What kinda games for this feel

What kinda games for this feel.

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real life


Who the fuck gets off to this

it makes incels seethe

This thread needs some happy.


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why did she give him a pouch at all

>Girl gives a small gift to her friend
>Friend is happy to receive it
>Girl gives a big gift to her crush/bf
>Crush/BF and girl fuck
>Friend is still happy

I don't see a problem here.

It's called obligation chocolate. Usually given to upperclassmen in your club or sports team.

Good intentions.

to spread a little happiness in the world?
nothing's wrong with making people happy user

Back of the knee maybe

The only difference is irl the other guy wouldn’t be getting a pouch or anything.

>There are people who think this is NTR when it isn't

Nah because for that to be true a girl would have paid attention to me.


Oh boy do I hate woman .Luckly for me I haven't spoke to one in the last 5 year.

This. This weak shit is not even NTR.

women love teasing and torturing men also she uses the beta as a backup bf once chad is tired of fucking same pussy

i don't want to feel this feel

Nah, thats only you.

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

I dont think you know what an incel is

based lad

world of warcraft

mentally deranged people like the OP

no reason to ever interact with a femoid unless you trying to get laid

this is one of the most painful NTR images ever created

>whoever originally posted this was so insecure they made the big guy white


Dignity in japanese artist was never the same after the second world war. Something changed in them.

If it helps you understand, I get off on the moral corruption

Thank you! that's a very cool clown!

This is the original, you schizo cuckold freak.

thats not the kind of "happiness" i want. i dont want some THOTS pity.

this image is bullshit. japanese teens aren't fucking. japanese adults aren't fucking. they're working/studying to death.

post digits

That's a dyed jap, retard.

Crusader Kings 2. It's possible to be both the beta and the chad in that game.

Attached: suchabadassmyowndautherseducedme.png (546x989, 823K)

There is actually a lot of sex, it's just not out in the open like the west. I hear you can unironically pick up highschoolers at disney land over there, it's the go to place for it and the girls go there specifically for it.


Any doujins with short stacks like this

Yeah that's what I noticed too, he's dark as night on the original in Pixiv.

>white guy
Brainlet, might as well say the chick is white while you're at it

Love it

No, that guy is a gyaruo. Typical NTR antagonist.

2 nukes dose that to a nation.

>japanese teens aren't fucking
jap girls just dont fuck jap boys lmao. they get BLEACHED and BLACKED all the time

What about this?

Attached: 1542746166269.webm (720x720, 1.92M)

>receiving a gift from a friend is them showing pity on you

Sounds like you need more self-confidence champ.

I feel sorry for your parents

>Great art
>Shit fetish
Every time.

Nice try, inceloid.


I'm not comfortable about this pic at all.

how do you know they friends? and beside, who would be friends with a girl?

I'm his father, and I'm very proud of him

Aside from being a whore she didn't do anything wrong. The dumb little beta kid is in the wrong for assuming it means any more than it is.

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I smell a contradiction. In the first panel and last panel, the girl has no scarf. Therefore, there are two girls in this situation. One also gave chocolate to the big fag, but is not getting railed. Simply put, they're twins.

Attached: The Rookie Killer.gif (115x125, 16K)

I got more sex in my 14 days trip to Tokyo, than in my 28 years of life.



why? Im not a jap man lmao. NTR is very big there too apparently. what a shameful display

anime ARE white

Kino, Saved

The kid's only fault was assuming the girl was anything more than a whore.

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unironically based

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>The dumb little beta kid is in the wrong for assuming it means any more than it is.
>Assuming he's thinking about the girl that gave him the gift

For all we know, that pouch might have a bottle of aphrodisiac that he'll use on his tanned, fit, tomboy gf.

Really wish someone dumped their paid stuff on fantia.


>who would be friends with a girl?
Strange how you just end up friends with a girl, I used to have a friend at Uni who started as just some random girl I'd talk to at Urban Gaming about tips n' tricks during HvZ, and it developed from there.

What about this feel?

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Fuck you Payne.

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I don't mind thot chocolate tho

Why arent we talking about videogames? Why do all of you want to talk about your insecurities and shortcomings?

God the look on her face when she starts feeling it.

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Attached: Japan masculinity crisis.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

but you fucked her right?

all women are irredeemable whores.

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THAT one asanagi doujin

NIOh with unarmed skills

>anime girls are better even in real life
Really makes you think

Attached: maya.jpg (530x531, 49K)

How is this movie? Seems like it got shit on for the weird heads.

>hey user how's the turkey
>user are you okay

There's nothing wrong with this pic.
If it makes you angry is because your brain is making the story on its own.
Maybe she's childhood friend with big boy in the back, maybe he's her brother
We just dont know.


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Alpha fucks
Beta bucks
Etc, etc



There's nothing wrong with getting off to NTR

What am I looking at?

In JP the memes are actually about Koreans believe it or not.

I liked it. Alita is kinda refreshing, not some fucking cookie cutter "badass womyn who don't need no man" stereotype.