What went right

What went right

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boralus is cozy
that's literally the only positive thing I can say about BFA


Enjoy factions getting dissolved, because Blizzard is even more fucking lazy

finally added the trolls I wanted since vanilla, too bad it happened 7 years after I quit playing


Art design

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they promised worgen update next patch

>they promised worgen update next patch

>art design
>faction cities
>heavier emphasis on character development

that's it, really

Alliance-Horde war is cool, I feel motivated to crush the other faction for the first time since MoP

Huge step up from WoD at least

The frogmarsh is also the most based area in the whole game

It finally started dying

upright orcs
zandalari trolls

That can be said about any blizzard product.

The only old guard left at blizzard is the art team, once samwise leaves its all over.

Well it got me interested in Warcraft.

The azurite idea was pretty cool had it not been for artifacts already being a MUCH better idea in almost all aspects, other than that there really isn't much to say other than the raid had a couple fun bosses

blizzcon but its in 8.2.5 i believe, so two patches after the one currently on the ptr
worgen are disney tier anyway

Music. That’s the only thing they do well anymore

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>Alliance-Horde war is cool
the faction war is garbage. butchering both factions, horde especially (e.g. "Just following orders" Rexxar), to ensure the humans stay as morally spotless as possible

>Muh humans
And the Orcs becoming full on dindus isn’t some kind of moral bullshit tho

Nigger please, look at the hideous new races

Kul'Tiras music and visuals
Telogrus Rift and it's haunting rendition of Eversong music
Void Elf and Lightforged women


I joined during WoD of all places and I'm still looking forward to it more than anything upcoming for BFA. Nobody can fathom up a fuck go give about anything besides raid nights and constant M+ grind anymore. It's horrible.

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Classic's "1.13" patch is built off of Legion 7.3.5

7.3.5 was unironically a great stopgap between Legion and BfA, and all the pre-expac stuff was really cool.

I wish they could pull that off. It's very hard to do, also imagine the outrage.

Nigga as long as my guild isn't dead 5 nights of the week I couldn't care less. This isn't an MMO anymore, it's a treadmill.

Classic isnt a product of BfA

all zandalar tracks are god tier.


Oh my fuck no way. I knew it was DoA after Blizzcon but I wasn’t expecting this

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There is literally nothing wrong with this and if you think there is then you know absolutely nothing about game development

>the new regions are gorgeous for both Horde and Alliance
>some questlines are pretty good, honourable mentions are Drustvar for Alliance and Nazmir for Horde
>some characters have good character development, such as Bwomsamdi and Jaina
>races from previous expansions aren't forgotten: void elves, mag'har orcs, lightforged etc are given screentime
>same with often forgotten OG races like gnomes and night elves
>less focus on cosmic threats and alien worlds, more focus on Azeroth
>good dungeons, good raids
>everything interesting about the concept of the story is so poorly executed it brings a tear to the eye. it's like everything presented in-game about the overarching plot was an afterthought
>related to the first point, but the war campaign is so bad it has to be mentioned twice
>they won't let world quests die, despite being hated by everyone
>they won't let garrison 3.0 die, despite being hated by everyone
>azerite traits is more bullshit than artifact power
>azerite pieces
>ability prune has gone to the extreme, most classes are unrecognisable even when compared to Legion
>WoW has always been imbalanced, but the disrepancy between classes is at a new height and isn't being adressed
>PvP is utterly broken, classes have been pruned of all the utility that allowed for interesting plays
>leveling is boring
>most of the old zones are forgotten and stuck in limbo since cataclysm despite being very relevant to the story
>character murder or continued character murder: Sylvanas, Saurfang, Tyrande and so on. development of characters like Wrathion was just tossed in the bin altogether
>weekly quests

They finally got all the retards that still played the game to quit.

This pretty much. The only people I know who still play this game are those autists who try to compete for some meaningless high placement in wow guild rankings, especially when those rankings are usually reflect by how much time you spend per week raiding that shitty new raid. Congrats for being part of 47th best guild in the world!

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It unironically fave FFXIV tons of new players.

I know your baiting user. Pls

osrs too.

>prune abilities for the fourth expansion in a fucking row
>claim it will make it easier to balance the game
>game is more unbalanced than it has ever been and nobody is having fun

Night Elf
High Elf


Blood Elf

Prove me wrong?
>pro tip: you wont

Describe some advantages the old 1.13 client would have vs. the 7.35 client. Keep in mind the amount of exploits, hacks, and such that happened at the time. Just because the 7.35 client is being used as a framework for classic doesn't mean it won't perform (mostly) like 'vanilla'.

Using a 14 year old client to run with modern servers is a horrible idea and would take so much longer to get running.

It doesn't make it easier to balance the game

At the mythic raid level, which is all Ion cares about.

You ever wonder why the rest of the game has been reduced to minigames with no proper playtesting? Because they spend their entire development time min-maxing mythic raids for world first autists, meanwhile anyone who isn't a raider is stuck with faceroll mode of the same raid, or diablo rift dungeons.

Boralus is shit, the only comfy part is around the alliance shit while the rest is just dirty ass houses you can't even enter or do anything in and everything looks like it reeks of fish.

Honestly it leaves the door open for abusing shortcuts, or an easy excuse for the devs to go back on their promises of providing a “classic” experience.

Given their current track record, they will undoubtedly at some point go back on their promise of providing an authentic classic experience and some sort of quality of life changes will be implemented to appease the people complaining that classic is too slow or boring for them.

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I think its because the most archaic version of WoW could only utilize one core. That and wasnt 4:3 the standard still back then?

Remember when leveling dungeons were huge and expansive with multiple pathways and quests and cool gimmicks? Remember blackrock depths?
This game is a fucking joke now.


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Yes, problem is instead of rebuilding 1.12, they're going to use 7.3.5 with all its problems baked in.

the game itself hasn't been an mmo for a long time and raids didn't really help with that. i don't play wow anymore, but yeah I noticed that they would spend a ridiculous amount of time on raids but there would never be anything else to do.

Yes, its why I post this every thread.

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Furthermore. Saying it’s a 14 year old client is irrelevant when the game itself is pushing a close to 20 year old engine

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Remember when people didn’t have the attention span of a goldfish?

They're going to have to spend more time unfucking the game and pretty much rewriting 7.3.5 code.

Let me remind you these are the same people who couldn't expand the backpack size for 10 years because the engine coders have long ago quit.

lmao imagine trying to play Vanilla WoW and doing these shit dungeons with people who only want to get loot their vanilla guide from wowhead told them about

rebuilding 1.12 to be multicore is a lot more work when you can just shove the map and mechanics into the 7.3.5 client. one would assume they would have made it easy to change things like talent menus, but this is the company that claims they 'hardcoded' 16 slot backpacks as the first one as well as not being able to add an invisible option to battlenet.

Vanilla Zandalari looked exactly like Darkspear trolls you fucking catababy

I'd imagine most of those people will be filtered out by Defias Pillagers or rage quitting over raptor heads and getting kicked from deadmines and WC runs for breaking CC

Nah. But I do remember when those people didn't care enough about video games and it didn't make sense to make games for them. Say all you want about modern WoW, but I'm unsubbed from it while my friend who gets one shot by mechanics he ignores in LFR and complains the boss fight is "not designed well enough" has been subscribed as far as I remember and still is. He even bought the 6 month subscription thing with the boat. Those people will keep this game alive eternally, not the more hardcore people.

Are they that inexperienced or am I missing something crucial in being unable to code bigger storage bags?

one of two things are going to happen

>They struggle and get their ass kicked, but eventually they get a good weapon drop or big crit that oneshots the mob that was fucking them up and get get that rush that we've all been missing all these years

>They quit from murlocs running away and aggroing 20 others.

the engine was redone a while ago.

i don't recall having any issues in 7.3.5, but they don't have to rewrite very much. the shit to handle content is much less than the logic, rendering, and networking.

Most of WOW from a certain point is probably done through an engine editor and the original coders who built the engine probably quit long ago and require high commissions to come in and add in new shit.

Fuck those murlocs in every conceivable way, I put up with that shit until I didn’t have to anymore

Right looks like Shattered Halls

They all look great

As it stands now they’re falling into the same trap Bethesda laid for themselves with their Gamebyro engine. The bandaid fixes are going to slip eventually

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7.0 struggles to run when more then 20 people are in the same area.

Its why random community events are a bannable offence in modern WOW, unless you're on an RP server (Because that one RP event almost caused half of the remaining playerbase to quit due to phasing in Icecrown)

I’d charge big bucks too if I helped make a money printer

Give me a single good reason why they shouldn't. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. The client has absolutely no effect on the content or design itself, all it brings is support for modern hardware and 10+ years of non-gameplay affecting bugfixes and anti-cheat.

so when WoW released you got a default 16 slot bag, and this was great because 16 slot bags were huge then. As time went on bags got bigger and more and more people wanted to replace that shitter bag. They kept using excuses like it's 'hardcoded', which is meaningless. If it can be coded, it can be uncoded. God knows they've probably fucked with inventory database shit before.

Then when they added battle.net when nobody wanted it, people noticed all of a sudden they couldn't go invisible, so you get work buddies adding you and you cant hide from them. The absolute fucking normies on the battlenet forums would enable blizzard by screeching that if someone was truly your friend you'd never hide from them, ignoring the fact that people just dont want to talk sometimes. Turns out they also 'hardcoded' the online statuses in battle.net. These are things that interns and students can implement and program without too much effort. If you know anything about states in programs, you'd know how fucking retarded that is.

On the subject of Classic I unironically think they should have servers for every expansion.

Id personally get a kick out of being able to re-experience TBC, Wrath, and MoP, and I'd imagine the more recent you get the more likely it is they have an actual backup of the last patch.

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Story time me on that icecrown event user.

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The Tournament of Ages unironically saved RP realms.

gotcha. I barely visited cities in legion, but that makes sense. Vanilla would not be the same without hundreds of gnomes storming elwynn forest when servers go down. My computer was absolute shit then and I could handle it fine.

I remember how nobody played those dungeons in vanilla other than the one part that was needed to get attunement. Not being able to play the fucking game was one of the main reasons I dropped WoW before BC. I remember how all of the hard/unrewarding dungeons were ghost towns for content. everybody would rather spend 10 levels power grinding in meta dungeons like WC or SM. in principle, i thought wow was an ok game, but the community was made up of either minmaxing tryhards or super casuals, there was no middle ground and they killed all the fun by being allergic to content

No they don't are you blind?

I’ll refer you to my post here

I want to marry and impregnate a Void Elf

RP realms are legit the last bastion of MMO aspects of WOW, automated phasing is disabled on RP realms and sharding is completely disabled as well.

Meant for
It’s late

>be in RP realm
>walk around AH
>people phasing in and out because the client cant handle more than 10 people on the screen at once
>watch a futa black gnome and trap dwarf's erp get broken up because of it

when did they do that, last time i played it was awful

I’m surprised they even exist given Blizzard being draconian fucks with their stance against “toxic gamers”

An RP event that happens every year on MG us, everyone goes to the argent dawn colluseum in Icecrown to RP, the co-ordinators organize things like duals, races, ect, and have rewards for people on the server.

The first tournement after legion started a massive boycott, because when they tried to run it they found that the sharding tech that was implemented in legion affected the icecrown zone, pretty much making the tournement impossible to run

Now you have to understand that Moonguard is one of the last 3-5 remaining full pop realms US side, and at the launch of legion all the autistic sperglords who RP in stormwind and ERP in goldshire found that they couldn't see anyone else, because Goldshire and Stormwind was sharded, so places that normally had 5-20 people, like the mage district or cathedral district or even fucking the cesspit that is MG goldshire found that they could at most see 2-3 other people, in the entire zone, that already caused most people to pretty much refund legion before legion even launched until blizzard hotfixed it, then the tournement happened.

TL:DR, blizzard almost lost their most popular US realm due to bad design choices, because they fucking forgot that WOW's biggest defining feature is the fact the world is massive, open, and shared.

Amazing. And it’s that same crap that is going to be used for classic. Simply amazing.

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RP realms have historically been able to police themselves and tend to have thicker skins then the soccermoms that have plagued normal servers for the past 10 years.

If blizzard enforced the RP server rules they would be the best servers to roll on, even if you didn't RP, because every illiderp and gokufury and anal thunderfury spammer would be temp banned off them for 6 months for every offence.

>forgot WoW's biggest defining feature was that its massive, open, and shared
Like I said in another thread, WoW hasn't been an mmorpg for a very long time.


it finally convinced me to give ff14 a try and i've been subbed for almost 3 months now

In terms of gameplay no. However the sharding in already barren is wastelands doesn’t help

The only WoW I play are those hour ambient tracks on youtube haha

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tfw I've done everything in 14 so know I'm fucking around in WoW while waiting for shadowbringers
it's not very good

Sharding was the one of the main reasons TOR went down hard, blizzard has truly gone retarded

Heritage stuff is nice.

In fact the 'War Campaign' of BFA should have been that. Yes, the Alliance and Horde are back at war, again, but it's a chance to look inward at races of each faction why they're still part of their faction. Have a racial campaign launching from your home city with homegrown champions about their action during the war and shit like that.

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They’ve been retarded longer than they’ve been sane user

>that feel when the Duskhaven Top Hat from Island Expeditions unironically makes me want to bring back my Gnome Mage and RP him as an eccentric magician.


Aren't Gnomes getting a heritage set soon?

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The engine version has nothing to do with that.

They are. It jusy took a shitty expansion for Gnomes to finally have a good time.

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Why not? All they would have to do is turn back on features they turn off to make classic.

the art is trash

I wish they'd make that Gnomeregan cloak from the pre-Cata event moggable for them. It's been sitting in my Paladin's bank doing nothing for 9 years now.

Considering how much bloat the modern client has, especially since they're going to allocate more server calls to shard and phase players rather then just rendering them, yeah, it matters.

Why would worgen ally with forsaken?

why did you even bother replying


None of you have any clue how software development works.
Having two independently developed copies of the same client for two different versions of the game would be absolutely retarded from a development perspective and has absolutely zero advantages. Running different content on the same core engine so it can be updated together is how it's always done with things like this.

a post that retarded doesn't deserve a (you)

>not in the Horde
>not in the Alliance

>Night Elf
>not in their own faction

>fucking Eredar at all instead of making BL a faction

And yet it dragged jagex out of its sinking ship situation.

imagine liking gnomes

The newer versions of Runescape were complete rewrites, this isn't at all comparable and you're a retard

male gnomes are slightly endearing in extremely rare cases, but yeah, female gnomes are 0/10 and the easiest faggot filter ever. it's all about male taurens.

>they won't let world quests die, despite being hated by everyone
I like WQs

The only people who don't like gnomes are commies and homosexuals.

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silence yourself, COMIC RELIEF

Eat shit catababies, you'd have a patrician's taste too if you had played WC3 instead of sucking dick.

Can we stop with these contrarian mocking threads?

Nothing went right. It's the least favourite expansion in the series and WoW's subscriptions are at an all time low. Sylvanas boobs can't sell eveything alone.

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T. got assblasted by female gnomes

There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking shortstacks

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I'm having fun with BfA

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Same but I'm the kind of player who doesn't care about raiding

Raiders killed this game before they took over this was a 10/10 game where you could gear up in many ways from crafting to 5mans, but no the 1% had to have better gear and tier after tier of that shit too.

I am glad wow is down to low subs. I hope all raiders die.

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I said gnomes, not shortstacks

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What was Malfurion's problem in this cinematic?

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honestly can't take malfurion seriously anymore after legion

He had a bad sleep that's all.

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>honestly can't take Malfurion seriously anymore after Xavius mocked Tyrande in his voice
Almost 3 years now and people still unironically think it was Malfurion somehow telepathically begging for help

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*nearly dies from shrek throwing an axe at him*

>when the blizzard boner kicks in too hard

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[Sylvanas Windrunner wants to resurrect you.]
*immediately loyal to the Horde

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lol imagine sylvanas raising you into a mindless drone just to have you worship her feet for eternity haha

malfurion is a giant fucking faggot

As an undead player this has been the best expansion ever. Being the sole force capable of striking fear into the hearts of ten thousand year-old all-powerful wizard elves gives me such a power trip but I know we won't get to be evil anymore after all this.

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same thing

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wait, did people seriously think that? I instantly knew it was just the satyr faggot doing that to mock him

yeah...haha...that would suck

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Same but a Lightforged.

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>if you had played WC3
>Nightelves on the Alliance

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Your new racial leader will be Lillian Voss wearing a leash

I'm not a Sylvanas fanboy, I just like being blatantly evil. Every other race and faction feels so devoid of personality except maybe goblins.

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>this guy comes back as a forsaken deathguard

I don't think there is a reedemable thing about BFA other than the allied races, mythic system for dungeon autists like me (already in Legion) and class identity (debatable), retaking Lordaeron and the faction war.
They fucked up at giving the races, the mythic is the endgame in a MMORPG and even if the war is ok the causes are absolutely pantsu on head retarded.

Literally hyped to no end for Classic even despite expecting it to only resemble and not copy vanilla.
It, DMC5 and Sekiro are the only games I care about this year. WC3R as well if it even is out this year.

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I wasn't expecting Gallywix of all people to be the only likable horde leader this expansion.

>twitch whore gets scarab lord with her beta knights

Good for them. I'm not playing on a twitcher server.

I'll wait for expansion servers.

And I will avoid the game again if it forces us to leave vanilla content again.
Okay MAYBE I'll stick for TBC. But why people want to play vanilla only to play previous expansions (all of which made the game worse aside raid boss mechanics) is beyond me.

BC fixed your fucking classes

I can't really think of anything about BfA I liked better than Legion or even the first couple months of WoD before the content got stale.

Nigga I mained resto druid in TBC and literally no other class could fight me. I solo carried a friend in arenas; she would die as a shitty green geared rogue in seconds and I just healed and bear lacerate spammed undefeatably. TBC was fantastic but vanilla is still the *world* of Warcraft.

There's no reason why they couldn't do expansion specific servers. Private servers are perfectly capable of it.

I want to relive MoP class balance.

Yes if they allow us to play on different version servers I'm all for it. There are things to prefer between vanilla and TBC at least.
Vanilla nails the world, itemization, things from lower levels still being relevant at max level such as professions etc. I absolutely love that.
TBC nails dungeons, boss mechanics and class balance (aside for lmao resto druids); just letting every spec actually work as intended is great though.

>private servers

>underground gold selling
>cliques who suck the server admin cock
>f2p russians and chinks
>bad coding to emulate the actual experience

I dunno.

I don't even know if the game even has any of the trappings of a two faction game anymore, if they just made it red team v blue team with open racial choices literally nothing would be different

I liked the zones, music, sets, and the lordaeron cinematics. dont know how anyone stayed subbed past month 1 though

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Recursive gameplay only works in condensed sections, for example Isle of Quel'danas dailies, assault/invasion WQ, instanced BGs. Blizzard needs to gain some common sense and drop the endless world quest / AP nonsense.

>wants fucking dailies instead of world quests
What the fuck?

world quests are literally the only recent feature that doesn't suck dick

I play private severs all the time without any issues.

World quests are unironically 10x better than dailies.
Perhaps the rewards and actual content of the quests should change, but you are objectively wrong if you think dailies are better.

>World quests are unironically 10x better than dailies.
it's the same exact thing, the only good quality about them is that you don't have to run back and forth to quest giver

Unlike wow in TOR you could choose your shard. Unless it was full, you could switch between Orgrimmar 1, 2 and 3. You weren't thrown out of a shard at random.

>Want to go to a populated Orgrimmar
>"This instance is in the middle of depopulating. Unable to switch."

World quests wouldn't be bad if they had an end. Being attached to and endless AP farm that lasts the entire expansion feels horrible. I miss when you got your rep to exalted and you were DONE.

Looking at the WoW story today is a complete fucking turn-off. Whenever I get the slightest urge to go back all I have to do is remember that void elves exist and that the Horde has been repeating the same plot arc since fucking cataclysm.

>void elves exist
thanks god

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>that feel when no goth elf wife with a posh accent
why fucking live

He finally had enough of being a do-gooder and an all around cuck

>another year of no Big Love Rocket from Love is in the Air
>one of the final groups I was in had a guy with an add-on that would automatically announce the number of times he's tried
>"Big Love Rocket: 891 attempts."

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>Void Elves exist

I bet you wanted fucking High Elves.

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I didn't want any more elves of any kind, that's the problem. Especially not ones that were such a blatant asspull.

Void Elves are objectively better
>the men can have actual facial hair and not just boy band chin spikes
>females have cute voices
>great racials
>Telogrus Rift in general
I didn't even want High Elves before Void Elves but now that I have Void Elves why the fuck would I ever want anything else?

I changed my 110s who could be Void Elves into Void Elves pretty much immediately after unlocking them last year.

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Confirmed existence of Zandalari Troll Paladins and making them playable.
Still can't play as Zandalari Trolls until 8.1.5 is live, fuck that noise.

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you can't play them without substantial grind, fuck that.

You had six months to finish the requirements, user

I would play again if they get rid of the halal coverup they did on sylvanus and let that glorious midrift shine again

>I joined during WoD

how'd that happen? I stayed through WoD, but I couldn't imagine being new to WoW and joining in at WoD

Reputs are quite fast to farm actually

''You had six months to eat shit user''

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>It's another episode of "Grinding reputation to exalted is tough"
There's plenty crap added that should help with unlocking. The reputation for Legion factions you can grind are doubled. BfA factions have Contracts which only give you 10 rep per World Quest, but Honorbound / 7th Legion has ridiculous amount of reputation sources compared to others that you could potentially earn Mag'har or Dark Iron Dwarves quiet fast.

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"People" will believe anything.

based irl nigger

really wish WoW had some proper lighting

Drustvar and the music was amazing aside from the whole "le epic fatty woman" that was put in a leadership position and that's about it really.

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>The thing that is keeping a lot of retailfags subbed is the chance to grind a rep to unlock a character reskin so they can grind back up to 110 and do the same shit they've been doing for months
>Blizzard have withheld said reskins for this long into the expansion to string these dumb fucks along and keep them subbed

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Reskin? You mean the two races with completely unique models and racials?

>Fat humans
>Different looking trolls

For all intents and purposes they're reskins, they're not new races.

I mean sure, they're just humans and just trolls, but they're not reskins.
A reskin implies just changing the textures on the model. These are different models.
I think BFA is shit too but let's be real here.

Being pedantic doesn't change the fact that the thing BfA players are so excited about is the chance to do the same dogshit "content" they're doing now with a different character model.

Thats not what a reskin means retard

Ironically though, high elves would have been an actual reskin and gotten more alliancefags excited.

The whole stigma surrounding High Elves is one of the most interesting things about WoW and it's history
>High Elves start out as an Alliance unit in the RTSes
>Vanilla releases
>Horde is ridiculously outnumbered because their races aren't conventionally pretty
>They shoehorn the now-Blood Elves into the Horde and would later go on record as saying their main influence for doing so was Chines and Korean fans complaining that the Horde had no pretty females
>Regardless of this High Elves show up on the Alliance, and have done so since the beginning of the game
>They show up far more than actual Alliance races like Gnomes, to the point where people assume they'll eventually be playable
>To this day they still aren't
>People still want them
I can't think of anything else quite like it in video games.

compared to bfa wod wasnt even that bad. There was still pvp gear so you could just do bgs or assran on alts and no demon hunters to shit up everything
leveling was dogshit but at least you got to max in like a week.Plus you allso had most of your skills

Kill yourself, Helftard

Thanks to the collapse in the user base because of its shiftiness, Blizzard lost the safety blanket they’ve had since 2004. All the firings and layoffs are a direct result of this piece of shit.

>all worthless sjw tards got fired


I was seriously hoping their layoffs would cause the Overwatch "League" to shut down too

The new murloc pet is pretty cute, that went right I guess?

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>horde has no pretty girls
>fem orc and undead are not cute to them
soulless insects

Boomer bros...

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>promo art shows character's arm clipping right through the shoulderpad
Blizzard just doesn't even care anymore, do they?

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Idk and idc, just stating the fact that they're not reskins. You're using the term wrong.

>holding back the races
>holding back again on 8.1
>they're gonna hold them back again on 8.1.5
>people gonna reroll for them and realize WoW is just a shit game, well more then usual for BFA
>FFXIV is obviously the superior game and you should come erp with us on discord uWu

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>sub in spring '06
>hooked all throughout late Vanilla/TBC/Wrath
>things start feeling iffy around Cata but keep going
>unsub for the latter half of WoD's cycle
>resub for Legion, it's ok but still not quite there
>can't even get through BfA's zones because the quests are literally ALL the same exact thing (kill x enemies, find x drops, interact with x objects, rinse, repeat)
I've put up with so SO much but BfA finally made me step back and realize that I hadn't even really sincerely enjoyed WoW since 3.1, and that I just kept playing because fuck it I've done and collected so much I don't want it to go to waste, and that nearly all of my friends and old guildies and the PEOPLE that made the game worthwhile were all gone and that I may as well just play a single player RPG at this point for all the non-interaction I get out of the game at this point.

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Of all the things to complain about, its BFA's questing?

WoW finally killed itself. We might get a decent MMO now.

>heavier emphasis on character development
>bfa is a huge step down from legion

What does he mean by this

Don't get me wrong, the zone quests in the last few expansions haven't been stellar, but at least guild chat and zone chat got me through it. Now I don't even have that and the only really active guilds on my realm are unappealing.

>that feel when leveling through island expeditions
Why cant Warfronts be scaled like Islands, at least spamming those is a bit less boring than islands

Probably all the faction conflicts and major hand-holding (storywise) in the zones. The problem is the minute a red/blue covered npc shows up, everyone's brain turns off and they go into a rabies-induced rage. if the dev's can't properly do a faction conflict (and they have turned their brains off since Icecrown), then get rid of the faction conflict period.

This one is good thanks.

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Humans are the dindus in wow though. Orcs literally did do everything and everyone including the orcs admit it. Humans are the ones who are magically protected from any crimes they tried to commit by the word of god making sure they dindu nuffin cuz they're good boys.

>tyrande is mad at everyone
>literally called anduin an incompetent cuck

>everyone is mad at sylvanas

they will split the 2 factions into 4 just like in WC3.

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Sylvanas is for being resurrected and bred by Anduin.

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I want to marry and impregnate a Gnome desu

It would work if Blizzard wasn't literal shit at everything they do

why's the face in that picture so small?

Boralus is nice and the raids are pretty cool. Everything else about this expansion is trash

They should have made blood elves as alliance and draenei (actually being rogue eredar and not retconning TFT draenei)
Then again BC in general was a shitfest lorewise.

>talks about soccermoms
>bitches about anal spammers
Kys nigger faggot

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>pedophiles defending their perversions

Its the whole 'artstyle' user. It fucking baffles me how everyone is perfectly okay with this when it looks like everyone has a head one-size too small for their heads.

>Lower Guk
>Good design
Fuck no

.t horrible sense of direction