now the clicks will roll
Now the clicks will roll
Other urls found in this thread:
>response to the AMA was overwhelmingly negative everywhere except on eight chan itself
And Yea Forums and Reddit.
>tfw everyone sees the archived ama thread
>coordinated harassment
/r/games just went oof yikes about it like the rest of the NPCs
People forget that places like Reddit didn't have sterling reputations either. You're guilty by association with these people. The problem is there's no delineation. These journalists try to make it seem like the AMA was conducted in front of kiddy diddlers and klansmen. They conveniently leave out that the site has different boards.
No, us.
Holy fuck I am so fucking mad at this.
I don't care that i'm late to the party. This whole situation makes me more upset then I've ever been at shit like this. These fuckers just wanted to have a little fun. Who gives a shit where they do it? Apparently everyone who's "right" does. The more I look everywhere else about this the more I am completely disgusted with everyone dog-piling on the opinion that these fuckers are less than human because they tried doing an AMA in a place "suspected" of child porn. Fuck. Off. This situation is the most telling any like this has ever been, holy shit.
Go back to trying to dox employees tranny.
I've been ignoring this shit all day and give no fucks.
but user how will the journalists coerce old people on facebook into looking at the ads that cover up the entire fucking screen if they ever wrote something reasonable and uninteresting.
Hold up, I thought this place was the toilet of the Internet?
So 8chxn became the new internet hate machine that used to be Yea Forums.
no we're the asshole of the internet, 8ch just eats our shit up
Yea Forums is the toilet that overstayed its welcome
Not anymore, this place is normiecentral.
We're only half the toilet that is 8.
Or they're twice as much of a toilet as us.
6 in one, half a dozen dicks in a 12 year old.
Fr no idea why THQ Nordic would do an ama there, that's the last place someone thinks of when they hear "video games"
>4/v/ is so shit that publishers would rather go on fucking 8/v/
so yeah this is exactly what I was thinking. The link to 8ch is still on their twitter and many sites are reporting on it giving it even more exposure, even detailing what you can find on there which will, guess what, attract more people to that site. Everyone is marketing the site. lol
We have enough marketers. Thanks.
the board owner called them up and they decide to say yes
no, this place is now like 90% of resetera who come here so they can post their true feelings without the threat of being banned.
>oof yikes
So, like neo-Yea Forums?
yeah Yea Forums is pretty much normie central compared to 8ch, do we have active bestiality, loli and shota boards? didn't think so.
It’s like saying anyone who associates with Instagram is a child diddler just because Instagram is a popular way people to pass on cp.
Literally an outrage generating advertisement stunt in the same vein of the Nike, Gillette etc ads.
>do we have active bestiality, loli and shota boards? didn't think so.
and that's a good thing!
resetera trannies do autistic screeching, not just oofing
Haven’t been to Yea Forums lately, have you?
No, what I mean is that nu4chan now unironically uses reddit buzzwords like "oof" and "yikes", which is something I would only expect from the most feminized numales of all.
>no horse pussy, no loli or shota
why even live?
8gag is nothing but low test pedos and larping nazis
No, user.
Remember, when other people do it, that means every one of them do it. But when someone on our side do it, they are obviously isolated incidents and just bad apples
Probably because this place is choke full of redditors.
Even the self-proclaimmed masculine right wing speaks like a bunch of faggots who grew up in Ned Flanders' home.
they sound based I'll check that place later.
Not true. The nazis on the ASMR board aren't LARPing.
I think they're discord words, memes are a kind of a clusterfuck nowadays.
The AMA had questions about white nationalism and pedoshit
well I guess it's official (it's been official for a while now) Yea Forums is literally shit compared to 8's
>sissies and cucks are based
Alright, sub-human
4/v/ can easily get any dev better than THQ to make an AMA here though.
>Beta orbiter are the biggest Hitler orbiters
Makes you think. It's like they like being stepped on
You mean they asked the board owner to ask them, so they could generate headlines
Need Flanders is alpha though
All mods are insane spergs that hate Yea Forums and Hiro is a retard and no random user is going to convince anyone.
Imagine being this underage
15 minutes of oops now 24 hrs news. Meteor can't come soon enough to whack this planet. Who cares? Some PR kiddo fucked up, go watch Soap Operas or read Hollywood Reporter, get fucking lives ResetEra trannies.
What's the second A mean?
We literally have SONY marketers on Yea Forums, I know because I got a ban for posting an image showing Horizons ZD unflattering textures, these guys use copyright to ban people who hurt their games and heavily push them here, hell they had a guy make webms and spam them in the webm threads
We have enough senpai
I'll take cripplechan before even considering shit like Reddit, twatter and gaming media any time. Gamers rise up
Ask Me Aryan?
Lets get Gaben to make an AMA here on 4/v/
its time to show everyone our real potential
>Is explicitly told not to apologize for the AMA because the hyenas will pounce on them regardless and it will only make things worse
>issue an apology anyway
Fucking retards deserve whatever happens to them next.
so is reddit the septic tank?
Anything. Ask Me Anything
Also, why halfchn? Even makes more sense if they want a different platform
new Titan Quest when?
someone at 8ch asked them to come and do an AMA, and they figured what could it hurt.
It's amazing how butthurt PC Gamer got over this.
So retard central 8chn will surpass 4chins for users now?
Nothing really. If they didn't apologize, people wouldn't care so much
Wow that headline is totally professional and isn't salty at all!
>pc gamer
>Their top pc games are multiplats and AAA garbage
pfffff fuck those cucks.
>journalists being professional
Never happened before, user. You shouldn't be surprised.
we are basically r/Yea Forums now.
have you seen the threads lately?
I got DMCA warning for posting DOOM 2016 pics before release think about that.
so does nobody have screencaps of the thread there?
the fuck're we supposed to talk about then
dreams die hard, chief
>drawn pedoshit isn't pedoshit
I missed my chance to ask why my version of Titan Quest anniversary edition keeps stuttering
I thought 12ch was the pedo one?
Imagine how much these journalists would sperg out if they saw what went on in any of the hundreds of dead chans
Jesus christ
>Bethesda marketers
>SONY marketers
Im glad we dont have EA marketers at least
We've gone soft. There's only so much niggerposting an user can do to keep the normies away.
Did those retards actually think it was going to turn out any other way?
Marky boy is unironically braindead huh?
Twitter is more edgy than Yea Forums is these days. People here used to get mad about Reddit stealing content from here, but now we get almost all of our content from Twitter.
Just because we don't have boards dedicated to them doesn't mean we don't have threads about them you dipshit. Do you just occasionally browse Yea Forums during your plebbit sessions?
>ResetEra is now trying to doxx every mark they can think of that's related to video games to try to find this "mark" THQ gave a shoutout to
>they're now targeting Mark Kern from Blizz, convinced its him
Loving Ever Laugh
Ceci n'ast une petite fille.
works ok on win7
They let their guard down for 2 seconds and thought they could have some fun having a direct conversation with some fans in a non-sterile corporate environment but they forgot what year it was.
Back to resetera you tranny
MY post isnt a spam you gook moot faggot cumskin bulbasaur ass niggers
>murder in video games is the same as real murder
literally you
>THQ apologized
Fuck 'em. Hope they go under now. Never bend the knee to these outrage mobs
You can't post the name of that other chan. That's what is setting off the filter. Call it something like 8ch or 4+Yea Forums
They still haven't fully fixed the console version, or even added the Ragnarok content. They're doing that first.
haha you best be joking nigger
them and ubisoft spam the shit out of this board every release
>Resetera is full of trans
Yeah the transera thread gets like 1 post a week, you really gottem
wait what? sauce?
This is the logic of someone in severe denial.
Why the fuck would we want that?
The true chemo to keep the normalfags and resetera trannies away is loliposting
ResetEra trannies in full witch hunt mode. Pretty sure this completely violates their own website's TOS and Twitter's TOS but it's ResetEra, it's """"""allowed""""""
Oh, I didn't even knew there was console version
if you say violence doesn't cause by video games then you can never say X cause Y. slippery slope.
They're trying to get other companies to cut ties with THQ completely lol.
Rules for thee but not for me
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with ResetTrannies?
Every time I see someone posting screens of what they post there it makes me feel so bad in the sense that I don't understand how people can be this deluded. They're just as bitter and asshurt, if not even more, than people on /pol/
It's like watching those clueless kids and teens posting random or deep shit in YouTube comments thinking their world renown philosophers.
The first one is just banter, but the second one is just plain stupid in current year+3, not to mention if you do it while using company name
It started as a parody of Resetera/Reddit lingo of people sounding like absolute faggots as they post.
>"Oof, that's gonna be a BIG yikes from me!"
But like all overblown "ironic humor" it's impossible to tell the difference between the joke and the real thing anymore.
reddit's nazis and pedophiles are okay because I go there for cat pictures you shitlord!
lmao why are they so mad
Imagine being this much of a little fucking bitch.
They're here because video games is a cultural that they can do activism within, and help further the 'agenda'. None of them would be doing half of the shit that they do if they just wanted to play video games.
>AMAs on chan sites bad
>AMAs on sites with convicted pedos, sexual deviants and confirmed sexual harassers good
'Gaming disorder' has been classified as a mental health condition by the World Health Organization
Because a major company *dared* to speak to a site that wasn't affiliated with ResetEra or any Industry games journalist leftist site
They answered that, I think.
They wanted an AMA in their sterile echochamber.
It really isn't. Or are you saying it's just like the real thing if I commit crimes in GTA?
A PR guy made an oopsie so it's time to destroy hundreds of unrelated peoples' careers over internet words
>the ama was civil discussion
>still gets shit on
Why don't we just mobilize and dox retards like these ourselves instead?
The irony.
You're ONLY allowed to speak to ResetEra
If you don't we'll fucking crucify you and Doxx every single one of you fuckers until every one of you assholes are out of a job and never work in the game industry again
Enjoy your stay at ResetEra, the most diverse and friendly website on the internet :)
It was, until the resetrannies decide to dump their CP in the thread and screech about it on twitter.
>the same (literal) WHO that declassified """transgenderism"""
>classifying what essentially falls under addiction as it's own, unique disorder
peas in a pod
Sounds pretty based to me.
I'd actually give up on pirating for them and BUY those devs games instead.
>MSM still anally devastated that a cripple destroyed their chances in 2016 elections
Do they not see how desperate this looks?
Yea Forums hasn't done a thing like in ages. Yea Forums doesn't even go after animal killers anymore.
silly little man trying so hard to be relevant
Is there a source on this? Not that I don't believe you, but i'd like to see it
Were they wrong to? I get that it made things worse, but would it of been wrong for them to think apologizing would extinguish the fire, if just a tiny bit?
>Enjoy your stay at ResetEra, the most diverse and friendly website on the internet :)
"Enjoy" isn't really the word I'd use.
wrong it has trap, tranny and gay boards (although the gay one IS called cuteboys) sadly though in the gay board its all fat fucks claiming to be chubby.
Americans have ruined the word chubby and term bear. Fat fucks
>do we have active bestiality, loli and shota boards?
What the fuck am I still doing here
Remember when the Yea Forums front page was some shitty number done with basic HTML and all the boards were on the side with a scrollbar? Shit man. Where does the time go?
>but would it of been wrong for them to think apologizing would extinguish the fire, if just a tiny bit?
Yes actually.
Since it's never worked any other time before and made the people throwing the hissy fit more ammo since now they have a "justification" for their anger as if something was apparently done wrong. Instead, acting like nothing was wrong makes them out to be the screaming children they are.
Might be about time we changed that.
>"ree they are posting anime girls! fucking pedos!"
>meanwhile resetera has actual convicted child fuckers
>Is there a source on this?
It was in the catalog but I ain't linkin' that shit.
I thought THQ went bankrupt and was sold off?
Since when do people know about FUCKYOUCHINKMOOTchan? I haven't heard about it since it started
Which site is that? Because the second quote is an outright lie, it said "cease *your* faggotry". Seemingly minor but there's a significant difference between a simple reaction image calling someone a faggot and another making a broad statement against all faggots/gays, that's so fucking unprofessional.
yeah, lets bring someone here, someone big and relevant, better than thq.
that's what he said stupid cross-dressing subhuman.
Would you? post or statements like this are dimes in a dozen, especially after some new outrage for the week.
>imagine being this fucking mad on a dead chan site because some dev chose that site over yours
I thought we were the toilet of the internet
We're gonna have to try harder lads
The name got bought and is being puppeteered
Oh no, he has to wade through cute and funny posting
how terrible
Man what are you doing on Yea Forums if you think this.
arstechnica. yeah they do omit that, but literally saying anything with faggot or nigger in it despite the context is a major butthurt central these days. Its stupid being context illiterate, but it is what it is.
I wish some upper dev or company would just call them out on being the mentally ill and handicapped niggers they are and then let them know they don't give a shit about people who don't actually care about video games and just wish to shove in their agendas into everything.
That would be a cool moment to witness.
??? there's nothing remotely cute and funny on that garbage site. It's all pedo and gore shit
all this controversy is cool and all but did they say anything about darksiders 4? that's all i care about
"The most vehement anti-lolis have a tendency to be the most egregious pedophiles."
>t. Mahatma Gandhi
Except mostly nobody gives a shit.
>dont go there yourself, read this (((Washington Post))) article instead of thinking for yourself
lmao the liberal media is so funny
So what are the odds that they'll release Metro Exodus on Steam even sooner because of this?
Sup ResetEra. Still seething?
Wow user, way to be such a [individual who is not receptive to the progressive zeitgeist]
so surely we can all agree that this is the best viral marketing stunt of recent times, right?
>make twicechan look bad (but not really)
>bait resetera into going full SJW retard, making them look bad
>bait """games ""journalists""""" into going full SJW retard, making them look bad
>completely leave Yea Forums out of it
>demonstrate desire to actually reach out to the people who play your games instead of pandering to reddit/resetera and toeing their retarded ideological lines, like everyone else does
>ultimately suffer zero actual consequences
>all while giving a wink-and-a-nod to chanfags
i'm honestly shocked by how well-orchestrated this whole thing was.
How was Darksiders 3 by the way?
I never really paid much attention to it since release due to other issues but have always enjoyed the series in its own way.
Aren't you supposed to dig through the scary place, Mazinger?
What did they mean by this
If they’re the toilet, are we the urinal?
That doesn't change anything. Nazis are very homo
Too bad THQ fucked it all up by bending the knee and apologizing.
They can fuck off.
I only know about it since I used it before for porn/hentai games. /hgg/ and /htg/ they had decent discussions about some things I was interested in there, introduced me to some new stuff as well and people would usually leak patreon versions for some of the games.
>See and participate in real murder
>it is a visceral and real, scarring, life altering event
>See and participate in simulated murder
>It stays in the game as an abstraction with no real outlet
>See naked children
>Grab your dick and jerk it furiously because you're attracted to children
>See naked cartoon children
>Grab your dick and jerk it furiously because you're attracted to children
Gee Fred, these two scenarios seem to be nothing alike!
You, the trannies, faggots, and all the other degenerate pieces of shit can all fuck off.
Didn't Phil Fish already do this to weebs?
More like the 3rd world landfill.
The 8ch community specifically said they were leaving in October 2016. The Moot out front should have told you.
why didnt they come here bros
No, to good games.
>he's the leader of 8ch
Jesus fucking Christ what's wrong with these people? Why do they TALK like that?
the odds that you stop being a dumb satania poster
The world is not so black and white user, nor is the entire spectrum of what is defined as loli.
more like it's incredibly hard to go after actual human trash even after big websites virtue signal so much and claim to fight hate speech and other shit like that
it took several youtubers to take down a guy who recorded himself raping a dog with a fucking log and routinely uploaded it on Discord (the website whose officials fought tooth and nails to retain cub porn after the uproar from lolicons who felt discriminated)
>They conveniently leave out that the site has different boards.
And you're conveniently leaving out that those different boards are only frequented by the kiddy diddlers over at 8ch*n.
These people live in fantasy worlds where everyone they disagree with is Voldemort from Harry Potter
eh fair point, and if they suddenly start pushing "muh diversity" or fucking whatever in coming weeks/months to show how truly woke they are, then yeah that'll be gay as AIDS. but I don't think they will, I think they're gonna get away with the minimal apology they've made.
it's just a shame they don't have any games i'm really looking forward to right now. SRTT is in my top ten favorite games but I really don't want to go back to Steelport AGAIN.
Imagine being in such a state of constant hysteria, to the point where you imagine that you're living in occupied France, and live life constantly in this mindset.
Hiroshimoot didn't offer them any of his money or crippled hookers.
it isn't, you normalfag
Fucking fat americans ruining the term chubby. Go there for a nice guy with some meat on his bones and get a landwhale. Fucking bastard cunts
>claims 8ch is full off pedos for posting loli
>head admin of resetera was anti loli and turned out to have actual child porn
explain THIS
Its considered child porn in the majority of the world, though
That was Neogaf. They all left after that admin did a sexism
I'm laughing my ass off at them painting that fat cake-guzzling jew as some nazi mastermind. His only crime is being a massive attention whore.
thought that was neogaf
this place has become fucking irrelevant now
you say that but take a good look at this fucking board culture
Yikes, cringe, based and redpilled, incel, cuck, etc.
you can't tell me that we're any better than them.
The exact same could be said of reddit, discord, or any site with user created categories to be perfectly honest.
That was NeoGAF you fucking retard, we're now in ResetEra, which was literally made to distance ourselves from that piece of shit. Two completely different things.
and majority of the world doesn't believe in Allah
We all can't be right.
oops didnt realize those were actually different things. Guess im the real retard here
Ah right fair enough.
oh I understand can you now go back there please? thanks
THQ colored outside the lines.
>jacking it to guro makes you kill people
>jacking it to vore makes you eat people/be eaten
>jacking it to fictional rape makes you a rapist
This is you, restricted only to masturbatory fantasies.
I definitely would. If not for the fact that most money from game sales won't probably even go to them and they reach the publisher instead. If I'm going to give my money away, I want it to go to the developers, not the leches.
You rarely ever see companies still somewhat acting like humans and just wanting to have some sort of fun.
Allah isnt real and drawn or not, being attracted to the body features of a child makes you a paedophile.
So you admit to being underage?
8ch is filled with bestiality and other shit. Yea Forums unironically is a better place for something like that AMA.
It's ok.
They're just as retarded and just as terrible so they end up being the same probably real pedophile concept in the end.
kill yourself. you're a waste of valuable resources.
So they really are watching us
>See and participate in real murder
>it is a visceral and real, scarring, life altering event
yeah nah that negro shouldn't have pulled out a gun first and cooperate with us
*tips fedora*
>suddenly Yea Forums thinks AMAs are a good thing since it's now associated with Alt-right incelistic pedophiles.
...that those other sites are frequented primarily by kiddy diddlers?
Dayum I will now preorder every THQ Nordic game
just like the basement you live in you fucking tranny :)
It's uncommon until that Canadian retard did his van of peace attack. Now everyone and their mother uses it in place of Virgin.
But normalfags just come here to niggerpost without repercussions now
There's nothing wrong with being attracted to children.
Why did they even do it there? Is 8*han more serious about gaming despite having more offensive content? It makes no sense
Eventually it will come to light that the scum moved to retardera. Then we’re all going to laugh.
>what was the GabeN AMA
>what was the improptu Kamiya AMA
wtf I love THQ Nordic now
Well looking at the archived AMA thread it seems that they have no direct control over the timesplitters IP and that anything from it is in someone other company's hands. sad.
Said guy is still actively uploading videos by the way
Because the board owner of Yea Forums reached out to them and asked for them to host it there and the representative agreed. This isn't the first time he's done that sort of thing, he got Yoko Taro to post and link the thread a few years back. Dude must be fairly charismatic.
how do you distance yourselves by making the same thing again?
If its just the same people whats the point?
>defending AMAs
No, the newfag here is you.
4channel (Yea Forums wearing a costume) can't even be considered because of its reputation, and how well-known that reputation is. This place is still insanely bad regardless of what's officially allowed by the rules or not.
Oh okay, that makes more sense
I asked you what the second A was you jackass
>Jacking off to non-existent beings in the form of young cartoon characters is bad
>jacking off to non-existent beings getting brutally tortured/mutilated/hurt in the form of cartoon characters is fine though
No way, 4channel is a totally inclusive advertiser friendly place now that Yea Forums is separate
So that place is still up. Is hotwheels alive?
Perhaps we could compare their catalog to ours in order to find out?
pls no ban
The few times I have been in threads for research purposes, and seen screen-caps of posts from ResetEra I have been made genuinely uncomfortable. There's nothing quite like seeing:
>This looks bad, but maybe we should wait for more context before acting upon this information?
>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST. REASON: Transphobia or supporting transphobic practices.
In a completely unironic way.
I've seen some terrible practices, but there's nothing that seems quite so antithetical to the concept of the internet and how it allows open communication between people regardless of race, sex, religion, sexuality, political ideology, as what goes on on that website.
It's a fucking disgrace and the fact it somehow continues to exist is a dark spot on the internet.
The second A stands for "Anything".
as in:
what is there to defend about AMA's? what's inherently bad about an AMA?
i'm legitimately confused by this.
Just wait until this place is blacklisted too. Eventually, everyone is going to figure out that it's still the same website run by the same people, the same way as the Yea Forums domain. Unless something real changes, it will happen.
why is the door kicked on the anime girl?
newfag thinks reddit invented AMA's. ignore him.
It's literally just them trying to gatekeep exclusive access to content creators so they can stay relevant.
You on the left
Good to know, dude is a gift
>Eventually, everyone is going to figure out that it's still the same website run by the same people
everyone already knows this what the fuck
>reddit spacing
You're really not helping your case here.
Im wanting to be kidnapped. Taken to a place where no one will find me and be turned into a sex slave/human toilet. Forced to be raped. Forced to eat scat. Forced to bathe in manure. Im looking for someone to do this to me.take me to a construction site or camp site porta potty, shove my body in the toilet/waste collection tank. use me as a toilet. tie me up. piss shit cum puke spit on me or in my mouth. have me wear a diaper. toss used diapers,condoms,tampons, and panty pads on me. let me eat the waste of many workers.i want to be tied up in a barn and forced to eat horse,dog and cow shit drink horse piss, and be raped by multiple horses,dogs and cows and have to lick there asses clean and be forced to lay in a slurry of poop. i need to be filled with dog shit while i get raped by a big dog dick.
is this real?
not him but the reddit term is retarded. it used to be, sometimes a dev would pop in and post, and you'd say, oh shit, a dev popped in to post, not "[guy] is 'doing an AMA.'"
>would it of been wrong for them to think apologizing would extinguish the fire
These people are wanna be prosecutors, an apology is tantamount to an admission of guilt to them. Even an apology in good faith is like blood in the water and simply justifies their actions and increases the fervor.
Your options are to either ignore it and let the fire burn out on its own, or burn the fucking bridge yourself (in a polite, business-casual kind of way) and let them drown themselves trying to keep the fire going.
You guys know he's trolling resetera right?
This is what believes.
>"""reddit""" spacing
Aw shit, Tyrone, why yous glowin'?
>A new Destroy all Humans got confirmed
>All Yea Forums can do is talk about their crush on the bad boy 8ch
The filename pulls up the thread on /pol/ archives, just checked. Unless it's shopped that's either him or some boomer-lookalike that genuinely browses /pol/. Either option is pretty sad.
poe's law
Advertising companies are a bit slow unless pushed, and Hiro isn't going to push the fact that it's the exact same with a name change. Honestly, people should be sending emails to advertising firms, telling them that this is the same website, and add proof in the form of links to archived garbage threads that weren't deleted. There are plenty of them to go around every day. I want this place to be better, but unless Hiro's hand is forced, he will do nothing. I believe the man has no genuine concern for the website, only his pockets.
>regardless of the content if something somehow has even a tangential relation to [Yea Forums unapproved website] then thing is automatically bad
what kind of autism is this
No. I can't take anything posted in there as a 'joke'. Those people are legitimately mentally ill to the point you can't trust it to not being serious.
Skimming through the thread it's apparently shopped, original's from a reddit AMA 2 years ago.
>8ch has webms with sound
>18mb file limit
>No Captchas
>Multiple file posting
>Video Embed
>All Yea Forums has are fucking gold accounts
a toilet thats overflowing with toilet cleaner
you should visit sometime and see for yourself, it's the most absolutely fascinating shit possible. like when reddit nukes the comments on a post, everything just shows up as [deleted], so you say "oh something probably resembling interesting discussion must've started happening here, too bad it got nuked." but on resetera, they leave the "offending" posts up with descriptions of exactly what was so "offensive" about the post, like heads on stakes, making an example to warn others with.
can you even imagine caving into peer pressure that much, on a fucking website, instead of just saying "fuck this" and going elsewhere immediately? these people CRAVE the feeling of having "correct," non-ban-worthy thoughts, and for actively expunging "wrong" thoughts from their mind.
again, it's all absolutely fascinating to watch from a distance.
It's outrage culture. Those cliques circulate followers/viewers/whatever by getting pissed about shit, same as American news. They're probably going to bed thinking about how many new followers they have rather than the crippling issue they screamed about to get them.
he basically created a banepost on trannyera. the guy is trolling.
wait for this stuff to die first. vidya discussion will follow after this topic is exhausted.
>making the site perform worse financially will force hiro to improve it
if he can't make the money he wants off it he'll just sell it
Who gives a shit? It's called anime DAD
this. assholes create, toilets don't shit
these trannies probably know that and lashing out because of their envy and their reputation as a laughing stock among gamers.
>Anime is the same as Child pornography
Holy shit these people are retarded.
was there any good info or announcements to come from it or are sites like pcgamer just going to continue to be mad that they weren't picked for an interview instead?
>See real child pornography.
>You find it disturbing and report it.
>See cartoon children
>Jerk off because you're attracted cartoons and don't give a fuck about the fictional age of make-believe works of the imagination.
There's always a bigger fish, user.
Why are you guys defending 8ch? We should be forming an informal pact with ResetEra!
This is our chance to take 8ch off the Internet. They're our mortal enemy! Remember the "half-chan" insult, and the Vivian thing? Sure, ResetEra will go after us next, but that's not important right now!
Haven't you heard? "We" have always hated them.
Advertising potential here is too great to pass up easily. He'll either immediately sell the website (To someone who will kill it anyway), or drive it into the ground trying to squeeze the last few coins out of it.
>That could be from one of our upcoming games
Holy fucking shit, can't wait. Fucking based.
>be current year
>can't post or enjoy anything anywhere on the internet without being associated with pedos and nazis
Doesn't reddit also have a pedo and nazi problem?
>Holy shit these people are retarded.
They know exactly what they're doing.
There's no fun allowed in 2019, you are condemned guilty irrespective and it's just a matter of who and how. It's basically just a new era of mcarthyism where anyone who isn't politically compliant will be screed with any matter of accusation. Didn't say anything racist, they'll spread rumours, or accuse you of liking racist content or being liked by racists. There's an endlessly wide scope that anyone would be condemned by so it simply comes down to who is targeted.
They also gave away a key to a certain game, should've been there, gotten a free darksiders 3 copy
What we know:
>Destroy all Humans
>some medieval game, probably
>no new Druids game
>Guilds 3 still in the works; wants it to be good
>suspicious dodging of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 questions
>they leave the "offending" posts up with descriptions of exactly what was so "offensive" about the post, like heads on stakes, making an example to warn others with.
They used to do that on Yea Forums too
So, they are going after a certain person and the only fucking clue they have is "his name is Mark".
What the flying fuck.
Welcome to user. You're not allowed to have fun without someone misinterpreting it as a political statement of who you endorse. Now that Yea Forums's so normified they needed another target to make the new "hacker Yea Forums"
dumb Akko poster
i honestly dont understand why you guys dont post there as well?
>claims to have been on Yea Forums for a decade
>cries about loli
Sometimes I kind of miss the days Yea Forums would regularly have cp posted. It at least kept the normalfags away.
Kek, Mark literally shows his face and gives out his real address and these retards can't find him. Mark is fucking based.
Based Mom! If we disavow 8ch hard enough, we could really turn our reputation around!
It's a lot slower
braindead akko poster
I do. I post here for Yea Forums and /sci/ and post there for Yea Forums and /pol/. I am only on this Yea Forums right now because it's fun to see what half Yea Forums thinks but 8/v/ is objectively better.
I forgot to mention:
>posted a list of E3 reveals; post was deleted.
Alternatively, silently deleting stuff doesn't let you know what exactly is being censored and why, therefore not letting you know how egregious the censorship is. Compare the scenario of the govment publically pulling a certain book off of all the shelves in the country vs them going to the author and silently snubbing it before it was published. The latter is more shitty, IMO.
I want to rape Thomas Truong
true and desu I miss it, but when you see (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) about once a year or so it's pretty comfy. but again the real humor of resetera's bannings is the verbage they use to describe your "offense(s)," it's always so bureaucratic and "official-sounding," like an annoying little girl with a single mother who's a lawyer and doesn't spend time with her daughter trying to bully a group of boys on an elementary school playground by making up rules and trying to enforce them arbitrarily. like, they have fucking CONSISTENT terminology they use, it's hysterical
Based Jannychan
I don't do the reddit thing, but I have heard people mention that they delete their history/accounts after a certain amount of time.
In concept I LIKE leaving the content up, because, like it does on ResetEra, it shows you how totalitarian and immutable the stranglehold they have on their community is. It leaves something to be defended, and lauded as "Misuse of powers". Contrary to sites that do just wipe content off the map, without leaving ability to reference what it was, and to address why it was deleted.
How can I feel comfortable with any authority online when their entire basis of power relies on "See that deleted post? It broke the rules, trust me"? It's an entirely absurd notion, that only breeds contempt and distrust for any kind of moderation figure. The way certain websites lap that shit up and lay on the praise disgusts me.
>AMA goes fine
>ResetERA and Reddit: They must be doxxed. The Employee must be fired. All associations need to change their associations.
>gaming journalists lying, literally lying about the situation
>no big youtubers even talking about it and how fucked up it is
I don't like loli anymore than I like dicks, it's just if you wanted to experience what Yea Forums had to offer you had to take that good with the bad.
hugboxed faggots weren't used to little girls and retards posting ironic anonymous shit
We're more like the bidet of the internet.
it's all too fresh, you gotta see if some of the regular shitflingers like Metokur or Keemstar bite.
Like here then?
>Lying about anything
>AMA's got a /trapshota/ banner at the top
>~5th post is a Nazi Loli in a Microbikini
>DICE dev gloating about THQ's "impending doom"
Uhhhh, sweetie? Have you seen your sales lately?
You have to go back
>no big youtubers even talking about it and how fucked up it is
Someone like MisterMetokur will pick it up, and then it'll work its way up to the old GamerGate supporters.
or thecuckening
>assholes create
This place hasn't been an asshole in years, then.
>A new Destroy all Humans got confirmed
>A new Rune Factory got confirmed
>All my favorite dead franchises are coming back
Can't wait for the trend to continue with an F-Zero announcement at E3. Right?
Loli is banned from almost every board on Yea Forums and always has been. The loli board is gone. The idea I have to put up with that pedoshit in Yea Forums because "that's what Yea Forums is" is utter crap.
The only non-negative post i've seen was Mandalore making a meme post about wanting a new Mystery of the Druids game.
Because of the pedo accusation everyone will come down hard even if its not true because the concept is so radioactive.
>anime girl in swimsuit is cp
Can't wait for cuck sterling to make a "BOYCOTT THQ NORDIC" video
When did we let these leftie snowflakes literally decide which game companies thrive and which fail? Why did they become the "majority right option" for game companies in the west?
Fucking hell. Japan would laugh at these faggots, even some Euro devs laugh at these idiots.
THQ Nordic did an AMA not on Reddit, Not on ResetERA, but on infchan? Fucking based. But once again this becomes a click bait outrage for those leftie fucked mind people.
And that isn't really enforced. Sure if its explicit it gets deleted just like any other explicit material but you only need to go to a Prisma Ilya thread to see just how far you can go before something is considered "explicit".
Yea Forums is the best in this respect. you can view every post in the archives and/or use 4chanX. if some tranny janny kills your post randomly, who the fuck cares? I know they exist and I know they literally suck shit, but I'm not going to ask to see their fucking manager and appeal my ban and restore my epic shitpost, on a thread that's already been archived and everyone's already forgotten about.
that's the biggest difference between Yea Forums and reddit/resetera: those websites take everything way too fucking seriously, but here, who the fuck cares? this post isn't going to hurt or help my ongoing reputation here, you're not going to say to yourself, "oh, there's user, posting again, what were my preconceived notions about him based on his posting history, again?"
Drawings are bad.
Better to socialize with irl pedos and rapists.
This board is a marketer's wet dream. You people are such fucking sheep.
>hating on Trap shotas
post it here then
lets see what happens
Oh god you're right
>revisionist history
De Jure and De Facto exist in English for exactly this reason. At the very least porn has been banned on Yea Forums since "SFW" blue boards were created. In actuality they were still full of the stuff. For years.
You can larp that it wasn't like that. You can beat your chest and say it shouldn't have been like that. Doesn't change that it was like that.
lucky guy
This is the only way to put it
Nah, trannys and redditards are just a bunch of whiny cucks.
No no, Yea Forums uses oof and yikes """"""""ironically""""""""""
Just like how people here say:
>based and redpilled
>lol, lel, kek
How do we make sure Mr.Metoku finds out about this?
he died
I'm only attracted to 2000 year old dragon girls
That was like 10-15 years ago
>the only company to not bow the knee to liberals/sjws on reddit or resetera instead goes to gamers to host an AMA
yeah they are fucking BASED as fuck. instead of answering questions about diversity quotas or genders, they answered gaming questions. This triggers the SJW gay trans Nonbinary.
Can't wait for TotalBiscuit to follow up on this scandal.
Then why has Yea Forums spent the entire day bitching about SJWs being mean to poor ol' based THQ?
When was the last time you niggers even liked a THQ game?
Look at this dolt saying "yikes"; this board is a fucking clown college of hypocrisy.
But they did bend their knee and apologize for the whole thing.
Fact: ResetEra has VERIFIED game developers.
Fact: Yea Forums/8ch have NO game developers. No self-respecting dev would ever come to this place.
Now, ask yourself: Which side of history would you rather be on?
How fucking new are you?
There was LITERALLY an EA marketer handing out free fucking gamecodes on here once upon a time. And not the whole "Oh here's a single code" no like "Here's a code, first 25 to redeem gets it."
fucking ecelebs
this place worship ecelebs more than anything
no wonder we never got actual game devs in here
were too busy boosting these literal who fucks to get them more youtube views
I assume the low test pedos you're referring to is /leftypol/?
Drawn children is considered child pornography in some countries, yeah. And regardless, to normies, investors, and I'm sure the president of this company, the difference is so minor so as to be immaterial. You generally don't want your brand to be associated with "/trapshota/ - lolies with a few extra inches"
420chan is confirmed the chan that Moot likes most.
>if it gets deleted, it's cp
>not because its nsfw on a blue board
I bet you cover your eyes at the beach retard
you're not going to like the answer, but do yourself a favor and read the first couple chapters of Mein Kampf and see if you can draw any parallels to your own life experience of the past few years.
how the fuck has resetera not been ddosed yet
>take everything way too fucking seriously
There's this weird concept among SJW's where the existence of (bad thing) is poisonous and must be purged. It's like some warped concept of sin, if only (bad thing) didn't exist we'd have no racism / transphobia whatever. So you have these people thinking posting trihard on twitch or having a pepe will create racists when in reality its just noise in the ether and will disappear in seconds, people aren't so easily influenced.
best part is on 8ch we were laughing our asses off over the fact that this would be on the board header when they did their AMA. Never thought real journos would get triggered by it. Now I am double happy they were the ones to win the hunger games.
>posting something off-topic
What kind of daft fool do you take him for?
Because despite what Yea Forums says its just as normie as the fuckers whining about the AMA. Why are you lumping some random user in with all of Yea Forums? I enjoy the fuck out of THQ's games. Titan Quest was great and I really hope they do anything for Timesplitters.
That's why we need Gaben to do an AMA here, that'll show them!
try organize any ops on 4channel/Yea Forums = purged.
This one. DICE fucking sucks lol
>lmao kids in mini bikinis arent cp
>i cant post that here ok the kids practically naked
how's special ed going so far retard
But they apologized you fucking dipshit, so how are they based or redpilled?
You bought into their marketing scheme because you're a dipshit. You're probably a faggot who watches TheQuartering videos.
Absolute heaven. What a way to go.
>Fact: Yea Forums/8ch have NO game developers. No self-respecting dev would ever come to this place.
Yea Forums has devs. They just don't announce themselves because anonymous posting is kind of a big point of this site.
Have you seen the movie Network?
They will not go under any time soon.
Bioware ruined their reputation for 10 years and they still are not 'officially' dead.
They are kept as tools because they provide 'the right message'
Why don't you go back?
Why do you niggers even come back? I thought you hated Yea Forums for being a censor-filled SJW trash heap. Oh wait you fags come here all the time for your gay ops, that's right.
How long until this guys is convicted of real actual pedophilia?
Taking bets.
>Titan Quest
That game came out fucking eons ago. Nobody but a dipshit with zero taste "enjoys the fuck out of THQ's games" holy fucking Christ. Timesplitters hasn't been even relevant in over a goddamn decade.
Stay triggered faggot. I come here rarely but decided to browse because you faggots were shitting up our ama. How does it feel knowing the most important things on your board today came from mine? How does it feel knowing you faggots haven't done anything exciting in years while we still do fun shit monthly?
I'd rather side with you faggot niggers than with the ResetEra mongoloidians.
>nudity is pornographic
ok retard
>Tyler (((Wilde)))
The jews are getting REALLY angry about this. The guy who turned this into a "controversy" in the first place was also a jew.
>toilet of the internet
What are we at Yea Forums, chopped liver? That was our title!
>omg, THQ hosted an AMA on a child pedo site!!! get angry!!!!
are normies / sjws just retards who believe anything in media or outrage culture and don't look at the facts?
Just because it is older doesn't make it a bad game fellow anonymous poster. Timesplitters became relevant again once THQ bought up the rights last year. I'm not hopping on a wiki just to list every single THQ game I've played and enjoyed user.
>THQ Nordic hosts AMA on forum known for child porn and hate campaigns
So they hosted it on Youtube?
Yes this mindset will definitely dispel the claims that infinitecuckchan is filled with nazis. You guys are really smart.
do they have the exact same threads every day like we do?
>we can see the skin so its cp
No, Twitter
>Bioware ruined their reputation for 10 years and they still are not 'officially' dead.
Bioware has been gutted. Most of their studios have been closed. The main one is probably going to be downsized after the failure of Anthem. If they don't start being profitable they'll be closed just like all those other studios EA has closed over the years and DICE is in the same position. EA doesn't see them as useful political tools. They don't give a shit about that crap. They make consumer products. They need their products to sell so their shareholders can profit. If their products don't sell they close the studio.
Reddit had to lock the thread about it because people weren't hating 8ch eager enough and some even wrongthought to defend it.
At least the average 4chins and cripplechan users have a sense of humour and generally aren't moralizing SJWs.
I can't believe Yea Forums uses the N-word so casually. I'd Ctrl+F to see how many times it's in this thread, but I don't want to type the word.
>What is Context?
You are a fucking retard.
Yes. Everyone is.
why havent you post the pic yet retard?
why do you have to resort to posting these old ass art decor statue?
fucking retard
>I come here rarely but decided to browse because you faggots were shitting up our ama.
Nigger you live in a toilet, you shit that fucker up yourselves. And don't give me that shit, your site is as dead as disco, its why so many of you crawled back here.
If I go to your Yea Forums I bet there's a big fat GG thread on page one talking about cringeworthy ops.
Do you really think they give a shit?
When did 8ch ever care about image?
We lost that title when Reddit and Facebook users became the majority of posters.
lucky guy
Don't answer.
That's a rhetorical question.
Honestly this guy isn't completely in the wrong, even if he's greatly overreacting. I'm more pissed at the trolls and retards who went into the thread with the sole purpose to post loli and shit in order to make the site look bad. People are already scared of anonymous forums because they've been conditioned by the media and the government, but idiots who post explicit stuff like that just make it worse.
Yea Forums used to have HUNDREDS of game devs lurking. I work in the industry. Nobody comes here anymore because all you faggots do now is post memes and gay/interracial/tranny porn, so there's no point in coming here.
>Do you really think they give a shit?
Given how assblasted they are when people call them nazis on twitter and reddit and retardera, I'd say they give a shit, yes.
This sites too fucking normal now. Maybe 10 years ago.
>500 pph
>I-It's dead!
It's as big as Yea Forums was in 2010 and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are a cancerous newfag. Your retards come to our board because they can't stand how shit your board has gotten, no one goes back to this shit hole except to laugh at how shit it is.
we have notch you fucking newgag
these people deserve to be shot
well where else are they gonna get their gay interracial tranny porn?
You don't have to have insider info to know why nobody bothers shilling here.
>If I go to your Yea Forums I bet there's a big fat GG thread on page one talking about cringeworthy ops.
So it's exactly the same as Yea Forums?
i wish i could leave.
No they don't. They literally have nazi threads daily. They don't give a shit and faggots on twitter are just faggots on twitter
your "not z's" boogeyman isn't real
it's not 1945
"not z's" don't exist
Oh no, not questions.
Read the filename.
Nigger your last big dev was fucking YandereDev before you shooed him off for "SJW pandering" (not for being an embarrassing abortion of a man, but for some stupid shit that wasn't pandering hard enough to you niggers).
Your site is fucking irrelevant. This was such an obvious marketing ploy to get controversy but you're too stupid to see it. Hope you enjoy the month of newfags your trash site gets, though.
8ch exists user. They don't use those shitty meme words.
oy vey nazi threads, how edgy and original
I don't believe you're actually in the industry, but there's no point coming even as a normal poster, so you're probably right anyway. No one wants to address what the actual problem with modern Yea Forums is or you know who will start screeching.
about 11 times my black brother from another mother :)
filled with retarded normalfags. we're basically reddit dumping grounds.
doxxing needs to be made illegal
notch stops being a game dev after he sold mojang
he reduced himself to an e celeb afterwards, being no better than pewdiepie, boogie and jontron
exactly, you'll notice how Christians don't try and purge sin from the face of the Earth; we understand that the nature of Man is a sinful one, and that we should identify sin and do our best to sin as little as possible. no devout Christian of sound mind actually thinks that anything other than a literal second coming of Christ could eradicate sin from the world in its entirety.
yet, in SJW Clown World, sin is something that everyone in the cult is free of, and more than that, they truly believe that they can eradicate sin from the world. they actually believe that by deplatforming "racists," "racism" can actually be completely obliterated. they believe that if they had complete totalitarian control of all media and education, nobody would ever again say to themselves, "fucking nigger," not even randomly out of anger or whatever. they truly believe they can shape society by controlling thoughts and feelings using complete control of media and internet.
these are people who have rejected millennia of religion in favor of Disney-tier ideas of good vs. evil, and how evil is always defeated at the end of the 108-minute cartoon movie and everyone else lives happily ever after. they embody all the bad parts of overzealous religious bigots, with none of the actual religion backing up their beliefs, just the word "diversity" written a billion times over and over.
we live in really exciting and interesting times. short of global catastrophe (nukes etc.), this is the last possible iteration of this particular cycle, at least on this planet, now that there's nowhere else to run to. it is not going to end well, for at least one party
I forgot that site existed
Are you aware that the largest commie board is situated on that site?
Then why are they getting so assblasted about being called nazis? Look at the poster below you, lmao
cripplechan says oof and yikes all the time you dumbass.
Oh wow contrarianism how edgy and original.
this THQ employee in the infchan thread seems so based. he even responds to oppai loli and says WE got it going on here.
Was it really just someone who wanted to get fired or was it just a based employee who didn't care about it being on infchan? When you read the actual AMA thread, people are spamming dumb shit and he doesn't even care and even acknowledges some of it.
Something just seems off that THQ was fine with it, but as soon as the AMA finished, they are like "oops, we didn't mean to to that, promise" but in the thread he was talking like he knew where he was.
>not using oofa doofa
get with the time granpa
Why do retarded twitter furries tend to be left-leaning and hate loli even though arguments against loli can also be used for furshit?
>epic, EA, Sony, nintendo
You want more, nigger?
>I come here rarely
You are here forever because 8ch is a slow board. A truly truly slowboard.
>How does it feel knowing the most important things on your board today came from mine?
Let me ask you something. How does it feel that the only thing relevent in your site is controversy combined with rumors and click bait sensationalism? Your other topics on the board hardly get anything more than 20-100 replies except GG general and the stereotypical "X game is censored" "X company did this" but it's all based on rumors and what is said not what has happened.
>It's as big as Yea Forums was in 2010
No your site is half of what it was in 2015 and 2016. If that's bigger than 2010 on Yea Forums then good job you are setting yourself up for failure.
How is that a bad thing? That behavior should be embraced.
I don't want to be the "muh sekrit club" guy, but attracting more normalfags by pretending to be facebook is never a good thing. Just look at what happened during GG and the election.
Lol no, we had over a dozen AMAs.
>Your site is fucking irrelevant.
Yep, yet it does more stuff in a month than this shit board does in years. You are so insecure and sad it's pathetic. 8ch Yea Forums is better in every way and your only argument is that it doesn't have as many posts as this Yea Forums which is honestly a good thing. I'm going back to 8ch but I hope you know your board is complete shit. Have fun with your gold accounts.
Nords are the purest of aryans hence their high level of basedness.
i think he was told to generate lots of controversy as possible by his boss. publicity is always good money
It's a way to deflect from their sick fetish. They also pretend to hate bestiality for the same reason.
If they were smart they wouldn't be furries in the first place.
oh common it was clear from the first minut that they will apologize but the answers and the fact that they clearly did know how the chan culture work is pretty good for me
Fuck you. I hate this bullshit age of irony where things are only done to make fun of the thing.
If you like something, do it, enjoy it without shame. This is a fucking anonymous imageboard with numerous boards dedicated to hobbies and "things I like", why the fuck are people so scared of being genuine on the one site left where the worst people will do is shitpost at you. "Oh fuck, an anonymous person disagrees with me" fuck that.
more like incelcentral
why would people ever care about other chans? There is only one real chan - Yea Forums, full stop.
whats the problem with modern Yea Forums?
/d/ has game devs.
>this desperate cripplechan damage control
Aren't you fucking embarrassed by yourself? Good fucking lord. You niggers really are chanology2.0, the prophecy came true.
>Something just seems off that THQ was fine with it
Maybe. Maybe not. There's been a lot game companies courting the left wing lately and it hasn't been too successful for them. Maybe THQ wants to try courting the "alt-right".
Honestly, the best thing any dev can do is just stay the fuck away from this political shit flinging and ignore anyone who tries to drag you into it. Don't respond to them. Don't argue with them. Don't try to justify a neutral position. Just pretend they don't exist.
now go back before you scare the children
>You are so insecure and sad it's pathetic. 8ch Yea Forums is better in every way and your only argument is that it doesn't have as many posts as this Yea Forums which is honestly a good thing.
This is some funny projection. Slow boards are a good thing to you and that is some damage control.
>I'm going back to 8ch
See you next year when you are forced to come back here.
You know, it's kinda nice seeing an insecure "m-muh b-board is so much better!" post again. I've strangely missed it. I wonder how many of the old chan boards are still around.
Hey you know I'm fucking right, this board bitches about twitter memes all the time but then uses those same memes under the veneer of behaving ironically. This place is insecure as fuck.
>C'mon, we all know Rei is bae. Shinji is the real waifu though.
literally our guy
8ch used to be fun before the second wave of /pol/ infested every corner of the site. Legitimately good conversation. That only lasted about 6 months though.
>attracting more normalfags by pretending to be facebook is never a good thing.
im starting to think the divide between 4channel and Yea Forums wasn't a smart move.
I thought it was fine when american-africans used that word? This is an anonymous website, are you trying to say that they aren't allowed to reclaim the word at all anymore? You just want to keep the N-word only for white people to use don't you?
>patreon begging indieshitters
>game devs
ok retard
>Something just seems off that THQ was fine with it, but as soon as the AMA finished, they are like "oops, we didn't mean to to that, promise" but in the thread he was talking like he knew where he was.
Wow this user is so close to realizing he was played by a marketer but he just can't muster the cognitive strength to reach that conclusion. What a pity.
The only thing that shocks me about this is that some retard thought it was a good idea. I have no idea how corporations can't predict the backlash from some of the shit they do.
>best thing to do is be a cuck
Wow what a surprise, all the 8ch tourists are shitposting fucks who are obsessed with identity politics. I'm shocked. SHOCKED!
I'm pretty sure many devs are closeted about their views. I mean any sign of wrongthink gets them subjected to a witch hunt by Resetniggers and subsequent twitter mobs.
It's almost like chink-moot is a money grubbing jew.
>being verified on an anonymous image board
Here's your (You)
Poor moderation attracting and encouraging a poor userbase.
no you're both fags and are unable to see that this is how everything is nowadays, not just Yea Forums, not just internet. that unease you feel is because you don't fully grasp it yet but we're in the middle of a massive societal shift that will forever alter the course of human history.
There's tweets where he's friendly with Nyberg who's a tranny who fantasised about raping children as young as 4 so y'know
I'm not saying you aren't right. But I can still be mad about it.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Hey, the tide needs to turn and we should have a devastating war years ago.
Everything will sort out itself when they go hungry and Jamal will steal their last sandwich.
imagine being scared of words
I swear you fags are bitching about the death of western civilization every fucking week. Every single one of these threads I've been in today has ended up whining about jews.
too many dumb kids
>muh /pol/
kys tranny, 8ch was literally created by 4/pol/
Let's be honest here, 90% of people who go to 8ch are underage /pol/tards.
No really? This thread makes cripplecucks seem like really sane and quality posters.
We get our porn from pornhub or xhamster. Seriously. People sharing porn in the industry is weirdly common. Gay porn is the most common. Again, seriously.
And the reason people stopped coming here has nothing to do with "shilling". Nobody ever really POSTED here. Most just LURKED. We weren't instructed to do so by our bosses, we just did it anyway, because the industry saw this place as the best representation of the opinions of the overall gaming market. So people would come here to gauge reactions to things. Now no one comes because you idiots have allowed /r9k/ to take over the site, so now it's nothing but pepe/wojack spam and gay/interracial/tranny porn.
And the real cause at the root of the problem with Yea Forums is that the mods are all sjws and they WANT this site to be trash. They delete opinions they don't like (despite there being no rules against any opinions) and keep porn threads up for hours on blue boards and allow meme spamming and other garbage that IS against the rules. And they do this on purpose because they hate you and they hate everything normal and they want to turn this site into degenerate faggotry.
The idea that this was a marketting campaign seems pretty foolish. I don't even think THQ are selling anything atm, it isn't like Hatred where you're trying to hype something before you sell it and being pedo adjacent is a PR nightmare. The journos will make sure this will hurt them, which is a pity because it seemed like a bit of fun.
I didn't grow up with it therefore it sucks.
Can you really blame them for pointing out identity politics when a company faces backlash for merely talking to people on their website?
It legitimises their concerns, retard.
meh is not even doing a sexy pose, bummer
>poor moderation
upvoted! how do i give gold?
>answered your question
>call him an idiot
Who's us kemosabe?
>The idea that this was a marketting campaign seems pretty foolish.
How fucking dumb are you that you think an AMA to fucking 8ch wasn't something that they planned?
Fucking Christ you people are thick as fuck.
Wow i didn't realize how much THQ going to 8ch would annoy the discord trannies but damn, they're fucking pissed.
I don't care about your end goal. You aren't funny or entertaining.
i dont understand is loli posting seen really this bad, all their resetera trannies arguments were, muh lolies, "they responded to it", its obviously everyone was having fun on such a nice occasion of developers interacting directly to their hidden fans, so everyone was posting anime girls a marry day. at core lolies are still anime, how did it become the norm to interpret it as cp. my guess is that they are plan fucking jealous that the only devs that pay them a visit are shitters like zoe quinn, who scammed them off 85k$
>being attracted to the body features of a child makes you a paedophile
No, being predominantly or exclusively attracted to prepubescent children makes you a pedophile.
>on their website?
Their nazi website, yeah.
BASED we need to buy THQ games fellow user, to show how much smarter we are than those NPCs!
8/v/ had one of the original Thief devs post there
ok then go away?
for thousands of years there has been this cycle where a parasitic tribe of people who only care about their own well-being and, despite being largely devoid of its religious roots, still thinks of itself as "God's chosen people." for thousands of years they've infested societies before said societies get fed up with them and drive them out. then they move on to other societies.
only now there are no more societies to move into after this. we've mapped the globe and connected it together with internet. there is no place left on Earth for them to leave to. meaning, this is their last stand. meaning, if you thought shit was crazy in the past, you've seen nothing yet.
you won't listen I guarantee but still I encourage you to read the first couple chapters of Mein Kampf, it's short and easy to read for free online. you don't have to read the rest if you don't want but the first two chapters should make you realize that this is in fact a cycle and that this is the last possible Earthly iteration of it.
this should give you pause.
I thought his comment was pretty good. Yours was cringe.
when moot decided to start the exodus is when Yea Forums died for good
Why is /pol/ such sensitive pussies? I can trash Yea Forums all day and they won't start baawing like faggots.
>pornhub or xhamster.
The fuck? That's like, 0 interactivity at all.
Surely you use some actual text-based sites right?
The best porn is shit like that one /tg/ greentext of the cleric girl who gets turned into a wand of cure wounds, but then rather than turn her back her party keep her in want form because she's more useful. Then she gets sold to her old rival who uses her as a sex toy once she learns who is trapped in the wand.
It's not my personal taste, but I much prefer the medium to shitty actors doing a shitty job and misrepresenting my kinks and fetishes in order to get to the "sex" bit faster.
Ooof! What a yikes post!
If only THQ had games worth buying.
The SJW community is rife with proper pedos so a lot of it is probably overcompensation.
They make some pretty good games so maybe, and they've shown they aren't necessarily going to bow down to your moralizing bullshit you faggot and that's always a plus.
8ch is incredibly insecure and they can't stand criticism. Hence why they've been trying and failing to blend in all day.
You're the one crying about /pol/ like a libtard faggot.
>and they've shown they aren't necessarily going to bow down to your moralizing bullshit you faggot and that's always a plus.
They literally apologized for the AMA. But hey whatever you niggers tell yourselves to make you feel better getting suckered by a marketing campaign.
I dunno but a tranny calling anyone sensitive is ironic.
More importantly, left for fucking Google of all things.
Well /pol/ is more sensitive than most trannies.
Cool it with the racism shitlord.
45% of people that complain about /pol/tards are Resetniggers
30% are seething discord commie trannies
20% are newfags that think it's the cool thing to do
5% are people who actually are trying to be on topic
Yes user if anyone makes fun of /pol/tards they're a tranny.
I see the word incel now and it makes me feel nauseous. I know what it originally meant, but I have no idea what it means anymore and why people have such a bias against those unable to bang. It's like a vicious cycle where people are hated for their virginity but can't stop being a virgin because they're disliked for being virgins.
I highly doubt that given that /pol/ is much more racially diverse than your average antifa mob or SJW board room.
8ch prides themselves for being edgy and darker than Yea Forums but they sure as hell will spend all day trying to defend their site from people saying there's cp in there. What gives? This bad publicity should be making them happy, no? They love being the sekrit club
Daily reminder that /pol/ actively recruited redditors for an entire year
Shit just hit bump limit, m8...
SJWs prefer real childs
cripple chan isnt that terrible,the only "disgusting" boards are things like /zoo/.
Then you have kraut chan who has literal 3dpd loli threads in Yea Forums with full blown nudity and they dont get removed
Ban politics from 4channel. And I mean all politics.
>Other forums opinion on Yea Forums:
>Late 2000s: "Yea Forums is a den of pedophiles and hackers on steroids!"
>Early 2010s: "Yea Forums has a bad reputation but it's actually cute and cuddly!"
>Late 2010s: "Yea Forums is a den of racists and hackers on steroids!"
Funny how history repeats itself and seems to coincide with the latest moral panic
I say incel specifically because it triggers a certain group of people that I want to trigger. I will keep using it because it keeps working. Don't like it Buckle up, buttercup. Why don't you just get a girlfriend lol?
I'm hedging my bets user. The alternative is that you're a pussy soiboy faggot that might as well be a tranny.
nah you could say the same shit about resetera fags who complain about much /pol/
the joke of it all is, all it takes it fucking one fat chick to get over one's virginity complex and move the fuck on with life
>cripple chan isnt that terrible
If it wasn't that terrible you niggers would still be there, and not here.
Which one are you, user?
oh no someone hurt /pol/'s feelings again :^( Stop the thread guys. We need to address this. Say sorry to /pol/ everyone.
Pedotears are so good. Im glad that the industry shows it unified stance on your disgusting and vile garbage.
THQ shall burn, Chans are irrelevant and Resetera wins again.
>/pol/ is a boogeyman
We have dozens of cripplechan fags in this thread trying to push a narrative and you fags are still acting like a secret tranny cabal is the biggest problem Yea Forums has.
How do you do that when the game industry is literally infused with identity politics?
there is literal proof ITT
He said on Yea Forums, a board with more softcore porn than actual video game discussion.
ok pedoEra
It's very easy to spot a falseflagging 8ch user
Of cripplechan fags raiding us, yes, I know.
God I miss the days when incel would be been more of a compliment than an insult on here. When if someone claimed to not be a virgin they would be forcibly removed for being a normalfag.
When Yea Forums actually felt like it had it's own identity rather than just being Generic Social Media Site #64861. When this was a refuge for misfits and social rejects rather than just another subreddit.
But I thought being a pedo was based, that's what 8ch said!
Truongasm looks like THat? Not even memeing, thats just a gimmick, right? Like those doujin artist that hires tarento to man their booths in conventions?
>cant read
I see,wouldnt bother explaining why I said why that place isnt what the general public says it is
Ban politics, let Yea Forums sit as a mostly dead board compared to how it is now. From a users perspective, this would be an improvement.
Ever notice how most shitposting is started with porn and/or politics? People don't care about video games. Shove them all to /pol/ and replace the website background with porn ads.
The real question is why are SJW manbabies and trannies on a site well known for racist and offensive content. Are you """""people""""" masochists or something? Do you enjoy being offended all the time?
Nah, cripplechan is terrible. It was shit years ago and it was shit months ago
t. me, having been there
ok now this is epic
>whole thread is talking about it and he still does not get it
sasuga pinkoEra
>Are you """""people""""" masochists or something? Do you enjoy being offended all the time?
The lack of self awareness in this is mind boggling.
This is scarily accurate. The SJW's and left LOVE raping kids
dude not everyone works at DICE
Nope, it's gore. Gore keeps out kids, normies, trannies, tumblr, whatever.
Aaaaaaaaand still there. Guess it's fine. :^)
This website is full of ban evading, reactionary morons who post anything for replies.
Do even most normal people follow gaming news at all? No one of my irl friends can even name video game forum let alone a news site dedicated to gaming. Normies don't care about video game politics, they just want to play games.
lmao get the fuck out of here
Loli is actually illegal in a number of countries, and has been for decades. So this attitude didn't exactly come out of nowhere.
Yes, sjws from resetera are well known to lack self-awareness. Answer my question though.
I've been here longer than you, cripple tourist.
nigger look at the P's on the 'Sup Pol' then the P's on his name
Hello resetnigger, you don't belong here.
they didn't come it things just escalated when one half of the spectrum started reacting to the politics being injected into gaming by journalists
the other half mislabels that as an inherent rejection of those values rather than a rejection of politics as a whole because they're absolute mongoloids
I don't like politics. No thanks.
From ass and feeling of personal inadequacy.
no you haven't user, everyone that hates the gaming press isnt suddenly from cripple chan you absolute sperg
Unlike 99% of this thread I have never been to retardera or neogag, and the one post I made on reddit was to support a friend's porn.
You people are all niggers to me. Fuck, you even say "normies" instead of "normalfags". Just a bunch of 2014 kiddos thinking they're OG or some shit, its so embarrassing. Even your lord and savior Jim is embarrassed by all the GG shit, you should take a cue from him.
Here's one import one for you before the thread dies
I wont blame moot for this. He got roped in into the first major internet leak that involve many famous names. Had it been any other guy or site they probably just deletes the whole thing altogether or immediately left the site management. His hands were tied.
Him working for defunct google plus was funny tho, its like a corporate community service.
Why are you here in a thread about some faggots complaining about an AMA being held somewhere they politically disagree with?
You weren't here before 2006, don't even try it. I bet you weren't even here for fucking Japan Time.
Oh no wonder they shitpost here - no thread IDs.
Or it could be that some people have different attitudes about loli.
I would go to /pol/ if i didnt have to see interracial porn bait threads every time i go there. probably not the only one who feels that way.
>You weren't here before 2006, don't even try it.
thanks for conceding you lost by moving the goalposts
Alright nobody gives a shit "oldfag". Your time is over.
Because I'm tired and I've been extremely angry all day. I want every other person on the planet to eat a handful of tiny neodymium magnets, one at a time.
Fixing moderation would solve that.