Does this thing have any good games that aren't made by nintendo?

does this thing have any good games that aren't made by nintendo?

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Tetris 99

Disgaea 5

why would i play a non-nintendo game on a nintendo console

Into the Breach and Golf Story are great

Plenty, but you probably won't accept the ones I like because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Civ VI
Fast RMX

bayonetta 2

travis strikes again

Indies :^)

All kinds, But they are mostly ports of last gen games, which I am totally ok with having portable versions of.

It's got some decent ports, but nothing that wasn't on the PS4 years ago.


The only 2 games I have not made by Nintendo are Tales of Vesperia and L.A. Noire, ports but super well made.
Next one I get will be Dragons Dogma on April and the obligatory RE4 port.

>Travis Strikes Again (you'll like it way more if you're not just a NMH fan)
>Dragon Marked for Death
>Lumines Remastered
>Katamari Reroll
>Marble it Up
>Sonic Mania
>Octopath Traveler
>MonHun GenUlt
>Bayo 1&2
>Devil Engine
All of these are fun, most of them you can get on Steam but I personally don't find much reason to play them on PC.
Marble it Up has community levels on PC though which the Switch version will get as curated content later.


Shin Megami Tensei V is coming out some time later. It's got Doom 2016 and Skyrim. It's got Tales of Vesperia.

>Doom 2016 and Skyrim. It's got Tales of Vesperia
I would buy those games if they weren't 60 fucking dollars.

The fuck were they thinking


Did you mean children educational program?

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Golf Story

>anime picture
every time