Pokemon Director Explains Why Series is Becoming Easier

>We recently caught up with Masuda to talk about the Pokemon series, and we asked him for his thoughts regarding why recent games have made things easier for players.

>"Rather than any actual feedback from players, it's more accepting the realities of modern life," he said. "Kids these days or even people who grew up playing Pokemon--everyone is a lot more busy. There are a lot more things competing for a person's time than there were back then. For example, there are so many free games you can play on your phone now, there's so many entertainment options, so making it a little easier to play is the reason for that."

>"Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it," he added. "I don't think that's really the case for many people these days."

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Looks like a stupid yellow ape.
If the games were a teensy bit more challenging shit would be a pokemon renaissance

>people won't play a game they paid 60 wagie bucks for

he literally has aspergers

He really needs someone to call him out on his bullshit.

>japanese children are use phones more, so we fucked over the other 90% of the playerbase to pander to them, despite it not working and pissing absolutely everyone off

1989 Tiananmen Square protests
Free Taiwan

You all are mad, but he is right.

You all complain about the shit zoomers play, but you expect them to stick to pokemon instead of fortnite?

Kids are the demographic for pokemon, not us. They will make games that appeal to them most.

Well, at least we still have romhacks I suppose.

pokemon was never difficult

Kids would probably like the games more if every NPC in a five mile radius didn't talk at you for twenty minutes every time you took five steps.

They could just add a hard mode though. In pokemon you can save anywhere anytime so what's the big fucking deal?

>For example, there are so many free games you can play on your phone now, there's so many entertainment options, so making it a little easier to play is the reason for that

So, because there are free games, that means that Pokemon should become easier and easier? I don't think I understand the logic.

then set a difficulty at the start of the game

>. "Kids these days or even people who grew up playing Pokemon--everyone is a lot more busy. There are a lot more things competing for a person's time than there were back then. For example, there are so many free games you can play on your phone now, there's so many entertainment options, so making it a little easier to play is the reason for that."

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>we make the game shittier on purpose
dumb gook

The worst part of this is, he is absolutely right, as much as I hate to admit it.
I'm trying to teach my niece gow to play games but she has the hardest time even moving on a sidescroller. Then she dies and gets pissed off for not winning and asks to change the game. At her age I could beat super mario world and megaman x levels.

Kids are absolutely retarded today.

So they overloaded Sun and Moon with meaningless cutscenes and tutorials to save time? How does that make any sense? That just made it take forever to actually do anything.
And what does difficulty have to do with the amount of time people have to play anyway?

and they still somehow made it simpler

Just needs a hard mode at the beginning of the game.

Humanity is fucked

>kids are busy
Masuda please.

I'm worried about 8th gen.

We need to go back to making shit hard for kids, these zoomers disgust me.

But all those mobile games he talks about are often harder and require grinding, just like old Pokemon. How out of the loop is he exactly?

Everything including pokemon is competing for your time. Masuda believes that if pokemon is difficult people will spend less time on it and go do something else. By pokemon easier it increases the chances people will invest more time in it.

He's not wrong, sadly. The more difficult something is the more time it takes to do. It's not that children today can't handle the difficulty its just that there's so many things competing for their attention that they can't invest time in something difficult.

Another example, a lot of people are deterred from playing dwarf fortress because of the learning curve(also graphics) the game has. Once you get used to it its not that bad, but getting up to that point takes time and you could be playing something else.

No excuse for laziness and hardly any post game content

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>kids aren’t going to want to pay attention
>so that’s why we’re not going to make it enjoyable for everyone
>thanks for the 60$ guys

easier relative to what? genwun is a joke when it comes to difficulty.

the argument is retarded because they already made a pokemon game specifically for the mobile market.

Maybe not laziness but I can argue post game content. If you're having trouble getting people to invest time into your game, investing time and money into post game content that most users will probably not see is a waste of money and time.

Bullshit. It's that the people behind the game design are mediocre at their jobs. It's just pokemon is such a huge global IP that mediocre is enough to sell well and they don't wish to rock the boat incase it negatively impacts the brand. Unfortunately I think it's very much that gamefreak are just happy to sail the same ship until it can't go any further, because in their eyes it still has a decent amount of travel left in it and that's good enough. Afterall I doubt they even ever expected pokemon to be this much of a goldmine.

Pokemon is a one hit wonder. Gamefreak doesnt have anything else in them, and they never did.

Fair but that's what easy mode is for. Have both.

Pokemon is a game you play in spurts, what is this investing shit? You buy the game, game freak gets money, simple as that. Don't talk like Pokemon is Dark Souls

>Rather than any actual feedback from players
Really it's this part that drives me up the wall.

The switch is a home and mobile(handheld) console, they may have a made a mobile Pokemon game but that doesn't they still aren't competing with the mobile market.

Its such a brazen comment too.

I thought I remembered hearing people say that gen 8 was going to be more challenging with the Let's Go games being the baby mode alternative. When did Masuda say this?

You're not really saying anything he's not saying.

Even so, do they still have to make games easier to appeal to them? we were once kids too, and we still liked hard games.

The argument is invalid on the name of Pokemon alone.

It's already casual by design. Get your favorite monsters, beat the easy gyms and league. It isn't fucking Nocturne. That's part of the charm. Pretending that their audience has somehow forgotten how it works because more casual games have saturated the market is just an excuse to make their own titles less feature-rich because Timmy Fortnite somehow doesn't care or know what Pokemon is anymore. As if that isn't still at the top of the casual food pyramid.

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And for the record this is becoming an industry practice

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All things are an investment user. When you type the P in pokemon you are investing time and energy with the expectation that a P will pop up on your screen. Playing Pokemon is no different even if you play it in spurts, you're still investing time into it.

>no sauce

but we did not have ease of access to such easy games like mobile ones to pass time

his argument is that kids will choose the path of least resistance, if they get challenge in a game they will just quit.

Im saying gamefreak is incapable of producing anything other than the pokemon they always have as they don't have the talent, and with every new installment their protective bubble of the IP grows which encourages "safer" and because of this it isnt going to change.

Hows that saying it's what the customer wants and is the best type of game for the market of today? Which is essentially what he's saying.

You've thrown me right off by saying Ive mirrored his points.

So they think a full pokemon game that costs like 60 dollars, probably filled with content and online play, is going to have trouble competing with watching some chucklefuck play some popular game for 30 minutes,and gachashit/flash game equivalents on a phone?

I'm afraid I dont understand. People wouldn't really throw away 60 dollars on an actual game and instead play mobile games would they?

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The more you like pokemon the more you hate gamefreak, especially nu masuda
I want it all to end but kantoddlers and pokedrones keep eating the shit that falls to thier plates with no second thought.

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>they may have a made a mobile Pokemon game but that doesn't they still aren't competing with the mobile market.
they made a mobile game to compete in the mobile market and it was very successful, one of the most successful current mobile games actually. but it was strictly a mobile game for the mobile market. dumbing down traditional games trying to chase the phone market will only piss off the audience that actually wanted them.

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Sure, as soon as the normie shit stops selling millions of copies every year

true as fuck

Pokemon was hard?

No but it got exponentially easier.

Did they really make them easier or did we simply stop sucking ass? sure, new pokemon games are easy as fuck but it's not like older gens are particularly hard in any way whatsoever.

Pokemon isn't a hard series, that was never what they were going for. Move on.

this dude needs a trip to the dentist and a toothbrush

Its not even really about the easy/hard dichotomy, the games are simply becoming less fun.

So is anyone gonna ask for sauce on this? this sounds stupid even for Gamefreak. Though at this point I'd not really be too surprised.

But Pokemon already IS one of the easy simplistic games. Any easier than it is and it's so easy it can barely be considered a game. Or maybe he's so bad he thinks Pokemon is hard and he's just projecting.

Because it's been the same game for 23 years, then they do something remotely different with Let's Go! and the hardcore fans go insane because it's not gen 8. This fanbase is incredibly hard to please, try to change the formula a bit with the most recognizable gen and it's crap, release the same old and it's boring. There really isn't a lot of room to maneuver.

It's times like this I'm glad I retired from Pokemon after Gen5.

>Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it

Digging up memories I thought I forgot
Fun times

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>Wanting Gamefreak to be like Sonic Team

They just need to not make games look like shit.

based and gookpilled

Please tell me this is some kind of joke. Someone has to tell him how fucking retarded he is. I cannot believe that this person is in charge of Pokemon.

There's 7 (most likely 8 starting from tomorrow) identical gens that are all about the same old trips to the same old places with the same old evil team. They won't change anything because it still sells, but they really should. I don't understand how anyone could still be into the mainline games after 23 years of the same thing.

>blaming the fandom for not tolerating GF's bad choices
Good shillbot.

Am I the only one who actually agrees with Masuda? It makes sense, right? School and work has become a lot more time consuming.

>There's 7 (most likely 8 starting from tomorrow) identical gens that are all about the same old trips to the same old places with the same old evil team.
You never played pokemon have you?

Pretty amazing then that they have to make it even more braindead. 10 year old me would be bored, and that is fucking saying something.

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Why does he think it will keep people'a attention more if it is easy?

Aside from the quality drop isn't the other reason because every time they try something new people complain why it's not just Kanto nostalgia wank for the thousandth time?

Some do some don't. Back in highschool my friends would a buy a new steam game every month. I'd buy a game maybe once a year.

Looking at it from a kids point of view you can spend 60 bucks(plus the 300 for the console) or you can watch someone else scream while they play it for free on your own phone which has tons of free games for you to play. Its way more accessible to children.

People buy games all the time and don't complete them. Steam is a good example, tons people buy games during the steam sales while already having a large backlog of games they have invested little or no time at all in.

Another example of this I see posted on Yea Forums from time to time is bloodborne. Apparently only 30% of people who purchased bloodborne have completed it.

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Companies should try something new and make it good. Shit changes will of course be rejected.

I mean, this is the same guy that said that the only reason Blue was a dick rival back then was just because of graphic limitation.
I'm surprised anybody still listen to whatever this clown says.

Not really, no, Let's Go wasn't perfect but at least it went all in on being cute and tried something new with captures, not my cup of tea, but at least it's something new. My problem is with the mainline games that are all the same old shit. The fans are incredibly hard to please and GF is stuck doing the same old thing without knowing how to reinvent itself, both crap.

Yeah it's so different going from route to route, going through a forest, a cave, an abandoned building or 2, 2 evil hideouts learning surf to go to the island with a gym and finding another cave.

But hey it's Team Galactic instead of Team Rocket! different!.

Pokemon is the biggest franchise ever. Ever. It will outlast your lifetime. Gamefreak has no interest in the manchildren that demand a harder game. They are after the massive amounts of retard normalfags, "quirky" nerdy cucks, and kids. It will always be like that.

Buzz off, you moron. Pokemon doesn't have to change its formula, just progressively built on it like they were doing from gens 2-5 before they got lazy and relied more heavily on gimmicks and nostalgia pandering. You'll never get an Emerald or Platinum or HGSS or B2W2 again because the franchise has no passion, it can rest on its laurels.

He says this every fucking time. Other games have difficulty and sell well. What the fuck happened to optional hard mode in gen 5?

it doesnt make sense the way he says it, I get making games a bit easier but in the case of pokemon they cut content like the battle frointier for no reason

kirby and mario games are easy and still offer extra hard stuff for the endgame,

Reminder this is how Japanese pokemon fans rank pokemon

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>"Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it," he added. "I don't think that's really the case for many people these days."
I gotta admit he's correct

>School and work has become a lot more time consuming
No they haven't. If anything, school and work have become less time consuming due to ease of technology.

You're probably right they will piss off their audience, but Nintendo knows they will stay. This situation reminds of the wii (on a smaller scale) and how it appealed to the casual audience and Nintendo banked on that while pissing off some its core audience but the core audience still stuck around.

>Move on.

To what? Nothing else has gameplay as good.

>Ruins the franchise
>Shitty teeth
Is there a pattern?

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>I want to play the same game every couple of years and if GF doesn't bend itself to my wishes they are crap and lost their passion


people hated how they were implemented so naturally gamefreak saw it as hating the existence of difficult modes
>have to beat the game to unlock EASY MODE
>even then, you need multiple game carts to even unlock them

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Let me guess, 2chan or 5ch?
Most likely 5ch

actually based

they dont
and their kids especially dont

>Let's Go wasn't perfect but at least it went all in on being cute and tried something new with captures
Gimmicky shit and nostalgia pandering. BW was experimental. The franchise did experiment, but it's past that now.

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They care crap and have lost their passion regardless, shillbot. Sorry you have low standards and think cheap gimmicks are progressive.

Steam stats alone proves him so fucking right though. Never mind common sense, which most of Yea Forums doesnt have.

Gave my kid cousins a copy of X and Y back when they came out. The games start out so fucking slow now, with so many tutorials and so much text to read and little cutscenes and shit, that the kids got bored and stopped playing before they had the chance to actually get to any gameplay. Compare that to old games that just gave you a pokemon and let you go.


Dude just use different difficulty modes to appease casuals and kids and the more hardcore fans simultaneously. If you can at least try to do that back in BW2, why not now? If they don't just go for something like this, then they're admitting they just want to make irredeemably baby shit for now on.

By move on I meant from the subject, not the franchise, it was never hard so expecting it to be hard is insane to me.

If you want harder Pokemon maybe try out Shin Megami Tensei? It sure does scratch that itch for me.

poorly implemented and exclusive to a game no one played

black2/white2 did it almost perfectly
add difficulties that you can change at any time
and have them available at the beginning of the game instead of unlocking it

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>Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it
That statement is dredging up memories from my poorfag past that I wanted to stay buried.

Why haven't you move on from Pokemon, user?

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They could LITERALLY please both sides by introducing a difficulty setting but that would require some actual fucking effort and thought so it’s obviously never going to happen

/vp/ is that way ->

Masuda just needs to retire.

These old geezers forgot what Pokemon was always about

... onto... Pokégon?

>then they do something remotely different with Let's Go! and the hardcore fans go insane because it's not gen 8
Or maybe because the game was announced as being easy, too short, and with a FRIENDLY RIVAL.
I don't hate the game, but nintendo made a game about everything the fanbase and even casual players like myself don't like about the new games.

>When did Masuda say this?
During an interview leading up to ORAS
This was basically his excuse for why ORAS had no post game and had less content than Emerald

I have. Black was the last one I played back when I was still in college.

>keep talking shit and criticizing mainline Pokemon
>get called a shillbot
Get some actual insults dumbass. Go play Gens 2-5 again or something since you sure love playing the same shit over and over and over again.

you'd think someone a part of one of the biggest media franchises ever would have more confidence versus the mobile game menace but man, masuda is really scared of them

Wait hold up
I never played multiplayer but isnt the single player of pokemon a joke to begin with?

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If anything if something is so easy I'll just steam roll through it or not bother continuing, while something that is harder will take more time from me but ultimately be more memorable as I had to pay attention more to things and learn the mechanics more. Then again casuals will be casuls.

I sorta did
I had fun with X&Y
Didnt bother with ORAS becuase I always hated gen 3 and hoenn
Got like halfway through SM but I got fucking bored to hell and never finished
Dont have a switch so I couldnt even try Lets Go, looked boring though

And everytime I try to go back and play an older game I'm bored as fuck because I've gotten used to other jrpgs having more interesting dialogue and shit

>"Everyone is busy." as an excuse to be lazy fucks
Lmao. Man, tomorrow's going to be a fucking riot. I know I'm just gonna get a big ol' laugh out of whatever they show. Pokemon barely even has actual post-game content anymore, and they keep getting away with releasing the games with less and less content overall. Anyone expecting anything other than bottom of the barrel garbage needs to face the reality that Game Freak are all a bunch of lazy hacks with not a single passionate person working for them.

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>So is anyone gonna ask for sauce on this? this sounds stupid even for Gamefreak. Though at this point I'd not really be too surprised.
You could always google the quote from the OP to check if a source isn't provided, but the quote from the OP is from a Gamespot interview prior to the release of ORAS if I'm not mistaken

It's an even easier joke now

This is the most frustrating thing, and something I hope they've learned after the success of BotW. Tutorials are boring, and a game being easy does the opposite of grab your attention.

And it pulled back a lot of people who only played gen 1, that hadn't played a single game because they weren't even born yet, etc...

I don't like the game, it's not for me. Not every game in a franchise as big as Pokemon will be for everyone, they decided to do something different, cuter and simpler with Let's Go for people that aren't completely hardcore fans. Not what I'm looking for, but at least it's something different.

I actually would much rather play those over and over again. They're classics. I can't imagine doing the same for Let's Go when I'd be bored to tears

everyone is caving. its so sad. it feels like quick sand theres no escaping big business and marketing. and this is why games are trash now. even movies suck. everything sucks thanks corporate.

>No source
>Everybody mad at him
If he had actually said this, it wouldn't surprise me though.


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Fuck off, Poketards. It's common knowledge that many people buy games when they are dirt chip during sales only to not play them later. This is different from buying a $60 game during launch but not bothering to play it.

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>reeeee how dare they focus more on the kids of their own country and not the 30 year old balding boomers who can't move on from a kids game

Already did
I still want to see what they're going to do with the new gen, but unless it's absolutely amazing and a return to form then I'm not buying it

jesus christ dude, you have money
fix your damn teeth

why do japs and brits have such shitty teeth?

They play but they don't finish

The first few generations of games weren't exactly the pinnacle of difficulty but trainers would at least keep up in levels and have more than one pokemon.

Modern games have all trainers with one pokemon, two max, and you constantly out level them by a ridiculous degree thanks to the games literally forcing the exp share on you which essentially increases exp gain by 350% if you have a full team.
Fuck even the kahunas only have like three pokemon.

But if he already has your money why can't it be harder?

>"haha nice shitpost!"
>google it
>it's real
I feel nothing at this point.

Just make a fucking hard mode dude that's literally all you have to do

>Shit we fucked up difficulty modes in the most retarded way as possible when most games just give you the difficulty modes when you start the game
>Better just drop that concept instead of actually improving from is just changing one simple detail to it
Literally the same thing as buying a new car instead of feeding it gas, except for GF's case they just sell the car and just walk for now on.

This. Used to be obsessed with Pokemon, but Game Freak decided that I'm no longer a factor when making their games, so I've completely given up on the franchise. SM were the last straw for me, and I didn't even bother with USUM, much less fucking LGPE. I just stick around so I can shitpost about it now.

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I have. Nowadays I just play FE, SMT, EO or Xenoblade when I want to play a JRPG.

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The percentage gets lower the further you go into the game though

So like everybody else in the world?

Is it just me, or are Jap games in general becoming much easier of late? People complain about Western games being streamlined and dumbed down, but the japs are guilty of that too. Square in particular seem to be intent on making their games as braindead as possible. FF, KH and DQ have never been hardcore, but with how easy the latest entries were I found them hard to enjoy. Capcom and Fromsoft seem to be the only jap dev concerned with making "hard" games, but then again they've made their names pandering to the west.

That being said, I dunno why the concept of difficulty options are so alien to the Pokemon devs. Do they not understand that making games too easy can have the opposite effect, making them too boring and making it harder for players to invest time?

Steam games aren't $60

lmao kids became dumber

>tfw pirated the game and was able to unlock hard mode from the start
>its fucking great
>mfw I realize its never coming back

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>HGSS, Platinum, Emerald and BW2 are the best of the best
>Gen 6 onwards is trash

holy fuck the moons have good opinions for once

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>Why haven't you move on from Pokemon, user?

because nothing has filled the void. Cyber Sluthe and Hackers Memory tried but they only lasted so long.

Japan overall has been falling off of Pokemon pretty hard as of late. The only people still buying it and contributing to millions of undeserved sales are dumbshit westerners that also feel the need to attack any other series even remotely similar to their precious coddled child.

so KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is real and only for us westerners?
what was their take on Go?

>how to difficulty settings

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it's a gen 5 thing :DDDD
that's their piss-ass excuse for removing features every new gen

>Kids these days
someone shoot this fucking nigger already

The one time they actually implemented difficulty settings they still managed to fuck it up royally.

Why is it impossible to discuss pokemon objectively? I agree that Gen 5 is the peak due to it's level of content, but saying 6 and 7 are worse than 1-3 ignores the fact those games are barebones as fuck with broken mechanics.

Pokemon is always the same basic shit, but with more features and mons added every gen.

because you grew up

only in Black 2 and White 2, and even then, hard mode was only available if you beat Black 2's story mode, so starting a new save file of Black 2 or White 2 on hard mode required another DS and another save file of Black 2 that beat the champion already.

I'm glad even the japs agree about this shit.
If there's one group of people japanese developers listen to, it's the japanese consumer which gives me just a little bit of hope.
Just a little.

Well of that chart's anything to go on, they not only rate it as the worst in the whole series but actively despise it too.

>gen 6 mediocre
at least they aren't saying its unredeemable. I get the hate but I don't think its flaws damage it as much as SuMoUSuUMo. glad the japs at least see that
REMINDER I'm not saying gen 6 is good, just that its better than gen7 and ORAS

The old games make you go through a bunch of bullshit too. No game just gives you your mon, some balls and tells you to explore, there's always a contrived introductory sequence.

Game Freak doesn't know. Which is why 97% of NPCs are stuck using monotype teams that don't even support each other. Not even the Gym Leaders who are supposed to be masters of their typings

>Water is the most versatile of all types
>Have access to the most varied stats, varied types, almost all Ice moves, scald burns better than every fire move except will o wisp, and Rain is one of the best weathers of them all
>water type NPCs are still unironically running 2 Tentacools and a Horsea
>Gym leaders MIGHT have one fully evolved Pokemon per region. Maybe.

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>If there's one group of people japanese developers listen to, it's the japanese consumer

why do i have a suspicion that Gen 8 is just going to be WE WANT THE YOKAI WATCH AUDIENCE after said audience has gotten tired of Yokai Watch?

I don't care about the main campaign being easy as piss, just bring back proper endgame content. I'm fucking sick of having nothing to do except do except the game's obligatory Battle Tower reskin and riding a bike in circles for hours because IVs are a dumb as fuck system that shouldn't exist.

I think LGPE only had 2 million sales in Japan, which is really low for the series. A lot of Japanese people hated LGPE and the further unnecessary casualization of the series, and it got so bad that Masuda and some other people at Game Freak had to damage control really fucking hard, and try and say that LGPE weren't mainline games while going behind their backs and saying that they were in some other places and interviews.

The excuse of removing features every gen to try and make every gen "unique" is so shitty and lame, and just proves how lazy they are. Removing difficulty settings, removing Pokemon walking behind you, refusing to give people more than one save file, actively removing content from the fucking remakes, etc. Pokemon is seriously the laughing stock of JRPGs, and just about every other fanbase of another monster collecting game actively shits on it.

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I will never not be mad at this. They couldn't even make it DLC

ORAS was my last Pokemon game purchase

I swear, everytime someone from Nintendo speaks I want to beat them over the head with a sack of bricks.
Masuda is getting to be as senile as miyamoto.

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He hasn't made the game easier on anyone who has a short attentionspan...

Constant cutscenes and interruptions???

The game is a nightmare to play

Did Pokemon even get easier? The only one that was remotely hard was Gen 2 because of the early Normal gym with the Miltank.

I actually liked Mantine surfing since it's a fun little game that has a tangible purpose. Being that's its much MUCH faster to earn BP with than grinding matches in the Tree

>people just don't have the time these days
>puts multiple 5 min+ unskippable cutscenes in the most recent generation

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>gen 2

everyone was literally a lower level than you. The only reason Whitney was hard was because whoever built the A.I and moveset for Miltank had a braincell left.

Set your expectations lower than hell especially after Meltan.

"but at least it's something new"

You're retarded.

I need a better GBA emulator because mine wont save state

If you want a game with proper post-game content, then Pokemon is not the series you should still be continuing to play. I don't understand the logic of wanting to complain endlessly about how bad the games have gotten or how easy they are while still supporting the franchise no matter how low they go. Just stop fucking buying the games.

The fact that games still have unskippable cutscenes past the PS2 era is baffling to me, but clearly Game Freak just couldn't be bothered to put the option in, because they only ever want people doing playthroughs of Pokemon games once, which is why there's still no second save option.

But I did, I only play gen 3 romhacks every other year.

They don't, though. I don't know a single person who has ever completed a game they've bought these days. I'm the only one I know in real life who actually finishes games.

I'm getting really depressed knowing this.

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Gen 7 had good ideas mired in caseloads of bad ideas. Totem battles are fucking awesome. It's the first case of having actual boss pokemon rather an npc that had a few rare candies. And that they call pokemon who support them is great. BUT they fuck it up with Z-moves. When you can obliterate the boss in one hit it kind of steals the fight's thunder.

Alolan forms. Fucking awesome idea. I want regional variants to be standard from now on. But why did ONLY Kantomons get them?

The save file thing is on purpose. If you try to abuse sd cards with a downloaded copy it will fuck you over and delete your other save with no precaution

I work in a wealthy neighborhood in NYC and I’ve met kids with 6/day plan schedules of activities fro morning till 7Pm. In a country like Japan I’d imagine the same

And every NPC you talk to of your own free will gives you advice on how to breath.

I haven't supported Pokemon at all for Gen 7. I'm sick of the direction its going down.

>I work in a wealthy neighborhood in NYC and I’ve met kids with 6/day plan schedules of activities from morning till 7Pm.
Jesus, having too much money really does fuck your soul up

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There is no drawback to losing in Pokemon and there has never been. There is literally nothing that saving anywhere gives you but convenience. I think the only thing losing affects is what Pokemon Gary evolves evee into in yellow

Based Masuda reminding all the manchildren that pokemon is supposed to be a kid's game.

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>One of the only good mechanics introduced in Sun/Moon was stolen from Digimon.

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There are so many easier ways to teach players about the game other than text dumps. There are people that STILL don't know the difference between Burn, Poison, and Toxic. Hey GF employee hanging out in this thread. When you're making the new games try doing this

>[POKEMON] has been burned! Attack has been halved

That way they might understand why moves like Will o Wisp is valuable even though it has no attack power

It was always brain dead easy. Do Pokefags really think the older games were hard?

Yeah but a lot of people buy games as part of a bundle for $1 that they only wanted one out of like 15. I have a fuck ton of games I never touched because of this. This is especially so on steam. This doesn't happen nearly as much on consoles due to more investment for each game.

it takes away half your money

I'm talking about console gamers who buy 90 dollar games, play an hour, say they love it, and never touch it again.

>a japanese game dev making games for japanese children caters to japanese children over adult american men

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This, I think they think older games were hard because they played them as literal kids.

Who actually does this?

But then why are the tutorials so long and unskippable if people don't have time???

they make such a big fuss these days over including the whole world, but they are just as xenophobic as ever

right? just fucking make it in a way that can be toggled any time so the retarded casual kids dont get stuck if they accidentaly start the game on hard. how is this shit hard holy fuck gamefreak what a bunch of incompetent fucks

It explains why I finally got rid of Gamefreaks brain parasite and didn't buy USUM and LGPE. These retards refuse to actually listen to criticism.

>The more you like pokemon the more you hate gamefreak
dear lord this really got to me

Of course he uses this to justify making retarded changes instead of good ones like being able to quickly generate perfect competitive Pokemon. Still fine for that to take 20 fucking hours.

Maybe if games were more engaging and presented people with actual choices and challenges they'd fucking be bothered to finish them.


But seriously, Nintendo needs to cut that shit out and understand that Gen 2/3/4/5 kids exist and make money for games now

>gamefreak once took a step in the right direction when making BW and try different things and offered more challenges but the pokefans criticize gamefreak for even daring to do that and hurt their sales enough that gamefreak chose to take steps back and make pokemon easy to play
>years later the same pokefans are losing their shit because pokemon stopped being challenging and became easier to play
keep crying pokefags, you did this to yourselves

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As much as I hate what Pokemon has become he's not wrong and the sales figures back him up.

Two of my best friends and several of their acquaintances.
I fucking hate it so much.

There is a difference between the older and newer games. Take Victory Road. Kanto's Victory Road was littered with block pushing puzzles you had to navigate to progress. Some that required pushing blocks across multiple floors. Seafoam Island had a more advanced one that rewarded you with a legendary. Skip to Gen 7 and it has... well nothing. Victory Road is a straight line to the league. And the legendaries are almost given to you. The only "hunts" are via the wormholes. Which are RNG. Newer games, more and more, are becoming guided tours across its content. Older games may have been rudimentary but they at least let you explore. Because it's supposed to be an adventure.

>I don't want people to think Pokemon is just about hatching eggs
>Still keeps in the universally hated IVs that basically force people to do nothing but hatch eggs if they want a fighting chance at endgame battle facilities and online matches

People who claim pokemon used to be hard or at least harder than it is today are fucking deluded retards.

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>DP - Flawed but good game
>Platinum - Masterpiece
We're finally coming up Sinnohbros.

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I don't play the games neither I have a switch but they still make good pokegirls

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>The more you like pokemon the more you hate gamefreak,
Never in my life have I heard a more perfect statement. Pokemon has A LOT going for it. Like so much more than most other JRPGs. But Game Freak just won't fucking use any of it.

Pokemon games didnt get any easier, we just became better and better as the years went on, and we had access to more resources, like the fabled Bulbapedia

>i cannot believe this businessman is in charge of a videogame franchise

>But why did ONLY Kantomons get them?
Because they're the oldest and most well known so it's more interesting to suddenly see them with different designs. Also Kanto needed the extra type variety the most. Before Alolan forms there wasn't any non-mega evolved dark type, only one steel type line, only one ghost type line, and only one dragon-type line.

This fucker needs to go. This franchise is being run into the ground by him.

>they stole the dances and use of the watch from yokai watch
>they stole the farms from digimon
>pokefags will continue to defend gamefreak

i said challenges, not difficulty

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Gen 4 league and Ghetsis in gen 5 were pretty tough, at least compared to the average level of challenge that pokemon has. Still nothing that you couldn't steamroll if you just used legendaries or overtrained. Also catching legendary pokemon still required a fuckton of balls and good luck back then.

>ORAS was my last Pokemon game purchase
For me it was SM. I was willing to give them one more chance.
I'm honestly not as hard on SM as everyone else. It was a better experience than XY but that's not saying much. I didn't bother buying USUM and I sure as hell wasn't giving Gamefreak anything for LGPE. Lets see how Gen 8 turns out and see if I'm saving more money.

GF is a lost cause, all I care about is my favourite ost getting remixed

Not really Xenophobic more so isolationist.

They like to make Japanese games for Japanese people. If they were Japanese game devs making games for the rest of the world, a conglomerate of cultures that they never experience, it would lose a flavor to it. Now does this mean they ALWAYS make good games? Of course not. But they always make games that are at least unique to themselves. For better or worse. It's shit like that that allows Senran Kagura games to exist, or Dead or Alive.

Catering to your country isn’t being xenophobic. Xenophobic is not allowing foreigners to enter your country.

Nah, Pokemon literally prints money to this day. In a financial darwinistic sense, Pokemon has no need to do anything.


That's pretty flawed logic considering the increase in popularity with roguelike and dark souls type games. You could say that in any situation with any game. Why buy any Final fantasy game for $60 and play for 50 hours when you can play a freemium mobile game.

Except you got to play the game during the old introductions which were WAY fucking shorter than they are now.

Also for you to actually find them. I was shocked when I ran into Zygarde on accident in Gen 7. I wasn't even looking for it.

Its a damn shame we'll never have an era as good as Gen 4. Solid mainline games, a damn good remake, and spinoffs worth a fuck.

>Still play a little but of Alpha Sapphire every night before bed as the last good pokemon game.
>Beat wally, a couple of the rebattleable themed trainers on the "not frontier" island and the trainers in my secret base before going to sleep.
Maybe pokemon will be good again one day.

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No it's having an 'irrational' hatred of foreigners.

Masuda is detached from reality and only sees what he wants to see. He is literally THAT dad.

I popped in AS a few months ago. I was shocked that there's still a few people online. I figure each version obsoletes the previous one.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that all the 5-10 years old love to go hardcore in Dark Souls. Why do you faggots think that he is talking about you and not the game's actual demographic?

Old games
>Running a quick 5 minute errand for the professor or saving him from a wild Pokemon

New games
>3 different cutscenes introducing all your flat, one-dimensional supporting characters that will be hovering around you for the rest of the game
>Long winded speech about how Pokemon are your friends
>Stopped to be shown something every 5 steps

Tbh I love accidentally stumbling into legendary pokemon while exploring. Shame that the caves and forests in the new games are so boring.

>Battle Frontier
>not hard

The only challenge in the new games is trying to avoid wild encounters so you don't overlevel your whole team.

Ultra sucked. They got rid of the goo sequence.

Japanese culture means no matter how shitty the execs are they won't get criticized
The flip side of this is that if the company fails, it's ALL on them, but with Pokemon they could release a game where you literally just watch Pokemon poop and it would sell like hotcakes, so Masuda will never see repercussions for his shittiness.

>pokefags will continue to defend gamefreak
>implying I'll defend gamefreak when they are the literal fucking definition of lazy
I give Sonic Team alot of shit as game developers but at least they can make a polished game that keeps up with today's graphic standards. Fucking Genius Sonority that made Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, and Battle Revolution in fucking 2003, 2005, 2006 respectively flies hoops around the dog turd we got that LGPE. Gamefreak has no fucking excuse. They are the Japanese equivalent of Bethesda and that's more of an insult to Bethesda.

I love that too. But I like it in things like Seafoam because it was a cave to explore. Or Whirl Islands. Even Sky Tower was an area tucked away that you could easily bypass. I'm not really asking for something as obtuse as the Relicanth and Regi puzzle but at least put something more than a slightly bumpy road in the way of your legendaries GF

My biggest problem with Gen 7 is how USUM is pretty much the base game with about 20 minutes of extra content
Even Platinum had more stuff in comparison

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Forgot my image

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Pokemon Clover has decent difficulty.

I already skipped ORAS, gen 7, and of course LGPE. I might as well say I did.
I just want some more Switch games to choose from at this point so I'll give the direct a chance, it won't hurt me other than having to wake up early.

Pokemon doesnt look right in 3D

>Also catching legendary pokemon still required a fuckton of balls and good luck back then.
I'm more pissed event legendaries are now soulless handouts. Remember when you required a key to go to x place before being treated to a battle. Shit was soul as fuck.

Unironically based as fuck
This literally couldn't be improved

The bitter truth nobody wants to face up to in the modern world is that social media and the internet in general have absolutely fucked productivity.

That's why teams of 100+ developers are making worse games than team of 15 developers from 20 years ago.

I want more stuff like the Regis quest
Even reading up a guide on it was magical

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animated sprites were the peak

>YW let kids design yokai an put them in the game
>YW listened to criticism and revamped the battle mechanics while also adding a way to guarantee yo-kai friendship
>YW interacts with its fans and even helped a kid deal with people teasing him for reading manga
Yo-kai Watch does all this shit to show that it cares for its fans, yet it's barely managing, even in Japan.
Meanwhile Pokemon seems to actively make changes that specifically spite its fanbase, either by taking away things people actually liked or adding shit that nobody wanted.
And Masuda is just insulting everyone with this "kids have access to so many free games so let's make pokemon brain dead and quick" shit.
Even then a lot of people will still gobble it all up without a second thought while shitting on anything that could be seen as a "Pokeclone".
What did we do to deserve this timeline?

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Why is Pokemon Yellow this gold standard now? Don't get me wrong Yellow was great back then but Emerald blew the doors off of Ruby and Sapphire with a single new area. And the Black White sequels still haven't been topped for new content. But for whatever baffling reason GF keeps aping Yellow as the way to go for remaking games where they change a little and add one or two gimmicks over what's largely the same game. Even LGPE does it. I make fun of FRLG for locking you out of the National DeX entirely and barely having any hold items but those games add FAR more to RBY than Lets Go does


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When done right it can be a good time for the eyes.

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>"even people who grew up playing Pokemon--everyone is a lot more busy. There are a lot more things competing for a person's time than there were back then"

goddamn they deserve mad respect

masuda is a fucking nigger

Can Masuda just fuck off already

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You must be retarded if you think the percentage of the player base who also play on phones is anywhere near as low as 10%.

>Of course it is very difficult to make the game
See, Sakurai could get away with saying this shit. Masuda is a literal fucking hack.

i fucking told you all
when gen 8 looks shitty you'll see
you'll all see

this will be THE most unliked pokemon gen in history

I have a couple friends who does this.
One of them only finish 8 hours long games, the other only finishes "movie" games.

He didn't do SM. That was Ohmori. Masuda only did sound for Gen 7.
Masuda's last game was LGPE.

I haven't played a Pokemon game since Black and White (2), I just keep up with the releases to see if they'll actually be able to rope me back in.

It's ironic because all of the Yo-kai Watch games have more and more post-game content with each iteration. There's even an entire sub-game built in Yo-kai Watch in 2 and 3 in the form of Blasters, where you actually get to play as any of the Yokai. Not to even mention that ever since 2 they've allowed you to choose from any Yokai in the game to follow you around. They even added ways of boosting a Yokai's rank up to make them viable in end-game content, as well as making an item to automatically befriend any Yokai in 3.
The fact that people are actually trying to review-bomb Yo-kai Watch 3's user score on Metacritic just demonstrates how petty and desperate some people are.

Also, it's pretty funny when you take into consideration that Game Freak said it was apparently five times harder for them to develop a game for the Switch than the 3DS, and Level-5 is over here dabbing on them hard with Yo-kai Watch 4.

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I haven't played a pokémon game since Moon. Skipped out on USUM and avoided LGPE like the plague.
If gen 8 is garbage, sad to say I'm pretty much done with the franchise if I technically already aren't.


This is on the Switch after all. There's no reason why it won't have a "hard mode".

Especially when some of the higher ups stated that this game will be like none before it. Though no one ever posts that quote in these threads because cherrypicking is real.

I love this meme where we pretend that pokemon is easy
I beat dark souls at level 1 too fellow Yea Forumsirgins haha

Doesn't amount to much if every pokefag on earth ends up buying it anyway only to report on how "disliked" it was.

Fuck off gamefreak shill

A game in which you press one button and it tells you that you won and brings out bells and whistles might entertain a retarded child for 5 minutes but it won't create memories that will last him a lifetime making him buy ten million copies of your newest barf.

You fucking slant eyed tool.

Pokefags are so fucking deluded, Jesus Christ.

Masuda and Gamefreak as a whole are so fucking stupid you literally just have to assume the worst.

Making the games easier for these reasons is perfectly justifiable. Just wish they'd include difficulty options for those who do want a challenge.

Yeah. Events were fun. Gen 4 I remember hacking my game to start up events like Darkrai and Shaymin.
Would 4 be a good jump on point? I might try it in the future.

Don't bully cute girl.

ORAS was better than XY. It took all the good (except trainer customization) of XY, like the PSS, added better stuff, like Dexnav, and had more stuff and a better region simply because it's a remake of an existing game. The only reasons it's shit on over XY is because of the giant middle finger of "the battle frontier project has started"

Need a tissue, faggot?

>So they overloaded Sun and Moon with meaningless cutscenes and tutorials to save time? How does that make any sense?
Its loaded with tutorials and cutscenes to hold attention.

If you let kids flounder without knowing exactly what to do for even a moment they'll get bored and play Fortnite, if their attention isn't held 100% of the time with cutscenes telling them what to do they'll get bored and watch someone play Fortnite on Twitch.

Why not hop on board with 3?

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Pokemon is easy because GF doesn't know how to use their own system

>pokemon is a team based game with types and abilities that actively fuck with the RPS nature of the game
>NPCs never switch

It sure it's too bad Lightning Rod is a pointless ability in single player because there's no reason to use an electric type against the 2 NPCs that ONLY use electric pokemon and the other NPCs don't know what coverage moves are

>ORAS was better than XY
ORAS is better than most games in the series, including Emerald. People just can't get over the fact that it doesn't have 4 towers full of cheating AI you're forced to grind on to get the last TMs and hold items you need.

>getting Arceus flute via an action replay
>that fucking stairway to the heavens
Fucking goosebumps.

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>hurr people have a job now so that's why all ours games suck :^)

Fuck companies that use this shit argument. People are busy because all their products suck and they wanna do something else instead.

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Not true at all
DPPt and BW/2 were both significantly more difficult than XY or SM

No one seemed to be bothered by Pokken or Mystery Dungeon. Maybe you are just full of shit?

Obviously you're going to end up missing out on references and whatnot to previous games, but I don't see why not. 3 is also a perfectly acceptable starting location, and it's typically recommended to skip 1 overall, because 2 essentially retcons it out of existence and kinda pretends it never happened. The games don't really have much in terms of continuation in any storylines and tend to wrap everything up in their own game. The extent of references to the previous games is basically "Remember that time this happened..." or "Oh, it's you, that character from the other game."

>3 is back in stock on Amazon
Genuinely surprised to see that.

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I'm more milfed we didn't get a kino HD battle between Groudon and Kyogre before Rayquaza told them to cut that shit out.

Pokemon should have kept evolving and becoming more complex, not rehashed and dumbed down. the franchise was all downhill after the GBA games - no innovation and less depth. instead of making the games better they just hired artists to shit out an endless stream of less and less interesting pokemon making the franchise less interesting overall. the mismangement of what was originally a groundbreaking franchise is depressing. its been completely stagnate for over a decade.

I think he's just talking about mainline games. Those are spinoffs.
[spoiller]New Mystery Dungeon when[/spoiler]

All of the best games were on DS though.

Even without that, it's still better than XY. It's basically the best parts of the 3DS games (i.e. the superior online components) shoved into a game made in an age when they gave a shit. XY is literally the same shit but with a shittier region and less to do. The only thing I missed from XY was the customization.

I've come to save Pokemon.

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This interview is old, isn't it? Phones are why no BF in ORAS

>Missing the point Masuda made entirely
They know how to do that, but doing so will lead to kids getting bored when they have to think critically for more than half a second and dropping the game and watching someone play Fortnite instead

Are there any good romhacks of older gens that have newer gen Pokemon in them? I really like Celesteela and Golisopod but they're 3DS-only.

Could always just throw in a difficulty option you lazy hack

>the franchise was all downhill after the GBA games - no innovation and less depth
>next gen literally introduced physical/split system and changed up the meta
Based retard. Gen 4 era was the pinnacle of Pokemon and almost all the DS games fly hoops around the GBA games.

It depends.
If you want the full story start with 2, skip 1.
2 basically goes over 1's plot as a tutorial, and then expands into it's own thing from there.
They both have the dial battle system though, so there's that.
If you just wanna jump into fun combat go to 3.
It has a revamped battle mechanic, an item that's guaranteed to let you befriend yo-kai, and a SHIIIIIT-TON of post-game content.

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So basically, it's the mindset of "Ain't no one got time for that" on the difficulty and depth. Oh but we'll have time for minute long cutscenes for every time we enter a new area.

A lot of people don't. They fall for marketing or social pressures and buy it on launch, play for less than 10 hours then never touch it again.

>his flame cools down when he's angry

It has the best set of features in any game and as you said the only thing it really left out was the trainer customization from XY.

I wish this was bullshit, but one of my mom's friend has a kid and we have to let him play, the fucker struggled to control Spyro on the first game, he couldn't even get on top of those 4 pillars on Artisan, I thought he was playing retarded, but nope, he just sucks.

>Could always design the entire game from scratch to be the same but more difficult, it's so easy

>"Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it," he added. "I don't think that's really the case for many people these days."
I know this feeling.

Backlog syndrome is truly the worst. I remember when I would play the everloving shit out of one game and spend all of my time finding every little nook and crevice. Now, I can't help but find games a chore nowadays, and as soon as I beat one, it's on to the next.

Tell that to my 10 game switch collection. Ive only played Smash, Xenoblade, and LGPE and I only played a few hours of each. I feel like a retard for even buying a Switch.

Its sad that they're so money driven that they are blind to this goldmine. All I fucking want is rematch battles where the trainer increases until you're fighting lv 100 trainers. Give me that and I'll continue this fucking series

>the franchise was all downhill after the GBA games - no innovation and less depth
Except without the physical/special that came with gen 4 split battles objectively had less depth. Water attacks were always special, dark attacks were always special, ghost attacks were always physical, lots of Pokemon were saddled with types and moves they didn't have the stats to use.

I don't understand that mentality. How hard is it to just add "hard mode" with stronger gym leaders, no exp share, and harder to obtain heals? Balance that out with a higher chance of getting shinies to make it worth the challenge.

There you go, everyone's happy. All it takes is tweaking a few things.

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I had more fun doing stuff like daily new secret bases and using soaring than I did in any part of XY. Fuck, people spout about how Pokemon lines you up on walled areas too much, soaring's the first time you could actually fly around a whole region, free reign.

>Goldmine of appealing to a small subset of adults who still play Pokemon

You're like the people over at /toy/ who think Hasbro and Mattel are fucking retarded for not catering all their products to adult collectors who only make up a small fraction of the customer base.

It also freed up a slot in your party that didn't need to be dedicated to Fly

Which is stupid because the game lets you save and quit at any point. Even if you only walk like five steps and kill a pidgey that's still progress.

He's a lazy piece of shit. This small issue could be solved with something else every other JRPG has. Have a harder difficulty available from the start. And multiple save files. There is absolutely no excuse for a modern JRPG not to have these other than Gamefreak trying to strong arm stupid fans into buying both versions of the same game to have two saves.

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They did that in gen 5 and never again for some reason. You also had to finish the game once for it to be available though so that was shit.

I have a lot of nieces and nephews (10+), and the majority of them like Pokemon, enjoy playing the games. I've been able to let them play my older games, which they've all liked more than the newer ones. Sure, small sample size compared to the amount of people that play the game, but it does make me question how viable of a claim it is they're aiming the games at children more. Particularly when you consider a lot of the playerbase are adults too. I was under the impression the reason they broke off Let's Go was to separate the audience more, but I highly doubt they'll make a more interesting game when all of their shit sells well enough.

Let's ignore how shit the people in charge of this series are and post 'em.

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Every other JRPG sells 2 million copies while Pokemon sells 15+ million

Yeah I guess, although I still used Fly regardless if I need to go fast, it's a lot quicker.

>They like the older games their cool older relative brings for them to play while telling them are better
Yeah, makes sense

By the way none of you have better taste than me.

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Guess I can
If 2 is fine I guess I can go for it then
That was the good shit. I loved the heck out gen 5, but missing out on capture events sucked. If you had to climb to the top of a tower to find Genesect instead of getting him ploppled into your party like gen 4 it would have been greater.

This person is fucking retarded. I won't even be surprised if this answer of his is a just a lie.

The combat in 2 might throw you off, and if that is the case and you just don't like it or can't get used to it, then I'd suggest moving onto 3.

Doubles and Special split are the two best things to ever happen to pokeymon. Megas a shit, Z-moves a shit. Amie is useful but only pointed out how pointless randoised stats natures are when autisitc shits were only going to be breedsluts to make designer pokemon (So basically created more work for nothing). Fairies didn't balance for shit and only made a bunch of normal types irrelevant.

because nobody has seriously challenged for Pokemon's crown. The formula isn't even that complicated. Exploration + monster collecting + trading + battles. Launch with manga/anime and add a catchy song and you're set. Yokai Watch almost had it, but those designs are ugly as fuck.

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What I want to know is why are grown ass adults still obsessing over Pokemon and look forward to each new gen? I like how some of the oldest gen romhacks look but that is about all I would play of this franchise now besides the games I grew up with. You neckbeards weren't supposed to be eternal Pokemon fans.

Lets go is to act like a segaway for casuals to get into the normal games, gen 8 is not going to be another lets go but lets go does give a simple chain of games for casuals and kids to play if they find the main games to challenging so nintendo is still getting money out of them instead of them going and playing mobile games

Your point being...? If you're implying that the sales justify the lack of improvement then you're enabling them. The series will never improve.

Meanwhile I can keep playing good JRPGs and even good Nintendo games.

Me too user. Someone got me Omega Ruby as a gift when it came out. I knew it was time to bounce from the series.

Can Masuda just die at this point?

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I'm just in it for the pokemon designs and the porn

Ah, i see you're a man of 1/7th of culture

Can Ice types be good yet?

Also Megas for shit like Pidegot and Sabeleye made sense since those pokemon needed the boost. And guys like Charizard needed it for marketing. But did fucking Rayquaza and Salamence need Megas?

USUM could get tough at times comparatively to the series. But Platinum and BW2 had okay difficulty curves too.

Yea Forums has a warped sense of what difficulty should be in Pokemon.

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There's genuinely tons of great designs, but Pokefags only ever bring up the bad ones.

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Lol interesting that when given details on how the games have gotten easier nobody responds.

Contrarian faggots.

Imagine being so cucked that you design games for people who buy them without playing them

>Can Ice types be good yet?

>Weak to Fighting and Rock
>No useful resistances whatsoever

Yokai Watch is for trannies and you should feel like a faggot for liking it. I'd rather shit a pinecone than know a Pokemon was designed by some kid.

Name me one other competitive multiplayer monster raising RPG.

And don't give me LOL YOU PLAY VGC you fucking casual, you're damn right I play VGC. If you take pride in being bad at Pokemon you are a mental midget.

There are many reasons not to buy LGPE but the biggest among them is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE MULTIPLAYER. No fucking battle facility in a game that was designed with coop mode in mind - its literally just you 2v1ing almost every fight in the game. Its absolutely batshit. This is a game with PAID ONLINE; the first Pokemon game with paid online. And it offers less content than every game since Crystal.

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Literally a game full of PEEEPEEPOOPOOGHOSTXDXD

Wtf Japan.

>Ice type's primary niche was being the dragon slayers
>even though water has access to most Ice moves
>Fairy comes along and not only steals Ice types ONLY niche but they're also completely immune to Dragon

Either make more things weak to Ice, improve Hail, or give them more resistances you fucks!

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There's a lot of good designs, they just initially chose to market the shitty ones like Cheeksqueak (a fucking baby with an ass for a face) off all things.
Even then I feel like the designs have gotten significantly better over time.

>Name me one other competitive multiplayer monster raising RPG.

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>tfw no event where you infiltrate a base with the remaining members of Team Plasma and find them with a Genesect
>they send the Genesect on you which you capture and send them running off in fear
I'm glad Gen 5 had at least one event that being the Victini on Liberty Island.

I mean there's showdown isn't it? It spares you the time wasted from having to get the best IVs on your pokemon. Then again it's still inexcusable that the fanbase can make a better online service than the devs.

Gen 2-5

Pokemon had grind before free to play was ever a thing

Be glad pokemon hasn't gone full pay 2 not wait already

The last actual event we got was gen 5, though. Gen 4 was the one where most Americans missed out on shit due to cut events. Thank fuck I still have my TRU Arceus on my HG save.

I actually haven't ever told them I think the older games are better, they just expressed an interest in it so I told them they can play my old games. Most of them usually dislike older games that I like, unless they were from last gen.
God, that makes me even less interested. I doubt I'll even bother with the new one unless it's pulling some BotW type of shit.

>name me something other than Pokemon
>well there's Pokemon!

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>The last actual event we got was gen 5, though
I literally just listed it you fucking speedreader.

man fuck Dx2
I have no idea how to farm enough witch aether to awaken my 5* Jeanne in time

Because it's a JRPG. Newer ones have barely any grind unless you're power-leveling a new team.

Sorry my brain shut off reading your retarded greentext.

Yeah! I'm gonna go play a REAL mature game for mature gamers like me!

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How's that backlog going?

I mean you complained about the LGPE having paid online and last time I recall showdown was free.

No it wasn't the designs, the problem with Yokai watch was the exaggerated milking by L5 on the serie on Japan, they fucking up the toys which made some medals not compatible with different models of watches, the new protagonist on anime which was unlikeable by japs fans and the fact the new gritty and mature reboot was made without a game to Go together only coming out now when it's closer to end. And on the west It came too late, first game came on 2015 when it was on blasters on Japan and one year later came 3 while we were still seeing if 2 was coming or not, I guess it still alive on Europe but not much on other places.

yeah but one you can play for free in a browser and the other is overpriced $60 garbage you have to grind in forever
or you can just play a real competitive game

You can stop embarrassing yourself anytime. Nobody plays competitive LGPE.

And nigger, Showdown is Pokemon. Its the same fucking thing with regards to multiplayer.

Its a little worrying if some fan wank gets your brain shutdown that easily, retard. Go to a hospital immediately.

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reminds me of this

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>fan wank
Well you got half of it right.

Oh wow you're as stupid as the other guy.

Anyone else think it's completely retarded that everyone who plays competitive pokemon has to use a hacking tool?

Why can't we just reassign natures and EVs with an in-game item or something?

And I bet you're one of the retards who thinks a company shouldn't grow with their fans. I've seen more young adults who play this shit than the fucking kids they pander to. Fortnight is played by snot nosed kids to the point they request that more than the game with the famous yellow rat on it. And I fucking bet my bottom dollar that fortnight is more mature game wise than fucking pokemon

My 14 year old little sister who i gave all my older video game stuff to as handmedowns actually asked me for difficulty and catch them all rom hacks because she thought they were too easy
Was one of the proudest moments ive had

>spouts shit that was already stated
>calls others stupid
Listen, its not my fault you stuck my dick in your cornflakes. You have no right to be mad.

Did you fug

>has to
Nah, if you were talking pre-gen 6 sure but its easy as fuck to breed and train stuff, and has been for years.

You niggers are just too lazy to do it. You're the same fags who probably whine about your EVs/Natures being off during the main game, aren't you? Why do you even care, you don't play competitive and you never come across like you actually want to, either - you're just always upset that you are apparently barred from entry.

I'd be shocked if there was anyone else in this thread who even knew efficient about EV training methods.

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I've both bred for hours and hacked in minutes and I honestly have to say hacking is the more humane option. I can take my starter and edit it's ivs and evs or breed it continuously till I have it's great grandson fucking a ditto.

Eh, the powersave just gets me a shortcut to a retarded concept that didnt need to exist anyway.

This. I can hack a whole team in 10 mins, thus not making me throw away worthless mons cause the nature was wrong

>any competitive game
>spend hours upon hours actually playing the game in order to improve and get better

>spend hours upon hours breeding for the 5 perfect IV spread you need, the ideal nature, egg moves and ability
>need to do this for 6 different pokemon
>need to level them afterwards to raise their EVs and learn the moves you want
>then you get to the part where you can play the game
>if you ever want to experiment with different teams, you need to do the process again

>its bad because it takes effort and its not just plug in numbers to play!
I don't care what you think. You don't play competitive, obviously. You're never going to put in the effort to play competitive. I'm quite confident that you're one of the people who shits about Pokemon's competitive meta game, anyways. So why do you even want to play competitive Pokemon?

Do you guys even play USUM on cart anymore? When was the last time any of you touched fucking Battle Spot?

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I have to understand.
When i encouter a hard roadblock in a game, something that kills me over and over again for 2hours i think man i wasted 2 hours on this shit and then i beat it and i'm supposed to feel some kind of rush but that's not what happens instead i think i spend 2hours wiping on this boss, there's so many other things i could have done.

God I wish that fucker would get hit by a truck.

Letting esl phoneposters run wild on this site was a mistake.

20% of people who have Dark Souls 3 on steam finished the game.
That number isn't too different for most games, even easy ones.

Stop bullying Masuda! He wrote the soundtrack to my childhood!

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2 days ago. And the shit required to get a competitive Pokemon is fucking stupid. Which is why VGC players don't do it and just gen their shit in. And as long as their move sets are legal they're permitted.

There's a difference between competitiveness and sheer autism, you should try to learn it

Fucking this. So many hidden mechanics. STAB is never explained.
Back when I was a kid I thought there was physical/special split since gen 1 and the math made sense with my guys' stats up to gen 4 when it actually happened.
I kept thinking hitmonchan sucked because of elemental punches on it.

emulating it right now for the 200x speed overbully

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The only things that you can't just blast through now are egg moves and nature. Idk why people complain so much about IVs when they're only a pain for Pokemon like Stakataka. Nature is far more constrictive than IVs.
You don't know much about Pokemon competitive though, do you? Grinding level isn't necessary when they're auto set to L50 online. EV training can either be done for 18 pokemon passively at once, or can be done in less than 10 minutes manually in SOS (or in 6, hordes).
IV's can be bottlecapped, usually that non-0 Atk IV on a special attacker can be overlooked. Only a pain for ones like Stak, like above.
I fucking despise Egg Moves though, and natures, even though I have a synch team.
You don't have to level them to get moves now, the Move Relearner can teach them their moves from any level and heart scales no longer have to be farmed off Luvdisc because restaurants hand out gobs of them.

All this said though, I'm perfectly fine with people who inject and even recommend it for people who just want to get right to online battles. I generally prefer trading.

>2 days ago
Really. I'm impressed. What is your team?

And the only thing that you NEED to get right are natures and egg moves, because Hyper Training literally even makes sub-par IVs from HP not matter. But you probably know that, right?

The poster below you is bitching about STAB not being explained to you in the games (even though, you know, it is). 99% of you niggers don't even know what all the Pokemon and their typings are. You can say you would check out Pokemon if it made competitive easier to get into...but actions speak louder than words. And I know you whiners aren't all on showdown.

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This makes me more excited for SMTV.

I could have sworn some early npc mentions stab(not by name ofcourse) but says same type attacks as the pokemon type does extra damage

You would be correct.

>lol why would you bother with Rain? What does it do?
>Turns out it boosts all water moves by 50% and halves all Fire moves by 50%
>Which not only blesses water types but also blesses Grass, Steel, Ice, and Bug by effectively removing their weaknesses
>Also abilities like Swift Swim, Rain Dish, and Dry Skin also are activated in Rain

Too bad a casual player would never know because they never have the incentive to try it. So when I see that guy running 5 legendaries and a starter I don't blame him. Because that's what the game teaches you should do

I'm nuzlocking Pearl right now and there has been at least one NPC commenting on abilities interacting with rain, so you're wrong. I think you guys just mash through text or something.

>yfw people found out the hidden effect of Water Bubble
>ability lists an effect but it hides the best effect

Mostly. Hyper Training only maxes IVs on paper but it doesn't carry over if you say attempted to put it in the bank. Mostly because if it truly maxed IVs it would fuck with your HP typing. Which I think is bullshit, there are more effective ways to deal with HP typings than what may as well be RNG.

And I have various teams. Because putting Incineroar + a Tapu gets grating after a while and I like to try various stuff.

NEETs absolutely BTFO.

But this is always in the form of a text dump from a nondescript npc among the 20 other NPCs talking at you almost all at once

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EVs and IVs are even worse. I don't know about Gen 7 because that's when I quit but in the older games those stats were never explained outside of a few vague hints. So vague that the fact that they even existed had to have been discovered through rom hacking.

>kids are too busy playing on their smartphones to play Pokemon
>...so, we'll make it more casual to appeal to them!
>...even though that will turn off our dedicated audience, who actually liked difficulty settings and harder modes like the Battle Frontier
>...and even though the kids playing on their phones will STILL play on their phones, and won't touch handheld games like Pokemon anymore
Why do they do this? Why do companies always throw away their dedicated fans (who would happily buy their games as they are), for an audience who will never touch your games, even after you change them? It's like when they add in black female Nazis to a WW2 shooter to appeal to the progressive crowd, even though those people don't actually buy or play games.

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We're talking about USUM's meta, though. You're not going to be banking your VGC team over to LGPE (does that trash game even fucking have bank support?)

>And I have various teams.
Did you inject them or did you raise them? Actually, don't answer, because I don't care and it doesn't matter - what matters is that you actually play the game. I have literally no problem with you commenting on competitive because congrats, you're one of the dozen or so people on Yea Forums who knows what you're talking about.

It was literally from a NPC explaining that her pokemon had an ability that made them stronger in rain (swift swim). I think this is just another example of you guys trying to make an argument against Pokemon using shoddy evidence. Its not like Pokemon is a perfect series, criticism shouldn't be this hard for you.

And look at this dipshit. Acting like EVs and IVs were some vague mystical mystery prior to gen fucking 7, after everything gen 6 did to casualize the process.

with pokemon games costing 60 bucks these days its more likely to only have 1 game now more than ever

Yeah except I didn't say the game doesn't explain it,I said the game gives you no incentive to do it. Not only because of but because the single player has an extremely strong emphasis on carrying a team of sweepers. Most npc team comps are fucked so a single pokemon can almost always wipe them. Even the gym leaders. And they're almost always behind the curve so they can't hurt you. Items mean you always have access to recovery regardless of the situation or set up moves. Hell in Gen 7 X items give you +2. And Roto Boosters are a free Z Conversion. Any required defense is supplied by the player so you can carry 6 sweepers abs dealbreakers and be fine with avoiding any sort of set up. Until you get online and oops items don't exist anymore. And suddenly the boosting and recovery moves you never needed are suddenly critical.

>there will only be one pokemon version
Oh my fucking God that's funny

LGPE doesn't have bank support and even if it did, it's impossible to bring in any non-gen 1 species other than Meltan/Melmetal. They're not coded in.

>I said the game gives you no incentive to do it.
The game gives you no incentive not to level only your starter and keep HM Slaves either, user.

What a fucking shitshow dumpsterfire of a game. Hopefully it never gets bank support and all those baby's first shinies get stuck forever.

...But they literally just did 2 $60 titles with Lets Go

that's because it's the worst of the series, my dude.

But did Gen 6 give you the actual numbers? Were those hidden stats even mentioned as what they were? I sure as hell don't remember being able to see them in my pokemon's summary and the only hints throughout the series were useless crap from NPCs like "its attack is high" or "increases defense."

>double battles allow for much more strategy and creativity than single battles, since even weak Pokemon can still be useful there if they have good abilities or support moves to help their teammates
>VGC acknowledges this, making double battles the official format for IRL Pokemon tournaments, a.k.a. the ones that Gamefreak themselves endorse

>yet 90% of the battles in single-player are single battles

The more I think about how good this series could be if GF gave a shit, the more I loathe this company.

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It gave you the IV checker NPC who would tell you about your stats being impossible to improve upon or something like that. I'm pretty tired at this point, you have to understand.

Those hidden stats have been visible for years now.

You have, you have no idea how things are and how kids and even adults act these days, even with 60$ games - just check any trophies with new release, you'll see majority of players doesn't even get the second trophy in a newly bought game.

My favorite is Gengar. Only ever played gen 1.

Hes is absolutely right with what hes saying, i guarantee you 80% of everyone who bought lets go e/p havent played through it, and never will

Just look at how many people even get the first achievement in a game, for what you only have to press through the start menu

I just looked at Bulbapedo since it's been so long and the judges don't show you the actual values. Just more vague hints and nothing about EVs. No outright mention of IVs either and if you're a casual you'd think they're talking about the visible stats which I did way back in Gen III when I didn't have internet.

Decent taste, and I don't know why but I'd bet money that you're Mexican or South American.

Make a pokemon game were if you lose, you get raped


But LGPE is a harder game than RBY.
The road to Fuschia has level 35-39 trainers while in RBY they had level 25-31.

>just more vague hints
>"I don't think it could get any lower"
>"Its literally the best it could be"
Okay this was cute but there's nothing to be gained from this conversation. Some dipshit who thinks EVs and IVs are too cryptic is calling me a casual, hilarious stuff.

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Because it works. Everyone shittalked Lets Go Pikachu but the normies that played Pokemon Go ended up playing it.
But it doesn't work forever.

nobody plays pokemon for the difficulty. you play it to try and feel like you're on an adventure with some weird fantasy creatures.

I play Pokémon solely for the hardcore difficulty, the story and the music.

Needless to say I don't play the mainline games anymore.

Umbreon and Gliscor were close to my favorites in their generations.

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Where's the actual numbers though? I was only able to see them one way and that was by dumping my pokemon to my computer and looking at them through Pokesav. 29/27/25/0/0/31 how the hell was I supposed to know this besides oh, it has the best speed or its special defense sucks!

the monsters are the most important for me, yeah
Wish there was more non-battle side content though, I miss Join Avenue.

Its trash, that's all you need to know. You would have been told about its trash SpD and SpA, and the other values being supbar would have been indicated too.

I dropped moon because it was so boring and retardedly easy. Why make it even easier?

I think the majority of us would be pleased if routes had more than 3 trainers with 5 combined pokemon to fight.

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most kids are crap at games. games used to be expensive so the kid would be forced to get better at it

It doesn't matter if they don't, there is nothing to sell after they buy the cartridge. Ninty have made their max amount of money from a customer at point of sale.

>Rather than any actual feedback from players, it's more accepting the realities of modern life,"
"We just guessed! Why should we check to see if we're right?"

>black and white 2

Seems right.

based and truthpilled

I understand his point, but I'm still amazed that after
so many years the game never got a difficulty setting or something. Or maybe a NG+ mode where you encounter the beefiest of pokemans

That's literally just release order.

That's the case with most games though. If you check a game on steam and then click on achievements you can see the percentages. Most people never finish a game.

Read the ratings you ninny.

The pokemon games were never challenging, but at least supplied you with things to battle and do.

In Alola 99.999999999% of trainers only have one fucking pokemon. And there's about 3 trainers per route.

Japanese and shitty teeth go together though

He's stepped down as director and become producer of the next games as far as I know.

>Kids don't have time to play games anymore!
>That's why we added hours of unskippable, boring cut-scenes to Sun and Moon!

Fuck this hack

He is wrong though.
Dumbing it down on phone game level only lets it compete with phone games even more


>can't optimize games for shit since gen 6
>less and less new pokemon that a are basically redesigns of old ones
>make games piss easy and never listen to feedack


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He's wrong because dumbing it down to the level of phone games means it disappears into the ocean of forgettable phone shit.

Except Pokemon is $40

Pokemon got ruined the moment they decided to make it for "worldwide audiences" rather than by Japan and for Japan. It has completely lost it's identity since then and become utterly sterile.

well, Kanto tracks and battles

This. Ironically by making pokemon slowly more phone app tier he takes the very thing that makes Pokemon or any other dedicated game software stand out and diminishes the value proposition for paying 60$ for a new game. It makes you wonder why they don't just put it on phones or why you would pay for a game that doesn't see itself as something more than a phone game.

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99% of (U)SM's difficulty comes from the totem battles and ultra final boss, but they're really more of a demonstration of how broken the battle system is instead of being difficult.
Your opponent gets two pokemon available to use while you're forced to use one (for some fucking reason) and depending on your team they could either demolish you or be unable to do anything to you, it's the same problems we've been seeing with the single battle format for years now but taken to a new extreme
Every totem battle that I won felt like I was cheesing it, and every battle that I lost felt like complete bullshit.

Standardised double battles should be introduced because it lets you build teams that can counter multiple threats and adapt to them, instead of sending out one pokemon that will either eat shit or clean house and not do anything in between.

>posting trophy stats for one of three endings
The completion rate is definitely higher than that, look at the Mergo trophy to get a better idea.

>he hasn't see all the people who don't even get as far as the first hour in a game

>We'll never get another Colosseum game where double battles are the standard formet

Someone on /vp/ translated a bunch of posts from a thread on 2chan about what japs thought of LGPE, that was exactly what one of the posts read.

Makes me fucking sad.

>best highlight of LGPE is when you do Co-op with a friend in a double battle

This so fucking much. NPC trainers are the most boring thing ever. Half of every kind have the same loadout often even in the same zone. It's just all so tiresome.

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Yeah, this was kinda what I meant to say, sorry.
Of course I meant that the competition only ever appears if it gets down to the same level as phone games.

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>Densetsu no Kusoge

God damn it he has the fucking ugliest teeth I have ever seen, everytime I see him smile I fucking die inside, Jesus fucking Christ how is it even possible for a man that rich to have teeth so fucking ugly, he looks like fucking Voldemort from Harry Potter except way worse, I've seen gore less disturbing than that fucking devilish BROWN grin, it should be illegal to have teeth like that, fucking disgusting beyond any human comprehension

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>Implying teeth bleeching is natural or healthy

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Yep, always used to stack my mons with attack only moves as a kid playing Ruby or Leafgreen because I never understood what "evasiveness" even meant, or what Growl did.

He is right in the sense that kids will get a game and not play it. Look at how many people have like one or two trophies in games for the beginning stuff

Cycling back and forth for hours waiting for eggs to hatch doesn’t really take much effort. It’s just a boring time sink

>have one of the most mechanically in depth RPGs of all time
>can make parts of it optional in terms of grindy/RPG ones and still have a robust system with a lot of choice and potential
>but never capitalise on it outside of the fucking competitive community
>can't even get into difficulty modes
This one?

He is right, but that's why difficulty modes exist or should exist

You dont have to grind or get the best abilities, which means less time on the game


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Yeah, fuck actual feedback from players, better do whatever I think it's best for them with my skewed vision of reality!
Is this guy a fucking imbecile?

i miss when i actually had to try to win at battles. and i dont mean postgame tournament rules battles where the AI is using maxed stat pokemon with all these fucking items i gotta grind to get, i mean random trainers, gym leaders, villains, and the fucking elite 4. i don't give a shit about that other stuff, i want the main games to be a challenge especially for nuzlocke runs. we dont even have the final gym leaders have a team of 6 anymore.

Fucking asshole. Why dont you just make shit mobile games then?
I hope this hack gets fired.

fuckkkkk this scares me so much. Gamefreak are literally at a crossroads here. They fucked up with LGPE then proceeded to damage control by saying it wasn't a mainline game, and now they've got to impress so god damn hard with Gen 8 to win back the crowd, something that seems almost impossible due to the weak reception of LGPE. There's no such thing as lukewarm reception anymore, it's either a huge success or a bomb. This decides everything.

Why don't they just put an optional hard/veteran mode from the start?
So they can have their game as fucking casual as it can be and at least give veteran players something

>hurr durr I make shitty video games so I am qualified to let make sweeping allegations about the nature of the zeitgeist

Jesus christ this gook faggot needs to grow a fucking backbone. Guess what, even if you're right (you aren't) people will change their habits if your games were good. He is using modernity as a scapegoat for the fact that he is literally the worst game director of all time.

Ultra Necrozma

People hate acknowledging that they're worse than others, user.

Pokemon has never beem hard and now it is even easier? Shit, i´m glad i dropped after gen 5

The thing is, there's a reason Pokemon still sells like hotcakes and remains the highest grossing media franchise more than 20 years down the road.
It might be a stretch but maybe, just maybe, they know what they're doing.

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This just reminds me of how fucking amazing Pokemon would be in an open environment. I can't believe some people thought LGPE was acceptable.

keep in mind this is also coming around a big milestone. a big fuckin hollywood live action movie. if the backlash to this is extremely bad it'll definitely affect sales for that movie

>All I fucking want is rematch battles where the trainer increases until you're fighting lv 100 trainers
If the AI keeps being as braindead as it has always been what is the point? They need to do more than just increasing the levels

Someone fly to Japan and remove Masuda. Take one for the team.

Funny I thought that was LGPE...

I don't understand what's so hard about an optional challenge mode.

Too much fucking effort for the hacks at GF?

They were never challenging, you were just a dumb kid back then. The only thing that makes the earlier games seem more challenging is because mons had terrible movepools compared to now.

>I'm glad even the japs agree about this shit.
It's japs from 5ch, which is somewhere inbetween Yea Forums and reddit. They aren't the average customer.

I can appreciate the reason. But why does this have to be EVERY pokemon game?

Like typically in a scenario like this you'd have one pokemon game (like PGPE) that is appealing to the braindeads that "don't have time to play just one game". And then you have your actual releases like gen X main titles that are more in line with the devoted of your community. Why does it all have to be braindead?

>Average Japanese customer
>bows and says "sankyu foah za gameu"
>Says good thing if it's good
>Says nothing if it's shit

>i miss when i actually had to try to win at battles
Pokemon never was hard

you're right. now hear me out, you fuckers: make a LGP style game for the braindead kids, and mainline pokèmon game with a difficulty option. It's not fucking rocket science, Nintendo is already doing this with their platforms, why can't Gamefreak do it too? I'm sick to have to wait for rom hackers to make your games better.

The short answer with gamefreak will always boil down to "they don't have to". Their dedicated fanbase will still buy whatever they put out and like it.


>why can't Gamefreak do it too?
Because they are out of touch and lead by a god damn clown.

I'm building a team. You in?

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>I can't believe some people thought LGPE was acceptable.
You know these are the same people who haven't touched Pokemon since Red/Blue, right? The person who likes LGPE is on the same level of dipshit who doesn't normally play JRPGs yet treats Persona 5 like the second coming of Jesus.

Let's Go Pikachu is $60, retard

Guess I'll just replay black 2 or a rom again, instead of holding out hope

Have game freak never heard of different difficulty modes....?

They tried it in BW2 but went about it in the most retarded manner.

Regular trainers were never very hard. Every game has had a few small challenge spikes here and there, including the newest games. But on top of making it easier for the player to make the game easier (exp all, pokemon amie buffs), any potential challenge is dependent on your team composition, which can never be entirely accounted for. The only reason the post-game facilities are consistently challenging is because they're gauntlets that no one team can ever be completely prepared to breeze through. Dungeons could provide a lite version of this challenge if healing items weren't so plentiful and cheap, although NPCs that just heal you free of charge don't help either.

So... Sakurai?