Will King of Fighters go back to 2D?

Will King of Fighters go back to 2D?

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I doubt they'll ever make a new game in 2D, XIII was too expensive. But I AM holding my breath for KOFXIII UM with 2 or 3 new characters sometime in the relatively near future.

Inb4 the seething XIV trannies get triggered because someone is nostalgic about the time when KoF didn't look like liquid dogshit.

Attached: average kof xiv player.png (600x660, 66K)

No but it should do what Guilty Gear and Fighter Z did.

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>will SNK go back to the reason why they went bankrupt?

Gee I dunno user.

does XIV actually have a large tranny community or are you just throwing in buzzwords

If they can make Samurai Shodown look decent with shaders, they can do the same with the next KOF.

So if they're sticking to 3D, are they going to bring MI characters back in?

Attached: Alba.jpg (544x1421, 125K)

I haven't played SS since 2 or 3 which ever came out on the SNES. How does the new one look?

I doubt it.
Too expensive.
XIV looks alright for SNK standards.

Aren't thy using UE4 for KOF XV? Pretty sure they are not using UE4 to make a pixel art game.
I have no faith on the art direction of the current SNK. SamSho is not looking bad but it is not ground breaking either, it is just OK-ish.

Andy is literally the worst looking character in the game. I don't know how they messed up on him because not everyone looks as bad as him. Especially after the update.

Nah. They'll just improve the 3d. Compare this to the new Samurai Shodown.

Snk it's like 90% new employees and sprites are like a forgotten art. I remember reading an interview about KOF14 and why it didn't use sprites and the reply was that the intention was to use sprites but the young blood only knew how to work with 3D, so they went 3D.

The irony here is that it's pretty clear they don't know 3D either considering how ugly the games are. Even the new SamSho on UE4 looks like shit. I have seen fan made stuff that looks way better than that.

Anybody got that Tekken 2 edit?

Nevermind, I found it.

Attached: Tekken 2.jpg (1280x1280, 596K)

I hope so. Some of the designs and moves were pretty neat.

Can you post it?

God I hope so

it's buzzwords of course a lot of people who play kof have no problem with those who prefer the older games just nobody likes the people who constantly do nothing but talk about how good the sprites in older snk games are instead of the game itself

Like SF4 but worse and 10 years late.

that 3D looks straight out of 2006


Duke and Chae Lim only hopefully


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