Are you rolling tonight?
Other urls found in this thread:
i hope i get niles this time around, surtr wouldnt hurt either
I'll do my free summom and that's it.
need more surtrs
Yeah, I’m hoping for Roy and Surtr so I’ll probably walk out of this with Hríd and Gunthra.
how much money do you retards drop on this?
I want Niles for Atk/Spd Link and Bonus Doubler would be cool but I have to keep rolling for Morgan on the gauntlet banner instead
I redownloaded after some months, did they announce anything relevant or just more units I'll never use for anything?
zero, the game shits out orbs if youre not retarded and roll on everything
>autistic faggots shilling their mentally ill slot game
fuck off
Merging gets rid of a unit's bane now. In March we'll be able to inherit 4 skills. That's all I can think of that you may have missed.
The only ones I don't have on this b8% are the red units, and dancing Xander. I might blow a few orbs on red.
No I want Duma
I got Lyn'd
That banner is bullshit 5% pity rate got me fucking Ylgr over Azura and I just gave up.
Azura broke my pity rate with -Atk when there was no colorless
Yeah no fuck that loser. It doesn't help that the banner is filled with some of the most garbage characters in the series.
I really want Roy, but Morgan is tempting me to roll for her instead.
>there will never be a mod to S-Support your daughter that unlocks male Morgan
>roll on everything
That’s kinda fucked user, sorry for your loss.
If you don’t roll on every banner that shows up you’ll save a decent amount of orbs pretty quickly.
I'm still trying to collect some orbs to get him but I don't think it'll happen. On his debut b8% I got bitten by Linde at 12%.
I kind of want to roll for Roy to give his A skill to Nino. Iris' Tome + Bonus Doubler sounds really good.
please delete this image immediately
I got lucky and got Duma but he was +spd/-hp, not bad but could’ve been better.
My favorite bringer of destruction.
Fuck feh play metal slug attack instead
>Are you throwing your time and money into a hole for .jpgs you could get online for free yet?
Gachashit should be banned from Yea Forums, not only is it mobileshit but it's barely a game at all, very thinly veiled lootbox simulators with worse gameplay than free flash games.
Truly a trap for the mentally ill or easily fooled
I like Fire Emblem.
I remember someone said they'd S rank Tharja, recruit Noire, edit the save to wipe all of Robins supports, S rank Noire, then recruit Morgan.
I don't even know if that would work but it is a thing.
>wasting money on a free game
I would take any IVs
>Time and
Looks like people dumb enough to fall for gachashit are also illiterate
What would that accomplish? I want a mod that allows me to S-Support female Morgan which causes male Morgan to be recruitable and refers female Morgan as his mother.
Probably not possible. Just enjoy her as a daughter and not a wife
>I like Fire Emblem
Exactly, you wouldn't have looked twice at this """"game"""" if it wasn't reskinned as an actual game series, admit it
Gacha is shovelware
tfw just joined and missed tharja banner
I do appreciate that Roy essentially just gives himself +12 atk and spd.
user, I've been playing feh f2p since launch and you're not going to convince me that I don't enjoy it.
>Banner has three reds that I want: Micaiah, Hrid and Roy
>Only have 21 orbs
Tharja is available as a 3 and 4* unit. I'd say that would make it easy to roll her but the summoning pool is so bloated it's just as hard to get the lower rarity character you want as it is the 5 stars.
Looking to build my Nephenee to counter Firesweep cancer. What should I put in the special and seal slot?
Quit projecting so much.
>implying 8% it's true
>L!Roy = A-Skill Bonus Doubler
>Hrid = A-Skill Distant Counter
>S!Micaiah = Ridiculously powerfully OHKO dancer Super Effective against Armors & Cavalry (can't be Vantaged) DID I MENTION DANCER?
Yeah, I'm rolling.
Considering Bonus Doubler 3 is heritable, I'll give it to basically ANYONE with a PRF that has DC and destroy. Maybe just give it to Eirika/L!Marth and laugh at the instant +18 Atk/Spd/Def/Res on their Tactics team.
you will post better pictures of tharja this instant, namefag
Yeah, but
>Improved weapon triangle that makes it matter more with 20% damage bonus/reduction
>Special skills based on countdown instead of chance for more skill
>Expanded skill pool with skills that make you think more with them like desperation, wings of mercy and etc
>Assist skills like reposition and draw back that allow hit and run tactics
>Weapon ranges are more balanced as 1 and 2 range are stuck to their ranges during PP like they should
>Game is more PP and EP balanaced
>Game has better maps than a some of the mainline games
>Game has armours shine more due to being inheritantly more powerful
>All of these innovations and improvements are in the mobile game of all things.
The absolute state of mainline FE.
Zero. It's gambling.
>not enjoying her as both a daughter and wife
>He's poor
>Not liking based Chiko
I'm not a fucking weirdo, I enjoy my wife and I enjoy my daughters
>implying i wont
is she good in this game? does being good even matter?
Playing Three Houses is going to be an experience, lemme tell ya.
>moving more than 2/3 spaces
Maybe I'll boot up Path of Radiance again.
making another gacha thread just for you :)))
Being a red unit has a lot of competition but she's easily a very top tier one. Don't listen to retards who say Lilina or Celica are better. Celica has the same play style as Tharja but is much much harder to merge and Lilina hits hard but she's really slow so if she can't one shot things she's kind of fucked
Tharja has a pretty good offensive(atk/spd) stat spread for a launch unit and has decent bulk with HP/Def/Res so she's not just a glass cannon. She gets an insanely busted weapon that can stack any buffs she gets into damage so she'll be hitting extremely hard and very fast.
Being good helps but people can make even lower tier units work well enough for them if they invest, the stronger units just obviously need less investment.
>can't use my shiny new Keaton anymore
>got lyn on my free roll
Instead of having a nice green unit, the populus voted in faggot shit. Even for the legendary no one asked for which has absolute dogshit like/dislike ratio on youtube. Thanks for ruining it. As for rolling, is another red infantry even worth it, dude?
>My squishy mage is fine since my mercenary is in front of the enemy myrmid-
>*myrmidon just walks around my mercenary and kills my mage*
Actually no. And you know why? Because I don't throw money away on stupid shit. I can predict that your money isn't going to last long with that sort of attitude to spending.
>last Halloween, try to get Myrrh and fail, go orb broke doing so.
>say fuck it, never rolling on seasonal armor again because they're so expensive to build
>forget by the time anniversary 2 banner rolls around
>sink 100 orbs in, get a myrrh with the worst possible IVs of +spd -atk
>don't have any fodder to give her for her better builds, from DC to special fighter
I just played myself. Never fucking again.
As for the b8%, I'd like mikoto and the corrins, but the smart thing to do is pass so I don't get cucked by Xander or another Gunnthra.
>got so used to enemy units not destroying their own buildings that I keep spacing the fact that they will still break walls
>plopped Eir right in front of one of those walls while she was debuffed to shit
>she tanks everything and lives
>feel like a galaxy brain afterwards
Mystic Boost and bonus stats are one hell of a drug.
I wish Gunnthrà would cuck me.
I'd like you to meet my friends L, R and Start.
Always check the movement, ass nigga.
Wait, I only just started the game. What's happening now?
Same, but I already have two, and +2 merges are weak shit, you go big or you go home.
Sounds like a heroin addiction without the fun. Good old uninstall button will fix you right up
What everyone is complaining about was the hide and go seek vote for the anniversary. The top 4 of each color gets thrown in a random chance to get one of them. LLyn was the shitter and who supposedly nobody in their right mind would vote for, but here we are.
The Roy banner in the OP is the monthly banners of increased 5* percent, from 3% to 8%, as well as only the shown heroes as a possibility of summon, so you won't get screwed by a random off-focus 5* shitter. They're named B8% because while it is nice you can't get pity broken by a rando, you can still just as easily get pity broken by a focus unit you don't want, like trying for F!Grima and getting Xander.
Said "Legendary" alts can only be gotten through these banners too, the ones in this one being the new Roy, Gunnthra (OC bottom middle), Ephraim, and Hrid (OC bottom right).
I'm not the only lucklett here with only one Legendary that aren't the free ones am I? The only one I have is Legendary Tiki and not even a good IV (+HP -Def). There was one time i got another legendary during L!Azura's banner but it was another fucking Fjorm.
>as well as only the shown heroes as a possibility of summon,
I should clarify, I worded that wrong. Possibility of a 5* summon, you'll still get 3-4 star shitters while rolling.
Rollin for Micaiah, Grima and Elibemutt!Roy.
Probably the best luck I've had from b8% was getting a Zelgius on my free summon but even then he was -spd.
I can't recall how many times I rolled Sully, Jagen and other useless blue shitters trying to snipe for Legendary Azura. On the upside though I was low on desperation fodder and got a lot of Shannas.
On the contrary, getting the unit I want and seeing the shadow materalize into its whole form makes my heart beat fast as hell. But when I spend 100 orbs and get jack shit, my day gets ruined a little. I can see why people have a problem with gambling: the idea of getting back what you invested but not realizing you’re entering diminishing returns.
Well I have 110 orbs now. Should I just ignore this rolling session?
I already have a red Eirika, a red sword Celica, flying Azura, a mounted archer Lyn, a red sword Leif, got Ike from some event match, an got Fjorm and Eir from story stuff.
Also is it even worth it to care about my 4* and lower? Severa a cute and she's useful, but it seems like Eirika and Celica are straight upgrades. Also Eirika won't leave the top of my castle screen.
Sometimes the gacha giveth and sometimes the gacha taketh away. I've been incredibly high roller a few times, but others I dump 150 orbs on a banner and get fuckin nothing.
Why bother? Aether raids was a failure and arena is the same 5 whale teams over and over. What would i even use the new unit for
>Sometimes I get the .jpgs and other times I don't
Lmao, at least real gamblers MIGHT earn money from their addiction
The free roll and that's it. Gotta save orbs for my wife's alt after all.
If you're a new player, there's some things on there that might interest you, this banner is pretty good all things considered, there aren't really any shitters on it.
>Also is it even worth it to care about my 4* and lower?
Depends on the unit. There are some real champs in the 3-4 star pool, including but not limited to Cherche, Cordelia, Ares, REINHARDT, Soleil, and some others. If they have good IVs, and you have 20k feathers, upgrade them to 5*. Reinhardt takes priority, he's fucking busted.
You just reminded me people actually have spent fucking thousands on this game, and considering the shelf life of these types of games, they essentially just threw money in the wind.
Roll for them if you like the characters. You can beat the maps with almost any team, so go for people you like.
Some lower-rarity people are worth upgrading because they get good personal weapons. Similarly, only put resources into them if they're someone you like. Eventually you'll need multiple teams for some modes, so having multiple overlapping people is OK.
The character on top of the castle is whoever is the far left unit in your team #1.
Probably just Red until I get anything. I have Hrid already, but not Micaiah and I wouldn't mind DC+Atk Smoke fodder. I hope I don't get spooked by other colors because I already have most of this banner. Might roll on Green if there are no reds, since Surtr merges don't hurt and I don't have Corrin.
God Ares is such a lulzy character. I love him!
God, I wanna fill Morgan's womb with my seed while she calls me Daddy. I swear I didn't feel this way to her when I played Awakening; what made her so sexy in Heroes?
You just reminded me. Imagine the true form of Reinhardt from Thracia: Vantage at 50% health and above and always brave-doubles on riposte. also, he’s colorless
I have a Cordelia that I merged another Cordelia into and now she's level 26+. Blue flier that I paired up with "Selena." Hope they're good.
Gonna have to ask you to delete this please
Didn't vantage give first attacks regardless of health in 5?
Not that I'd even want that but still
Yes, I believe so.
The following characters are demoted
>Flier Nino
>Adrift Corrin
>Original Hector
>Green Olwen
>Original Ephraim
>Original Ike
>Bow Hinoka
>Female Morgan
>Original Celica
Some of these choices are made because they have good skill fodder (Hardin with Bold Fighter, Lewyn with Special Spiral and OG Hector with DC) Some help make making certain teams easier like Flier Nino and Bow Hinoka being ranged fliers when you have zero 4* ranged fliers that isn't Aversa. The others are chosen just to help stimulate the variety of the sub 5 * pool more.
>Also is it even worth it to care about my 4* and lower?
Some are really good. Reinhardt, Soleil, Nowi, Cherche, Cordelia, Lilina, and Nino come to mind. Same deal with some of the Great Hero Battle units like Camus, Xander, Aversa, Takumi, and more recently Panne are all worth upgrading for utility reasons. You'll also want to keep an eye out for certain 4* units that have either good skills like Fury, Vantage, Desperation, etc that you can farm out to other units. Beyond that, if you care about the Arena at all, you should work on building a 3-person arena core team from promoted 4* availability units. Armored units are best, but most 4* armors are fairly mediocre. Melee infantry is a decent compromise since score is based on BST+skills equipped. I use Sheena/Nowi/Soleil plus a bonus unit as my core and I get around 730 score per match.
Also generally be on the lookout for refines. They're usually given to 4* units and can turn them from okay to amazing. Nino's recent Iris Tome refine is pretty amazing.
No thanks
And I've dismissed this entire list because you're lying.
I want to get OG Hector because I want to tap him and hear him say "Oho?"
>green olwen
>not regular olwen
Yeah, what were those? I hear about upgrading weapons, but all I see are the skills that are just the weapon equip slot.
You fucking wish. Also how the fuck has Leo not been demoted. Like seriously. He's fucking garbage.
I fed him to Ares
>OG Hector
>implying they'll EVER put DC and CC in the 3-4 star pool
Other units on there too are just flat out not gonna happen for their fodder alone, never mind their stats, like Lewyn, Adrift Corrin, Hardin, or Genny.
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH its not happening with I$I$
You need to beat chapter 13 and the intermission in book 1 to unlock the refinery.
You can upgrade certain weapons to add stats or a new ability to them.
>throw 5 orbs at 3.25% at the Greil banner despite having two Greils already
>either want another one or +spd Camilla to finally +10 her
>(lol here's Surtr
>also he's +def -res
Man what the fuck.
I swear to god every match I played last week and so far this week have all had Ophelia and festival Micaiah. You'd think they gave these sluts out for free for how often they show up.
Why is female grima in literally every legendary banner without a newly introduced colorless legendary
I meant the list as a theory of the best candidates to improve the 4 star pool not as who's literally going to be demoted, my bad. Also Nailiah has counter disrupt cancel, an inheritable skill that can greatly reduced the cancer of dazzling staff.
Same. Patrick Seitz is based as fuck yet the only Hector I have is the free Brave Hector you can get.
I can see why they wouldn't as a business stand point, but a lot of EP units like Mryhh, Owain and etc really need DC to fulfill their role the best.
She hasn't been on the last few.
>like trying for F!Grima and getting Xander
I don't have any of the colorless and hope for Grima this banner but I just know I'll get Xander immediately and have to stop rolling for Grima in lieu of rolling another Xander.
Alright, I'm only on 12. 10 energy per match is fucking ridiculous, because I've been doing books 2 and 3 and they're each like 2-3 per level.
Because prior to Duma and Eir, she's been the only colorless legendary.
She "technically" still is, since those two are """mythics"""
>No Sword Lyn
Don't worry about stamina too much. The game gives you stamina potions like candy and after a week of doing quests you'll have like 20+ or so.
Where is the heart pupils, filled condoms, body writing, and semen dripping from her mouth and thigh?
So the update just happened. Is there any info on Roy's stats already?
Man, for your daughter, you sure save some ugly pictures of her
I mean she's vastly inferior to a lot of other sword infantries, but yeah she'd also be a good candidate for demotion.
I feel like playing the older Fire Emblems but FEH seriously struck gold with the small maps and movement. It is like a condensed pippet of the best elements; with all the characters.
I hope Three Houses takes notes.
Is this a dice rolling game or is the "gameplay" actually decent?
Here's some body writing.
It's a strategy game, so slightly more than just jpgs.
It's actually fun and does some good improvements from mainline like in Grand Conquest, Chain Challenges, and Aether Raids being one of the my most favourite modes in the game.
Is it trash if you dont have the right heros?
It's trash regardless but you can clear tue entire game's content with the free units they give you.
Nope you can literally use most units and as long as you have good team composition you'll just be fine. Hell you're even given 5 free five star units all good, when you start the game.
That's never gonna happen but I do hope they demote the first year units. It's kind of crazy that a skill like Hone Fliers is restricted to the 5 star pool outside of a Tempest Trial reward character.
>16 MT weapon
>A-Skill Doubles any blue buff
>C-Skill instantly grants +6 Atk/Spd for not standing next to furries
39 HP
72 Atk
50 Spd
32 Def
26 Res
Inherent R Duel Skill thanks to his Bolt Symbol and only in Fire Season (WORTHLESS if you don't +10 him, frankly).
I made a team out of 4* not-very-rare units I got from the start plus the one 5* I had and got pretty far.
You can just reroll your account until your first free rolls give you a 5*. Do it today and you also get like two other guaranteed free 5* units from the anniversary event, plus the Ike event up is easy. So that's four 5* units for free that are good for starting the game with.
>his effect is only arena shit
thank fucking god
Compared to L!Marth:
>Same atk
>+2 spd (-1spd is including weapons)
>Same def
>+5 res
>Inherent R Duel Skill thanks to his Bolt Symbol
Holy fuck that's terrible. Like you said, he's useless if you don't +10 him in arena and he's useless every where else because he doesn't give a stat buff. He's just a souped up dragonslayer. Wow.
That 72 Atk is also Super Effective against Dragons and applies at any distance (inherent DC).
Someday she'll get the love and alts she deserves...
The team building aspect has me more engaged than any FE game ever had, previously. So yes.
Speaking of dragon bane, how come there's no beast bane weapons?
>inb4 Shinon comes with Double Bow that deals effective damage to beasts
I'm still waiting for my 11th. So close.
He’s a racist too.
I want all Camillafags to all crush their kneecaps. Just completely shatter that shit.
Get smoked.
What seal should I give this guy? Also for Greil what should I give for an A skill.
Distant Defence to shit on enemies trying to kite him
give him inherit steady stance 4 to your favorite dragon (lol
Can I put the A-skill on LMarth?
I've got extra after +10ing her, could honestly start making another but I don't want to use orbs cause it'd just be redundant and I only have like 2 extra anyway.
Surtr's seal depends on what you want to use him for. With base kit I'd go for maximizing his longevity with distant/close defense, or maybe Fierce Stance to push his attack to 61. Combined with his A skill you can push his physical bulk to absurd levels. If you're using him in Aether Raids or on your arena defense team I'd go with Distant Defense. Surtr's slow and has low movement, so magical units can cheese him. It can also help keep Lilina from one-shotting him.
If you want him to be more offensive, Armor Boots combined with a flying dancer equipped with Guidance/Aerobatics is cheesy as fuck.
Yes, he's infantry.
He's also one of the best partners for Marth thanks to that C skill.
So when does the update for 4 skills for SI hit again
5 minutes
what's the strat for legendary banners? roll all five or color snipe?
I think it's ideal to pick 2 colors and gun for those.
Yeah I'm going Green and Red, I want Surtr and also don't have a solid dragon slayer so Roy would be nice.
Like all the units for all the colors so you won't be upset with what you get.
>get to the part where Surtr burns Veronica's Xander's arm off
>she's upset that her good hero roll is about to be wasted
Did she spend her entire kingdom's treasury on rolling him? I know an h-game with this fucking plot.
>using X*nder
Veronica is the Ash Ketchum of Fire Emblem.
fuck gachafags and fuck phoneposters
>the Ash Ketchum of Fire Emblem.
I thought that was Hinoka?
Also, what's wrong with Xander? I thought the Nohr siblings were based when I briefly played Conquest.
>tfw summoner supported 6 different units so far
I'm a bad husband.
Nigga what? I don't recall Xander losing an arm. He just gets defeated by Surtr when he challenges him.
He does at least get his arm broken, not sure if it's burned off or not.
It’s a meme. But Xander really is trash, but so are pretty much all the units from when the game began barring an exceptional few such as Hector.
she cute
>can't even stay loyal to one waifu much less 5
The only time I changed from Nephenee was when Fjorm needed a miniscule amount more Res to survive an Abyssal attack with 1 HP, then I changed back to Neph.
What about original Ephraim? I have seen some good use for his buffs and guaranteed follow up attack during PP. Then again that's mainly because I have been using him in infantry teams where as Hone/Fortify class skills are better.
>corrin and kaden would be great for aether raids buffing
>don't want to use units i don't give a shit about
I'll never be good.
You could just, like, not play Aether Aids.
No thanks.
I'm new to this. Why should I ever do aether raids?
Because they glitter the shiny new currency that would be nice to have on this garbage mode.
You should do them, but don't fret about trying to get above like T17. I only do it for grails.
Because they're fun
And you get holy grails to summon GHB, or Tempest Trial units and Dragon flowers
That's what I thought. Except for quest rewards, it seemed like the stuff I'd buy would only be good for more raids.
I don’t get the picture. I’ve never get these when you see it things.
What am I looking at?
He might mean the "Radiant Aether" skill on Ike during an Aether Raid.
Nina is in the corner
Nina is a fujoshi
Nina (the archer girl in the top corner) is a yaoi fan girl.
Ike and Soren is a popular yaoi ship.
Lmao no
If that's the joke, I like the other one better.
Agreed. Stupid fags keep trying to ruin Ike an Soren.
i hope you're happy because i redownloaded the game because of this thread what the fuck is all of this new shit? i also managed to pull Duma he looks pretty based
Post your free roll, faggots.
Free DC. Would've rather had Bonus Doubler fodder, but it's cool.
>Roy was my free roll
Oh fuck wait I just went to the roll screen without checking the colors.
What are the red, blue, and grey ones this time? I got one red, two blues, and two greys. Dunno if I want to keep a streak going.
Look at the OP.
Yeah but aren't they all locked to a color? Is there a list of each by color?
>-Atk +Spd
I'd have prefered Roy but DC fodder is always nice.
Open up here comes the airplane
RED: Roy, Hrid, NY Micaiah
BLUE: H. Niles, L. Ephraim, Adrift Corrin (M)
GREEN: Gunnthra, Surtr, Adrift Corrin (F)
COLORLESS: Grima (F), Mikoto, NY Xander
Thanks, man.
Rolled again and got Gunnthra and Hrid together. Also another Beruka and Jagen. Is it best to keep shoving these guys into one Unit+ I already have, or what do I do with them?
>-HP +ATK NY Micaiah
>-HP +RES L Roy
Are these good? Burnt about 80 orbs.
>Aversa has cleared 2 abyssals for me now
She's going to get some merges as a reward for making Roy a joke.
Roy was easier than Duma. Flying memeblades were always good but the last two maps have practically been built for fliers. Azura is overkill.
>-def Surtr
>2 gay Corrins
yea fuck you too
The Micaiah one is basically perfect. Roy's is meh. Micaiah wants all the attack she can get, basically so she can one shot Surtr or any green armor in general.
So what do you think is better on LRoy +def or spd?
Why the fuck do I keep getting this fucking queer? Literally why? Why? Fucking anybody else would be better for me. I don't give two shits about these god damn subhumans and never will. I've been seeing his fucking faggot fucking face since I've been playing this game again. Fuck off already you fucking queer Jesus fucking Christ.
-Def bane for Miccaiah would be better, but the IVs for her are good anyways as she needs attack.
Not sure about Roy though.
-def/+res Surtr, fucking kill me.
3 MOV dancer is pretty fucking good, user.
>AR where there's Tibarn and a subhuman dancer and their range spans damn near the entire map
>tfw Tibarn and TWO dancers
>I didn't even wanted to summon
>I already have bad experience with this "8%" banners
>I decided to summon anyway
>Free Surtr
>Decide to keep summoning
>Mfw I got 6 units + Roy with 160 orbs
WTF happened all of them have decent IVs and Roy is +def -res so it's perfect
Tempted to get a Roy to give my Laevatein his A skill.
Nice, she looks cool. Maybe one day I'll actually play the game instead of just rolling.
>sturdy stance 4 fodder
Boo fucking hoo, cry me a river, you humble bragging faggot.
What good even is that to someone who never uses nor even likes dancers to begin with?
Unfortunately Tibarn and Naesala are more PP oriented of which Fortify beasts isn't going to help as much as Hone Beasts. Though Nailiah, Velouria and Keaton might enjoy the defence buffs due to being more EP friendly.
Dancers/Singers are always a decent thing because their ivs don't matter at all, he is also good if you want to make a beast team
>Doesn't use dancers
Why the fuck wouldn't you? The way special attacks work is that using the same unit more times means you'll get that special attack more. Plus dance/sing is literally the best assist skill allowing Tibarn and Naesala to cover even more of the map.
Roy's map is basically begging you to use fliers, god damn.
>Mfw Legendary Roy
Holy shit he's good. He's this strong in his base game, right?
>He's this strong in his base game, right?
>he doesn't know
game is very generous.
only the whales drop like crazy on their shitty waifus.
pretty sure he's being sarcastic
I got Roy and Surtr with 40 orbs ez.
....EXCEPT Roy is -spd and Surtr is -atk. Annnnd they're useless.
>no lolis
Orbs status: saved
you have the attitude and spirit of a poor person.
no amount of wealth will ever change that poor man.
So for this Fell Vessel Robin hero battle, do I get her if I grind all the way to Abyssal? My best units are only level ~35.
No. You just get a shiny hat for it.
Fuck no
I can't tell if that's sarcasm.
>do I get her
you get a shiny gold accessory, that's it, no orbs or anything. Abyssals are just there so you can put gold accessories on your units to show everyone how cool you are.
I'm serious.
No, I'm done spending on this trash game after the shitshow that was the anniversary.
You poor innocent child. That's literally all you get for beating Abyssals. Just golden versions of the accessories. Same thing for certain GHBs that have Abyssals.
thas gay
>do i get her
Leave gachas and don't look back
you get gold snorkels.
nobody i want but yeah, got shuriken xander on my free roll. cool.
>got Velouria and Selkie
>along comes Roy
Honestly they could've waited a month for this shit.
>no reds and one blue on the b8%
>3* Shanna for dat desperation
>get an Adrift!MCorrin when going back to rolling for Morgan
Well I'll just leave it at that since I already got one merge on her in about 45 orbs.
Also Roys map was kind of fun
No way fag.
So I got a Panne earlier. How do I spot when I should actually give a shit?
Grand hero battles will give you a unit like Panne.
Legendary hero battles are just for orbs or accessories. Legendary battles only appear for the duration of the legendary banners, which happen at the end of the month.
>300 orbs
>only 3 5*
I want to die.
Legendaries and Bound Hero Battles never give you the unit they're based on. They however still give you orbs and Legendaries will give you blessings.
GHBs also rotate every day and certain other GHBs only rotate every once a while. Some periods you'll have BHB (Bound Hero Battles) active while a more uncommon GHB will be active.
You also typically want to be aware of quests that accompany GHBs or BHBs. Typically some of the quests in them require you to use the GHB unit, Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, or Fjorm in them.
That Abyssal wasn't too bad. Ended up clearing it with almost the same moves as Infernal.
I tried the B8% banner and got shit so I tried one last time on the Festival banner and got some fodder. What am I gonna do with this shit?
FUCK gachaweebs and FUCK waifu emblem
>special fighter fodder
Feed him to another armor. Hope you didn't get LYN'D.
Wait 'til March and feed both Special Fighter and DC to best girl Amelia.
I keep getting that guy too. He was my free pull.
Is no one going to mention how Meka has improved? The thing with Meka earlier on was that his eyes looked too big or a bit off. But his Linus and Silas looked better and then Roy's eyes just looks right unlike his dad lol I mean I still prefer Wada's Roy, but it's impressive to see these artists like Meka and Yura improve.
+atk -res Legendary Roy. Any good?
>Gets Roy in the free roll
Literally monkeys paw
+res surtr is legit, shame about -def though
You don't know the half of it.
I have her but she's neutral IVs.
>Gamepress doesn't even have legendary lyn in the top ten most popular recent heroes despite Myrhh, Duma and Azura still being in there
Is L!Roy's b skill renewal good for him?
Yeah if I can get another from this banner with some of the paralouge orbs I’ve got left I’ll fix him assuming the new one isn’t +def or atk.
Just use Vantage. DC+Vantage is pretty handy, especially with how high he can get his attack thanks to his A skill.
About that... *cough* attack bane *cough*
So would skills like sol or aether work better than dragon fang due to Roy already having high attack from the bonuses?
Dragon Fang is bad in general outside of potentially Abyssal fights. Personally I'd go with either Sol or Galeforce, more likely Galeforce.
So L!Roy seems to have a pretty high base speed, I’m trying to figure out if I should go for one that is + spd or def though, any suggestions?
Since his C skill covers buffs for attack and speed, if you have the fodder I'd say give him Def/Res Link so he can buff all his stats to +12 when someone he starts next to swaps/repositions him. Or if he swaps/pivots into enemy range for the EP tank. Though, it's fodder from a limited seasonal unit so I don't think I can honestly recommend it, just spitballing.
You did ally support your Legendary Roy with Lilina, right!?
My what with who?
No. I took Lilina for myself.
I got this, one is +atk -spd, the other is +atk -res
not video games
Damage report?
>135 orbs (so far)
>two Grimas, one Gunnthra, one Niles, one Hrid
Actually pretty solid to get 5 5* with just 7 rolls.
I'd go with -res since Stahl's res isn't very good to begin with and he needs all the speed he can get without resorting to LAD since his defense can be decent at least. You might want to consider using either a Slaying Edge or even the Heart Blade from Valentine's Ike to increase his usage and bulk
Venomroy here
Bought myself a spare account that hasnt done the story stuff just to roll 400+ orbs on roy
>Went into arena battles testing out my L!Roy
>Team was Lilina, L!Roy, Lewyn and PA!Azura
>Enemy team was Greil, GD!Ike, Sonya and Nephenee.
>Nephenee can tank Roy, while Ike outsped him
>Mfw I just used Lilina to kill all of them before Roy even got a chance to fight
I guess some habits never die, huh?
>3* seliph
>3* seliph
>3* seliph
I don't understand, there's like hundreds other 3* units, how the fuck did I get the same guy three times in a row? I keep seeing the same units for other colours too, where the fuck are all the other characters?
Fuck gachashit.
idk man, Libra won't leave me the fuck alone
Meanwhile I have never rolled an M Morgan and I JUST rolled my first Silas
Post here in my thread dudes, about the same subject
Fresh Ike.
I wasted all my orb and get nothing but 4 star shit....i want to die
Sad, bro
I wonder what's more depressing, using your final orbs and seeing that puff of smoke but it's just a 4* Donnel, or using your final orbs and not seeing the puff at all.
Why did this thread go full retard all of a sudden?
Because OP is a retard
You ok there, user
But you are a serious man
>averaging 1 5* per 110 orbs
This happened to me last b8% I don't know why I keep doing this.
Your comment was Top
Iiiii wanna swing... From the Chandelier....From the Chandelier er...
Did someone seriously get a bot on here to spam some bullshit until this thread dies.
I think so, I'd check other threads to see if it's just some retard who did it on Yea Forums in general or if they just don't like Heroes/mobage threads.
I think it might just be this one.
Pretty sure it’s the op of that other thread likely trying to get people to move.
That was my other guess. Not really giving Royfags a good name there if it is
I'm a ROY Main in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate! Fuck Yeah!
Why do people "play" this?
The grid-based combat is bad even within it's own genre, and if there's no decent gameplay what's the point of playing?
This isn't bait I'm genuinely curious; if you play FE:H or F:Go or some other objectively bad mobile gacha "game" what motivates you to do so?
Yeah, I'm the OP of the other Roy thread, am bumping both threads. I'm not the OP of this thread though.
It gives me my favorite units and it’s just a basic ass FE I can play at work.
The variety of cool/cute anime characters (handsome boys/sexy girls), dubbed, the rolling thing, swords, dragons, fights, Japan, free-to-play, mobile...etc...
The OP can't bump his own thread.
The "gameplay" of FEH is so fucking monotonous even for gatchashit
Is your job making FEH threads die, by making OPs feel ashamed for bumping these threads?
He can. Some days of the week.
Holy shit, after spending 400 orbs on her banner and getting nothing i got TWO Summer Micaiah's in ~100 orbs. I didn't get Roy'd or Hrid'd even once! I don't think i've ever been this lucky in FEH, especially when it comes to pulling Micaiah.
Now i need some build ideas. I'm seriously tempted to unequip Dance and use her as a team's main nuke with a different dancer supporting her.
>Celica has the same playstyle as tharja
pretty sure Tharja isn't running around abusing Dancers and Brazen/Desperation like Celica does.
Don't get me wrong Tharja's good, but she's played like a Bladetome, while Celica has her Danger build that Tharja can't really copy.
Fuck Marth
Fuck Ike
You mean, you want to use a dancer character just to support Micailah?
Also, best support for Roy is Lilina?
I like when we get an Abyssal map that's so easy I can just lazily Blynhardt it instead of having to actually think.
I mean she's such an offensive nuke it would be a shame to not be able to dance her.
I don't. I like hard Abyssals.
Don't worry they'll just make a new difficulty without the 99 stat cap.
high iq draw technique. people like this user will never become orblets
I’m probably going to switch to that method and just save orbs for legendary banners at this point.
Oh shit user, you pulled two Micaiahs too? I had the original from the 2018 seasonal freebie. I wanna go for Ploys.
I would argue its a better version of FE but already did for me so uh yeah.
you aren't wrong if this was granzlinger or whatever other series outside of maybe super robot wars i wouldn't have looked twice. but its fire emblem and its pretty fucking cool and fun for what it is. not only that but it's hella generous for a for a gacha game too.
Why do we have a bot.
I have a plus 3 legendary robin because she was on so many and I always get her free instead of a fire legendary ever
I got S!Tiki'd on the seasonal freebie, which was disappointing although it did let me merge my two -Atk tikis into one.
I was willing to whale for Festival Micaiah after she got away from me on her original banner. Micaiah was my first lord so I'll always try my hardest to get her.
Your mother is a bot, bitch! Shut up!
love you too
this is a defacto list of never ever demotes. based on the OP skills locked behind being 5* for whaling.
I mean a lot of them would be fucking great for f2pers and as a luck shitter I pulled many of them more than once to fodder but nah son this shit ain't never gonna happen til like year 5+ if ever for a majority of the list you made.
goddamn this game would be so much more fun if they made a lot of the fodder easy to get since people would just fully kit out complete bullshit favorite characters.
The only way this would happen would be to balance power creep that is in such a gradual drip release that realistically it CANNOT happen due to ISIS' business model.
FGO is better than this dead game
Yeah, I know my mother is a bot. I don't like her anyway.
What is F:GO ?
>Got -def Silas'd on the Morgan banner
Who likes Odd Def Wave
yes and no. thanks to skill inheritance and weapon refinery you can completely clear shit with whatever kind of bullshit your imagination can come up with.
that said you need to pull the units with the bullshit skills to inherit them to favorite little assholes otherwise they don't give out enough fodder without rolling your free to play orbs.
The model is designed to make you spend money but you absolutely don't have to. Over time by staying free to play you get enough stuff to a point where "I can do anything!" They are generous with the hand outs though. They give all new players enough hand outs to get rolling without too much problems and a nice pity rate as well.
The difficulty curve definitely goes from "literally impossible" to "where's the content cleared everything one try on auto." The free to play model can put you between those extremes which provides some nice little puzzles that are actually satisfying to solve when you can.
T. f2p since day one who only has 6 gold accessories.
FGO needs animation skip and autobattle before it can be anything other than a huge waste of time. Combat in FGO takes way to fucking long and it makes doing anything not feel worth the time investment.
I'm the OP of the other Legendary Roy thread. MODS destroyed my thread ;'-(
>struck gold...and movement
>responding 5 million hours later
The movement is fucking terrible though, armors were considered entirely useless for a year and even now when they have a massive ball of stats and broken skills people STILL don’t like using them. It’s really telling that once bst gets thrown out the window you pretty much never see armors anymore.
legit worth 5* with feathers due to his aoe refresh if you ever build a beast team his C skill is the +6 resdef too.
Not a bad idea if you are a lucklet personally I only free roll most banners and then dump 100-200 for seasonals who are usually broken af for their gimmicks works for me and my f2p technique. I should start namefagging in these because I contribute a lot of f2p tips for non players whenever a big FEH thread drops. You can see some of my other gigantic posts in this thread.
I definitely give better advice than thotjafag but easily get all my pics from basedman aceman. Oh reminder to people anyone who passes through FEH threads or the FEG threads to filter thotjafaggot.
I have arguments for and against this but none of them apply anymore after armor march and the armor only skills were added.
pic related carried my ass for fucking ever.
>aoe refresh
Herons don't have aoe refresh in FEH.
Awesome Thread
Still less terrible than using armors in the older mainline games. Arden is a meme for a reason.
Marth is a Faggot
Him and his sister both have this. I would argue she is a better unit. Thanks to her sky high resist she can actually take on dragons and CC mages. Green boy singing a unit as his wall and then having Eir on the team gives huge sustain my nig.
Ike is a Faggot
That’s because 4 maps were needlessly huge. hector, gilliam, Gatrie, draug etc are all perfectly acceptable.
Roy Is God
You don't need to try so hard to bump the thread, autismo user. It's surviving just fine.
Oh, healing. When you said refresh, I assumed you knew what refresh actually means in FE terminology.
Hero King Roy 1/4
Hero King Roy 2/4
Hero King Roy 3/4
rolled 200 orbs, didn't get a single 5*. I hate this game.
Why is there no "legit autism" option in the report function?
Hero King Roy 4/4
Probably so we cant report the jannies
Whats the best ghb unit to +10? I'm thinking either black knight for arena score or aversa for utility. Problem is I already have a +10 sword and red mage unit and im trying to balence my +10 colours. Does anyone use F. robin with the new weapon refine? is she any good?
This one is the best. Our boy Roy is truly a prankster.
I mean you can give robin green duel infantry and then she can score somewhat decently. +4 everything isn’t terrible for one unit and you can even stick chill and drives on her to be a better support. Like you said aversa and bk are good options, although I’d probably lean more towards aversa since she uses the bonus stats better.
Roy's Our Boy
Bitch, better have my money
The chibis this time are pretty boring
nah you right you right I should have said aoe heals.
that's why it's called a bait banner user.
As someone who isn't a lucklet I dropped 54 orbs and got S!Macaroni and Legendary Hrid. Some decent fodder
why? who would you even report? this just looks like a normal Fire Emblem thread to me.
>user, I've been addicted to gutter heroin for a long time now and you're not going to convince me my irrational addiction isn't good.
I'm making fun of the gay couple Marth and Ike
Because Roy has the most autistic fanbase of any pre-13 character, and shipping MarthxIke is how they deal with liking a consistently shitty character.
aha ha fucking bait banner +spd -def hrid and +hp -atk macaron.
still could have been even worse. at last I truly see this is the power of the b8% banner.
Looks like I got some DC fodder
You are whait
No, they aren't! What a cute chibi couple!
Because someone said "Super Smash Bros Brawl" in this thread, and automatically, these gay shit started appearing, It was unstoppable...
Finally, Nintendo. Legendary Roy in FEH. Before late than never.
This Thread:
Before Late Than Never
And in true time tested Roy tradition, he comes after Marth, yet still isn't as good.