ITT: Huge videogame scandals everyone already forgot about
ITT: Huge videogame scandals everyone already forgot about
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying anyone has forgotten about Snoy censorship
Literally not getting a PS5 because of it.
Holy shit thanks for letting me know how BASED and REDPILLED Sony is. Literally preordering a PS5 because of this. Stay mad pedoweebs
Sure you won't
Meanwhile all the pedos screaming this is an outrage will happily buy DMC V and Catherine Deluxe Edition for their PS4
>developers are forbidden from even mentioning that the games have been censored
How does that work? How can that be enforced?
Very easily. Ever heard of NDAs?
Says you faggot, I haven't given sony any money since Yakuza 6 came out.
And even then that went to Sega.
>leftists are actual pedofiles
It dosn't surprise me. Most of the time if someone is calling someone a pedo or racist or something like that it's usually because they're doing it themselves and trying to hide it.
that seems like a super specific scenario to happen, NDAs much be over 50 pages long using 5 size font or something
How easy are NDAs to impose? Can Sony arbitrarily tell developers not to talk about anything in particular?
Daft logic anyway. They think that censoring games is what's best, but they also don't want people to know they're censoring?? Is it dodgy or not?
Only when it's vehement and unwarranted.
I haven't even cut on my ps4 since this shit started user
>catherine deluxe edition
miss me with that censored bullshit
Ah just like the protestant right
Based Sony banning non-videogames and getting weebs BTFO.
Nah, I noticed I started buying less PS4 games, but that's fine, I need to focus on Switch anyways.
>Playing VNs on console instead of PC.
Turns out being an extremist of any sort is a bad thing, who would have known?
Not defending the censorship in the slightest but why the fuck would you play a VN on a console in the first place?
suuure we won't
sfw ones are really comfy on the vita
>"Playing" VNs
People unironically buying Xbones are the true cancer of gaming, imagine companies showing the public how fucked up they are and every one just forgot about it a few years later.
>b-b-but xbone!
Glad to see we're back in the "consoles are for kids" paradigm. Thanks Sony.
It's another thread where Yea ForumstendoGaf complains about Sony while giving Nintendo a pass. Sad.
>forgetting that they're the only company making an effort on backwards compat
Op doesn't. He doesn't even care about censorship. He's just using it as an excuse to console war shitpost.
I have a folder full of captions of anons going "HUR DUR PLAY IT ON PC FAGGOTS OH NOOOO MUH SNOY CENSORING THING I DON'T LIKE"
Don't worry, when Code Vein gets censored and everyone starts bitching in OH NO NO NO threads again I'll post it
Nintendo only censors it's own games, not third parties. Plus this is exclusive to Smash because it's an E rated game.
How do Snoybros get away with it?
wasn't there some woman who had sex with 5 guys to get a good review for her website simulator?
You have to give people old games because you have no new games.
what did DMCV do?
Xbox and PS4 are really the same at this point, and this is said by someone that was laughing at MS a few years ago. One has a better controller and superior ports though.
PS4 gets a few extra third party Japanese exclusives, which may even dries out in the near future.
>what's a pc?
also i have a ps4 haven't touched it in almost a year
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
I love this shuts them up every time it gets posted.
and yet xenoblade chronicles 2 is uncensored along with 99% of the switch's library
I own a ps4 but not a switch btw
getting more game time out of my soft modded wii rn than my basedstation
>Sony censorship
>God rays to completely block out an ass shot
>Nintendo "censorship"
>Giving Mythra a sexy pair of leggings
call me again when Sony and Nintendo literally tells you they are teaming up with NSA to monitor you and your entire fucking house.
Using your corporate fanboyism to defend removal of freedom is fucking pathetic.
>implying this is a bad thing
If it wasn't for being able to play old vidya I wouldn't have half of my systems including my PC.
what did he mean by this
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
This is Yea ForumstendoGaf alright.
>thinking he's secure
If you have any tech post 2003 you're monitored.
>impying giving Mythra leggings didn't drastically improve her design
They left the sexual content intact but heavily censored the dialogue to remove religious references and made 4kids-tier name changes
Yes. It's literally okay when Nintendo does it because it doesn't affect any other company except Nintendo.
It's not okay when Sony does it because they're censoring third-party developers, not themselves.
The biggest scandal was a 5 year old console beating a brand new one.
Mythra's "censorship" makes my cock stiff so fuck your faggot opinion
>Nintendo "censorship"
>Giving Mythra a sexy pair of leggings
this shit again
>dude it looks absolutely better than the original lmao
imagine shitting on another company for doing censorship while praising another company for doing censorship because you are a fanboy. Literally doublethink.
Thats true though.
>One character looks and acts underage
So she acts like a real woman and these faggots complain? Have they never set foot outside of their mama's basements to see how women act? You'd have more intellectual conversations with an 8 year old.
pretty sure it only happened because smash is supposed to be an E for everyone game? or maybe you are just trying to hide how bad nu-sony are fucking up since they moved over to a liberal hellhole
They are all keeping data. why single out MS, because they were only a little more innovative?
Really this is where it all began, where reviewers were caught completely red faced taking review copies for guaranteed 9/10s even for a broken game.
Glad you admit that you don't care about censorship and are just a fanboy.
>imagine shitting on another company for doing censorship while praising another company for doing censorship because you are a fanboy
Funny how this applies to both sides isn't it?
>anything console
All consoles combined are smaller than PC, and PC is smaller than mobileshit.
>b-b-but W7 is already botnet anyways
imagine supporting a company that literally doesn't even bother to hide they are trying to fuck your ass.
at least they care about public image, M$ told you they are shipping xbone with kinetic and they don't care about your opinion because they know "gamurs" like you will eat that shit up because you are retarded.
Imagine defending this decision.
Tendies are the biggest hypocrite on Yea Forums. They can't help it. There's a reason they're so obsessed with Sony.
Nobody here is going to fucking defend anything that was done to Fire Emblem because those were all actually retarded censors
>Literally doublethink.
It's barely censorship you Snoygger unlike your faggot fucking company that literally removes anything deemed lewd, Nintendo just slaps some fucking stockings on her .
You would understand how much it changes if you weren't a literal faggot
Didn't even mention W7 you sperg and I'm not reading your blog either. You're monitored lad fucking deal.
>my company's reason for censoring is okay
>your company's reason for censoring is bad
The state of coping tendies.
You are implying that I am defending sony here too, I am not.
I am pointing out that using double think to defend Nintendo.
Point the part of my post where I implied Sony doing censorship is ok.
Nintendo isn't doing what Sony is doing. Sony is censoring and banning third party games and forcing Japanese devs to go through inspections conducted only in English while Nintendo is not.
I would care if visual novels were not utter fucking trash.
Did he ever get his answer?
Nintendo doesn't force third-parties to censor their adult games.
Yet you're crying about why Nintendo is censoring a children's game rated E for everyone.
Keep eating shit xdrone
Says the tendie who dedicated a thread to Sony and can't stop thinking about Sony.
Visual novels aren't games.
Who cares?
>Nintendo isn't doing what Sony is doing
I don't even own an xbone LOL
Fuck pedo shits. You all deserve life censorship anyway
sure you don't pajeet.
This will purify the next userbase of all the pedo weebs that want to play retarded shit like senran kagura and some other obscure ass games, aka 90% of this retarded site
Yea ForumstendoGaf will never get over Sony winning this generation.
Explain to me how Mythra leggings is even censorship.
For fucks sake, you can still see the skin underneath, the fucking things are transparent, if anything it was just to keep Smash at an E10 rating, unlike Snoy just flat out removing scenes in a game made for adults
Its actually because of CERO since the Meruru incident forced them to be super ultra anal with all A rated games. That was a cluster fuck of an accident.
>both companies censors games
>one does it more "tastefully" but the game's original content is still in fact, censored
>dude it's not the same
next time you complain about reddit having double think take a look back to your own post.
Sony won.
>>dude it's not the same
It's not the same you fucking mongrel retard, holy fuck
If that's true, those games should be a lot more successful.
No, its more a general statement. Tendies defend Nintendo and Sunny D supporters defend Sony each while shitting on the other.
Nintendo and Sony are both bad for censoring, but Sony's case is worse than Nintendos.
>dude it's not the same
because it literally isn't you retard
If you say so, keep huffing up on that corporate fanboyism and fuel the me against them fight you literal hyprocrites.
>giving a shit about VNs
literally neck yourself
Both are literally censorship. You just choose to defend Nintendo censorship because you're a pathetic fanboy. Which is even more proof that tendies don't care about censorship. They just want to shitpost Sony.
>forgot about
I flat out stopped purchasing anything on my PS4 and cancelled my PSN sub.
Buying anything else in relation to that platform is equivalent to having a dog shit on your carpet and then giving them a biscuit. A pointless gesture since I'm no longer Sony's target audience, I can still feel good about that decision as I go 100% on my switch
this place doesn't have that many people
You can't blame the manchildren for being hypocrites. They are defending a children's toy company.
LMFAO at the retard olympics from consolekiddies here, consolewar threads make me glad I'm not a poorfag that has to fight for scraps.
The state of incels...
I keep hearing that and someone always comes out to say that its just a shitty localization, not censorship
aannd....../pol/ is right again
>but Sony's case is worse than Nintendos.
That is true, but look at these
and tell me again how we aren't sharing a site with rabid fanatics of one company.
Give me one logical reason why you want to play sexist games with oversexualized underage girls (perpetuating unrealistic body standards)?
The only thing that should matter is the GAMEPLAY and that stays the same
>Nintendo "censors" a game to keep an E10 rating by keeping the original character design but adding leggings
>Sony censors a game by completely removing or blocking out parts of scenes because "it doesn't uphold their morals"
You fucking people
Funny how Yea ForumstendoGaf never calls out Nintendo's censorship. Hypocrites.
uh, DO6 didn't get into EVO purely due to not being censored enough.
and also making Mr Wizard look like a joke
Yea Forums is the most active board on 4channel, occasionally overtaken by /vg/. This place does have a lot of people.
>I guess is time to buy a Nintendo Switch
No, absolutely not, Nintendo has a worse track record than Sony regarding censorship, if anything is one more reason to have a computer where you can easily apply patches
I won't get into mixing words or even try to change your mind. But I will say that you'll have nobody to blame but yourself when these same tools for censorship are used to control and alter the things you DO like.
Based pchad. Consolfaggots ruined gaming, they will never admit this.
>As our commitment to continued review and improvement of PSN services, Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. ("SIE Inc") will take over from Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited to become the direct provider of the PSN services with effect from April 1, 2019. SIE Inc will continue to provide all customers with quality PSN services
No more Asia-only version lewd games, bruvs. It's all California from now on.
>Now corporation Y with censorship and paid online, that's the real deal!
Sony's PSN credit card fiasco.
Someone please post that gif where the guy asks if they encrypted the server, and the other guy turns laughing no, cut to sony and a guy pulling cables
>tell me again how we aren't sharing a site with rabid fanatics of one company
That was my first post in this thread. I very much agree that we have both die hard Nintendo and Sony fans on this site.
>No more shitty weeb movie games
This, Both censor. That's obviously bad HOWEVER only one of these companies force the devs to talk/write all documents in English and will only have communications with the companies on Californian business hours.
The censoring is bad but Sony go one step further by being scum, that makes them worse.
It's like comparing shit to shit laced with noxious poisonous substances.
Both are shit but one is way worse to be around.
Manchildren who play children's games on a mcdonalds tablet was never their audience. Only chads who play real games. You won't be missed.
There were quite a few threads about it, not to mention the many threads about the Fire Emblem censorship when that happened.
How is this at all the same thing?
Can someone explain to me how crippling third-party developers by forcing them to censor their adult-rated games is comparable to a company censoring their own games aimed for children?
It's this autist again. LOL. Imagine being this obsessed with Sony.
seriously, if they're going to bait, at least use the real bullshit
We did, during #FE, awakening and the other 3DS FE games everyone made a huge deal about it but nintendo drones keep saying how
>dude censorship actually make it look better
>dude who care about t and a anyways
literally look at this thread and see how they are defending censorship when it's done by nintendo
I understand, I meant to phrase that to people who question this blatant hypocrisy and I didn't imply to target you with that question.
>not having both
>calling other people poorfags
It's comparable because the difference the player experiences is that characters are more covered up.
One of the UN guys who was pushing nipland to ban loli was also guilty of kid diddling.
>censor literally who VNs BAD
>censor our Mainline game GOOD
The state of rabid Nintendo manchidldren trying to cope.
But Xenoblade 2's dialogues are censored and you supported it, nintenshills, just like you did with Fire Emblem and Tokyo Mirage
>the dog that dug through the garbage is as bad as the dog that gave you rabbis
If you say so
They're both doing it because of the 2020 olympics. Loli and school age teenagers are getting erased from everything.
Who the fuck ever approved of the changes made to Tokyo Mirage?
And where is my Fire Emblem X SMT?
>not being poor means you must waste money on bottom of the barrel garbage and perpetuate horrible business practices
no kiddo
Don't forget X2 artwork is censored in Smash
>Nintendo doesn't censor they own game
>dude it's aimed towards children
*designs slut dressed in lingerie behinds you*
>Treehouse censorship = Company wide censorship
or this
>the dog that gave you rabbis
Mans best friend wouldn't do this. Jews are just that bad.
Nincels are the biggest hypocrites on Yea Forums. Proof they don't care about censorship.
>going to have to purchase a PS5 for Bloodborne 2
Fuck. I hope the B team does it so I have a reason to be cautious
Its even less comparable when you know why Hikari had to be censored. People need to learn their vidya history. The Meruru incident fucked CERO A ratings up because of a tiny mistake in printing(and what a mistake it was).
The games being censored by Sony pass the requirements for CERO D with flying colors. They're also censoring CERO C and B games while being perfectly in the range for the rating and it could easily increase if the devs felt like it. Nothing needs to be censored.
>the dog that gave you rabbis
The worst kind of dog
next you'll tell me Treehouse represents the entirety of Nintendo
afterwards you'll bring up games from 5 years ago, then 10 years ago, and so on
I wouldn't hug either of them, I could just buy a nice kitten which is better than a trash dog
>NoA making the decision that was actually reflected on the copy you play (because you are a fucking EOP) literally meant nintendo as a whole didn't do it!
the cope is real
Pretty much, yeah.
>Entire point of Adult VN null and void because MUH MORALS
>A black overlay on a single piece of artwork in a game with 1000+ pieces of said artwork
You fucking people look for L I T E R A L L Y any opportunity to shit on Nintendo
What did I say that was wrong?
>tendie tries to make thread to shit on Sony because he's literally obsessed
>backfire on him and he gets BTFO
Every time.
>ps4 came out 5 years ago
>switch came out 2 years ago
Ah yes, Californian demisexual trans-feminists really care about Tokyo 2020
>Treehouse (doesn't) represents the entirety of Nintendo
christ on a cross
Xoy-bro detected.
Just like you look for any opportunity to shit on Sony. But hypocrites like you can't be reasoned with.
>Sony is censoring and banning third party games and forcing Japanese devs to go through inspections conducted only in English while Nintendo is not.
Simply stating this fact makes me a rabid Nintendo fanboy? Okay.
>both companies does censorship
>it's ok cuz my company only do it some of the time!
Low test nu-male detected
Xeno2 is censored too, just like Smash with Myhtra. You are the biggest hypocrites on Yea Forums, you literally reported Utarewomono thread because someone said Xenoblade 2 was censored and then the thread got deleted after that after all those posts saying to not buy those games.
>Sure you won't
yes, I won't
consoles are fucking dogshit
>still 30fps in year of our lord anno domini 2012+7
Lmao are you seriously gonna deny that after it's happened time and time again?
That makes the Switch even more of a pathetic flop. No wonder tendies are so obsessed with Sony.
real gamer use pc bro
They do though, they want to use it to control the one entity that doesn't give a fuck about them. Those faggots would want to turn Akiba into a place more akin to Shimoneta or Pastel Memories where its no longer a utopia of color and cuteness. They can't stand others being happy or themselves being ignored for actual fans.
I like how corporations successfully groomed their customers into being rabid drones attacking the drones of the other corporations and excusing the absolutely piss-poor treatment they receive instead of demanding better services from the corporations.
Consolekids are so fucking idiotic.
KEK you said to not buy Utarewomono games just for two scenes being censored (and that didn't even fit, just like Umineko didn't need porn) and now you say "i-is okey if it is just a little"
The absolute state of n.intendrones, just like when you were trying to shit on REmake2 threads
I like how nobody in the thread has tried to refute the fact that Nintendo's "censorship" was to keep a rating and how Sony's was because of "morals".
Just ignore a legitimate reason for it and bitch about MUH Yea ForumsTENDOGAF some more, Snoyggers
do you expect anyone to read that gay shit?
>saturated console that has been on the market since 2013 is still selling on par with the newest console/handheld hybrid released in 2017
when you are losing in the censorship argument, go back to sales.
>trannies immediately close the window and fuck off to the shadow realm every time this is posted
The pet that dug through the garbage can be trained. The end goal is to make all companies closer in their mentality to IFI who went on record to state they're not censoring fuck all anymore.
1 year after this
And who are releasing this
On the Switch
Kusoge to be sure but I appreciate the effort both they and PQube show in their initiative to bring things over
Conversely I will be ass pained about Bravely Seconds artbook being censored for-fucking-ever. And Sony is now what the decisions were that led to that happen, then.
In reality, I can't cut platforms altogether because I need one of the two to play Crystal Chronicles with a small circle of my friends.
But chastising me for taking the lesser of two evils (in my eyes?) for shame.
>you said to not buy Utarewomono
Are you Sonytards really this desperate to pin EVERYTHING on one person?
What the fuck is Utarewomono?
The difference is that you support those games while crying against others, s.oytendo
They talk exactly like half of Yea Forums. I always thought the were just shitposting wtf?
It's not a legitimate reason when Smash should always have been a B rated game.
>Nintendo's censorship reason GOOD
>Sony censorship reason BAD
LOL Tendies are amusing in the ways they try to cope.
>it's ok if my company does censorship if they want to dilute the game's content down to sell to small children
You can't be more pathetic than this, but do go ahead and surprise me.
Sure, because Mythra's legs are something violent, right, nintenshill?
Eurofags really are autistic snoycucks.
>muh pedophile porn picture books aren't allowed on this one platform anymore!
Do I feel sorry for you! I also hope you get hit by a truck for following and rt'ing this faglet
I literally did though. I've been pointing to the event that led to CERO becoming so anal with A ratings a number of times now as well. Not my fault no one took their Nip vidya history courses .
Why would you ever buy (censored) pornlite garbage on consoles when you can just download a billion of actual porn games on PC for free? I don't understand the consolekid mind.
Seething at the truth.
Everytime someone opened a thread about those games there was one of you nintenfaggots doing your shill campaign of not buying those games. And when someone talked about Xenoblade's 2 censorship one thread got literally deleted
>reasons don't matter
I too think that there is no difference between killing another man in self defense and killing another man because I want his money
>Violence is the only thing that leads to ratings being bumped up
Educate yourself
>snoyfags claim this thread is full of obsessed nintendo fans
>over half the post here involves some autistic samefag throwing a shitfit over nintendo
>191 / 48 / 61
Really makes me think.
>Visual Novels are banned on all Sony platforms
Based & Redpilled
You should include the follow up where this guy's cellmate beat and pissed on him.
It became illegal to be nationalistic, so now people swear allegiance to kids toys
Imagine if Sony and Nintendo fanboys defended their home countries with the same fervor
>literally removing character dialogue in the final product
Never not be disgusted by this. A fucking low point for Nintendo. Also can't believe there were people trying to defend this.
I like how tendies would go to any length to defend Nintendo and then shit on Sony for doing the exact same thing. Truly the most hypocritical fanbase.
I barely touch my ps4 as it is.
They wanted to market it to under 12s, they had to take the A rating or not get the rights to show the tournament on TV. The only group more anal about A vs B Ratings than CERO are advertisers of children's entertainment.
The same logic that dictates the censorship of weebshit you don't care about is the same logic that forces "inclusion" that you've no doubt chimped out about on this polyester sewing slave forum.
What kind of personality does it take to take part in console wars?
>being this mad at the truth
You're the one who dedicated a thread to Sony. Stay obsessed.
>keep denying the fact that censorship is a thing when it's done on nintendo consoles
>dude but it's the SNOY who are seething haha!
delusional, we went from:
>censorship actually made it more sexy
>it isn't censorship because it's only treehouse who are doing it and they don't represent Nintendo
>they are just doing censorship to keep ratings down!
what is next I wonder?
Fuck nips. I see adds for games rated 18 all the time.
Gross isn't that the website where they discuss lolicon anime and touhou fangames?
Real pedos are NeoGAF and Resetera tho. Remember the NeoGAF leftist mod Amir0x
Manchildren who still play on their mcdonalds tablet and can't handle other platforms existing. Basically Nintendo fans. Notice how they're the only ones who make console war threads. This thread proves it.
A poor one, in all senses.
2 of those statements are legitimate and one is literally just an opinion.
christ, you guys suck at arguing
Do you see those ads at a tournament for age 12 and under elementary school kids? Remember this tournament was broadcast live on TV.
>>censorship actually made it more sexy
>Actually taking that as an argument and not "it made that guy erect so he likes it"
>>it isn't censorship because it's only treehouse who are doing it and they don't represent Nintendo
>Forming your own headcanon about thread discussion and completely missing that that was aimed at FE
>>they are just doing censorship to keep ratings down!
>Literally the reason the "censorship" happened but Snoyfags won't accept that
Visual novels aren't video games, so it's not a big scandal.
VN's are trash anyways.
They aren't, I've signed one during a lay-off. Single page for me, I was not allowed to discuss the company, my reasons for being layed off, and anything regarding the company and what I was doing with them specifically for a period of 3 years.
>If you don't like Sony censorship, then you must be a Nintendo fanboy!
>REAL Sony fans like me don't care!
Our mods are in bed with Neogaf or whoever's behind them too, remember when the Yea Forums mods got so seething they literally made a sticky to redirect all neogaf discussion into /pol/.
>If I say something is true it's true!
They are legitimate because they are still censorship, yet you are still giving Nintendo credit for parting in censorship.
>Literally the reason the "censorship"
So you ARE defending censorship right now right? just want to make this clear.
Has there every been any official/semi-official response for this? This seems extraordinarily bad practice that should lead to someone getting fired.
Sony censors to protect kids.
Nintendo's censors for greed.
Clearly Sony is in the right. Yea ForumstendoGaf won't admit it though.
Wow, so huge, so scandalous.
>muh nintendies
I own a ps4pro, a ps4, a PSVR, a vita, a pspgo, a ps2, a ps1, countless controllers and have been on Sony's dick since my mother bought me my ps1 and Doom to make up for her messy divorce
"no true sony fan would hate these changes"
is the justification that only retarded children and mentally stunted gorillas can have.
nice falseflag, both sides are doing censorship for "profit". Sony is doing it for SJ brownie points while Nintendo is doing it to sell the same game to children.
If I want all the people who play the pedobait games to be gassed but still don't approve of censorship of them, what does that make me?
>Sony censors to protect kids.
>Advertises pedophillia at E3
Its all coming together now.
Mate, CS:GO is rated 16+ and tournaments of the game is aired on state-TV, kids below the age of 12 can go and see those tournaments live if they want to. If they were good enough I'm sure they'd be allowed to participate as well.
So yes, I do.
Actually physically fuck your own skull, illiterate mongoloid.
Friendly reminder Yea ForumstendoGaf doesn't care about censorship. If they would they would call out all censorship including the Steam and Nintendo censorship. They're just using it as an excuse to console war shitpost.
I respect you as an individual but you have garbage taste.
>Sony censors to protect kids.
>Censoring Adult VNs aimed at Adults
>God of War and Killzone are fine though
The USA one is hotter.
Sony is great.
A guy who thinks nothing should be censored but doesn't agree with the tastes of others.
So a faggot, but not an ultra, nigger-grade faggot.
Every time we are getting to the root of the problem they just bend over and make up another reason how it doesn't count because X.
It's very tiresome and I don't expect them to face the truth, hopefully threads like this exposed who they really are to the relatively neutral lurkers though.
>including steam
Have you missed the threads when loligame#2481 gets removed from steam
Literally every fire emblem thread and have of every Xenoblade thread until those niggers absconded to their own general.
>console anything
>aimed at adults
don't think so senpai
Oh, are this VNs rated AO?
What do you get out of that? Severance?
I didn't think I should've had to specify that. The US isn't Japan, user.
Reminder the former Resetera forum called NeoGAFs mod Amir0x, who's an SJW and a leftist ideologue, actually got arrested for possessing real Pedo photos.
Steam just removed a few games that came with loli porn patches, not nearly the same.
A civic nationalist
I think I recall some people did actually get fired, though I think the reason for being fired wasn't the outcry over censorship and might have been because of pedophilia
It is the same you faggot. Steam for a supposedly "censor free" environment shouldn't be censoring shit that's legal under law in the regions their pushing it.
Either morally police all content or morally police none of it. Accepting any kind of censorship makes you as retarded as the people who console war
if you were being laid off to begin with, what would have happened if you didn't sign it, they would fire you? Were you being "persuaded" into signing such a paper, or was other bad stuff going to happen (all legal of course, wink wink, can't be traced back to the company) if you didn't sign it? I ask because I've been laid off before as well as being fired on the spot, and in my cases I had to sign a paper (before I got the job) agreeing I could be fired or laid off "at will" and "with or without reason", which you have to sign that paper if you want a real job anywhere in my state.
"censor free" as long as it doesn't break any laws.
Because Steam is an international company, laws don't mean US laws but all of the laws.
>Accepting any kind of censorship makes you as retarded as the people who console war
Even if the law says so?
this one still irks me
>can't respond to the censorship discussion with valid arguments except for "no u!"
>go back to tying sony up with another boogeyman in your head
Steam has access to region locking which is used to block ALL porn games in regions where obscenity is a thing you can get arrested for.
So what happens to your argument now?
No, it's because you can't get a low rating in Japan if able to look under girls skirts. So, the thing they could do is either completely change her outfit or give her spats/leggings.
Friendly reminder that NeoGAF and Resetera is/was actually full of pedos. Amir0x, who's an SJW and a hardcoce leftist, was always criticising weeb stuff as pedo stuff, while being a real pedo himself. And got jailed
Actually it was already planned ahead before Smash, the 'censored' version was in the art book that just came out.
Nothing, still stands as is.
I have no idea what you think you have done other than make a nonsequitur.
Loli porn is illegal here so they would have to shut it down, there's still plenty of it on Steam anyway and just remove a few to say they're doing something and since PC isn't a closed garden piece of shit you can just get the games elsewhere, why the fuck would you be buying loli porn off Steam to begin with?
>weeb pedos seething
a non sequitur this is not. You stated law, I retorted that steam has methods of dealing with law in the form of region restricting what's available to be played depending on your location. You then pulled a "that doesn't count"
Attacking the argument is neat and all but I can see where this is going and will bow out early.
Didn't really follow this console generation and I stopped coming to Yea Forums when normalfags took over. What the fuck happened to Sony?
While I don't deny that most of us are probably under constant surveillance anyways, it's the part where they don't even try to hide the fact that are fucking you in all holes that's the part that scares me.
If you want to take a glimpse at the future, look at W10 where they literally forced mandatory updates into your throat every time you go online, I have heard rumors that the new OS will be on a "loaning" basis which probably means it will be on a subscription model like the current office, it's a grim future we are heading towards.
Finally ran out of reasons haven't we? good.
The NoA version makes sense, both characters are assassins for their royal families, it would be nuts that they'd say everything to each other on their first meeting.
And I said "fuck nips" and I mean that wholeheartedly.
big tits means pedo
I didn't state a law, I stated their rules.
You essentially said "but they could've", with is nonsequitur and really doesn't in anyway rebuttal my statement.
>loli porn
I'm not buying garbage or kusoge like that to begin with. I despise all those niggers who continue to give yuri and loli baiting companies money.
But I draw my line in the sand at censorship. Except unlike with other reading enthusiasts who can accept my decision to boycott libraries and bookstores for helping to promote the environment that now has fucking "sensitivity readers", nerds who play videogames double down on double standards.
tl;dr Sony started to focus more on the Western market and the SJ shit in the US influenced them to make retarded censorship decisions.
If loli porn is illegal, why is Yea Forums still up then?
They went from fully topless games like God of War 3 to censoring belly buttons in less than half a year after they moved headquarters to California.
Normalfag console of choice, censors games to make it seem less like a weeb machine and more like the XBAWKS but with Bloodborne
>Sony's PSN credit card fiasco.
which time lmao
Also the fact they don't get shit for having the worst servers and slowest dl speeds while no longer having the
>it's free
Because it already went under fire before and loli porn is now banned.
>muh sony boogieman
How are you enjoying your censored Xenoblade 2?
>The NoA version makes sense
You are the stupidest motherfucker
>they say everything
They were comparing their lives as assassins. They knew each other by face and name because they are professionals. They then talk about the problems with taking a life in their service.
You then state some stupid monkey shit that replacing it with an unfunny meme where they don't talk because they're ninjas is better than a introspective outlook on the position they find themselves in.
Fucking kill yourself.
This post is so fucking funny because years ago you nintenshills were calling pedos to people buying all those weeb games
>deleting your own posts
yikes, imagine seething against the truth this hard
And its a totally different place to the US so your example doesn't work since the reason it needed that rating was due to them wanting to show the tournament on TV. Also if you've been following the thread you'd know WHY CERO A is such an anal rating to get.
I fucking remember
>o-our games don't need your weebtrash
>vita is only for pedos
After their headquarters shift. Sony doubled down on censorship and their new censorship policies even affect games being produced outside of America. These changes have caused some people to feel turned off.
On the other side, people are okay with censorship because it's censorship they agree with.
And now you're caught up. Leave this place to avoid the cancer.
>This post is so fucking funny because years ago you nintenshills were calling pedos to people buying all those weeb games
dude it doesn't count when Nintendo is doing it.
I am cunnyconnoisseur myself but I just fucking hate hypocrisy.
How come his "fellows" didn't cover it up?
Yes, with the penalty of having your license agreement with Sony shitcanned and being unable to publish on the platform, use their dev hardware, etc. etc.
Snoy knows they can bully Japanese devs into this shit too because PS4 is pretty much the only relevant market in Japan and if you're unable to release on PS4 your game's not making any money.
Yeah this. Yea Forums is full of literal neets who don't know jackshit how business works. Even if it got no legal binding, having big corp having grudge to you is nightmare.
>against lolicon
>but wants to fuck real actual children
Like fucking clockwork, that was.
too low down the ladder for anyone to bother, plus the media has firmly cemented GG and its participators as the next coming of Hitler so they don't really need to do anything more to stamp down the opposition.
Why is 8-chan still up then?
I still think that the game should have a B rating and always should have.
>loli porn is now banned.
It's allowed on Yea Forums
It's probably not an NDA, it's likely a threat. "Tell anyone we forced you to censor anything and you'll be completely blacklisted from releasing anything on a Sony console again." Best the companies can do is say "We respect the wishes of the platform holder." and disclose how many images/scenes have been "altered" (censored).
It's effectively the same thing but I am pretty sure Sony wants to keep the word "censored" out of their mouths even though that's exactly what they are doing.
On top of that this NeoGAF/Restera mod was a typical e-begger who was begging for his moms condition or something, and ResetPedoera users actually donated him.
Because they decided to stick to their guns and ate the Google wrongthink shadowban and government bans but that's not a viable strategy if you're running an actual business
This is rich coming from a PC faggot whose platform subsists almost entirely on moldy, years old table scraps from console.
>I guess it's time to buy another console with no visual novels
yeah the narrative was/is already set in stone
fuck remember the "topical" Law and Order SVU episode about it?
I'm not disagreeing with you there BUT they wanted to advertise to elementary schoolers they had to take it. B rating would've been 0 censorship but the kids are considered more important. That said if the Meruru incident didn't happen this game could've been A rated and uncensored.
They are really going all out.
Are people ready to accept how huge of a blow to artistic integrity and consumer choice SocJus taking over Sony is yet?
>having the worst servers and slowest dl speeds
that wasn't even true during 7th gen the wii and ds was a thing
>The NoA version makes sense
>no dialogue
>"make sense"
Who would have thought nintenbabies are brainlets who hate reading.
>but that's not a viable strategy if you're running an actual business
to be fair if you are operating a fourth reich enthusiast tribune this is to be expected. Was infinitychad that hated before GG happened?
At least something good came out of it.
You say video games but that literal who is talking about visual novels.
>remove tribal get up because muh cultural appropriation
>replace it with cowboy getup which is basically like glorifying the people who killed native Americans and took their land and forced them fenced reservations
fucking retards
There was also that California State Senator who made it his life's goal to ban violent video games and kept campaigning against them. Meanwhile he was selling rocket launchers to terrorist organizations on the black market.
seethe more, pedos
You are still a faggot because you don't seem to realize yet that lolishit and borderline softcore pornâ„¢ aren't the only things getting censored.
>visual novels
The Mythra censorship didn't even make sense. Is it the boob window? Because Shantae is another Spirit and she's wearing a strapless bikini. Either way, in the case of Smash they are slamming all these game franchises together which span ratings from E to M and are trying to fit them all into a game rated E10 (and CERO A in Japan). Brawl was rated CERO A in Japan even though you could look up Peach's skirt and see her underwear. But with Smash 4 and beyond, CERO got really anal about fanservice, even telling developers to flip all female characters upside down so they could look up their skirts before they rated the game. They were specifically looking for pantyshots and other "lewd" material. So Nintendo still wanting to get a CERO A rating for Smash had to comply with their native rating board's weird new rules.
I don't support it, but I understand why the changes were made to achieve a specific rating.
>lolishit isn't the only thing getting censored!
>posts another loli getting censored
These SJWs are desperately hiding the Resetera pedo SJW Amir0x
>I don't support it, but I understand why the changes were made to achieve a specific rating.
I agree with their decision from a business standpoint as well, we are just pointing out on how hypocritical the board's resident nintendo defenders are when they literally can't admit that censorship is censorship and will go to great lengths to defend it.
>pedos in denial, manchildren waifushitters and perma virgins enraged because they can't have their generic "visual novel" weebshit to fap to
They should be thankful
I will not forgive Sony for this. I will try to call out their terrible actions at every opportunity. This not only directly negatively impacts their own consumers, but sets precedent, and can have a chilling effect on the industry at large, thus ruining things for everyone.
Too bad anyone can argue against my stance simply by calling me a pedo and feeling instantly secure in their ignorance. I just like anime girls with big ass titties. Is that so wrong? I'm not forcing anyone to experience anything they don't want to. I just want my fan service left alone. Whatever happened to "we're not coming after your games?"
>in denial
>visual novels
How isn't she a loli?
is clearly underage
>This not only directly negatively impacts their own consumers, but sets precedent, and can have a chilling effect on the industry at large, thus ruining things for everyone.
First they came etc., they are like the people who keeps telling you they don't care about their personal info being shared by companies because they are not hiding anything, you simply can't educate them and they will defend the very same establishment that took all of their freedoms away. e.g. China and chinks
That said, I enjoy 2D loli and I somewhat support the censorship, EOPs don't deserve anything and when they discover something new, they will yell and shout to the rest of the world about "thing" and will eventually get it banned, cutting away any contact they have with jap/2D media is beneficial for the industry IMO.
>tfw know its coming for Nintendo too
>can't stop the SJW censorship
Bravely Second was serious business for me. I hadn't purchased another nintendo product until I wrongly thought that they were changing their ways with the switch.
Haven't bought the latest smash too for that same reason. Fuck censorship
Unironically, delete this.
haha...we wi--win again nintybros..ha....
This will only get worse with each passing year, for BOTH Sony and Nintendo.
Blame the current political environment, but mostly blame the West. Clean up your shit already gaijins.
hahaha no
THQ Nordic hosted an AMA on a certain site. Twitter is coming at them consistently for the last several hours. Seeing that many people parrot the same tweets at them makes the overwhelming groupthink that much more apparent. It was a good thread until it was killed.
Jesus. Fuck snoy
Unlikely, considering that Nintendo implemented a policy specifically to stop the west unilaterally making 'localizations' like the ones that shat up FE Fates, FE# and others
It never amounted to a scandal because only pedophiles were mad about it, and nobody wants to admit they're a pedophile outside of mongolian throatsinging forums.
>thread about snoy
>ctrf:f Nintendo
>62 results
The truth is people really don't care about your lack of anime tits would rather have you shut up. Neither side of the argument will ever be convinced so arguing is pointless.
> Whatever happened to "we're not coming after your games?"
It's still a thing. These anime otaku bait """""""games""""""" just aren't my games.
The sloppery slope is already happening in full effect right in front of their eyes and people still can't see it.
When massive companies like EA, Ubisoft, Actiblizz, etc are already compromised, you can only guess what's gonna happen with smaller studios.
NRS already caved to the social justice crowd and Mortal Kombat was THE title that was supposed to go against everything politically correct. I can only wonder what's gonna happen in the future with franchises like GTA and the likes.
>all of the posts are about how Nintendo's censorship isn't the same as Snoy's censorship and it's a good thing
shit Snoy getting BTFO bros
Wait what?
Story and proofs
Don't you have some 10 year old to jack off to in a gay bar?
They just cannot fucking see, it's literally ok to them as long the thing is being censored is something they dislike, they can't envision the future, do a little bit of educated prediction or just something rational .
Or maybe they are just paid shills trying to spread the propaganda, either way these people are lost causes.
>>all of the posts are about how Nintendo's censorship isn't the same as Snoy's
and that's why nobody take you seriously, fanboy hypocrite, you are even worse than the posters above shilling against the removal of their personal freedom.
Activision firing about 800 people. But look! A new hero!
Next up: Grand strategy games
>fanboy hypocrite
But I own a Switch and a PS4
tfw you are wrong and trying to deflect off sony piss poor decision
We aren't trying to take your games away!
We wouldn't need to censor japanese video games to begin with if developers stopped catering to incel pedophiles
if you werent so new youd know what the image was without expanding it, tourist
People make fun of Kusony on a daily basis, except for the potheads that still think Spidernigger and RDR2 were good games.
Those comics are cute though.
Why do people personify Internet Explorer like this? I don't need to feel guilty for not using a browser.
Im gonna totally buy the konosuba blobber.
This one has rumours floating around of the team doing too good a job on making Aqua, Megumin and Darkness retarded that the tard wrangling wasn't even fun so they need to do some serious re-balancing and adjustments. Hopefully they leave the current mode as some kind of special difficulty option.
Good one.
>Companies shouldnt be allowed to fire someone
Underage opinions dont belong on an 18+ forum.
I don't care about boring weebshit games I'm never going to play being censored. Neither do 100% of mentally functional adults, ie. the Sony audience.
Buying the most expensive version of PS5 day one. Simply based on brand loyalty alone over 6+ years of being a completely satisfied and happy PS4 owner. They could release a non-backwards compatible discless console and I'd still be 100% down.
In the end, Sony always wins.
I don't really care. If I want to play a VN I'd be playing it on PC anyway.
You don't even know what Protestant or right means how can you hope to prove what it is you're saying is true, user?
VN's are comfy as fuck on handhelds desu
are you baiting or are you actually fedora tipping retarded its hard to tell with faggits on here
The old folks home got wifi, gramps?
That japanese dude?
>making fun of Sony's bad decisions means your a pedo
Lmaooooooo, I'm dyin m8
>brand loyalty
I don't give a fuck about your opinions otherwise, but I genuinely would like to request you put serious thought into what this means and do some self-aware introspection on the topic.
If you feel like Sony has done right by you, and you are willing to trust them with a brand new untested console prior to reviews/evaluations/details, then go ahead.
But I implore you to consider that Sony's duty is to provide you, the consumer, with content that makes them worth your loyalty, and failure to do so is a failure on their part, and therefore your duty as the consumer to inform them of that. They can't improve if you don't let them know where they fuck up after all.
All that this proves is that it takes one to know one
oh, you mean just like here?
So why is it always that they shit on the drawn stuff and say it should be illegal but THEY always have the real stuff?
Jokes on you, I'm buying DMC V on the Xbone and am avoiding Full Body after they confirmed they'll be altering the western releasr
You're forgetting that it was so Smash could get a CERO A rating because CERO is autistic about skimpy costumes. The costume was also a bonus one added to XB 2 as well, it's not an actual issue unlike M rated titles being censored for no fucking reason
Outside of Aqua's butt, there really isn't all that much fanservice in Konosuba. I'm not sure what they would be censoring in that game. If she's got a 3D model, they would have to give her some kind of panties like they did her figure.
Danganronpa V3 on consoles was super comfy
>remember when the Yea Forums mods got so seething they literally made a sticky to redirect all neogaf discussion into /pol/.
another scandal everyone quickly forgot
But Steins Gate elite is coming out soon
I'm a little ashamed to say that I love the type of censorship they did to that character since I love women all covered up but with their features still prominent. I still fight for no censors though, I respect what the creators wanted to show me more than my own vices.
I love me some 2D loli, but holy shit do these guys need to get locked up. Child abuse is a very serious thing.
They are censoring "bare" butt shots already , so I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to censor this desu.
I swear the anime showed a lot more skin than this.
You fucking incels should just go browse porn instead of whining and bitching about your shitty lewd games. Goddamn, you're all insufferable.
They are butthurt 2D loli is not illegal in majority of countries. Kinda a "If I can't have it they can't have it either" except their faggotry actually hurts people and children.
>corporation good! consumers bad!
t. Amir0x
I mean, sure, there were the bath sequences, but they were all wearing towels. Aqua and Darkness just have those big realistically saggy titties flopping about.
>visual novels
>video games
what did you mean by this?
Once again, Yea Forums shows it only cares about censorship when it affect their shitty tiddie games. Go watch fucking hentai of you want anime tits that badly
Tiddies and Porn is the only thing that unites all of us.
People were upset when dialog was being censored or altered as well. Look at the recent uproar about the censorship in the English release of the Catherine remake. They are apparently editing the "bigotry" as said by one of the voice actors.
Yep the left is full of them
trips but wrong answer its the catholic church thats full of nonces mate
I just finished Steins;Gate on my Switch. I was able to relax on my bed while reading it. It's incredibly comfortable when compared to sitting on a chair.
What makes the pc better?
I thought Yea Forums was the toilet. Is PC Gamer just misinformed?
I didn't mean bath scenes but meh. I hope it doesn't get censored anyway because we will literally never know if it did.
Hope they release it in the west too.
Dumb fucking retard
No, I didn't forget
He's retarded. I regularly hook up my PC to my TV because I can comfortably lay down and read instead of sitting in front of the screen like a gobling with hunchback.
No, it's Twitter.
Yea Forums is the designated shitting street of the internet
There was a single pantyshot in the OVA. Outside of that, the bath scenes, and Aqua's butt, all the girls were fully clothed the entire show. I mean, unless you consider them being slimed as fanservice.
Ironic that Patton Oswalt is also a paedo who murdered his wife
Danganronpa was pretty much made for consoles so no censorship was done to it compaired to the PC counterpart.
If you play something like Nekopara on the switch you are objectively a moron however. Well I mean you are a moron anyway for playing it but still.
That's a videogame not a VN.
> this lie again
There were between 1-2 million to 7 million native north Americans at the most optimistic of estimations.
Now open a Map and look at America. How much of it do you think was actually populated.
If I plant a flag with a tribe of my people somewhere in russia can I now claim all of russia as my own? No. People will fight me for territory and if I can't defend it then it's not mine.
Native Americans weren't even a group they constantly fought amongst themselves, it's like saying someone conquers Finland then some schmuck from Spain says you stole his land.
People unironically buying Console and/or AAA Games are the true cancer of gaming.
This is not exclusive (pun intended) to XBone.
>Yea Forumstendogaf
did you brainlet forget gaffers, forum and journors alike, were the sony fanboys lapping up everything and never forgetting to swallow?
Yeah, I mean shots like this one. It's clearly showing a lot more skin than the other picture that got censored already.
We don't know if they will even put this kind of CGs in the game so it's impossible to guess if it will be censored or not, even after the game gets released.
Also a quick remainder I guess. Konosuba is a PG-13 rated anime and even they are not afraid to show stuff like this. Sony is literally protecting manchildren with their censorship, because kids are clearly not offended by this.
Kill youself so nigger
You're an ignorant fuck.
Because if they made it about an actual person someone would feel "Attacked" and "Offended" and "Ostracized"
>Once again, Yea Forums shows it only cares about censorship when it affect non-Nintendo games
Fixed it for you, friend.
It wasn't a scandle, it's within Sony's authority to censor content, they want themselves to be seen as a family friendly organisation.
Whether or not you agreed is really down to how much of a pants wetting virtue signaler you are, the fact that some people made it about morals when it comes to sexy little anime girls in a video game was funny but incredibly dangerous for anyone who even defended or enjoys the content
of games like Senran Kagura.
It didn't matter regardless since as someone who enjoys ecchi content, I have Gelbooru and don't have to buy shitty button mashers.
what the fuck does this even mean
>they want themselves to be seen as a family friendly organisation.
Why even have VN's allowed on your storefront in the first place then? Something isn't adding up here.
I wish I had that picture of a SJW posing as a totally normal and unbiased human being. Because it fits you perfectly. It's literally you.
>It wasn't a scandle, it's within Sony's authority to censor content
Nice deflection, snoynegro.
Keep trying, i'm sure everyone will forget about snoy censorship any day now
SJWs never see things from a logical standpoint, fuck you for thinking I am one.
i love how console warring underaged retards always distract from the bigger picture
kill yourselfs
Well, I'm sorry but forcing japanese developers to hold conferences with an american company, during american working hours, in english (english translators are fucking rare and expensive in japan, even worse if they have to work at fucking midnight) just so they can get a pass to release a product exclusively made for japanese audiences and that it's not meant to be consumed in the rest of the world doesn't sound too "logical" to me, mr. totally not a SJW.
3 years and still nothing
Thanks for proving my point lamo
>visual novel ban
>huge scandal
rofl?...where is your reality kid nobody cares
The censoring made her sexier so fuck off.
>owner of one of the biggest sites on the internet
>too low down the ladder
Also forgot to mention that the "family friendly" argument is pure fucking bullshit. God of War even in its current state is still far from being family friendly. RDR2 where you can literally mutilate people by shooting them and you can see ultra detailed horse cocks. Last of Us 2 with it's hour long lesbian kissing scene being one their most hyped titles.
And of course, how could I forget about it. Dream fucking Daddy. What wholesome console the PS4 is!
this is an age old american idea, violence is fine for kids, sexuality is not
woah, easy there user, you don't want to be a closed minded person, do you?
Blatant homosexuality themes and homosexual pandering doesn't count as "sexuality" for sony I guess.
>comparing violence to pedophilia
You're so far gone you don't even know it.
No shit, venting your self-hate on others is always easier than living with it.
I told you to fuck off Amir0x
This post is highly antisemitic
Shot out to Mark
Kill yourself
Lolicon, pedophilia is attraction to real life kiddies.
>not playing a console and your plethora of games because some future games might not have loli boobs in them
sad faggot
damn son, seems like you lot are having a bad time, good thing none of the games I bought on my ps4 had any censor whatsoever
probably because I don't buy bottom of the barrel VN trash.
I doubt even the stein gates one is going to be censored.
>playing on a watered down PC when you have no excuse to do use it anymore
Literally who?
Stuff like this is why I didn't get a ps4. Oh well
strawjew fuck off
some faggot who makes a living out of drawing big titted half naked girls comics
Yea Forums will ignore this
He does porn or just ecchi shit?
>tripfags are twittercucks
Nigga do you even know where VNs came from?
just ecchi shit
probably feels like his life is being threatened if people actually start having standards and aren't just happy with that.
>as a tripfag I hate a platform that allows total freedom and has no censorship
Not even a breast out?
So I'm not missing anything.
confirmed all tripfags are trannies
reminder that ALL censorship is bad censorship and that Sony and Nintendo are both in the wrong regardless of their reasoning
The original product as intended by the developer, as long as it does not contain actual illegal content, should be allowed to the consuming public and rated accordingly instead of corporations having to do a shitty parent's job for them
even then it's not about "MUH CHILDREN" and everyone knows it, nevermind that MK routinely shows brains getting splattered across the ground and organs getting ruptured and that's okay but THE SECOND you show a fucking nipple shut down everything because American values are too easily offended
the root cause is publicity and therefore perceived monetary gain from a bunch of shitters who don't even buy the games and just look for thing to complain about in a righteous tirade, you consolewarring faggots are literally just like Twitter at this point and you play it off and refuse to acknowledge it because no names are attached so you can piss yourselves without cleaning it up
fuck censorship, if I can pay money for something I know what I want and I don't need some faggot corporation telling me what's best, shut the fuck up you idiots all the companies are fucking bad, ironic shitposting is still shitposting and you're still a blight
GOD Sony is based. Even in face of all the dirty money from pedo weebs they still stood ground and purged that shit ...
>using a console to play erotic games
Thank god this literal who is here to bring me news straight from his ass
I too love getting fucked in the ass while playing with my basedstation
>tripfags are scum who don't belong
and thats not even how 7+1chan went down, it got flocked too after Moot was being retarded and mods were doing stupid shit
>erotic games
That's were you're fucking wrong
If it's not an erotic game then why should it matter if a couple screens have the tiddies or butt censored?
senran kagura and idea factory """"games"""" are the only thing besides trashy ero VNs that got censored.
If it's not an erotic game then why should they censor it to begin with?
>All these dumb fucking nerds bitching and moaning about comic books being removed from a video game console.
Shit like this never stop being funny.
>huge scandals
lol no. only weebs cared about this shit. I never saw a single word about it anywhere else.
Yea Forums sure is obsessed with Sony.
Great now we're going full circle. The games ARE erotic. Sure it's not explicit sex, but the games are made specifically so you can look at sexualized anime girls, any other plot or gameplay is filler.
There was also Darkness's clothes getting ripped up in the marriage meeting episode. Let's not forget that all three main girls get scenes implying that they don't wear panties, too.
Man, imagine actually knowing about all these people and giving a shit. I'm glad I never read anything about gamergate, sounds cringey as fuck. Bunch of retard incels fighting with retarded trannies and pedos.
That's some bootleg, right?
>covering her tits is a design improvement
Fuck off. Never defend censorship, faggot.
Turns out extremists are bad, whoddathunkit
what's the problem with the game being erotic
you're not complaining about games showing women getting their faces ripped off
which is worse, someone getting their face ripped off, or seeing some panties
Digital Extreme censoring and then impersonating a guy on their forum when he was complaining that Warframe was kind of shit.
I don't have the cap so here's this instead
One is an extreme example you brought up, while the other is something you see every day. Nice double standards.
What about this? Wasn't this scene specifically made to make you look at sexualized non anime girls here? Because I'm sure a lot of people get off to this kind of stuff.
Also who are you to decide what is filler plot or gameplay? Quite a few censored games are actually really long, especially VNs and RPGs.
You are completely disregarding entire games just because they feature 2 minute long lewd scenes and you don't like them. Just like that scene from TLOU2. But that one is brave and inclusive! so it's completely fine I guess.
>Censor Jap pedo sims
>That scene
>Still playing Visual Novels
>Still thinking they're "games"
You and those that eat this shit up are the kind of morons that expect to be taken seriously while you're trying to "earn" your 2D waifu porn.
Please die, or get back to your counter at the local Comic Shop where you belong.
Those girls are clearly not underage though.
Every other Japanese game? It's hard to say. Often before they would keep the game uncensored, but would 'change the ages' of the characters for Western Audiences
Suddenly the 13 year old or 16 year old characters are 18 and 21(?) But still wearing a school girl outfit, eh...
I would agree with you when it comes to Teen and M rated games. But if you are trying to get a specific rating for kids like E or E10 then you have to capitulate to the rating board of choice. Obviously the best idea is to not design things you have to censor later, but in the case of a game like Smash Bros where you are pulling content from games rated across the spectrum, your options are sometimes either A: accept a higher rating, B: censor something, or C: leave the "objectionable" content out. Censoring Smash Bros to keep an E rating makes sense. Censoring Senran Kagura which is going to get an M rating ANYWAY makes no sense. That's really the only reason I give Smash a pass.
How the fuck is this an "underage" girl?
I'm talking with jason schreier here?
Megumin definitely wears panties... how else would Kazuma be able to steal them?
Nope, official figure.
>protestant right
you mean catholic left.
She must've stopped after Kazuma stole them, there's a bunch of official art that makes her look as commando as Aqua. (Really it's probably just the artist inserting his fetish without it really being canon or anything, but I'm not complaining.)
Nigga do you even know why every new one releases on pc first?
Either be proud of the bloodshed your ancestors committed to give you the life you have or help those that were affected. One or the other. But denial isn't going to get you anywhere. You sound pathetic.
>Sony censors to protect kids.
It's ok bro, I bought mine ironically
No and you're retarded
Creator's intent.
Kids like you who don't value their freedom never stop being funny
SRW is a great srpg not a video novel.
Name 1 (uno) thing wrong with loli.
not at all
even less
More games that unfun movies like TLOU, sony fanball sucker
Speaking of Crystal Chronicles...isn't it weird how we haven't gotten any follow up info after the remaster announcement?
First they came for big anime tiddies
No boobs
Are you seriously tying to say this shit a week after the whole Epstein/Acosta thing came out, or are you just in such an echo chamber that you never even heard about it?
Imagine playing Visual Novels.
>he thinks loli can't have big boobs
>he thinks mugbites don't count as boobs
Link's Awakening looking like garbage and the Metroid Prime 4 delay were bigger controversies in my opinion. This is Yea ForumstendoGaf though so have to keep that anti Sony narrative going.
Calm down Peter
Actually the religious content is still there, the titan names are just replaced with regional version of the seven sins instead of latin