You did protect her smile, right?
You did protect her smile, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
If she was a actual good character that wasn't stick in a shit game maybe
No, I foddered her off to Roy
And now I regret not getting another of her, so I could fodder her off to my new one.
I wanna bury my face in Celica's big hairy bush
I'm not sure why everyone panned her as a bad character. She literally behaves like a woman would. Every choice she makes is the most sensible for a woman to make. The fact that this frustrated so many faggot on this board makes me wonder how little contact so many people could have with the opposite sex, or how little insight.
Because she is since Echoes has dogshit writing all around that turns Alm into a mary sue and Celica into a retard
>Celica into a retard
Typical for a woman. She acts on her emotions in the vain attempt to protect someone. She goes with the main villain to prevent her dreams from becoming a reality. The whole point of her journey is the fact that her dreams told her the outcome of Alm's path. She is driven by her pure base instinct and love for Alm. She is literally in no other position than to act like a retard.
>Alm into a mary sue
How? The cunt has been raised to fight since early childhood because his guardian understood the responsibilities of Alm's future. In fact the twist at the end where he kills his own father to prove how strong he is shows how well thought out his training was meant to be.
And The best part about his writing in echoes is the fact that he is ultimately confused and crushed by the revelation that he is a prince and kills his own father, but swallows it to save the world. He puts aside his own feelings in the moment to protect his childhood love and the world from a corrupt god. He also understands killing the gods will cause mankind to suffer as they will not receive help/bounty from them. While still a child, he has a vague understanding of what responsibility befalls him.
I'm not implying echoes' writing is perfect in any way, but you're a real retard if you can't empathize with the situation these characters are in.
You're real fucking stupid on so many levels.
No, because I couldn't beat the final chapter.
I made the mistake of not forging anything since I thought it would severely break this game like any other FE, I didn't expect it to be a requirement to stand a chance, on top of that I got FUCKED in my growths. Literally all of my Dreadfighters are ass with around only 15 or 16 STR, and from what I remember they were like levels 10-13. A lot of my other units are dogshit too, people speak highly of Mathilda, and shit on Clive, yet for me Mathilda was slightly worse than Clive. And I even went through the effort of leveling Alm to 20, but still that doesn't allow him to tank everything for me, and if he dies I can't rewind, so all in all I literally cannot beat the game without some very good luck.
I thought Rudolph literally doesn't fight back. That might be the original though and good luck taking him out without fucking Alm chipping him to death in that
Women are terrible, so of course people aren't going to like a female who acts like a real life woman.
Its why I hate a lot of the females in the Gundam franchise, they act as selfishly as they would irl.
Are Echoescucks this fucking retarded? seriously it's like you dipshits make it a point to be mentally disabled. They changed a pretty important part of the game - In the original Gaiden, after recruiting Zeke, Alm's army goes north to the mountains that are just an empty spot in Echoes, but in Gaiden, villagers warn about how the trip is dangerous, and it's actually the Dragon's Crater, where Alm's army is locked into combat with a seemingly endless dragon zombie army - you beat a battle, just to start another encounter right afterwards, and it just keeps repeating.
Watching Alm in that hopeless situation is the reason that Celica goes along with Jedah in the original game. When she agrees to be sacrificed for his plan, then a path opens for Alm and the dragons disappear.
In Echoes, they removed that battle, since it made Alm look like a bad leader, but still kept Celica agreeing to work with Jedah even though he had nothing to offer her, so they just made her completely stupid, fearing a vague threat to Alm's life and blinded by her faith. They basically trashed Celica's character in order to make Alm flawless.
This has to be bait. Alm and Celica make mistakes in the original Gaiden and need the other to help them out portraying both the good and bad qualities of each. Alm's mistake is of course written out which is a bad thing for the new narrative because Alm isn't now a shitty mary sue. He is always right and everyone who disagrees with him is evil, deluded, misguided, sold their soul to the devil or any combination of the four. He's like Ike where he's conveniently always on the morally correct side of the conflict despite solving every issue by fighting the nearest foe and 90% of his foes are straight up psychopaths or racist so that the player always feels fully justified in their power fantasy. For fucks sake he gets a harem. The entire scenario is fucking retarded and bat-shit mean for incels to project themselves in.
lol Echoescucks really are retarded
Never played Gaiden so I can't compare the two stories. When explained in that summary I think I would have liked to see that over what I got.
I don't know why you're bringing up disagreement with Alm, because no one disagrees with him. No one tells him to do something else. No one says to do anything else. They just go with whatever he says. I'm not sure where you're pulling this evil, deluded, misguided thing from.
>psychopaths or racist
I literally don't know where you're pulling this from. Race is literally not even an issue in this game. Why are you pulling shit out of thin air? What's wrong with you?
Blame awakening for that, all I really have to say.
You're one unstable bitch after getting schooled.
I'm unrelated to your stupid argument over the story, and yet you try to use a mistake made from playing other games in the series and having bad luck as some sort of point to show that I'm retarded? That doesn't make sense in the slightest. All you've done with that is show how much of a fucking moron you are, good luck having people take you seriously when you're actually this retarded.
Can't believe I missed that.
Leave this site and go back to your progressive shithole.
He doesn't fight back if you send Alm in but he will kill anyone else within his range
>I don't know why you're bringing up disagreement with Alm
Because he doesn't struggle at all, like the Echoescuck you are you offer no argument but a false version of what happens to suit your agenda.
>noone tells him to do something else. No one says to do anything else. They just go with whatever he says
Yeah because he's a fucking mary sue with no flaws. Alm is pretty much nothing but a success, which on top of everyone looking up to Alm, leading the rebel army with literally the first thing you do after Alm becomes the leader is instantaneously capable of taking Zofia Castle, with no build-up, tactics discussion or even explanation as to how the Deliverance can suddenly push back after having been the underdogs throughout the entire conflict.
>pulling this evil, deluded, misguided thing from
Are you fucking series Echoescucks? Who the fuck do you think you fight in the whole shitty game? Jesus Christ you make it a point to be disabled every single day. The game shits on it's own themes constantly, Alm preaches about how birth status doesnt matter and he's going to forge his own path as peasant boy who saved the continent yet none of this shit happens.
>Hey look it's a magic sword that only royalty can supposedly use. Try picking it up Tobin.
>Wow I can't lift it because it's too heavy, here Alm, you try.
>Wow I can lift this sword easily. I don't understand why you can't lift it Tobin. I sure do love being of common birth, haha.
Yeah Echoescucks are the dumbest fucking retards on this board
Or how about you delusional fucking shills stop making threads about your garbage piece of shit game no one likes and fuck off already? Get use to it incel
>Echoescucks are the dumbest fucking retards on this board
You're proving that to be false right now.
Nope, if that was true Echoes would have good writing and not be a flawed piece of shit, obviously they love to lie and make shit up about their game and keep shilling it
>for a game that is almost 2 years old
Spouting buzzwords that you don't actually know the meaning of only makes you look worse.
I don't see why you're seething over the game so hard anyways, the game was alright, yet you act like its some sort of abomination.
I wish I protected Alm's instead
>wants to be goody two shoes & save people
>ends up killing his real father who doesn't fight back & basically had to give him away or he'd get killed by stupid dragon cult
>ends up killing crazy nephew whose life is a lie and turns his waifu into fire
>skewers stupid waifu with sword and would've killed her if not for plot sword
they should've gone full suffering since his VA is literally 9S from Nier Automata
How to point out cognitive dissonance 101
>He is always right and everyone who disagrees with him is evil, deluded, misguided, sold their soul to the devil or any combination of the four.
>Alm is pretty much nothing but a success, which on top of everyone looking up to Alm
So who the fuck is disagreeing retard? Or do they look up to him? Which is it?
> The game shits on it's own themes constantly, Alm preaches about how birth status doesnt matter and he's going to forge his own path as peasant boy who saved the continent yet none of this shit happens.
Have you thought that the way the game ended, even with the character's post game blurbs about how they end a statement on the fact people are born successful? How do you know what the writer's intent was? The writer could be making a commentary that people are successful from the moment they are born because that's how it is meant to be. Maybe the writer just contradicted himself because he didn't realize he wrote himself into a hole.
Like I said, the writing isn't perfect. The overall story gets a solid 5 out of 10 for me. The characters are given proper motivation for their actions, which was my original point.
You're bring up themes of racism and calling me deluded and a shill. I stated from the get-go that echoes is flawed, but you have blind hate because either you're a faggot or someone told you to hate the game. Either way, fuck off. You made a fool of yourself.
Because it is. You don't know what shill means, it can 20 years old and still be shill if it's in print. It's not alright, it's a terrible game and want to keep bumping the thread about it
Of course you would protect a mary sue, you love doing that
You literally do not know the meaning of the word. A shill is someone who is trying to sell the game to you, no one is doing that in this thread.
The game is fine, you're just a seething retard that doesn't know how to argue with people without spouting random buzzwords you don't know how to use, on top of that you complain about people bumping the thread, yet you're causing the thread to get bumped more and more with your nonsense. You are keeping the thread alive and you don't even realize it, but you'll still complain that its getting bumped anyways, that's how much of a fucking retard you are.
Unironically kill yourself, I'm surprised natural selection hasn't caught up to you yet with how fucking stupid you are.
>So who the fuck is disagreeing retard?
hmmmmm I wonder not like you fight enemies or anything
>do they look up to him
hmmm I wonder not like have allies or anything that are always in the right
Even you admit the writing is total shit so there was no point but you spouting stupid shit
>The characters are given proper motivation for their actions, which was my original point
And they are shit since Alm is a complete mary sue and Celica is a fucking retard for no reason.
>You're bring up themes of racism
No, the people you fight like Fernand and Berkut or the billions of generic bandits are always in the wrong. The only other person who is gray is fucking Rudolf with his dumb 4D chess plan
> I stated from the get-go that echoes is flawed
No you didn't, you actually think the characters are well written when they aren't. Fucking retard. Keep crying Echoescuck. The game, story, and characters are shit and will always be
Yes. Despite me having so much fucking red infantries like Ike, L!Ike, Owain, Eirika, Mia, Laevatein, Ryoma, and even L!Roy I still see some good use from her Brave version and part of me has this autistic need to at least have one of everyone.
That and I also don't have an +Atk Reinhardt yet.
When does Alm get into a disagreement with an enemy during the story? Nice backpedaling.
You have yet to prove that Alm is a Mary Sue.
You literally brought up racism and now you're saying you didn't.
I never once stated they are well written. I only stated that the characterization makes sense. Celica acts like I expect a woman to act. I admire Alm for his stoicism.
You're a seething retard that accomplished making a fool of oneself. I would tell you to do the gene pool a favor and kill yourself, but I'm convinced you don't even participate.
lol. Shill is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.
>The game is fine
Yeah dogshit gameplay and a retarded story is good. Truly. No, you are wrong. There is no arguing but a fucking retard who can't accept the game he likes is shit and will stop at nothing to keep replying despite getting btfo. It's sad and pathetic and knowing how retarded and autistic you are, you are already typing up your next reply in a desperate attempt to keep his thread alive.
You define shill just to prove that you have used the word repeatedly without understanding its meaning. You're genuinely retarded.
Making the same thresd every single day. We get it, the game sold like shit, that's why you are replying to keep the thresd alive. You are dumber than the America Echoescucks. Think about that
1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
There is not a single person in this thread trying to entice other into buying Echoes.
Keep on seething retard, you're getting BTFO by everyone including yourself. Thanks for giving us another reason to bump the thread. Feel free to take this to bump limit, that is, if you don't have an autistic meltdown before then.
I literally didn't make this thread. I don't know who you think you're replying to anymore.
This is my first time seeing an echoes thread in months. Genuinely leave Yea Forums. You're part of the reason why people can't talk about video games anymore.
best post in this thread
>When does Alm get into a disagreement with an enemy during the story?
Every single enemy you fight in the game. You know what disagreement means right? You aren't that dumb right Echoescuck?
>You have yet to prove that Alm is a Mary Sue.
>You literally brought up racism and now you're saying you didn't
You said theme of racism, which is wrong
>I only stated that the characterization makes sense
Which was wrong and got btfo. It's time to go back to the your home shit, you can shill there better easily, people will believe your false info.
And there we do, you proved the truth again. You shills keep going. How much is Nintendo paying you?
>It's time to go back to the your home shit
Uh oh, looks like the autistic meltdown is starting, he's losing his ability to type coherently.
And? Doesn't mean anything, you are the reason actively helping this game make money the more you talk about it in a positive light. Bad games don't deserve discussion. That's why the clear off swiftly.
I will protect her, if you understand what I am saying to you right now
That wasn't hard to win.
I'm making $5500 an hour man, yeah keep on helping me bump the thread.
they are*
No problem, since it won't last long
You lost the argument the second you started showing your retardation, I'm not even the fucking guy you'e arguing about with the story, I'm the one who told you how stupid you are by giving us reasons to continually bump the thread.
It'll go to 500 replies because you want it to. You keep saying it won't last, yet you keep on helping it get bumped. Actions speak louder than words, you clearly want this thread to stick around for a good while.
Alm literally doesn't argue with a single enemy before a fight. Do you think a fight is a disagreement? Going to battle is a disagreement? Is this supposed to be a philosophical statement? What the fuck are you talking about? You're just a stupid faggot.
You brought up characters being racist, or painted as so because they disagree with Alm. When playing that game and you thought "wow this enemy disagreeing with Alm makes me think he's a racist" that's your own deluded thought. Where you got this theme or idea it's literally all from you, so don't put it on me.
You BTFO yourself senpai. It seems the only other person in this thread thinks you're a fucking moron. You're just stupid. There's nothing else to it. You're just a double digit IQ mouthbreather. I hope the shame kicks in and you realize how much of an undeniable queer you've been today.
If I'm a shill you did my job for me, because all I had to do was reply to your bad arguments to bump this thread repeatedly and give it traction. If anyone reads your shit-spew arguments, they'll get interested in this game and try it. You could have just ignored this thread and filtered it, but instead you fed the fire you desperately attempted to put out. You shilled the very thing you're so vehemently against.
No actually, If the argument was lost, Alm woudn't be a mary sue and Celica isn's retard Obviously there's no point to this, since there things are objective fact
>Alm literally doesn't argue with a single enemy before a fight
Bruh. Just come on, you don't need to this fucking desperate. Like come on man, seriously did you just type that?
The only objective fact here is that you're a seething retard who can't be taken seriously, therefore you're going to lose every argument you make in this thread. It doesn't matter what you say, no one will take your side, and no one will buy your bullshit, because you've already made such a fool of yourself.
I see, you don't even have any pretend arguments anymore.
I'm just going to give you (you)s because it's a free bump and I'm a shill. Thanks ;)
Why would shills take the side of objective truth, especially Yuropoors?
I'm being serious, do you really not know what disagreement means? I'm worried about your mental state right now if you can't figure this simple thing out.
Nah, enlighten me. You prove that you only know buzzwords at this point, show me how you fail to grasp the English language as well.
Because the objective truth here is only helping to shill the game. The only guy who hates it is an autistic retard, so clearly the game must be good and worth buying.
>especially Yuropoors?
I don't even understand hat you're trying to imply anymore, clearly the meltdown is getting worse, are you saying we're all European? That's just flat out false, I'm a burger.
If you can't understand such a simple word no wonder you think Alm is a good character
Awesome. So how does that reflect the game?
Now think. What are characters like Fernand and Berkut? Do they agree/side with Alm or going against him. Even a Echoescuck should be able to solve something this simple right? You know how to read right? Well that's not true otherwise this game wouldn't be getting shilled right
No, I'm fucking stupid. Give me sample text on them in a disagreement literally from the game with sources.
We know that already (well non-shills do). Why should I do that when they are the main antagonists on the opposing side? Almost like that's one of the sub-plot of the game or something................................
Ah, so you have no examples and no sources. Great. This was a wonderful way to prove you're just a faggot. Have a nice day/night/afternoon. Hopefully you make the adult decision to never post here again.
You're such a fucking retard, the guy was giving you a chance to try and make an actual argument by providing a source and everything, and you fucking blew it. Holy shit.
I do, it's called the FE Echoes and characters like Fernand and Berkut are the main antagonists on the opposing side
Okay, cool. What do these characters say to Alm and what does Alm say back? Please provide text from the game and where you sourced that text.
Is your head screwed on right Echoescuck or has playing this shitty game made you this mentally disabled? Alright, lets go back, baby steps with a child. Now think. What are characters like Fernand and Berkut? Do they agree/side with Alm or going against him.
I thought you were going to kill yourself Echoescuck in your sleep?
Make up you damn mind, have shills played it or not? You were just implying that shills don't know about the game 10 minutes ago, now you act like we've played it?
Do explain, and with sources, as we shills certainly don't know a damn about the game, please show us with proof how every enemy in the game disagrees with Alm.
We can go back, it's okay we know you are slow. Alright, lets go back, baby steps with a child. Now think. What are characters like Fernand and Berkut? Do they agree/side with Alm or going against him?
i prefer her blood and cocklust form
You have yet the answer the question shill, now slow down and take a deep breath, it's not hard. It's kinda sad how the America Echoescucks are smarter than you they know what disagreement and actually engage in a real debate. Listen, and think. What are characters like Fernand and Berkut? Do they agree/side with Alm or going against him?
>They changed a pretty important part of the game - In the original Gaiden, after recruiting Zeke, Alm's army goes north to the mountains that are just an empty spot in Echoes, but in Gaiden, villagers warn about how the trip is dangerous, and it's actually the Dragon's Crater, where Alm's army is locked into combat with a seemingly endless dragon zombie army - you beat a battle, just to start another encounter right afterwards, and it just keeps repeating.
>Watching Alm in that hopeless situation is the reason that Celica goes along with Jedah in the original game. When she agrees to be sacrificed for his plan, then a path opens for Alm and the dragons disappear.
>In Echoes, they removed that battle
Holy shit, seriously? Now that scene makes sense, I can't believe they did that.
Don't you think it's sad when the America echoescucks are smarter than you?
>It's kinda sad how the America Echoescucks are smarter than you
But I am an American Echoescuck, you aren't making any sense.
>Listen, and think. What are characters like Fernand and Berkut? Do they agree/side with Alm or going against him?
Why don't you tell me? Do you not know either? Have you just been shitposting this entire time without any knowledge of the story? A shitposter who lies on the internet about a game he's never played and knows nothing about, oh god how can this be possible?
Highly doubt. since you are the same late night autistic retard who doesn't like it when his bf is called out to be a mary sue. You can give the answer to the student for no reason, they are supposed to fight it themselves
Good shit user, love the filenames.
As you can see the people who defend this game have no idea what good writing is or even understand words
Ah, so you don't know anything about the game at all.
Actually Alm is best friends with Berkut and Fernand, and they go out to slay god and help the poor. You should really buy our game goyim, that way you can know about the story when you shitpost about it.
I wish I didn't have to. She has to go through some of the worst fucking maps in the game. The least fun shit.
10 hours in ms paint boys I hope i made u proud