You will regret not buying her game user. Why not buy it now and stop the pain?
You will regret not buying her game user. Why not buy it now and stop the pain?
But I bought her game
who this
>he doesn’t know her
Fuck her and fuck her coward dev. Sick of all these sackless men.
If by game you mean Honey Select, then you can get it on sukebei
>asian tries to cosplay as a white girl
I will do it for Marie Rose, but only if they stop with the censorship shit. They must stop taking their feedback from gaysetera.
Marie Rose looks literally like a japanese idol with blonde hair, user.
>Japanese girls are the best!
>hottest ones have western features (dyed blonde hair/wigs, blue contact lenses)
>y...youre just an incel roastie!
TFW never "played" a DOA game but fapped to the porn.
p-please just tell me
youre literally a retarded weeb
Marie Rose from Dead or Alive
I mean fighting games are for the highest tier of autist so there's nothing wrong with that.
>Marie Rose looks literally like a japanese idol with blonde hair, user.
Yeah that pale white skin, natural blonde hair and big blue eyes are all totally asian bro.
the cosplayer you fuck
name 1 white girl who looks like marie you dumb fuck
marie is asian
Boy that was hard.
>5% white
She's honorary white
So you’re too dense to do a google reverse image search?
Sayapi Hiwatari
my gf
that dumb shit said my euromutt ass looked asian, youre a retarded weeb
Just like most of Yea Forums
Nothing wrong with that if you don't shit up the DOA threads
that's a man
thats not a manjaw at all though, just because youre a hideous weeb with shit facial structure doesnt mean a female with a semblance of it has a "manjaw"
You guys do know mods are banning DoA threads right? Cause its just plain softcore shit and pure masturbation.
get in the oven you white roastie
>thats not a manjaw at all though,
t. tranny
completely different facial structure, you two digit iq monkey
>same hair and eye color, therefore look same! durrrohphphffffff
more like
t. masculine looking male who isnt intimidated by bone structure on women because im not an ugly weeb faggot with shit genes like you
you need help, roastie.
>get in the oven you white roastie
Why? If they're censoring it I have no reason to waste my money.
is this projection?
They aren't censoring shit though, the demo last weekend was proof enough.
Every time I see Marie Rose I have to jack off, I honestly don't fucking understand why this happens. She doesn't even have to be nude, she could just be standing there.
Nothing else on Earth either real or imaginary makes me feel this way.
But the game has the same amount of fanservice as previous titles. going by the screenshots.
you need to cope harder lmao
no its the truth, idolizing asian girls is a big indicator of a beta male and someone who is mentally and developmentally stunted.
>he likes men
lmao faggot
>he has a weak jawline
lmao faggot
Imagine not thinking this is an asian character.
>Sayapi Hiwatari
I don't get it. Why doesn't she do porn? What ARE the yakuza doing? Are they not even trying?
imagine being such a delusional retard that you think a character from sweden with blonde hair and round blue eyes is asian
Mating press Marie!
All those ridiculous interviews in order to appease the west and the e-sports scene, and in the end to the surprise of no one it still didn't make it to EVO 2019 line-up. What's next on Yohei Shimbori's masterplan?
>face, body, mannerisms are all japanese
Every character has different color hair, it means nothing. You are fucked.
Thats were you are wrong. This is exactly what most people mean when they say a character looka white. You think she looks asian even when shes from sweden. Also, blonde is white and its not dyed here
It doesn't matter where they're from you autist. There's never been a Swedish person alive that looks like that, they aren't even that short. Her hair is always dyed.
its almost like the character was designed by and primarily meant to appeal to japanese people or something.
>blonde hair, round blue eyes, non flat nose
no retard
>petite bodies are somehow exclusively japanese
no retard
sure, because of my first point. the character is literally swedish. i really hope youre just pretending to be retarded
>calling others autists when youre sperging out insisting that a clearly non-asian character is somehow asian
the irony
She’s a Swedish girl. Not a chink
Swefag here who lived in Japan for a couple of years. We aren't so different and it annoyed me how I went from living with swedes to living with asian swedes.
Demo proved close up face punches are not available on the 3 younger characters
Which is good. I don’t want them to be punched. The other ones, on the other hand, I don’t care.
Keep grasping at straws mate.
>no argument
keep grasping at nothing
I already won the argument
>all that photoshop
Pfft, she looks like crap on Billions. Gone are her hot days from Watchmen.
keep telling yourself that you mentally ill freak
How do I find a gf like Marie-Rose to mating press impregnate over and over again multiple times on a daily basis?
Give me a reason to buy DOA6 instead of spending my money in VV, rolling a gacha that will probably bring them more money than DOA6 ever will.
online somewhere probably thats where i found mine
Why not just import Scarlet then? At least there is no limit to when you can gift swimsuits and also you won't need to spend more than the cost of the base game.
They dropped support for X3 a while ago already and Scarlet isn't out yet.
Also KT can suck a dick since they got scared and still removed the ability to touch girls in VR for a game that wasn't released in the west and probably never will.
X3 will be getting Misaki and the possibly the other characters as DLC or you can just wait like 3 weeks and import scarlet. Unless you have godly luck I don't understand why you would bother spending money on VV.
Because I can.
Especially after the shitshow that is DOA6.
Well I guess if you rather spend your money on a chance at an SSR with retarded drop rates than a sure thing, that's your choice
Because the gameplay is shit? With doa6 you have good gameplay and good visuals. With VV you only have good visuals.