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Other urls found in this thread:

git gud

get carried retard, you'll be crying when they noramlize the hitboxes

you will still suck and you will whine as you do now, kid.

Is that pouch xhe's carrying pumping hormones into xer?

>still playing battle royales
loling at ur life

>plays BRs
>calls others kids
the irony

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the fact that you are shit at FPS doesn't give you the right to judge people who have skills necessary for this genre.

You misunderstand the devs of this game. They are minimizing costs as much as possible. Its basically a skeleton crew on the game now and they're in it for nothing more than a quick buck.

God I hate Lifeline for being fucking useful. I wouldn't have to see her ever if she couldn't heal and didn't have a tiny hitbox. Her comically bad voice only adds to that effect.

the game is super aggressive, her healing barely matters.

Hitboxes are fine, but gibraltar and caustic should have 125 health while wraith and lifeline should have 75, that is all, gibraltar hitbox is literally 2.5 times bigger than wraith's i believe, so it makes sense

caustic should have something actually useful instead of his abilities.

Actually, I was playing Titanfall 2 last night, went 20p/7t-4, meanwhile you complain about getting destroyed by people in what is essentially a microcephalic grandchild of shooters

nigga read posts

>game is so poorly balanced 100% of streamers main lifeline and use wingman purely because how broken they are
Kek, what comes first, balanced gameplay or the inevitable P2W model?

oh yeah yeah

Attached: alot smarter than you.jpg (280x280, 17K)

P2W, obviously. Respawn can not make a balanced game if their life depended on it. If you wanted to win in either Titanfall 1 or 2 you ran very specific loadouts that 90% of the playerbase did as well. Don't let people posting webms of projectile weapons fool you, the games were nothing like Tribes or Quake.

Cautic is great for defending buildings though, he is fine, literally nobody gets inside the toxic gas, no matter how low the team is

so the main purpose to use all his abilities is to lock doors. Underwhelming, considering the fact that 80% of the match passes in open space.

Titanfall 1 was broken with smart-pistols, sure, but titanfall 2 is balanced well. If you play with shitter slows, or are a shitter slow yourself, you may think its unbalanced as you get dabbed on by EPGs, Softballs, L-STARs, and Cold Wars. 90 percent of shitters use the spitfire because its baby's first gun, but then you realize that its actually one of the least versatile weapons in the game, and directly inferior to the L-STAR.

you literally just run alternator/CAR/literally any smg and play frontier defense until you get gunrunner

every single weapon is titanfall 2 is unbalanced in its own way and it works out

Why are you even playing a battle royale


Her ult is pretty good though, just feed her every single UA.

Who grapplechad here?

Fuck those tranny characters and their broken hitboxes

Attached: apex-legends-twitch-prime-pathfinder-skin.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 159K)

>be me still lvl 10
>play wraith
>win game
>play wraith again
>win another game
2 games in a row dudes what to do now, this pj is op as fuck

>but titanfall 2 is balanced well.
Fuck no. Played it from launch
>stim was the most busted ability in the game
>SMGs were laser accurate with hipfire
>those that werent good at first got buffed like r97
>slingshotting moves grapple from useless to good alternative to stim in CTF
>eva-8 "nerf" made it more forgiving at close range
>smart pistol was still in the game
>took them MONTHS to address damage boost and Tone
>arc grendades existing in general
>Monarch existing at all
>Ion's reflect melting Legion was never addressed
I ran with /tfg/, I saw how mad the game made lolisniper. EPG and mastiff were fun, but at the end of the day you were really just gimping yourself not using the alternator or car or r97 post buff

Attached: titanfall 2 time.png (571x617, 630K)

play gibraltar

i hate that piece of shit
bangalore was my main until now
also wraith its a nice goth gf

some info about the season 1?

He is a defensive character, the gas is mostly to cover retreats and revive downed teammates, or covering entrances while healing, if you can't use toxic gas that slows enemies while also giving you wallhacks then you're just a shitter m8

>covering entrances
>punch door

The normal pistols were far more powerful than the smart pistol. TF1 was really well balanced all things considered, even the unarmored Titan was worth using with the Dash Core. Everything went out the window with Titanfall 2 and it was a mess. Tone is the only titan really worth using and the Devotion was game breaking at first. The map design was shit too and the AI sentries, A Walls, and ticks slowed down the pace of the gameplay too. All in all Titanfall 2 is a mess of ideas that really only work out for killcam gifs outside the meta while Titanfall 1 was far more focused and flexible with what little it had.

>it's a wraith with a r99/wingman/peacekeeper episode

>stim was the most busted ability in the game
lolwut, stim is currently one of the most useless unless you want to build speed quickly for b-hopping
>smgs were laser accurate hipfiring
Damage falloff past like 10 feet balances it
>complaining about the eva 8 but not the mastiff
>smart pistol
The worst boost in the game, easily. takes priority on whatever it locks on first, so fuck you if you are near grunts and someone rounds a corner. It also prioritized grenades and satchels before anything else, so fuck you if you are too slow to kill before they pull the pin
>arc grenades
Smallest blast radius in the game and doesn't stick to pilots. Only good against titans
>hating monarch but not tone, northstar, and ronin
Wanna know how I know your a shitter?
>Ions reflect melting legion
Maybe because its a fucking reflect? Take your finger off the trigger you no-brain nigger monkey

dont know why this is a meme
>go wraith peacekeeper
>invisible behind him
>have to use a smg to down it

why the fuck is battle royale not dead yet?

just aim you piece of shit

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>mastiff being a problem at all
>says arcs are fine
Not to mention you thought the smart pistol was a problem at all in TF1 because lol autoaim when the R101 the dominant weapon. Stick to your benchy montages instead of talking like you know anything about the game.

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my favorite character

>gets crippled by toxic gas
>gets wallhacked
>reveal location
If you actually played this you'd knew that revealing your position is the worst thing you can do, and you're doing it for free, in a door nonetheless where any retard can shoot at easily, i bet you're one of those retards that enters into enemy wraith's portals and gets gunned to death by the whole squad

>Tried the game on release day
>Like the idea of a shield character when using sights
>Not only does shield get destroyed immediately, come to find out he has a hitbox that's literally twice the size of other players
Glad I dropped that shit fast, having hitbox differences in a battle royale is retarded

>non-standard hitboxes with no balancing factors (like more hp or armor) to counter this
>some characters don't even have hitboxes that are properly sized for their character so "consistency" isn't even an argument

bad game

>thinks arcs are a problem
slow detected.
>mastiff isn't a problem
mastiff fires 6 projectiles, all with near-infinite range, all doing one third of a players health in damage without any falloff, with a tight spread. The EVA-8 is a spitball shooter past 5 feet, and still takes 2 shots to kill people without headshots. Also, something I glossed over; the alternator is also a gun only slow shitters complain about. Learn to go fast faggot.

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user dont get mad if you spend those bucks on a shit hero, you have a hero to litteraly wallhack people anywhere, no just in your meme 1dps gas

Pathfinder is my favorite character by far and the only redeemable character in the game, but
>Fuck those tranny characters and their broken hitboxes
Pathfinder has the most broken (in a bad way) hitbox in the entire game, and was the character that kicked off this whole hitbox controversy in the first place.

why would you ever enter a buiding with this weird character inside. Throw nades and let him catch them all.

yup, heard about that invisible second head

>ur slow
>but mastiff 2stronk
Holy fuck I love it. Cry more, child. I love the "go fast" cope from titanfall 2 players so much because they can't handle criticism of their game, especially from someone who sunk in the time and was good at it. Almost as good as the "shitscan" cope from /tfg/. They had to mentally convince themselves they were someone better for using the EPG or Cold War and that anyone who killed them with the CAR wasn't as good. Despite, you know, the projectiles not being hard to hit at all. I had a near 90% winratio in the game, I'm not going to bother reinstalling just to prove you're trash.

Fuck your shit ADHD zoomer hero shooter.

Any bloodhound bros here? Nothing feels better than ulting and rushing down a whole squad and killing them.

The first Titanfall was kino and 2 was just trash. 2 shitters intentionally ignore the fucked up meta of the game.

Houses are big enough to evade grenades, and few people carries more than 4, so they are not hard to evade
I don't use caustic myself, but a friend does, and it works really fucking well, the gas is about area denial, because if you enter to it you get killed, its not that hard to understand, it requires more coordination but caustic is much more better than gibraltar for defense

or getting cucked while you search for anyone

>be you, a retarded slow
>complain about things that happen to slows
>get told that the solution is to out-speed death
>also i'm definitely good at the game and not a assmad slow, but I have nothing to prove it because I uninstalled
>trust me, people don't lie on the internet dude

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>see any area with gas
are you retarded?

>the game is super aggressive, her healing barely matters.
Lifeline's healing is what allows her to be the most aggressive.

it's her turn user

If you mean her Q, no, that shit doesn't matter at all. We are talking about here passive, which is useful as fuck.

why the fuck does it take them so long to release a basic weapon tuning patch?
the wingman is fucking retarded

No shit retard, that's the whole point, stop people from entering, and if they see the gas they won't, can your brain understand this simple concept?, the gas keeps people at bay long enough for you and your teammates to heal, this is only for when you get screwed beforehand, since that what defense is about in a battle royale

too much money to count

How do I git gud? Every weapon kicks like a mule or has a wind up time.

you are a bit retarded if you think a guy with useless gas is way better against a hero who can wallhack everybody everywhere
even bangalore smoke is hundred times better than the gas

Use the r99 with extended mag

>have purple armor and helmet
>last team aside from mine
>have a sniper
>they have machine gun
>in one hit all my armor is gone

I do not understand how long distance gun fights work. The bullet travel time is so slow you have to lead everything so much.

it just gives you a situational opportunity to lick your wounds.
it doesn't give you any advantage in an actual firefight! Bangalore's Q, on the opposite, is super useful.

because game balance isn't a kneejerk reaction to which weapon killed you last

recoil patterns are fairly easy to control on most guns

you can use any gun in training mode

>lifeline executes you
>she injects you in the neck and you go cold with your eyes open then she closes them
What the fuck


why the fuck are different sensitivity multipliers based on weapon class still a thing in 2019?
aiming in this game feels awkward as fuck coming from siege/BF4 which has the ability to set a universal 360 sens across all weapons

recoil is not randomized in this game, so you can actually predict and control it.

Well, in my opinion, mostly every weapon is viable, with perhaps the exception of the Mozambique. There are some arguably less-than-viable weapons, like the P2020, RE-45, and Triple Take, but even then they're usable in a pinch. Try playing around with your sensitivity a bit, I found that lowering mine just a tad helped quite a bit since I was overcompensating my aim a lot. Another thing, learn what weapons you can hipfire and what weapons you can't. The Alternator is extremely controllable in hipfire, for example, and you can hipfire shotguns pretty reliably. Lastly, a lot of the initial difficulty of this game comes from the low ammo count/low damage of most weapons. Starting out, I actually found guns like the Scout, Wingman, and Peacekeeper (the latter two of which are considered meta anyway) to be some of the most reliable weapons. If you're not good at semi-auto weapons, the Spitfire is pretty good. The Devotion is actually pretty good, too. The R-301 is pretty comfy, but you'll need an extended mag for it.

are you retarded?

Imagine playing a game with shitskins

>Terrible netcoding
>Bland and ugly character(done intentionally?)
>overly expensive cosmetics, around 15bucks for a simple weapon skin.
>f2p and already tons of cheaters in it, even if they get banned they can just make a new account and play again in under 5min.
>Most of the guns feel unsatisfying as fuck to use.
>Extremely bad balancing between the characters
>SJW crap
Is the game still heavily shilled here?

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triple take is a good chotgun

It just takes time

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oh shit like any other game xdDXdXd
go play dating sims maricon


are you?

go back to your self genocide simulators weeb incel

>using the most op weapon in the game
thats not skill you know user

Sadly there are no other shooters anymore so you can only play this garbage

The only thing bangalore smoke does is giving you a free flanking route, caustic gas cripples you, sure this doesn't work outside but it works in a house with 4 doors, also, bangalore smoke only helps the enemy team to get closer, or if you play wraith, a free teamkill since nobody will see your blue trail in there
t.wraith with 1300 kills
Using bangalore skills defensive is retarded, the smoke only lets the enemy gets closer to you easier while trying to run, the ulti takes so long to trigger that it doesn't matter at all unless you have people pinned down to begin with, bangalore isn't better than caustic in any way for defending teammates, hell, just jump at the supply shit, run to the lower floor and throw traps and see how every retard that jumps dies, its not situational at all

>SJW crap
please show me where
and no, including nonwhite characters isn't in and of itself SJW crap or politically motivated

I hope the devs make hooking enemies more useful, I love stunning people trying to run in the middle of a fight

This triggers the EA shills.

>sure this doesn't work outside but it works in a house with 4 doors
so its useless, whats the point to camp in a fucking house all the match?
also i main wraith faggotterino

back to overwatch you rat

Bloodhound and Lifeline have the same hitbox. Why are you not complaining being outgunned by Bloodhound?

ruining people's fun is fun to me

Well to fucking heal yourself after you got attacked you mongoloid, because shit goes wrong sometimes and you get screwed hard and need to recover, caustic is a defensive character, not every character has to be focused on attacking, just because you can't process this simple concept doesn't mean the skills are bad


>be Bangalore
>get digital threat
>win game

That’s why Bangalore is OP.

Do not use Rat as an insult. Rats are amazing and I would love to be called a rat.

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you know you can just take a fucking cover and wait 3 until you healed?
why the fuck you need a fucking hero while there is map covers to take care about
think about it
its a paid character
and its fucking useless

you heal yourself and then you fucking die because this trash character has no useful escape/offensive abilities outside of his stinky mancave

so you can win with another other hero

I mean, it's usable in a pinch, but in general I think you'd probably want to take the Longbow. It doesn't do all that much less damage, and is _significantly_ more consistent. That being said...

Generally speaking, I don't think long range engagements are even worth it. Maybe if you're just trying to burn through their resources, sure. Otherwise, it seems like just about every fight gets resolved at close range--this game just throws an absolute abundance of healing items at you, and the TTK is so high that long range fights aren't viable.

Personally, I quite like that, since a sizable annoyance with other BRs is the frequency in which you get engaged from 20 miles away and die before you even knew what the fuck was going on.

is that because you're almost as much of a fucking AIDS ridden disease vector as they are?

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It's a sniper without bulletdrop

It's because there is no more free creature on earth
>nobody can tell you what to do
>live in scum and squallor and that's cool because your other rat bros don't mind it.
>Run fast as fuck
>be tiny and small
>hold breath for 3 hours
what's not to like? You mean to tell me that the average Yea Forums-goer is happier than a rat in a sewer?

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the main issues i've notice is the peacemaker lag and bangalore passive making laggy people impossible to hit

Attached: what the fuck did you just fucking say about rats.png (753x411, 353K)

lol her passive is literally goty

>you can only play this garbage

Attached: xxsrw.jpg (358x313, 10K)

>smoke on enemy squad
>have r-99 or prowler with digital threat
>see them through smoke
>wipe squad before they know what happened
>smoke enemy sniper
>have digital threat on your longbow
>free kill

She's strong because of her passive.


Attached: laughing_shokans.png (213x289, 60K)

No you can't when fighting against any decent team since they will only rush you and shoot you in the face with a peacekeeper while you're trying to use the phoenix kit
Well then play some offensive character and get rushed after your team killed another squad and you are low on health, that will never happen with caustic, but you are too dumb to think in any other situation than when you are attacking

so you need to have a fucking certain situation, nice
>be any hero
>have op gun
>kill xd

Id rather they fix the servers desu

>that will never happen with caustic
of course that can happen with caustic, he just won't have enough time to carry his fat useless ass to the nearest building to fill it with his farts

>be enemy
>have digital threat on peacekeeper
>shoot at the retarded bangalore running at us alone

>Game still crashes
>Can't read memory error
Lmao nice game Apes

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Appex is the odst of titanfall

It takes about 10 seconds to block all entrances of your average house so yeah, he will be fast enough

But I doubt Wraith and Lifeline hitboxes will change. They will just change the hitboxes on the other characters, or just buff them in some other way.

The people that own you are still going to own you lol

It's embarrassing but a Caustic actually managed to lock me in a chamber with his barrels after a bunker hot drop and it gased me to death.

Camping this hard. Fuck this shit slow dawg

I like Mirage but I'm not very good with him.

ITs gold. It should be broken. Now the WINGMAN. Fuck that.

I want to fuck Pathfinder.

Would fuck.

>small elusive character has the same durability as oversized armored characters
what did the devs mean by this

>wingmans you in your general direction
>your fuckhuge hitbox is so huge i won't miss

fuck pathfinders!

Attached: pathfinder main.jpg (471x733, 86K)


His hixbox is littererly broken though, it goes a full head above his actual head.

wait what now?

>battle royale


His skills are kind of trash, only Q is decent.

>TF2 was Balanceed
Tell that to majority of people running nothing but Hitscan and Turrets, and Stim, and Phase Shift. As much as I like Memestiff the you were at no advantage when you’re head with these people, no amount of fast can change that

His hitbox is literally fatter than Caustic's when it shouldn't be.
Makes playing with him aggresively incredibly stupid, he's the only character that can have ALL pellets of a Peacekeeper be headshots despite his kit literally being geared exclusively towards aggressive play. It's the reason why I switched off to either Wraith, Bangalore or Bloodhound whenever I feel like actually winning, if you miss a single shot in an engagement with Pathfinder you're pretty much dead since you're so easy to hit

balanced games are boring games

Puttin a rubbah on me bruddah

Hey shut up fag wingmam is my favorite gun

Are you?

Dont worry user these fags havnt learned you can be offensive and run up then gas the fuck outa a team then pop them with a wingman, gas is basically a smokescreen that damages and shows you where they are

Theres nothing wrong with bigger characters having a bigger hitbox, learn to aim you fuck

Ult is fucking trash and ability does low damage

This game is forcing me to play trannies and niggers because the god damn hitbox problems

Just play Mirage

Shes strong because literally all her skills are great and her hitbox is still reasonably small.

>cater to hero shooter memes
>ended up with hitbox problems
Why couldn't they foresee this? Like who the fuck thought that having a short/thin character that slouches all the time existing in the same game with literal giant walking brick like Gaybraltar is acceptable?
I mean someone at respawn must've thought it was hard to hit wraith when she's moving.

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become an edgy Caustic main, let us gas the kikes together

>Post weeb garbage
>Try to put others down to validate themselves

Like fucking clockwork.

>down person from 1m
>shoot at him when downed to finish
>literally half of the mag doesn't register
>can see blood and particle effects from bullets hitting the floor right where he is located
Can they fucking fix the hit reg in this shit already, I've been in several gunfights where half of my shotgun loads just don't register or register way too late. Fucking dumb. And no, I know when I fucking miss so don't tell me I missed when I can see the entire fucking crosshair filled with red and yellow dots.

At first I was like ew African chick but now that she’s grown on me I love dark girls now the contrast of pink and black when their pussies open is incredible

>smaller characters have smaller hitboxes
Imagine my shock
Don't fucking touch my Wraith you losers
Just get better at the game and learn to aim

It’s realistic a dude with an AR will win most fights with other guns in real life

You people understand you get to tank a free headshot of any gun with his shield? Even a kraber with no armor can’t kill you he is the perfect sniper

>be not very good at fps, barely play them at all
>play pathfinder exclusively for 20 levels because knew how to grapple since tf2
>flank people most of the time but still die a lot because bad aiming or whatever
>switches to bangalore
>fucking unkillable in the first game playing her, smoking and running around at sonic speed like a retard because people couldn't hit me while passive is active
>surviving much longer in gunfights because hitbox
>winning the game too

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The character designs are the best thing about the game. Apex gives us strong and diverse realistic women instead of dumb barbie dolls. Can anyone say that they would really prefer this left design over the right?

Attached: masked female character.jpg (1640x778, 274K)

Actual good answers on Yea Forums of all places?!

>Just get better at the game
>needs to use a smaller hitbox as a crutch to win gunfights

i like pathfinder because it feels good to grapple above and into some cuck teams hiding spot and dab on every one of them

but it also feels bad that your head hitbox is the size of all of wraith's model and youre taller than gibraltar and your passive is the worst in the game and your zipline is only ever really useful about once every 10 games and is usually outclassed by wraith's portal is most situations

i still like him and have most wins with him, but i only pick him if i know for sure that my team doesnt need a lifeline

also i think lifeline is actually gorgeous. is there something wrong with me?

they're both fine imo

I only play pathfinder because mobility makes him too much fun, but I want to kill myself everytime I land a million shots on somebody and before I can land the final shot they do 150+ damage in an instant with an SMG ten miles away because apparantly my head is a bullet magnet

its the tail end of the game, you deserve to lose the match if you run around like it's early or midgame at that point.

>has an epic model that makes it into a literal bugman
>only white male is called (holo)caustic and goes around gassing people, and is the only character to have obtained a high level of formal education
>fattest character moves slowest and is lowest tier

are these devs based and dare i say it, redpilled?


because he's an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about, resorting to blaming specific heroes instead of trying to get good at the game.


does the kraber penetrate? is that why you get two damage numbers there?

you think in real life a child and a grown man have the same hitbox? its just logic: smaller character = smaller hitbox = harder to hit

>and is usually outclassed by wraith's portal is most situations

Depends. Pathfinders better for engaging people on a different vertical with the zipline, while Wraith is better at retreating on a vertical. Being able to pop a zipline at someone who has a height advantage can turn a match.

Wingman needs to get fixed. It's waaay too powerful.

If you carry a wingman and an R301 you're set

I wish you actually got to shoot at people more often in this game. Running around and hiding behind cover takes up way too much time.
Maybe I should just go back to arena shooters.

You mean if you carry wingman + peacekeeper

If you zipline against someone on high ground you're just a free shot while riding upwards

Wingman is broken is the sense that its shots go right through lifeline. Its hit or miss with that gun, I'll shoot point blank and only around half make contact, the rest go right through. Does the game use some sort of RNG

Peacekeeper is just too unreliable. I shoot someone from 5m 10cm away I do 8dmg. I walk 10cm closer and I do 80dmg.

Wingman is entirely balanced, does less DPS than LMGs, therefore LMGs are stronger and you're just mad people can out aim you. Get good or quit.

you can change settings to show the different damage types

that's assuming they notice. The zipline doesn't make a noise on the end when placed, so its easy to sneak on people if they get the jump on you

I've racked up 15 kills in one match often. You just gotta see where people drop and go hunting.

Wingman's RoF needs to be lowered.

Imagine being so autistic about skin you can't fathom people playing a game

>realism argument
>for a non-simulator videogame

I’ve never expierienced what your talking about ever in any FPS ever


well thats the issue, the zipline requires specific engagements and specific verticality to be useful, and for your enemies to not have headphones

the portal used properly is a get out of jail free card in any long range engagement that gets outta hand and be used in and out doors

Not with the wingman, it's pretty accurate in hipfire and also from a distance.

It could be the fact that the servers are 20ticks, broken hitboxes, lag or just bad aim.

if they could give pathfinder the power to punch through walls as a passive that would be great. he could actually create ways out of situations where his team is pinned and shit like that

Portal can also be used as an IK for anyone following you
>place portal in doorway
>run into enemys and place second portal
>run back through the portal
>close door
Anyone who follows you through dies instantly. This includes teammates.

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I nearly always have the most damage on my team but the fewest kills. Since snipers never kill outright unless it's the kraber it's rare for me to do anything but bring people really low before they find cover, so I gotta hope my team can act on it. Pathfinder can't get in close himself due to his massive fucking hitbox but he can get good angles for covering the area at least.

If they just make his hitbox actually accurately represent his model then it's fine, but for some reason his legendary skins are fucking fat as fuck and his hitbox matches those. What the fuck

is it me or is the game too easy

Attached: unknown[1].png (1202x677, 833K)

>hit or miss
I guess they never miss, huh?

hahah no way
I gotta try this

Attached: 1501697116746.jpg (250x323, 23K)

yes, Kraber penetrates.

THIS is how she looks?
is that other image shooped?

why don't you download the game and find out? its free TM

t. wingshitter

flicking is easier to learn than tracking tho, plus the burst damage allow for more movement options while lmg player have to walk slowly when they shoot.

as i said, lifeline is a hottie. those hips and perky little titties. serious DSL. vaguely exotic features without being a pan faced gook. shes a 10 imo

How is this acceptable in a character shooter?

Attached: 1551248904247.jpg (235x411, 24K)

Prowler with Full Auto.
Literally the best gun. You cannot refute this.

maybe that was the initial intention but given its unexpected popularity you can bet your ass all people are going to work on this now
same way nobody works on Fortnite (I mean the zombie co-op game, not Fortnite Battle Royale that people erroneously refer to as Fortnite) anymore

I actually hate ADS.
Which weapons are viable from hipfire?

Also try this:

>pic related crosshair in photoshop I made for it

Attached: crosshair.png (50x50, 15K)

Only other source I can find is reddit, unfortunately.

wingman and upgraded smgs

It's because the game instantly kills you when you're stuck inside an object instead of pushing you out. Same reason why people die from opening loot chest or care packages.

So how does Titan Fall 2 at a decently high skill level look, anyone have any video of it? The fact that it has a lot TTK and high damage spammy automatics makes me think that hitscans would have to be the meta.

a fair few actually. mostly full auto weapons.

>Phase Shift
Have you even played the game? That shit was laughable.

I don't have any footage but from my experience most good players run either SMG or kraber. Kraber oneshots even when hitting the body and have no range penalty. SMG is just super versatile and works decently even at range.

is it hard to control SMG recoil?

>it’s another wraith spams ADADADAD and becomes unhittable episode

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there's barely any recoil from smgs in tf2

meant for

Kraber does 125 to the body so it only oneshots if they don’t have armor or they haven’t bothered recharging their shields. Headshots on the other hand though...

I'm talking about TF2 here, check the post I replied to for context

Passive is what makes it work.
Also rezzing people 25% faster helps in long fights that have down time.
combine that with her shitty hit boxes , and you got a real annoying character to deal with.

Correct, and a bad lifeline will still get shreded. but she is much more forgiving than other characters.

but I still win games, but excluding the obvious difference in size, I do notice dying less when playing lifeline or pathfinder.

Wraith is also useful because she can bail if she gets out gunned, giving her a second chance to try again if the team don't find her.

please give my brudda more fucking health, or make his ult a shield you can shoot through or something, shit.

Attached: URWELCOME.jpg (1280x721, 101K)

1. stop playing flavor of the month normie cancer
2. git gud
3. kys

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It’s ok user, you don’t have to be the best all the time

I main pathfinder and I win regularly, but never the matches where the previous champions were a lifeline/bangalore/bloodhound squad with 4000 lifetime kills each. It feels bad being a "just decent" player using one of the worst characters against people who have play the absolute meta 24/7 since release

I cannot believe the game is already starting to die out due to respawn not doing jackshit
The game STILL crashes every 5 seconds, still no crossplay, balance is wonky as fuck, etc.
I understand balance but the other 2 should've been fixed even before release.

In fact the devs are so fucking slow that it took them like a week to fix a stupidly simple exploit that basically boiled down to typing "give me free twitch prime lootboxes" on the console.

If it takes them this much to do simple changes that actually hurt them after a stellar launch, I can only imagine how much things that actually matter are gonna take.
What's the point of beating fortnite if you let your game fizzle out and crash a second later anyways.

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Put your selfies on /soc/, faglord.

>wanting cross play

Why, just so you can get some easy kills on controller using PS4 retards?

>Mained Caustic
>Ability is pretty useless outside the beginning of the game and the final circle (if there's buildings)
>Get a handful of wins
>One game someone locks Caustic
>Try Wraith
>Suddenly it's like no one can fucking hit me, just strafe towards people and one pump them
>Getting wins left and right, even with randoms with no communication at all
Wish Caustic was better, until they buff him I'm a Wraith man now



I agree, I like it too fellow faggot

I always pretend lifeline is Hermes' wife from futurama.

Don't do it Hermes! You back can teek eet!

So I can play with my fucking normie consoletard friends.
Nonetheless, not having crossplay hurts the normie perception of the game, they WANT to play with people they know specially when a game demands it.

I've seen people try to play the PC version with a controller. It was not pretty.

Does fortnite have cross play?

Of course it does