Overhyped games of 2018

So now that 2018 is gone what games can we look back on and say weren't that good?

Pic related

>Arkham clone
>The fact that it was easy as shit and despite NG+ coming out offered nothing but enemies do a wittle bit more damage

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with wanting games to be bad?

>Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with wanting games to be bad?

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with bad games being good a month after release date and then coming to their senses

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Not that it matters because its thread is already on page 9, but Spider-man was unironically my GOTY. Cry more.

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Everyone on this website is chomping at the bit for every single game to be a failure.

Sony, notice how they love to pretend Nintendo's games are all gems when most of them get forgotten 2 days after release. Remember Octopiss Traveler? Nobody does

>game is popular, therefore is bad

stop being a retard

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This isn't a Nintendo issue
This isn't a Sony issue
This is a fucking Yea Forums issue. This is an issue of narcissists who believe that the world should revolve around their personal subjective tastes.

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This. Everyone wants a new TORtanic.

Which FF villain did this?


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You described every AAA action game on the market op, congrats

Dude this game was so innovative and great i really think it is the most innovative game and greatest of the GOATEST GOAT OF GOAT i bought all the DLC

God of War 2018

It basically took everything that was good from the previous GoW's and removed it. In it's place we got a shitty Dark Souls clone for combat, unnecessary RPG elements, an annoying ass kid you drag everywhere, and a MC that is nothing like what made him liked

>Game is popular
>Therefore it is good
>Yea Forums

this along with god of war are the two most overrated games ever, almsot as bad as the last of us and bloodborne

No one fucking things like this, dipshit. No one unironically believes that a game is good solely because it's popular.

But I know a certain website that instinctively hates games that are popular.

Care to take a guess?

>shitty Dark Souls clone for combat
What the fuck am I reading

slow as hell + that camera perspective

I like Octopath for what it is, but it's no Bravely Default. It's an RPG for people who like RPG gameplay. The complete dry spells when it comes to story and character interaction make it less than ideal for me personally.

Reminder that a game in 2018 released with Moonswinging

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Which you can turn off, completely.

Remember, the Japanese version has Spider-Man call himself The Emissary of Hell when he uses the decoy suit power.

God of War
Detroit Become Human
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission
Shadow of the Colossus
Tetris Effect

All of THE most overhyped garbage I have EVER fucking played. It's clear that they all paid for their reviews

the camera perspective is hugely different you mongoloid subhuman faggot

>web off by a few feet from the obvious anchor point


Same, bought the dlc completed then did everything again on ng+.

I’m currently doing a noir play through, with the noir suit (obviously). I always stealth and take all my pictures in black and white. The pictures are detective-esque.

I actually bought a ps4 solely for Spider-Man.

what kind of assbackwards mindset do you have

I wish it was an Arkham clone, the writing and aesthetic bored me to tears

Literally the only bad thing about this game was le epic slomo finishers and the shitty stealth about characters no cares about
And was miles always more nigher than spic in appearance?

Take the Nietzsche-pill

Fuck I hope you're trolling. If you're not, then you're literally retarded. Neck yourself dumbass.

I loved the new God of war. My only complaints are.
> Normal mode was hard mode and easy was too easy.
> I couldn't travel to all the realms
> No thunder God or his dad made an appearance

>i'm bored of real life aesthetic
yikes and cringepilled

He’s always been more black, but they took some liberties with his game version.

Sweet bait for a Spidey-Main thread OP.

How'd the japs think of the game? I know it did well, but enthusiastically, legitimately well or just hype-well? Also, can we expect any more suits to be added to the game?

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If I remember correctly, Spider-Man won GOTY 2018 in Japan.

I bought the digital deluxe edition. The DLC is fucking awful. I haven't been able to complete it because it bores me to tears.

I only completed it for the suits.

I think that they’ve wrapped up all the DLC.

You would know you could turn off QTEs if you played. It also plays nothing like Arkham.

Why are Switch fanboys always so angry?

God of War was pretty fucking bad even compared to average previous entries. It still boggles my mind how it get Game of the Year.

It's funny how I can recognize the same Switchlet losers day after day through how you type. Get a life manchild.

Why are you implying this?

the combat is a lot like arkham
the biggest difference is that spidey has gadgets worth half a damn
(never played past arkham city btw)

Good combat, writing, quest design, acting, rpg mechanics, quests, art style and visuals. Honestly can't think of a game recently that was such a complete package.

I beat the trilogy prior, it's objevely better in a ton of ways, combat included.

>B story

Fuck you making Otto and peter best budies was great. This was otto's story, not parkers.

>Nu GoW
>Good combat
Opinion discarded, it wasn't even good in previous game compared to other action games, now they literally dumbed it down to 2 buttons.

Of all things you could complain about. Nu-god of war was bad for one reason: 8 multicolored troll boss fights THAT WERE ALL THE SAME SHIT.

i mean it was cool as a reinterpretation of spideys cast but as a story it wasnt exactly mindblowing
it felt awkwardly split between mr negative and doc ock if you ask me


I never got that far. I played a bit on a rental and was fucking disgusted at what I saw

Name a better song for this fucking game than this gem. I fucking dare you.

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Nah, Astro Bot is brilliant. Probably the best platformer of the generation.

Otto is a beta cuck who sperged out over Osborn.


It's not even that desu. You can barely find anyone who would rep octopath at this point. But I agree it's not about nintendo or sony. It's moer of a zoomer issue which kind of dovetails with ur narcissist explanation I guess. But no grown adult would say a terrible game is good or that a good game is bad. They would just say it's not their cup of tea.

>A 2018 game

The remake.

And? Its the same game with upscaled graphics. its still a 2007 game

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Spiderman was Sonys best game last year. God of War was an overrated boring chore of a "game".

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The best part of Smash is the hype leading up to release and all the character reveals. The game itself is mediocre as fuck and online is total garbage.

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For a western normalfag action game that released in the current generation, Spider-man was pretty damn good. Just beat it a few days ago, only complaints I had were
>QTEs (Apparently they can be disabled though?)
>Mary Jane/Mile's stealth sections
>collectables unlock at a weird rate that make trying to complete the game 100% as you go along annoying. Sometimes you'll have a huge dry spell of nothing new unlocking while upgrades and suits begin to appear that require currency you don't have, then randomly a shit ton of new things will unlock and flood your map
Even still way better than every other shit ass console exclusive that released last year.

There was too many "armor" suits in the game. Not enough classics.

What about Cyborg?

It's pretty good but I was already done with the game when it came out

not that user, but i really wish i liked the game as much as you did. i bought the limited edition ps4 for it and was surprised it came with the season pass. it was a chore to get through that stuff. the main game is so much better than the amazing games, but thats not saying much. im just happy that we have a good spiderman game again, but people took that feeling and blew it out of proportion.i really dont think it would be on any game of the year lists if it wasnt ps4 exclusive.

Spider-Man and God of War.

Combat is definitely press one or two buttons to do flashy combos like Arkham. It's great from an animation perspective but gameplay its boring as shit.

lol no. It was a complete regression of the series, camouflaged by the trending Sony PS template to cater to lames.


True. I would’ve preferred combat like Web of Shadows.

>brainlet fuckhead that doesn't understand character development

Nah Kratos was very well done and made sense, you think your cynicism is a replacement for intelligence.

There's no nuance to the discussion. Everyone either wants a TORtanic, such as with Dead or Alive 6, or shills a game to no end, like DMC5. There might be some genuine discussion once a game is out for a while, but it's all hidden among the endless shitposting from both sides at first.

I liked Detroit for what it was. Actually went into thinking it would suck but i liked it. Definitely worth a playthrough and don't spend over $20

>e-celeb shit

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