Joined Server.
Pick your team.
Joined Server.
Pick your team.
Blue, A will carry.
MisterLister is da best around.
MisterListertheSisterFister gets my vote
Can never go wrong with Lister.
A is barely better than Lister, with a worse team
Blue, A is the silent hero that will carry his team to victory. Despite his high score MisterLister is an insufferable memelord who will throw the moment something goes wrong.
Someone born in 2002 could legit be a senior in high school. Let's be realistic, the obligatory 12 year old in every game is gonna be named something like MinecraftSteve2008
Points are useless because there is no way to know when they joined the server.
Blue team, and throw on purpose
A is a shitter, his score is only that high because he has been playing all day.
Irrelevant. The team I am on will win.
Blue it is.
Blue. Even if Kriztine’s actually a 36yo man, she’s still a qt.
Blue Team looks more fun to be on
>00s edge kid
>anti social autist that plays too much but never rises above mediocrity
>wannabe tryhard clantag
>gamergrrl or trap
Red Chads
>some tag along
>moderate skilled furfag
>/pol/edgelord that kind of pulls his weight
>mister fucking lister
>Impliying coolkid2002 isnt some top tier dude's smurf account
It's red
Red is an overall better team that can basically command Coolkid to do their bidding i.e.: act as bait
Whereas A will be a cunt that tells the whole team what to do.
From a point of view of who I'd want to play against:
>xXxInSaNiTyxXx is a kid has a basic grasp of the game but plays a difficult characterand he's not very good at it. Won't talk much and will sometimes get a lucky kill but he's totally non-threatening and perhaps even cute.
>A will beat my ass. He will know where I am at all times if I try to get good positioning against him, and I won't last seconds in a fair 1 on 1 fight. He won't say a word, but will only use fitting voice lines, and if I start messing around he'll ignore me and move on.
>The other guy is too busy trying to flirt with the girl and boost her by playing a support class, focusing only on her survival and joking when she inevitably runs into a fucking wall and gets herself killed. He will never see her again.
>Coolkid2002 is a tween being an epic friendly despite nobody asking for it and is just a nuisance. Killing him reaps much salt, and he can't even defend himself.
>Nautofoxboy is obviously joking around and not taking the game very seriously. He knows how to play but is on total autopilot. Decent opponent.
>Kill_all_Minorities is a teen who sticks to a/lame character or strategy like sitting in one spot as a builder class. Spams Yea Forums memes and acts obnoxious whenever he wins or loses. He's obviously trying to provoke reactions but gets none, just slows the game down.
>MisterListertheSisterFister is playing an assasin class like insanity, but he's much better at it. His points are from absolutely cleaning up the three noobs on blue team. An excellent opponent, you both sometimes win against eachother. He's a joy to play with as well, with banter and advice flying between you. He will end up coaching insanity for a bit and give him a free cosmetic item.
I'm going with Blue. Even though CK and KaM are annoying, I'll have two good opponents, and won't get curb stomped by A. Busta may even support me at times, and I'll feel good for Insanity when he gets a kill. I can ignore Cutie.
Only going with blue because I want to kick Kill_All_Minorities' ass and shit talk him on the mic with my thick latino accent.
Red and kick Coolkid2002
here's a better question, which team do you put Gregor on without making it a complete fucking bloodbath?
It’s clear that “A” is a hacker between his high score and having a username that’s not valid in the vast majority of online games (which usually require 2-3 character minimums). So I pick Red and laugh when A and his whole team get banned for cheating.
I've played with a few people with "MisterListertheSisterFister"-derivative names, and to a one they've all been absolutely insufferable children
>gregor joins blue team
I can carry any team so it's the same for me
red team because kill_all_minorities seems like a chill dude
Blue is mostly dumb kids and red is mostly degenerates who have likely spent hundreds to thousands of hours honing their skills. The choice is obvious
red hands down
misterlisterthesisterfister is the best
>Score board has no order.
Immediately uninstalled.
red, always bet on lister
a is probably some chinese hacker though
>stacking teams
pleb. it always feels good to join the losing team which then becomes the winning team.
Quality thread, so I'll give you a bump OP
Everyone is pointing out lister but coolkid is the true dark horse who is probably just afk but will come back and wreck face. That's a pseudoironic tag which means he cares a kot about his status in a way that he enjoys people getting pissed off someone named coolkid2002 ks destroying them.
Me, Kill All Minorities, and Mister Lister are going to dominate.