It's fucking over smash bros
It's fucking over smash bros
This faggot is finally reaping what he sowed. Make the game into a boring, unwatchable piece of shit, and nobody is going to want to watch it anymore.
He's playing it up for views you fucking retards, tournaments like CEO and Combobreaker still offer tons of melee support and will definitely capitalize on it even harder now. Until Melee is gone from every tournament, there's no reason to celebrate.
why doesn't he just play ultimate like a good boy
whats this
What happened? Is melee not going to be played at a tourny?
>smash bros
>When the estrogen hits hard
Imagine overreacting this dramatically to something so hilariously unimportant in life.
You just summed up Yea Forums.
The stinkers fear the anime
Damn that made me hard
Melee got dropped from EVO 2019.
Stinkies have no life outside of smash
Just bring back KoF, why do we need some litwho anime fighter
anime runs this shit
It had the second highest viewership at Evo last year. This change is motivated purely by producers throwing money around.
Imagine the smell
What is happenning? Can someone genuinely explain the reason behind these reactions to an unattentive user?
for real is anyone gonna watch this game? or are people just memeing it because it btfo melee?
How is it his fault and not everyone else's for their failure to git gud?
>They watched?
>Announce UNIST
Did Samsho get a release date?
Melee died so now smashfags are forced to take a shower
Number 1 player in Smash Melee doesn't get to have an easy EVO win for big bux.
EVO just saved a fortune on Febreeze and disinfectant by dropping Melee.
hes realizing the melee gravy train's end is in sight
Melee hella dead amirite
Prove it.
>Foxfags are so autistic that Melee dies the moment Fox isn't the best characters
Well, with a 1st Price $$$ of $15,000 on Melee alone last year, and him having won about three times, it's a pretty big deal for him I guess.
it's pretty good and fun to watch yeah
shut up you fucking spic
Lol no more Smellee players in EVO.
Wait, wasn't Melee dropped at EVO before? And then it came back?
Hello friend. Please delete that.
yes it's happened before
Yes, for the exact same reasons. The community treated everyone else and the staff like dog shit. They did it again.
Ok... Imagine you wanted to have a fighting game tournament. You'll have like 30 consoles and 20 screens and you'll swap HDMI
>Melee needed CRTs
Add 10 huge ass CRTs that need storage, maintenance since they are dying and they are heavy so extra hands/time.
Then you say the tournament will be 3 round up until the top8 that will change to a best of 5
>Melee wants best of 5 for their top64
How about no...
>Melee fans start disrespecting the other tournaments booing them actively
>Melee fans have issues with bad BO
>Melee fans think they're the reason EVO is where it is today
And at the end if the day
>Man, EVO isn't even that important
post it for this year now
Melee almost got dropped in 2013 when they got legal pressure from Nintendo. They let the game back on after Nintendo got a lot of backlash and people started boycotting Evo for no Melee.
Day of the soap soon
You know that's not the part I meant you retard. Prove it was bought off.
I love Jigglypuff. She's such a pie to the face to all those who ""criticize"" Ultimate.
Enjoy your time at EVO, meleefags.
>>Melee fans start disrespecting the other tournaments booing them actively
This to me was the worst part. I hated watching Smash 4, BlazBlue, or Guilty Gear tournaments that ended before Melee Top 8 because all the Melee people in the crowd would boo whatever game was currently on and start chanting "MELEE MELEE MELEE." It was annoying and disrespectful to the players on the stage.
But the weebs told me SFV sucked
>SNK having money to throw around
>blaming money in the first place after melee bought its place at Evo already
As it should.
Melee is dead.
We lost the most important competitive game to ever exist and Yea Forums is a bunch of faggots disrespecting some of the greatest competitive players that ever lived.
YOU HEAR ME Yea Forums?
They did this to themselves in the end.
Based and bairpilled
>Enjoy your time at EVO, meleefags.
Somebody tell him
jive still drives the view count
>Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
>that sub-subtitle
Jesus Christ how fucking tryhard is that?
Someone post the image of hungry box on the floor crying after winning.
Thank fucking god melee is no more.
It reflects which update the game is on.
Until Shit-tendo starts suing tournaments for hosting melee without shittendo's permission.
>kid: melee
>stall: EVO
did he realize he killed melee?
his puff grand finals are always so boring
Wow, I din't know that Lowtax was so deeply invested in Melee.
The Melee community really deserves HBox.
I hope you realize some day in your pathetic life that this is why you're despised by the entirety of the FGC community you fucking entitled mouth breathing milk gallon chugging trailer trash faggots.
Why is the kid in the guy's face at the end?
Guy on the toilet is a UNIST player.
French Bread has no fucking money to throw around retard
you need to get close to someone before you can absorb their soul
I'm like the only person left that knows what the fuck you're talking about and i won't even laugh at your shitty joke.
Ok sure faggot I’ll post the genesis numbers, a recent tournament. Oh wow it has more viewers than your anime game? Well fuck I feel bad
What the fuck do you do in this situation?
He smelled his shit and knew a copy of melee is near by.
What a fucking sperg
How is it that having a beard is practically synonymous with being a big beta crybaby
He commentated at frostbite and said he will be showing up at ultimate tourneys soon
I never expected to see Lowtax mentioned on Yea Forums in 2019.
Well, why don't you go watch genesis instead?
Meleefags need to fuck off and stay off.
Because it went on so fucking long it pushed other games out of their slots and fucked up the schedule
You can keep posting all the numbers you want but your baby game isn't at EVO so get fucked lmao
melee players are almost always spergs and assholes
I'll be able to identify these assholes simply by the way they act at evo most of the time
press d to dab on meleetards
He's fucking terrible at acting. He probably already knew, they are not normal people out of touch with business and rumours.
Fuck his cancerous playstyle and I hope he is in debt or something. Fuck melee fanbase, they got what they deserve, they are all idiots who try to sabotage every new game with pretentious kiddie complains.
>Views for a game that has no literally no big sponsors
EVO doesn't care about melee numbers because no one is going to sponsor a game that they can't sell equipment for. Unless Sony starts making CRTs again the whole melee segment is dead air. Even random 200 entrant anime game brings in more sponsors since you get stick manufacros and the like.
Hbox its just outraged melee is not on evo anymore but is the fact that he will not go on grand stage at evo for playing a shitty 17 year old game thats what he is actually upset about
Pure justice my man.
Press S to spit
Wizard has already given melee so many chances and those smelly fucks find something to screw up every year. It was bound to happen eventually.
>gives free pass to DBFZ, which is even slower
The #1 thing that all meleefags need to understand is that most people don't hate melee.
Melee is a pretty good game.
We hate
Don't forget demand personal CRTs for only themselves and demand that their players be worshiped as living deities.
>meleefags acting like more viewers = objectively better game
Why aren't we all playing Apex Legends? It'll get more views than everything at Evo combined so surely it deserves to be there.
Now post the Ultimate Numbers, big boy
I don't think it would.
I dont see KoF coming back until that new one in development drops honestly, same with GG.
That's Hungrybox in a nutshell for you
Sure it would. It would just be all people who aren't apart of the FGC is all. You know, like another game I could mention.
Meleefags are the liberals of competitive videogames.
why? people mention something awful all the time in here.
Why doesn't he just migrate to Ultimate?
because ultimate is different enough that people would beat him
Most meleefags are hardcore right wing.
You don't understand what you're talking about.
You stand up and kick the shit out of that kid.
Because Melee is a solved puzzle and it would be harder to learn how to fight against a roster where almost everyone is viable.
Everyone likes low taxes for themselves user.
Because he is a giaaaant faggot. Melee fags never want to learn anything, they want their broken game and years of learning glitches to have money. Comfort zone fags at their best.
so evo up and drops their 2nd most viewed game?
why? was it nintendo?
SNK and French Bread have no fucking cash lmao. If anything MK11 bought its way in but even then it deserves to be in over Melee. Stay salty.
melee rats BTFO
>everyone is viable
>meta is already narrowing down to 8 characters
Haha OK but come on.
Ultimate's number of viable characters is pretty low
Do not forget
>whine about seeding because you happened to play 2 top 100 players in pools instead of top 10000000000000
he doesn't even like melee, he likes exploiting a shitty move with a braindead char that carried his entire career; the reason why he is acting like a retard (besides being a faggot) is cause he wanted the money Evo represents
lmao i cant wait until mrwiz starts crawling back to melee once he sees all the missing views and revenue. and then melee will whisper, "no."
>all this hysteria over a children's party game
Out of spite and jealousy.
Most melee players I have seen don't give a fuck about not being at Evo.
It has only been Hbox and Amsa is now sad because he just found out.
>treated everyone else and the staff like dog shit
Sure he will, after getting all that money from Nintendo and Sony to get more stuff to stream Melee, or new discs, or new memory cards, or get as much revenue from it as Ultimate OR DBFz.
>Attendance trending down at most big smash tourneys
>Wwwweee dont need EVO, they need us
Sure buds, im sure EVO is really going to miss all those non-existent CRT sponsors they had.
Melee cost more to run than it brings in, they need to rent equipment unique only to that one game, no modem company makes anything for melee so EVO doesn't get any decent sponsors for the melee segments.Ticket sales don't cover the cost of the tourney, its all about the sponsors they can attract.
Can you just imagine the bored expression on everyone mashing out their all caps shitposts? They haven't thought of this game in over 5 years but they've been Jonesing for another tortanic that everyone on r/Yea Forums said was what made Yea Forums so epic.
Ultimate has more viable characters than Melee has characters
Yeah bro, little mac is winning those tournies
friendly reminder that melee players are trying to get jigg and ice climbers banned
wow, what a great smash game where u play fox and falco on 3 stages wow amazing game why isnt this at EVO
Why don't you tell the whole story? That was during Melee's top 8 and the viewcount was inflated only because it happened during the time slot for Ultimate's top 8. Without Ultimate, it would have been an easy 60-70k.
>cherrypicks 1 character out of a 75 character roster
don't forget the hazmat suits that need to be issued to event staff
LOL he slowly turns red as despair kicks in.
Yea Forums will keep being mad that people like to play Melee, even 100 years from now
Melee's meta has become so goddamn stale at this point because everyone has already figured out how to master it. The meta has literally never changed for like, 5 years. It's so fucking stale and if I where to show you context-less gameplay, there is no way you could figure out what year it was played in.
This was his plan all along you retard.
Now he get's to go apeshit in Ultimate and never dirty his patrician engineering hands with filthy melee brainlet smells ever again
All this plus I imagine Nintendo putting increased pressure on EVO to ditch Melee because it takes attention away from Ultimate.
Because puff isn't a good character there
This isn't quite true, I know Hbox has shaken up the meta recently by becoming really good at the Fox vs. Puff matchup. I don't watch melee but ironically it seems to have been his shaking up of the meta that caused a lot of autistic freakouts in the community.
Didn't FighterZ break some viewer record or some shit during the finals? I don't remember exactly, but I just remember people going apeshit when they saw the viewer numbers.
Now try competing with a real smash sequel.
melee was a good game
This is literally the one guy it matters most for. A tournament got cut and he was basically the only one who was going to get any money from it. Maybe he should learn a new character instead of sinking the boat he's riding on. Truly a unique circumstance to be in.
thank arcsys for eliminating this cancer from evo.
gordeau is in TWO games.
Because he likes melee for being a comfortable cash cow.
It has nothing to do with the integrity of the game.
>implying ultimate won't die too if puff keeps carrying hungryshit
Armada retiring didn't help melee
Everyone else should get good, it's not his fault he's the best.
This was his plan all along, he said he was going to play ultimate in the future.
Melee had more views than Ult at Genesis
People always debate on when Yea Forums kicked the bucket and turned into the shit it is today. Some say as early as Chanology, others say late 2014 with the Fappening and Gamergate, most people think the final nail was 2016 election season season when this board and site in general was irreversibly fucked up by a swarm of traffic coming from alt-right fags and redditors thanks to media attention and the frog becoming a hate symbol.
For me personally, I think TORtanic is what really made this board in particular shit. The culture of this board has been permanently in "shit on anything and everything except underage anime girls" mode since then
Sure, but that's not the most pragmatic thing to do in this situation.
>smash players are like "w-we don't need evo!"
At the end of the day, Melee is still a good game, unlike Ultimate.
It had the highest peak, his image is average viewership. Melee also had the 2nd highest peak, so it was #2 in average views after SFV and #2 in peak views after DBFZ.
Puff doesn't really seem viable in Ultimate, it's pretty much impossible for her to get in on swordsman and nair oos being so strong for a lot of the cast makes it harder for her to approach. I'm not saying swordsman dominate the meta btw I'm just saying they are a VERY bad matchup for her.
Don't Melee tournaments run longer than others? I remember the venue turning off the lights on them because they were trying to close up after every other game had completely wrapped up.
They demand way too much time and too many stocks for no reason. What's the win percentage for two stock deficit among the top 10% of players? If it's insignificant, why are you playing out four and five stock games? Two stocks, Four minutes, best of three until the field is narrowed, get it done.
If he wins playing puff in ultimate, it will be pure skill. She's not that good.
he is not really the best, that's Armada, but everyone knows the way to beat him doesn't worth it
Because he can't one trick his way through 70+ matchups
>smash players
*melee players, there's a difference
Because Two stocks is extremely cheesable, if you dont know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up
hungrybox is incapable of playing anything other than melee jigglypuff, even in melee he can't play any other character worth shit
lmao why are meleefags so mentally ill
Not in their body odor.
Sorry but there is. Meleefags should be treated as their own class of autism.
>Characters that won regionals/nationals
And this is just on the few months Ultimate was released, which DIDN'T HAPPEN during Brawl or Sm4sh's tournaments.
We are on a way healthier meta than every other Smash game and you still have the audacity to be upset about that.
>mfw Melee players call casuals "friendlies"
>mfw Melee players call mirror matches "dittos"
>mfw Melee players call spacing "footsies"
>mfw Melee players call recovery frames "endlag"
>mfw Melee players call mixups "messy guessies"
>mfw Melee players call landing frames "landlag"
>mfw melee players call team matches "crew battles"
>mfw melee players call grab punish "shield grab"
>mfw melee players call side switches "crossups"
>mfw melee players call late hits “meaties"
>mfw melee players call blockstrings "shield combos"
>mfw melee players call reversals "out of shield options"
>mfw melee players call a series of unchallenged hits "combos"
>mfw melee players call strings "natural combos"
>mfw melee players call actual combos "cheap"
>mfw melee players call any stage that isn't flat a "One Two banneroo"
>mfw melee players call top players "gods"
>mfw melee players call zoning "spam"
>mfw melee players call money matches "cash battles"
>mfw melee players call showers "monthlies"
>mfw melee players call button checks "handwarmers"
hes making shit up
>Two stocks is extremely cheesable
sometimes even 4 stocks are cheesable, remember the kirbycides
Sure, when you castrate every single character and give them floaty balloon movement, then I guess everyone is viable. Shame the game is still a boring shitshow.
>Armada retired
>PPMD became a tranny
>Mang0 washed and probably dead in 3 years from liver failure
>M2K focusing on Ultimate
>Leffen focusing on Ultimate
>Hbox continuing his meta-killing reign of terror
>EVO dropped
>Gamecubes, Melee discs, and CRTs becoming rare and expensive
>Ultimate releasing when streaming is getting mainstream appeal
I should preface this with saying I don't think Melee will ever die, but it is in a very weak spot. I don't think it will ever reach that level of the early-mid 2010's renaissance ever again. Ultimate didn't have to replace Melee, it just had to be close enough, and now we are seeing that come to fruition.
feels bad
Yeah but Kirby doesnt even work as a character, You can jump out his forward and back throw
>It's fucking over smash bros
why? ultimate is at evo
Nah. Drop the whole "B-BUT I'M ONE OF THE GOOD ONES" bullshit, you're all playing party games competitively.
fucking kek
get shit on Meleefags
Messy guessies is still my favorite of these
>you're all playing party games competitively.
only I'm not
>tfw big chillin will have to survive off of his own body for nutrition.
Ah alright, thanks user.
Then stop sucking Nincel cock. Glad to see a slot freed up but there's still another trash bros game taking up space on the lineup
>PPMD became a tranny
You're trying too hard.
>Floaty (even though Ultimate's system makes everything way faster than before, and especially with dodgeroll spamming now punishable)
>Castrate every character (even though everyone except Bayonetta and Diddy Kong got buffed H A R D)
>ESPECIALLY saying this when Frostbite and Genesis 6 got completely different characters and completely different characters getting into Top 8 (or even fucking winning the tournament)
Are you so up your ass you can't see change on a simple stage or what?
>Then stop sucking Nincel cock.
Wait what? Oh, this is just a so(n)yboy console war thing, isn't it? Kill yourself.
Mental illness is the words normalfags use to cope with encountering sapience.
Nothing happened with him. He's just low test due to genetics + pro Smasher lifestyle. He streamed awhile back and is looking much better than he did right before he retired, taking a much needed break from Melee was a smart move
the guy has no testosterone left, pretty sad cause he looks like a nice guy
>you're all playing party games competitively
Imagine actually thinking this, imagine everyone buys smash just to do 1v1 no items final destination.
The fact that the grand majority of smash bros consumers play it casually stomps that accusation.
Go watch a movie, snoy.
Fox is fun to play with. Hes the hardest character to play at a high level. And he is one of the most interesting characters to watch.
Puff isnt even close to being any of those things. People dont play Puff because Puff is a boring fucking character. People knew she was busted for years but only HBox had low enough self respect to pick it.
wait, is he better? i watch one of his vids like six months ago and he looked skinny af and drepressed
I fucking love that Melee is out but isn't this just one of Mcrib's antics. Remove Melee to funnel all the players to Ultimate. Get record numbers and show your investors how you're still growing.
>he didn't see the leaked photos of the amount of money French Bread and SNK paid to have their games at evo
>everyone else plays like complete garbage and refuses to learn the matchup
Yeah, Tafo interviewed him awhile back and he's looking much healthier and optimistic. They mainly talked about what he has been doing to improve his life
>floaty baloon movement
does this look like brawl to you?
this, also, the fox/falco meme is bullshit when marth has favourable match up against both of them
How ironic that mastering a meme character that nobody wants to learn to fight againstended up being the most boring to watch and is what killed the evo scene.
No hate for the guy for maining the puff, I commend it for making the other players cry and moan incessantly about it cause they don't want to learn to fight against anyone not named fox or falco, but it just shows how low things have gotten that playing one character over another literally killed the competitive scene for it in every capacity.
Yeah sure user, the majority of top players suck at the game and it has nothing to do with Jigglypuff.
How fucking ignorant do you have to be to believe this?
>refuses to learn the matchup
>'dude just spam lasers from across the stage, so much fun lmao'
People have been shitting on Puff ever since Mango started coming up by playing her. Hbox is literally the only person that was dedicated enough to stick to such a boring, one-dimensional character.
Hasnt anyome told you? Hbox is the only relevant Puff main, and he doesnt participate in Friendlies.
In fact, he even told Puff mains at regionals to not do any friendlies, so nobody can learn the matchup even if they wanted to.
it'll probably be more exciting than hbox ledge camping for the 3rd consecutive fucking EVO.
>How fucking ignorant do you have to be to believe this?
You're in an FGC stream monster thread, melee haters are retarded as fuck and can only spam the same five lines like NPC's.
Melee didn't get in Evo's main lineup and meleefags are bitching that Samsho and Unist got in through money when the developers don't have any money for it.
>only HBox had low enough self respect to pick it
Seems like he just doesn't give a shit about the mythology people built up about Melee. The entirety of the competitive scene never embraced the lame campy styles and gimmicks that are optimal.
start shitting on the kid.
Wow, people don't play lame in a game they like. Next you'll tell me that rushdown characters are popular in FGC games because people like combos and not being fucking lame as shit like it's news.
I stopped thinking Melee was worthwhile after Genesis 6. I feel like I understand the world now after that Melee grand finals. After that showing, does ANYONE genuinely give a fuck that it won't be a main event at EVO?
Fuck that shit, bring on the UNIST and Samurai Shodown, those games look way cooler than whatever the fuck Melee has to offer anymore.
People complain about Puff because the character isn't very Melee-like while still being a top 3 character. Every other character is beholden to one double jump, a focus on ground game, reliance on grabs(very strong in Melee but Puff can just jump or duck), recovering with risk, and needing to take positioning into account for most kills where Puff has rest that kills pretty much always past like 25%. Add on the ease of input and how much good that does for a player's nerves in tournament and you have the perfect recipe for a hated character. I hope we find a consistent answer to the character but Puff might just be Melee's future.
That's the opponent's problem. They don't have to pick Fox or Falco, they can pick someone else who's more capable of dealing with Puff. And they aren't playing friendlies, they aren't playing for entertainment, they're playing for money, they're playing for a living, and if the Smash babies want to cry and quit the game instead of just simply learning how to deal with Puff, it's their own problem.
Luckily though the only one who's so outraged at Puff to even request a Puff ban is Leffen, and he's a renown baby in every game he plays, though it really does seem like Smash is the only community to whine about overpowered characters and going so far to request bans for said characters. You never saw this shit during SF4 and any of the Marvel games.
>isn't very Melee-like
You mean working as intended?
>Puff can just duck under grabs
Honestly the worst part of this shitshow
Armada was beating hbox and still quit Melee because of him. He just ruins the fun.
do what we say and no one gets hurt
That's Armada's problem.
Ultimate isn't a real smash game. It's literally tr4sh2.0.
>Hbox is still probably going for Ultimate
>He's more likely than not going to drown in pools
No I'm saying the character doesn't play like the others do in a tournament setting, which comes with many benefits. Learn to read.
There isn't a single character in any other fighting game that is as boring as Puff or flat out ignores several essential parts of the game as her. I'm sorry but if you haven't played or watch Melee you wouldn't understand. Puff is not equivalent to some lame zoning character, she's equivalent to a hypothetical character that can't be mixed-up and can't get trapped in the corner.
Melee got banned back when brawl came out because m2k and someone else were pot splitting, which is a normal thing for melee but against EVO rules. They were looking for any excuse to ban melee and smash in general.
I thought it was a meme but it really seems like Hbox is fully responsible for people being demoralized about Melee. He didn't kill Melee, but he kills any interest people could get for playing it.
>Spends entire life perfecting the art of playing like a boring cunt
>Perfects his craft, becomes the best
>Dethrones Armada
>There are maybe 2 players in the world that can beat him and his way of playing
>People see that he literally back airs at nothing, moves puff as he back airs, jumps away with back airs, bores the opponent to death with back airs
>They just assume Melee is shit and move on
So in a way, it's really something he made happen. I'm not ripping on his way of playing. People playing for money SHOULD play in the most effective way, especially if they are sponsored and it's their job to win. I'm saying that it came at a cost. He kills hype and interest for the game, something very important for EVO.
Lots of viable characters at the start of every fighter, until they realise that characters like Lucina are simply far above 90% of the roster
>You never saw this shit during SF4 and any of the Marvel games
>What is vanilla SF4 Sagat
>What is Seth in general
>What is pre-nerf Yun
>What is Dark Phoenix
>What is Morridoom
And smash isn't a real fighting game.
looks like somebody didn't warm the towel
>tfw this is going to be MHW all over again
quick, somebody make a screencap of all the seething bings so we can laugh later
dude's a fucking sociopath. should've gotten a business degree instead of engineering. really squandering his talent desu.
busting out a classic for the melee kids
>Injustice 2 was the least viewed stream game of the past 5 years
>It's successor gets a prime Evo spot while the second highest rated game EVER gets bumped
>melee players call showers "monthlies"
Genesis is traditionally a melee tournament, but yeah, Ultimate won't be dethroning melee for awhile. Ultimate might pretty good staying power if Nintendo supports it with a second or potentially third season of dlc.
None of those characters had their community in an obscene outcry about wanting them banned, nor were they ever banned in the first place.
This is the most pretentious garbage I've ever seen someone write about a fucking party game
smashfags are wild. they want TWO of their fucking games clogging up EVO when one is more than enough. What is their logic?
playing the same game for more than a few years is against their core values
>Best of 5 in top 8 or 16
Makes sense
>best of 5 in top 64
go fuck yourself
Boring is subjective though, and it's perfectly fine for a top tier character to have distinct advantages. You see it in many other fighting games anyway where characters have unique properties or gimmicks that put them well above the rest of the cast in some way or another, such as Petshop or Yoda.
And again, nobody is playing friendlies at these events. Nobody is playing these tournaments with cash prizes for fun. They're playing for money. If the people complaining are only playing for fun, they can just play on their own without inviting any Puff or IC players. If they don't want to deal with Puff or Hbox, both who have been shown to actually lose games to other players, they can leave. And if a single character nobody refuses to learn how to play against is the reason the game dies, then all that means is less faggots on Yea Forums posting about Melee lmfao.
none of this is true, except maybe bo5 but it's the competitors themselves asking for that because it's beneficial for them. It's beneficial for viewers too but most aren't in the know to realize it.
Weirdly enough, NRS fans WANT an MK to have staying power. Injustice has always been second fiddle. Every high level NRS player I know really hopes NRS goes the distance with 11
>marth can grab you from across the stage
Double standards much
Stand up. The kid will be intimidated by your large penis and leave.
Reading salem twitter for all the salt
I'm shocked SFV is still so popular
I never hear anyone speak or get hype about SFV
We entered some kind of bizarro timeline back when Lupe Fiasco beat Daigo and I don't think we can escape
>they can pick someone else who's more capable of dealing with Puff
imagine picking young link and making every match extremely boring, at that point melee will die cause melee doesnt rely on nintendo but on being flashy and fast
Street figher and FGCucks are the most sheep fanbases you will ever meet. People will move onto the next game just because you tell them too, only games like MvCi are bad enough to make people not want to play them.
Fiction is such a dumbass holy shit. Dude needs to learn how to just not be himself
Good, that's the player's fault. Luckily Ultimate is shaping up to be great and "being flashy and fast" isn't going to pay the bills anymore.
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter are the only fighting games whose developers have money to throw around for evo
at least marth's recovery can be punished and struggles to kill at higher percents, unlike b-air and rest lmao
NRS pays Mr Wizard good money to have Moron Kombat and Injustass at evo
As someone whos primary source of income is evo melee my heart sank.
Melee is the consevative white MAGA man and ultimate is for dindu diaper trannies
Fuck sf shillary players
Fuck ultimate
Long live melee we dont need libtard sjw evo
It's literally impossible to "learn the matchup" against puff
>It took 18 years for people to realize puff is literally unbeatable
Lol bullshit.
It's not so much the fanbase of those games. The older ones like SF4 and especially 3S still get played a lot. It's just that Capcom makes sure that only the most recent game gets any attention, so there's no chance for a Brawl/Sm4sh + Melee kind of duality to develop.
Jesus what a overly dramatic faggot, Hbox never fails to unlikable.
be unlikable *
it's not his gameplay, its his boring character.
I hope you guys realize hbox has been doing nothing but playing ultimate recently. He actually participated in ultimate at genesis 6, its just that he's really shit at it so he didn't get far enough that anyone would see him play on stream.
MK11 isn't the successor to Injustice 2.
Doesn't he refuse to play jiggly casually with anyone else?
The true redpill is realizing that the reason Melee got cut isn't because of other companies throwing money to have their games in(which DOES happen, you're delusional if you can't understand this) but it's because Nintendo paid them to NOT host Melee. It would be pretty embarrassing (again) if Melee got more viewership than the newest Smash. It could potentially hurt further sales and DLC purchases down the road if more people would rather get into an old game that they can't make money off of anymore.
>blaming the player and not the dev
I'm sad melee didn't make it in. I like both Ultimate and Melee, but the latter is just so fun to watch. Ultimate is just ok, I'd rather play it than watch it.
Ultimate has already outsold Melee's entire lifetime sales and will probably be even higher by the time evo starts
ahahaha I heard that fat fuck won't practice with people so no one can beat him
what the fuck is that shit
Toph at the end, my sides
>why don't you just play a worse game bro
We really need some kind of international eugenics program to increase global IQ
>Floaty balloon physics
You sure you're thinking of ultimate, champ?
I'm not even an NRS fag and I want MK11 to be good. I want lots of games to be good.
Yes, and if all these new Ultimate fans see that this old Smash game was more popular at Evo then it could pull them away from it. Sales of each game aside, Melee's tourney scene pulls in crazy viewer numbers. Smash 4 also had more sales than Melee but look at
In melee.
Heck it's already outsold brawl
whats wrong with that?
its a competitive game and you take whatever it needs to win
its not his job to help others get better so they can beat him
its his job to stay the best
its exactly the same as pro dota teams not ever releasing their internal scrims/pick+ban data for others to analyse
There's 8 billion other Melee tournaments, calm the fuck down you smelly pieces of shit.
best post in the thread
Also unironically this. Puff is definitely top 3.
So? That's not uncommon in the FGC.
what is this webm trying to prove
>tfw stopped playing and caring about melee a long time ago
>only play 3s now with people 10 years older than me
from one dead game to another
That he's a faggot.
That's so embarrassing to think that the reason he was so upset is because of the money he could possibly make. What a total kike. Guy's a fucking faggot piece of shit.
Like with everything else that makes Hbox what he is, that's within his rights to do so. It's just not the norm and showcases his lack of morals and honestly kind of showcases how easy his character is that he doesn't even need other top talent practice to stay ahead. Hbox does the sing edgeguard on Marth and people seriously believe it's some new tech when that shit has been known for many years.
That's an interesting theory, but I seriously doubt Nintendo would pay a large sum of money to protect future sales for a game that has already sold really well. Viewership has nothing to do with it. It's not like Ultimate players are somehow oblivious of Melee's existence.
>I'd rather play it than watch it.
This is my problem too. I love playing Ultimate, but it really isn't that enjoyable to watch for me, where as Melee isn't accessible at all for me if I wanted to start playing it, but I love watching top tier matches of it. It's just so much faster than any other Smash. Makes me sad how much of Yea Forums absolutely hates it for some reason.
years of research meme
Call ICE
>ah bloooo bloooo he wont spoonfeed me what a meanie :'((
>Makes me sad how much of Yea Forums absolutely hates it for some reason.
You have to realize how many people in these threads are just jumping on the bandwagon to shit on it because it's the newest biggest dramatic tortanic style event. Every time there's a melee major there are constant threads of people watching and having fun. A huge amount of people on Yea Forums obviously love melee. Don't let the current events give you a false impression. A lot of it too is the Fighting Game Community coming out of the woodworks for revenge for Melee getting into Evo which has been making them Seethe nonstop for 6 years.
And it's not like Ultimate players are about to jump ship for a game that's much more mechanically demanding, less accessible, and consistently dominated by players with 10+ years of experience of the same game/meta.
>A huge amount of people on Yea Forums obviously love melee.
It's just the same retards every thread, it's not like they ever leave lmao.
Literal Autism.
what the fuck are you talking about, people have been making fun of melee fags since fucking 2006
He's allowed to do it and we're allowed to not like him for it. I predict as time goes on we'll see more and more strong Puff players pop up and it won't matter that he hides from everyone.
Melee was the only thing I watched at Evo. FUUCK
So are Melee fags finally gonna just fuck off? It's a boring solved game that a handful of players dominate. Brawl and even Sm4sh had it's flaws, but Ultimate is pretty fucking great and aims to please everyone.
Why are Meleefags so unwilling to play a new game? Can you imagine if say SF players refused to move on from 3 or Tekken players refused to move on from 5?
Melee is almost 20 years old.
I don't have a dog in this fight and I don't care at all about Melee despite enjoying it a lot back in the day, but EVO faggots really strike me as old=bad fags.
>SF players refused to move on from 3
More like 2.
Yeah they would be playing a better game.
Yea Forums will deny this and it's always funny to see. This place is a total den of casuals though who are just too contrarian to give serious gaming a chance because someone called a top player an eceleb in some thread once and they ate it up
Tekken hasn't been good competitively until the current iteration everything else has had some broken ass bullshit that wasn't fun for anyone.
>It's the blender designer's fault a niche group of autists tried using it as a helicopter.
That's because the fighting game community is the most corporate cocksucking bullshit you will ever see. As soon as their suits tell them it's time to move onto the next game they all start jerking off and go along with it and the companies make sure the old game now gets no coverage in any tournament, regardless if it was considered a better game. It's a fucking joke.
in 2022. Not that close. I mean time has sped up for me since I'm a 29 year old boomer but 2022 isn't really that close.
eat shit meleefags
Try asking a Go/Baduk player when they're going to "move on"
I would watch way more Street Fighter tourneys if they still played 2 and 3. They were objectively better games than 5. New does not equal good.
>intimidated by your large penis
>your large penis
>large penis
Eh-hehe. Y-yeah...
Is this the event where men dress up like women and have mental breakdowns on camera?
>This place is a total den of casuals
>defending party games at a competitive event
It's time to stop posting for tonight, Timmy.
No, that's normal day
take this
Ultimate is the most balanced smash ever. No character is broken or overpowered compared to the previous smash games and since there are so many characters there are much more varying meta.
Hopefully the DLC characters won't be broken.
I don't care about melee, but I'm curious to know what your favorite fighting game is when you say this.
This happens pretty much every year.
has anyone posted the source yet?
I'm going to give a +1 to this and say that I also love watching melee and I haven't played it in a long time and only really discovered watching it in the past couple of years. I'm not going to pretend melee sucks or that the drama isn't hype because newfags who find games older than 2012 a burdern bandwagon the newest le epic tortanic.
How can anyone think a livestreamed reaction is legit and not overacted bullshit?
Yeah but these threads are full of kids who haven't see anything from before 2016 so let them enjoy the shitposting.
>Try to gatekeep the legend
>He destroys your game with no survivors
LoOL smeeles.
it could be worse. EVO has never been a particularly prestigious tournament for melee, probably the least important major for melee out of all of them. everything is a bo3 shitfest.
Chao Karate
Are you implying melee is on the same level as go lmao
Awwwwwww poor Meleetards now you have to play a game where you need actual skill instead of relying on your precious glitches. Then again not like Meleetards were part of the Smash community anyway.
Why wouldn't it be? What do you mean by "on the same level." Keep in mind my original post is simply a response to being asked why someone would still play a game they enjoy.
Too obvious *snarls at you*
Retarded zoomers who don't know any better is the only way I can rationalize it, but what's worse is that I know faggot millennials actually believe that shit as well.
They already tried you fucking newfag, got huge backlash and decided to support it instead.
Flies and shit
True. That's why all the melee evo winners include it in their Twitter bios, right?
Meleefags aren't a part of any community, they're outcasts in every facet of their life.
So, is nobody going to point out that Melee is, in fact, a Super Smash Brothers game, a series which is literally magnitudes more popular than any other fighting game series? Was the entire board flooded with nothing but Tekken threads when the latest installment came out? Was there ever a Japan Time for a Dragon Ball fighting game? Smash just has an astronomically larger fanbase than anything else. The fact that Melee is only that slightest bit more popular than Tekken and DBFZ despite having an outrageously bigger fanbase, should speak to its irrelevancy in the grander scheme of things rather than against it.
How about I just keep playing Melee
>popular = good
Salem's a little faggot who's gonna drown in pools
Are you fucking retarded? It is beating those games while being almost 2 decades old. Your argument is shit.
Smash's casual fanbase is astronomically larger, Melee is solely competitive. Competitive Ultimate isn't much larger than Tekken/DBFZ either.
Melee is like checkers in that its a solved game. Nobody new is going to rise from the ranks and show us a new way to win. Go has been around for over 1000 years and modern AI still can't win every match. Comparing the two is ridiculous and the competitive scene should have moved on ages ago.
Ultimate finally killed Melee
that sounds like a challenge to me
i wish axe switched to ylink and beat hbox a week or so back. would have made a great end to the game
Most of those posters are excited for a fun party game. Not some gimped "fighting game" with all the stages and items removed.
>Melee is solved
That's the most caveman opinion one can have, aMSa has been steadily getting better and better for years playing an unconventional character. Our current top player is Hbox and we're all just waiting for someone to do better on average, even if we have to wait 5 more years.In the past we've had many people rise the ranks to become the new best. Even among players of the same character you see varied playstyles and decision making, like S2J vs Wizzrobe Falcon. Last I heard AI was doing very well against top Go players, and there hasn't been a decent way to compare that to a Melee AI anyway. Melee will continue to gain years on its belt because people enjoy the game, there's no point in arguing that people have an obligation to move on since they don't, it's just fair competition.
> Puff is the problem
> Only one puff player on the planet matters
> nervousdog.mp4
Yeah its a good way to get FGCtards and Normalfags to click on their twitter profile
Literally nobody cares.
Do you have any idea how advantageous it is to be the only player using a strong character? Even Axe and Amsa benefit from the same thing, they just aren't playing characters as strong as Puff. He also doesn't practice with other top threats like Axe and Amsa do.
Neither Armada , Leffen, or Ken have it in their bios. That's 3 of the 5 Melee Evo champs.
Oh the delicious salt from Salem being proven right! Stay mad Meleetard!
No it's just that hbox is the only puff player and he refuses to let anyone practice with him
Its because street fighter is somehow even worse when it comes to nostalgia fags
People who haven't played in years will watch Evo and that's it
Melee is the same way but at least it's fun to watch/play
people can still play it, but it doesn't need to be at evo. Street Fighter 2 won't be at evo either for the same reasons. Big part of why the fgc hates smash is because it took two spots. The top melee players have been the same for years if they are really that good they should have no problem in smash ultimate
>you'll wait literal years for someone to come along and stop one guy from winning every tournament instead of just moving on from a nearly 20 year old game
It would have been like an echo in time as well to that time Armada bodied Hbox. God how I wish that set turned out differently.
They play completely different and he'll be exposed as the fraud he is. His career is 100% dependent on Melee.
I mean, couldn't you reduce any champion situation to that simplicity. I don't see how the age of the game is relevant.
Yeah ok retard enjoy watching shit fighter 5 and shitty anime games
Can you really call it being a fraud because he's not as good at a completely different game?
Many sports and competitive formats see monsters dominate for years. I'm pretty sure if you're interest in the game goes as deep as who is #1 or how varied the character pool is you're just a huge faggot and can't affect the game in any meaningful way since you already weren't participating.
I agree, it doesn't need to be at EVO as we have a lot of big tournaments every year outside of it. EVO is a nice tournament to have your game at but it's too inconsistent for any community to lean on it outside of Street Fighter.
they'll come around
nice cherrypicking, asshole
>t. man who hasn't watched melee since that first ledge camp
>tfw i'm just glad a french bread game made it in
It's no Melty Blood, but I'll take it.
>wanting to see more of the same old broken game with the same guys every time
Make way for the actual good game
Wow that's impressive. What do you think Melee's EVO numbers are going to be for 2019?
Melee will be a side tournament at EVO and I guarantee it'll get more viewers than at least 6 of the games in the main lineup. There'll also be a donation drive for it to have a huge pot bonus. Mr. Wizard is going to fully regret his dumb decision.
>melee players before they got into evo
who gives a fuck about evo anyway we're better off doing our own thing
>melee players during evo
we really don't need evo we're still better off doing our own thing but it's nice to have
>melee players after they get the boot
what the fuck why would you do this to us we were the ones that made you great!
Or none of that happens because EVO sells all its crtvs and never looks back because Melee was literally the only game still left where they had to keep using them
melee fags btfo
>b-but melee gets a lot of views!
And? It's fucking stale, and nobody wants to buy CRTs and deal with meleefag tard shit everywhere. They threw out a corpse and let some fresh blood rush in, net positive for the scene and the sanity of good-smelling people everywhere.
Those statements don't contradict each other. Melee brought in tons of viewers, entrants and hype yet it got shafted in favor of shitty games that won't even make half of the impact Melee did. Despite that, Melee isn't reliant on EVO for survival and will continue to thrive at other tournaments.
All the top players are saying your first two statements and a modified version of the third where they state the obvious, that Melee was good for EVO. We have enough of our own events, it's fine if they want to endorse some other games this time.
>calling other games shit whilst defending a 15-year old party game
>baiting out sympathy bux
it was the correct play, probably dragged it out for a while to make sure he milked it for all it was worth
>Melee isn't reliant on EVO for survival and will continue to thrive at other tournaments
then what the fuck are they all getting up in their feelings for?
No, people aren't gonna fly to Vegas for a fucking side tournament. What's gonna happen is that Shine and Smash Con are just gonna have an increase in Melee entrants. Most Melee players outside of Califags are East Coast too so Shine and Smash Con are even more incentivized than flying out for some side tournament.
It being an old game with this kind of following is just evidence that it's good.
ultimate is the shittiest game ever made
Are boomers mad right now?
>Omae wa mou shinderu
>net positive for the scene
This is all that matters.
It Is Time
They were paid/threatened by nintendo
Slap city for Evo 2020
>popular equal good
Cancer has been around a good hundred million years, must be baller.
Prove it.
Melee is the best game at EVO
What are they thinking
He literally plays Ultimate all the time on stream you fucking dumb cunts. He usually plays Jiggly and dunks on people regardless.
>popular equals good
does someone need to start posting pictures of games like fortnite,COD and WoW to let you know how fucking dumb you sound
we can dream
It is when the players aren't being forced to play the game, and almost across the board play the game at a financial loss from traveling and such. You don't really choose to have cancer.
>I must defend m'lad and his twitch honor!
I miss YTMND
You're right, the powerful following Melee has today has nothing to do with the quality of the game itself. It's all some sort of conspiracy, we should follow the money and disregard statistics since they don't align with our opinion.
but you melee guys have your own tournaments don't you? or at least you're always going on about how evo is such small time compared to your usual gigs
Yeah, we do have many better events. Having a spot at Evo is just a nice bonus, that's a no brainer. It's like having the choice of 10 events a year that exceed 50000 viewers at each or 9. Of course the 10 is better and worth fighting for.
is this niggas bed also a couch?
Smash events are much better than evo, yeah. The nice thing about an evo spot though is that it gives exposure to normgroid tards.
Based Slapchads
so you only care because it gives you normal fag views that you can hang over everyone else's heads when they say only smash people care about smash?
Yes. Being superior is a great feeling.
So why don't THEY just play Puff?
>the whole community cried like small children when ryu got added into the game
Yeah, we do have our own majors and all, but what what I like about Evo is that it brings in new players to the games shown (not just melee but every game there) and it really helps show how fun our game is to people that otherwise wouldn't have bothered to look into it
Melee is a fantastic game full of nuance and creativity and it will be missed this year for sure
There's the potential of some of the normgroids having a tinge of autism and becoming a regular Melee viewer and maybe even player though, which grows the scene.
>retards posting youtube comments are now considered the whole smash community
Swipe the butt with your hand, brush your dirty hand in his nose, choke his neck, beat his head in the wall a few times, trow him out, and close the stall again.
It's like you guys never dealed with kids before. You gotta be tough, and always repay their trickery with 3 times the weight, so they learn that disrespecting you comes with a price so big it isn't worth it.
You try playing Puff for longer than a year and not feel like you've sold your soul. She's boring and that's that. Many things go into how top players choose their mains.
considering the average smash fag acts like smash is so much more technical than any other fighting game i believe it
Then that's on them for refusing to learn the matchup. If a player is THAT amazing with a character to the point where you want the character banned, it's up to you, the player, to actually put in some time, effort and research to learn how that character functions and what their strengths and weaknesses are. If they don't want to do that, that's their own problem.
If she's boring then that's just too bad. Pick the best or be left by the wayside
thank god melee is out
>meleefags disrepecting other games constantly
you piss off more than just the people who like newer smash games you fucking assholes, get fucked. you fags deserve jigglypuff.
Nobody wants to ban Puff. We're hard at work looking for ways to beat the character. Hbox has so far only been at the very top since like EVO 2016, and he's still lost in between then and now, just not a lot. A good competitive game can survive no matter who is the current best.
It's theorized by many that Fox or Marth are still the "best" and that Hbox's success comes from a mix of things like the human element (nerves and ease of input for puff) and unfamiliarity, which if you watched the video you'd know plays a big part in the grand scheme of things. There aren't many Puff players because she's unappealing to the type of people that like Melee, so we have the current problem. He also avoids practice with other players outside of tournament bracket, which is of course allowed but not the norm in the Melee community.
meleetards shitting on samsho sends me into an autistic rage
play a real video game
What a kike.
Because it's fucking boring. Imagine if another fighting game had a character who required you to input data points about pidgeon turds into a spreadsheet instead of playing like any other character in the game, and that character ended up dominating the meta. Would you switch to playing a game where you just see who has more patience in how much bird shit they document, or would you just move on to another game or advocate for the removal of the avian feces character?
Samsho is stupid weebshit
Enjoy it's one year at evo and low viewer ship lmao
>what "killed" Melee was a single guy playing lame
>something that has been and dealt with in fighters since the dawn of time
>Meleefags turned out to be bigger scrubs tan Brawl club
>To the point that "Fox only, FD" could be a reality
What a truly bizarre timeline we live in
Seriously, why the fuck is it there? Not even just over Melee, but Guilty Gear too. I know people say are saying SNK couldn't afford to bribe Wiz, but they were bought out by chinks and bribing is classic chinkshit. It had to have been bought in.
subhumans like you deserve to get shot
People can say anything they want. It's in for no reason other than money and sponsorship
>he's unaware of the SamSho community and the history behind it
You ain't gonna make it here with the wolves, Kid.
>melee players
>treating tourney goers and staff like trash
this is nothing new
i say good riddance. melee needs to die anyway, been on life support too long
We've had many shifts in our top position over the years, with members of the "Five Gods" having the strongest hold on the game compared to all others. Hbox is one of them, and like the others he will have his time until someone else improves. The worries about him aren't because he's too good, that's what everyone wants to be in their own game(s). We just wonder if viewers and outside interest will hold up with him as the poster boy. If it makes you feel better we aren't actually banning Puff and there's really no change to the ruleset that I can imagine happening in the foreseeable future.
Even so, enjoy it's one year while you can. It won't be back
it's good when you're watching the Japanese play it
The westerners are absolute dogshit at it
And to make matters worse, some of the top players have been washed up for a couple years now
Maybe he shouldn't have lost to FUCKING LEFFEN OF ALL PLAYERS
Like seriously, I wanted to quit Melee right then and there when he won the tournament. How does everyone fuck up *that* badly?
>We just wonder if viewers and outside interest will hold up with him as the poster boy.
Question, are you playing Melee or trying to run WWE?
Yeah, in an ironic turn of events, Melee is dying because everyone EXCEPT Hungrybox sucks now.
The good players like Crush and Wizzrobe have either already dropped or are dropping the game.
Doesn't look good for the game's future.
Melee is a spectator sport.
If you want to actually play Melee, you play Project M instead.
>I think TORtanic is what really made this board in particular shit
Fucking newfag
I play Melee but also recognize that there's a certain level of entertainment to the whole thing that does drive interest, and thus money. More viewers means more reason for orgs to sponsor players, more sponsored players means more top talent easily able to travel to events and make their game their "job", it all feeds into itself if people are enjoying themselves as players and others as viewers. You have to remember that Melee of all games is self made, we never had Nintendo there to help us and really they've done more harm than good.
Too many pro players make their livelihood and maintain relevance through Capcom's pro tour. Literally the only thing keeping SFV is Capcom's extensive e-sports infrastructure.
>Melee finally gone from EVO
Fucking thank you, so ridiculous. I've even seen people like "the top Ultimate players have no personality, why can't they spazz out and create pointless drama like our literal faggot that can't beat a balloon?"
at this point we can tell all of those excuses are bullshit because the toppest players have played with him repeatedly, constantly, for the past 3 years and yet they still hardly ever win against him.
Realistically speaking, only Armada and Wizzrobe ever stood a chance.
Meleefags are genuinely insecure. Being superior to other Smash games is a fundamental part of the identity that they built for themselves. Now that 20XX turned out to be Puff timing everyone out, and all their best players are jumping ship to Ultimate they lash out.
That's also why they got so mad at Salem. The very idea of a Brawl peasant talking back to the Melee master race is incomprehensible to them.
>Really they've done more harm than good.
And you think going "this playstyle is hurting the melee brand" is not as bad?
They really only get to play him maybe once, two times tops at each event, then they have to wait maybe a few months or weeks just to fight tooth and nail to get back to him in bracket to try again. There just aren't many good Puff players, and that means he plays the best possible combination: a strong character that people are unfamiliar with. He won't win forever.
seeing the reactions from all over the internet to Melee being gone from EVO has really opened my eyes
I knew that Melee certainly had a reputation, but I didnt realize that everyone outside of the Melee community hated it so damn vitriolically
people on twitter, resetera, reddit, EVERYWHERE are treating Melee not being in as the greatest thing to ever happen
good riddance , you know how often shit is delayed because of melee? TOs have a hardon for the top melee guys so they dont pressure them to hurry up.
prove him wrong
No my post on Yea Forums with someone who probably isn't even a Smash player isn't really that harmful. Nintendo has tried shutting down our events, jesus christ dude what's your deal? My opinion is just an observation, and really Melee didn't instantly die back when he started going on a tear in 2016 so I don't really expect the worst. We'd all just be a lot happier if things were different.
shake it off. It's hate culture.
>two times tops at each event
for 15 events per year
> then they have to wait maybe a few months or weeks just to fight tooth and nail to get back to him in bracket to try again
and yet they do
>There just aren't many good Puff players
>that means he plays the best possible combination: a strong character that people are unfamiliar with
Again, this is complete bullshit when we limit our vision to the Top 15 players, each of whom *at the very least* face him 4 times per year. Worst case is Plup, who trained with him and lives in the same state, yet still loses to him pretty much every time. For them, it's absolutely not a matter of unfamiliarity at this point. It's a matter of being outskilled.
>He won't win forever.
If the top players continue to be hasbeen frauds, then he will. I don't see any new blood rising to take the throne. It was only Crush, who's gone now, and Zain, who hasn't gotten back there in over a year.
Because melee fans can't just praise their own game, they have to constantly shit on other games and treat the features of melee as design goals. Ex: you can't shield out of a dash immediately in Ultimate. This is by design to make projectiles more useful by forcing approaches to be somewhat slower and to make walking useful, but melee players will treat it as objectively bad because "muh freedom of movement".
>melee stinkies being this delusional.
Remember that no one like melee stinkies.
I don't need to rebuff ignorane when everyone who knows the game and community can spot each falsehood themselves. It just has to be flagged.
Move on you manchild
Meleefags are annoying cancer and it's not often people get to trash on them.
Hbox is notorious for never playing friendlies and basically making it his mission to be the only puff player so no one learns the matchup. People know how to beat Puff, it’s just really time consuming and annoying to play
Quick rundown?
You really don't know what you're talking about if you think even playing ten sets with the guy a year is enough to get the necessary foothold on the matchup, especially as new things are found from time to time and strategies change. Melee players are constantly looking for other good players of characters they feel weak against, and we play so much Melee it would make Yea Forums's head spin. Characters like Puff, Pikachu, and Yoshi are exceptionally hard to find good practice for.
Melee wasn't even superior to 4 imo. Slippery wet cat shit =/= good controls. I don't care how fast it is, it looks AND feels terrible.
>basically making it his mission to be the only puff player
>hbox breaks into other player's houses and hacks puff out of the game so they can't play her
Absolutely devilish. With that kind of dedication he deserves the win.
you can ask him on Smashboards because the motherfucker is on it every single day, no joke
The vast majority of his activity is answering questions about Marth and Falco.
that moment when you realize you should have stayed in school
>twitter, resetera, reddit
That's all you need to know about anti-Melee fags
>You really don't know what you're talking about if you think even playing ten sets with the guy a year is enough to get the necessary foothold on the matchup
For ordinary scrubs, it totally isn't.
For gods of the game whose godgiven talent is adaptation, and not only that, but who have---looks like I need to reemphasize this to you given how stubbornly you ignore it---YEARS OF EXPERIENCE playing against not just this character, but this particular player playing that character.
If you continue to deny that they are special case and we're not talking about any old mid-level players going against Hungrybox, then I have nothing more to say to you.
It does feel bad to control especially since it doesn't have custom control and the default scheme is retarded, but the physics and mechanics are fundamentally more fluid and free than tr4sh's are
he already has an engineering degree and work experience
As far as I've understood it, Hbox actually dissuaded other Puff players from playing friendlies with the other top players to avoid letting them have practice with that matchup on a high level. So that's pretty shitty.
There's also the fact that he himself plays super fucking campy at times. The only way it then can get interesting is if his opponents charges in like a dumbass, which is clearly a bad idea. But it is Hbox that is enforcing the camping. He is the one that makes the game boring to such a disgusting degree. So yes, it is his fault that it's a fucking slog to watch and play against. It's a good strategy and character, but exactly nobody has to like it.
Also, isn't Petshop so fucking retarded he's outright banned or picked by everyone when he isn't?
look at how hard he is acting
>waaaah my game is awful and this guy is evidence of that :(
>years of experience playing against this character
>when the way the character is played has changed over time
>when they have probably played matches vs Fox and Puff at a ratio of like 100:1, probably a lot worse than that
>same with the one guy playing the character they can't find practice for
You can continue stubbornly ignoring some of the factors at play here. Hbox is good, I won't say otherwise. But once the Puff player population rises he's done.
Hello, Eric
>who probably isn't even a Smash player
I maybe putrid dogshit at it but I play Smash, at least enough to understand the basic concepts
>What's your deal?
Nothing, I just find the whole "it's boring" thing ridiculous. Again, this is a fighting game, not WWE.
>We'd all just be a lot happier if things were different.
How different?
After ChrisG got fucking hated on for his Morridoom play in MAHVEL and Phoenix players in general got shat on I think the 'FGC' can fuck off.
>But once the Puff player population rises he's done.
lol yeah okay sure
>when the way the character is played has changed over time
>hurr durr Hungrybox only plays campy ledge and spams backair all the time
which is it, HBox haters?
Hungrybox is nothing compared to wobbling
Ask any player that's been around for a while and they'll tell you one of the factors that has put Hbox at the top was him improving his edgeguard consistency against like everybody to ridiculous levels, and also probably a little before that his ability to SDI out of the killing second hit of Fox upair consistently. He does more than just back air, but he's the campiest and slowest player of probably the whole top 30-50. We'll just wait and see what happens next.
Puff is fun as shit gayboy. Built-in disrespect
based atmospheric hazard
>Ask any player that's been around for a while and they'll tell you one of the factors that has put Hbox at the top was him improving his edgeguard consistency against like everybody to ridiculous levels, and also probably a little before that his ability to SDI out of the killing second hit of Fox upair consistently. He does more than just back air
you could have stopped posting right there, quite reasonably
the rest of your post is just your HBox-hating instincts retardedly trying to justify still shitting on him despite recognizing that he wins legitimately.
I can post all night, and I never said he doesn't win legitimately. I just don't like him or Puff. People can not enjoy things you know.
It's not the size of the penis on the outside that counts. It's the size of the penis on the inside.
Is it more to do with the fact that people only care about the names attached to Melee tournaments than the actual tournament itself? Would there still be viewership if all the challengers were literal whos?
>I can post all night
I meant stop that post right there
>Would there still be viewership if all the challengers were literal whos?
No because even in the Top 20 of players, you will still see absolutely awful playing. It's even worse for everyone beneath their skill level. Practically unwatchable aside from storylines.
>hate ""culture""
Keep telling yourself that Jussie 'the lying incel' Smollett.
Whats happening here?
>foxfags are this idiotic
Hey idiot, Ultimate has Olimar, who's far more boring than Melee Puff.