Post your power move Yea Forums!

Post your power move Yea Forums!

Attached: 1551155727883.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1543154486598.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)


Attached: 1542157373081.webm (480x480, 593K)

Attached: 1549515176333.webm (476x476, 459K)

dex always wins nerds

Attached: 1551135346878.webm (640x640, 2.71M)

Can INT win against STR?

Attached: 248234823950240292.gif (440x355, 2.32M)

Attached: 1524334755652.webm (426x426, 482K)

>all i'm saying is men are naturally stronger than wo-

Attached: manhandled maniacal manlet.webm (640x640, 2.76M)

who /LCK/ here?

is there a longer version of this? I want to see who wins


Attached: 1548701574833.gif (155x141, 1.73M)

More like "STR vs FAT"

i fucking hate chicanos so fucking much

Absolute unit.

a monster more terrifying then blacks huh?

is that from Reno 911?

>CHR beating STR

Attached: 1546407645077.webm (640x640, 666K)

God I wish that was me

STR wins evrytim

Attached: 1549854228871.webm (404x720, 2.75M)

Attached: 1447888921252.webm (640x640, 1.03M)

Attached: the completed dempsey roll.gif (500x362, 2.72M)

God I wish that were me

Me too, I'd pull out my unregistered stolen gun and I'd turn her into roast beef.

Attached: 1551076148350.gif (348x353, 34K)

imagine studying when your peers are just having fun

what a loser

what the fuck is wrong with niggers?

makes black people look bad.

Attached: luke dodge.webm (900x378, 2.94M)

>white girl ruins a good time
you know she dead

I'd try to study as well just so I can get a good job so I can leave that place. (because it is filled with niggers)

Laundry girl at the end of the hall is the only one with the right idea.

isn't that a dude?


what a fucking nerd

You're retarded


DEF girl just needed an attack option and she might have won


Attached: 1523545199436-v.gif (480x270, 2.43M)

milksmash would be my finisher too

t. Yea Forumsirgin

Attached: 1492756026281.webm (468x352, 2.19M)

I'd try to grab parts of her and hold on the memory as I pleasure myself later on.

I take it you've never been around rowdy niggers then.

>That chill ass nigga just laughing in the back

Looks like she shot forth her menstration.

what a fucking nigger
geez oh ma gawd

not an argument

I cant wait for white people to be replaced, and everywhere to be like this

yes good goyim

>SPD vs STR.webm

not their fault she's a boring bitch

Might actually be fun

I pleasure myself to the thought of killing degenerates.

Attached: 15.jpg (760x800, 115K)

>that shitty ass windup run
holy fuck he wouldnt be able to cut through anything like that

this but unironically


Attached: 1472926514301.webm (720x1280, 680K)

Attached: black man.webm (202x360, 573K)

he was smart and played it off like he didn't want to fight
really it was battle tactics vs the unaware
t. Vegeta

Attached: UI Vegeta.png (1024x576, 832K)

Attached: drone tp.webm (1280x720, 885K)

That cop is just keeping back like "the fuck is going on, nigga"

God dammit, why do black men get all the best white women?!

if he punched her, she would play the victim

god I wish that was me


Attached: 1547934035815.webm (720x720, 1.38M)

Attached: 1540243693984.webm (640x640, 2.78M)

Attached: a weapon to surpass metal gear.webm (406x720, 1.09M)

>we gotta ATTACK 'im

Attached: 1331385349022.jpg (521x413, 50K)

Is that Idra?

When will they learn?

Midget robbing a liquor store

> chad blackman
>virgin niggers

Attached: s12e03_720.jpg (960x540, 54K)

his face
I laugehd

Attached: cmon nigga.jpg (640x646, 45K)

Is this rape?

Y'all wwyte boi be jealus


Attached: Gator devours cat.webm (1272x718, 2.94M)

>black man on white pussy
>white man on black pussy
get it together


does that count as rape on the mans part?

Attached: ayy lmao.gif (346x188, 1.47M)

>white bois
this is why white women prefer black men pull this shit on a bruddah and you not walking out that bar

Attached: 1496349216352.jpg (540x540, 27K)

Attached: interpretive dance.webm (720x1280, 1.97M)

cant rape men sweetie


Life's tough for these little guys since the lollipop guild got closed down.

Attached: reeee.webm (720x404, 2.22M)


This gets me rolling everytime.

Attached: mormon repellant.gif (250x141, 1.77M)

Spics are better than niggers, wymmin love that latino dick

back the blue bros

>Style points.

>Gets styled on.
Stay mad.

That bitch has a better chin than her faggot boyfriend.

White men have a natural -5 STR penalty it seems like

What is that cop's fucking problem?

He only said he wanted to get rid of retarded people and bad neighborhood. I think that's a completely valid reason.


motorcycles are for faggots

Attached: 1499623611884.webm (490x360, 1.96M)

and yet they are still the strongest
really makes you think, huh?

Attached: werdum shaw.jpg (640x640, 142K)

The dude was already wanted, the cop just caught him on the street.

I always try not to come to a complete stop for this reason alone, cop or retard.

this li'l nigga need a tv contract
>righ' neeow

>guy got punched once
>chick took numerous brain damaging shots
Who came out on top exactly?

Attached: 1534910441281.webm (1500x1000, 2.2M)


Holy fuck, I'm dying

Attached: 124125151.jpg (390x310, 28K)

Is this a fight or public sex?.

....that was a white dude tho

He's a pig

Attached: 1555517795797.jpg (1085x775, 510K)

why you have to push your punches

antifa get FUCKED

the moment he blocked his attack
>oh fuck


Having gone to a shitty public HS, to a somewhat shitty community college, now to a private 4-year has really made me appreciate the good minorities (asians, indians) and absolutely despise the bad minorities (everything else).

Attached: 1500582589754.png (2688x2688, 173K)

I like that little swipe he does while rolling.

Why is it always niggers in these webms?

Attached: mac2.webm (640x800, 2.66M)


Attached: mob grinding.webm (320x240, 1.98M)

>she didnt react to the milk

Attached: Democracy Manifest.webm (640x480, 996K)