Korea time: early edition

it's always korea time somewhere, so come get comfy at watch brood war with your pals tasteless and artosis
ASL continues, the ro.8 concludes today. The winner will face Last, then that winner will face Effort or Mini in the final. Unfortunately it's a PvP today but we might see some darchon action if we're lucky.
>RAIN(p) vs. HORANG2(p)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Last and fuck Protoss.

In case you didn't see the announcement, KSL season 3 was announced and starts mid april, after ASL ends. No confimations on who'll be playing yet.

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go to bed, Larva

She's no longer lil susy. She's "big Susy" now.

Attached: Big Suzy.jpg (1080x892, 158K)

OP, you really gotta update that image.

my body is ready

Attached: tvulture.gif (60x56, 13K)

>Both her and Nick ended up getting fat

Attached: screenshot0116.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

Rain will advance 100%, but hopefully Horang2 will get at least one win.


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7 AM and I just woke up, ready for this!


Those are some funny looking reavers


Does anyone know the name of the instrumental track playing right now?

I wanted sharp to win yesterday but last definitely won that fair and square. TvT is essentially the ultimate test of attention and endurance

Still salty how he cheesed his way through ro16 after getting obliterated by calm.

holy shit, I'm finally able to watch one of these live

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unlike nick though, susie got fat in all the right places

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Wow, like 1650 on the Korean stream. I know the show is just starting,but these numbers are dreadful. All streams total there's only 2,000.

I remember when this was on TV. And when like 500,000 were viewing.

help I still haven't caught up from last night's games. these early week ones that are on while I"m at work are killing me

Well, snow went greedier than he needed to in that last game and got punished hard for it. He should have just played it safe, that map is ez for protoss anyway.


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S t a r g i r l

The qualifiers have not even started yet, so we literally just dont knows who will be in it.
I heard this time there is like a 1 week gap between the online stage and offline stage, so in case some foreigners push through the online stage, they have the time to quickly pack their bags and gonto Korea.
Dewalt has also been sighted in Korea recently, but there is no information on how long he is staying and if he will be participating in anything.

>S t a r g i r l

She farts every single day, and has big shits every day, and uses toilet paper to wipe feces from her anus.

cute boy on the left

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2483 now. Still pitiful numbers. All these people are broadcasting to like 3000 people?

Soe is vvvvvv pretty
makes my pp hard

I wouldn't imagine there are enough foreign pros of the level where it's worth it going to korea because those qualifiers are rough. You might win a few games but your chances of qualifying are zero. It's only worth it trying to get through if you're already there

>tickets sell out shockingly fat

She has hit the wall though


They should bring back third world. It wasn't as retarded as sparkle but just enough so that it made for fairly unique and interesting matches.

Rain is over rated. He has a lot of strengths, but he will get bopped hard in some setups. He's the worst of the best players that can win the tournament.

I predict Last vs. Effort finals.

>people fly to Korea, don't know they need a ticket, and then stand outside the events tweeting Nick and Arty begging to be let in


Based spinny probe.


The top foreign players are roughly on the level of those korean amateurs who got eliminated in Ro24
The offline qualifier itself is also a pretty cool event, it will probably be casted on youtube by Rapid and the wolf guy, as well as the korean casters, so i could imagine some top foreigners deciding to go there if they have the chance.
I guess we'll find out soon enough, april is not too far off.

agreed, it's just that because it was featured in the worst map pool of any tournament ever it's tarred and will never be used again

The final game in the Third Place series between hero and mini was incredible, but for every one of those there were three corsair-heavy snoozefests

I liked Third World.

>purple protoss

what time does it start?

Ugly face ugly nose.

Attached: screenshot0302.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

I do support Last over Rain.


>manner pylon


16 minutes ago.



Find a flaw.

Attached: Protoss_Dark_Templar.jpg (346x311, 26K)

It doesn't fly.

Doesn't blink.

oh no

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I can't see any.

gib dark archons



>One shot, 8 drobes


>Artosis trying to do basic math

it can't stim pack

>The Scarabs to kill a Nexus cost nearly as much as the Nexus

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>He just finished it
Terrans are all brainlets confirmed

i love a night shift security job, it allows me to watch all the broodwar streams

>*blows up ur mineral line*

wat do

Just make more drobes lol
t. reeber

holy shit double dud

>scarab AI

Dud scarabs are the lamest shit.

>2 duds

in what? Why are you posting a picture of the ground?

>that dud

I remember now why BW was better than SC2

stay safe little drobes

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The virgin reaver
The CHAD probe

ignore this post. nothing to see here.

Attached: dark templar.png (447x330, 385K)


I like dud scarabs, they make reavers more interesting and keep the gameplay fresh.

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all these fucking duds, rain must be dying inside

Attached: 22687731_1549833711733130_1077697108287675562_n.jpg (640x457, 42K)

Watching this shitty reaver play after watching Snow is hurting me.

Reaver duds are fair and balanced and you'll never convince me otherwise


Attached: extreme reavers.jpg (529x397, 82K)

>Lost the shuttle with both reavers

Based retard Horang2

Holy drobe massacre

mmm eberythings


And why the fuck did he start building templars

They were fucking useless

omg Horangi BLEW THAT!

He let Rain crawl back, and then blew the final attack by letting his Reavers die. Make new shuttle for the reavers!

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>had all that advantage as well as Rain getting 5 dud scarabs and still lost

Horang2 a shit. A SHIT!

why does he type gg twice

are these bo3 or bo5?

No, he made like 4 templars instead of replenishing his army. or getting more reavers.

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it was a good good good game.

Fuck me were they trying to start a butterfly farm with all those caterpillars?

bloop bloop

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Templars counter Reaver-shuttle.

It means "good game, gook gamer". It's a Korean thing.

what is wrong with korean commercials

based korean fast and furious (Hit-and-Run Squad)

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lol what?

Attached: 1547315659535.webm (854x480, 624K)

give that to me

>the state of LilSusie's pusy during that reaver filled game


Attached: Tasteless and lilsusie.jpg (530x397, 45K)

Holy shit i want that

>3600 Korean viewers

Korea Time RIP. Afreeca confirmed for bankrupsy next month.

>3:40pm on a workday

Why do you fags come here and hope for an end to korea time? Kill yourself please.

I want a sleeping bag sized one I can wiggle around on the floor in

Jesus christ, Horang2 lmao

if i ever get into cosplay i promise upon my left testicle this is what i will do

Oh my fucking god, that was so pathetic Horang2

this matchup is so god damned dumb
I'm glad this will be the only one of the season.




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>That storm

Attached: i don't understand.jpg (750x750, 83K)

that fucking shuttle horang2 what are you doing

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>when Horang2 tries to use Templars

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I know it's not and I know both of these players are actually good, but god damn this is like watching two scrubs playing


Literally zero passion in that crowd. These matches are fucking awful.

PvP always feels so sluggish and unexciting. Even ZvZ is more fun to watch.

Horrang is coming back 3-2

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Rain is a really shit great player basically. Plus this is Horangi being sent to the execution chamber.


doesn't help that they're probably all neets if they're watching starcraft at 3 in the afternoon

ASL should ban mirror matches unless theres no other option.

Or they could be taking a vacation/sick day.

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30% of the US population is NEET.

Is rain going to take this ASL?

oh fuck its already started, whats the score?

Nah, this is Mini's world now.

>Is rain going to take this ASL?

Effort would bop him. Rains is shit.

PvP and TvT are fine. ZvZ is fine in moderation. A ZvZ finals would be dreadful. You could potentially be done in like a half hour.

Anybody got the meme pic of Starcraft mirror matches?

The one with zerg knife fighting and protoss playing checkers


Attached: 1396589402185.gif (250x187, 1.98M)

>He doesnt enjoy watching two hobos fighting each other with knives taped to their limbs while rollerskating with rocket powered skates.

>kusoge like C&C

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that works. thanks



>>He doesnt enjoy watching two hobos fighting each other with knives taped to their limbs while rollerskating with rocket powered skates.


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>protoss versus protoss

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Horang2 ACTUALLY looks JUSTed

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

gonna go get a snack while it's on break, what should i eat?

Probe, drone, and SCV cereal

Attached: JUST.jpg (775x684, 53K)

>while it's on break,

you gonna leave for a week?

I think Rain just ended Horang2's whole career. Dude looks fucking soulless.

it's finished you fucker

Why's it so early tonight?


poor horang2. He really shouldn't have been in the ro8. who did he beat to get through the ro16 again?

Well, that was without doubt the dullest night of korea time ever, at least it wasn't a long one. I'll see you nerds on sunday? for Effort vs. Mini which should be entertaining at least.

>forgot it starts early
>tune in
>Rain just immediately raped Horang2 and I missed everything

They wanted to waste as few people's time as possible with a PvP so they thought the best idea was to get it over and done with quick while everybody was at work.

Post >yfw the final is Mini vs. Rain.

weak group

you really did not miss anything.

Horang2 is JUST, and Mini is literally the crying Michael Jordan meme

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Attached: screenshot0306.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

nice, that's gonna be a good match. Mini's PvZ is decent, enough to give Effort a challenge.

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is the guy on the right Shingo?

1: effort
2: last
3: rain
4: mini

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What sc1 is after ASL?


I sure hope Last gets some coaching from Flash. Last season Flash stomped protoss so hard that the whole matchup felt completely imbalanced. Although that might be in part due to him not meeting Rain or Snow.

Flash is just that good. There's ony like 3 players who can consistently take gaems from him.

What I missed it. Were you guys watching iem? Can't believe they put all protoss into one group

>Can't believe they put all protoss into one group
Mini not good enough for you?

It's not an ara ara sounding protoss girl

I missed Korea time and it's not even more than midnight

The worst

It was a PvP that went 3-0. You really didn't miss much

Horangi makes an early play that puts him in the lead... and he lost.

I have to check the events calendar BEFORE I go to bed next time. Not that I'm going to go back and watch a vod for a PvP but still

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is it already over?


can't irradiate, will be visible with defense matrix, can't dark swarm, can't consume, can't storm, can't feedback, can't stasis, can't recall, can't build scarabs or interceptors

and he does not hover. Spider mines can hear him