now that the dust has settled, can we agree this onions infused funco pop fischer price aesthetic was a mistake?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this onions infused funco pop fischer price aesthetic was a mistake?
You make this site so much worse by continuing to not kill yourself.
you make nintendo and gaming worse by continuing to accept this infantalized garbage
i mean it does scream "we used unreal engine"
How's it feel knowing the only human interaction you're getting tonight is going to be from me making fun of your autistic seething?
Honest to God nobody will miss you. Good night.
Got more shitposts to bait this board with while Smashfags are shitting it up the most?
Nice projection
>Thinking that looks like funko pop when an actual funko pop game was announced at E3
Thank you microsoft
i actually get more of a peanuts, LEGO, or earthbound vibe from LA
its got a simple charm to it, especially whena viewed top down and its hard to make out detail anyways
really cute too
>MS used this as a joke reveal for Gears 5 before showing the real game
>nintendo uses it unironically
I seriously cant believe people unironically defend this shit on here. Words cant even describe how shit your taste must be.
lmao obsessed schizo loser.
You must live in a state of complete torture having to wake up everyday in a world where Nintendo are the most celebrated company in gaming history, a world where Nintendo hardware innovations are visible in every rival system, a world where GOAT lists are completely saturated with Nintendo games.
The mental anguish must be unbearable for you. Pathetic lol
butthurt much? If I didn't like nintendo otherwise I wouldn't give a shit about this awful decent into infant shit
>Dust has settled
You are a liar and I do not appreciate your posts. Cry more. Emulate the Gameboy (color) version. Whatever. You don't have to buy this.
noice b8
Why are Nintendo fans so defensive?
ill buy it just to piss you off
>s-stop being d-defensive!
Everyone is just laughing at the fact you wasted two fucking years of your life fighting an infantile crusade against the switch every hour of every day and its now one of the most success consoles of all time and home to some of the most acclaimed games ever made.
That is just fucking hilarious.
And now you'll shitpost about LA the way up to release and then live in denial when all the rave reviews pour in.
What a schizo loser lmao.
lmao what a loser.
Yes, I do hate Disney of gaming, just like I hate Disney in general.
Its gonna sell more than God of Söy and (((spiderman)))and there is nothing you can do about it.
Honestly it looks more like those christmas specials literally everyone watched. Link's a dead on for the non-dentist elves.
Looks like shit, wont buy it, every other toddler will whats there to discuss
I like the style but it should've been used on a new game and not a remake
God youre delusional
I actually hope they develop the art style even further. Like make the Link's Awakening Goombas look more like the originals instead of the generic Mario ones.
Also that underground area should have the columns and bricks of the original instead of just being all a cave.
what do we have to do to get this aesthetic back in zelda?
with aonuma at the helm? never
what's with this constant need for a game to look or feel "grown up"
i dont think anyone here has really gone further in their analysis of the design chosen beyond a surface level "it looks like a funko pop" or "it looks childish"
i find that is has a unified goal of trying to look like the contents of a toybox with the goal of looking friendly, approachable, and innocent
not for the purpose of being infantile, but because they want to make the island look idyllic and peaceful
link and marin themeselves seem to have good designs and faithfully recreate the classic LA outfits
their silhouettes are distinct and their color palettes are warm and friendly
there are also gameplay considerations
the game is top down and likely intended to be a handheld experience
with such a small screen and distant camera, a cute simple style that emphasizes shape, color, and general detail over individual detail is perfect
bead eyes like a 80s lego minifig look good when viewed from afar in comparison to detailed eyes after all
seeOoT/MM's aesthetics are way more appropriate for zelda. BotW is a post apocalyptic world where society is destroyed and it looks like a fucking kids cartoon
Who said anything about looking "grown up"? How about making it look like Link's Awakening instead?
Hahah. Imagine having to defend you console this hard. I own a switch and can confirm that faggots like yourself are everything thats wrong with nintendo
>trailer started with this artstyle
>looked fucking gorgeous
>transitions into the chibi look
I know why they didn't go with that style instead (because money) but that honestly just set me up for disappointment
Hand drawn Zelda game straight out of an 80's-90's anime? shit man, I'd take fucking 20
botw is a post-post- apocalyptic world that emphasized the serene beauty of nature
the cell shading was chosen for performance issues mostly, but it looks good
the emphasis of botw was never on the apocalypse itself ,that was a pretext to have link explore endless rolling hills and mountains
while a darker and more broody atmosphere makes sense for, say, twilight princess
the stronger emphasis on nature and greenery probably lends itself to the brighter style eventually used
LA is way more associated with the spirites we saw in game rather than the box art or concept art
and LA is a rather simple adventure about an idyllic island being invaded by nightmares
i really would prefer a more stylized and approachable design to emphasize that over a more realistic design
>the cell shading was chosen for performance issues mostly
then why does it run worse than xenoblade X on the same console?
We'll see whos laughing when the nintendo direct comes out tomorrow and shows you that Nintendo still cares about making real games.
>Thread about a game that looks like baby's first Unreal Engine project uses baby's first Yea Forums lingo
I own every major console for the past 30 years and I'll always make time for Nintendo. Because Nintendo make the best games in the world.
What do you think chum?
>LA is way more associated with the spirites we saw in game rather than the box art or concept art
t. underaged who only ever played it on an emulator.
>gamefreak post gen 5
I think you're a fanboy faggot
it runs at 30fps and it only really drops in places with a lot of effects like fire or grass like the mysterious woods
and xenoblade doesnt utilize the physics engine nearly as much
>still cares about making real games
I don't think I have an appropriate level of reaction to accurately show my laughter
most people probably spent way more time with the game than the manual
Imagine being this upset about video games.
I think you might have issues kiddo.
>it runs at 30fps and it only really drops in places with a lot of effects like fire or grass like the mysterious woods
Or if a Moblin falls over.
you mean almost like 60% of the game? and fire can be formed almost anywhere
>it runs at 30fps and it only really drops in places with a lot of effects like fire or grass like the mysterious woods
that's a shit ton of drops, even so that's for the switch version. WiiU version is slide show city compared to xenoblade X's non-cell shaded cartoon aesthetic
OBSESSED with Nintendo.
And Nintendo just keep winning. Oh dear. What does that feel like?
most firestorms dont cause noticeable frame rate drops
the only time it was really an annoyance was when i was loosing flame arrows in places with a lot of brush
but it wasnt anything horrible or game breaking
>gets absolutely bootyblasted when someone criticises you chosen system
>u-ur mad
Nope. I'm looking forward to it.
to think, we could have had a remake that look like this instead.
Nintendo really does need to drop out and become third party cucks already.
I'm not the one making seething shit post threads everyday lol.
Why is that?
lmao seething.
And that looks like complete shit btw.
Lmao does this mean youre out of arguments?
>torch clearly shows detailed brick shapes, implying that it was man made and not natural
>remake shows smooth and lumpy stones everywhere
Imagine if they changed the art style in any of the other Zelda remakes as radically as they did this one.
But they would never do that because Aonuma can't warp what he already made into his vision. The pre-N64 games are all up for grabs though.
i'd prefer a LOZ UE4 asset flip over the smartphone graphics LA remake any day of the week.
Nintendo doesn’t make Pokémon user and Game Freak hasn’t made a decent pokemon game since B2W2
>WiiU version is slide show city compared to xenoblade X's non-cell shaded cartoon aesthetic
wii-u version is known to be much worse for reasons
xenoblade also has the advantage of a relatively static environment compared to the much more dynamic world of botw, you generally cant chop down trees nor burn bush in XBC2
>people STILL can't get over WW
Jesus Christ please fucking stop.
Before you shitpost back at me, let me say that I think that WW is an average zelda title, nothing special. TP is 10 times better
>63 posts
>27 posters
But they didn't change the art style at all in the remake. Clearly they should have, just like this remake does. That's why you remake games, to change the art styles to something completely different.
ps4 sold more than switch in 2018 though?
as bad as it look, it's nothing compared to the shitshow of the LA remake
ah I see your point
Yeah if they changed the art style it would have permanently ruined the remake.
>what's with this constant need for a game to look or feel "grown up"
Westerners? Idk, but this isn't some new revelation, man did "manly" things back before the new millennium, now men play with cartoon humans for fapping purposes and animals... also for fucking purposes, but on normalfag levels for social points. "Fun" if you will. Basically, you're crying that the generations of people before this era of "what's acceptable" are still around and project what was educated to them growing up was "wrong" is now acceptable as they are the ones being told "you're wrong for hating this". Remember when MLP was unacceptable for men to like? Now it's normal for 30 year olds to like toddler looking characters and animals because it's "fun". Times have truly changed, for better or worse.
I remember in my day it was hip and cool to say being 8 years old was too old for shit like Barney, only for us to be watching and playing with Pokemon when it was new.
>game is not even out yet
>people already sucking nintendo's cock
you make me embarrassed to tell people that I like Nintendo in public
i legitimately think it looks neat and is a decent aesthetic. fite me irl im black
>yet another game that belongs on 3ds getting a full price switch release
I really don't care, and neither should you since it's already dumb enough that people are supporting remakes of games instead of going in new directions
you should be embarrassed regardless friend
what the fuck, take your pills already
how much of a queer or
>hate the mobile funco look of link's awakening
>I am so disillusion that I think it is factually impossible that there is more than 1 person that doesn't like the art style of this new game
there is a balance between the two that is the best of both worlds, yet you fags keep fighting over literal baby shit and edgy grimdark that nobody ever stops to consider the alternative.
So what you're saying is
>30 year olds = Colorful and rainbows in games
>15 year olds = dark and edgy in games
I know they said you revert back into a baby when you get older, but boy did the age range shrink so quickly over the years.
Based and truthpilled
i got an idea. how about you dont play it if it makes you so upset?
because this garbage is spreading at nintendo
>if you don't like colorful you must like dark
you know there can be a middle-ground right?
you're a moron. Yea Forums has shat on the games look since the moment of it's reveal and is in fact the most negative about it of all the stupid internet places i visit regularly
I do not own a single Nintendo console and ever only played 3 nes/snes games on emulators and I can tell you retards that the art style looks alright and you either have shit taste or just hate it because it's made by Nintendo, a popular company. Probably the latter.
Also this
Why is OP more obsessed with Nintendo than Nintendo fans are? Why would anyone devote so much of their lives to a system they don't even own? Is this what mental illness looks like?
That guy should have waited until after the cutscene ended before he posted his article.
garbage spreads at nintendo if you dont play their games? i dont understand what you even mean
>he had his edgy phase when he was 30
There is something terribly wrong with you user
im not sure why you think your opinion matters since you never played any of these games the way they're intended but your delusion is noted.
>you're an NPC if you have an opinion that differs from the majority
gotta love how skewed memes get on this hellsite
Of course you're black if you think this game is good
You're an NPC if your opinion is irrelevant.
This is the same collection of retards who predicted the Switch would flop. For two years in a row. And they're still convinced it will flop in year 3.
>You're an NPC if your opinion is irrelevant.
gotta love how skewed memes get on this hellsite
Just because millennial had the case of "tism with their natural growth into adult content, it doesn't mean it was "cringy" all throughout humankind. I blame the lead increase thanks to early cars and in refrigerators.
Mature content is mature content. We just ended up with a generation of autistic kids making it feel "wrong" now, so we think toddler shit is for adults now. I fear the future within the next decade.
CS lewis, prolific writer who is qualified to talk about art and fiction, famously said that a child seeking validation will attack things he sees as childish whereas an adult will read fairy tales in public because he is secure in what he wants
so to constantly attack the remake for looking childish strikes me as dangerously immature
and shows a general lack of knowledge as the extent of their criticism is shallow and relies on arguments of emotion or projections of whay they think the franchise should look like
the solid funko pop bead eye argument is puzzling, did no one ever read peanuts as a kid?
nobody brings up visual language, use of shapes, or conveyance of intended tone or message
the technical limitations imposed by the top down perspective or its handheld nature are also important
if someone said the artstyle made it more difficult to show emotion in comparison to toon links wide expressive eyes, that might be a better place to start an argument
He's a LARPer, I'm black and I think making it more like those Photo Mode drawings or the illustration art would have been better.
I'm actually on that fence instead of the other user, I was just making a point.
When Wind Waker Link can look toonish yet has the best expressions in Link history, yet this thing looks as soulless as the literal sprite they are ripping from, it begs the question, why even remake this game? New controls is just for those that couldn't cope with the original, which was barely anyone. It was barely anyone that played the original to the point the controlfags shouldn't even be on the radar for this remake to happen for that reason imo.
yeah, if retards keep buying garbage like this and LGPE it will spread
Don't care too much about aesthetic, if the consensus is that it plays well then I'll get it.
Its really just one or two mentally ill autists who hate Nintendo and keep trying to think up hilariously pathetic new ways to shit on Nintendo-related stuff. Wasting their lives, achieving nothing. Its yawnsome.
Art style is trash, but you just know people are like "But it follows the art style of the original... and its a dream so you could kinda expect for him to be dreaming about himself as a toy"
In reality, it takes a melancholic masterpiece of a game and turns it into a bland rehash with no soul.
A remake at all was a mistake. I do think the remake looks a little boring, but that's not my biggest issue with it. I just don't have any interest in a remake whatsoever. I'd have much rather had a new game even if it looked the same. In fact, I think an all-new game would likely be able to make better use of the artificial/toy-like aesthetic than Link's Awakening.
most remakes nintendo's been doing recently are retarded, but LA was legitimately in need of one. The lack on constant menu pausing to change items is enough of an incentive, too bad they fucked up the artstyte and music hardcore. After that zelda overworld rendition in the trailer, I dredge to see what they did to tal tal heights
>but LA was legitimately in need of one. The lack on constant menu pausing to change items is enough of an incentive
I don't really agree. It's a flaw, but not one that warranted a ground-up remake like this one. An enhanced quasi-port like Kirby's Adventure 3D or something could've been nice sure, but not this.
it's a huge flaw for me, it's MGS3 levels of bad. There's also other stuff like the shitty soundchip (they fucked up the music anyway) or the constant messages popping up any time you even so much as touch a rock that doesn't have the gloves necessary to lift it
Awww, so sad and depressed :( perhaps you need some pussy? Whoops, you’re an incel, better luck next life!
Zelda looks so bad that it's actually an insult to Funko Pop to compare them. Those Gears of War characters are far more expressive than plastic Link.
Game looks fantastically cute and charming.
Game comes out and gets rave reviews.
Yea Forumstards utterly baffled and exposed as clueless irrelevant tween bitch-fags. Yet again.
Oh, now i see the problem. You forgot Nintendo is the little kids brand. Easy mistake i guess. But just remember from now on, out of the big video game brands, nintendo is the one that caters to young kids, dont be mad,its what their legit job!
The sprites were designed before the instruction manual art. The artwork is not “the intended vision” of the game that was then limited by the hardware. That wasn’t how games were made back then. The only reason you think this is because you’re a dumb zoomer that thinks the way games are made today is just like how they were made 20 years ago.
It doesn't need to be dark, but it shouldn't look half assed as well.
>caring about the art style of a game
Are you 7?
Seeing how you'll be looking at the game the entire time you play it, yes. Does it have to be top of the line graphics? No, but they have to be visually appealing.
>Being a woman
Fuck off Discord tranny
I don't give a shit about this game and I never have but lets make one thing perfectly clear;
That fucking DoF is un-goddamn-motherfucking-cocksucking-acceptable.
Whoevers idea that was should be fucking beheaded.