has it even triggered anyone else that Bowser's trajectory from being thrown is Mario's faced direction and not the tangent from his radial swing position?
Has it even triggered anyone else that Bowser's trajectory from being thrown is Mario's faced direction and not the...
I literally never thought of this til now and now its going to fucking bug me god fucking dammit
No, but now it does. Thanks a lot nigger
This threw me off as a kid too.
Shut the fuck up Carlos holy shit
Explain with infographics linking to Breitbart please
It's chem trails bro
it means marios strong as fuck you fucking brainlet
Now CNN please
It's hard not being a physics brainlet as a kid. I went on to become an engineer and this messed me up back when I played it, along with every point and click that expected you to use cartoon physics to solve problems.
not only is it unintuitive, but it's actually much harder to line up the shot this way
it never did but it will now! thanks!
It's a dangerous smirk
Beaner here
Easier words please
>Not being a physics brainlet
Pick one and only one.
If you throw something from moving in a perfect circle, it will go towards where it has velocity (the red arrows here). Instead, Mario just throws it perfectly in the direction he;s facing.
mario really just throws bowser forward, the spin is to style on him and not to build momentum
>so long gay bowser
how did nintendo get away with this?
Hold something in your hand, spin around, and let go of it. Notice how it flies off sideways from your point of view, not directly away from you. Bowser flies off directly away from Mario.
And yeah I thought it was weird
bowsers skin looks like an orange
Ugh I love how n64 bowser looks
He’s so orange
because he too, is secretly an orange
pretty good
usually you bomb
It was a different time.
i learned it via real world application
swung my cat around and let go, was surprised she didnt fly off the direction i was facing but off to the side and down the stairs.
I don't get it.
No, because it's a fucking video game you autist loser
go to hell
It makes sense from a video game perspective since you want to be able to see exactly where he's going to go based on where Mario's looking.
I never noticed as a kid since I would just keep picking up and dropping bowser in the direction of the bomb to slowly inch him closer until I could slam him into it without tossing him.
My younger self couldn't aim for shit so this was basically the only way I could beat him.
Centripetal force makes objects travel perpendicular to their circle of travel, and not outward radially
Go to bed Pannen