What are your thoughts on racial censorship?
What are your thoughts on racial censorship?
Other urls found in this thread:
is he supposed to be black?
enough with the racebait threads man
tired of this shit every fucking day, it wasn't always like this
In this case censorship is good, because fuck niggers. censor all of them.
It's the reason why the west is declining. Just deal with uncomfortable truths and stop censoring people.
he's actually a ginger
Yea Forums - Twitter and Minorities
It's the same reason they censored Jynx in Pokemon. They're afraid Americans will mistake it for blackface.
it was, you just didn't notice because it didn't matter
that shop is bad and you should feel bad
>they're afraid fragile blacks will start burning entire neighborhoods from chimpouts.
I mean, Detroit Emiya looks funny so the redesign looks serious at least?
had they ever explain why he turns into a nigger?
How is right bad? It's not like his lips are all puffy and slacked, they're just different colored, like some black people's lips stand out in their features irl. Looks significantly cooler in the right desu.
>that hair
how to achieve
>Retard makes bait
>People bite the bait
>Retard continues to make the bait for days without end
>People bite the bait
>Retard continues for years and YEARS on the same fucking bait
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>People continue to bite the bait
I think it's phenominally stupid to try and censor something that might be offensive to black people by deleting black people from games entirely.
It accomplishes nothing of what they are trying to do and only makes everyone who cares upset.
Emiya Alter is garbage though so I don't give enough of a shit to get mad.
Is this why we will never get any Dragon Ball video game?
Why the fuck do black "people" destroy their own fucking homes and local stores and clinics just cause they're angry?
Dont expect too much from animals
EMIYA was never meant to look Black, the "censorship" is a correction and improvement
This is how you do a black man in anime.
lmao assblasted prietos
This is why newfaggots were meant to lurk more. The phone posting and new traffic have no sense of posting etiquette and brought down the already poor quality of posting that this site had.
Stupid spic.
I wonder if Japanese devs ever laugh at Americans during business meetings
>generic bald man who is angry all the time
>tfw My father is black and my mother is white but I'm somehow 70% white and only 30% black.
Most people just think I'm a white man with a tan since my hair is straight and brown. Doesn't help that my opinion of black people is formed mostly from Yea Forums and the fact that I live in Detroit.
Did you even watch Black Lagoon? Dutch was one of the most chill characters on the show.
that is good ye. what are some other examples?
That is never how it works you dumb mutt nigger.
your mom got BLACKED
>I'm white with a tan!
Amerimutts lmao
Genetics aren't always a literal 50/50 from parents to child sometimes.
I just don't understand why they made emiya that black. Archer I understand, but that design is just too much for my taste.
Is your dad FULL NIGGA or halfie too?
I'm surprised they bothered. Japan doesn't give a shit about
It’s supposed to represent just how much his war with Kiriya had warped him and why someone like Kiriya possesses the potential to become a Beast
My father was half black, half scottish. HIs father was white. My mother was half german, half scottish.
I don't know if that makes it better or not.
is your father the demoman?
Blacks so not care. We grew up watching Mr. Popo and other superdark caricatures other people labeled as black. This is all white people and their being offended on behalf of others.
Emiya's skin darkens when he goes overboard with his magic circuit. Archer is dark because of continued heavy use, Archer alter is really dark because of a crazy amount of use during his fight with Kiara and her cult
>dad is literally demoman
Holy fuck, but yeah would make sense if you lean closer to the white scale
I think alter fags should kill themselves and fuck off with their irrelevant game
Funny that you say that, I've been a Medic main ever since 2009. I tried maining Demoknight for a while but Valve is hyper retarded when it comes to balance.
He's Japanese, though.
This. Niggers don't care. White people do. They always did.
You could of said for not the fact that fragile black cry like a little bitch when they aren't pandered too like the whole "oscars so white" bs
Nice try though.
The lore explanation is that he doesn't know how to properly use his magic circuits, so whenever he uses magic, he burns himself out. This version of Emiya used so much magic to genocide an entire cult that he burnt himself completely, causing his skin to turn black. I don't know what's up with his lips and hair, though.
Shirou represents true progressive diversity. He's a Japanese man who looks Irish, becomes Mexican, and then turns black.
why do people hate nigger emi? he's cute
Wtf happened to my nigga emiya
At least post a decent picture retard
Can you restate that in English next time?
I really don't know where you get this from. I should ask if you got any charts about this like the many other ones I've seen from the politically correct, but like the others, I'm quite dubious it's actuate to all black people...
Or this.
I love it when stupid negroids try to evade the blame and act like none of this oversensitive bullshit is their fault when they are the ones who invented it.
Literally BLEACHED.
Yeah, that's baseless...
If you lacked the sense of community, then you don't see these local stores and clinics as your own. This is why black communities focus so much on the "black community". Because by cultivating a sense of community, you all help each other and bring each other up.
real life reason is because the artist wanted to make "detroit emiya"
I'm fine with the lips but they should leave his skin darker. It's perfectly tame and there's even an in universe reason for it being that way?
You mean those celebs that are trying to seem Woke, so they can get brownie points from the media?
Remember what happened to the last black guy that didn't get behind the "wytee Soo evil" agenda?
t. conveniently forgetting all the times whites chimped out and lynched innocents, destroyed black homes and businesses and generally acted like the parasites they are beneath all the revisionism and unwarranted self importance.
not that user but Genetics aren't so simple, my mother is technically mulatto but doesn't look it at all ,only 1 aunt out of the 3 actually looks like they got the black and would look like what you think a mulatto person looks like. I'm 1/4 by technicality but I don't get the N-word pass out of it.
>lynched innocents
>some sjw who happens to be black got triggered
>representative of blacks in general
Oh sweetie no
Can we not do this shit every fucking thread?
>batou but black and shit and boring
>Two tweets discussing the "issue".
>Not full on "chimp out".
You must be super retarded.
Prepare for an hour long Yea Forums argument.
I'm surprised people haven't been called out for whitewashing or are we going full circle where this is fine now?
You can claim that when no white people jump in on shit like this.
>/alter/ faggots
We'd be happy to, if pol could fuck off back to their containment board.
When's Shinjuku banner 3? I want to try for Emiya and Kiara
Yes? Why aren't you an e-race warrior user? Derailing threads on 4chin is how we beat the jews.
It's raiding time user, nothing we can do. It's always this time, even on other boards I see it.
>my opinion of black people is formed mostly from Yea Forums
>and the fact that I live in Detroit
>the fact that I live in Detroit
Yeah I think it's more the latter. There's no quicker way to form a racist opinion towards black people than to actually live around black people. I wish more white people would actually spend some time with black people instead of getting hyper sensitive and blindly fighting a war they don't understand.
My advice is to get out of Detroit.
The change was fucking stupid. Of all things, shrink the lips, the skin tone isn't even the possible offensive part of the caricature since Albert and DW are stupid fucking SeaMonkies.
He's an Emiya left too long in the oven of justice. He's going to darken, crack, and splinter like anything left too long to bake, and the kintsukuroi aspect in the later saint graphs makes it beautiful. I'm angry this censored cuck is on the same gacha as Kiara in a few months since I'll likely NP3 him before getting best Buddhist. Literally a case of American Blacks demanding the entire world bend themselves backwards to correct every bit of art to conform to an absolutely stupid level of reverence for a struggle far, far removed from their modern lives. Said ancestors would surely spit on them seeing how soft they are in the face of the hint of adversity
>white mobs never lynched blacks cause they could
>over any perceived slight
That's not Shijuku but CCC.
>lynched innocents
The ones doing the lynchin were Dems btw, even up till the 1950s
Dude, you're saying you formed your opinion about blacks from Yea Forums and living in Detroit. So I get you probably don't think highly of them. But you seriously can't figure out the percentage of your ethnicity? Well we know where the "30%" of your black genes went. Straight to your brain. Dumb smug poster.
Uh, guys...
Shirou is a complicated character. He's genuinely not black. His skin gets darker due to overusing magic.
That would require competent moderation and zero tolerance for shitposting it's just not gonna happen.
it's not whitewashing, he's originally light skinned (japanese). magic use made his skin darker over time. And this is an evil version so I guess western faggots want to avoid the implication that even darker correlates to evil.
So you would be a dem in the 50s? What are you a nigger lover?
his concept was "what if emiya went to prison"?
he's literally called デトロイト えみや
Detroit EMIYA
they might as well called him emiya double nigger deluxe, shit is racist as fuck
Shirou isn't Japanese.
Shirou isn't black.
Shirou is the red man.
Uh user... This is literally "he said, she said" tier
What the fuck spoilers!
there it is!
Shirou is an Indian?
>no arguments
lol :)
I have always, ALWAYS hated english team localization changes. I was even kinda okay with "altria" due to that fact.
I'm okay with this change. Just this once. I mean, fucking DETROIT EMIYA? LUL WTF JAPAN
why the fuck this this pic piss so many people off?
thats kinda funny
The fragility of the 'reality' upheld by leftists, kikes, and niggers makes them especially defensive about it.
>using OP characters
Do people really find this fun?
I don't get it either. It's not like any of those numbers are made up or inflated to show a bias
>even Japan is turning redheads black
What's going on?
Altria was forced by the original writer, Nasu. I don't understand why he prefers that over the more natural sounding Arturia or Artoria.
>hurr skin being black doesn't mean nigger
What about the buzz cut and thick nigger lips?
The reason is contact with the Counter Force (see Okita Alter going through much of the same), and it's never explained why Alter is even blacker, just speculated as story justification to what is a thoughtless and stupid design choice.
It's not like negro domination of American violent crime is a secret, user.
too many R's that Japs can't pronounce.
>chaotic stupid character makes an offhand joke
>recolor a character without informing the original artist, and then ruin the entire point of his character pursuing justice even further than the original Emiya to the point he broke
absolutely based & SMARTpilled woof
Fuck, guess I'll try a bit for him now and then go whole hog for CCC
>tl;dr literally everything is black's fault
>a thoughtless and stupid design choice.
That's kinda what gets me. EMIYA Alter looks like fucking shit. Archer is arguably the best character in the entire franchise, and when you decide to create an Alter for him, you decide on riffing Pucci from Jojo?
His skin was supposed to be charred from overusing his magic.
Shirou went from white -> brown -> charred black
>nigger didn't actually read
It doesn't say that at all, you'd know that if you weren't an illiterate pickaninny.
9 times out of 10 it's some white guy getting mad for the blacks
Yeah you'll see shit complaining about "MAN THIS SHIT SO WHITE" but black people give next to no fucks about video games, least of all anime trash that isn't Dragon Ball or Naruto like Fate
You know what the funniest part is? They didn't even take out the black jokes.
Real answer? Confusing a static as 100% fact. That's the problem.
Majority /= all. Hell it's not even majority, it's just the gang member statics, which is completely ignore the time blacks wasn't the gangmembers, it was the Mafia. If people just looked at who was going it (poorly raised individuals) instead of color tone/not being Caucasian, then people would take this shit more seriously. As the white people do; "if it isn't me directly, why am I being projected? It shouldn't be ok to hate Whites."
Yes the bankers and 'job creating' neocons will cook in the same fire as the kikes user.
worst part is that General Black was actually pretty based
I wouldn't call it thoughtless since it employs the concept of kintsugi into it, but the artist's explanation for why he made the design lessens its artistic value.
>whites committed this amount of crime against blacks
>but blacks committed THIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSS amount against whites
That's literally all it is, fuck off and take your outdated slang with you.
thats why i was okay with it. artists intent is most important.
like, i fucking hate "dream of the fisherman's wife". not the painting, the localization name. thats not what the painting is about.
minumum wage violations? so you mean violations for people who work in fast food restaurants or retail? what violations are those? rest break violations seems to be employees taking longer breaks than they should, overtime is saying youre worked more than you actually did... what is larcency? i dont want my car stolen, being mugged, or have my shit stolen in my own home while im home to a guy who has a gun or knife and also happens to be bigger than me
Nigger detected, I am sorry you are having such a hard time coping with the massive lie of black victimhood being exposed for what it is.
Are you really this illiterate?
you a nazbol?
So the proposed solution is:
>Instead of fixing the social, educational or cultural problems within the black comunity
>Sweep everything under the rug and expect white criminals fill the gaps instead
ANY worthwhile banners coming up
>Each shirou is next to their heroine
>Archer is next to Illya
What did he mean by this?
Americans are such fucking pussies. what sort of pampered morons complain about stupid shit like this.
Nazbol is for memeing faggots without the guts for NatSoc.
Take two groups: Group A and Group B. Group A and Group B are entirely randomly selected from a population, and together represent the entire population. Group A is roughly 20% of the population, and Group B is roughly 80%.
How much crime would you expect each group to commit to towards the other?
Let's pretend the odds of somebody committing a crime that affects another person is 10%. So, roughly 2% of Group A will commit a crime, of which 80% will affect group B, or 1.6% of Group A on Group B crime. Likewise, 8% of Group B will commit a crime, of which 20% will affect Group A, which is also 1.6% of Group B on Group A crime.
In other words, this image is very misleading, because you don't need to adjust for population when looking at these types of numbers. White people are more often the victims of crime because there are more of them, which offsets the smaller number of black people committing the crimes. The "25x" and "200x" numbers are gross misrepresentations of the data.
B-but there are no criminal whites user. Dey all gud bois dat dindunuffin and are based if they killed anyone. White "crime" is good!
>redhead turned into nigger
there's literally no escaping this cultural phennomenon kek
>Retard makes bait
>People bite the bait
>Retard continues to make the bait for days without end
>People bite the bait
>Retard continues for years and YEARS on the same fucking bait
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>People continue to bite the bait
Once again.
I know, that's why I said there's an in universe reason for him to be that way
Every banner during CCC event and Abby.
Congrats, you're a mutt
I have no idea why Nasu won't write, or at least give permission, to create a canon Archer route.
Imagine a manga that goes through his grail war, and then the rest of his life? Kino as fuck.
yeah thats why i asked. i honeslty dont know what is meant by "minumum wage violations"
What do you think?
That absolutely does not compensate for the fact that even with the large number of whites to be victimised, blacks still either way dominate violent criminality in America, and they don't even need white people as victims to do this. No, most numbers about black crime are from them victimising each other.
youre right that this happening in every thread is fucking retarded, but this was not the thread to make that point in, if you didnt know what was gonna happen before you clicked this thread you are genuinely not an intelligent person
It's not bait anymore, it's 24/7 larping.
thats what (((they))) want you to think
also the left wing of the nazi party would have won if they werent killed in the nolk
I was kidding. The rumor that EMIYA's past is the long-lost Illya Route has been a rumor since the VN came out.
No one is implying that, what is being implied is that its a catastrophe that such a small minority should dominate violence so thoroughly, and its a national taboo to bring this up.
also video games
who likes video games? why is the worldbuilding in the fate/ games so bad?
I said nothing other than the fact that the numbers and calculations in the second part of that image are both exaggerated and misleading.
Holy shit Logic is embarassing.
I know, but I still think an Archer route would be fucking awesome. It's the option to have another variation on the 5th War, and you'd get to see what his life after was like.
>Telling you your Argument is flawed.
>Haha no I'm still right because you won't argue against my propaganda.
This I never gave two shits about Popo or Jynx.
yeah, prisma is actually the illya route, said nasu jokingly once.
or maybe its the bad ending where she rapes shirou.
Honestly I wanna see all three dropped routes. Illya, Ayako, and Taiga.
>still no arguments
I am replying relatively civilly with other anons, silly, you're just too stupid to communicate without your wojaks.
It makes the most sense given what little we know for sure about him
>he goes on Yea Forums
>to try and racebait
>because he's bored
>has never seen a vagina and complains about how all women are whores
>is afraid of all nonwhites, but is powerless and too much of a pussy to pull an Anders Breivik
>so he jerks his 3 inch erection
>behind his computer monitor
>looking for that perfect "troll" nut
>and he will do this until he dies
>unmarried, unknown and unloved
>in his mommy's basement, eaten by his cats because he'd never get a dog
>out of contrarianism
Your next line is appeal to emotion. But there is no lie there. You're boring and tired.
>implying the kind of person who would be offended by a black person being evil would reach this far in the game
The closest thing we're ever going to get to an Illya route is Oath Under Snow
Because it's like saying something is a fact then when asked for proof you post articles or say "dude just trust me"
It's what simple minded brainlets use to debate.
All these words just to communicate how mad you are, and I wont read a sentence of it.
And the solution is genocide, we get it larper-kun. Kill all nigs, now fuck off.
Thank you, a productive thread brought to a satisfying end.
>Still not attacking your propaganda. Post actual proof for those statistics.then I'll argue.
Medea needs a route, Ilya is just an epilogue to Fate. I'd like a Taiga route though
Isnt that really a Miyu route?
You are mad af
it's okay, Illya doesn't need a route. We all adore her, in the route in our hearts.
didn't even read, lol
>tfw she protected her younger brother.
youre gonna carry that weight.
I prefer the NA version just because they toned down the nigger lips.
>lel I troll u you are so mad le ebin platinum ftw
And the sad part is you believe this and will do it again, wasting your precious little time on this earth.
Nobody said you had to post a doctoral thesis worth of angry bitching.
Yeah but she's a closer parallel than Prisma's actual Illya. Shirou turning his back on Kiritsugu's "justice" to protect his little sister from the magic conspiracy that wants to make her their Holy Grail.
Agreed. I dislike censorship as a rule, but god damn original Emiya Alter looked like shit.
What's sad is you crying like a bitch because someone said the big bad N word
Goddamn Mel's girl is fine.
Reminder that ginger is just nigger with the letters moved around.
>he hesitates to shake the hand when it was in front of him
>anyone who hates niggers is pol you don't hate pol just any opinion not your side shut the fuck up you stupid bitch
t. niggertranny
t. newfag
I feel like they're trying to convey something with making him lighter
Literally all they had to do was make the lips the same color as the rest of his skin to kill off the retarded contrast.
But Albert and his fellow nu-weebs are retarded so whatever.
Albert literally thinks niggers are "problematic"
stop falling for bait threads
Eh, this is dipping into fanfiction territory, but I've always thought Archer story was kind of a 'Fate route gone wrong' situation. Stuff doesn't work out with Saber. Maybe there's some lingering attachment with Rin, that either developed in the route, or after. Explains their relationship once he's a Servant.
My friend got a selfie with this guy at the Heaven's Feel II premiere.
I miss pre-F/GO TM.
It's like what happened to Warcraft after WoW. Franchise and fanbase never the same.
>>Instead of fixing the social, educational or cultural problems within the black comunity
How do you fix iq dickhead
>why are some dogs big genetics son why are some dumb?
>merely socioeconomic conditions
Can you post the full thing?
The artist literally said he looked like a prisoner and they make a drug dealer joke about him in the story.
Well, to be fair, most US soldiers in Okinawa omitting murders of Japanese locals are black.
You seem to be implying that anyone cares about the Oscars outside of California and New York.
What's up, Epson?
Rather than whitening his skin, wouldn't it have been easier to erase the lips?
You implied nothing that specific
based Asian man, they're racist even against niggers
t. /pol/
Holy shit stop posting you absolute splerg.
Starting race arguments and talking about how much you hate "niggers" is literally what pol is known for, dumbass.
Next time you feel like your opinion means shit, stick it right back up your ass, sit down, and rotate on it.
Go back to lurking.
It's just a rumor. Emiya's past was a hypothetical Saber route "Normal End", where things more or less progress the same, but Shirou fails to get Saber to fall for him and stop her from continuing her quest for the Grail. The reason Emiya has a hard time dealing with Ilya is because even though she ended up surviving the war, she wasted away and died a year later due to the limit on her lifespan.
>crew cut
>stern expression 24/7
>ambushes Jeanne Alter and tries to shoot her guts out
>a brainwashed Assassin compared him to a drug dealer?!
wtf bros?
He's an upstanding servant in a singularity literally plagued by malice itself, why isn't he an outstanding good citizen???
Why would an artist following Nasu's direction make him seem like such a villain...
basically, it was so bad, it made him look like a nigger
The Fate Stay Night remake will have Illya route
Nitocris will definitely be seething in a corner
hello everyone! I have an announcement to make!
all subhumans, or Fateniggers, as I like to call them, they should all go back to their Fucking General and suck NASU's cock only there
Goddammit Seibah Alter!!! Stop using your Excalibur!
how about you go back to your own gacha general.
Dude that's the greater grail spilling mud get the fuck out of there
>we need more black characters!
>ugh this character is too black!
why are sjws like this
Ozy is for Moses.
No Ozy is for Arash
It's dumb.
Its Seihai-kun!
Tell him your problems, and he will help you solve them!
White and red miko'd.
The NA version just flat out looks better. Like for me it's not even how racist is it, those lips just look stupid.
it looks better those lips are stupid
I keep rolling and always get my favorites, but I don't have enough time to save before CCC!
Help me!
I want to grab a Melt, a Kiara, and at least three Lips!
You're so hopeless, user-kun. Here you go.
If you kill some developers, they'll delay the update
So this is what being triggered looks like
>whites chimped out and lynched innocents, destroyed black homes and businesses
At least we hit the right targets, nigger.
Someone explain to me how a bullet was able to pierce a fucking meteor.
He looks like he's a BIT CLOSER TO HEAVEN
Black but not African American; Archer is a version of Shirou who burned out his skin and hair by abusing magic far beyond his ability
EMIYA Alter is a version who went twice as far and is now a living husk who is entirely burnt out and dead on the inside. His skin is entirely blackened, he can't remember anything long term, and there's no more justice in his heart.
Gotcha, I'll make sure to do that then, even if it's through dreamspace attacks! Albert deserves a Salem noose after attacking Demiya & Abigail
[Hardness] is only a concept
If you think too hardly about it, you're going to open yourself to those less understood than you[hard]. For Nasu works, never take it at face value, but instead, focus on the concepts and wordplay in the background if you want to truly understand what's going on
His skin is literally falling apart at the seams
I'm not sure what to make of Emiyalter. His Projection skill is inferior to Emiya Vanilla's, his Bulletproofing Treatment lacks invulnerability and his Unlimited Lost Works does surprisingly disappointing damage for a single-target version of UBW.
Its an origin bullet that carried Shirou's reality marble in it. Whatever it hits erupts into a thousand swords from the inside. Servants don't obey the laws of physics.
I can accept that it can tear the target apart from inside with swords. That's fine. What bothers me is that the bullet actually pierced a meteor at all. I mean, to begin with, how did it even carry that far? The meteor had no noticeable effect on Shinjuku, so it must have been a long ways a way. Somehow, a bullet traveled beyond the Earth's atmosphere and pierced into the center of a fucking meteor. If his bullets can do that, then the majority of Servants shouldn't even be able to dodge or block it.
Wow, this person got it completely wrong.
blame retardera, blame reddit, blame Kotaku, blame the entire twitter sphere of game journos from San Francisco, blame Hilary, blame Anita, blame democrats, blame the SPLC, blame twitter, blame Tumblr, blame Google.... It's nobody else's fault but the Left's that things are like this now.
Eggplant Elly when?
it's the fault of every insecure cuck that responds to these types of threads. If you were really anything more than trash, you wouldn't be worried about a bunch of uppity niggers.
I love my Rin nendo so much. It's a miracle of the universe.
Bros... im a blue eyed, blonde white guy and im scared about having kids with my Jamaican gf..
Careful with the stand!
>but Shirou fails to get Saber to fall for him and stop her from continuing her quest for the Grail
That's more because he didn't give a fuck in that route, but it's all just speculation.
Of course he gave a fuck. The one constant is that Shirou is always enamored with Saber to varying extents. Nasu himself said that Archer came from a timeline where most of the events from the Fate route played out, but "something was missing" and while he and Saber managed to beat Kotomine and destroy the Grail, he failed to convince Saber to stop seeking the Grail completely, meaning unlike in the Fate route we know, in this route, Saber never enters Avalon.
Would be cool to see that Artoria somewhere, then. Too bad all we get nowadays is FGO.
Idea: After Ufotable finishes HF, they go back and animate Fate.
But it's different. There are little tweaks here and there early on (fixing some of the roughness people always complain about), until eventually it snowballs, and it turns out it's not regular Fate at all. It's the Archer route.
Nasu seems to have absolutely no interest in fully fleshing out Archer's story, though. If he did, he would have done it by now.
>all these replies
japan hates black people forcing them to censor that fact won't fix the problem, you've gotta make black people go to japan and fuck their women only way to fix it.
True, but he might change his mind once HF is done. The FSN well will be pretty thoroughly dry, and HA is almost impossible to adapt. The way I see it, my idea kills two birds with one stone: 'freshens up' the original Fate route by allowing variations in the narrative, while offering new ground for everyone.
Hell, the first cour could be the grail war, while the second could just be Shirou's life after it.
The thing about Archer is that while Nasu seems to like sprinkling bits and pieces of his life, he seems to want to leave most of Archer's past to the viewer's imagination. It's actually pretty rare for Nasu to fully flesh out any character's past at all. Even Garden of Avalon only tells bits and pieces of Saber's life, and even then it's all told from the viewpoint of other characters.
I mean, shit, I dunno if you've noticed, but nearly every single detail concerning the pasts of characters like Kiritsugu, Kotomine or Waver were written by people other than Nasu. Hell, Waver is barely even his character anymore. He only wrote the basic outline of his character setting. He's actually never written a single story about Waver ever.
I think keeping what happened to emiya that made him EMIYA obscure is better, it gives him more mystery.
I mean, fair. I just kind of wouldn't mind seeing more of the original FSN setting. We've moved so far away from it now with FGO, and we know for a fact that Archer's story is something that 'happened.' We just don't have the specifics.
We'll probably never really know the specifics. Nasu doesn't really "do" prequels or story that place in a specific character's past. He leaves that to other people, like Urobuchi. But no one else is ever gonna touch Archer. At best, we may get a fleshed out backstory for Emiya Alter written by Higashide, but I doubt even that would happen, since all the variable concerning him were originally created by Nasu. In order to get into Emiya Alter's past, you'd also need to get into Kiara's since she's his nemesis and turning point. I doubt even Higashide would go so far as to make up stories about both those two on his own, and Nasu sure as hell isn't going to get involved.
it's stupid
>white people outside of the lived memory were demons, despite having built the most humanitarian societies in the world
And poor black businesses, being forced to serve black customers. Wouldn't wish that for an enemy, desu.
damn thats a yikes! racism is to asians as bbq is to chicken in the 4th of july so im not surprised.
i don't care really. having played the original FSN i cant ever look at emiya again and not remember him drilling his dick into sabers face with cum like cheese hanging from her lips and that look on her face of pure pleasure, and all i think of is:
nice. he got it in.
No, Ozy is for Gil.