Symphonia = God Tier
Abyss = Good
Vesperia = Great
Xillia = Shit
Xillia 2 = Shittier
Zestiria = Shittiest
Berseria = Okay
Tales of series can be saved, right ??
Symphonia = God Tier
Abyss = Good
Vesperia = Great
Xillia = Shit
Xillia 2 = Shittier
Zestiria = Shittiest
Berseria = Okay
Tales of series can be saved, right ??
Other urls found in this thread:
We're just gonna have to face facts here man
Symphonia has decent writing, but probably one of the worst combat.
Xillia 2 being among some of the best.
You left out a lot of stuff there.
gona fix that for you
Symphonia = god tier
Symphonia 2 = ok
Abyss = dogshit
Vesperia = boring
Zesteria = disapointing
Berseria = God tier
Xilia = good
Xillia 2 = Did you remember to pay off your debt tier
eternia = good
Graces f = shit
Destiny 1 = good
Destiny 2 = good
>God tier
Lets be real, anons. Sure it was good and it fixed alot stuff from Zestiria. But not god tier level of good enough to save the series.
The series doesn't need saving, it's up there with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in Japan. The nips are gonna fling their majestic yens at this series no matter what.
Is Yuri left-handed or ambidextrous?
>Symphonia 2 = ok
Fucking hell no.
If edginess is what makes a great game, I guess Abyss must be the best game in the series since you watch not only a little boy and an entire town fall into what is essentially super acid, you also kill a little girl with your own hands
Good thing it is the best game in the series besides that
>Xillia 2 = Shittier
Why do you say so?
Graces F = perfect gameplay
All tales stories are bad. There are no exceptions.
Retard, it's
Symphonia = there's no other action jrpg on the gamecube - tier
Abyss = OK
Vesperia = God
Graces f (gameplay) = God
Graces f (story) = shit
Xillia = shit
Xillia 2 = shit
Zestiria = shit
Berseria = lesser shit so people are fooled into thinking it's good, but it's still shit
Verdict: unsalvageable
>action jrpg
just fuck off allready
Legendia = simply the best.
What genre is Tales if not action rpg?
Imagine Berseria without Magilou. The game will be automatically shit like Zestiria
We really going to pretend Phantasia doesn't exist?
why is she pointing her pit at me like that? not that I'm complaining haha
>symphonia god tier
>abyss dogshit
You cannot be this big of a fucking idiot right?
eastern ConsoleRpg
Fuck ranking the games, rank the flat chested girls
Pascal > Rita = Magilou > Sophie > Anise >> Elize >>> Edna
Symphonia = Good
Symphonia 2 = Good
Abyss = Bad
Vesperia = Good
Zesteria = Bad
Berseria = Good
Xilia = Good
Xillia 2 = Bad
Eternia = Good
Graces f = Good
Destiny 1 = Good
Destiny 2 = Good
Sorry, Symphonia 2 is bad.
>Forgetting Presea
The only games in the series that I've played are Zestiria and Berseria. Didn't finish Zestiria because it was shit, but loved Berseria. What one do I play next?
Titty Monster rankings
Judith >>>>>>>>>> Lailah > Sheena > Tear > Velvet > Milla
If Pascal is flat-chested, then I think Estelle should count too.
Everything else that has been released on PS1/PS2/PS3/PC
not posting the best one? shameful.
If you turn the arrows around, it's a ranking of how much personality they have
Do you want something classic, great gameplay or good graphics?
God tier
Vesperia, Hearts R, Phantasia
High tier
Abyss, Symphonia, Legendia, Destiny 1&2
Mid tier
Xillia 2, Graces f, Berseria, Eternia, Innocence
Low Tier
Zestiria, Xillia, Symphonia 2
if you loved berseria then go for these:
symphonia 1, xilia1, destiny, eternia
I'm really not feeling why people keep saying Vesperia is some god tier game.
>high tier
we can be friends.
>God tier
It's only hailed as good because it was the first Tales game to not shit the bed in more than one aspect of making a game.
Vesperia is simply a better Symphonia in every conceivable way.
>abyss that high
What a shit list
probably their first tales game, or they played it after Zestiria, which automatically makes Berseria godly by association... even though Zestiria is actually the better game.
shitposting abyssfags.
pic related
Why does this tiny-chested slut have a cleavage window?
> This
> flat
I think it hit the balance just right in terms of gameplay vs story.
Later games in the series, starting with Graces, were all very heavy on the story and dialogue. Just cutscene after cutscene followed by endless skits. Vesperia had a nice balance between the actual combat and the story (although still too many cutscenes IMO but what can you do, it's a JRPG).
I think a lot of what carries Vesperia it's probably the most perfect cast ever assembled for one of these Tales games both in gameplay and personality. Every character is lovable and the only questionable character, Karol, is basically a punching bag for a good chunk of the game.
Why Tales of best girls always on their late 20s ?
Great gameplay. Don't care about graphics as long as the babes are still hot.
pure sex is the reason.
>Legendia Bros in full force
Where the fuck have you guys been for the past 13 years?
I've been so alone.
You know why.
I've been here forever. It's taken so long though, and more time people will realize the greatness.
Because it's hot. Duh.
Pascal's not flat, but she is certainly not depicted as busty as your image makes it seem.
I've been here for the past 13 years, too.
Were you as broken up as I was when it finally sunk in that we were never getting Sword of Legendia?
Graces f
>hit the balance just right in terms of gameplay vs story
I'm not really sure what you mean. As in the ratio of gameplay to story? I would've preferred less story given how fucking dogshit it is.
>Every character is lovable
Sure, if you look at everyone one-dimensionally. Rita's blastia/Estelle shtick gets old, Estelle's mentally retarded, Judith's only there to be the ara ara nee-san type, and Patty has to make everything related to the ocean. You say Karol is questionable but he's one of the best of the cast.
That's official art, you silly goose. She's been upgraded, whether you like it or not.
I still remember the first time I showed off my collection. It was a wonderful thread and I'll never forget it. I wonder if people still remember it too?
I still look at the wiki page from time to time. Should say enough.
>god tier
>be chest man
>like 'em solid Ds and up
>also big fan of midriff
>especially slight midriff, but not too much
>magilou's design hits all the right notes
>everything except her chest
So close to being literal 10/10 fap material. Still best girl though.
God, I miss Fujishima's art.
I love Velvet!
Grune might be for you?
You don't really play a Tales game for the story. All of them are generic anime story with one-dimensional filler surrounding one or two well-developed characters. Vesperia doesn't have a lot of story to get in the way of the combat, unlike the games that follow it, but the combat is not as simple as the 3D games that preceded it. It's the best Tales game for that reason.
Too bad shes stuck hugging her brother for eternity
Play phantasia
>I wonder if people still remember it too?
I'm the guy you just responded to there. I was there for that thread! It was a great time.
I doubt you'd remember me, but I'm the guy who had a Legendia lanyard. I'm probably the only other person on Yea Forums besides you with Legendia merchandise other than the game itself, even if it's just that one thing.
But Vesperia's story is remarkably bad, enough that it detracts from the overall experience. And everyone keeps praising the combat, but it's so awful at the beginning and it doesn't truly open up until endgame or even NG+ when you can finally get rid of those atrocious skill costs.
Both of you are lucky, it's hard to come across Legendia merch. I tried to get the lanyard that GameStop had but no luck, hell I had my original copy taken from me when I let a friend 'borrow' it
Ambi or right-handed. He just holds his weapon in his off hand and uses his strong hand for punching, like the real fucking based lad he is.
This is kinda the same way i imagined link as a kid. He held his shield in his strong hand, since he is such a fucking wall with that thing, and attacks shit with his left. It was at least an excuse for how shitty his sword-play was.
Dont forget the hotpants and ZR behind that bookskirt.
Also her japs voice accent is so hot as fuck
I actually do remember that! That whole thread I asked people to post anything they had related to Legendia (or merch in general) and you were one of the few to post a picture. I hope you still have the lanyard. I've obtained quite a few over the years.
It's been a tough road trying to gather everything I have up to this point. Trying to collection japanese specific items has been pure torture, but with persistence and luck I've thankfully done a decent job. I would also hate that friend for life.
Nigga you are me.
I've never connected with someone on such a deep and personal level
I would add Abyss to god tier, but Phantasia being there is close enough
Yeah there's a reason why i've never talked or seen them after my game disappeared.
All I can hope for is that the game has wound up in the hands of somebody that has appreciated it.
I hope for that as well, user.
>mint seems like a real lady, but i bet arche fucks like a tiger!
Am i remembering something like this line correctly? I always wondered if my rom was like fan translated or something when i played it as a lad.
It was one of the first boat scenes, and the scholar duded asks starts talking to cless about women
DotNW's alright.
That's a fan translation of the Snes version that fucked up hard
Not big enough. Unironically, just slap Velvet or Milla's chest on the big M and it's perfect.
When I went to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Legendia and the artbook that came with pre-ordering it, they told me they didn't bother getting any copies of the artbook in since only three people pre-ordered the game at all, with me being one of them. But, for whatever reason, the employees still got Legendia lanyards despite this. One of them felt bad and gave me the one he was wearing.
Magilou = Cute Tier
Game was cool but using level cap with the original cast and monsters stronger than them was absolutely bullshit with no forgiveness.
>a couple months before the switch launches
>Bamco announces they're working on a tales for switch
>Cool maybe we'll get info on the Tales Festival
>Nothing but mobile crap
>2 years later and still no info
God fuck Bamco
I see no cap. :^)
I thought so, gotta play this game again anyway, i have it on 3ds and have a snes rom on my phone but still never replayed it.
I would recommend playing the playstation version, it has a better fan translation and its the ultimate version of the game
I like DotNW, but I also enjoyed Tempest too.
maybe next game then.
I always thought this was them talking about Vesperia and not a new game unfortunately.
I haven’t played that many tales game but I feel like xilia 1 has the hardest mid-point difficulty jump boss and the hardest and best final boss.
>I actually do remember that! That whole thread I asked people to post anything they had related to Legendia (or merch in general) and you were one of the few to post a picture. I hope you still have the lanyard. I've obtained quite a few over the years.
I still have it! In fact, this conversation had me go dig it up to make sure I didn't somehow lose it.
Something I've meant to ask you though, Legendiaanon. The reception for Legendia was rather lukewarm here in the west due to a number of factors, such as it being eclipsed by Abyss releasing later the same year. All of the merchandise you've posted from your collection surprised me the first time around, because I never quite realized just HOW much was made. And in more recent years, I've noticed a lot more Legendia love in stuff like the gacha games, or how the most recent Tales of Festival had most of Legendia's VAs return to voice their characters (and thus had Senel and friends front and center of that event alongside a lot of other characters).
My question is, what was the general reception to Legendia in Japan? All of this evidence points to "yes", or at least way more than it was received in the west, but I wonder how far it actually goes.
It's just interesting to see it apparently thrive in Japan when it barely got the time of the day by a lot of fans in the west.
>psp version never ever
I'm glad that you still have it! From what I remember correctly, because of Abyss coming out roughly around the same time, Legendia was put on the back burner before and after coming out. I don't even think Japan talked about the game that much with Abyss being praised so heavily. It's only been as of late that for whatever reason they are giving Legendia some love. However, I still believe they consider it the black sheep of the series mainly due to the fact that it was outsourced and developed by the soul calibur team.
That's what I figured, but all of the merchandise they made for this game in Japan? It blows my mind that they'd do that much for a black sheep game that was eclipsed by Abyss.
you do play other characters besides the mc in these games right?
For awhile I used to stick with the MC of each game until near the end of the game and only branched out in the postgame content or in a NG+ run. These days I've been experimenting with other characters more as I go through my first run, especially in Hearts R.
Same happened to me I believe though on release day of Abyss they just handed me the lithograph despite being a walk in
It's off and on really. Some years the game will receive barely anything and then other years it will fair better. However, it's odd either way you look at it. I'm just thankful they cared enough, whoever does make the merchandise, to think about Legendia after all these years. Even games like Tempest have quite a bit of merchandise (I own quite a bit of that as well) so it's strange.
Personally, Symphonia has such a solid cast to play as. It's crazy that everyone can be viable enough. It really depends on the game though, sometimes the MC is the only character who feels right.
I'm on my Estelle run right now.
Even with 10xEXP, early game is absolutely fucking miserable with her
Where is Tales of Grace F and Legendia? Those are my favorites...
I really think that team should have gotten another shot, the gameplay was Legendia's weak spot but oddly had a lot going for it. If they were given another shot at the series to smooth out the gameplay we know everything else would have already been top tier.
>It's off and on really. Some years the game will receive barely anything and then other years it will fair better. However, it's odd either way you look at it. I'm just thankful they cared enough, whoever does make the merchandise, to think about Legendia after all these years. Even games like Tempest have quite a bit of merchandise (I own quite a bit of that as well) so it's strange.
Yeah, the more I looked into Tales game merchandise in Japan after you first posted your collection, the more I realized that the passion for this series ran deeper than I realized. Even Tempest, like you said, has more merchandise than you'd expect the game people consider to be the worst in the series would have gotten.
Why do people hate on Xillia? I know you fuckers never played it, or any other Tales.
You played Symphonia on GC, Vesperia on 360, then never touched another Tales game.
I agree. I love the battle system, but obviously, it's rough around the edges. I think the game was ultimately rushed since there seems to be a lot of cut content. If they were given a couple more months of development time I think we would have seen a more polished game overall.
Pretty much. I mean tempest literally split the games into two separate categories it was that 'bad' and yet it still spawned quite a handful of merch. I believe overall Japan will naturally purchase things related to the series even if they don't necessarily like the game itself.
I'd really like to see a remake of Legendia someday that irons out the wrinkles. The gameplay has a solid foundation, it just needed more refinement. They could stand to restructure some of the dungeons too while they were at it. Some of the later ones were admittedly unfun slogs, especially when they made you backtrack out of them manually.
I only ever use Gaius if given the chance.
Xillia is mediocre man
boring environments that all look like grey and brown messes, boring music even for tales standards, and boring boss fights in which you can't really do anything because the bosses counter too early for you to even attempt to make a fun combo
there's no real thought put into fighting until Xillia 2 thanks to its improved combat system with element combos
rowen is still based and leia is a good girl but that's it
hey guys am I hot or cold lmao
Yeah I remember seeing a lot of cut moves from the game which really goes to show you they had a ton planned there.
I always did enjoy how the characters had stuff like Chloe's counters or Senel's throws which you could customize which I would have liked to see more of
Xillia was OK,
it feel a bit empty.incomplete in some areas but I loved the combat system.
Totally. I was hoping they were going to announce something when they decided to oddly bring most of the Japanese voice actors to the tales festival. I'm still optimistic though. Something is bound to happen... one day.
I love the gameplay, mostly everything else too is tolerable, but god damn the boring and ugly fields were such a travesty.
There was a lot cut apparently. I would have liked to see it all (even if it were to upset me lol) written down. They could have done so much with those 'special' eres attacks. They were clearly on to something, obviously, they didn't have the time to flesh everything out.
i lied.
God tier at the time it was current and new. It has not aged well, its graphics have not aged well, its story has aged just fine. It is not god tier if played in current year, it is god tier in memory only. Still a decent game.
Literally symphonia but slightly worse
Great, aged well, and is still very solid.
High tier. The worst thing about it was its dub, everything else was 100% serviceable and it was a respectable game in every right. Great cast as well.
>Xillia 2
Literally just a better Xillia but with a shit story. Gameplay was top notch.
The low point of the series. Convoluted writing and development killed it. Plays poorly, has a mediocre cast. They will never sink this low again, it was a lesson learned.
Better than people make it out to be, but inferior to the xillias and other prior games. My guess is after the zestiria debacle they had a shorter leash and neutered budget, but they made the most of it here.
>graces f
Closet OP tier and omitting it from this list is heresy. Characters were fun and engaging, combat system peaked for the series here. And the story as a whole while derivative wasn't too bad.
>Totally. I was hoping they were going to announce something when they decided to oddly bring most of the Japanese voice actors to the tales festival. I'm still optimistic though. Something is bound to happen... one day.
I think I heard that what happens for the festivals is that they openly invite any voice actors to the event. Then, based on who agrees to show up, they run with their respective characters. If that's the case, then for whatever reason last year most of Legendia's voice cast decided to all pile onto that festival at the same time?
Which is still a good sign, one way or another. If they all volunteered to show up on their own volition, that clearly means they're passionate enough about those roles. If they were asked there directly by Bamco executives, well, they showed up, so that's also something.
I hope that's the case. It was still a shock to see so many of the VA's show up at the same time. I don't believe it's ever happened before, specifically Legendia, so it was such a boost for the optimist ego I've been carrying for all these years.
Abyss is the only good Tales game.
The rest of them bored me to tears.
Keep the hope alive. I mean, the version of Vesperia with all the goodies the PS3 version had finally got released in the west almost ten years after the fact. Who knows what might happen in the future?
This, Vesperia's story and pacing put me to sleep.
The fact that Vesperia definitive edition released has given me more hope than anything. I'll continue to do what I can. I even have the english voice actress of Chloe on twitter backing me up. lol.
>legendia user always shows up whenever it is mentioned no matter the time of day
do you have an rss or some shit? I liked the game and I consider it to have the best OST of any tales game, but sleep is important.
People putting Symphonia at God Tier
Nah, it was pretty good, but it doesn't deserve THAT much praise
Nigga thats literally what it is
I sleep. However, tales threads are usually at night which is when I'm awake because of my job. I'm sure I miss out on quite a lot of threads and I generally don't go into every single one, especially if I know they are going to be waifufagging.
Also, when am I supposed to talk about the game if not a Tales thread?
I think boss combo break and superarmor through move makes fight a lot more challenging though. You can actually see bosses doing something instead of being stuck in stunlock the whole fight. It makes the game stand out from others where you can combo the boss easily to death if you know the game mechanic to do so. I think xillia 2 does a good job of hitting the middle ground though.
>sleep is important
but thank you for your concern user.
What about Innocence R?
I don't care a whit about the opinions of Tales fans on the internet because at least half the time people put Symphonia like it's anything other than shit. Look, I played it when it was new, and it was cool then when I was 13. But since then I've played better JRPGs, better action games, and most importantly, better Tales games. If there's any game that I would say aged poorly, it's Symphonia. The combat is super wack. Doesn't get worse. The characters are dull at best, annoying at worst. The dungeons and puzzles are the worst in the series. The game could not possibly be construed as fun by today's standards. It was literally the Golden Sun of the Gamecube, a mediocre game that was overrated because of a lack of competitors on its platform.
They need to get rid of the Zesteria equipment system and move on to something else
Definitely. I don't even know what possessed them into thinking that was a good idea. Go back to the simple formula of buying new equipment from shops and upgrading with materials.
It cluttered up your inventory way too much, too. No ultimate weapons for each character was also lame.
I'm really curious to see what direction the next mainline game takes in general, though, both in terms of gameplay mechanics and what they end up doing now that they aren't shackled by PS3 hardware anymore.
I'm just here to say that I love Norma while Legendiaanon is here.
i never understood why people liked tales of series and i probably never will
I personally got into the series because I liked that it was an RPG series that had fighting game styled gameplay woven into it. As someone who loves RPGs and fighting games, it was a fusion I never knew I wanted until I played my first Tales game, Eternia.
It's only hailed as good because it was one of like three JRPGs on the Gamecube.
Really looking forward to it honestly.
noted and perfect choice. :)
hey ace! little late i think.
Hello Legendiaanon.
Glad to meet you! Shirley was my favorite character initially and I still think she's one of the best written characters in the game, along with Chloe and Senel. Then everyone else because there aren't any bad characters as far as I'm concerned. But Norma is so charming and entertaining that she won me over. She's perfect. Shoutout to the Lanyardanon in this thread who recommended me Legendia in the first place!
I've been wondering, do you happen to know who the artist of the card set that forms a large picture on the middle-left there is? I've seen them a few times before with Legendia stuff, like pic related, but I have no idea who they are.
Very nice to meet you user! It's strange to see someone like Shirley. I have no real issue with her personally, but she tends to be disliked from just about everyone who encounters her. I love all the characters pretty much equally, but obviously favour a couple here and there. Lanyardanon doing god's work it seems.
I don't unfortunately. You've got me quite curious now however.
>I don't unfortunately. You've got me quite curious now however.
Ah, that's a shame. The main artist for the game was of course Kazuto Nakazawa, but I've never been able to find any information about this other one, despite the fact that they show up often enough in official stuff for the game. I'd been wondering if they had anything to do with the game itself or if they were just brought on to draw promotional stuff.
>It's strange to see someone like Shirley.
I'm also fond of Shirley, myself. A lot of people who hate Shirley seem to gloss over or ignore the full extent of what she went through during the Main Quest, I've noticed.
It really is. I've notice the artwork quite a bit and have wondered as well. I just always seem to forget unless someone brings it up, which clearly doesn't happen enough. Nakazawa is a god honestly. I still personally believe the characters from Samurai Champloo reflect certain characters from Legendia since he was roughly working on both designs at the same time.
I think that about Shirley too. I understand that she can be annoying at times, then again with her age and the stuff she has been through I can see her point.
>Symphonia = Good story, dated combat system
>Symphonia 2 = Low-effort story in a largely unnecessary sequel. Combat's okay I guess
>Abyss = Overall pretty good. Solid gameplay. Story seems to rely heavily on melodrama to keep player interest, however.
>Phantasia = The original. Good for its time. Great even, considering the things they managed to pull off with the game despite the SNES/Super Famicom's limited hardware. Though, when you learn that Symphonia and Symphonia 2 are distant prequels to Phantasia, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, knowing the heroes' efforts ended up being for naught as history once again repeated itself following the two worlds' reunification, resulting in the current state of the world by the time of Phantasia.
>Legendia = It's okay, I guess. The lack of Kosuke Fujishima's artwork and character designs is noticeable, but not a major deterrent.
>Vesperia = One of the best Tales games, whose only real mark against it is the fact that it had such a shitty initial release in the west, where we only got the shitty Xbox 360 version that only had a fraction of the content that the PS3 version had.
>Zestiria = False Advertising: The Game. Ditches best girl early on, and tries too goddamn hard to make you care about not best girl. Armatizing is a neat gimmick, but it;s still just a gimmick.
>Berseria = A marginal improvement over Zestiria in the ways that matter, but it is still SO. GODDAMN. EDGY. And not in that enjoyable, guilty pleasure "so bad it's good" ironic way, either. Ending's pretty bittersweet, too.
>It's strange to see someone like Shirley.
I understand what you mean, and after playing the game, I think it's strange to hate Shirley as much as this fanbase does. I had heard about her on and off long before ever touching Legendia, and played Radiant Mythology on the PSP so I got to see Senel outside of his home game. Shirley was a big mystery with a bad reputation that was building up. By the time I actually played Legendia, I was really confused and wondering if everyone had played a version of Legendia with a different Shirley than the one I saw. Through the filter of negativity she sounded a hundred times worse than she ever acts in the story.
>Liking the high pitched cunt with the terrible voice and garish costume who talks in rhymes 24/7
I'd rather have Colette in my party
I love Nakazawa's work. I can't remember if I caught wind of Legendia prior to its release first or if I watched Samurai Champloo first. Either way, I knew that the artist had to have been the same for both after I saw something of each one. It got me even more excited for Legendia, since I knew it was going to be something different.
Symphonia = top tier
Symphonie 2 = Nope
Abyss = good
Vesperia = slow but good
Zestiria = gayshit
Berseria = too much gay shit , too ez but ok
Xillia = ok
Xillia 2 = God yes
Eternia = Hell yeah
Destiny 1 = Oh god YES
Destiny 2 = Nice
Phantasia = nice
Hearth = jesus what a piece of shit
Good series but too few title that are good
So do all the Tales games suck or do people just have stupid huge nostalgia for Symphonia despite it being very boring
forgot legendia = God tier OST good game
Rebirth = didn't play
Tales of the world are shit
other side game are shit too
I didn't really HATE her, but the fact that the game did its damnedest to push Lloyd and Colette together at any given opportunity made me want to pursue relationships with literally anyone else.
Though the fact she kept her initial case of LOSING HER HUMANITY a secret from everyone because she wanted the JOURNEY TO REGENERATE THE FUCKING WORLD to be "fun" was pretty retarded. Like... everyone already knew it wouldn't be fun and games the moment they left Iselia, even Lloyd understood how important and DANGEROUS the journey was going to be. Quit treating your goddamn friends with kid gloves, girl.
I think it's mainly the fact with her going full Merines and threatening everyone. Though I understand all the pressure, her sister dying almost twice in her eyes, mere moments after finding her again, Senel choosing Stella, etc;
However she comes around eventually after everything is said and done. She's also a pretty good partner is battle.
I love his work too. It's so raw and unique. I watched Samurai Champloo way after playing Legendia. I actually only watched it because I was looking up Nakazawa's work and stumbled across this (thank fuck for that) since it's become one of my favourite anime. Once I caught eye of Fuu I immediately thought of Norma. It was a nice and cozy feeling.
Nah , Symphonia is just a solid title, being non weeb shit
Destiny , eternia , xillia2 , vesperia , abyss are solid title too
>Symphonia ... being non weeb shit
Did we play the same Symphonia?
>she kept it secret so the journey would be "fun"
That's an awfully weird way to say that Colette didn't want Lloyd to know that she'd die after the journey was completed. Losing her humanity was only part of a bigger sacrifice.
>Good series but too few title that are good
It sounds like you like most of the mainline games, though.
How do you all feel about air combat in Tales games? After the last couple of mainline games have been mostly ignoring it, do you want to see the next mainline game bring it back? And to what capacity?
Symphonia 2 had the best air game in a 3D tales, personally. I would love for them to bring it back.
I want it back Hearts R style.
Colette a cute!
I've been meaning to replay Symphonia 2 someday. I really underutilized the air combat in that game, which meant I wasn't really using Emil to his full potential half the time.
Hearts R's air game was pretty great. It was an interesting change being able to do air juggles with every party member rather than just having one designated air combat character like in other Tales games.
I'd be up for either of those styles to return or for them to go in a new direction. Though more like Hearts R might be my preference if I had to pick anything, thinking about it more.
Symphonia 2 has a great battle system. I don't mind the rest either even though people think it's the worst game to ever be created. If they would have been titled with anything other than Symphonia I think it would have been genuinely more liked.
>high pitched
Her voice is hot, faggot. Dont play it dub
I personally liked Symphonia 2 for what it was, for the record. I actually enjoyed the monster raising elements and thought it was a fun angle for the game. The gameplay with the human characters felt good and when I figured out Emil was an air combat character it got a lot more fun to me.
But you're absolutely right; if it had been its own original thing, it would have been received a lot better. Between the monster party member stuff and the lack of a budget forcing them to make cuts in a lot of places, and the old cast returning as temporary party members for most of hte game and then being level-locked at 50 at the very end, it wasn't a very good look for a lot of people expecting a mainline game with as much polish and content as the original Symphonia or other games of the time, like Vesperia.
I'm still disappointed that we never got Alice and Decus as party members like they originally planned.
I wanted to say that Beryl should have won instead of the cardboard cutout heroine, but MC was also a cardboard cutout.
I totally agree with everything you said. It would have been a unique game in the series if they would have strayed away from the Symphonia cast. They could have even made it in a future timeline where the cast would already be dead and gone, with memories here and there just to remind you about the previous game. Either way, the combat, monster collecting, and character for the most part were all decent enough for a tales title. I've certainly seen a lot worse.
Abyss is better than Vesperia.
>only played berseria
>over game is very good, but the Ai is dogshit
>people say it has the best AI of any game in the series
>dont want to play the other ones now
A perfect match.
Her voice is annoying.
Holy fucking Christ, Berseria was boring. Easily the shittiest combat ever. Mindless button mashing garbage. I'm still upset I spent money on that. A shame since I really liked most of the other things the game had to offer.
Symphonia, Vesperia and Berseria are all pretty top tier in the series.
Tales of Xillia should have only followed Jude, and only let you play as Jude. Snap Pivot is just too good.
They wanted to have their cake and eat it too, I guess. They clearly wanted to cash in on Symphonia's popularity and do a new game within the setting for a direct sequel, like Narikiri Dungeon was for Phantasia, or Destiny 2 for Destiny, etc., but at the same time try to be its own original thing. Between that and not having a big enough budget or enough time, its connection to Symphonia only hurt it in the end.
I did like seeing the state of the world shortly after it fused together. Symphonia ends on a happy note but I had always wondered what the state of the world would have been like in the immediate aftermath with them rejoined and the population of both sides having not known this would happen. The culture clash between the Sylvarant and Tethe'alla sides and seeing the Symphonia cast try to keep the peace was exactly the kind of thing I had wanted to see explored, so I appreciate Symphonia 2 for that at least, even if I thought they could have handled that better overall.
the AI is decent enough as long as you program them what to do. here and there they will fuck up, but that's going to happen regardless.
i enjoyed them, but i had trouble finishing some
I mainly like the combat system in those game
too bad its designed for weeb
Fair enough.
Finally an user with decent taste
I personally thought Hearts R had the best AI of the series. It reminded me of the Gambit System from FFXII.
What makes Zestiria the shittest? I picked it up last PS4 sale
its fuckling gay
I love Magilou!
Dhaos did nothing wrong.
I wanna fuck Seres
He died
Seres sure seems popular for a character that was barely in the game.
I could probably think of a few reasons.
If Vesperia is considered one of the best, then no, the series cannot be saved