Am I the only one excited for Shenmue 3?

Am I the only one excited for Shenmue 3?

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my interest in the series died like 15 years ago. The announcement came a little too late for me.

Shenmue1/2 are/is my favorite game(s) of all time. But my excitement for this is tempered by the feeling that this game won't be anything like the first two. I'm sure they are going to change it to a straight forward action game to pander to new audiences.

Have they finally hired some animators?

the games are boring trash

>crappy QTEs
>story as interesting as watching paint dry
>climax is driving a forklift moving boxes to warehouses for 7 days straight

sega fanboys will eat anything up


All the rest who gamed back then have lives.

I am, cautiously

Looks like Skeet

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Shenmue was never my cup of tea.

I was, but I seriously hope it doesn't look like the godawful shit depicted in your original post.

why are there so many threads for this lately? did they finally announce a release date or something?

Is that Kramer?

The Kickstarter seemed really sketchy, I don't know what to expect

Its supposed to come out in August I think. I heard the HD collection had issues.


I'm excited but I know it'll be worse than the first two games, just because of the low budget

Why would you even bother with Shenmue when Yakuza is literally Shenmue but better in every way

It's not. Shenmue prioritizes immersion and characters. Yakuza is much simpler in every aspect except some minigames.

>Shenmue prioritizes immersion and characters
And thats fucking boring
Yakuza prioritises fun over clunky "realism"

If you have a low attention span, then maybe. I like Shenmue because the combat doesn't consist of mindless button-mashing, and the encounters are relevant to the story.

Much as I enjoy Yakuza and am looking forward to Judgment, the formula is lazy and dated at this point. I only got two Shenmue games, so obviously I'd find that more appealing

Nope. My name will be in the credits. Hyped as fuck.

Yakuza games aren't really that fun, though. I mostly just play them because the substories are kind of entertaining. The actual combat hasn't been engaging since 3.

Apparently Suzuki wants to combat to be dumbed down to the point where you can just mash your way through, that is a fucking hype killer. The entire game is based around mastering martial arts.

Theres this special bliss that I feel when a game dev utterly fails despite putting their all into shitting out their game.

With that said, I would LOVE it if this not only failed spectacularly but somehow stained the legacy of the series forever.