Life... dreams... hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...?
Life... dreams... hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...?
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fuck you i wanted to post this
Is Kefka the best FF villain?
What are you living for? Where do people come from, and where are they going?
What are you living for?
>I don't know.
Me neither.
>Tell me.
Tell me.
There is no meaning.
>I want to change.
That's a waste of time.
>I can't change.
There is no meaning in life, we should know that.
The aesthetics in this fight were absolute top notch, out of all the "final boss is God" JRPGs, VI looked the best.
Then who is?
I love the Goner animation
too slow
So was the whole crazy clown thing just an act?
A fucking tree.
Ey, nice goin' there 'ard hat!
>just a tree of evil who wants the world to be how it was before
>jk it just wants things to be nothing cause 'muh void'
Let's be honest, he isn't that much better, and V is my favorite of the series.
>167 cm (5'4")
no wonder he went crazy
How were you supposed to know to wait for Shadow?
Imagine achieving god status and still getting fucked by some dude or chick with Genji Glove/Offering
>Shadow tells you he'll show up eventually
Sure, it might be scary as shit but you can just stick next to the jump zone
don't know if he's the best, but he's one of the villiains who got shit done.
he suckerpunched the emperor, stole all the power for himself, turn the world into runis with said power, and after all that he just created a fortress to sit down and being divine and shit while the world below him tried to survive while eating its own remains.
He didn't "succeed", but he's arguably better than a nihilistic megalomaniac.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post?
Shut up.
>claims to be a god
>doesn't know the answers to the most basic questions
I know this is based on how Asians perceive gods(flawed and not all-knowing) but COME ON
One of the few villains that actually have to do "evil" shit to save their own skin.
Did they remake Sephiroth for this game too or did they stop at VI?
Not, yet but i could imagine them releasing him as a boss when the FF7 remake comes out.
thats nearly 5'6 though retard, still manlet
Kefka had a proper theme to it, matching every phase with the Divine Comedy and presenting himself as the ultimate power on all levels. He flaunted his divinity, drove home his nihilism, and made his sheer might too visible to be ignored all at once.
>God Tier: villains whose motives are difficult to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
>Imma just cheese him like every other fight via summons!
whoa... damn... such an epic villain...
he really reminds me of myself haha
This is a top notch JRPG final boss
But the wannabe deep existensial entry level shit is cringy as fuck, was this really the best they could come up with? the dialogue is hot trash.
>"Waaah, people don't like me because I'm a sorceress and I wanna live forever instead of facing my inevitable death with dignity like a normal person!"
Lmao no.
Even Cloud of Darkness was better
>Takes over Heaven and Hell
How the fuck did he do it
Don't diss based Bowie
>Destroys countless versions of the heroes and their world before being stopped
There's "being successful" and then there's "being so successful that you have to jump into different universes and completely annihilate them too."
....where do they come from........cotton eye joe?
she still gets stopped. And then there's being successful from start to finish.
What am I looking at here
>but he's one of the villiains who got shit done
Just doing what a villain is supposed to do isn't an accomplishment.
FF4, the villain creates war between nations
FF5, the villain fuck up the world(s) with Void
FF7, Jenova wiped out the Cetra tribe before the game began, and Meteor is looming
FF8, villain (and other witches like Adel) creates wars and kills of their own people, also Time Kompression bitch
FF9, Kuja creates wars between nations to fuel souls into Terra, ultimately destroys the world crystal and all life dies, but a stupid deus ex machina saves everything
FF10, Sin wrecks everything remotely resembling anything bigger than a small town, except for Bevelle and Luca for some reason.
10-2, some doomsday weapon and Shuyin
12, Occuria manipulating people into starting wars
He claimed to be a god but things considered, I'm pretty sure he just claimed he was one but he actually wasn't.
If there's an infinite amount of worlds then theer are an infinite amount of Airies. You stopped 1.
But he looks cool af so it's ok.
>you'll never fight Godka on content again
Sigmascape was a shit tier but they did Kefka absolute justice, even if he was a bit on the easy side.
>don't know if he's the best, but he's one of the villiains who got shit done.
Not really, considering in the ending credits for FF6 we inexplicably see the world restored to its natural beauty and lush forests, as if nothing happened. Even the fucking auction house is still going on as normal during the supposed apocalypse
Kefka is a joke.
>wants to destroy the Force
Stopped right there.
A commie propaganda character can never be interesting or good.
Fuck you, making me laugh so hard.
How does you disliking Kreia and misinterpreting the Force as a metaphor for communish suddenly make Kefka a good villain?
Heck, even games that are regarded as shovelware have better villains than Kefka. That's how badly written he is.
I did not argue in favor of Kefka, I just pointed out how anti-able, anti-positivism "no one should be better" commie scum characters are equally as trash.
>"no one should be better"
Kreia's philosophy is literally "survival of the fittest". Her objections to the force have to do with other things.
Oh right, I forgot EU came up with trillion other things that the Force is or isn't. Carry on.
Absolutely based
What is the best way to replay final fantasy 5 and 6 since the steam versions are trash?
The Game Boy Advance editions.
PSX versions if you're looking to play this 2P with a friend.
Depends on the criteria, but for me, yes.
Kefka appears very often and when he's not around his handiwork is. He is crazy and therefore totally justified. However he has a modus operandi, so he's not random, which makes him compelling. He is funny. He goes through an arc to grow more powerful along the heroes and is the anti-thesis of the two themes of the game, love and hope. He has a personal connection to the protagonist.
>God Tier
Kefka, Caius, Sephiroth, Exdeath
>Great Tier
Golbez, Dark Cloud, Garland
>Good Tier
Brandelis, Necron
>Average Tier
Bhunivelze, Zande, Emperor, Zirconiaide, Kuja
>Bad Tier
Vayne, Shuyin, Seymour
>Horrible Tier
>Atrocity Tier
Weiss, Ultimecia, Omega Weapon, Zemus, Fuhito, Barthandelus, Orphan, Yu Yevon
Oufh, that is one awful list and criteria for good villains
That's like two rogans tall, that's not too bad.
>Sephiroth in God tier
>No Ardyn
>No Ardyn in God tier
>Ultimecia in atrocity tier
Sephiroth is cool until you realize that he doesn't have much going for him and that he's a generic villain without much personality that wants to take over the world.
Sephiroth only gets seen as a god-like villain because of nostalgia. I get it, FF7 was your first and Sephiroth was the main antagonist. But compared to the likes of Kuja or even the Emperor, he pales in comparison.
SE made fucking two side stories of FF7 that feature Sephiroth but somehow he lacked in personality. Hopefully in FF7 Remake they do a good job of making Sephiroth a great villain.
But the real crime is putting Ultimecia in atrocity tier. I'd honestly say that she's in Above God tier. She's the ultimate villain by circumstances. She does all that shit because of how persecuted witches are and is frantically trying to prevent her death. In the end, she's the cause of her circumstances due to loopy time travel, which are in a way tragic. It's too bad her personality and character isn't fully fleshed out though.
Motivations and rational methods are important to me, but presence is the most important thing of all, so there are stakes, actions from the villain and a reason to put them down at the end. Otherwise it's just a waste of time to see them on screen interrupting the action and as such they shouldn't even be a character instead of disembodied evil or a wordless final boss demon.
Besides I like my FF villains for different reasons, those are just Kefka's. They are not universal criteria.
the fact that some people unironically think that is laughable
The best part about Kefka is he pretty much got what he wanted. It was somewhat short lived but he did become a living god of death.
Kefka is the GOAT FF villain
Kefka is cool but his fight was too easy
If you do Ultima+Quick,Ultima+Ultima,Ultima+Ultima with Terra on the first turn he's pretty much already dead
No he was one of earlier magitech experiments putting magic into a human body. The process drove him quite insane. Why emperor Gesthal kept him around after that is the real mystery.
He's not just insane outside the bed, if you catch my drift, wink wink.
I mean that Kefka and the emperor are sodomites.
Vayne is the best FF villain and Cecil is the best FF protag
Prove me wrong.
I stopped reading when I saw the western half was in reference to a Star Wars game.
Kefka was fucking crazy and that was established from the get go. So his speech is pretty much spot on for the type of maniac that he is.
The western speech is good but a bit pretentious.
You can also just have Shadow toss the Atma/Ultima weapon at him and end it in seconds.
I want to breed that noseless freak.
Too bad anime will never be real because we didn't elect Ron Paul
The God-Emperor promised to make anime real though.
Ultimecia is low, because she artificially prolongs the conflict by two discs from the moment Edea is defeated and then after all the trouble you go through to get to her, she has a mwahahaa speech as a payoff. Fuck off. Secondly Zande had a a more compelling "I want to survive" motivation, that contributed to the story actively. Just because Ultimecia is a victim of fate, doesn't make her compelling. She's a plot device. (Although so are every single other person in history, because of the stable time loop.)
Ardyn isn't anywhere, because I won't play XV and never judge anything I haven't played.
Sephiroth has presence and appearances through the plot. His actions make sense, since he wants the Black Materia and once he does he no longer interacts with the party of whom he doesn't care anything about. There's efficiency about him. He's insane, as shown by his jubilant ramblings at any point he spouts to an audience that never understands him, and becoming a god is better than being dead. As the foil of Cloud and as the antithesis of his arc he chooses delusion instead of reclaiming his identity. Also I don't like the Compilation Sephiroth at all.
the fact that you have to ask shows how uncultured you are
dark knight cecil is cool and kain is the most iconic dragoon in the series so that's 2 marks for ff4 being the best
I hate this man.
Everything about him can die horribly in the inbetween of existence.
Seethe I will.
Life...Hopes...Dreams...two number nines...a number nine large... a number six... with extra dip...two number with cheese...and a large soda...
why is ultimecia bad aside from DUDE FUCK FF8
Yes because he actually does something that you feel the impact of
>god tier
Emperor Mateus
>good tier
Gaius Van Baelsar
Nael Van Darnus
Thordan VII
>meh tier
Cloud of Darkness
The Creator
Yu Yevon
Rules... jannies...mods...Where do they come from? And where do they go...? Such meaningless things... I'll dab on them all!
See I guess I should add that if she was Rinoa, then she would be above Weiss in the same tier.
is this his Dissidia CG render? do you have the rest?
Thanks anons, isn't the music downgraded in those though? Is there a fan patch to restore it or something?
If anything, it's the opposite. Sephiroth wanted to destroy the world and steal its power. Kuja was literally created to take lives and siphon souls and instead just decided to be the most generic mustache twirler in the series and merely take over the planet.
They're both extremely bland personalities.
this is extremely attractive
That's not how it works since Airy came from outside of those worlds.
Garland is the best FF villain
you literally cant prove me wrong
His only real motivation is his desire to knock people down.
his motivation is mgtow, he's the ultimate incel
Why is this tune making a comeback? Did some meme get posted somewhere?
Then why does he kidnap princess sarah?
I think it's the mmo render. Source is Yare Yare Dong.
Absolutely based, I was thinking of posting this even before opening the thread but ofc fpbp
Objectively the best villain
user the meaning of life is
Impregnating ninja bitches
>Want pure and utter revenge.
>Want to die and know peace.
>Concoct a plan that will both end the bloodline of your family, get your revenge, and end your suffering all in one fail swoop.
>You just so happen to also murder a god who also seeks out the destruction of humans too.
Goddamn, nigger. That's a GOOD joke.
Sephiroth has plenty of personality when you realize how much of what he did was simply to hurt Cloud's feelings because he is a spiteful prick who is STILL mad about Cloud getting the jump on him 5 years ago.
Also if you allow Crisis Core into the canon he's just a superhuman guy who's lost his superhuman peers and given into fear and mania in the worst way.
>what he did was simply to hurt Cloud's feelings because he is a spiteful prick who is STILL mad about Cloud getting the jump on him 5 years ago.
But what if I don't want any of these things to be true? And that they're just recoloring of events according to the Compilation. I'm not the guy you're talking to though.
*banjo starts playing*
You could put Gaius in great tier, being the main ARR villain. I really liked him.
>Sephiroth kills one of your party members affecting your team and play style
But.. that was in FFVII alone. It wasn't in the compilation at all. Sephiroth is just a total dick who messed with Cloud's head for no reason other than personal satisfaction. It didn't advance his plan in any way to make Cloud think he wasn't a real person.
>gets cucked in hell
>by people he killed
Loving Every Laugh
It causes Cloud to hand over the Black Materia to him. Once that's done Sephiroth never talks to him in his head to manipulate him again.
>a tree
>god tier
Well yeah, once Meteor is cast all he has to do is wait.
But he didn't need to make Cloud doubt himself, Cloud was already following the pings of Jenova from early in the game. He was going to hand over the Black Materia as soon as he set foot in the northern crater. Making him go nuts and deny his own history was nothing but dickery.
Sephiroth has physical control over Cloud because of the jenova cells. Any physiological stuff was just for fun.
But I think there's a pretty strong argument that Sephiroth is Jenova until literally the last time you encounter him and not actually doing anything at all.
The hell do you want him to do? He needs Meteor to impact to begin the rest of his plan, and the party arrives before that. All he can do is defend himself. He can't make Meteor fall any faster.
I'm not so sure. Sephiroth's trickery and Cloud's identity death causes him to just follow Sephiroth's wishes and seek validation, while the other party members' voices can't reach him even though they try. In case it wasn't actually necessary, it's hedging the odds in Sephiroth's favor. There was a chance they could've broken through to him otherwise. In fact it probably was necessary, since in the final scene he wavers, floating up and down before finally going up to Sephiroth. In addition if Sephiroth cared about Cloud, the person, he would've been there in the Lifestream scene trying to sabotage his recovery.
Although in fairness, most of his concentration was keeping Holy in check.
If he didn't have a personal beef with Cloud why attempt the "fite me 1v1 fag" at the end? Even if he got Cloud avalanche had already won.
This one. This one exactly.
It was Cloud that challenged him. Also technically since he still existed in the Lifestream, he thought he would've still win by getting to Meteorfall by stopping Holy and then proceed to be disappointed by the Lifestream preventing it (unless he overpowered Aerith, of course). At least him laughing implied his path to godhood hadn't yet closed.
Life...dreams...hope...two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.