Yea Forums Center, Boeing N737W with you, FL310 en route to Sao Paulo
Yea Forums Center, Boeing N737W with you, FL310 en route to Sao Paulo
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>default 73
peak hipster,
where ya going?
Congonhas-São Paulo Airport, São Paulo, Brazil
TAM Airlines Flight 3054 (JJ3054/TAM3054) was a regularly-scheduled domestic passenger flight from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Brazil. On the evening of July 17, 2007, the Airbus A320-233 executing the flight overran runway 35L at São Paulo during moderate rain and crashed into a nearby TAM Express warehouse adjacent to a Shell filling station.[6][7] The plane exploded on impact, killing all 187 passengers and crew on board and 12 people on the ground.
Boeing N737W, Yea Forums Center, climb and maintain FL340
Climb and maintain FL340, Boeing N737W
Boeing 37W, Yea Forums Center, climb and maintain FL200050, contact Lunar Center on 127.4
Yea Forums Center please confirm you are aware this is a Boeing 737, correct?
imagine the smell
Say again, Autism 4610.
Uhhh.... Boeing 37W, Yea Forums center, I show you heading South... you should be heading on a Northerly track if you departed Porto Alegre....
say again your position?
Yea Forums Center, Boeing 37W, flight plan filed for this flight has us departing from Orlando FL today please confirm
Dildo 1-1, 105 for 175 Angels 34, flanking. Fly heading 135.
what's happening in this thread
Would you like pretzels? Some ginger ale?
Flight Simulator X autism.
Another 9/11 is being carried out rn
bored flightsim dudes doing autism, the good kind
got any pepsi? I'm hungry as shit
that game has been on my backlog for a while now
oh well carry on then
37W ah today's flight plan dropped out.. but there it is. I see you now south of OCF.. do you have routing for SBSP? Seems a little long of a flight for a 737, do you have a planned refueling stop?
Boeing 37W, Yea Forums Center, the flight plan on file with us lists a CIA operative, a doctor, and a single hostage but we're hearing reports of additional hostages, please advise
should i become a commercial helicopter pilot
Yea Forums Center we're reviewing our charts now and it seems there may have been an oversight in the flight plan please advise
Yea Forums Center, confirmed we have an amendment to the passenger manifest. Please confirm we have one additional Big Guy on board
*blocks your pitot tubes*
depends, are you a baneposter or a fascist? if baneposter go fixed wing, if fascist go helicopter
ace combatfag here
what's an easy flight sim to get into?
find a place willing to pay for the license and get hired
flightsim x buddy
flight simulator x or xplane if you're into commercial/recreational aviation, if you're into actual combat sims try dcs
you can pick up a cheap-ish stick for like $50, the extreme 3d pro isn't bad, and you should probably get trackir but you can make your own with guides you can google
FSX Yea Forums server?
Check my setup, Yea Forums
>tfw recent plane crash in my city with a 767 I know I've seen before in my workplace
>was contracted by airline we work closely with
>based on info I have seen the plane before its demise
>was supposed to come to our ramp but never did
At least it was so brutal and abrupt that the crew probably didnt feel much besides the panic of a nosedive
37W, I can suggest SVMI Caracas, Venezuela as it's about half way. If you tell me your airline I can probably find you a hub to connect passengers.
Say intentions.
I wanna be an Alaskan bush pilot, that sounds maximum comfy
What a hero, that shit fucked me up so hard
Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess
Yea Forums Center, 37W flying with American Airlines today. Assuming operations in Venezuela still normal that will be suitable fueling stop.
props for hotas and freaking cougar MFDs
try arma with 3 with ITC air systems for combined arms fun
Has someone retraced his flight path ?
Requesting mayday.
>carrier ops
>helmet mounted targeting
>50 degrees of AoA
>1:1 thrust to weight
>god tier cockpit
Why aren't you flying this godmachine right now?
FSX is deprecated. Pirate Prepar3D.
training is retarded expensive, and jobs/experience can be hard to find / pay mediocre... check out Army aviation or Guard, get the .gov to pay for it.
center line is reserved for professionals
Google "Horse of War" cockpit texture mod.. thank me later.
RIP Houston user... lots of shock with this one
Call me a scrub but I miss the comfy tutorials and preset missions in P3D.
I'm not creative enough to make challenges for myself.
Thankfully have never had this happen
i'll get a TCAS advisory and see you overhead one day
37W, say present position, are you equipped for Extended Overwater operations? Say skill with programming GPS. Do you have Navigation radio certification?
I could have just looked at your last screen to see exactly where you are lol
The journey begins
Starts from within
Things that I need to know
The song of the bird
Echoed in words
Flying for the need to fly
Yea Forums Center, presently maintaining a time-stasis-hover at N24 4258, W 79 3309 heading 155, FL340 airspeed 280. Aircraft is set to default operations, no skill with GPS nor Navigation radio certification. Confirm airforceproud on comm?
Requesting clearance for take-off
come now
it's either that or bombing play mats
Turn left to taxiway D-4, proceed until E-1. You are cleared to pass through the airport's main gate. Go across the main parking lot until you reach Baker street, then cross it to reach the bike lane. You are cleared for takeoff from there.
thanks m8
you aint seen nothing yet
Currently holding short of bike lane, noticing considerable traffic for class D main roads.
Emirates 1123 Heavy Yea Forums tower ready to taxi for departure IFR Dubai to Ben Gurion Intl. Advise the company that this is a one way trip and they should be prepared to write off the plane.
ive got a legit saitek yoke and would really like to use it in some good dogfighting sims, whether it be online or against the computer. currently i just setup BDarmory dogfights in KSP, which honestly can be loads of fun.
what do i play? il2?
standby 37W, computer is being a pain in the ass with the destination change.
> Yea Forums Centre, Huntress 1-8 with you, FL 274 request target vector for Operation Fag Hunter
Just normal left leaning tendency bro
Emirates 1123, Yea Forums clearance, you are cleared to Tel Aviv via as filed. On departure fly runway heading, climb and maintain 7,000.' Departure frequency will be 132.4 squawk 7777.. advise if you need to taxi to the arming pad for nuclear weapon loading.
Stand by for readback, I'm giving a reroute to an American 737.
Emirates 1123 Heavy request cruising altitude FL020 to avoid Israeli surface to air missiles getting a lock.
*makes an exaggerated serious facial expression*
"what were the pilots thinking?"
RIP back and eyesight
Emirates 1123, Yea Forums centre, left turn heading 217, climb maintain flight level 12000, call clearance on 133.54, drop chaff at discretion
>his fighter jet doesn't have a kitchen
American N737W, Yea Forums Center, advise when ready to copy reroute to Caracas, Venezuela.
Emirates 1123, on departure maintain 2,000', expect that as your final altitude, go ahead with your readback.
Just trim bro.
Yea Forums Center, American 37W, confirm ready to copy reroute to Caracas, Venezuela.
N737W, Yea Forums center, you are cleared to the Caracas airport via "present position" directly to the Great Inagua Radio Beacon. Press D(arrow) button on the GPS, type in Z-I-N, press ENTER, confirm Great Inagua is selected, press ENTER again, then on the dash put the switch next to the airspeed/heading in GPS mode, then pres the VOR/LOC button.
Confirm aircraft is tracking, and advise when ready for further instructions.
That mission is max comfy
I've been looking for that video where the guy is just pressing random buttons in the fighter jet and then it just blows up
This is a good thread. I think flightsims might be normalfag repellent, keep going.
Yea Forums Center, American 37W, we've encountered a pocket of larp turbulence we're unable to sustain this level of larp under our current levels of intoxication how copy
Does India vs Pakistan have flight sim potential?
roger, standby for intercept
Dildo 1-1, Huntress 1-8, Yea Forums center?
Yeah it could be very interesting, as eventually every mission goes to shit.
it's actually been a REALLY LONG ASS TIME since I've touched the default GPS or a RL Garmin unit so I would need to mess around with it to figure out how to work it.
Yea Forums Center, American 37W be advised we are now in Havana airspace with plans to defect to the Cuban government
Yea Forums center, Dildo 1-1, unable
Yea Forums Center, this is BigGayBaby 1, requesting taxi to active runway. I'm the Honda Civic weaving around security at gate 12.
here's the rest of your route for posterity.. I've hacked into Venezuela's flight data and am looking at their real procedures because autism.
Dildo 1-1, RTB
Adding onto this IL-2 is the one stop shop for WW2 aircraft these days. Generally a bit more (though not by a whole lot) affordable than things like DCS or X Plane.
Still I recommend you never buy any sim anything until its on sale.
Flying the wild skies
10 bucks says that the next CMANO DLC will be India v Pakis
I need to get back into longer flights.
32x simulation rate is one helluva drug
the radioaltimeter was right about all of you
stay mad casual
Yea Forums Center, American 37W be advised we have entered freefall mayday mayday
cute thread
37W, Yea Forums center, just nose it on in and call it a night
Bob will take it from here.
Beast mode
why did this make me laugh
Yea Forums Center, American 37W. I just want you to whisper sweet nothings in my ear
>that sunset
say no more
>using time acceleration
the grueling slog is part of the experience user...
>save up enough for Charon
>get it killed heading out of Perimeter
Kennedy Steve >>The cliff mere human ATC ability>>> Bored Shannon ATC > Anyone who survives Chicago for more than a week > Texas Ron > Incompetent ATCs > Competent ATCs >>>>>>>>>> That guy at your local garden runway that's 10ft long > Fucking LARPing ATCs
>put LaGuardia on its daily ground stop
>media and politicians decide to make it their scapegoat
they do it for laughs too
>Yea Forums Centre, Huntress 1-8, confirm kill on Russian on passenger jet, request additional target vectors.
Huntress 1-8, thread is over, nice work, RTB
>Copy all Yea Forums centre, Huntress 1-8 RTB, out.