I am so fucking sick of just dance winning every goddamn kca...

i am so fucking sick of just dance winning every goddamn kca, let's all vote for smash ultimate to end nomie dance's winning streak

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>Look at categories
>Favorite TV drama
>One of the options is The Walking Dead
>In the Kids Choice Awards

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>hating just dance
>the game keeping the wii alive

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Kids grow up a lot faster now a days ya know.

Voted for it just to spite you OP

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It's rigged, just like how SpongeBob always wins best cartoon

Are you surpised with the KCA and Walking Dead having similar demographics?

i diagnose you with a clear case of faggot

>giving even a rat's ass about an awards show for literal children
god you're fucking pathetic

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damn nintendo fans really are babies

God these categories are legit cringe

Who the fuck cares, it’s for kids

>wii games still being made

These things have been rigged since I was a kid, who gives a fuck about them?

You don't honestly think that your votes actually matter, right?

Voted for spiderman.

>Teen Titans Go
>there’s a chance a Cartoon Network show will one-up any of theirs on their own awards block


I hate all these people.

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i voted for markiplier

>no vinny vinesauce
shit list

I voted for the girl because she has a nazi name.

This whole awards listings makes me fucking hate what our youth is subjected to.

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shcüte gaem

>Kid's choice awards

even when I was a kid I knew this shit was rigged

don't bother

PS2 games were being released up at at least 2010 IIRC.

I don´t know ANY of these, am I a boomer yet? Back in my highschool days I knew most smash guys and a couple of idiots like that Fatality from the gamer food of whatever the fuck, don´t really care about MOBAs or Battle Royale shit, just fightin´ games in general.

wow parents let their kids listen to these nominees

>hosted by dj khaled

what the fuck

Isn’t she just a e-whore? Why would children care about her?

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Holy shit they're still making Wii games? I'm very glad I never sold mine.

Post the image of the Nintendo dad shoving things he likes into the face of his wifes son.

They're all just youtube/twitch retards that zoomers watch.

It always struck me weird when they nominated Disney shows on Nickelodeon, considering they're like rival channels. But maybe it's just cause Nick doesn't have enough on their own channel to push.

I only recognize half of these.

Did people not learn from the last time they let him host?

Most of those were FIFA sequels and FFXI expansions

Does Ninja not curse like a sailor? Would my girlfriend's son's purity be retained if he watched any of these?

i think it's more of a case of them just not caring very much. like they're just confident in themselves.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 119K)

Markiplier is the least shit choice.

>thinking anything but Springboob Squirepit will win

Where the fuck is our guy in this shit? It's not like YouTube hosts KCA

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>No Northernlion

reminder you're a retard if you didnt vote migos

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sorry pewdiepie... but you said the n word

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