Wtf bros??
And why is doing AMA such a big fucking deal?
Why Infinity chan and not us?
because we are not nazis, we need to become nazis you guys.
Retardera is mad that they didnt do the AMA there
4channel is woke as fuck already. Not as much buzz on Twitter.
>allying with 8ch
seriously, who the fuck writes these?
>Hero of the series.
I'm going to go with 'man able to recognize things attempt to talk as if he knows details'.
What kind of magic do I need to use to actually browse eightchan? And is it as dumb place as this one?
clover. The posting hangs sometimes but the app native thread watcher is better than the one in their site.
Probably thought it wouldn't be as much of a shitshow if they went to 4x2chan cos less traffic
"ally" is the word leftists use for supporting groups, you've probably seen "lgbt allies" aswell
>8ch is far more functional with more text formatting options, higher image file size limits and text character limits, more supported file types, and multiple images per post
>But is far more insufferable and is more filled with hardcore /pol/tards then 4can Yea Forums is
it hurts
>Why Infinity chan and not us?
Because the guy who created the Yea Forums board on 8ch asked the PR guys from THQ to do an AMA
>And why is doing AMA such a big fucking deal?
Social justice retards fought tooth and nail to kill 8ch, including lying about CP to get it removed from google search results, so now they find out someone with influence and power is making any contact with that site and it enrages them
Twitter is infested with pedophiles, youtube is currently losing advertisers thanks to pedophiles, Discord is currently under investigation by the FBI for Child grooming, Resetera has sex offender moderators, tumblr got so infested with child porn that it removed all nsfw content in a damage control move and Reddit had an entire fucking article dedicated to "reluctantly banning child porn", you crying about 8ch just shows you are a fucking worthless hypocritical shitstick desperate for brownie points with the retard groups you hang out with
are game devs so out of touch with the world they dont know most of it spout absolute political drivel. i fucking love the darksiders series and i hope they ignore fast anything political and at best study the nature of internet as current to why avoid most of it at all cost. no game dev should apologize for what they are doing
>THQ Nordic
Who gives a shit?
because of this I've been hanging out on 8cc's Yea Forums for a while and it feels a lot like old Yea Forums there. Now it's hard for me to ignore how much reddit this place has become.
don't forget all the jb reddits years ago
Sam Machkovech
they only did this for the controversy right?
Man imagine a timeline where cripplechan didn't get infested with pedophiles then become a honeypot
fucking Yea Forums(nel)
I don't know whats worse, Moot in his later years or Hiro being a chinaman jew
They sure as fuck didn't do it to announce anything, the AMA was worthless
>Because the guy who created the Yea Forums board on 8ch asked the PR guys from THQ to do an AMA
If one of the 4ch Yea Forums mods asked THQ to do an AMA, would they have done it?
Based and redpilled, we need to get the truth out there for normalfags
We are smelly.
Feels like an /ourguy/ attempt to attract fans on that side of the internet.
Might not be too wrong strategically, we all know leftist pedos don't play games, but the bad rep can damage them.
Whoa that's fucking mental
>You can't even post an AMA on a website without getting shit on by SJWs
what are they so afraid of? that someone might say nigger in a question?
>Destroy All Humans tease
>Red Faction tease
He's like the head dick of that board not JUST a mod
Maybe? I don't know, they'd probably want a sticky
>cp posters scared off all the normalfags
shit, guess I might go back to 4and4 chan.
Sometimes it's as simple as sending an email man. But probably a bad idea on Yea Forums, reddit is unironically better as shit posts can't ruin the AMA even if it means you have to stomach redditards for abit.
Do any boards here have a head dick?
this, thank you
absolutely based and redpilled
>get passed over for interivew and new game infos
>get mad because of the potential loss in ad revenue
>instead make clickbait articles about how mad you are making shit up
>watch ad revenue skyrocket
just got some new nikes for my noggin to go joggin with
Companies love to do AMAs on plebbit because they can't ask them anything without sucking their dick first.
No one is going to make an interesting question and the top post are going to be fucking jokes.
Fucking wimpy white """"""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
They cant do anything to SJWs anymore. Western devs are a bunch of effeminate wimps
Meng jou met die semels, dan vreet die varke jou op.
>saying you do not condone CP is full apology mode
the fuck?
> you crying about 8ch just shows you are a fucking worthless hypocritical shitstick desperate for brownie points with the retard groups you hang out with
How about all those sites deserve to burn? Why are /pol/cels like this? Either you're with one extreme or you're with our extremism and not being alt-right makes you a centrist cuck?
Got more of these?
hello fellow nazi
because this board is filled with niggers faggots, redditorss, normalfags, and tranny discord users
Isn't that funny that places with less regulated speech get filled with people suppressed by powers to be?
It's like all those heavily moderated forums are just for fakes and posers.
>apologizing for this
Dumb idea in the first place because you know how the gaming press will spin it.
And never apologize to these people. It never works.
Someone needs to screencap this and start spamming it on everywhere.
As grotesque of a mentality that person has, holy fuck did reading that drivel give me one hell of a laugh.
In all seriousness, why don't we have all the imageboard features that they do? Should be easy to copy.
Aero is unironically based and doing good for the world.
Shitposting ruined Tom Hardys reddit ama so dont be so sure of that
>he still hasn't realized the left is fighting a cultural war against anyone who doesn't bow to their agenda
Dude just ignore them and they'll go away. You're not child molesting, neonazi, incel are you? :^)
Fucking retards think twitter is the whole world
>oh no! a handful of blue checkmarks are calling us nazis now. better apologize
The world would be so much better without twitter.
Reminder that when people say "who gives a shit?" or "who cares?" they actually mean that YOU shouldn't care. Guess why?
excellent post user
uhm sweaty, why dont you do it?