Fucking cock suckers make him with the biggest hitbox and a SLOW AS FUCK special.
You copy Destiny. Make it work like Destiny. Let the shield be a panic option.
Idgaf what you say or think, Yea Forums. I'm right
Fucking cock suckers make him with the biggest hitbox and a SLOW AS FUCK special.
You copy Destiny. Make it work like Destiny. Let the shield be a panic option.
Idgaf what you say or think, Yea Forums. I'm right
This game is a nigger's game
every match there's a nigger to solo drop
every match there's a nigger to leave when he dies
every match there's a nigger that will just randomly leave
why do you idiots play this garbage game
There's nothing wrong with solo dropping
Reminder that if you play Mirage you're an ADHD crack head nigger.
I like when the ga-
>Connection to server timed out. See ea.com/gofuckyourself-dildo for additional information
LMAO that character is a gay. If he gets any buffs, it better be how strong his resistance to aids is, it else he won't be on that roster for much longer.
>You copy Destiny. Make it work like Destiny. Let the shield be a panic option.
What part of destiny is he copying? Because the sheilds in that game are slow as fuck
light years faster than Gibraltar yo
I always forget the shield is a deployable. Every time I expect it to drop at my feet.
For a measly 50 hp shield you have to deal wit the following tradoffs
>it doesn't cover your whole body
>it only works if you're facing your target so if you're flanked you're fucked
>it only works if you're ads
>it takes about 1.5 seconds to activate after you ads and goes away instantly when you stop being ads
>it takes too long to recharge on its own in a gunfight, so once its gone it stays gone til you pop a battery
>and for this shield you will permenantly have a hitbox more than twice the size of most characters in the game
The balance team on this game are actually retarded. Did they seriously look at this and go 'yeah nah its fine'?
>everyone has the same health and run speed
>different hitboxes
Yeah. I'm thinking they're retarded.
you forgot to mention it lights up like a christmas tree
>hi im here come kill me :)
if they made his shield invulnerable and instant cast it would negate the hitbox size tradeoff
>still have to ads when hipfiring is pretty accurate
I'd honestly be happy with his hitbox if his gun shield would just be on all the time. Like, it takes too long to activate in most gunfights and it's an absolutely worthless passive in close quarters where you're hipfiring most of the time. What's the point of having 'tank' heroes if everyone in the game all has the same shield/hp pool anyway? Wraith has the same hp as the guy in a flak-jacket and she's 150% harder to hit
Wow, its almost like this game is just a vehicle for loot crates or something
get bamboozled
I miss the days when games would release once and that was it. Gamers have turned into crybabies.
the only upside to the character is that his ult is pretty good, that's it
Playing BR's makes you a faggot anyways so who gives a shit
I've played over 100 games and not once has someone solo dropped.
More like
>every match there's a nigger running
>Idgaf what you say or think, Yea Forums.
then why post it here where all you get is a discussion with people who know they are just as right as you are?
post it on an official apex forum if you want to address the developers, faggot.
Goldeneye had Oddjob. Everyone in my friendgroup agreed not to play him in the interest of not having huge fights on the game setup menu with the game never starting.
You can't come to that gentlemen's agreement with millions of niggers online.
I play Mirage because he's the most useless legend in the game and I don't wanna try hard and play shit like Bangalore and carry my shitty ass rando teammates.
I swear 99% of the randos in this game doesn't have a brain for some reason and there's not much of a differences working with randos or just doing it solo
>Fight ends with both teammates downed
>Oh thank you for rezzing me the first thing after a fight instead of looting the boxes
>Now instead of hide and heal I'll proceed to rush to the deadboxes and loot with 10 hp. I mean what can go wrong?
>Oh shit there's actually another team coming up I'M SHOT REZ ME PLEASE REEEEEEE
>Round play time : 21 minutes
>Damage dealt: 112
I solo drop whenever the jumpmaster jumps towards the furthest point in the map to waste 20 minutes picking up junk alone.
>Round play time : 21 minutes
>Damage dealt: 112
I'd never played a BR game until my niece showed me Apex Legend last weekend. A 31 minute match, we were one of the last 3 teams. When we finally failed, my total damage summed up to 17.
These games are hard.
>Wraith with the Left 4 Dead hunter stance
makes me kek every tijijej'ejj
wait. f2p games have scrubs infesting them?
>You copy Destiny. Make it work like Destiny.
Game plays and looks nothing like Destiny. Thank goodness.