Post favorite city builders or management games.
Post favorite city builders or management games
whore master
Another bump
I was just playing Banished.
I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing.
Looks like you need more food
build lots of farms, have enough fishing wharves/gatherers huts/hunters' cabins that there's space for more workers in case you start running out of food
and keep 2-3 labourers at all times so you have those extra workers
same I quickly flatlined where I wasn't producing enough citizens so I couldn't build houses and expand. Its fun but I need to go over it again
From what I hear Tropico 4 is good but I've only played a couple of tutorial missions. Also Anno 2070(?) is alright The future setting where you have the eco and corporate factions and its mostly water
Was thinking about picking up cities skyline the next time it goes on sale, especially after the dissapointment that was Jurrasic World Evolution. Anybody that has it, is the dlc any good?
the DLC is ok but not really mind blowing. what turns it from an OK little game to something you might invest hundreds of hours making the perfect city in is the modding community, and some of those mods do need DLC (after dark is the most common one I think)
I like Banished, but I eventually reached a phase that I was artificially inflating my population and keeping everyone alive through mass trade good sales and twelve trading posts to buy food with. I hit 1500 population and things fell apart when I didn't get food shipments for two years, leading to mass starvation.
Playing a lot of Frostpunk right now, it's pretty fun. Endless mode is kind of frontloaded though, I guess the same as Bastion, but since your population is practically capped at 600, you eventually run out of things to do. The scenarios are great though, since usually victory means you're trying to keep up with things throughout the whole deal, especially on survivor difficulty.
>population 98
>no food, but has 9 miners and 8 stonecutters out of fucking 30 each
>also 2 markets
>has a physician, probably doesn't even need one
Build fishing dock near the lake, build two of them, make sure to get everyone the fuck out of markets, mines and quarries. stop wasting stone on stone roads and bridges and go upgrade your houses.
I never bother with fishing docks, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but they never seem to return much fish. I get around 350 a year when the hunter's hut and gatherer's hut produce around 1000-1200. I have seen the fishing dock actually work before so I know it does have potential to handle correctly.
What's that new medieval city builder in EA where your citizens make their own paths and shit based on where they walk the most? I remember seeing a video of it in alpha a year ago but they have made a lot of progress since then. Just can't remember its name.
Do you cover max amount of lake tiles with them? Usually fishing docks are the fastest source of food, probably more that half of the food in that screenshot is fish.
>your citizens make their own paths and shit based on where they walk the most
>when you reach auto-mode status and have nothing to do
>A child named Demon was born
By the max, do you mean placing them at river bends? That's about the only time I can get them to fully work, when their harvesting radius is basically encircled by rivers on two sides. Just placing them where one side is covered in water tiles doesn't seem to net me much. I'd say about half the circle is covered by water tiles on average.
I thought I was misusing them by making too many in one river (I set them all apart from each other's gather radius, but I thought fishing upstream would hurt those downstream), but that didn't seem to be the case either.
AOE2 is pretty good
It's like Dwarf Fortress.
You mod
You have grand designs
It's pretty simple mate
reminder that the more trading posts you have, the more traders pass through, thus enabling you to auto purchase and sell goods at fast rates and avoid having to do shit like mining/stonecutting and instead focus on brewing with imported fruits to arbitrage for literally anything you want because alcohol lets you become the trading kike
Well then I don't know how you don't get much fish.
yeah or you could build a cool village
Emperor was the best imo. It's harder than Zeus, easier than Pharoah, and with all the QoL improvements without being bugged.
Anyone got the megalink for Banished?
Just wait until a sale happens if you're that much of a cheapskate
Wasn't there some big mod for banished? Anyone played it?
Colonial Charter but I haven't tried it.
Pirate Bay has the latest version
I am still incredibly sad /cbg/ is dead, because great games like Cities Skylines exist and Citybound is still being developed.
Cities skylines is pretty much the perfect city builder for me, especially with the workshop. Any game trying to get into its niche will have to try very hard.