post unsung legends of gaming
Post unsung legends of gaming
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Absolutely based. Thank you Jerry.
self-taught engineer? jesus
I feel like investigating this claim will turn it up as false.
Much like the open-heart surgery and cellphone claims.
Yeah, it definitely will turn up false. lol! You're absolutely redpilled. Good job being critical of claims.
There, he led the development of the Fairchild Channel F console, released in 1976 and specifically designed to use swappable game cartridges. At the time, most game systems had the game programming stored on ROM storage soldered onto the game hardware, which could not be removed. Lawson and his team figured out how to move the ROM to a cartridge that could be inserted and removed from a console unit repeatedly, and without electrically shocking the user. This would allow users to buy into a library of games, and provided a new revenue stream for the console manufacturers through sales of these games. Lawson's invention of the interchangeable cartridge was so novel that every cartridge he produced had to be approved by the Federal Communications Commission.
Why have I never heard of this guy before?
>Much like the open-heart surgery
except that's not false, that guy was hugely significant
Because Fairchild Channel F was not a succesful product and Atari dominated it completely.
Why would you post a twitter picture instead of a wikipedia article or something? Is it so fucking hard to make a quality post on your own?
I dont care if this is BS or not, the guy in the picture looks like a really swell guy that looks easy to get along with.
engineers always look dead inside. granted I only know electrical and civic ones, but they're always overtly miserablle
>Fairchild Channel F
Yeah okay that makes sense now.
I miss jolly 70s negroes
Makes no difference if he was a nigger or not, he still invented game cartridges, you stupid moron.
i have no way of being certain so i will not take your word for it
Based black man
Like I said, it could be true, it could not be, I dont care and I cant be assed to look it up, he just looks like a really nice guy.
Of course it's false.
Why would you have heard of him before?
Because he basically invented the way console video games were played for several generations.
Oh no they deleted my post
Do you know who invented TVs?
Ah. I see.
So why would you know or have heard of the man who invented video game cartridges?
i dont see cartridges on that list so why did you post it?
Which one?
I understand this is pretty significant but like what does his skin colour have to do with it?
the odyssey came out in 72 and that had cartidges
Oh no he tested to see if he was banned for 3 days for posting his bullshit garbage off of Yea Forums
dude niggers lmao
BHM has been a fucking bust this year, so some guilt ridden white is trying to make up for it.
>the oil cup existed before...
Nigga he invented the oil cup, who wrote this shit
Because black men, black women, and women of all races are typically marginalized. It can look like black men or black women or other races have never accomplished, invented, or engineered anything on their own or originally when it's not true - they are actually responsible in many ways for most of what we have.
please note the word "unsung" in the op
I said the n word i would not like to repeat it
Banning does anything
Because whenever a negro does anything you're supposed to throw a tickertape parade.
facts don't care about your feelings!!
based jerry
Before I even opened this thread I knew what I was going to find. It's become pretty much impossible to have an actual discussion about a topic on this fucking hellsite.
>lol skin color doesnt matter
>*game adds brown guy*
Some faggot that doesn't know most of the shit he's saying is myths were better patents of existing shit. Like the automatic elevator doors or the fridge.
*smacks lips*
I'm gonna answer honestly and not in a shitposting manner but it's due to how people actually believe blacks did nothing besides march and be enslaved.
Someone post this black kid who invented his own computer
>this site
You can't fucking have a discussion about anything race related in this WORLD in case you haven't noticed.
Because its Black History Month and after realizing there isn't exactly a large pool of influential black people in history liberals had to start either looking for the most minute shit or making stuff up.
Black History Month. Its bullshit like breast cancer awareness month where they feel that to make blacks more inclusive we need to regulate their history to one month of the year, and the shortest month at that.
Nobody is marginalized except for niggers and trash. Anybody who has any intrinsic value can make their own worth in the world. Yet many black communities choose to segregate themselves and become degenerates. At that point its their own damn problem.
>pic related
and to think, his invention is still used today on the Nintendo switch
It's actually true, the last consoles had games built in the system but used cartridges to switch which game you're playing he actually made the games on the cartridge.
Don't do it think of the advertisers
A black guy? Ummmm...
The thread wasn't about race. It was about an unknown guy (potentially more people unknown) who did something for gaming as a whole.
I was hopeful that maybe, MAYBE, the thread wouldn't have been full of things I do not like and instead would have been about fucking VIDEO GAMES instead of LOL BLACK PEOPLE again and again
You know even Asians,Hispanics,Irish, and Jews have history months right?
The first to perform it was, he did not invent the procedure.
That guy invented something? He's not White.
YFW White Genocide is real.
Brothers... we must investigate this as deeply as you possibly can. Try to find ANYTHING at all that will prove that he was taught in White schools, therefore this is still a White accomplishment!
>The thread wasn't about race
Yes it was, don't fucking kid yourself.
If only we could undo the crack epidemic and all the factory jobs going overseas.
Because if you don't put in effort to mention these things you get retards who say,
"hurrrr, white men invented everything."
>race baiting thread
>people talk about race
>didnt expect some guy to say nigger
Yes, but theyre hardly shilled like BHM, AHM isnt much of a thing outside the west coast, HHM doesnt even exist in most places, IHM is just whinging about racism that barely existed a long time ago, and JHM is whinging about the holocaust. None of those have a reason to exist really as the important things should just be woven into history as a whole.
But Jerry Lawson is actually a big deal though. He's basically the black nerd who got ignored because he wasn't the entertainment industry's sacrificial lamb that was Michael Jackson. And only after video games got big did they realize the significance he had on a growing industry.
You're right, I shouldn't kid myself. This place is just garbage now.
Ah yes. Because all whites are police officers.
Fuck off you low-iq scum.
And, turns out even that's wrong.
What are you on about?Blacks kill whites at almost a 10x rate
>pic related
if its in an infographic it must be true!
>Undo the crack epidemic
So going back in time and stopping the FBI?
Man, /pol/ really did kill this site...
>Yes, but theyre hardly shilled like BHM
They are but you just don't give a shit. Even Chinese New Years is celebrated more in America than Kwanzaa
Jerry Lawson didn't invent the cart, and was a commercial failure at everything he did, but he was the real deal, making critical innovations to solid state electronics. He's still a lot more important than a bunch of the other fuckers they trot out every year.
t. EE.
He headed Fairchild's development in a literally who cares part of their history.
What the fuck were you expecting? There's probably two motherfuckers who have ever played a fairchild game and they're both on vr.
Eh, not really, but Nintendo DID study his shit back in the 80's.
based anti harry potter poster
>So going back in time and stopping the FBI?
Yeah before /pol/ we never called people nigger
Why are niggers so desperate to prove they've contributed to society?
Is it to offset the abhorrent rates of crime they commit?
Or is it so they can pat themselves on the back for someone else's job well done whilst sitting in the unemployment line enjoying a bucket of chicken?
No. We called people niggers because it gets a rise about of people instead of being some political statement you double nigger.
>Police shoots violent offenders that often give them no choice
>More than half of the violent offenders are black
>Police shoot more blacks than whites
>Nuh-uh id racish
Heres another one for you
>One cop shoots one black man who was resisting arrest
>wasnt justified for shooting and shouldnt have happened
>Makes headlines for months
>Cop shoots unarmed and confused autistic child
>Makes local headlines for half a day
You wanna guess what race the kid was? Where was his "justice" that people jump out in the streets for? Where the fuck do you retards come off thinking that every police officer is some racist who wants to oppress and serve?
how pathetic do you have to be to feel the need to act like a racist just because the start of this thread was a black dude who actually made something incredible.
>pat themselves on the back for someone else's job well done whilst sitting in the unemployment line enjoying a bucket of chicken?
Chances are you're not much better. After we remove the nigs, you're next.
CNY and Kwanza arent comparable to AHM and BHM.
Pic related is why nobody celebrates Kwanza
Police harass and suspect blacks more than other ethnicity. Usually the harassment is over nothing like walking in a white neighborhood.
Actually, the police shoot fewer blacks than whites.
Primarily because of the massive shitstorms regardless of how justified the shootings are.
And the fact that bodycams have shown them to be justified far more often than not has led to organizations like BLM demanding they be removed.
>people are sometimes violent so if we shoot you when you weren't it's not your fault
How does cop boot taste you cuck?
>Cop shoots unarmed and confused autistic child
>Makes local headlines for half a day
If you think that news focusing on sensationalized shit is new you're too young for the site. This will be a problem as long as they depend on clicks or views to stay afloat.
FBI shows that whites commit more violent crime
>the fcc won't let me be!
>using absolute values rather than ratios
Please pirate and work through a stats book you idiot.
Most of it is liberals trying to push the fallacy that all races are equal.
>What is per capita
No it's actually meant to remind other blacks that they've got no excuse since getting a higher priority job (let alone in computing) back in the day was a whole lot tougher.
all of them do. it's really unfortunate.
As an absolute value, they shoot more whites than blacks.
As a per capita ratio of violent criminals, they shoot astronomically more whites than blacks.
The stats only get worse as you break them down.
Do the research yourself. Most AA achievements have been propagandized in the US. There are plenty of AAs who have achieved greatness or invented things (Jerry being one of them) but shit like peanut butter and the stop light are pure revisionism. Sad but true. Give it a few more decades, the genuine list of accomplishments will be better than the made up shit.
>Post anything that's non-white or non-heteronormative.
> /vpol/'s reaction
>back in the day was a whole lot tougher.
>So deal with the bullshit now
Wow amazing my dude. You sure got those libtards befuddled.
Kwanzaa is an African American holiday user
It happens the opposite just as much. Used to live in a predominately black neighborhood where we were the ONLY white people with the rest being hispanic. Lovely place really And if any of us were to go for a walk, we'd be stopped by WHITE police officers because something is out of place. Thats what profiling is, you look for the suspicious shit and white people only came to that neighborhood for drugs. But if theres an upper class neighborhood where all the homes cost upwards of 500k, I wouldnt stop someone in a business suit or polo outfit, but if someone had a torn hoodie, dreadlocks, and an unkempt appearance, odds are its worth a check.
>Demands body cams be put in place
>Body cams show justification
>Demands body cams be removed
I really want to believe this isnt true. People cant be this far gone.
>What is per capita
A coping method for whiteys
Fuck niggers.
Bunch of black retard gorillas don't know how to not constant rape and steal. Also they dont know how to speak without sounding like literal monkeys.
God I hate darkies.
more like:
>game adds brown guy
>no response, nobody gives a shit
>game shoehorns brown guy into inaccurate/inappropriate setting (historical or otherwise), and/or goes "DUDE LOOK WE ADDED A BLACK GUY!!!!! LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE!!!!!!!"
Forgot pic lol
It shows the percentage of those arrested completely. It says Hispanics make up 18% of it
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg. White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
>Personal narrative.
Actually, a German guy by the name of Ralph Baer created the first home gaming console.
See, now this is a /pol/post.
Everything else in this thread was just arguing.
>A coping method for whiteys
>game adds brown guy
>>no response, nobody gives a shit
Geras,any black in OW and Apex, and the Skin Slider from Pokemon Sun and Moon
except they all check out you retarded mongoloid
Epic gish gallop my dude.
>dismissing lived experience.
Instant death penalty for all white criminals NOW
>mfw reading this thread
I'm sad this month is nearly ending. BHM causes a shit ton of delicious white tears to drink.
>>Police shoot more blacks than whites
Except that's not true, its the opposite. Blacks are underrepresented in police shootings if anything.
Also false
Gish gallop means "You are presenting intentionally false points at a high volume." It doesn't mean "You are refuting my argument with so much peer reviewed scientific evidence that I don't have any way to respond to it."
Without the cartridges that actually hold the games, the consoles held the games before Lawsons Fairchild.
Once your balls drop you'll realize that shit's more complicated than
>blacks bad
>whites good
But if you study hard in stay in school you'll realize that on your own.
>we wuz ingineers
It separates the Hispanics and says they are 18% of the violent crime
>FBI shows that whites commit more violent crime
I think PoCs (People of Civilization) are fine people.
this is funnier than it has any right to be
Technically, its running through so many individual talking points that the opposed debator doesn't have the time to address each one, so that you can turn around and say he didn't address x, y, & z.
They don't need to be false, just statements that the opposition might attempt to contest.
That said, that retard is just doing the standard "fallacy name-drop, I win."
>so much peer reviewed scientific evidence
No. All you /pol/tards use the same copy-pastas. From my experience that shit is either
>completely contradicting your point
>unable to be reproduced
So effectively a gish gallop. But keep pretending you arm-chair biologist/sociologist/historian.
>African intellectuals
In 2016, 69.6 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2016, 62.1 percent were White, 34.7 percent were Black or African American, and 3.2 percent were of other races.
Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
Of all adults arrested in 2016, 70.2 percent were White, 26.2 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
Black or African American juveniles comprised 52.0 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 58.4 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 74.8 percent were White.
White juveniles comprised 64.7 percent of juveniles arrested for rape and 60.2 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
Do you realize there are vastly more white people than black people in the country?
Im saying the holidays arent comparable to the history months. AHM encompasses China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Polynesia, and God knows what else. Chinese New Year is just more widely celebrated since it makes fine advertising for the restaurant industry. Ask any African American and I can bet more that 75% wont know what the fuck Kwanzaa really is.
Not an argument. The personal experience is just there as an additive to make you understand what the police are looking for when they stop anybody regardless of race. If its out of place, something is usually wrong. Oddly enough the best explanation is
it's also not a fallacy, even when intentionally employed, only a slimy debate strategy
I feel like the idiots who debate about Washington Carver are retards who don't understand his contribution beyond the peanut meme. The reason he was a big deal was because he pushed for various applications for nitrogen recovery in soil for agriculturists/farmers. Which was a big fucking deal before GMO.
It becomes laughably obvious when people don't do their research.
And they commit more violent crime yes
>Statistics are raycist in shit
Sounds like you're doing some coping of your own
No shit, they commit more total crime but only because they outnumber blacks by such a large margin. They commit vastly lower rates of crime than blacks. That's the whole point. Blacks are only 12% or so of the population but they're STILL committing almost as much crime as every other group COMBINED.
>those are too many facts, not fair!
I'm not even a pol incel like the dude you're responding to but cmon.
I didn't bother to read your post once I saw you attempting the change the definition of an already-defined term to meet your needs.
>Gish Gallop is a technique, named after the creationist Duane Gish who employed it, whereby someone argues a cause by hurling as many different half-truths and no-truths into a very short space of time so that their opponent cannot hope to combat each point in real time.
Half-truths and no-truths. You're wrong, sorry.
No, black people commit vastly more crime than white people on average. See
Yes, but the strategy was popularized by atheist "intellectuals" name-dropping a logical fallacy and just declaring the argument thusly debunked.
None of them really deserve having something named after them though.
must mean 70% of white people are trash while 27% of black people are niggers
Is that headline real? How would they even do that?
>no one even realizes that he's just adding more dead weight
Do people actually read this and not question where they got those figures from at all? People aren't that brainless, are they?
So because whites are more often killed by whites we should hate white people? Got it
>No shit, they commit more total crime but only because they outnumber blacks by such a large margin.
Or because they are more violent, blacks get arrested for theft related charges more often than violent ones. Whites beat eceryone in Rape and AA.
not familiar with the other 2 but
>OW and Apex
both of those fall into the "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE!!!!!!!" category
on the note of OW, there wasn't any outcry over a character like, say, doomfist, since he was just a cool character that wasn't shoved down your throat, but people have certainly gotten upset about ex post facto gay/autism bullshit
>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
Then their definition is biased.
That said, debate is a shit format, and the existence of this strategy is simply one of many reasons.
>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
>White's make up 65% of the population and blacks 13%
Are you retarded?
>No, black people commit vastly more crime than white people on average
Thats not what the FBI statstics say unless whites Rape and beat in big groups
>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
>White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
>Statistics are raycist in shit
Please please please. After this debate look up a basic stats textbook and work through it. I recommend this one. The stats itself is not racist but interpretations of the stats can be.
correlation != causation
No, you're actually the retard because his other accomplishments aren't what are being debated.
It's like if someone walked around claiming DaVinci invented paint, and you correctly pointed out that he didn't, and they responded by calling you retarded because he did all sorts of other important shit that you're not mentioning.
Now do per capita
>more violent than murder
That's metal.
>White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
>>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
>a tiny minority is responsible for more than half of all murders in the USA
Based nigger. I thank you.
What happened to all that white privilege I keep hearing about?
In the American Justice system rape is counted as more violent for some reason saw a white guy get life for rape but a hisapinc get 10 years for manslaughter
>>>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
Please google, "correlation vs causation".
>Must avoid group averages at all cost.
>White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
>Claims blacks commit the most crime of all but ignores that whites rape and beat women more
It is an excuse to dispossess and disenfranchise white people. Always was.
So do they just put down "white" when they can't actually figure out what they are by looking at them?
>>White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 59.0 percent of those arrests.
These things always turn out to be fake
like he was one guy on a big team and the least important guy that had nothing to do with it
>Usually the harassment is over nothing like walking in a white neighborhood.
>Hey Jim, do you see that hooded black man walking inside this predominantly white neighborhood? Do you think he broke into that house?
>Wow let's not jump to conclusions man, you don't wanna be seen as a racist, do you?
I wish I could be as naive as you.
I knew it, blacks invent everything good, television, cellphones, civilization, writing, and now even my video games!
>>>>Of adults arrested for murder, 52.0 percent were Black or African American, 45.4 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races.
Thats a Florida resident though. Can confirm, dumb as shit in terms of common sense
Imagine getting this mad a black guy did something that wasn't a crime
All of science is just correlation.
As it is impossible to truly prove causation, just an extremely strong correlation.
That said, loose correlation is often meaningless.
Yet, actual study into these fields has yielded results that are dismissed as long as they don't toe a specific narrative.
I've seen this so much already. Same posts, same arguments, same insults. The war never ends, it just keeps recreating itself in different forms.
>learned about cleaning airways by using bleach throuh a friend in school
Nah it's true, he did work on the first video game cartridges, but it's not like it was a novel idea. Floppy disks have been around since the 60s. The Twitter post trying to claim that it was groundbreaking technology that became the foundation of Nintendo is just retarded.
Oh man these people are the fucking worst. I sit as easily one of the smartest people in the county but that REALLY doesnt take much of anything and isnt worth boasting about.
I'm sure a lot of people who record crime statistics intentionally pad the numbers against whites to make minorities look better.
One might say these people have an "agenda."
>his other accomplishments aren't what are being debated
Because the average retard who bitches about Carver doesn't fucking understand or even know the first thing about botany or agriculture science. How many people do you think actually know about soil science? Hell how much do you fucking know about soil science? We're you even aware about his work in nitrogen recovery before you posted or read my comment?
So, 69% of the population only commits 69% of the violent crime...
Yet, 13% of the population commits 26.9%
Yes. Often even when they know, because they believe that manipulating data manipulates reality.
At this point I don't even care about crime stats cause I don't live in slums. The best thing about Trump is that it shifted the counter culture again and /pol/ are bigger fags than anyone they hate now.
You're here forever
but surely if blacks are intrinsically less intelligent, and if ordinary folk intuitive know this, then having the privilege of not having black skin is sure to improve your reputation
>Yet, actual study into these fields has yielded results that are dismissed as long as they don't toe a specific narrative.
I agreed with everything but this. When you see a correlation you have to make decision on whether or not it's causative like you mentioned above. To say that the reason is race rather than historical or economic factors is a very heavy burden and people in these fields haven't found proof of this without dodgy stats or lacking controls. Which makes me question the validity of the idea.
how little self awareness do you have to have to start posting infographics about race and IQ in a thinly veiled race bait thread?
Okay, kike.
The people one should avoid are those who speak in faux-apathetic lowercaps at all times. To be clear, I'm not talking about people who speak without grammar in game in order to get their messages out faster. I'm talking about those who sit down to compose an image board post with all the time in the world and willfully choose to omit punctuation and capitalization. They are not doing this to save time. In fact, they may take additional time to redact habitual grammar from their posts.
Their motivation for this style of posting is simple. They are trying to present an aura of apathy. They want to communicate: "I don't care about anything, least of all the rules of grammar." The reason they work so hard to cultivate this image of emotional invulnerability is because they are, in actual fact, extremely emotional and unstable people. If you become close to them you will catch glimpses of the volatility lurking beneath their patchwork mask of cool indifference. The lowercaps poster will silently catalog transgressions you have in its eyes committed. You will only become aware of them during the rare tantrum blowups that characterize these people. They must be avoided for your own good. The faux-apathetic lowercaps posters really could not be more pathetic.
either retard or brainwashed. no saving this one.
Well done Jahmaul, you have successfully defended your race, you might make up 13% of the population and commit 52% of the murders, but whitey who makes up 75% of the population commits 58% of non lethal violent crime!
I dont even understand the retarded logic behind this. I just hate pol spam and spear chuckers but at least spear chuckers dont spam Yea Forums with their faggotry
The next point is to
ponder why it's always been like this.
>To say that the reason is race rather than historical or economic factors is a very heavy burden
not if you're not a brainwashed idiot
>this is what niggers actually believe
My father (who isn't white by the way) has been a police officer for 35 years, and he told me that they're told off the record to not even engage or talk to blacks unless they absolutely have reason to think it's necessary, that they're committing crimes, etc. They actively avoid bothering blacks without a good reason because blacks are far more likely than any other group to frivolously accuse them of racial profiling and drag them into court costing the tax payers tons of wasted money. Not only that, but there's a far higher likelihood statistically that they'll be in physical danger by approaching a suspicious black person.
People who believe cops just go around picking on black people for walking down the street minding their own business have been completely brainwashed. If you're black and the police "harass" you it's far more likely that you're up to no good than it is if they "harass" another race of person. It's in their best interest fiscally and safety wise to avoid you. They have NOTHING to gain from fucking with a black person for no reason and in a time when the media sits with baited breath waiting to roll the next story about a poor (((innocent))) black man who dindu nuffin and was harassed by the evil racist police they have everything to lose.
So all those crime stats about blacks are actually even worse that we thought if some of them are slipping through as white.
>brainwashed idiot
My bad for expecting a nuanced debate in 2+2chan.
There is no difference in time between pressing shift at the beginning of a sentence or failing to do so.
protip, Guns, Germs and Steel is a load of bullshit
Why do you care so much about IQ, user?
Holy shit I recognize the one on the lower left. He was on Dateline NBC/To Catch A Predator.
There is a little difference. It's a button press
25 points of racial IQ is the difference between mud huts and orbital space stations.
>Guns, Germs and Steel is a load of bullshit
A one off picture vs a researched book
based and redpilled.
and we see here the typical witoid incel on a rage fit over the superiority of the KARA BOGA MALE,the start screeching,screaming,and destrotying everything on their room because mommy is busy taking care of the muslim inmigrant children
Not him but blacks have higher recidivism rates which inflates the percentage.
>Five years after release from prison, black offenders had the highest recidivism rate (81 percent), compared to Hispanic (75 percent) and white (73 percent) offenders.
They do commit more crime with respect to their population percentage but it isn't as high as it's typically advertised. Basically there's a sub-population getting counted multiple times in the stats.
>laughing at niggers and pointing out their stupidity!= HURR WHITE TEARS XD
A) A lot of us aren't white.
B) We're laughing at you.
great video game thread
So, you'd rather deny the possibility that genetics and evolution play a part in the capabilities of the most energy expensive organ in the human body?
That's where we're at. You're saying that genetic populations that are seperated by thousands of miles and at least 200,000 years of vitual genetic isolation in vastly different environments could not have possibly had changes in their genetic expression averages because they can still interbreed.
>vs a researched book
>be a loser
>but at least I'm not as bad as those niggers!
Don't take it away from him user.
On the other end of the spectrum, throwing a tantrum at the mere mention of a black engineer makes you really predictable, and as a result easy to manipulate. I hate SJWs too, but I can also separate the modern groups like BLM from the historical facts that they're trying to usurp. There's no reason to be so reactionary as to claim that this guy wasn't a real engineer just because BLM mentioned him. Of fucking course they'd be desperate to find an example in history of a useful black man.
It's a simultaneous press, because it is a modifier key. Have you ever used a keyboard? Do you take more time to type a question mark than a period?
Umm whites, it is a recorded fact in wikipedia that we made you. Our evil scientist named yakub made you 5000 years ago and thats how this white problem came to be. This is very very covered up and hiden by white media.
tell me how a orbital station works
Post the one about the kid "inventing" a computer.
In what way? You launch materials into orbit and dock them together, that's the general premise.
I don't think this is relevant to our discussion though.
That's what most experts say. So it's your burden to prove that bigger brains would be significant enough in Europe and not in Africa. And that it has nothing to do with the climate, geography and fauna.
Frequently, but not this time. Keep in mind what he actually did. Solid state ROM programs were already available. He didn't invent that. He however WAS chief engineer on his project.
It was an incremental step, but an important one. I'd put him well above the traffic signal guy, the gas mask guy.
But if you know him, and not, say Nolan Bushnel, or Raymond Maloney, or Masayuki Uemura, then you're the video game equivalent of a hotep.
He also went to college, so it's not like he just built this shit in his TV repair shop.
You are pressing a button using a finger. If you don't press that button, you can press another button with that finger instead. Pretty simple. Hope this helped
>tfw that man who created that was my grandpa's uncle
bad for him,witoids would end destroying the earth lol
btw jews are white
Is Tyler1 the second coming of Yakub?
Does Yea Forums like hip hop niggers?
HAHAHA OH WOW I had no idea the NOI were the ones who came up with that Yakub insanity. I thought it was some shit some random psychotic internet nobody pulled out of their ass.
you sound jealous or resentful of perceived virtue in an other
it doesn't matter whether they are or aren't pretending. even if we granted for sake of argument that they are in fact 100% feigning coolness, the fact that you believe that they do, without evidence, is itself indicative of a deeper pathology.
the same distinction can be made for racism, there's a difference between a mere keen judge of character, who, informed of the various relations between ethnicity and temperament, accordingly makes decisions, and an all too enthusiastic racist, who, on limited information, is willing to assume all kinds of things
everytime a witoid kid dies god laughs,and satan also
Does anyone have that photo about how slave masters used to muzzle black queens because they possessed the power to speak magic, and today that magic is still dormant in said black queens?
But I read the first word bubble first?
>"Peer reviewed" scientific "Evidence"
None of the shit you posted made it past any peer review, and even if it did fuckwits like you who post these bullshit infographics never read any of the actual reviews and responses to such journal artciles either, because you only PRETEND to be involved in academic discourse. Otherwise you wouldn't post these bullshit infographics seriously.
Having more commas doesn't make you sound smarter. Learn to write and stop pretending to be cool.
Love, mom
God and Satan are both white concepts, you filthy subhuman.
>Would be significant enough in a different climate, geography, and coextant fauna group.
>But has nothing to do with climate, geography, and coextant fauna group.
You're a fucking moron
I only press the A key with the finger that I use to press shift. Therefore, pressing shift would not prevent me from pressing any other button, nor would it take additional time. Hope this helps.
>None of the shit you posted made it past any peer review
Actually all of it is published, peer reviewed science. Why did you lie just now?
Do you need to lie in order to justify your delusional views?
Do you understand how you lose all credibility upon lying?
>all this projecting
You can barely even figure out how to use a computer, how are you on Yea Forums, mom?
(((peer reviewed)))
That's your fault for not leveraging your inactive finger.
You're fucking kidding yourself, user.
god and satan are interdimensional beings with no soul,body,or race,they dont care about you or anybody on that matter
I want you to imagine that you are at an event full of all of your closest friends and loved ones. Additionally, your childhood crush is there, and she is beautiful and single and has been admiring you all evening long.
Now, you go up to the stage, clear your throat into the microphone and take out a printed copy of that post you just wrote. You read it aloud to those present. How do you feel?
that was a decision by university administration to appease an outcry. Yes it was terrible, but they aren't academics. They have no role in the scientific peer review process, which, as the name suggests, requires people in the field review relevant articles.
>25 dogs killed a day by cops
>40% of cops beat their families
>some kike lost some bullshit (((honors))) because he said something dumb
Who cares?
>post black guy
>Yea Forums gets enraged and starts posting crime/IQ statistics
what the fuck
Here's a better tact for you:
Peer review is not replication.
Peer review is someone in your field saying, "Yeah this looks right." and signing off on it.
There is a massive replication problem in science at present, because many things are signed off on for intellectually biased reasons.
Oh, wait, that goes against your narrative, because the prevailing western scientific dogma is that there is no such thing as race, and any who go against that are demonized and cast out of academia, meaning no one can trust any conclusions from either side.
While in non-Western nations, they're finding the same things as all those studies.
i have been on this fucking site for like 6 years and i've never seen any of that "500 replies in defense of feminism,progressivism,and what have you"so you are a lying faggot and also gay
>post nazi
>resetera gets enraged and starts posting about the 8 trillions
Nigga, that's not Yea Forums, that's pol. and some noobcakes from resetera who are eating so much bait, that they might as well open up a tackle shop.
why is that article dated 2019? Did something new happen regarding that?
its happening now in this very thread you retard
it happened in january user
i'm completely willing to concede that my writing style and formatting are very flawed on account of my lack of higher education, yet the fact that you believe i'm doing this to sound smarter is again saying more about you than anything else
i think it's a fine analysis with a clear rationale and they would probably agree with me. the is that the truth behind an accusation is not important(because naturally the truth is inaccessible), but the justification behind believing in it is. a person who, for example, believes his wife is cheating on him, or that his colleague is laughing at him behind his back, can still be paranoid, even if they're fully correct.
>i think it's a fine analysis with a clear rationale and they would probably agree with me
I see. I'm sorry life gave you this affliction.
Oh, so he was stripped of even more honors after losing his position a couple of years ago. Well that sucks.
Why do the goyim bicker so?
Don't they realize they're all animals?
>year of our lord
>defending black people
yes because only a leftist wouldn't want the front page of Yea Forums covered in off-topic bait threads.
example,i just see shitposting and faggots fighthing over niggers when in real life none of them could survive a hollow point bullet to the head,the only thing that matters
Politics became video game related when political forces started invading my hobby.
>just because two places are different that means that the differences cause significant changes in intelligence.
I'm waiting my dude.
would it upset you if i revealed that nearly all of the people in my life think i'm very intelligent ;^)
if you hate them so much just do a terrorist attack like nigga move that fat ass from your mothers basement and do something pussy lol
>imply that stats interpreted by a under-educated retard is helpful
So he was a manager at the company that designed the first game cartridges?
Why does /pol/ suck this guy off so much? He's literally a redditor who steals /pol/ memes and just reposts them in his shitty comics, not unlike 9gag and rage comics of old, yet instead of telling him to fuck off stealing their shit they act like he's god's gift to the board.
A thread of a black cock saying "how do white boys even compete" helps that how?
lol wut is this.
Cops aren't racist.
Cops are bullies, and see black people as easy targets.
Old white women get just as many bullshit traffic stops as black men. My mom got pulled over six times in a year once she hit 55.
>btw jews are white
>All images in replied posts are literally not peer reviewed journal articles
>the post that includes journal articles are dated as far back as the 70's and have all since been entirely irradicated by actual peers in citation
>Can easily be discovered by anyone that knows a "Cited in" function.
>"And even if it did..."
Do you understand how to read? Aside from clearly not knowing anything about how journal articles work, You certainly didn't click what I posted myself you link-happy monkey, because you don't give a shit about science, you give a shit about your agenda, and reading further than these god awful articles would go against your dogma and force you to actually LEARN something. You don't know a single fucking thing about academics, you only know how to post links to articles you haven't read, or even took the slightest bit of actual interest in, because you only want it to serve as "evidence" when you clearly have no idea what the fuck evidence is.
Brilliant well-worded strawman. Nobody "signed off" on unabridged books or website databases. Nobody brought up replication either. See above. You're the same breed of shithead that took 1 course in university where you had to cite journal articles and never made it any farther than that.
> Nah bruh, Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb, humans have been using gas lamps and other light sources for decades
try to refute me
protip:you cant
>Lo and the second coming of Yakub would occur when one of the chosen lay with the accursed white menace
>>All images in replied posts are literally not peer reviewed journal articles
Of course images are not studies. But they cite peer reviewed studies.
I guess you had to have something. Really weird, pointless argument to make.
>>the post that includes journal articles are dated as far back as the 70's and have all since been entirely irradicated by actual peers in citation
The human races have not evolved since the 70s. That science is all still good, I promise. Science has no expiration date. It is valid until proven wrong, which contrary to your insinuation, it actually never was. No one has ever disputed rushton's work in any capacity besides "it's racist" (which I guess is true by the dictionary definition.)
>Just because something offers more of a survival advantage somewhere else doesn't mean it was caused by that environment.
Here's the thing, a high powered brain is similar to flight in birds. It is a high cost, high benefit adaptation.
When stripped of the need for that adaptation to operate at such a high level, it is often lost. As those without the higher cost version are able to weather lean times better. Which is why so many flightless island birds exist. They didn't need flight to escape predators or find food, so when lean times hit, those with less costly chest muscles suvived and produced more offspring, leading to a genetic expression of a once flight-capable species that is now incapable of taking wing.
Similarly, with the out of Africa hypothesis being debunked, we can see this happening multiple times in human evolution. A group entered an area in which food was plentiful and easy to obtain. Thus, those who needed the fewest resources multiplied rapidly, leading to the extant phenotype having a diminished capacity that was no longer essential for survival.
We see this where ever early hominids settled into areas with plentiful, year round food resources. Africa, South America, Australia.
Oh I know this one. Gerald Ford.
>Here's the thing, a high powered brain is similar to flight in birds. It is a high cost, high benefit adaptation.
I think humans are doing pretty good with it. Especially the asians and whites.
And you're the same breed of midwit who can't actually think for himself because he's deathly afraid of being outted as not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is, so he just holds safe opinions that society at large have told him are the smart ones to hold.
Damn, thanks Jerry. All those Asians would never have thought of this without you. We might still have used punch cards. Having a game on a separate, attachable circuit is ground breaking. Wow. Damn. Janks Therry.
I didn't mention Carver by name you silly cunt, I mentioned peanut butter. His contributions to the agriculture industry are a footnote compared to the whole
shit that's pushed down the throats of impressionable children.
Stop defending revisionism and fight for the full record being taught.
I was thinking he's your standard kid who went into debt to go to a liberal university and unquestioningly believes what is hammered into him there because the sunken costs make it too painful to confront the reality of the situation.
Their achievements are marginalized because they've only accomplished a marginal amount in those fields while being much greater in numbers on a world scale. There are reasons for this, of course.
and then there's the brainlet who thinks that casting doubt on established notions for the sake of it makes him a critical thinker. It's the trap that both draws in conspiracy theorists and bestows them with their characteristic persecution complex.
lmao you fucking retarrd
>and then there's the brainlet who thinks that casting doubt on established notions for the sake of it makes him a critical thinker.
That is literally what a critical thinker is, yes.
>lawson and his team
So not him alone. Checkmate faggot.
Yes, life is much easier when you can just demonize your opposition as stupider and evil.
unless we're talking about the very few and far between highly specific scenarios where intelligence is more trouble than it's worth, like a sensitive person reading poetry and killing themselves, the idea that intelligence, on the whole, across large numbers of people, isn't worth it's weight in calories, sounds very suspect
>casting doubt on established notions for the sake of it makes him a critical thinker.
yes this is correct
rip magnavox odyssey 1 that used cartridges
I like how /pol/cels cope with being failures by demonizing education.
Depends, when you cast doubt do you find robust reasons and fact to back up the established notion,
or do you instead find castigation and demonization in place of rationality? Appeals to a dogmatic belief in place of evidence?
Do not those "established notions" deserve to be cast down as the detritus that they are?
Is it that you cling to them because they comfort you as a babe suckling at his mother's breast?
>figuring out your can stick a ROM chip inside a plastic box with the I/O lines exposed is "inventing"
ok then
Everything I've said is accurate, sorry if the truth hurts. Academia absolutely, 100% has a liberal bias at present.
>Do not those "established notions" deserve to be cast down as the detritus that they are?
but him but this is some fucking shakespearesque grammar
you not better be the same fag who complained about lack of capitalization i swear to god
Which makes it all the more damning that literally all scientific evidence indicates black people are intellectually inferior as well as biologically disposed to aggression.
>you not better be the same fag who complained about lack of capitalization i swear to god
Don't bring me into this.
Reminder that there are Nobel prize winners in the sciences who worked on large teams but only they got the prize.
Life has liberal bias, sweetheart. Nobody likes or publicly glorifies hierarchy, tradition or old inbred kings, this site included.
One also has to factor in that each group is, by virtue of being a different group, carrying a different amount of the variety in genetic expression.
Keep in mind, we're talking about an organ that accounts for 20% of the body's energy use. Depending on where you look, you find ranges in the inherritibility of IQ at 40-80%.
To circle back to the original point about economic factors, we do not find that much of a difference between the poor and rich, as the richest blacks perform worse than the poorest blacks in IQ studies.
Similarly, we find that the poorest white areas in America have a lower crime rate than the richest black ones.
And yet, the myth of socioeconomic factors persists. Because it is a comforting dogma.
The Nigger
>reach Cart perfection on first try
>industry sticks to boring grey carts
The world couldn't handle this much SOUL.
No, actually, life has a cold, hard and deep violent bias.
It is only thanks to technology that we can barely afford to humor the inane ideas of liberals. And they always cause the long, bloody descent of the civilization that tries them.
Wow. What a high powered education you're getting there from your professors.
*Richest black, poorest white.
It's mainly because of nuclear bombs that leftist ideology is dominant right now. During war, ideology shifts hard to the right. But nuclear MAD has virtually ended actual full scale war. It will probably continue to be that way.
I think many people don't understand just how deadly nuclear weapons are. A single nuclear rocket could render the entire planet uninhabitable forever, if someone elected to build and launch it.
Well, apparently India has started a border skirmish with whatever that other nuclear country on their border is.
The happiest engineers are biomedical and the saddest are civil tbqhwy.
The most useless engineering field is yours
>50y face
The absolute state of Amerimutt """"""wh*Tes """"""
It's thanks to the radical, liberal revolutionaries of the past you can even type your pseud dribble at me.
>if its in an infographic it's automatically false because I don't like it
All liberal revolutionaries have ever done is mass murder their fellow countrymen.
>>industry sticks to boring grey carts
Has anyone else ever noticed how black people look like POOP? lmoa
Happiest engineers are probably combat. Always drunk and playing with explosives.
why civil so sad?
Thanks Jerry.
I'm sure he didn't do all that by himself.
royalist and capitalist pigs aren't fellow countrymen, my good man
Much like the cellphone one. Worked on a team that refined an existing invention.
>edison invented the light bulb
he only made it commercially viable
Neither were the other leaders of the revolution, it would seem.
Wtf is the difference between computer science and computer engineering
Another fake niggershit invention
so where all da citations hnn?
merely bourgeios counter-revolutionary elements that needed to be promptly gulag
very unfortunate cases
They design amazing structures only for Architects to swoop in and take all of the credit
What have you done with your life user
>computer science
learn to code
>computer engineering
learn what a resistor is
Do you want to write code? Probably computer science.
Do you want to build computers? Probably computer engineering.
That is to say, there's a spectrum of hardware to software that runs roughly electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science.
neither, instead you find a website with a clickbait headline that pretty much exactly matches the thing you put into google, and you go down a rabbit hole of confirmation without even encountering any dissenting sources, because you were told they're all biased or controlled by the imaginary enemy. Find someone who doubts vaccines and it's pretty likely they also think the moon landing was fake, and time travelers are real, and that the supplements they bought really work. Because they went through roughly the same path during their "research".
>Similarly, we find that the poorest white areas in America have a lower crime rate than the richest black ones
Post your source user, all I found was this,
And this doesn't mean rich blacks commit more crime, it means poor whites are less likely to go to jail for their crimes. Pointing to that wealth (unless in the highest financial brackets) doesn't protect them from the arrest or incarnation.
>self taught engineer
I'm guessing he could use a soldering iron and follow some instructions by his peers.
laff dont they get credited in some way or just through a pay check and a slap on the bum?
Ah, the good old "All my doubters are crackpots."
>modern programmers can't build a computer out of post-apocalyptic scrap and don't use the c language exclusively
truly, a desolate state of affairs. i can't wait for AI to replace us
computer engineering is the physical part of the computer.
I enjoy BME because of how much we have to borrow from other engineering fields. We're also the retarded cousin of engineering and thats okay!
>They don't commit less.
>They just get arrested less.
Ah, there's that old dinosaur...
I assume that you think the Crime Victimization survey is bullshit then? As it matches within a few percentage points the arrest rates.
boomers could just walk into the building, give the CEO a firm handshake and get a job user. The reason self-taught is unthinkable these days is not that it's impossible to learn the skills yourself, but that it's impossible to get hired without credentials.
Crime rates in the US are measured by actual occurences of crime, not convictions or jailings, bong.
Do you not even realize the way you report your statistics is wrong? :) That's why, you should realize, the murder rate in London is 4x NYC. Not half.
I don't want to do either of those things user
Where's the source user. As I stated before that's all I found that matches close to the post you provided.
electrical engineering = all hardware
computer science = all software
computer engineering = both
Do you want to do sick back-flipping axe throws? Join the Spetsnaz
Are you going to post the source for that statement? Or are you going to just talk?
The point is that the position of doubt requires virtually no effort and can gain considerable traction without even substantiating any of their claims. Most of the people pulled into these circles don't have any idea of the immense gap between the "work" they did in dredging up random websites and the work required to arrive at a corroborated result in real science. So they feel that their views should have equal attention, and unfortunately they get their wish.
glad i've intrigued you, look it up yourself.
Its the same shit in my third world country.
>oh I was just visiting a friend and stumbled upon this one specialized department, but I was determined you see and I learned as time went by
Theres so much people now and economic migrants even on my shit hole country. Fuck my life.
Thomas Edison didnt invent shit, he was just a businessmen who liked to larp
I just told you in the post you replied to I did and that's all that came up. Post the fucking source or stop posting shit you can't back up.
thats like saying doctors are stupid for not making medicine, also not using c++ is dumb
You're going to have to dig through raw data, it ain't posted front and center anywhere.
the fuckin self delusion in this thread
>this guy only taught himself electrical and computer engineering himself because jobs were so easy to get back then
are you oblivious to the fact that hes black in the 70s, which is pretty much "very hard" difficulty, you stupid faggots
ah yes all past accomplishments are meaningless according to yours (ahem) because things were so easy back in the day when medical science was practically in the stone age compared to now and most aspects of life were vastly more challenging and unaccomodating
kill. yourselves.
thanks reddit, very cool!
If you honestly believe that, you're the one who should kill themselves.
And yet you found it and for some reason can't provide a link to said raw data? I'll ask again post the source.
blown the fuck out and all you can do is parrot this garbage. the fuck have you accomplished, white boy?
Electrical engineering is the easiest engineering dont @ me
Post civil rights era, Blacks have been on easy mode.
You're going to find things like and When you take the time to break down the FBI crime statistics.
When you start looking for the data from individual districts and comparing them to their demographics, you find that statement.
Get digging:
>are you oblivious to the fact that hes black in the 70s, which is pretty much "very hard" difficulty, you stupid faggots
Yeah, life must be hard when you're a dumb nigger.
Nigga I'm only minoring in EE and I have never seen more challenging course material in my life. My only question is, why don't mathematics majors just major and EE and make twice as much dosh
I got hyped to get to use time powers to win by timeout, but honesty his current moveset looks bullshit as all hell. He got me hyped because it reminded of the brutal simplicity of old mortal kombats.
That literally happend to me and my brother, we got arrested because someone thought we were breaking into our own house. In fact the person who called the police was my typing teacher and said we were trying to break into cars when we were just walking down the street from the park to our house.
thank you nigger
You provided a link with crime in the u.s. by year. Those years go back to 1995. None of the links provided the original statement you posted in any of the preliminary reports, tables, external links or the word/Excel files they provided.
The details they do include is figures for specific crimes, states and counties. They also describe types of sexual violence and methods of information provided. There's no information regarding demographics such as race. So unless you provide me the exact link in the source you provided I'm calling you a liar.
So I'll ask again, post the source of that statement. And if it's in the source you provided post the year, the preliminary report and the specific tab for it.
a black dude invented cartridges?
that's gangsta
>"....or let me be me so let me see."
>Too lazy to find a demographic source to start comparing.
I said you're gonna have to process the data you lazy fuck.
Otherwise, stop pretending you're asking for anything but an article you can just dismiss as biased.
Worked out fine for the USA, you tory sack of shit.
>put a rom chip on its own PCB
1 time out of dozens. And even then, the first thing they did when coming in to power was repeat what started their revolution...
>Worked out fine for the USA
no it didn't
>in the 70s
>hard mode
are you joking?
>expecting a nuanced debate in 2+2chan
how new are you?
idk post more brown loli for research
>said the pasty white middle class american living in a country where the majority of shitskins are literally in poverty and can't afford internet.
I can't imagine being this stupid.
Appeals to nuance are the tools of the liar.
>and can't afford internet.
god i wish
Tax and shit on distant colonial subjects and blockade their harbors?
Blacks in the US have it better than most of the people in the world, kill yourself.
>mfw Yea Forums is filled to the brim with niggers and nigger lovers.
You guys are down there with /pol/ now
>boomers could just walk into the building, give the CEO a firm handshake and get a job user
When I was growing up my boomer parents constantly bitched that I wasn't getting a great "high paying union job". Those fucking jobs don't exist anymore because you idiots crashed the economy.
Institute a tax on a common trade good without representation. See: Whiskey Rebellion.
Don't doubt it. He's fat enough to be an engineer. Don't know why but engies are always ugly and fat.
A lot of sitting and numbers.
Unacceptable, you posted a very specific statement, you failed to provide the source for the statement. Then the source you provided didn't even provided information related to race only the populations, crimes and counties.
In you stated,
>When you start looking for the data from individual districts and comparing them to their demographics, you find that statement
But the source doesn't even have demographics only geographic and basic census information. Now you are telling me to look up the demographics and tie it to the geographic data myself. It's clear you are full of shit user. Hell the fact it took multiple post telling you to provide the source was warning sign but the fact the source you did provide doesn't match or follow your statement seals it.
Fuck off
Sure, that explains the fat part, but not ugly
>boomers want their kids to get union jobs
>they're the ones who killed unions
It'd be hilarious if it weren't so sad
I'd like to see you post this on your twitter account, mr checkmark.
>oh nice, a thread about the fathers of gaming
>scroll down
Is there a single moment in your waking life you don't absolutely OBSESS over this shit? Every day? Every hour? For years?
>It has geographic information
>Too lazy to cross reference with census data which also has geographic information.
And that's why I didn't do your work for you. We all know you just wanted an article you could dismiss out of hand.
Unions killed themselves by being shit at their jobs, impossible to work with, and becoming the exact type of massive bloated parasitical bureaucracy that they claim management is.
He wasn't a father of gaming, his work wasn't viable, and didn't lead anywhere.
>most shit is invented by a team of people
>black guy on the team will get all the credit because blacks genuinely have zero historical accomplishments
That's likely a combination of fat and autism. (so again, sitting and numbers.)
>whites commit more violent crime
even outnumbering blacks so hard that isnt true
He's simply bluffing. If he could shut you up with a single link rest assured he would've enjoyed it.
lmao the selective criticism is the funniest part of covert racism
>yet still have it worse than the whites in america
whoa crazy, you better go tell all those ghetto gangbangers to check their privilege user!
>covert racism
Is that like when science shows blacks commit the most crime?
nigga we wuz kangz we built tha pyramids we created whitey but then whitey took our fucken technology and black magic now gibs me dat welfare check muhfugga
Okay, maybe he wasn't assuming you're right. But the fucking topic IS about them (And modern but unknown important people)
That's not a bloody excuse to go off tangent in every damn thread you vermins infest like maggots to shit
Yeah. Because they were run by boomers
Listen you fucking retard who clearly can't into statistical geography. Without some basic demographic data provided by the FBI in those links there is no way to inferior accurate data between the population in question and the geography. And honestly I highly doubt you have done it or is even capable of doing it yourself or you would have posted it already.
>Cameron gets all credit for alita
>it was a spic that directed it
Yeah, almost as funny as the overt racism against whites in entertainment and social media. Oh wait, it's not "real" racism right? :^)
Google the name and it credits Rodriguez, not Cameron.
Fascinating. A thread full of loser neets discuss how tech teams work, as well as management because they read a dilbert strip once
Yet every thread, every site says it's "camerons work"
Hell, just check the archives for that alita thread we had some hours ago. Everyone was praising cameron despite being just the writer, one of several.
I don't get the fascination on race when the world turning into complete shit is a combined effort from everyone.
To be fair he's pre-med. A Post-med black doctor would just give the child some MD 20/20 like any other responsible physician.
Yeah, I figured as much. I mean the argument is a pretty straight forward affair but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for a source. Obviously I was wrong to and got nothing for it.
come on, I know most of you weebs are retarded as fuck but don't play dumb now
BHM was created by blacks. The only thing they invent and they still fuck it up.
Lol this always fucks with /pol/fags. Good post OP heres a bump.
>13% of the population vs over 50%
Except literally nobody fucking cared about black people in Apex for like two seconds people bitched about some non-binary character but everyone just passively aggressively called them mutts and moved on unlike OverWatch which pulled the Harry Potter route retroactively making characters gay for literally no reason
>industrial engineering sign is falling down
I really hope this was intentional.
Why would /pol/ have a problem with black people doing something constructive?
because they need to believe blacks are corrupt and incompetent, and anything that threatens that belief has to be attacked
Yea thats me. AMA.
Is it just like a mini-mall?
Not really. Mostly it's that they believe blacks are lazy and useless. If all blacks were like the OP's pic, it'd be great. You should lurk there more before speaking for them.
There was a point where blacks had more stable marriages and stronger social structure than whites.
Then Democrats brought in the welfare state, and told them they could get more money if there wasn't a man in the house.
The rest is history.
Being corrupt requires intellect. You can't corrupt an animal. Incompetent describes most blacks pretty well though.
But they didn't attempt formal protest and negotation before attempting violence, also that was more about wages for continental soldiers. Also an existential threat to a newborn nation is not comparable to rebellion against distant tyrants.
no, you should stop pretending instead. if blacks aren't basically intrinsically unredeemable, then hating them might be unjustified. but they hate blacks, so if hating them is unjustified, that makes them bad people. and need to believe they're not bad people.
hence, they must dehumanize blacks, in order to sustain their identity
you should go back
Yeah. The Democrats' "white savior complex" has plunged blacks into a culture of dependence, which creates a crabs-in-a-bucket situation. Very similar situation to Africa, where aid and welfare ensures that no stable economy can be established.
Sounds like you're the one with a problem with black people.
poor bait
Calm down you silly nigger. Nobody on /pol/ is gritting their teeth or singing the ills of isolated tribal blacks who don't rob, kill, rape or eat anybody. Meanwhile blacks in America overwhelmingly commit violent crime despite their small numbers.
>black does somthing retarded
Haha yes good this is good fuck niggers kill them all
>black accomplishes somthing
N-never happened, its propaganda look at these infographics while I derail your thread fuck niggers even the smart ones. They should die too.
>N-never happened, its propaganda look at these infographics while I derail your thread fuck niggers even the smart ones. They should die too.
t. never been to /pol/
>be called "the inventor of X"
>you were just on a team, and not even the team leader
He looks pretty chill tbqh.
Oh please, they talk about purging Africa in nuclear fire all the time.
i'm simply explaining how racism coexists with enlightenment liberal values in the minds of racists. i don't care if you don't believe me. and i certainly don't care for this pseudo damage control
>even the smart ones
The smart ones would realize their genes are cursed to make low IQ monkeys and they shouldn't breed to prevent more damage.
Only because of how the Africans behave. Unless you support raping infants to cure your AIDS.
You probably haven't, or are willfully ignorant. It's either kill every nigger, or kill yourself. Anything less is republicuckery.
Must suck when you're lauded as a black man over being a talented engineer.
>I dont care but I'll keep posting anyway
Great work my child-like negroid friend
Yeah. Idpol discredits your accomplishments in a condescending kinda way.
It's not
>wow, great work
>wow, great work for a black man
At least the Right is meritocratic.
Now you're being honest. Finally, you faggots always play coy. Why?
A round of applause for this self taught engineer, you lazy fucks
You wouldn't nuke child-rapists? You didn't catch anybody out. Nothing you quoted has contradicted what comes before it.
>haha yeah they're child rapists but at least i pointed out that you don't like that haha
they're transparent "trolls", no need to waste your breath
I'm a self-taught computer expert and weaponsmith, I dont give a fuck
i agree, fren. hitting women with machetes and raping infants is vibrant and i wish these bigots would let us open their borders ???
>While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.
I wouldn't mind killing some pedophiles. Mabye you're onto somthing.
>In this position, Lawson had a significant amount of freedom, and the partnership would lead to the Alpex video game cartridge idea to be licensed by Fairchild. History often cites Lawson as being the sole inventor of the cartridge, but he is more appropriately the person who lead the commercialization of a polished version of it.
YOU are kidding yourself
The only board that was racist legitimately back in the day was Yea Forums and text Yea Forums
So, he was a manager.
So... where is my Asian month
>Someone makes a useful but ultimately irrelevant development in tech.
>No one cares.
>Inventor is Black
>In 2019 everyone suddenly cares and go on about how it's racism keeping the Black Man down. Importance of invention is suddenly elevated.
Progressivism is a mind virus.
Forgot about Famicom carts. Wish NA would have had colored NES carts as well.
>Yea Forums was the only board that was racist
The only mod who regularly banned for saying nigger was the Yea Forums mod, and he was a notorious powertripping faggot nobody liked.
I was talking about cultural practises that are accepted at a social level, which the West doesn't have (hence your jail stats), but if you expect me to defend pedos you're retarded.
>Did Alexander discover the revolutionary properties of penicillin?
>No! The penicillium mold has existed for thousands of years.
if you read the article he wasn't even a manager really, he was a freelance "engineer" that worked in hawking shit out of a van. he was certainly smart and educated and palled around with some brainiacs, but there doesn't seem to be much of an actual engineering career anywhere listed.
>The only way anyone can credit black men for anything is to lie about their actual involvement
Don't leftists realize how racist that is?
You aren’t fighting for “the full record”.
You want to marginalize black inventors :)
Damn that was badass I am on your side now
dont be silly, i only fight for the extermination of all non-whites
Lol this thread again.
>inb4 W-wikipedia
Look to the sources in the articles famalama
Those were glorified switches.
>trusting shrinks
>Chances are you're not much better.
That's cute, but statistically I am much better.
>Banneker, Benjamin
>Wooden clock
I dont need to keep reading, these faggots genuinely just gave credit to some nigger in 1753 for inventing grandfather clocks.
Oh no, but it's prevelant! Might be genetic! I'm only using statistics user, feel firmiliar?
What are you trying to say?
White incarceration rates outweigh pedophilia in countries where it's culturally entrenched?
>”W-w-we said N-n-n-n-wurd back den and a mod would ban us, that makes us not racist!”
Dumbest implication I have ever read
Who's saying we're not racist? If other races weren't as shit then there'd be nothing to discuss in the first place.
Yes, but they're just farming votes, so they don't care about the actual implications, only that they can appear good.
So where are the unsung legends?
Who cares about the culture when whites just can't stop raping children? Do you just excuse this? 70 percent of people caught are white! Man oh man. Must be somthing biological. Hmmmmmm.....
Hating someone just because they exist is wrong.
This. Seriously, /pol/tards are in every fucking thread peddling their bullshit. Yet where are all the nigger kike trannies they speak of?
To them, unless you're just as /pol/tarded as they are, you're automatically some tranny lefty lunatic.
I hate people because of how they behave.
>3 posts in
>it's /pol/ time already
Jerry deserved better...
Fuck Jerry, he's a nigger. :)
>accomplishing anything
Fake and gay
Then work to educate people on how to achieve their goals without offending others with their behavior
It takes kindness to actually act instead of typing about this and I know you are kind and that you can do it user
>greetings fellow 4channies.txt
Behaviour is largely inherited. You're encouraging people to tale on some 'White Man's burdenn' shit which you would probably consider racist too.