You play Fighting Games, right Yea Forums?
You play Fighting Games, right Yea Forums?
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Shut it goober
t. Slow reflexes
im getting into guilty gear atm and its tons of fun
>He doesn't play racing games
Stupid casuals ruining my board
You probably need more reflexes to play a FG than an FPS. Confirming short links, reacting correctly to shimmies, reacting to jump ins/fireballs etc etc
never seen that edit before. FPS babies have finally put some effort there...
No, I play MOBAs. The only genre that has combined skill, strategy and team work flawlessly.
It's actually
>fighting games
>make reads
>have to not be a anti social NEET and be able to properly communicate with your team
Move aside brainlets.
I think some people might not be aware that a universal tactic in fighting games is to put your opponent in a situation where they have to guess. These so called "mixups", literal guessing games, are embraced by the "fighting game community". The better a character is able to force these "mixups", the better the character is. They "justify" this mechanic by, and I'm not kidding, the belief that truly skilled players can read the minds of their opponents.
I have been playing them for the past 5 years or so but I'm kind of bored of them atm
Smash is a fighting game.
Map sense, opponent tracking and timer juggling, which is necessary for any good FPS are all more complex than anything in fighting games.
Copy and paste this in the fighting game general.
>depending on teammates
lol no way fag.
You'll either get carried or dragged down. At least in a FG you can measure your progress instead of bitching about how your teammates suck
What's this?
>this is what a yomilet truly believes
What's the biggest brain fighting game?
for some reason, i find myself feeling intense love of Marvel 3. I've never been serious about the game before. Wasn't into fighting games until the last half of it's life and wasn't into the game itself until MVCI was on the horizon.
But for some odd reason, i just feel like going into training mode and practicing basic combos.
Do any of you know the feeling of flawlessly headshoting three dudes with a silenced pistol on Counter-Strike within the span of 3.5 seconds?
Of course you don't. Sit the fuck down.
Yes, of course.
Boy am I glad not this much of a geek. Either play games for fun or get a job, people.
>invencibility frames
Neutral is actually probably like 90% of those things on the left. Which is to say neutral is a lot. But still sums up a lot of that.
Reddit is thataway.
This is the number 1 reason to play fighting games
Win or lose, it's always on you
wow, you displayed some motor skill that is somewhat impressive in the context of that game. ok. This is why FPS are boring as shit to play and watch.
Meanwhile in a FG, the best plays are not related to motor skills (that is only a part of it), but to high level mindgames. Something a FPS brainlet couldn't comprehend...
>When you play fighters for almost 10 years and you're still mediocre trash with the occasional moments of sublime neutral execution and confidence.
I honestly feel so much better then I am. Not even being delusional its self hatred. So many times I crack when I know not to stop blocking or when to tech and hit a button instead and I absolutely know I shouldn't. Controlling emotions is so hard. But its the most fun multiplayer genre and over this decade literally how I've met my 3 best friends.
Can we get a webm of any animal doing a dp so once and for all those shitters can go neck themselves?
This is reddit
It's the number 2 reason. Number 1 is the waifus
>want to enter tournaments
>no money
>if i get a job i wont have time for playing the game
Except when its laggy af. Which it actually bothers me how many people play on wifi. In this day and age its easy with connection filters. That being said im not some giant faggot atleast I haven't been for 2 years or so of playing them. So if I see like 3-4f of delay its fine probably will cause some gay shit but fine. But fuck man im glad I can filter spics and Russians etc playing on toasters/on wifi who think playing with 8-10f at best is fun. Shit doesn't even feel like a fight at that point its just scramble neutral into hoping your combo doesn't drop.
skullgirls and killer instinct atm
I only started playing a year ago but I can completely understand that point about cracking under pressure. In retrospect I can pinpoint the exact moment I lost control and did something stupid, feels like shit.
Why did I try to tech a throw in the corner when I had enough life to take it? was it worth it to lose 50% of my health for that shimmy? GODDAMIT
>this scares and confuses the fighting pleb
this is what an actual 200IQ play looks like
>Have enough money
>Decent enough to probably drown in pools but go like 2-2/3-2 and not get 0-2d
>No fucking majors near by
>No fucking locals
>Only enough money to do just that.
My only locals are for NRS games. The nearest real one atleast for games I play is one where im already 2nd maybe tied with another dude for 2nd best out of like 7 fucking people and 2-3 hours away and not worth it especially in the winter.
People like to dunk online but im fine as long as its 1-3f of delay and can do what I learned and stuff. Pain of being middle of the country. But then again Chicago has a decent scene I just cannot afford the time to go there.
Does Smash Ultimate even count? I haven’t been this hooked on a game-where-you-fight-an-opponent since MK9
>air acceleration
Stop reading right there, literally is not even a thing in most popular or competitive FPS, only in niche titles
>tfw started playing fighting games 5 months ago and make some streamer tourney player mad on stream whenever I run into him
>Literally saying hey man if you're fucked just do this hail mary thing.
You have to be fucking kidding me right? That is literally the start of every single FG comeback in history. Im fucked so lets go ham and see where it goes.
Replace the 10 years with 4 years and 3 friends with 2 and it's exactly me.
both use hand eye coordination
If you wanna tell me his name I probably know him since I like to laugh at the spergs. Never forget just because someone goes to tourneys doesn't mean they matter. LTG goes to some majors and gets washed in pools sometimes even 0-2 and spouts shit. I've been to one tournament unfortunately and went like 2-2. It doesn't matter I just wish I could go to more they're fun.
as a FG player who also plays CSGO I completely understand what happened there. Yeah, he lost the round but caused a huge economy loss for the terrorists because he predicted at least one of them was in pit. Its funny how this is regarded as ''300iq cs play''. Its not that impressive and it has NOTHING on the layers of Fighting game high level plays. If this is the smartest thing to have ever happened in a CSGO match I would not be bragging about it...
When are people going to stop plastering wojak all over any image they want to use to make a malformed argument?
Fucking reddit
'Smash' is a """fighting game"""... r-r-r-right, guys...?
I don't get what is happening here. They throw the grenade and still lose the round? What play is even being made?
Not to the extent they once used to...
A team of players can do far more than a solo.
wojack on the left should be black, only niggers play fighting games
>needing to script multiple mages for big fights
>enemy also has mages, need to predict their script so I can counter it
>need to predict what my enemy thinks I'm gonna use so they can't counter effectively
In CS you use money to buy guns. You gain money through a variety of ways, like scoring kills, planting the bomb and winning rounds.
When you kill someone, they lose their gun and by extension, money and depending on how much money they have in the bank, they may have to resort to using inferior weapons for the next round giving you an edge.
There's no grand play here, it's literally just going hail mary and risking being shot in the head for the chance of making some cash while setting the enemy back.
Why people think this is an impressive play, I don't get, because it just makes sense and is the obvious thing to do regardless of whether you win or lose the round.
Fuck off, cheater
kids these days cant even piano
Do you understand the words you're replying to? Because your post is a bit of a non sequitur.
>a facile QCF = Rachmaninoff's Fifth
Don't need much reflexes to play FG, FPS I'd say is far more dependent on twitch reflex.
Confirming links is muscle memory and jump ins and fireballs you can see coming a mile away, there's more than enough time to react.
Fighting games = solo
FPS games = teamplay
teams can do far more than a single person
The most legendary FG players are asian, south korean and japanese for the most part.
>b-but that gay furry guy I saw on ESPN once?
yeah, he plays like NRS shit. Its like the call of duty of fighting games, who cares. Wake me up when he wins SF evo or something...
No i have friends that i can play team games with
Okay, so you don't, good to know.
You are complaining that it is a part of the game that an opponent can attempt to guess / predict your next decision and choose to use an option that beats the one you decided to make.
Do you hate Chess for that, too? In both of these, there is not an unlimited amount of time to consider and respond to your opponents options and decisions.
yes, is there anything deeper and more skill based than tekken?
>the belief that truly skilled players can read the minds of their opponents.
but they can....? skilled players can spot patterns or bad habits in their opponents and use that knowledge to punish them
also, reversal moves/ moves with invincibility frames exist
confirming is the opposite of muscle memory. You have to actually react of a hit or block, otherwise you'll just eat a big fat punish for doing something unsafe. I'm not talking about reacting to a full screen fireball, but a close one, during neutral pokes and shit. Also it can be pretty hard to react to jumps simply because your brain is thinking about a number of possible scenarios during neutral (in a high level match people don't just jump like retards, its not common to random jump).
more like dice roll for competent teammates/ incompetent enemy team lmao
Which shooters take more skill, tacticool shooters like CS and Siege or arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament?
>"wow, I can do a special move. I'm good at fighting game now."
special moves are just one of the basic component like punch and kick. you're not gonna win a fight just because you can do them. you have to know how to play first so you can open your opponent up for combos.
arena shooters = motor skill
CS/Siege = motor skill + light tactics + yomi + team coordination
why did you even post this low effort garbage
If you know the game economy well enough, you can make an estimate on how much money the enemy team has. If an enemy team gets their ass handed to them for the first round or two, your team is going to have more money which can afford you better guns, protection and grenades which nets you a hefty advantage.
A common tactic for when you are getting your ass kicked and your team isn't making enough money is to dedicate to a "save" or "eco" round as a team, where you either don't buy anything at all, or buy cheaper weapons like pistols and SMGs to save up more money for the upcoming rounds so your team can buy themselves proper weapons like snipers and rifles to even out the odds.
Kills with a pistol as well as SMGs also award more money per kill, so if you manage to cap a few enemies despite the disparity in equipment, you end up making your money back and then some.
If you know your enemy team has splurged on expensive equipment and manage to get a kill or two with a grenade which is a tiny investment when compared to a high-end weapon, you basically end up setting back the enemy team with minimal investment, which can in turn force them, or at least some of them to do an eco round of their own, so again, you net the advantage by forcing your opponent to play with inferior equipment.
Any anime fighter
brainlets can't into meters
So close to the truth, but you forgot the part where you get put in the game with 9 people who don't speak your language, and are waiting to throw the match at the drop of a pin. If you do poorly in a lane, there's a good chance a teammate will just feed. Same goes for enemies, you win a lane, some enemy fuck will "Jajaja" in all chat as he runs couriers down lane. Ranked, Casual, Custom Matches, fucking ALL RANDOM DEATHMATCH, there is no escape from these guys. Fuck Dota 2, never again.
I have like 98% accuracy with doing dps but for some reason they just sometimes don't come out. I record the inputs, I record my hands, and I can't see anything different in my movements but sometimes they just don't come out. I don't get it.
For people who play fighters with a console controller, do you use the directional buttons or the left stick?
Confirming might not be based on muscle memory, but in most games it's not difficult to do either because chances are you'll have both visual and audio cues to go by, once you know what you are looking for, it's very easy to predict and adapt to a confirmed hit vs a blocked one.
A close distance fireball isn't that hard to react to either specifically because of the visual cues the game gives you.
If you are not thinking about jumping in neutral, you need to work on your neutral game, it's just one of the many options your opponent can use and one you should be prepared for because they are among the easiest to punish.
*blocks your path*
half of the things in "FPS" are rephrasing of the other half (leading shots, tracking aim)
half of the things are thing you can't control and are random (trickrate)
>just use whatever ur comfortable with bro lol
On a more serious note, I found that using the d-pad allowed me to be far more accurate than the analog stick.
Then because I couldn't be accurate enough even then, I went onto get a fight stick.
why is it every time a team game comes up on Yea Forums you retards spout this? its intended to be played with FRIENDS and VOCAL communication. No doubt abstract concepts to you, but you should know by now.
>mfw people constantly bitch about SFV being the worst fighting game this console gen but its still the only one that actually matters
I don't understand what's happening here. It looked like red was blowing everyone the fuck out and then suddenly loses?
Because most people are busy to the point where getting an actually competent team together isn't an option.
More importantly, chances are that your friends are garbage at the game as well which can still be fun but it's not going to bring you many wins.
How did Capcom manage to Jew everyone so hard?
I only ask because I found myself in a weird spot of using both. Dashes with the d pad, some down+forward normals and specials with the analog and down+back attacks with the d pad. It kind of messes with my muscle memory doing it so I'm gonna try and stick with one
>>have to not be a anti social NEET and be able to properly communicate with your team
Look at this faggot who gets carried.
Play 1v1 or your are trash.
if you don't have time to form a team with friends and play half a dozen games a week then you hardly game anyway. the group I used to play with twice a week used to do consistently well in several games, including diamond in sc2.
If the game allows you to display your inputs in training mode then I suggest getting in there and doing a few inputs with both, then comparing the two and going with whatever is the cleanest and most consistent.
That said, d-pad can be a literal pain depending on your controller, apparently baby oil and the like helps but that's nothing I ever bothered venturing into.
Dominions. It's pretty good even though I've only played it single player and it's clearly meant for multiplayer. Overpriced though; pirate it. That fuck thinks he can get away with AAA pricing for his low fidelity shit.
depends on the controller. 360 i used the stick but ps4 i use dpad
Can "game" plenty without having to set aside hours or more likely than not in the case of Dota 2, multiple hours just to get a couple of matches in that may very well turn out to be shit.
Because people have other things to do in a given day as well a lot of them end up playing other games instead where you don't have to spend up to an hour or more eating shit.
In Supreme Commander, you lose when your commander unit (the one whose icon looks like a man) is killed, regardless of how many other units you have left. Blue set up a tactical missile launcher near the top middle and Red didn't have any defences against that, so Blue sniped Red's commander. You can see the missiles (yellow dots) flying into Red's base right before he dies.
so what are you trying to argue here? its not a dice roll game
Reminder that fps and fighting games have their own skills and techniques to master in order to become good. A fighting game pro can't just pick up a shooter for a week and start winning in tourneys, and vice versa.
It is, because not everyone can afford the luxury of a five man premade every time they might feel like playing a match.
>b-both games are good in their own way
Stop being a faggot and choose one and only ultimately superiour genre. Visual Novel
well, yeah sure we are just having some fun here
even if I ignore that its intended as a premade team game, its still less and less of a roll whatsoever as you rank higher. its really only an issue to those in the worst rankings
>fighting game player is also a wojak poster
>FPS player isn't
Except when ranked isn't seperated into solo and team because that way people from the latter who inevitably get carried through the ranks will match up with you and ruin your game.
Alternatively, you simply don't have the time to grind out game after game after game after game to get to those higher ranks when you lose the dice roll at lower levels so you never end up rising in rank and the problem is never alleviated.
True, except for TF2 and Smash, both party games made for children which should be kept firmly out of the discussion.
if you don't have the time then don't play the most time intensive games you moron. no one is forcing you to play dota
>Build gun man :)
>Tell gun man to gunshoot!! :D
Re Tard Strategy
>Dota isn't RNG.
>Teammates are dictated by RNG and you lose games because of them.
>Play with a team.
>Can't get a team together, have to play solo and rely on RNG.
>Can't fix the issue because can't rise in ranks, because of RNG.
Really didn't take you long to reach for the ad hominem as soon as you realized that the game is RNG reliant for most of the player base, huh?
No I literally can't, combos are too button intensive for me and I've never spaghettied so hard in a genre before, my mind actually goes blank in matches and I even if I do finally do a combo after hours of trying to even do it in training I will never remember how to do it in an actual match.
>RNG is non issue for the game as intended (premade teams)
>solo RNG issue only exists in the lower ranks full of retards
>problem disappears as you get good at the game and progress out of lower ranks
>"I don't have time for that"
>expects game to cater to him somehow despite having a perfectly functional statistical system
fuck off
The trick is practice. If there are easier versions of the combo available, focus on pulling those off in matches instead.
Then once you're used to pulling those off consistently, start getting into the more technically complex stuff.
Depending on the game you play, combos might not matter as much as you think they do and you should probably be focusing on your fundamentals anyway.
>expects game to cater to him somehow despite having a perfectly functional statistical system
It isn't functional if good players can't rise in rank because of their teammates, which is the case because of the nature of the game.
The system is broken and you're butthurt for being proven wrong in the fact that the game isn't RNG based and it's fine if you are but you're only embarrassing yourself by posting further.
Why are you even focusing on combos as a beginner? Learn the fundamentals, focus on defense, practice some anti airs and you can win just with buttons.
As important as fundamentals are, when it comes to winning matches, it's good to have a few basic combos you can consistently pull off.
>It isn't functional if good players can't rise in rank because of their teammates, which is the case because of the nature of the game.
this is is simply wrong and you can watch plenty of skilled players restart fresh and climb
>The system is broken and you're butthurt for being proven wrong in the fact that the game isn't RNG based
the system works fine and you are butthurt because you are bad
yeah, true. He said he would not remember the combo in a real match, so he is either trying to learn high level combos or was playing some anime fighter with really long combos...
Not butthurt in the least, truth simply is that there are certain matches that you can't win purely because of your teammates.
If you are a better player, you will win more matches on average.
Thing is, depending on RNG, there always exist a chance where you can be put into a match where you simply can't win and will need to play another match to progress in rank.
This is when the game becomes a grind and where you either need to invest a whole bunch more time into throwing dice until you get the doubles that let you get out of jail.
It isn't a difficult concept to grasp.
I do and this wojak posting is just plain embarrassing.
>yfw this is the guy that also says inputs are artificial difficulty
>team FPS other than CS
>competitive gaming
Oh my god, please don't be serious.
>If they're fun and not like every other game in the genre they're party games
You're not even a boomer, just a faggot.
mid or I feed
>made for children
go back to your cod
Talk to me about Anime Arena Fighters. What do they do that makes them unfit for more competitive play?
>Mark always one of the first ones to the end
Is Markiplier genuinely good at video games now?
>the fighting game isn't full of rabid autis-