I thought it was pretty good.
So what's the problem?
I thought it was pretty good.
So what's the problem?
It was mediocre and didn't live up to the hype
They blew their load making the first world good and the rest of the game is a lackluster slog.
People were hyped over this? I remember some shit about jontron being rumored to be in it or something, but "mediocre" was pretty much their marketing campaign and even Banjo-Kazooie itself. Still, I didn't see any reason to hate it.
You have awful taste, please, stop posting.
Not enough lewd laylee.
They pushed away a lot of potential buyers, but I guess those people ultimately saved money from not buying this trash. The game really tried to play off the whole idea of being a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, but failed to live up to the task.
The problem is that you're a cuckold. Yes, you like watching women from your race fucking black men. A pathetic cuck is that what you are.
>The game really tried to play off the whole idea of being a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, but failed to live up to the task.
I'm not sure if I agree. I played both when they were new and they feel about the same to me. Whether or not that's a good thing is up to you, but I didn't see much of a difference, except I think Banjo had some difficulty to it. I think anyways. I can't remember.
The problem is rampant shitposters like the cockheads in this thread and obsessive A Hat in Time fans who wanted it to fail.
My favorite world was the fourth one
it was soulless.
controls and physics weren't good
compare it A Hat in Time, that's how you do a 3d platformer in this style
>and obsessive A Hat in Time fans who wanted it to fail
That's the most logical theory here actually. Rather than just having 2 accepted as generally good games, they had to feel insecure about their purchases and over compensate with a shit flinging contest. Why not have 2 games?
It's the same mediocre platformer that Banjo was only without any of the adventurous charm.
The reason that people liked BK was because of the uniquely inventive level design and charming setting.
The YL devs completely missed this and developed needlessly massive levels that lacked any sort of creativity or passion and then stuck a bunch of collectibles in it (because collecting shit is what people liked, right?).
Meanwhile the HiT guys understood perfectly what people liked about collectathon games and nailed the setting and level design, then launched pretty close close to YL, which only made YL look even more soulless and inferior to BK.
>Meanwhile the HiT guys understood perfectly what people liked about collectathon games
Yeah like broken promises of entirely FREE DLC that was meant to release on PC, Xbox One and PS4 at the same time. Instead they shafted it to work on a port that's going to be insanely shit like Sonic Boom (since it was in the same boat with being a game made with UE3).
Collectathon games didn't have FREE DLC, so I guess they were just trying to be authentic.
They didn't have DLC at all you stupid prick. My point is AHiT's devs fail in being respectable and honest with their fanbase and the fans eat it right up.
I'm enjoying it. It holds up if you don't rise the standard to Banjo levels.
It was so retarded of them to politicize their game under the banner of "diversity" at a time when terror attacks & thirdworld immigration was such a clear problem & mistake that governments had to roll back on. no one supported that shit. to put that hot take out there & not only say "hey our political stance is right and you can all get fucked" but to direct it mainly at the guy who got you like 80% of your backers was the most retarded move they could have made. the fact that the game was bad didn't hurt them so much because most of the damage was done already.
>40 secs of loadings every hub/world
>They didn't have DLC at all you stupid prick.
Come again, retard-kun? AHiT had DLC and it was free for a week. Regardless, the dev's jewish tricks have nothing to do with the quality of the game or, more importantly the profound lack of quality of YL, which is what people are actually talking about.
bing bing wahoo.
The problem is that everyone views Banjo-Kazooie with rose-tinted glasses. They don't realize that Yooka-Laylee is about on the same quality level as Banjo-Kazooie, but Banjo-Kazooie is not as mindblowingly good as they thought when they were 9 years old.
>It holds up
>They didn't have DLC at all you stupid prick.
>"They" obviously referring to the N64-era collect-a-thons like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64, etc.
Nice reading comprehension, shithead.
>more importantly the profound lack of quality of YL
A real shame your argument holds no weight because it's 2019 now and you're not a clickbaiting YouTuber. The game was actually good contrary to the JonTron controversy bandwagons said and Snake Pass being a more interesting & experimental game releasing around the same time.
>if you don't rise the standard to Banjo levels.
i think it was a joke.
>It was so retarded of them to politicize their game
except they didn't politicize the game. They just removed a VA who said some racist shit and /pol/ started screeching that this game was politically motivated
Not enough worlds, had less than even the original banjo
The "expand the levels" mechanic didn't really go anywhere or do anything cool and it was easier to just unlock the whole thing at one time anyway
There was an extreme lack of level-specific characters. It was obnoxious to see those medieval pigs everywhere and barely anybody else
Karto being copypasted in all levels was also a drag
They could have been way more creative with the moves
Most levels felt empty with nowhere to go. Compare that with BT where there were plenty of sub-areas every level
As a whole I'd say it was disappointing for the fact that the content, mechanics, and planning don't even come close to the last banjo game. Feels like a tremendous step backwards. I backed it for 100 bucks btw.
Nah, it wasn't, i'll tell you something, i'm enjoying YL more than Super Mario Odissey, i don't fucking knlw why if i love Banjo/Mario64 the same. None is better for me.
how is ditching a guy who came out and said black people are genetically inferior and genetically predisposed to violence politicising it? normal consumers don't know who the fuck jontron is and don't give a fuck if he voices a fucking parrot or not.
>"They" obviously referring to the N64-era collect-a-thons like Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64, etc.
I figured you must be on the spectrum somewhere to be sperging out so hard about something as irrelevant as DLC, but the fact that you actually thought people would be able to follow your thought process through that sentence and the fact that you actually thought nobody was aware that Banjo Kazooie didn't have DLC .... that's some serious autism.
>The game was actually good
That's a nice opinion, unfortunately nobody else who's played it agrees with you. Sorry.
1. There was genuinely no reason not to expand worlds, and every reason to expand them. It was a cool concept but a broken mechanic.
2. Feathers were arbitrarily placed. In the original games they were a guiding point which led to jiggies or other collectibles. Not so here.
3. The mini games in yooka-laylee are nearly as annoying as the worst barrel mini games in DK64 which is remarkably hard to accomplish.
There are more but those were the main things I remembered from playing it when it released.
As someone who was actually happy they booted JonTron's irrelevant fat ass, it's still a pretty mediocre game that demonstrates how flawed collectathons actually are when the movement isn't that fun and there aren't any interesting setpieces to make the levels feel different.
A Hat in Time got it right, so it's not like it's impossible to pull off.
I want to add that the best level in the game was the last level and flying around it was the highlight of the game
And that this user is completely right
>Autism insults
Thanks for invalidity anything you had to say by using the most basic slur on Yea Forums. Please use a tripcode in the future so I can filter you.
>god-awful camera, even after they supposedly "fixed" it
>the same oversized levels everyone complained about with tooie
>the utter tedium of kartos and rextro - did they even playtest those segments before putting them in the game?
yooka-laylee is the first, last and only time i'll ever be suckered in by indie shit. thankfully, i only bought the final product and didn't contribute to their kickstarter. indie trash is always soulless compared to the real thing.
They removed a person of color from their game who they ASKED to do voices & made i big blog post declaring they support "diversity". it was just tone def elitist SJW bullshit. essentially shitting on most of their backers. that's why they started getting all those chargebacks. they don't need the money of bigots right? they're retards who deserved everything they got.
Banjo levels aren't even a very high standard, to be quite honest.
As someone who thought YL was mediocre and love old 3D platformers, I don't understand what people see in AHiT
I didn't even get past the first level before getting bored. Do people just like it because they drool over the loli characters or what.
But they are inferior though desu.
the game was fine but not great
allowing flight everywhere was a bad design choice
early levels were great later ones where too big and bland
People only being interested in backing the game because of le funny reddit nigger hater should have been writing on the wall for everyone involved
>They removed a person of color from their game
got a source?
because the only removed person I am aware of was voiced by Johntron, who they removed after he went on a racist rant.
it's not that the game was bad, it was just so outrageously average that nobody cared post launch beyond the hate mob "meme game of the month"
moron. he was replying to someone trying to shit on a culture and group of people he really likes. remember he's not white so he has no stake but he's doesn't hate whites and he not going to indulge some dipshit blaming the shortcomings of blacks on them. all he did was cite CIA statistics & said he didn't want whites culture to be replaced by a less progressive one because that would hurt everyone.
>the game was fine but not great
allowing flight everywhere was a bad design choice
It was an endgame power-up so to say it breaks the game isn't really fair. You do actually need it in the earlier worlds and it makes traversing them far easier.
>early levels were great later ones where too big and bland
I disagree. The swamp, space and tropical levels were pretty good in design. Capital B's Casino was anus though.
They are against freedom of speech.
commie just fuck off to reshitera pls.
The movement in A Hat in Time is on par with the best in the genre. In my opinion it surpasses everything except Mario 64 and Odyssey.
Everything else about A Hat in Time is mediocre, but damn if isn't fun to move around the worlds.
>levels are underdesigned and listless
>bossfights are shit except the last one
>powerups invalidate other powerups
>general lack of polish
Banjo Kazooie is a platformer masquerading as a collectathon with a snow globe/diorama approach to level design
Banjo Tooie is a metroidvania masquerading as a collectathon with platforming elements and a spiderweb approach to level design
YL is a collectathon with no interesting gimmick with a tech demo carnival tent approach to level design
It was the late train zoomer banjo fags that had just discovered the game or vaguely remembered it from their childhood. Take into consideration the fact that JonTron is an eceleb and really only preople born after 95 would be into him. Banjo Kazooie came out in 98. So in a sense, no nobody was hyped for it that actually had a good grasp on that era.
Really? It seemed super fucking floaty to me, as much as this game.
So you have no source.
on what? it's Jontron. he's Iranian. did you think he was white?
>people are entitled to a job
>on what? it's Jontron.
The post made sounded like they removed someone else besides JohnTron's character.
>did you think he was white?
I don't follow e-celebs so I don't know what the racist looks like.
That reflects the general impression I got from Banjo when it was new. I was lukewarm to the whole thing back then, just as I'm lukewarm to Yooka now. The intention seems to be to recreate Banjo and it seems like they did it.
The problem isn't with Yooka specifically. It's easy to nitpick Yooka now because our standards for games has risen over time. But if you took Yooka, toned down the graphics to make them look like shit, then sold it for the N64 back then, it would be a significant success in spite of the fact it carries literally no other benefit to being a game from this era. I think the problem is that people expect more now.
Yooka wasn't the first game to try to reclaim the essence of Banjo. It's just the first that people at large expected to reclaim the essence of Banjo. Lose your expectations and you will lose your disappointment.
Pretty sure he's half-white
>it would be a significant success in spite of the fact it carries literally no other benefit to being a game from this era. I think the problem is that people expect more now.
DK64 is basically YL of the 90's, and most people agree it's aged like milk
Maybe at the beginning, but by the end of the game I didn't really get that feeling at all. Beating the "Cheating the Race." hourglass without the timestop badge or a scooter springs to mind. The inputs for that are actually incredibly tight
i never thought it was good to begin with. i get drowsy every time i give it a chance.
stop reading politics into games where there are none you f**king retard
you have no morals you retarded commie. hows this?
I like Japan & Japanese people. others who try to blame other asians problems on them are retarded it's their own fucking fault.
stats show they just do worse at many things and it's their own fault.
Japan should stay Japanese, be very careful who they take in and preserve their unique and beautiful culture & country.
that's racist according to you isn't it? you reshitera faggot.
both his parent are Iranian so i don't see how that's possible.
Well, no. The level design in BK is far better, as is the character movement. Anyone who played these games for the first time all at once would see this.
It's necessary to compare the three of them together now because that was the entire intention of the developers.
The problem clearly is with YL.
DK64 at least has the benefit of interesting boss battles, cool locales, and a giant variety of distractions. The content is a mess but the portion size of each banana is manageable enough to give the game a general flow in keeping with the genre. But yeah, it's a guilty pleasure at best.
>you have no morals you retarded commie
how so, /pol/?
>stop reading politics into games where there are none you f**king retard
Yeah. Just because the devs removed a racist VA doesn't make the game political.
Sorry your in the wrong thread. A Hat in time is the game that didn't have retarded devs who politicized it.
Bit of an unfair comparison.
There are I think 8 worlds in dk64 and all of them are as large and more complex than the levels in YL. And each one has a memorable boss battle, where there's like 2 good ones in YL.
It's the same shit as Banjo Kazooie, it's just that collect-a-thon fags tend to be stupid nostalgia faggots, so it'll never be good enough.
>Being this retarded
Jontron fans are crybabies.
>didn't answer the question.
also i'm left you scummy commie filth.
Fucking this. I was so hyped for YL but the levels are way too fucking open, disjointed and confusing with pagies in bizarre places, pointless skills and nonsensical characters. Very bad pathfinding, and thats only in the first 3 levels when I stopped playing. Heres hoping they have the chance to learn from their mistakes and release a better game, because there was potential.
I believe just one is, unless you've got a source. That's just what I've always remembered.
Biggest problem was the energy system and at will flight.
childish insults get you nowhere, /pol/
I can't believe nobody mentioned how boring and lazy the enemies are in this game