Filename thread

Attached: Kept you wading, huh.jpg (224x300, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: luigis socks.jpg (630x840, 75K)

Attached: sony threads.png (750x500, 144K)

Attached: horseshoe theory.png (476x178, 26K)

Attached: Chrysalids.webm (500x282, 298K)

Attached: ironic shitposting.jpg (500x145, 21K)

Let's just get this out of the way

Attached: My filename is Not Important.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Attached: Night Combat Debuffs.webm (704x396, 2.18M)

Attached: nasa training program.png (720x540, 614K)

Attached: dovsky dovsky literature club.png (1412x1600, 3.23M)

Attached: eat your hamburger apollo.jpg (540x540, 88K)

Attached: This is what V looks like when it comes to talking about video games.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

Attached: FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR.jpg (704x528, 29K)

shit filename

Attached: Glass (2019).jpg (640x480, 65K)

Hey, there's no need to talk about Fighting EX Layer like that

Attached: HD remaster.webm (866x458, 2.68M)

Attached: NO TAKE MIRROR.jpg (241x654, 60K)

This one is always perfect

Attached: true capitalist radio.jpg (1346x1340, 369K)

gotta better name jackass?

Attached: That's It, I'm getting me Mallet!.jpg (370x381, 19K)

Attached: Mouse_Leaving.png (640x456, 180K)

Attached: whenever this card is attacked, summon 4 white knights.jpg (532x1949, 713K)

Attached: books in skyrim.png (310x325, 169K)

it's too on the nose, it's too verbose and could be applied to literally any pic, gif, or webm of people fighting.

Attached: this is what v believes.jpg (468x306, 14K)

too literal

Attached: tfw sharing your favorite youtube vid.gif (350x263, 2.97M)


so you don't have a better name then. thanks retard

>Epic Store falseflag 300 replies in

Attached: Please look at the Wii U gamepad.gif (320x213, 1.28M)

Attached: You really shouldn't have done that! Enjoy the v-.webm (352x288, 1.78M)

What is this from? That actually looks really cool.

Please explain this to me so I can also smile and nod when I see it

John Madden.

Still one of my favorites

Attached: callsigns.jpg (540x720, 131K)

Get out of my town, cunt.

Attached: Triforce Goddess Cutscene.webm (480x360, 2.63M)

Attached: No Fun Allowed.jpg (1280x1815, 840K)

This hits me way too hard

Attached: holy crap Lois, I'm Bayonetta.png (1112x676, 812K)

something something Melee

It would be infinitely better if you just called it Yea Forums

Only 4 characters for "Don't be cheating I'll elbow your lung without notice"?

Attached: Pokerus.png (419x430, 376K)

Attached: Isabelle Turns Over a New Leaf.png (654x560, 301K)


Damn, I'd hate that dog too

Attached: Mewtwo's Cave.jpg (400x600, 81K)

Fuck you, Sheogorath.

>when you 1 shot hyperius

Attached: the god b0re.webm (1280x720, 816K)

then what happened?

Attached: here comes another chinese earthquake.jpg (1600x758, 68K)

this took me five minutes

Attached: blu ray.png (319x313, 104K)

>will smith queries the location of the video games.webm

Attached: fatter cat.gif (287x200, 39K)

Attached: getting team wiped when your ult is on cooldown.png (634x634, 222K)

Attached: Catherine Full Body.jpg (520x293, 63K)

Attached: When No Nut November is over.png (1282x721, 1.42M)

Attached: Dirty Dan porn.png (304x224, 18K)

Attached: Chip and Dale are currently analyzing the data.jpg (500x750, 39K)

Attached: Mako Mart.webm (300x400, 1.06M)

i hope i never go out like that

The full version isn't out yet but there's a bunch of teasers

Attached: v gets dressed.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: character customization menu.webm (320x240, 2.61M)

Attached: Then from the dark, They came, and found the Souls of Lords within the flame..jpg (1072x715, 191K)

Attached: tv becomes a cameraman.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

Attached: WHIRRRRR.gif (326x180, 1.3M)

Attached: lowest graphic settings.webm (889x500, 2.77M)

Attached: We gotta stop that thing, Grimm!.gif (281x251, 2.07M)

Attached: console war threads.webm (600x338, 999K)

Attached: 300 ping.webm (854x480, 1.42M)

Attached: Battleborn.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

to dum too think of funny filename

Attached: 1523545614399.jpg (654x358, 71K)

Attached: backing a game on kickstarter for a dollar.jpg (500x432, 28K)

fat kek

Attached: accidentally pressed the taunt key.webm (853x480, 2.43M)


"Metro:2033 Store Page" is probably a better filename.

Attached: That's XCOM, baby.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: needsafilename.jpg (420x336, 36K)

Attached: critical weapon failure.jpg (495x356, 64K)

>Queen of Fart

God I miss Ghost

Attached: 1469084826098.png (600x539, 103K)

Attached: nathan drake being thrown to the sahara desert from a cargo plane.jpg (601x960, 78K)

kek this

Attached: europe localization team.jpg (540x724, 48K)

You, i like you.

Pretty smooth animations, though.

fucking kek

God damn this scene was horrible. (yes I know this is the hapramekoimcoie eaioteoh scene)

>2014 was 5 years ago

Attached: god of war.png (500x729, 238K)

>I hate sex cause my boss fuck me every day
based and blue collar pilled

I feel like there's a vidya joke here.

Attached: it's a doggy dog world.webm (406x720, 888K)


Attached: that's xcom baby!.webm (720x404, 249K)

Are you stupid for a living

Attached: Epic Store.jpg (750x1000, 61K)

Attached: Steam Avatar threads.jpg (790x728, 39K)


Attached: going out of bounds.jpg (790x893, 73K)

Attached: pressing 4 by mistake on Zsnes.jpg (790x778, 60K)

Attached: The foe's Walrein used Sheer Cold!.gif (388x283, 1.99M)

>getting mugged in Boston

Attached: aaaah_life_oh_goddamn_it.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Attached: vg.jpg (1280x1024, 229K)

The bean scene would fit that file name better.

Attached: chinese v.png (640x360, 149K)

Attached: invisible walls.gif (462x225, 1.37M)

Someone explain?

Attached: Dead ringer.jpg (610x456, 69K)

Attached: FNAF General.webm (720x432, 1.54M)

Attached: I'll just check the main path a bit before starting this sidequest.gif (200x150, 2.31M)

Attached: STR vs INT.jpg (396x540, 50K)

>Yea Forums

this one never fails to get a hearty chuckle from me

Attached: A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream!.png (750x743, 711K)

Attached: Ah, you ignorant slaves, finally taken notice have you.jpg (468x496, 61K)

Attached: [formerly Chuckville].jpg (612x612, 106K)

Attached: FNaF fangame character design.png (640x360, 305K)

Attached: Corneo's Mansion.jpg (651x484, 101K)



Attached: Haomaru vs Ukyo.jpg (272x204, 9K)

Attached: V Mods when there's a thread on actual vidya .webm (640x360, 1.56M)

yo, way before GamerGate and I ever knew who dis bitch was, I was matched with her on OkCupid. bitches profile was like "I'm kind of famous....I made an award winning game about depression..." so I checked out her game and was like "what a dumb bitch."

then like gamergate happened and I was like, "Hey I know dat dumb bitch with the terminator arm!"

Attached: 1999 AD. Visual record of the day of Lavos.jpg (790x638, 53K)


Attached: dark spirit has invaded.jpg (361x226, 12K)

Attached: newfags in filename threads.png (1005x899, 658K)

Attached: Elmo tears through a newspaper.webm (774x730, 2.93M)

Attached: when your opponent has a god card.jpg (540x960, 73K)

>hapramekoimcoie eaioteoh
did you have a fucking stroke when typing that sentence?

Attached: WHIIIIRRRRRR.gif (640x360, 601K)

Attached: so long, gay bowser.webm (640x640, 2.47M)


Attached: watching jurassic park on dual nvidia monitors.gif (200x151, 1.6M)

Attached: max stealth.jpg (600x769, 90K)

Attached: Ocarina of Time.jpg (804x1080, 168K)

Attached: soul vs soul+lsd.png (1300x1000, 584K)

Attached: Gabe Newell.jpg (1334x750, 90K)

Is that a cut scene from Justice's Stress music video?

Attached: TOO EASY! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FROM DEATH.jpg (826x3729, 1.59M)

That's... pretty good,

Attached: The Pioneers use to ride these babies for miles.gif (320x178, 1.03M)

>that hitler in the background

Attached: 1549930729107.png (600x610, 565K)

Attached: Randomly Generated Levels.jpg (750x4250, 1.24M)

I don't get it


>the hapramekoimcoie eaioteoh scene

the what now?


Attached: minion suave support gem.jpg (569x600, 73K)

Attached: STR vs CHA.webm (640x640, 2.76M)

>when you make wilhem spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms that spawn more wilhelms and then your computer crashes

Attached: Link's Awakening.png (242x349, 14K)

Attached: JRPG Plot Twist.jpg (1600x1200, 189K)

Reminder this man is extremely based.
>competition claims your videos only top charts because of copious exposed women
>make a music video with no women
>top charts anyway
>it's a banger to boot

Attached: sonic apologizes.jpg (168x226, 11K)

Attached: have you heard of the high elves.webm (344x240, 124K)

>9 fucking years

where did the time go lads...

Attached: time.jpg (550x366, 33K)

Attached: Final Destination.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Attached: VR chat.webm (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Attached: soul vs soulless.jpg (720x866, 74K)

Attached: INSIDE.webm (640x640, 1.16M)

Attached: loli doomed to eat a self-replicating hotdog for all eternity.webm (636x720, 305K)

kek this is real as fuck

Attached: esports when that adderal kicks in.webm (480x480, 694K)

what the fuck


Parry spam

Attached: Tokyo Olympics 2020.webm (930x530, 1.38M)

Look at all those doctors and scientists.

Switch user grabs a port

Attached: DEX vs END.webm (998x562, 1.91M)

>they even blew up that pool
How can any Japanese citizen even do this?

im cool with gun chucks if implemented right

thumbnail look like elmo

>that pool
>the madmen blew it up!

Attached: SHAMEFURDISPRAY.jpg (640x480, 74K)

jesus christ

>Soul .22 Caliber

wow thats good

Attached: welcome to Newfoundland.gif (300x169, 1.97M)


In the anime people overreact by flying backward and shit

Mirio Togato and Eri.jpg

Attached: lootboxes.jpg (500x500, 91K)


Attached: Anon tries to discuss nintendo on ⁄v⁄.webm (400x400, 1.35M)

>rolling sewing needles for the dozenth time

Attached: choose your difficulty.jpg (865x496, 110K)

it's a bit early for this, but fuck it.

Attached: Pokemon Switch Hype Train.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

Attached: First time fighting Mr Shakedown.webm (640x640, 2.71M)

Attached: itchy and scratchy movie opening day.webm (480x270, 2.41M)

Attached: GDQ goody bag.jpg (777x1000, 480K)

more like user tries to discuss anything NOT related to nintendo on Yea Forums, this board is pretty much /n/ nintendo

>RUM 40 with caramel and banana is cut content
Fucking casuals.

Attached: Japan appealing to the west.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

Not vidya but make me kek

Attached: 1539013486763.png (650x650, 10K)

Attached: Nintendo marketing strategy.jpg (450x450, 22K)

Attached: look who came out of his cave.webm (720x384, 2.93M)

Attached: needs a name.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

What do you think that is, like, $30 in cheese?

Attached: STR vs DEX.webm (480x600, 761K)

Looked delicious until they added the cheese.

Attached: Turning off DoF.gif (184x136, 459K)

I dunno, doesn't seem so bad. It's basically single layer pan lasagna with spaghetti instead of normal lasagne. Not bad on it's own but you wonder why they don't just make lasagna.


>mr. banks no


Attached: australian man walks to the store.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

>It's basically single layer pan lasagna with spaghetti instead of normal lasagne.

What are talking about? It's crappy, bland spaghetti with a enormous amount of melted cheese piled on top. That is not even close to what lasagne is.

Attached: re7.jpg (811x609, 49K)

ah, you're not getting me this time.


Switch ports?

As they kept adding cheese, the more and more I thought it was some kind of SNL skit.

>Not HD textures on old low poly game

>lunch time in America

looks like russia

there isn't such thing as too much melted cheese

It's the opening of the first ever McDonalds in Russia

Attached: LOOK LISTEN.png (564x1003, 540K)

>Want to save the webm because anime girls are cute as fuck
>don't want to save it because the joke sucks and you're a waste of oxygen
Choices choices...

>they blow up The Pool

not a fan of the beach episode

ow my knees

>Has tits

>t. snoyboy

Attached: 1550543013867.jpg (1646x2020, 952K)

>casually took christ's place and ended his life

Attached: Mewtwos cave.png (720x635, 252K)

here you go

Attached: TJND5iI.jpg (720x1280, 251K)

what is it with those things and sewing supplies

Attached: player 1 and player 2.jpg (881x663, 93K)

please dont feed the zoomers

Attached: 1462422156882.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

Grandmothers just have a real aversion to keeping biscuits in those tins specifically.

The animation is pretty smooth

Attached: OH MY DUDE YOU JUST GOT PRANKED.jpg (1920x1080, 336K)

>waifu wars

>side character joins the party

what happened?

Medic didn't want his favorite team to lose so he stops the ball from scoring

Soccer is serious business


Attached: 426.jpg (750x727, 570K)

That makes no sense. They have an aversion to throwing out the tins, but it's not like you can get a refill on the biscuits.

>Using Double Team in competitive Pokemon

>loosk better and has more weight than anything in the movies

>get on the vocal bro

>You talk like angel, walk like model but your body look like buffalo
my sides

>he doesn't know you can get refills

but how did he place the tnt without triggering the enemies?


Attached: farm arrays.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

Needs a name, help me out here

Attached: tf2 sniper fail.webm (720x406, 1.64M)

>the joke sucks and you're a waste of oxygen
You have shit taste
Slit your throat. That wasn't a joke. Do it, faggot.

this looks like a better alita movie than what we got

Attached: five pebbles.png (600x400, 450K)

The Ride-On King. Vladmir Putin gets isekai'd

Attached: chimney canopy.png (1080x1636, 3.16M)


Attached: shoreline.jpg (800x841, 74K)

holy shit

thanks m8
cave ins

Attached: 1528976092054.gif (500x666, 41K)

>sniper tries to shoot spy, but misses and gets stabbed

Wow, the edgy tranny zoomer also can't take any criticism. No surprises there. Lurk moar before posting.

bretty gud.

I'd pet doggo and receive lickies

Best in the thread

Attached: critical miss.gif (281x300, 1.15M)

Attached: back of the knee maybe.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

>cave ins
but then how would they progress past the dungeon

>can see the table shake when he falls

god fuck shoreline