Why didn't they do AMA here?
Why didn't they do AMA here?
The outrage would've ended just the same.
Because our board mods aren't talkative.
Yea Forums managed fine with that log horizon author and the Trigger dude
because Hiro demands 5k$ upfront for any AMA
our mods are huge faggots that don't care about Yea Forums
cause there is no cp on 4chink, no cp = no pr
that fucking nip
who the fuck does he think he is
FUCK Resetera
FUCK trannies
And most importantly
Lolis in Destroy all humans reboot
you sound like a redditor
maybe that's why
They did the right choice. Yea Forums is more leftist/"moderate" while the 8ch is actually right wing.
If you notice "moderates" are just leftist lite and cowards. They want to keep the status quo yet complain about how shitty capitalism/government is.
This. The controversy surrounding all of this comes exclusively from reddit/twitter/resetera. There was nothing inherently wrong with them going to a videogame board on a site and answering a few questions, that is until the gender-neutral purple haired fur kin attack you, call your boss demanding you be fired, call you a nazi pedo sympathizer etc.
The ANN forums seethed really bad when that happened.
>Yea Forums is left leaning
Saying it wont make it true tranny
Because 8ch asked them to. They probably would have done one here if gookmoot got to them first
head on back to your reddit, Kyle.
Any chan where they do an AMA is better than on a safe space like Reddit, or Restara. What was stopping you from going to triple chan? Works just as well as Yea Forums(nel ).
Because whoever was the community manager or liaison had no clue of what they were doing and they're probably fired now.
cripplechan is the new hotness, you should go there immediately and not come back
>FUCK trannies
Poor choice of words, gayboy.
>Yea Forums is more leftist
So it is true, retards tend to make blanket statements out of sheer stupidity and frustration.
why cant hiro ask gamefreak to make AMA here
what happened to hot wheels?
Yeah, with like 10 posts a week. Who wouldn't want to go there?
>What was stopping you from going to triple chan?
It is not advisable for person of high upbringing to visit such morbid places
Yea Forums isn't allowed to have any AMAs for some reason. Any time there's been acknwoledgement of a chan site getting AMAs or whatever, it's always met with scorn among the other communities. if THQ did the interview here, it would've been met with the same outrage. Just replace "CP" with /pol/.
Yea Forums is leftist.
8ch knew from the start that Trump was a jew puppet while Yea Forums is still sucking on Trump's dick with the entire muh 4D chess.
Face it, this site by itself wouldn't contain not shitposting the AMA from the start, no matter who the dev. is.
I dream of a day when venerable Gabenius will light the dark recesses of Yea Forums with his AMA
I don't think you ever visited /pol/
Yea Forums is a shitpit full of autists from everywhere in the world, with all kinds of fucked up political allegiances. Stop trying to false flag, you're much too retarded to pull it off.
And so on. And he wouldn't answer shit.
Too many paid shills
nobody would touch this cesspool even with 10 foot pole. 8cc just had the luck of not being well known but Yea Forums across all of the internets is seen as a website for racists and pedophiles.
/pol/ is full of neocons and rinos. They won't go full Hitler mode which is why /pol/ hates Stormfront so much.
exactly. they want it to happen somewhere they can control whats allowed to be said
>Yea Forums is leftist
>Yea Forums is still sucking on Trump's dick
You are retarded
Use the fucking catalog your retard
thats reaching as fuck
>/pol/ is full of neocons and rinos
Am I 10 years too out of touch to understand what a "rino" is?
It's just that bad here, and everyone else knows it. Let that sink in a moment. Understand all that entails.
What did I miss?
Their /pol/ is just the same as ours ideologically.
Hiffwechan has the highest IQ even though they chug Benadryl and huff Raid insect killer
>why /pol/ hates Stormfront so much
So just like pretty much every board has been on here since Stormfront tried to invade the place?
All of this fake outrage over this is probably the reason why.
Now Destroy All Humans and any THQ threads are going to be tainted for the rare times they pop up.
Trump signed that terrible wall bill and he will get cockblock by Judge Roberts when his executive order reaches the supreme court, because Roberts is a lefty masking as a "moderate".
Republican in name only.
Not really, because they weren't foolish enough to fall for the Trump meme.
/pol/ completely denounces Stormfront.
>Yea Forums is leftist.
Nah, man. We gonna get crusader instead.
Hi newfag. Aren't you got school tomorrow?
>hey weren't foolish enough to fall for the Trump meme.
So you're saying 8/pol/ was a #shillforhill board?
When will you stupid idealists realize you can't vote for literally Hitler? He's dead, you will have to pick the least bad option every time.
i agree.
but if you bow to these trannies like a little so(y)boy then you are without a doubt below them
We are Sony's paid shill and marketers teritorry. Its just those unwritten business ethics.
Except until Kamfy was removed dissing Trump got you a month long ban.
Whoever were leftists have long since left or turned into moderate
8ch gives more press coverage.
Because Yea Forums became mainstream, 90% of reddit sjws sit here and spit shit
The real reason is because theyre to retarded to understand how a tripcode works
Yes THQ Nordic I'm onto your bullshit
I've been on this disappointing site 15 fucking years now and I assure you that no matter what you could have done, you still ended up doing it on the worst platform because at least Yea Forums has done good in the past while also has a shitty reputation. The site you chose has had so much inconsistent shit that it's only known for its bad things. It's only good is that you can dump a shitload of files there in a single post
I made their second Yea Forums board
it's called "Infinity Chan" for the record since I know none of you were there for it's initial drop
Now do me a favor and post Todd Howard so I can sleep knowing this thread had some value
Alright, what are THQ IPs that you hope come back
>Red Faction (PLEASE GOD)
>Destroy All Humans Got confirmation on something at least
>Spongebob platformers.
>Second spoiler
But why though?
Was worth a shot. It didn't last past a week and was taken over by it's third Yea Forums board which did much better
this one is for grown-up manchildren
our lazy ass shitter mods never want to do anything fun with Yea Forums
community relations is at record low
Yea Forums is the next something awful in terms of revelancy
I am kinda fearful for April Fools this year because of this, especially how much fun last year was.
We literaly have a dedicated CP poster who would've most likely nuked the thread, why the fuck do you think, retard?
8ch? The place swarming with communists and pedophiles?
we need multiple threads because volunteer jannies remove vidya related threads like blind apes and better jump to another thread than have multiple people making new thread after the single one gets deleted and making things worse for everyone
what was it?
>8ch Yea Forums is already counter attacking Resetera
*Crack* *Sip* those were like the good old times here.
>He doesn't remember the flavour war of 2018
Team Mini bros where you at?
I need to fill up my folder of our princess again.
Quick rundown please
Wait a sec are people REALLY pretending Yea Forums isn't left leaning?
How cute...
8ch Yea Forums blown us the fuck out
Also Destroy all Human and new Darksiders got confirmed not people only care about the drama and not the vdiya.
Remember when Yea Forums couldn't be put onto a political spectrum because everything was "for teh lulz"?
I'm cautiously optimistic about a new Destroy All Humans. Not having Pandemic around (Fuck you EA) may harm it in the long run.
Desu 8ch already doxxed Mark years ago and he spends 12 hours a day hotpocketing. He lives in Brooklyn but I won’t share the rest.
Everyone got assigned a random team. That's it. People were just spamming all day even tho it did literally nothing. It was probably the shittiest April Fools day event they ever made.
awful bullshit stolen from reddit which just became a proxy for more waifuposting
April Fools always devolved into spam and shitposting.
Except for the board merges for the most part. They became the best of both boards. God rest your soul /fitlit/
Because no one likes us.
>board merges
Would Yea Forums-/pol/ hybrid survive?
journos narrative is that they're pandering to pedos
Best april fools, the merges should've stayed
Not enough child porn and it's basically Reddit 2.0. There's more "old" channers on Reddit than there's here left lmao
>8ch is now the toilet of the internet
fucking F Yea Forums
>Destroy all Humans
Really? Did they say if it was a new DAH or just a port of the series?
They just said a something Destroy all humans at E3 2019 with a bunch of other games including a new Darksiders title.
Something about E3 2019 from a pic I saw. Other than that, all we know is that the IP is about to be used.
>yfw new game or DaH remaster
>Yea Forums is leftist because rightoids on this site still suck Trump's dick
Remember to buy THQ games now
oh boy you need to go back
fuck trannies
fuck niggers
and most of all fuck all resetera faggots
Because you can create your own board. therefore infinite boards.
>This thread
I know that, I was on 4+Yea Forums's /qst/ board for a little bit, but it's stupid to make an identical board, especially if it is a "popular" one.
Who is this 8nach character?
Looking forward to this year's E3 now. Thanks anons.
Yes. I do and I miss it. I should have left when I had the chance.
literally what games do they make? never heard of em.
You can leave now. I give you my permission
Why do they matter. The attention whores already bent the knee to SJWs and SJWs will always try to go after them. They cant make non-SJW games anymore.
Wasn't Yea Forums merged with /int/ or something I remember there being alot of shit posting against Ireland specifically.
Yea Forums is ironically more tame than Yea Forums so yes.
/vint/ was only successful at exposing who makes the console war and twitter screencap threads.
It's the fucking leaves and some Aussies.
I want to enslave some trapwhore so she can perform oral sex whenever I find suitable
likely /pol/ did tame the horsefuckers in one hour
You know none of us can ever leave permanently.
they was so sucescfull that mlpol is still a thing
I dunno last year was pretty good.
Oh yeah that too. I always figured it was Aussies considering Moot's hatred for them but the Canadians were a surprise.
moot left, so can you
Who else is going to main /trapshota/ after this?
He quit a job he no longer liked.
So which one has a dick?
Should've been /polgbt/ tbqh
>ANN forums
Who cared about those people
>the Canadians were a surprise.
Fucking how?
They've always been the second biggest shitposters on the site.
/pol/ were horsefuckers for a month afterwards, god knows what would've happened if they were with the trannies.
>/pol/ were horsefuckers for a month afterwards
Yeah, for shitposting purposes.
Unless you think they were genuinely horsefuckers.
>god knows what would've happened if they were with the trannies.
Status Quo, boosted suicide rate or more Fagcists.
It's obvious the people making these threads and posting garbage like are from cripplechan. They will most likely screenshot posts like those just to claim how cucked we are so they can feel better about their dead imageboard.
>The controversy surrounding all of this comes exclusively from reddit/twitter/resetera.
reddit is so similar to Yea Forums if you look in the right place.
Read this fucking thread and then tell me that it's not similar.
All of you "based and redpilled" anons are faggot redditors.
No they fucking didn’t. Their /pol/ was just as dumb as ours and kept believing the mutt dream like year or two into his presidency.
Or more likely, reddit once again latched onto to something that originated here and is currently driving it deeper into the ground.
Did everyone forget Reddit used to have subs for dead kids and other fucked up shit? Why'd it get a free pass while the chans are eternally considered pedo sites? Not that I mind, it keeps normalfags away.
>Cripplechan niggers raiding in a desperate attempt to control the narrative
Hard fucking pass from me, boys.
If I go to 8ch Yea Forums what are the odds that some cringeworthy GG thread is on the front page telling people to come here?
Like the other user said. It's redditors appropriating chan culture. Not a new phenomenon but you're likely too much of a newfag to know.
I can't understand why people are so upset about this whole thing. I understanding laughing at this mess but trying to take down the whole THQ team just seems over the top.
He fucked up. Forgive and move on simple as that. I think he learned his lesson at this point.
Relax would you?
Based /pol/acks countering discord trannies.
They pretend they don't come here but I've seen them post screenshots of Yea Forums's Yea Forums several times. They're fucking obsessed with us, even in threads that have nothing to do with it they casually just shit on "cuckchan"
The correct word is /pol/tard, newfag.
Didn't Notch stealth market Minecraft on Yea Forums back when it was in its infancy?
Probably because they don't have those subs anymore, while hachichan still has those types of boards.
The outrage is stupid, but so was the decision to do an AMA on hachichan, if only because it's dead and you just know it's not going to look good for your company. It would have been less controversial to hold an AMA on Yea Forums.
>They're fucking obsessed with us
lmao stop projecting retard. The only one obsessed is you with /pol/
How do you go from fat to lifelong skinny mode?
Asking for a friend.
>go on 8ch
>YIKES fucking everywhere
You fucking clowns are exactly the same obnoxious niggers you bitch about. Holy shit this userbase is embarrassing.
Don't they still have some childmodeling subs? Essentially the same shit that hebe was for cripplechan. I know that they purged some of it under Paos reign, but not all.
Good dogo.
They're totally obsessed, look at their fucking Gamergate thread.
Wow you sure are out of the loop aren't ya?
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were just running YIKES into the ground ironically, wow you're so based!
growth spurt when you're a teenager
surgery. his mom is a rich jew.
ask your chick moot to ban ebil goobers again before you cope even harder.
>chick moot
lmao fucking phoneposters, too. Could you be any more of a cliche shitposter?
>wow you're so based!
Thanks user
wow you're out of the loop
cope as Yea Forums gets given to resetfags and redditcucks by the data mining yellow fellow
Why are you so mad user? You on your period or maybe pretending to be?
Go to bed, Donny Jr.
>implying reddit doesnt reuse old 4 han memes and Yea Forums doesnt mock reddit all the time
THQ should fund a new Postal game to piss the SJWs off.
I'd be fine with that, Yea Forums has sucked ass for years. I hope this site ends up as dead as 8ch, maybe then something new can arise.
user the only mad I'm seeing is from you niggers, being upset that your nazi board got called a nazi board.
You guys argue as well as your previous owner walked.
8ch has the largest literal commie board on the internet.
Yea Forums has used wojack for years at this point so its all just embarrassing, incestuous garbage.
its what happens when reddit and neofags migrate to your website
Where would you get your memes from then?
lmao thinking google or any service providor will allow something like a new chan to be created. what happend to hatreon will come for you next as visa and mastercard make sure no wrongthink goes unnoticed.
Nazi board? You refering to /pol/? I don't think anyone would be offended by /pol/ being called a nazi board.
Pretty sure it's the righties that hate government.
>thinking an EU fag like myself will be allowed memes by 2020
Yet another total fucking scam that you niggers bought into. Outrage culture was the greatest gift ever given to marketers looking at white males aged 18-35.
Theoretically far-leftists hate government but always end up being neo-liberal tools.
It always comes full circle.
It used to say “hi Yea Forums!” On the title screen, I remember him saying it would be like dwarf fortress when finished lmao
>8fags think the jews won't come for them next when hiro self-destructs Yea Forums with bad decisions
>ResetEra is now trying to doxx every mark they can think of that's related to video games to try to find this "Mark" THQ gave a shoutout to
>they're now targeting Mark Kern from Blizz, convinced its him
Loving Ever Laugh
Was it a scam ? i dont give away my sheckles without atleast a 5 % divident because im 1/10 jew
Eat over 500 kcal once per 3 days, done.
The jews don't need to do anything. 8/pol/ tear themselves apart with purity spiralling and schizophrenia.
Good thing Mark Kern doesn't give a fuck and SJWs already hate him.
Easier said than done my friend
its already fucked. the inftards need to accept the fake CP worked and its now seen in a worse light than reddit, tumblr and rest of the actualy CP sites that have gotten away with that.
>was hatreon a scam?
I thought redpills were supposed to make you fags smarter.
Reddit had comments like "should have done it on Yea Forums instead of 8".
They should be happy for that, less normalfags infesting their board.
People on literally every site but 8ch said it was a bad idea. Even Yea Forums was laughing at it until cripplechan started raiding the threads.
Jannies here should have deleted the thread after a few minutes
Reason: troll, low quality content/bullshit. Thats why Yea Forums is considered the worst board of Yea Forums (yes, even worse than pol)
ResetEra trannies in full witch hunt mode. Pretty sure this completely violates their own website's TOS and Twitter's TOS but it's ResetEra, it's "allowed".
>Why didn't they do AMA here?
Because we didn't ask.
Because we have absolutely no semblance of community.
Because our jannies and mods are a fucking joke.
moot always said he wanted to be a little girl so...
and i had hoped being a reset tranny would have made you apart of the 50 %
It wouldn't have made a difference. Redditors and resetniggers would still complain and try to dox the dev.
The worst is actually Yea Forums but I let it slide because they're the only ones making original content in this site anymore
Half the people on here are from reesetera, they can't talk shit there so they do it here. They are still soiboy faggots though.
>if you laugh at retards you must be a tranny
Tip top logic, pedo.
Twitter won't give a fuck because the politics of the mob aligns with theirs.
You should fuck off too to be honest, furry avatarfag
>that pic
>these trash tier posts
It's a reasonable assumption m8
Yea Forums is weird, they can make memes, sometimes even high quality ones, but as soon as they make any meme they will spam it in the catalogue. They are also unironically NPCs when it comes to Simpsons threads, giving the same response constantly without fail.
No. I've seen a lot of people defend Yea Forums on places like Resetera, to the confusion of very few there.
What are you gonna do about it, cripplecuck tourist? You niggers can't even change your bedsheets and you're trying to change a narrative about your trash site.
Never been to retardera in my life and I love my penis
You retards are just stupid.
So they're just mirroring current Simpsons.
Honestly don't even know why they bother to have threads for that anymore, I know for a fact there's shit they refuse to discuss there.
Why on earth would a video-game company attempt to talk about video games on Yea Forums?
Nobody else does!
You'd only know that if you use that shithole. Go back.
They're trying to get other companies to cut ties with THQ completely lol.
man I can't get enough of sneedposting I should post more
sneed sneed sneed
I'm thinking it is that it has gotten to the point where they post simpson's threads just for the sake of them being sneed threads.
So exactly what Yea Forums tried to do during GG.
The better question is "Why was it done on 8?"
Because the cripplechan Yea Forums guy reached out to THQ specifically. This was a big marketing scheme for him to generate board traffic (which is working, by the way).
Why'd they kill Simpsons threads anyway?
Talk about vindictiveness. If you so much as suggest you might support the other team these jackals are ready to swoop down and destroy you.
These creatures are evil and Twitter was a mistake.
This is more free publicity gor them since journos can't help but squeal about it. Literal 8d chess.
You could try reporting.
we literally don't know
between GOG twitter thing and the 8ch thing the slavish managers are hilariously out of touch with media
Looks like it really is about ethics in games journalism after all
Jesus fucking christ these are the most pathetic people imaginable.
Something about how they hate Simpson's threads are full of posts like "Comfy simpson's moments" and something about them being repetitive as fuck. The solution? Come up with a repetitive meme that seeps out of simpson's threads and even Yea Forums.
It was used for good getting rid of /reylo/ threads but that's about it.
>Yea Forums is one board
>infinitechan is one board
This is your mind on resetera
>I have no idea what I'm saying but must still speak
Nice try tranny, but a bit too obvious.
Fair enough. It gets physically painful to think of something new to discuss about zombie Simpsons for a decade, nevermind that's it's been in such a decline for even longer.
Fuck these perpetually outraged faggots always seeking the next big thing to get offended over.
You're naive
I thought 8 purged those boards.
You actually think Twitter applies their rules equally? If you think that you're either naive or lying.
>banned for furry
lmao suck my dick, mods.
Ban yourself from life furfag
I was actually in GG while you were fucking around roleplaying on twitter.
Zero self awareness here.
Didn't gamergate sperg out so hard over the journos calling them dead that they decided to blast advertisers with letters.
Nah, I have an awesome life. Meanwhile you're pretending to be in a culture war.
You're paranoid.
Yes but shhh that was okay because we did it
Jokes on you, my post just sounds outraged.
Burn in hell, furfag.
A degenerate life of fucking dogs and horses most likely you sick fuck.
Hell isn't real though.
You're a faggot but welcome back
>Zero self awareness here.
Oh the irony.
All I care about is Space marine 2 and the faggots from 8 didn't ask about it. Yeah i know that relic is segas now and the rights to w40k were sold back to CA but fuck man...i just want my sequel..
Nah, you're just a retard.
At least not a paranoid retard.
If they were considering making it they probably would have said something. I too want a Space Marine 2 but it's probably not going to happen
I lost 9stone/50 kg doing it last year, it’s extremely difficult, but it gets easier
Yes it is ironic that you cripplecucks lack self awareness.
Do we?
>imagine being this fucking mad on a dead chan site because some dev chose that site over yours
Not a cripplenigger but I'm amused that an SJW resetera fag like you is accusing anyone of lacking self-awareness.
>Scared to go down there
shit is this nigga entering a portal to the 7 layers of hell or something? whats gonna scar him? Drawings of animu children?
DICE with the cold hard truth
if you associate with nazis = you are doomed to fail.
So furries are accepted on 4+2+2chan? I've seen a lot of pro furry posts in these raid threads, one even considered the lack of a furry board a negative.
>surrender threads
>doubles down as expected
>le deep dark internet
Is this idiot really afraid of browsing a dead 2chan ripoff?
>Darksiders title
finally, we get to play as Fury
>web layout is so bad it scares and confuses the normies
BASED Dice. Not like those Nazis in disguise from Bethesda.
If cripplechan counts as a cp haven even though it's nowhere to be found then so do we in the eyes of these retards.
Who care what DICE says? Their slow slide into irrelevance turned into a bobsled ride this year. "Corporate Leadership" is just meme speak for big companies trying to tell you what to think and getting high off their own farts.
That's an Oof from me.
>DICE thinking they have any say in how to market video games after the BFV shitshow
>ruining someone's wellbeing is okay if they went to a website you don't like
Some poor sap has to be fired to appease them.
Haha I think you meant YIKES!
based zoe quinn coming through with the common sense
MRS. OBAMA GE- fuck too late.
Of course you fags still feed her attentionwhoring ways.
God am I glad that I'm not as well versed in trannyspeak as you are.
>cause an internet crusade
>fade into obscurity within two years
poor girl
>giving her attention
oh no
soon she'll become so powerful she'll become the president of the united states because we keep posting her retarded tweets on Yea Forums! EVERYONE STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
THQ wanted hardcore gamer audience. Not some try hard sjw friendly gaymers audience called Yea Forums.
I hope she gets raped to death by a pack of wild negros but this guy is right. She's a 5/10 with a vag the size of a mini van, why the fuck does she get so much attention?
>Clicked the link they layout is so confusing
lmao imagine struggling to navigate a website
>child porn site
Isn't that libel? Is loli/shota legally considered child porn?
Not in most countries.
>Is loli/shota legally considered child porn
Depends where you live. In the UK some dude got fined for importing loli books for example.
These people are allowed to vote and think they have more right to an opinion on just about everything than you. It's no laughing matter.
ask Dan Olson
Yeah but that's the 'UK. Most places don't have as many unreasonable laws as that shithole.
But thats how 8ch ta-oh, I gotcha.
haha, god fuck these people, i wished more websites abandoned the shitty metro sleek look and went with simpler looks, then i remember these retards exist i blame these people for the way windows 10 and 8 went in terms of UI
>implying 4chinks isn't using it more then any other site
Guess you're just new on the team.
entirety of hentai is considered child porn in russia
they don't enforce it though, they'll only do it if they decide that they don't like you
This place is actually trolled often with child porn, although many sites, even very niche ones can be.
Based DMChad calling out opportunists
should I buy or sell ?
haha just realized her avatar is a shadow of her holding a wine glass
I guarantee this "cool wine aunt" had a couple before tweeting at THQ.
give it a week.
>Why didn't they do AMA here?
Because they don't wanna get cursed.
Yea Forums cursed Kamiya, Kojima and Nintendo with their cards.
In my 4 years of browsing this shithole, I've only seen actual CP twice, and both times it was deleted very quickly. I don't know why people think this site is a bastion of pedos or something, we don't even have a board dedicated to loli.
Smearing by shitholes like NeoGaf and Resetera who ironically have actual pedos using their sites.
>4 years
Fuck off newfag
When was the last time you've visited Yea Forums?
Because lefties are constantly obsessed with making sure no one suspects their habits. The ones shouting about everything being a child porn Haven, what happened? Remember NeoFag falling apart because of the child porn?
>Yea Forums
we all know who's behind that
there's also cp in youtube, reddit and even twitter too. You just have to know how to look for it.
You're talking about Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider?
>Destroy all Human and new Darksiders got confirmed
Today is a good day, even after I found out that Mark Hollis just died
>They did the right choice
Okay Cleetus.
>If you notice "moderates" are just leftist lite and cowards. They want to keep the status quo yet complain about how shitty capitalism/government is.
I try to make sense of complicated issues and get called moderate leftist, based centrist etc. on every issue. Meanwhile I think all forms of "government" should be outlawed and anyone who even dare call themselves a master, leader should be disincentivized from existing with extreme prejudice, I mean nobody likes violence but obviously if you politely ask your Putins, Xi Jinpoohs, Tony Blairs, Trumps, Macrons or whoever the fuck to please go away and stop LARPing while committing grave mass atrocities in your name and inviting unpleasant and never-ending reprisals from death cults that like to hold grudges for about ten thousand years then that does not have any effect at all. The fact that we not only tolerate these lunatics but actually indulge their power fantasies and cheer them on and turn the whole farce into an actual spectacle proves humanity will always be a shit-tier non-civilization and the laughing stock of our little corner of the galaxy.
If however, we were to make it an active police to enforce zero tolerance for any such parasitic organisms, the next idiot with delusions of grandeur might weigh the consequences of the actuation of their fantasies against the severe pain and imminent swift death and think twice before even just suggesting they could be someone's leader. After a few generations of ultra-violence visited upon any such persons nobody would try again.
Western society has about 10 years left to effect real direct democracy where everyone votes on everything that concerns them (Chatham house dubbed it liquid democracy but they can take their shitty suggestion and stuff it). Failing that, democracy has failed to materialize and Xi Jinpooh could rightly crown himself emperor of the world now that any Western model has failed so grotesquely.
I'm so fucking sick of politics being shoved into everything, every single day. You can't escape, it's in every facet of life now. You either are a virtue signaling far-leftist faggot or a racist retarded conservative. There is no escaping this shit. TV, video games, music, movies, comic books, anime, it's in EVERY FUCKING THING now.
It being a daily thing filled with fake outrage and faggot leftists crying over something that is no problem in the real world just makes me want to support Trump and conservatives. The only people calling for censorship and forced conforming to their wills is leftists. Just think about it. THQ did a random AMA on some random imageboard filled with potential customers as a way to gain their support and now leftists have to kick and scream and call for people to punish them as a company because they talked to people they didn't like. Leftists are fucking crybaby faggots, I'm so sick of hearing about how people need to be punished for disagreeing with them or doing something they don't like that is just retardedly so benign. They want their opposition to die. They want them out of jobs, out of industries, out of homes, out of society.
sell to $180
buy at $170
though i'd genuinely suggest you invest in something more profitable, if you're doing it for money.
These people are unbelievable.
He become a moderator at Yea Forums.org
>visiting the containment board
If you're not a doctor there then you're, in all likelihood, one of the patients. And there are no doctors there.
4 chan? That's a scary alt-right website. I prefer my ad friendly and SFW boards over on 4channel.
just 1 or 2 weeks ago on this very same board someone posted a webm of an old dude licking the privates of what looked like a 10 years old girl. But when it comes to cp the jans don't eat shit and are lightning fast with the removals.
What infinichan's v channel is now is what Yea Forums used to be.. Theres way to much memes and trolling on Yea Forums to have any sort of conversation whatso ever nowadays.. Yea Forums at the start was hated by everyone but nowadays people seem to accept it and some normie faggots actually frequent it.. This is partly why most old timers on Yea Forums moved to infinichan
>Theres way to much memes and trolling on Yea Forums to have any sort of conversation whatso ever nowadays
That's what Yea Forums always was, you fucking retarded faggot. Fuck back to their. You're on a fucking board that had console war posts and threads by the minute and had to have the board broken up into different boards due to the constant trickle of shit.
they're a parody of themselves.
I don't think Hot Pockets are a good dietary choice.
Yea Forums literally started as a place where SA faggots could post memes and anime content away from SA.
Oh trust me, I know about how many pedos are over there, but I've still never seen explicit actual CP on that board.
>AMA goes fine
>ResetERA and Reddit: They must be doxxed. The Employee must be fired. All associations need to change their associations.
>gaming journalists lying, literally lying about the situation
>no big youtubers even talking about it and how fucked up it is
Tumblr shut down all adult content because of their problems with CP getting them pulled from Apple Store. Twitter still struggles with occasional CP postings I believe.
Truth is that none of the free upload sites are free from it and they just try to deal with it as best as they can.
>I don't see how THQ can recover
Ultimately, only a handful people care so that should be pretty easy, especially those people most likely don't buy from them anyway.
But does their marketing know that?
thats the very 1st thing i said OP. i hate some of you anons, and some of your views but fuck: you guys are like family.
fuck em.
i've been here too long.
im here forever as the banner sometimes says.
>Everyone outside of our echo chamber is Neogaf and Reddit.
Oh for fucks sake. Many people on Yea Forums dislike the Resetara fags a lot and call them out for their obvious bait. And we also call out 8ch's OAG shilling all the time. Just because there is discord trannies here does not mean thats all there is. This place actively fights them at every turn possible. Do not forget Yea Forums /pol/ shows up here on 4channel constantly.
Dude i have no doubt they are. Its just they need to stop pretending its 2012 and shit is bad over here. Things have changed but not as badly as it was before. Hiro has actively allowed more controversial topics up on Yea Forums and discussed with the mod about censorship, and has allowed people to do fun remixes, video sharing stuff, especially the you dont know jack threads. It feels like old times.
You ever noticed how none of this was an issue before Facebook? That's because Facebook exists to turn people themselves into the means of production, with their inner thoughts and fears and hopes and dreams and views and philosophies as the product. And Facebook as the very infrastructure on which all discourse is conducted, becoming the indispensable utilities company humanity can't do without.
When Facebook appeared suddenly everyone starts virtue signaling or shouting dukkrjerbs and generally attention whoring at top volume because without realizing it, their brain chemistry had been altered by the compulsion loops that have supplanted their hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex. Suddenly the only thing that matters beyond ANYTHING else is that all your friends and family are kept incessantly up-to-date on each and every one of your stupid little activities and brain farts concerning [issue] lest they think you're one of [them]. Upon successful dissemination of said fart and some likes, the brain rewards the individual with a dose of dopamine and serotonin and the individual feels fulfilled for 5 mins. When the brain momentarily runs out of brain farts, the individual has to fall back on simply consuming other people's brain farts, which releases smaller amounts of dopamine and serotonin, until the individual is no longer fulfilled and needs to produce more of his inner thoughts for dissemination to other consumers. The individual has now become an addict, and Facebook has become rich.
We had one chance when people caught on and there was a backlash a while ago, but we so far failed to seize the moment to figuratively nuke Facebook from the face of the earth and now politicians are already exploiting it to gain control of Facebook's operations for their own ends, having realized how insanely powerful the complete and utter and irreversible enslavement through compulsion is. Regulations against fake news? How about an ICBM to Menlo Park, we have plenty.
Not entirely. In America Lolicon and Shota is not considered CP and there is precedent for it in the courts that decided it was a work of fiction.
Because almost ALL studios are shilling here already anyway. So it wouldn't be news at all.
Senran Kagura is considered child molesting, as was seen by the coverage of SK censorship.
THQ own most of the companies they do business with haha
>Reddit, Twitter, and Resetera all flipping there shit over this fucking image
They don't even understand the context of the image.
Not only Yea Forums. He almost shilled it on almost any board here.
I'm convinced they meant to do it here, but got confused/tricked into doing it on the other.
I would say its the fault ot Tumblr,Reddit and Facebook.
Tumblr- For telling females its alright to hate men and to be fat to do whatever.
Facebook- For actively making people think the can make a difference.
Reddit- For having an echo chamber about how they are on the "right side of history" and how to use shaming language and to think that because they are popular that everyone else on every site like here will accept them. Think of the most cancerous shit.
Imagine words like "Yikes", "Incel" and stupid buzzwords that are created by the few and disseminated around here to act like its common language. Trying to shift culture instead of adapting to the rules here. Instead they act like clueless sheep wanting acceptance by posting copypasta and wojak shit instead of forging their own path.
>that entire post
That's a yikes from me family
Its the fact that you do not care, and do not buy into their shaming language. You do not kneel when they tell you to or when they have the whip in the hand. Leftists in those sites fear when you do not cower to them and do not give a fuck due to how weak they are. Especially when you give them the middle finger
Pic Related. Thats going to be a fuck you and go back to Facebook or Discord tranny.
Yea Forums deals with CP a lot more swiftly than most other websites where users upload content. It's often gone within seconds, I think CP reports get instantly pushed to the top of the moderation queue.
>Muh discord tannies
Get. it. through. your. head.
Because they could just do it on reddit instead.
it's because Yea Forums has more tight knit community which isn't dictated by algorithms that sweep away uninteresting content from everyone's feeds because it's not about dancing niggers or other stupid shit that steals your attention
during elsagate thing people on /pol/ were finding actual child porn videos on youtube that were uploaded several years ago
Nice selfie i did not know you were a retard. You would definitely fit in nicely at Resetara.
Because the left also go to Yea Forums. They just act like they don't. The anonymity given is too much to just not post here.
Probably because while it may attract powerhungry idiots like the FGO obsessed mod, at least here the mods are explicitly expected to be active.
Tumblr and Twitter are basically robocalls: text edition.
never ever tranny faggot
kill yourself
kys resetera invader
>Todd Howard literally dabbing on RetardEra manchildren
>Based community manager hosting an AMA on a board for oppressed
Buy Skyrim and Darksiders II.
>All this butthurt over shota traps
Based and redpilled
>First post in the thread is for big titty lolis
>They actually respond to it
Are THQ, dare I say it /ourguys/
In all seriousness though, they had to have known what they were doing and knew that all the screaming retards on Twitter, Reddit, and Resetera would give them a shitload of free publicity
>In all seriousness though, they had to have known what they were doing and knew that all the screaming retards on Twitter, Reddit, and Resetera would give them a shitload of free publicity
After Hatred sold so many copies through a controversy, devs must be realizing that this a good strategy.
They should have just done it here, Nu-Yea Forums is so neutered they barely would have gotten anything slightly shocking.
Shota traps are love.
Shota traps are life.
Yea Forums is/was always anti-censorship
sjsws are pro censorship so no
Tell that to Hiro hiring discord trannies to be mods.
and that's a good thing? No, 4channel is so cucked it doesn't deserve shit
all we have to do now is buy their game and sjw will get BTFO out of this solar system
I'm just saying this would have all been avoided, they get their "oh so edgy" appearance because lots of people still see this shithole as being anything close to what it once was, but none of the mentally ill gamerghazi discorders trying to kidnap their family for posting on the den of GamerGate.
Man, I hate everything past 2010.
The annoying newfags and polfags on Yea Forums. And the whole shitty triggering culture on other platforms. I am even starting to have happy memories of shitty troll threads of yearly Yea Forums when there wasn't a political side to it.
Playing right into their hand.
I hate living in an era where games sell on SJW shit, but I'd hate an era where games sell on edgy content just as bad.
fight fire with fire. sjw is winning right now but this could be our chance
this art of tome is pure cringe and completely misses the point of her character
murata is hack that can only draw fubuki
What 8ch boards are better than OG Yea Forums boards?
why don't these people just leave america and go back to europe if they think they stole their country from natives and that's bad?
Hello Iran shill.
/pol/ and /bane/ thats pretty much it
Why is 8ch shilling in full force lately? Though if they take the literal newfags away I guess I don't mind.
Guess what, Frank?
Twitter is full of REAL CP, not just drawn, why are you still there? Anyone still want to work with him? Anyone?
>uses stormfront boogeyman
Back to the 40%, discord tranny.
Anyone who types like this can safely be assumed to be braindead.
Why do 8cucks pretend their site isn't full of pedophiles when they literally have daily cp dumps on Yea Forums, as well as dozens of covert cp invitation boards still up like the very recent /wboy/? Not to mention there's over a 1000 non indexed boards. Certainly some of them are active cp boards.
And then there's all the dead ones like /realshota/, /realloli/, /bl/ etc that gets remade once in a while.
And I learned about these boards browsing their 2d /ss/ boards since there's always a thread up sharing cp, and cp-hinting new boards as well as discord links to cp boards. Hell even before gg 8ch was rife with them and Brandon couldn't keep up with moderation.
they got a game dev to do ama for them
even Yea Forums mods know that's pretty fucking amazing for a competitor site
they got to do all that cool stuff for their community while Yea Forums gets jack shit but frogjack spam on the catalog
it's a bad idea purely because of mad purple haired retards. it's just a funny curiousity to everyone else.
That's because this place isn't nepotistic or elitist and can see past things that don't matter like someone's gender and personal beliefs right to their actual value and skills that fit the position.
I fucking wish lol
M8, 8ch is full of larping underage "culture warriors". I give them a shot now and then and only see concentrated autism full of memespamming and redtext WE'RE WINNING THE WAR LADS shit when some literal who on Twitter says he's sick of politics.
Hell they've developed an internal lingo and language, just like a cult.
lol no? /mlp/ was chemo to the redditors in /pol/
>get them to do an ama
>contrarians reeing at "outsiders" dumps his cp folder
Well mark being butthurt as hell was funny
>Hell they've developed an internal lingo and language, just like a cult.
So you just arrived from trannyera or tumblr?
Case in point. Why are you so upset when your own site language is DESIGNED to specifically spot outsiders so you can exclude their opinions without reading it? And stop exporting your utter faggotry here. Remember operation "fuck it, we're out"? Stick to the plan kiddo.
cp has always been banned and the IPs forwarded to the feds and they cooperate with all investigations, as is the law. If you think that posting cp over the open internet to 2*2*2chan is safe, you are going to get very sorry very fast.
If anything fits your description, it's meisterchan (which no longer exists, because that's what happens when you try and make a home for cp-posting morons on the internet).
Idk about CP, it was pretty big in the early years but the second part is absolutely true
You just answered your own question, tranny.
Gamefreak is japanese.
>toilet of internet, 8ch
So everyone is pajeet there?
I'm not upset about it trannyera. It's you fucks who are unable to function outside your on safe-space who somehow have the need to inject your own sanitized language package into everything else since the tought that someone doesn't bow down to you almost casues you an aneurysm.
hiro is also japanese
So dangerous and badass
No there isn't. If it's "obscene" and "without artistic value" it's illegal.
i hope thq nordic will actually release the timesplitters series for pc
Ironic coming from an 8cuck. Guess you bots really do have no self awareness. Guess that's what getting pozzed by Jim does to you.
Quick rundown?
Seriously now though, how do we get rid of ResetEra and it's fucking niggers for good?
People will most likely tell you to kill yourself because you're probably going to out yourself as a newfag in your very first post.
>proves the point again
You're really not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?
Sure, on paper that's how it works. But it's on a report basis.
And with the ability to make your own boards while also hide them from the index thus public eye, I wouldn't be shocked if there was some cp sharing boards with invites only from discord or other stuff. And while cp/cp boards gets deleted eventually, they have a serious problem with actually stopping it. Guess the old cp spammer of Yea Forums moved there to destroy threads that made him upset since I've not seen him for what, a decade?
>without artistic value
kek how do retarded courts decide what has """artistic value""" and what doesn't? that's subjective as subjectivity itself.
WTF so it's the leftists spamming NIGGER in every thread here? I guess I was wrong, it's the left who were the real villains all along... Thanks for opening my eyes bro
T. Jim
Sorry, but your site is dead and will always be a drain on your wallet.
some literal who neet faggot that owns a board at 8ch and does nothing all day but manage it got thqnordic to do an ama on his board
They will know porn when they see it :^)
I like 8/v/ they have very fun people and community things like tournaments game nights which are not exclusive to a general and a lot of the time are site wide. I almost started coming here and 8/v together after 7chan kinda became a little too slow.
and it 8/v/ not talking about now but a lot of drama is contained in one thread and there threads die very hard so obscure topics also get some light and video game discussion aspect of that site is actually good since people do play games there. but them being obsessed about Yea Forums is super true, not a single thread die without a post containing "cuckchan"
this place in comparison have slowly gotten weird a lot of talk about shit like piracy anime tiddies being banned twitter Youtube and smash. ironically this switch has taken place so slowly that pointing it out is really hard.
>they apologized
Kek enjoy alienating both factions
>what is sunshine
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
>mfw we were the leftists all along
And of course it's the fucking Anglos obsessing over that cancer.
Just kill them all already. No race has wrought more harm than every single Anglo.
Not happening, we're too much of pussies to try doing something
>T. Jim
Not even trannies are this stupid. Guess you're some special case of retard.