>almost 30 years old
>can feel my reflexes slowing
>zoomers are beating me in first person shooters now
What games do old men play? Solitaire?
Almost 30 years old
>30 years old
>posts anime
jfc how pathetic
Mate, that anime was one of the most thought-provoking and artistic animes in a long time. I could tell you what that girl is looking at in that picture, but it's better to go in blind.
Your reflexes don't actually slow down until you're in your 50s.
>34 years old
>Reflexes still as sharp as when I was in my late teens playing competitive FPSes
Get gud kiddo. Waning reflexes are only a thing if you're getting lazy and letting your skills dull. Your senses and reflexes will only really unstoppably weaken in your 50s.
Grand Strategy, 4X, map-painters, racing games, RPG's.
your reflexes havent changed
technology has
online lag, hd tvs, refresh rates, peer2peer connections has all fucked our actual reflexes
play a current game that has dedicated servers on a crt and you should see a huge difference
My reactions seem the same as does my overall skill, but the thing that really sucks is getting constantly outplayed by younger people. When I was in my early 20s this pretty much never happened, now it's the norm.
Actual men's shooters that aren't based entirely around how fast you can click on someone's head, simulators.
Damn, and I feel old at 20. I hope I die before I have to experience being as old as you.
Play JRPGS like us fellow boomerchads.
So casual ones?
I'm 35 and I still dominate everyone, get good fag.
Flip Flappers is a spiritual experience
Nope its a fact when you hit 30yo you get a lower reaction on your games, all the anons at this age say the same.
>turning 30 in april
>perfect heath
>passed every "once you reach age x everything will go to shit"
>occasionally play arena FPS games and do quite well considering I alternate between so many and not regularly play them.
>still squander what I have browsing this Indonesian basked waving forum than hitting the gym.
Living the dream.
This, but even then I still know dudes in their 60s and 70s who still play APM and reaction time intensive shit like Eve Online.
You need to start transitioning to erotic VN’s and turn based jrpg’s with no QTE’s, pops. If I see you on the battle bus I WILL blast you back to the 90’s.
You're a funny little zoomer.
turn based stuff is where its at
Because your reflexes are fine until 50 or so, you aren't even in your prime yet.
Should have got into fighting games instead of shoooters
Yomi honed by decades of experience > pure reactions every time
I’m 20 and am shit at FPS games 90% of the time. I’m blind in one eye so maybe that’s why but I usually stick to platformer a or RPGs, adventure games, etc. I also tend to stick to singleplayer just because I find that more fun
You realize you can exercise/workout, which will return your reflexes back to when you were younger, right? You really shouldn't worry about starting to truly degrade until around the mid-50s.
>god i'm so old, i'm 20
Just stop
you won't, trust me. You'll get old and your parents will die and then your body will betray you and rot away before your own eyes.
>and your parents will die
What was the last era with soul here, boomers?
are you still a virgin? do you want to be a wizard? that is what you should be focusing on