite your misunderstanding or lack of knowledge everywhere else, I'll ignore those.
Turn that condescending tone off, bub, because not only are you getting ahead of yourself here, but the text you're linking me is just a thinly veiled masturbation over nothing.
The fact that autists can exploit glitches in a party brawler to make a facsimile of a fighting game doesn't mean that this facsimile BECOMES a fighting game in any way. The fact that you're playing the game wrong doesn't mean you're good at it, because you're not mastering it or acquiring skill. What you're doing is exercise in futility, since this knowledge of tilts and wavedashing will never leave this very particular game and your skillset will rendered redundant the moment you deside to move on.
You weren't taught to adapt or learn, just to replicate. It's a job that QA should do.
And while you may not be "fussed" about it, tons of others are, for the same made-up reasons. And just like you, they make a claim that they are right in their desire to represent an outdated game that has to be broken in order to be slightly entertaining on an international fighting game tournament. For god knows how many years in a row now.
This shit is dumb, your way of thinking is ass-backwards and frankly, this post will not even teach you anything, because you are unable to even FATHOM the concept of moving on, like a spoiled child clinging to his safety blanket of familiarity.
>glitched out
Not even gonna bother giving bait a serious reply. have an image.
We don't use the EU version for a few reasons. 1:the discs are far harder to find
2: there are nerfs in EU that don't make sense as well as buffs alongside the proper nerfs to characters like Fox. Characters that didn't deserve it got nerfed hard.
3: You cant use illegal ISO's at corporate monetized events, and that's the only way you'd widely be using the EU version. There simply aren't enough discs out there.
As for your outdated "bugs" misinformation, you can also look at the image.
get honked on
Corporate shills. Simple as that.
This thread is full of shills upset that an old game could last for so long. An old game that no longer makes any profit or gets new versions, and yet still gets 100k viewers at supermajors.
Moneychasers could not let this stand.
Exploits are bugs. Sometimes they're patched out, sometimes they become important to games. Combo links in SF2 were an exploit utilizing animation loading that ended up becoming a mainstay feature building the foundation for combos that we know and love today. That doesn't stop it from being a bug in the original SF2 machines.
I use a condescending tone because I stopped caring about proving anything to you stream monster garbo regurgitating tards who have been unknowingly spouting false information, trolling, and garbage about the community for years, I don't owe you shit just as sure as you don't owe me shit.
I never ever claimed there's a divine right either to have melee at EVO represented you braindead faggot, thats you inserting your bullshit once again. If you had any concept of actual game quality, you'd understand the reason the community doesn't brainlessly "MOVE ON" Just because a new game comes out. New game does not mean OHBOYTIMETOABANDONTHEBETTERGAME. That's some corporate shill bullshit, fuck off.
You want a real answer? Because the majority of people didn't grow up with melee, they grew with brawl at best. And nothing chaps peoples asses quite like knowing the game they love is shit
Oh, and because smash takes way too fucking long in tournaments. I'd say that accounts for the other half
time spent reading and comprehending:0
Entitlement. Guy in your pic doesn't just want to play the game he likes: he wants other people to organize tournaments and events for him so that he can.
I don't even mind the game itself, Meleefags however are all incredibly insufferable, whiney cunts
My comprehension is perfectly fine. It's just more of the same Smash players creating a separate definition to justify things when it's exactly the same thing.
I don't understand these posts, very few people here were complaining about Melee not being on the EVO mainstage, but the way that tons of people shit on the game and its players over it (which you can see tons of in just this thread alone).
Because in a genre community full of spics and niggers, smashfags still manage to smell the fucking worst.
>muh exploit is not a glitch!
i am starting to get why everyone laughs at melee and says its a game for babies that found a audience with a superior complex all while not being good enough for actual fighting games.
ESL or retarded?
Place your bets now!
get honked on even harder
>muh shills!
>they are jealous cuz they arent us!
I think the stink fumes are getting to you
if you think melee takes skill outside of the ordinary compared to even the most mundane actual fighting game you might be a retarded, delusional or suffer a superior complex all while being forced to just play melee because again other fighting games demand more and you just cant compete.
remember to buy and enjoy the newest game, brainless consumer.
>implying Memelee fagboys wouldnt buy a remaster of their holy grail even if it was priced at a thousand dollars
maybe you'll grow up someday
kys :)
grow up
Retarded it is, then.
Please continue telling me more about my "superior complex", downie-kun.
>grow up
>wow have you seen hungybox how he uses that pokemon jigglypuff and his one button ko?amazing right?
yeah growing up is something that wouldn't hurt some of you lol
lol you keep proving it retard.
You guys are going to seethe on your deathbeds when you log onto whatever the equivalent of what twitch is now when you see melee still being played while street fighter 8 and Tekken 14 are dying LMAO
What is emulation and the eventual re release of Gamecube games on Switch?
thats because its entertainment, a simple game, a game the audience can quickly understand because there is not much to it. Which is ok as long as you dont expect anyone to buy into your "muh highskill" crap.
How's that possible when all Meleefags are going to die of leprosy by then
>Meleefags used to crash Brawl and later Smash 4 events just to boo and hiss at people enjoying a Smash game that isn't Melee
>EVO in particular had Meleefags screaming TRASH and GET OFF THE STAGE from the crowd every time a new Smash 4 set started
>back in the day the bullied a kid that beat a well known Marth players in the finals of a tournament into giving him his winnings because the tournament had items on and he didn't win "honorably"
>one of the first years CEO hosted Melee, the Melee winners threw their medals in the dumpster outside of the event as protest because the Melee finals didn't get top billing
>when EVO was brought back, they ran Bo3 to top 32 which caused Meleefags to REEEE because anything less then Bo5 in Top 64 was opression to them
>after that change literally every year Melee went hilariously overtime at EVO
>not to mention the logistical nightmare of keeping 20,000 lbs of CRTs on hand and needing to move them around, plus how hard to find GameCubes and Memory cards for them can be these days
This is all just off the top of my head, if anyone else has any Anti-Meleefag shit to add please feel free.
Well this post unintentionally spelt out the thing everyone's always thinking of but has never said. The focus on melee has never really about the competition. It's all about the cool tech you can do and how you can use it in an honest match.
But then you reach the reason why people keep saying it's "not a fighting game". Because it's not, the game's just really exploitable. Whenever this ONE faggot comes into a competition and he wants to win more than he wants to show off his skills, that's when the problems start. That's when the camping, ledgehogging, wobbling, singstalling starts. Kudos to the community trying to keep things competitive best they can, trying to maintain a level of fun with competition.
Stinky day
Stinky day
That's what they kept saying until fightcade was launched
Ironic because you guys still think that FD is the only stage played on.
Nope. 20 years and you'll be able to do nothing about it.
if even half of that is true jesus christ what a fucking cancer.
grow up
Ive played on fightcade and only like 5 games have an active userbase, and even then its only like 100 people at the most.
People give Capcoms shit for,not releasing a new darkstalkers but if only like 2 people are playing it on fightcade why do you expect anyone to buy a new one?
>you are too retarded to see Melee is perfect and flawless
I think we all like Melee, we just noticed that people like you have autistic flare ups and start spitting adjectives about its total superiority and hiding behind the game to defend your shitty attitude. Like really, how is your post healthy?
I hear a lot of people talking about how great UNIST is, yet it feels like every other anime fighting game i've played and i can barely find any matches.
Is it a console game or is it another game people just pretend they like?
>making up a whole paragraph of lies becase youre mad at someone playing a game
But yeah if you play a game thats more than a week old you're the autistic one LMAO
Fucking EVERYBODY likes Melee
We just see it as retarded how you can't stay lucid about it and get adversarial for having to share room on a forum or stage
Ultimate is the better game. There's no point splitting up the smash community like this anymore.
Its true tho retard
Quit responding to yourself, autist
Nice made up bullshit.
Hey i play competetive melee and recently got into Tekken locals.
But don't let me stop you from airing out your fanfiction
>someone spent time drawing this
I dont think anyone has a problem with people who play multiple games. Seriously people dont actually hate Melee, they hate whatever number of radical spergs it spawns
>t. zoomers that didn't follow Melee in FGC events until 2013
I'm a Melee fan and I'm glad Melee is not at EVO this year
I always hated how EVO was rated as the #1 tournament despite being Bo3
what is with his hair.
it's triggering my ocd
>I'm a Melee fan and I'm glad Melee is not at EVO this year
Replace "this year" with "anymore"
its Bo5 outside of pools dude
do you really want Melee pools to last 7 days and 7 nights
>Fucking EVERYBODY likes Melee
I dont, in ever played a single Smash game
Now Power Stone, now that's an unconventional fighting game i can get behind
It's Melty Blood's retarded sister but she's slowly growing up and becoming a woman
It's not that big, which is why people are surprised that it's on Evo, but it's community has slowly been growing. People stick to it as the anime fighter of today, after Rev2 is stale and broken, and BBCF even though it's actually good now is totally autistic and hard to approach for casuals.
Frenchbread put a lot of effort into making unist an easy to pick up and approach game, and it's just slowly paying off. After they few years of people getting into anime games, asking what to start with that's actually alive, and being told 'uh I guess unist, it has good tutorial', it's got a decent playerbase.
Maybe now that it's on big stage they'll do something about Seth and Wagnerr but who the fuck knows.
It's great, I love it.
>It feels like every other anime fighting game I've played
No idea what you're comparing it to, but I'd sure like to hear about another game with something like vorpals in it. It's a fun mechanic.
Yes, so I can watch the same 5 people stomp scrubs more.