>remake the game in idtech 7
>release with full proper mod support
>full config control including center weapon view and low texture high visibility mode
>add dedicated server support
>make heroquake a mode and not the default ruleset
>include a single player campaign
>sell the game with a box fee not some dumb f2p
>maybe include a limited f2p mode to increase game exposure
>congratulations you just saved the arena FPS
Why is it so hard to do at the very least the things the originals did right?
Remake the game in idtech 7
Because they've been done. The recipe that worked then will most likely not work now. If I wanna play Quake, I go and play Quake.
Honestly, I'd take a primarily singleplayer focused Quake rn if champions is the best they can do. Just make it like doom 4 except less flashy and more grim.
>Because they've been done
Yes they were done and done and done again and successful. Why change what works?
>The recipe that worked then will most likely not work now
>let's change it to some memeshit game that nobody ever wanted
Because the game is dead and there's no budget for it. QC was always a shitty, outsourced cash-in.
Yes I know but why not give the defining multiplayer FPS of the genre a proper release?
I'm sick of retards posting, "arena FPS is dead nobody wants to play it anymore". No, the problem is we haven't had a single good arena FPS made since Quake 3 and QC is exactly what you said and not a proper Quake release. Same problem with Quake 4.
the problem is that there have been attempts to make classic style arena fps in modern times and they've fallen thru the same cycle each time:
>arena shooter fans buy game
>arena shooter fans get really good at game
>newbie/non hardcore player gets game and plays it
>gets blown the fuck out by seasoned arena shooter fan players
>gets frustrated and uninstalls/refunds
rinse and repeat
I'm not defending the devs or casuals but devs know this is gonna happen so theyd rather try something more casual friendly like QC.
>the problem is that there have been attempts to make classic style arena fps in modern times
What does this even mean? Arena FPS is a type of game. It's not "classic". Furthermore there can never be one ever released with as much potential as the Quake series because it's the defining series in the genre with a massive developer behind it to provide support. All they have to do is release it with at least as many features as the originals and in the latest idtech engine and not some outsourced shit.
>gets blown the fuck out by seasoned arena shooter fan players
This phenomenon only occurred way after the game's heyday when nobody but seasoned veterans play. A proper Quake release would draw tons of new players and therefor newbies wouldn't always be getting railed by pros and have some fun. I mean hell even in Quake Live the lower tier play was filled with scrubshit players and noobs had fun at least for a little while before the game died.
>idtech 7
idtech is fucked, they made concious efforts to smooth over all the quirks, it doesn't look or feel anything like the previous ones that carmack was directly involved with
>full proper mod support
even with this the tools and game are way more complicated to use than doom or older quakes, barrier to entry is just too high especially if you want to make anything that looks half as good as a professional map, very few people would bother.
>idtech is fucked, they made concious efforts to smooth over all the quirks, it doesn't look or feel anything like the previous ones that carmack was directly involved with
I've heard nothing but praise over how fluid it is. Granted I don't really like the nuDooms and whatnot but surely it has to be better than Sabertech hybrid shit engine?
>even with this the tools and game are way more complicated to use than doom or older quakes, barrier to entry is just too high especially if you want to make anything that looks half as good as a professional map, very few people would bother
Then maybe they should improve the tools and make the barrier for entry lower. It's certainly better to have mod support than none. I mean look at what Epic did with their engine and they got a popular mod out of it. Mods are the lifeblood of online games. Almost all the popular online games today are the result of or byproduct of mods. It's utterly asinine to not include mod support.
>over how fluid it is
nuDoom faggots forming opinions around that trash game
>they should improve the tools and
you are so clueless
the few thousand or so 30-and-40-somethings that wanted this would just go play q3a or QL
arena fps died because everyone moved on
They need to drop the hero bullshit, as soon as I saw it had this overwatch faggotry I just refused to even install it
>m-muh m-muh we need o modernize it
NO GOD DAMMIT, take a fucking look at cs, same game as it was 19 years ago as has 500k concurrent players every day, their mistake is to try to adapt to overwatch/fortnite public, they don't want to play quake and who want to won't play it because you made if half-way and not a real quake
no need to modernize or even to be really original to be honest, just make a good quake with the exact formula we know and want and people will play it...
>you are so clueless
By all means feel free to explain. I've heard nothing but complaints from seasoned modders over how the nuDooms should have full mod support because they would be easy to mod.
No they'd play what's essentially Q1/Q3 in a shiny new engine because it would actually have players to play with.
What they need to do is just go all in on a full AAA Quake game that has both Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Let the Quake reboot be id's next big project after Doom Eternal and Wolf 3.
With the full weight of id behind it, and it NOT getting outsouced to some outside studio, they would have no reason not to make sure it's as polished as possible for release. Modern id has such a big sway these days, that they wouldn't even need to do f2p. A proper Quake successor/reboot with proper multiplayer will get a decent playerbase just by being good.
go and try building a map from scratch in any modern engine and see how easy it is
>id's next big project after Doom Eternal and Wolf 3.
>With the full weight of id behind it,
why are you talking like those games are good or that id is even capable of making a decent game? The studio is dead.
>go and try building a map from scratch in any modern engine and see how easy it is
There are a lot more people capable of doing these types of things these days than there were back in 90's
how about sneak quake champions in as the multiplayer of doom or doom:eternal instead of having it be free.
Unironically would have a bigger install base than now.
Is it really that unrealistic to crowdfund a server farm to make mods and include built in mod support with the idea that such a thing is a realistic possibility? Times have seriously changed a lot these days. I don't find such an idea to be that crazy anymore.
nobody gives a shit about arena shooters anymore dipshit
I mean people are still playing Quake 3
>go and try building a map from scratch in any modern engine and see how easy it is
Alright I read up more on this and see now why it would be impossible. Damn. Guess that means the Quake and DOOM franchise are officially dead. Fuck megatextures and fuck idsoftware for killing mods. I now vow to shit on them for the rest of my life.
Honestly it's not a shame that the game's dead anymore. Esports are pure cancer, none of you losers ever even installed the fucking game and you didn't play QL either. Arena FPS games are just something that people want to say they play but they don't play the games and there are way more fun options out there in the market today and no, they're not FPS esports games.
Just let this shit die.
And I did waste hundreds of hours on this plus the time on Quake Live, it all amounted to nothing because arena FPS games are seriously the overrated as are all FPS games to be honest.
The only reason arena FPS are dead is because idsoftware has no fucking clue what they're doing. Look at CS for example. It's not an arena FPS but it foregoes all of the modern conventions of the FPS yet is still one of the most popular online esports games. That's the results of having a competent developer backing the game.
Arena FPS games are more fun than any other FPS games on the market because they get your adrenaline pumping more than any other because they're faster paced and more action packed. Games like BR are weakshit low T betacuck games and no other genre of game has so much high flying fast paced twitch reflex action. Tribes Assend was the closest thing we got and it was extremely popular for a short while. Again an example of a developer having no clue what they're doing and destroying a franchise.
It's a shame that no competent developer is willing to put out a decent arena FPS. A damn shame.
I'm just going to install QL on my laptop (don't even have a proper PC nowadays), hook it to my TV and play some QL.
AFPS have a chance when consoles support 120fps/120hz (which they do) and support proper Mk input (which they already do).
Because Bethesda outsourced the game's development to a shitty dev.