Johnny Cage just got revealed
Dunno if its uploaded anywhere else currently
Get in this comfy MK thread
Johnny Cage just got revealed
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IGN was the one revealing it tonight, so no it's not anywhere else right now. He looks based anyway, way better than MKX.
Real Boomer hours!
get over here bros
easily my favorite MK character glad hes in
where the fuck is kitana and her mom, seth rogen?
that transitioning faggot that used to be fat was in love with kitana, now he's settling for jade. is she just a FUCKING NPC IN 11?
His reveal is my favourite so far, glad they kept the same VA and everything
Literal Stunt Double variation
There are no NPCs, they just haven't shown her yet. They might show her and Liu Kang together.
Oscar made me laugh
>johnny, cassie, and sonya all in the game
fucking why, what's the god damn point
if you have cassie, get rid of sonya and johnny.
then she must be dogshit if the feathered hair former fatty is maining jade.
i don't even care about this nonsense over what the females are wearing. the only thing worth worrying about is the potential for injustice zoning horseshit and not having fucking 4 wasted slots on horror movie characters again
Probably one of the best fatalities
That fatality was good
because cassie sucks
I really like Cassie's popping eyes brutality.
That shit didn't work for soul calibur or tekken and it wouldn't work for mortal kombat. Kids are an addition, not a replacement
>that stunt double move
He's a Hollywood type why would he have a gun wouldn't he be anti gun?
didnt he looked better in 9 and 10?
Who is Daniel Pesina?
Yes. Daddy’s back.
>that fatality
made me sensible chuckle
Johnny is tied with Geras for worst animations in the game currently.
He looks really rough around the edges.
Yeah, but he also seems to be the most well-rounded in his moveset. He seems to have an option for every situation in neutral
>boomer cage
back to tumblr
I mostly play Mortal Kombat for the spectacle, so who's high tier or not doesn't really matter to me.
Enjoy seeing it over and over again during the fight
shut the fuck up
Only braindead /pol/faggots can instantly think about shit like this and make a fucking Mortal Kombat super into political cancer
9 was his best look, in X he looked awful. This is more 9 inspired so it's pretty good
>this is why mk threads are always full of fags
We have no idea if Cassie is even playable. Her 2 second clip could easily be from a cutscene or she could be just a placeholder fighter like Rain or Barake in X
This outfit has really generic look,but long sleeve and vest look pretty good on Johnny
He represents the cool hollywood of 80s and 90s.
>resetgender tranny trying to falseflag
You really couldn't open youtube and type in "MK11 J" and hit search?
But in X he have the Ninja Mime skin.
They can only be used once per fight
>most well-rounded in his moveset. He seems to have an option for every situation in neutral
You realize they show all possible variations per trailer, right? You don't have excess to all the moves shown during a fight.
steam db leak places her in the game. and if you're gonna argue against that you can go fuck your deluded rainfag ass with a pressurized water blade.
But we're not talking about his ninja mime skin
Awful and gross
Here it looks like he has a Ninja Mime counter move.
multiple people at NRS including ed boon have said they're never going to do the unplayable NPC shit again after the backlash of baraka and rain in MKX
but they could be lying, who the fuck knows anymore
Sorry misread it, i'm just so sleepy now.
johnny cage is a stupid and boring character but I would rather have him in every single MK game for the rest of time than ever have the MKids Takeda/Cassie/Jacquie/Kung Jin again
Cassie litterally combines the best elements of both her parent's, she's fine and would be a good replacement for them.
If they aren't going to be replaced, then drop and cut cassie.
Still too much, 2 long unskipable cutscences per fight is fucking dumb.
Jesus fucking christ he is brilliant
I don't think I've played a MK game in the past 20 years.
Is this shit even good anymore?
It's better
Aaand dropped.
crying fags fucked it for everybody
>Jaqui's auto combo
fuck they got Kirk Acevedo to model for him? said nobody
Control yourself, Jaquie.
Cohnny Jage
Really? It seems to me like every release has been pretty lukewarm for ages now.
>posting on Yea Forums and /vg/ at the same time
MK9 was anything but lukewarm
Why'd they make him jewish
>Casually wastes 500 dollar sunglasses
Mechanically, the games have been getting better. It's still a series focused mostly on spectacle and flashiness, but it got better a bit. I personally don't like how after MK9 they went for a very boring and gray visual look, when MK9 had a really colorful, fun artstyle.
Oh jesus..
My first thought too, kek. Then again, how else are you supposed to make it in (((Hollywood)))
Mortal Kombat 3 on the Sega Mega Drive with a six button controller.. NOW that was a fighting game
There are only 2 white Males in the game so far, faggot.
>Scorpion,sub zero, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao are Asian
>Raiden is a God
>Gigs nigga is a obvious black
>Kabal is Hispanic
>Baraka is a tarkanian
Now that I think of it, theres not even that many white males in the series
The image has to be an edit. There's no way.
I hope we start getting multiple reveals. 1 a week isn't going to cut it for the release date
It's a porn comic.
>Yea Forums is counting white males again
He’s in the special forces
they scanned Kirk Acevedo's head for Johnny/nobody cares
>IGN was the one revealing it tonight
No more tran- dev stream?
>He isn't shirtless
This SJW censorship goes against core values so we need to boycot this SJW game.
I thought they were improving their animations but nope, still look as retarded as always
>chest pouch clipping into arm
this is 2019, right? yikes.
You forgot Erron Black
>refugee complains about things Yea Forums has complained about for over a decade
You mean only since goobergate
Crap face, crap animation, crap MKX costume, crap moves. Why the fuck is he taking out cameras, Ninja miming, and hitting people with Acting Awards mid fight? Make that stupid shit his fatalities.
This started off looking better than X, but every bit they show makes it look worse. I bet you this franchise goes back into obscurity by the next game. Guaranteed.
He reminds me of Injustice Starfire.
Fuck, I just got it this video showcase. This game might just play like Injustice 2 instead of MKX, the feel I get from all the attacks connecting, sound effects and muted ability effects really fucking reminds me of Injustice 2, fuck. Am I wrong? I hope that I am wrong.
im actually hype for this boomer troll character.
You don't know dick about the way the game plays yet. Odds are the game will be fun for a while, then revealed to be a broken pile of junk, patched every other week.
You're probably one of those people who cum all over the place about who they're gonna "main" before the game is even out, then that character turns out to be shit. Same thing happens with these games over and over.
This was the best reveal yet . If you aren’t liking it now go play somethin else I guess
takeda was based aside from his annoying voice, easily one of the best newcomers along with Kotal and Ferra/Torr
mk9 > injustice > mkx > injustice 2 > mk11 > injustice 3 (?)
>why is this video game character doing fun shit???
Bad bait
I agree. But Cage only sucks now due to all the wacky bullshit they give him. Even his animations look like some retarded, heavy handed kid playing with action figures.
he's a boomer, duh
I didnt even catch the pantemime move around :52 the first time. im def maining cage for the troll potentials
Alien Hand Syndrome, Page 5
man, starfire was so cool
Gameplay-wise, It's better now than every MK game in the 90s and 2000s.
Absolutely Boomer.
My focus was going to be Baraka, Kabal, and Noob if he's revealed, but I might have to give Johnny a fair chunk of time, too.
Is Injustice 2 really that bad? I was thinking about picking it up.
he's right though, johnny cage is hollywood, he should have a "pizza gate" or "weinstein" fatality
I see it somewhat. Starfire was pretty incompetent in close-range though, something Johnny doesn't share.
Story is absolute downgrade, which was the best part about Injustice 1. The gear loot is the most fun part. The fighting is just zoning (watch evo matches).
my boy is in? fuck yes
will the game be good though? I havent followed it at all
No. It's plenty fun.
Mk9 had a special magic, but otherwise those posts are just new bad old good.
Johnny Cage was cooler when he was a Van Damme clone. This Here's Johnny, SWAT team horseshit is funny, but it sucks.
You mean funny shit. "Funny" in fighting games gets old after you've seen the move more than twice. Who was still laughing at the "Here's Johnny" fatality in MKX after the third time? As soon as they made Cage the Dan Hibiki of MK, he became shit.
Here's Johnny still gets a smirk from me petsonally.
Try removing the stick from your ass.
you dont know what you are talking about do you retard
>This Here's Johnny, SWAT team horseshit is funny, but it sucks
what are you talking about retard
Seems pretty fun
Here's johnny never got old for me, having the characters scream in pain was hilarious, and it was my favorite fatalitie to show to my friends who watched the shining
Something looks really off about that face.
>I know studio execs thougher than you
Harvey Weinstein reveal when?
Can comment that the story is shit. Pretty much every fighting game is.
As for the EVO, I don't think that's a fair judge; is EVO truly an example of how to have fun in say Smash?
Stylish, but not violent enough.
that does look pretty neat. Shame Ferra/Torr wont be back, I dont know if I can go back
I am expecting some fucked up brutalities out of this.
is injustice 2 fun for a scrub like me?
Just fuck off man you’re obviously too mature for this
Hard to say given the age of the game.
With just some friends? Yes, if you're aiming for online you'll either find fellow scrubs or try-hard fags.
Single-player Multiverse mode is plenty outside of that though.
If anything she needs to be a skin for sonya
I think it's the angle, his jawline looks fucked.
usually just aiming for sp stuff, multiverse seems like it offers a lot content in that regard
>As soon as they made Cage the Dan Hibiki of MK, he became shit.
You mean in the 2nd game? Aka before Dan Hibiki existed?
Weakshit faggot
This is your brain on ADHD.
>Kabal is Hispanic
The blood looks way better than during that one chicks intro where is looked like shinny red worms or something.
>Naked women bad
>Blood showers good
It's not unusual to have lots of characters with similar gimmicks in MK, I'm still hopeful.
Hello, fellow kombatants!
Absolutely disgusting.
Weird how anyone liked FerraTorr
can't wait for good crossplay
Do you think they'll have the patch out by Evo?
>anime games where I can masturbate to tits good
>violence in a fighting game bad
He looks like Alex Valle
Beats me, I just dig throwing the little hellcat at my enemies face, just wont be the same without it
holy fuck is this the new sad keanu
mortal kombat is such cringey boomer shit
Who hired this guy?
Johnny looks like the guy from Shatterhand
At 1:00 in the video scorpion fucking freezes out of his idle animation
t. meleefag
Also at 1:20 after johnny does his kick, is that a fucking laugh track I’m hearing? Can anyone else hear it or it’s just me
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women
They're fighting in an arena with a crowd watching, it's not just you.
thats just the stage itself
>with actually attractive women
Their faces were comically hideous
Remember not to respond to these guys.
I’ll bite the bullet just to tell others
If you pause the trailer at the exact millisecond, you can see a secret message
Don’t respond to bait. People like him will just shitpost and reee the whole thread if you give them attention. Best to ignore him
Oh user, if only...
>johnny no this is a politically correct game!
>Still posting the same garbage cuz "muh dick"
easily the best reveal so far. I fucking live Johnny.
>Johnny Cage, beloved face of the franchise, should have a fatality based around pedophilia or serial rape accusations
Holy shit nigger what
you gotta admit, a "casting couch" fatality would be hilarious. what if the stage hands brought out a black couch and cage just suplex the other fighter right into it.
>There are people in this thread angry that Johnny fucking Cage isn't 100% serious.
they have never played mortal kombat
Hilarious that Yea Forums is complaining that 11 is pandering to people that don't play the games when apparently Yea Forums doesn't either
Geras is a golem. No race
she's a blood mage or something. she makes solid objects like weapons but from blood. kind of like an edgy sub zero
Injustice 2 suffers from "Giving everyone what they wanted, so everyone also got what they didn't want" syndrome. Nobody could enjoy what they liked because they were too busy being mad at what they didn't like.
Seriously, that game had something for everyone, and fulfilled just about all the wishlists
Do any of you guys play KI or Injustice? I want to learn MK11, but I rarely play games with block buttons. I played MK9 for a while, but I got raped by the robots and I stopped around the time the softlock was around.
are you STILL shilling that MK futa rape fapfic?
it's been a whole fucking year you literal fag, nobody cares about your disgusting fetishes
Played some KI on PC, never touched Injustice
Just one dude, a literal retard
Drop Cassie then. She`s looks like a fucking goblin anyway.
He could be mexican. Actually very common for gunslingers.
Go back to sleep, you are drunk.
Yup. Still gay for him
Yep, Gist of my Fist is his best movie
>FPS: 30
>not Sudden Violence
You know people lack original thought here when the same image has been posted 3 time already
ninja mime was kino
It's a nice pic
Johnny should be fat and the "Oscar" a Razzie.
>not posting Johnny's #1 sponsor
This, but unironically.
Pretty much all footage of the game so far is in 60fps ya dip
It's just for the "movie"
Movies are shot in 25fps though.
>that stunt double
I bet Fei Long's movies are in 60 fps. NRS fucking sucks dick.
Just don't get hit bro
Except every time its actually you poltards that start up this shit
>Mortal Kombat 1
>combat animations still look like absolute ass
What the fuck
He's older now. His body ain't what it used to be.
>Raiden is a god
>But the other god is obviously black
Haha the double standard is hilarious in this one, Raiden is white because he looks white, just like Geras is black because he looks black, get over it.
>every time
This is your mind in obsession.
I liked watching him play with that action figure. Kinda silly but with as nasty as this game has been getting, some lightheartedness was refreshing.
Ok Kenshi
>gore good
>sexy bad
Yup, don't make 'em like they used to.
*watches Ninja Mime*
MKX fatalities ran at 20fps on consoles
>that fatality
>that fucking NINJA MIME COUNTER
holy fuck
I don't get his move where he pulls out a camera. Why would he, a full of himself celebrity be taking a photo? It should've been someone else taking a photo of Johnny instead. It just doesn't make sense.
It's like Snapchat culture.
Even Cage looks generic now. Who the fuck is designing these characters?
Don't worry, he has a near infinite supply of them for some reason.
That doesn't look like a selfie at all.
Name one unique Johnny design
Well he had that tux in MK4.
I said generic, not unique. Recycle his iconic costume if you have to. He's just generic white guy in casual clothes now.
Is Johnny Cage the most consistent character out there? Seems everytime he shows up he's still that cool Johnny Cage.
He's old now user. He's getting daddified.
Why do you idiots keep forgetting the gear system exists
>why is a fighting game focused on violence instead of tits and asses?
Go back to playing Anime Sexy Adventure 5, retard.
His stunt double is wearing his MK2 outfit, though.
If anything that confirms that confirmed his costume even more.
Also that was closer to his 9 outfit
>that finger at the end of fatality
Johnny probably dies in this game, sadface.
*that confirms his costume even more, fuck
>dad Johnny dies
>but gets replaced by old timeline Johnny
I stuck with Mortal Kombat because it's ugly Americanness keeps fujoshi like you away, fuck off. Finding my now ex girlfriend's yaoi collection already scared me off Street Fighter, King Of Fighters and Jojo.
He has a stunt double though
>hated pretty well all characters so far except scorpion, sub, Baracka
>not a fan of Baracka or sub though
>everyone is going to play scorpion
>no noon no buy
>ugh Johnny again always hated him
>holy shit he looks so fun
Well at least I might still get it if no noob
A toast, fellow boomer!
He wasn't shirtless in 10 though.
If they didn't kill him off at the end of MKX, I doubt they'll do it now.
I hate the thought of characters dying and getting replaced by themselves from far into the past or from another timeline altogether.
Am I the only one who feels like the violence is kind of neutered in this?
His camera might be a restand, his body double grab, actually nice looking moves an animations
Honestly he's just about the most unique character in the game except for scorpion.
>ugh Johnny again
imagine having such shit taste
In story mode he's gone through a lot of character development but outside of it they play him as the fun-loving egotistical guy.
Phone posting you autist.
>dumb phoneposter calling anyone an autist
He looks cool as fuck now. He looked quite generic in X, but here he's just so full of himself, it's awesome.
I think he'll go out strong or in such a way where you feel bad but he seems like the perfect candidate for that "unexpected hero's death" that really sells the antagonist.
Unironically this
Is this peak boomer?
I want a picture of Dante and Johnny both drinking Monster
I hope he comes back
>literally looks like a boomer
this is awesome
He looks like fucking Kramer.
>Johnny's in and looks perfect
>Not a single Kombat Kid in sight
It might've been a stance.
Cassie's in
He's really gone too far from his Jean Claude Van Damme inspired roots, now that JCVD isn't such a big star and graphics are much better they should just straight up hire him for motion capture and use his likeness.
Your brain has been riddled by spending too much time on pol. It's a game and it's fun
He looks like brendan frasier
The age of action movies didn't have anti gun celebrities
Jacqui's in.
Injustice 2 had a way better story than 1, in my opinion.
>this fat bastard trained the current ruler of the netherrelm
was the fatality cringe or based?
It's just funny. Remember humor?
It's been a long time since a game tried to be funny, what happened with humor in vidya?
get rid of sonya and cassie, keep Johnny*
maybe it's jackson briggs
Autistic smashnigger seething
It's him and Kano
What a surprise
He looks like the Shazam actor in this angle, but older. Only this angle though.
>the action figure looks better than the actual character
how can people support this game when all the characters look like some retard made them. everyone looks weird and gross. nethrealms are fucking talentless hacks.
It never was
Were just here for the fatalities
>That fucking Ninja Mime counter
Holy christ, this is going to be great
I hope they fix the blood coming out of the top of the head on the first slow mo kick, it literally comes out of nowhere
The only one that's really fun out of the fighting games that came out before 2011 was UMK3
>We have Jade, who looks pretty good for a zombie
>Johnny Cage looks fun as all fuck
Now I just need Frost, and my trifecta will be complete
I don't care who gets in as long as it's not Bo' Rai Cho, because he's A FUCKING DISGRACE
>He'd rather have Drahmin or Hsu-Hao than Bo' Rai Cho
It can always be worse
Cage is the only MK character with S O U L
Never change, Johnny.
You guys do know that JAC could mean "JACkson Briggs", right?
Look up the SteamID leaks, you're in luck
Right, of course, how could I be so dumb?
>Fisticuffs is back
>That stunt double in the MK9 costume
>Ninja Mime is now a move
I’m ready to get caged
I take any kind of "leaks" with a grain of salt until they're outright confirmed. I'm hoping, but I'm always ready to be disappointed
Shredder Zero costume fucking when
>0 N-Word jokes
Holy shit is this reddit now?
Sheeva next, right?
God I hope so
Why are people saying he looks old? He looked old as fuck in mkx, he looks significantly younger here. I think its
Mk9 Johnny- 25
Mkx johnny- 50
Mk11 johnny-35
Im so happy they trashed the mkx boomer design johnny cage.
>Liu Kang
>High Chance
He's already there though, only not fully revealed
Apparently he was 29 in MK9, so MKX would make him 54.
Cassie is also confirmed by the same "not actually said but true" logic as .
Supremely uggo, though. She needs a facial revamp.
I do.
Very frequently
they are still capped at 30 on PC I think. Same with every cutscene and menu. Fuck High Voltage
Yeah, I know. But they stay in High Change untill fully revealed.
did you not see the fatality?
>he doesn't know about the leaks
oh dear....
>MK Thread
Why is this allowed?
>that outro
>that smug pout
>High Change
What do you mean?
I think it's supposed to say High Chance but user is retarded
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
>they're not going to fix the announcer to say "[CHARACTER] WINS, FLAWLESS VICTORY...FATALITY!"
You forgot your futa sfm link user
I just hope we get some Sareena or Li Mei this time so we can have different waifus in game
They even had the models done in mkx
not exactly, analog cameras film at 23.97 frames per second while digital cameras record at 23-24-30 fps.
MK9 too fanservice too far, and made the characters look like strippers with awful faces. Sheeva and Millena were fine, given that Sheeva has always worn that bikini and Mileena deliberately wears revealing cloths to hide her butterface. But Sonya, Jade, Kitana and Sindel just look like cheap hookers in 9
I don't get the clothing, how is that supposed to fit him? And the face is weird too, it's more generic when he is supposed to look like a film star.
Imagine all the games he could be playing instead of sperging out on an image board.
I just want to fuck her navel
It gets worse
Also apparently he fucked some actual trannies
johnny put a nig in to the cage cage
Why do people keep saying MK has dial-a-combos?
Granted, it used to. MK3 had canned combos for every character but modern MK certainly doesn't. Does no one understand what a "move string" is?
MK9 was the last good one, and by far the best one
MKX was fun, though
How does Raiden being a god make him not white, he is
We literally see him in Johnny's fatality in the video. For some reason people are thinking that's Kabal's face with no burns?
Not an argument, retard. Aesthetics characters have been a thing in fighting games forever. Only NRS alone is going against that and making them hideous.
That was Kabal. Every time someone gets a fatality, any attributes that hide the face get taken off, for example Raiden hat
I can imagine it's part of a character's costume he's playing.
I dunno dude, I just parrot whatever popular terminology gets thrown around so I feel like I can fit in
MKX is also good, just not as good as 9.
A balanced 9 would have been top shit.
So we can all agree this was the best reveal yet?
>N I G g E r $
we MKFags now
MK was never supposed to be realistic, Mr. EssJayWoo.
your kind were the ones who decided it was wrong, ruining it for everyone else, there was sexyness already way before MK9.
>It's SJW to point out that fanservice can go to far and make trained assassins look like hookers on the street
>Middle grounds can't possibly exist
Nice try retard
he looked like crap in mkx, this version actually makes me think "yep, thats what someone like mk9 cage would look like as an old man."
still hate that stupid green jacket though.
I agree that the designs in mk11 are sfw shit but I still believe that there are costumes that are more revealing but they havent shown yet to avoid controversy. Kitanas X outfit was the sexiest in the series
>>He isn't shirtless
>This SJW censorship goes against core values so we need to boycot this SJW game.
I wouldn't say it was the sexiest, but it was pretty good.
I would pay money for a dadbod johnny
I wish Warner Brothers could have looked past the whole Midway lawsuit and just hired Daniel Pesina as Cage's facecap, I would have marked out if him and his brother had made a likeness like that.
Same with Ho-Sung Pak.
Its way better than the uninspired mk9 bikini bullshit
Though I take my hope for more revealing costumes back, because they showed us jade and she is fully covered in one of them so theres no hope for the women in this game
the faces in this game are atrocious what a fucking blunder
I belive Pesina still works for NRS. Didn't he did the mokap for MK9 and such?
Fuck you, it was good.
Carlos (mk1/2 Raiden) still works for them yeah, also helps that he wasn't part of the lawsuit.
But his brother (Cage) was.
Damn shame, MK just hasn't been the same for me ever since they fucked up MK3.
MK9 was cool as fuck though, but MKX just had so much of that shitty NRS writing.
>mkx girl: EYE ROLL AM I RITE?
>mkx guy: yeah well.. ur pants!
They need some writers who can actually writethe characters in more of a serious way, they all come of as Hercules/Xena actors now.
He reminds me of an action star
Jade doesn't look awful, I actually like her outfit
Skarlet looks shit, though.
Skarlet really resembles current day Boxxy somehow.
I don't like the hood and her face looks dumb, but this outfit isn't terrible
Nobody looked good in 10
>there are ""people"" who think this costume looks bad
That's the best outfit she has had imo apart from the cheezy MK2 swim suit
Same fucking SJW face and lack of tits.
I got a feeling Sonya and/or Kano’s gonna bite it this time around. How would you feel if they killed them off?
Hell, Jade has always looked good. Even the face in MK9 couldn't make her not look like sex on legs
Like I said, face and stupid other outfit aside, he doesn't look too bad. Small tits are annoying, but comparatively that's not the worst thing about her
I'm a real boomer guys I swear!
How so?
I guess it would depend on how they died. So far, the only death in the new timeline that hasn't disappointed me was Shao Kahn's since it took the combined power of the Elder Gods to finally kill him.
>no nutshot
loved him 9
he sucked in 10
hopefully he is the shit here
i thought only gays liked those
im surprised they even exist
His stunt double has Johnny markerd on him lol.
Yaoi's main audience is straight girls user, you didn't know? Think how some guys tend to like it when chicks make out.
What in my post are you correcting?
>Fighting Kabal
>Mask is removed
>Otherwise looks exactly the same
>"For some reason"
>Kabals mask removed during fatals and xrays
my ocd triggered
he looks jewish af
Why is this so good looking grphically, while SFV is fairly hideous? Terrible lighting, and plastacine world, terrible colors.
>who hired this guy? what the f-
meant for obviously
because SFV tried to strike this weird balance between anime and realism for the character designs that just looks ugly, not to mention the bigfoot/manhands problem.
What do you think boxxy's asshole tastes like?
no it was the shit played it for over a year
Everything about this is perfect
The era of Hollywood that Johnny Cage parodies was very different. California had just voted for George Bush, for reference.
First off riddled is probably not the word you're looking for, and second reddit has rotted your brain apparently, perhaps you should go back
Reparations for slavery
Uhhh excuse me? Why is he tall and handsome?
Where's my representation? He should be bald, short, fat and have a lazy eye. This is so sexist. Men aren't your sex toys.
I've seen far, FAR worse.
This guy spammed the same post on Yea Forums 7,302 times over 3 years because someone on Yea Forums said Dark Souls was a 7/10 game. I had zero fucking clue why, you'd be having a livethread for The Walking Dead or Better Call Saul or whatever and he'd always be there reposting it every time the mods deleted it.
I suffer from Hypermobility, I am offended by all this X-Ray stuff which makes crackling bones appear amusing. REMOVE IT!
He's fast!
Do you not remember the joke that 30fps gives a more "cinematic feel"
Raiden is portrayed by white men in the movies. So, he's white. lol
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are half-white and asian
Is it really fair to have a stunt double come and grab the opponent like that? Isn't that breaking the rules? Aren't all fights supposed to be 1 vs 1 only?