Darkest Dungeon

Just got Darkest Dungeon Ancestral Edition. How the fuck do I get good?

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I tried to play this on Switch and the controls were awful. Lesson learned. Upvote if you liked my story.

im playing through this right now and am at the last dungeon,
basically, stun every chance you can, thats kind of the meta of the game.
its usually preferebale to either stun or hit the back row enemies as they cause stress, and stress is harder to heal than health,
and you gotta be using trinkets, itll take some learning to figure out which ones are good for what dungeons
dont ever read books, it just fucks you over
and upgrade your wagon as early and as much as possible
dont be afraid to fire ppl instead of spending money to heal them. sometimes just hiring a new guy is better but make sure to unequip their trinkets first.

I actually got it on Switch so I can play it on the go.

i have this one ps4 and pc, and i can tell you playing this on console is just absolute shit because of the lack of controls. i dont think you can "hover over" enemies to see their stats.

Touch screen on the Switch makes it a lot easier to navigate.

ah, that makes sense.

>How the fuck do I get good?
you dont lol

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More tips like this PLEASE

boss's are always in the last/furthest room of the dungeon so its better to just go straight to the square and not fuck around looking for loot until after you beat the boss and only if you have enough health left

I just got it too from what I understood you should pick your party such that you have at least one healer that can keep health up for the party during any battle
Also I guess stun bitches and stack poison on them that actually hits hard if you stack it with the plague doctor

Also idk if I'm right but it's better to fuck off and abandon quests rather than gamble away your mercenaries

Okay, heres a big tip that not many people ever talks about: ALWAYS kills the last enemy in the line first. They are usually the ones with the stress damaging skills and if you kill the fast it will save your characters AND your money later.
Always upgrade armor first, buy food, torches and shovels before going in dungeons, and try to always take a character that can cause Stun on enemies cuz that shit is useful as fuck.
That's pretty much all I can think about right now.

also, every boss really only has a couple viable party comps/strategies thatll work so honestly i would check the guide/wiki before facing them. im sure ppl will say thats cheating but theres no sense in party wiping and starting over.

Also one thing I noticed that was very cool is that some bosses like the swine prince, if you kill their little goomba first the fight actually gets much harder because he damages everyone from that point, I had to abandon that fight right after I killed his goomba and he started doing some splash damage

You could always just fight em and fuck off if you start losing
It wastes time but is more fun

thats true, i always forget you can run in this game. im kinda stubborn though, even if i remembered id still probably try and fight em even though its a terible idea.

Devs finally "balanced" the game into the ground?

Nah I mean if my party is fucked before battle I just abandon

I don't like any of my dudes dying at any point which I managed so far until some faggot fight didn't let me escape and killed two of my level 3s ;__;

adding onto this:

-vestal is near mandatory for late game outside of meme comps like super crits, but those need specific trinkets and quirks to get going
-do not bother locking/removing quirks until lvl 6, unless they're really good or really shitty ones. quirks that cause extra stress or lower accuracy are the shitty ones you don't want, quirks that add speed/crit/dodge/protect/hippocratic are ones you generally want
-do not bother removing diseases except for really shitty ones that lower accuracy/health/etc.
-never get stingy with supplies; food can heal you in between rounds and feasting at camp heals a lot of health+stress. always carry 2-4 shovels depending on the length of the mission
-if you have heroes that scout a lot like the houndmaster, always take 1 key to unlock the chest in the secret room

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Some classes are just shit without no redeeming quality.
Make sure you have a stress healer and a healer when you go on a medium/long map
>jester, hound master, crusader
Also always save and use scouting trinkets on classes with high scouting chances. Spend money on scouting camping skills.
Scounting allows you to
>avoid fights
>has a chance to trigger secret rooms
>untrap traps

Always take out the backrow first.
Always take folks who can hit the back row.

did they ever fix this game? i remember playing it at release and the sanity mechanic was so fucked you could literally walk into the first battle of a dungeon and have the enemy go first and in their first turn break half your group if they got lucky but i also had many many instances where they could lower my sanity by half in just one battle.

Luck and following a guide to the T.

I also forgot:
-accuracy is really important in this game, especially for heroes like the leper and occultist. natural swing is probably the best overall quirk in the game and affects both melee and range.
-healing spells can crit which doubles their effect and causes them to heal a little bit of stress
-to beat the game you need a mandatory minimum of 16 heroes since heroes can only enter the darkest dungeon once before they refuse to enter it ever again, assuming you're playing on the default difficulty.

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>S (best in role or otherwise overloaded as fuck)
Vestal (only consistent healer)
MAA (best tank, fantastic buffs and debuffs)
Houndmaster (over-loaded, fantastic scouting)
Shieldbreaker (over-loaded, free trinkets and shields)
>A (consistently very strong or offers high utility)
Grave Robber
Plague Doctor
>B (middle of the pack or serves strong niche)
Bounty Hunter
>C (Reddits favorite meme hero, also good in endless)
>D (buy a bank or run with HWM)

Don't follow a guide then what's the point of the game

>grave robber
>a tier

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>waiting till 6 to lock/remove quirks
Huge waste of gold, either lock while low level or run Caregiver Convention whenever it's in the Weald.
Even that you want to get off early often before your hero level forces you to run fucking Champ Weald.

If it's just quirk removal, run Coves with lots of herb for coral.

The recent buffs helped her out of B tier.
Pickax ignores PROT and stealth helps her out.

Both Leper and Antiquarian should be B class for their endless farmstead niches and Occultist should be swapped with Jester.

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learn, nigger
read the fucking wiki, remember how attacks function and from where they work, remember enemy stats and what youll need to deal with them, remember curios and shit in each area and the provisions youll need for each

i see you have a jester and vestal, congrats on already being better than probably 90% of the community at assembling a functional team comp, youre doing fine


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it's a huge waste of gold locking/removing quirks on low level heroes because 1) they can die 2) they can be overran with affliction/diseases to the point they aren't worth salvaging and are better off fired.

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When you get to champ dungeons you'll need accuracy trinkets. Or a character that can buff accuracy.

Learn enemy abilities and where they can hit. Guard can be very strong with this knowledge. Cove fish hit hard but the 2 front fish can only hit positions 1 and 2. 3 and 4 hit 3 and 4. Guard can make this way easier.

Scouting is very important.

Don't forget shovels.

Don't worry about negative quirks for the most part until later. It's just a money sink you should have used elsewhere.

Upgrade stagecoach number of heroes first. Then guild and blacksmith.

Check to see if your party has anti ambush campfire skills.

Scouting is very important 2.0

It's a fun game. Enjoy.

Maybe if she had bleed instead.
From exp she was too squishy n her dps was lacking compared to others.

her stealth is absolutely pointless
she's actually pretty strong strong now that pickaxe is armor-piercing and her thrown dagger can one-shot in crit/mark/blight teams.

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because trial and error with permanent consequences sucks dong
nobody wants to do suicide runs with fresh recruits just to know what a boss even does, and the game doesnt provide that information without diving in headfirst

accuracy is everything.
accuracy, stress relief in combat, Vestal.
Marking party used to be obscenely good before nerfs, now I don't know.

this, it eliminates the never ending grind of this game. every boss is a suicide run if you dont have some prerequisite knowledge. ive only been able to brute force maybe 3-4 bosses and that was early game.

I didn't say that
In fact I try not to let anyone die
I just got the game and reached week 18 beat the first few bosses and only have two people who ever died on me that too because of some random shit not letting me escape that battle

Just abandon man you can still keep the treasure

mark parties can wipe out any boss except the last one in 2-4 rounds. that's all that matters.

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also, learn to stall. Stalling allows you recover (heal/de-stress). It got nerfed though, but you still can squeeze one-two free rounds before reinforcements.

sonic? is that you...?

yeah, I love them, by far my favourites
>Arb-HM-BH-Occ with stun

>to recover

Most people don't consider spending 30 minutes to learn something that they could have found out in 10 seconds is "fun". Even sticklers often recommend a curio guide.
>they can die
>so don't invest in making them stronger, increasing odds of death dramatically
What kind of fool plans to lose? On normal you just hire another anyway, on Styg/BM you can only die 12/16 times, -2 for the heart unless you plan to meme the shit out of it with Vape Lord Leper.
Afflictions and disease are nothing, depending on investment kicks are worth when they get nothing but trash positive quirks which you need mostly RNG to fix. Which is why you lock the best ones in low level for cheap, so you aren't fuckin' inundated with last gasp backtrackers that scout slightly better in the cove.

>not another HM or HWM

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>+100% damage, +4% crit, +13 dodge

It's more about the thrill and danger of learning the hard way but meh

You just need half a brain to beat basic game mode (one with no death or time limit). That's fucking it. To beat the hardest mode you'll also need some knowledge of the game and a little bit of planning.

sure, riposte is great, but demolishing stress casters and minibosses with crits for 60 is so fun.
>houndmaster isn't even that good against non-beast opponents

I got it on the Vita and its gorgeous, also got it on Steam

also, you need a real reliable healer in the marking party (no, Occultist is not a real healer, Arbalest is)

Remember that certain areas of the game are more fragile to certain type of dots than other, blight for ruins and cove, bleed for warren and weald.

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This game is like some one made a perfect game and then intentionally added shit to make game play less enjoyable to "enhance" the the "tone" of the game.

>Ok I think I know what kind of team I want to run.
You'll get what you get and you'll like it

>Ok well I got to be prepared so Im going to supply myself well
Lol we intentionally under supply the store.

>Well I'm going to minimize doing stupid shit to protect my party members.
Jokes on you shits going to happen to matter what you have no control.

>Well damn my best guy is fucked up but at least party is stronger.
Except your going to have to bench him to cure the shit he got from the dungeon.

>My top guys are back up and some classes I wanted came to town, I can use my big guys to help train the lowbies.
Fuck you they're "too good" to do the low level dungeons now, you're gonna have to level them up the hard way.

I understand a challenging game but this shit is just tedious.

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The Shrieker used to steal 8 of your trinkets REGULARLY

>On normal you just hire another anyway
exactly. there's no incentive at that point. also locking quirks at that point isn't "cheap" because your gold income is still low and you don't have any of the sanitarium upgrades unlocked. your gold is way better spent on supplies and weapon upgrades. as far as stygian mode goes: you're better off meme'ing with that vape lord leper or virtue farming unironically then worrying about quirks or even leveling heroes to 6.
and FYI it use to be common sense to "hope for the best but plan for the worst" or in other words planning on losing.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but aside from enemies skills and stuff, I feel like you can do just fine in Darkest Dungeon if you have common sense.
It's not like theres a game over, so after you get through your first three dungeons you already know exactly what you should and should not do.
I mean at least it was for me. In my 100 hours of gameplay I only had two characters die, though it was the same class(Man At Arms) and both times it was RNG bullshit where the entire enemy squad gets crits for some reason.

hm does more damage than arb to marked enemies because of dot, and even without his utility > her slightly higher crit rate
hwm is roughly equivalent with just his pistol shot, not taking into account everything else he brings to the table

this is why people hate arb, she has garbage utility and ass damage that only gets elevated to midtier with synergy
also shes slow as shit and has dumb targeting restrictions, much like mr leper
being moderately fat doesnt help her either since she only works in 3-4 so she takes much less damage anyway

also, use antiquarians every time you can in the early game (green/yellow missions). Gold is extremely important early on.

you don't need a reliable healer in a marking party because you blow up their stressers on round one and run medium length to camp heal with a feast what little stress you actually accumulated.

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Except if its raynald and dismas.
If you take them to the final boss, you get a special ending where they high five and wlak into the sunset together as bros

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agreed. i feel the same way about it, end game it just stops being fun, they just throw to much shit at you at once, its a lot of systems to try and keep track of on top of RNG. i got crit'd 5 times in a row by a regular enemy and of course none of my hits land. im nearly at the last dungeon and i cant be bothered to try and beat it

you don't want to rely on DOT. Either you kill things fast and efficiently or they make your life a living nightmare. Her main purpose is to kill marked backline on first/second round, after that she just bandages/does whatever she wants. Just put a matchstick on her, she's already fine. Something else and she's great. People just don't know how to use her properly.

this. plus personally I don't use his pistol shot in a mark party, I use his grape shot because it has a crit chance debuff that makes your entire party start critting everything into individual atoms.

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Pay attention to what you're up against in each dungeon and plan your group and skills accordingly (e.g. ruins/cove enemies are resistant to bleed, warrens/weald enemies are resistant to blight, these aren't usually dealbreakers but they are something to consider).
Stun anything you can't kill outright.
+ACC becomes an essential stat in the later dungeons. Either bring +ACC buffs like MaA bolster or start collecting focus rings/sun rings when you see them on expeditions. Actually, just do both.
Bring an antiquarian whenever you can early on and build the bank district as soon as possible. Once you hoard enough money, you can coast on the interest from the bank for the rest of the game. Remember to have antiquarian selected when interacting to get extra loot.
Download omen seeker because she is best girl.
These are probably good too. Caregiver's convention pops up often enough that you might as well do it if you want to lock in some good quirks.

I know many people will tell you to do this or that but the ultimate secret of this game is just to have fun.
Just bring cool looking characters and wack some cool eldrich horrors.
Just be confident in your abilities and believe that at the end, the light of justice will guide you to victory and success!

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>want to do BM clear mod-less, no little icon on save file
>no animation speed-up mod
reeeee it's like watching paint dry.
DD2 better give us the ability to raise speed in options.

OP, dont forget to check the secret room in the final mission

>focus rings/sun rings
everything got nerfed to oblivion

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>didnt implement the touch screen
I have the vita copy too and i can tell you, not using the touch screen was a massive mistake made by the devs. That shouldve been the obvious choice to make, but no im stuck playing withe the stupid console controls

I hope the sequel has more character variety
A main healer other than vestal would be nice

I have the vita version and its meh
The loading time is a little long but its so comfy getting ass fucked raw by one of my fav game in bed ;)

What's the best amount of food and torches to bring into the dungeon?

depends on where it is and how long the dungeon is. medium dungeons you can get by with a stack and a half of each maybe even a little less, but long dungeons id bring 2 full stacks of each. in the warrens though, you dont need as much food or torchs cause the hallways are smaller

you just described how everybody that "doesn't know how to use her properly" uses her. the thing is you can replace her with a hm and get the same round 1 outcome but with a hm you'll have better utility (outside of de-stealthing) damage, and self-preservation. arb is literally a worse hm. even her mark is shittier.

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1 Treebrach Smackdown + 1 bite/poison hug with DOT = 1 dead hero
You need a reliable heal, and Occultist isn't reliable. You physically won't be able to blow up tanky enemies in the Weald.

I typically go for 12 food at the least and 2-4 shovels

You are playing colours of madness, I guess. I play Crimson Curse with Shieldbreaker patch. Maybe, I don't know, many things got nerfed. I read the patch notes, it was nerf central. Didn't like the shift to the crit meta at all.

in that scenario it wouldn't matter even if you had a vestal that hero would still be dead, so that's a moot point. believe it or not, there's 100% viable no healer/no off-healer comps out there that function completely off healing from camping, so no you don't even need a healer let alone an iffy one like occultist.

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Exterminate missions (when your main purpose is to kill, not explore)
Small - 8 torches, 12 food
Medium - 12-14 torches, 16 food
Large - 16 torches, 24 food

my rule of thumb is
short: 8 food, 8 torches
medium: 16 food, 16 torches
long: 24 food, 24 torches
even this might be too much for an expedition, but this rule of thumb almost guarantees you wont have any food or torch problems at the end of the run

not necessarily, turn order/items + outheal these little bits of damage to sirvive
I know about no-healing party compositions, and these parties suck balls during long Weald missions.

do you really bring 3 whole stacks? ive never needed more than 2 full stacks and maybe like 2 extra on top of that so i can burn em early and free up an inventory slot.

but you lose a lot of money in the early game. You can, for example, just bring one medicinal herb and save some money you would otherwise spend on food for a Warrens/Weald/Cove mission.

I do in fact play color of madness with CC+shieldbreaker+musketeer+a bunch of modded classes. I remember her being better like 2 years ago when I last had darkest dungeon installed, but nowadays whenever I try making her work she just ends up being a complete drag. I did get one and a musketeer to level 6 on the off chance there was some meme formation that required an arb/musk but nope it was just a waste of time. I even have a cute skin mod installed.

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For exploration missions (explore 90% of the rooms) see

your heroes are bullets, not friends

yes, she really got nerfhammered in Colours of Madness. Too bad, I like her musketeer skin.

Occultist is really good. Can heal from any rank, has a skill that can hit the last two ranks and another that can hit among the first three and get extra damage against eldritch. He can also debuff enemy attack and stun as well.

you should never do long missions except for ancestral trinkets in the first place. and no-heal comps work even on long weald missions outside of really bad luck or running into a mini boss like the fanatic, head collector or that faggot from the stars. even then if you shit on them in in a few rounds and you still have a camp fire left it doesn't matter.

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Your lack of faith disturbs me.

you don't let these two die

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except Dismas. Dismas is bro.

Man all I have left in that is the 4 DD levels and all of the final bosses. Those champion maps are a nightmare

best part of the game

Bear in mind, however, that you have to bring more torches than usual for Weald missions.

he's good but he hasn't been really good for several patches.
>Can heal from any rank
so what? so can vestal except for rank 1, and you don't want occultist in rank 1 except for like 1-2 meme comps.
>...skill that can hit the last two ranks...
same with plague doctor and flagellant with arguably better results, at least with plague doctor.
>...another that can hit among the first three
that's extremely common
>...extra damage against eldrich
now you've finally mentioned something worth mentioning.
>He can also debuff enemy attack and stun as well
meh. why debuff their attack when you can debuff their defenses to outright kill them
>...and stun as well
he has one of the worst stuns in the game, even worse than vestal because of the rank requirement on top of him being flimsy.

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I feel like I've just brute forced my way through this game and not learned how to play it right, and am in for party wipes trying out the bosses

You know exactly how to beat them at this point, user. I believe in you.

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only if you don't get the map layouts off the wiki. that cuts out like 70% of the obnoxiousness right there.

So are there any amazing party set ups to work towards?

just because Dismas and Reynauld are your last two bullets doesn't make them not-bullets

I guess it can't be much of a difficulty increase

I wish they got unique dialogue if you pick them

It kinda is, but the mechanics are similar.
Bring all the bandages/antivenoms/4 holy waters for The Flesh fight. It has really nasty DOT attacks.
Kill Big Swine first and piglet last. Piglet can finish off low-HP members of your party with his stun squeal, keep that in mind.

Only ones who gave her a bunch of trouble was the hag with her spamming Into The Pot as soon as you get the guy out, on top of 4 or so damage like every since move and the Siran since she steals a guy. the rest you can just power through with attacks while healing as necessary

Stack her with dodge artifacts and fully upgraded equipment and she's practically untouchable.
Having multiple graverobbers buffing each other's dodge basically let's you plink pretty much anything to death without fear of reprisal.

Just bring all the food. You never know when you'll need it.

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don't make party from supports only (Plague Doctors, Antiquarians, Jesters), you will have a hard time. Other than that you will be fine.

Flesh is great to stack Plauge on too, plus its bigger attacks are easy to dodge, so plague doctor and antiquarian doing his dodge buff every round is a constent kill


>Not using four Antiquarians
It's like you hate money

I guess I'm just worrying about nothing? the two better equipped parties I have are
I've pretty well just guessed with what the best trinkets for them are

I'd switch that Crusader out for a Bounty Hunter, Since he does more damage with Marks

You will be rich indeed, but that's a lackluster gameplay experience. The game is meant to be fun, and this party composition is sweating pepe.

this so much this

Protip: if you see one of these red orb lookin' thingeys on the left, slap a torch in that beast ASAP.

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go dark
go high crit
get all the fucking loot

Take HWM/Houndmaster/Robber instead of Musketeer, she's just not a good character.
1st one is OK, especially if GR has lunge and Crusader - Holy Lance

>nerfed Moon Ring
Why, God? Why?

This is a pretty good look for trinket set ups

>People pretend like this game takes skill and prep and an understanding of the mechanics

>Literally beat the game on Stygian with 4 deaths, in 71 weeks, while doing nothing but running Leper, Bounty Hunter, Vestial and Arbalest for everything and ignoring stress damage

Protip: kill wilbur first to make the swine bosses more easier

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There is no getting good, you just do a little better each run.

mhmm, Leper, a man of culture indeed

those are almost ideal team comps
put the gr or crus with the sb and hwm to do a shuffle comp
the way this works is that all of them have forward 1-2 skills, so doing them all in the same turn will generally just cycle them and keep them in ideal position for the next turn

then the hellions more of like a bleed comp staple
you want someone who can bleed enemies for her, ideally houndmaster or jester because aoe, and a high crit rate so she can just shit damage, or you want a bunch of different bleeds on everyone so they dots stack high and big strong guys die real fast

musketeer is a different thing altogether and if you want to even make her work youll probably want an occultist

trinkets are a lot more complicated and it becomes more obvious what you should be doing as you get more options, at the beginning you basically just use what you can

I actually had GR using blight and dagger throws with the fall back that gives stealth, since Crusader and Hellion have few options when not up front. Does she work best as a back and forth position character?

She is amazing as a dancer fighter, especially with other dancing characters

So I killed the Miller, Do I just grind until my heroes until they are lv 6? It said something about heroes who only do endless but I haven't seen 1 in 10 weeks so far.

Oh gez thanks, this is great advice

You don't. It's RNG in the AI's favour.

>playing on easiest mode..

yeah sure

you need to click a button in the top left corner of the caravan to see the endless-only heroes

I suppose pairing her with a Shield, with a focus on pickaxe, plague and lunge for good synergy?

Abilities that move a character forward tend to be very powerful. Some that move them back are also powerful. Gravedigger, Bandit, Crusader, Jester, Man-at-Arms, Shieldbreaker all have abilities that move them in the party order and they're all good. Mixing a party of these characters together and giving each of them at least one move forward and move back ability can give you a devastating rotation of attacks while simultaneously removing the threat of getting your party shuffled.

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you gotta build a team around her but yes she works best as a shuffler

>Some splash damage
I think you're understating it a bit there user

Stygian is the hardest mode. Unless you include Bloodmoon, which just gives you an extra few weeks to complete the game + DLC, but if you finish the DD runs then the time limit doesn't apply anyway.

Unless you're just going to spout some meme level
>Lol the REAL hardest mode is no light, no healing, Graverobber only playthroughs

Good, but keep in mind that these characters have very low HP. You will need someone to compensate for that: healer or MaA

i don't have a bunch of characters at 6 yest, but would
Vestal/Plauge/GR/Sheild be a good comp for dancing and extreme plague?

>so what? so can vestal except for rank 1, and you don't want occultist in rank 1 except for like 1-2 meme comps.
In case you get shuffled. There is some flexibility in dire situations.
>same with plague doctor and flagellant with arguably better results, at least with plague doctor.
Occultist would be straight damage and has a high crit chance along with his skills.
>meh. why debuff their attack when you can debuff their defenses to outright kill them
That is good if they have low HP or just by themselves, but you can lessen the treebranch smack downs along with any other enemy that could have a heavy hitting skill.

The Occultist is a very versatile character.

So far I haven't had a team that didn't have a Vesta loaded with healing trinkets and stun attacks

I don't see why not

Lunge is rank 3-4 attack, keep this in mind
So in this comp GR won't be able to use her most powerful attack at turn one (most important one)

Point Blank Shot
Duelist's Advance
Point Blank Shot

I'd suggest putting someone else like HWM instead of PD:
no stuns, but the damage is over the roof

Obviously the answer is having 1 and 2 taken by Shields, max dancing

At least with HWM there is a lung and powerful bleed skill, pairing with GR and SBs plauge skills to stack on the back row

Man fuck endless Harvest, even running with a boostbot Jester I can barley get past the Miller. How the fuck do people get 300 kills? Am I just fucking trash at this?

my personal opinion is that gr and pd on the same team is kind of a noob trap

since for the most part one of your backline slots is gonna be occupied by a healer, you only really have room for one backline fighter on a team
and since both gr and pd need to be 3/4 to do their good shit, youll end up in a lot of situations with dead turns because one of them will end up out of position or out of order due to initiative rolls

People, how do you use Flagellant in Colours of Madness? Is it even worth it? Isn't he just trash?

This: Getting these two to the final mission was pretty great, pic related
Champion level enemies are the hardest thing in the game. Swine Skivers especially can go get fucked

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I would say GR is a better pick then PD since, PD has only bombs, and GR at least has attacks that hit 1


I don't know about you but literally the ONLY time I give a shit about getting shuffled is if I have lepers because I always take skills that get you back into your optimal position like holy lance/breakthrough/lunge etc., skills that are generous with their targeting like hound's rush/finish him etc., or skills that shuffle the enemy until they're in a worse position than you like puncture/disorienting blast etc.

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Don't bother with it, you can get shards and memories hunting The Thing from the Stars in veteran dungeons.

oh, you dont
they made sure you dont

This, as far as i know there is nothing in endless Harvest you can't get elsewhere

Seems viable
>GR and PD on the same team is kind of a noob trap
PD / GR / Vest / Crus worked wonders for me, even as high as Champion level, but you make a sound point.

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The general objective in combat is to let the enemy have as few moves as possible. Focus down squishies, stun what you can't kill outright.

Prioritize your targets: stress nukers almost always die first, then the squishy DPS, then the big guys. Taking in stress is more problematic than damage since damage can be healewd whereas stress forces you to use a camp, or worse, spend money.

If it becomes apparent that you're gonna lose somebody important, fucking DIP. The surrender button is at the top left.

Max out the stagecoach network ASAP, trade your heirlooms week one. More rookies to choose from means more likely to find keepers with premium quirks like +speed, +damage and whatnot.

Don't spend money on rookies you don't intend to keep. If the become too stressed or quirky to deploy safely, dismiss them and hire somebody else.

Attached: reynauld n' dismas.png (600x600, 191K)

Another cheat is that the game saves at the start of each room, so force quiting can save you from a characters death

>Threads is just limping along
This is why /dadg/ died isn't it?

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new DD game desperately needed

sadly most dd threads are a continuous repeat of people complaining about RNG and newbs asking for help. Along with overused memes and jokes that have been around since the games release. Thank god DD2 is coming out so we can get some fresh material.

Isn't there one in the works.


Yeah, looks like its based on The Mountain of Madness and they say it is more of an adventure so hopefully its exploring the city

What happened to you, Yea Forums? you used to be cool.

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yup, no release date yet
the comment section got some bantz

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What are the main changes you hope DD2 will implement.
Personally, I want a more boss variety and actual motivation to engage them, beyond rare loot and the snippet of flavor text.
Too many of the current bosses feel like copy-pastes, and I'd like it if their continued existence had actual effects that manifested during gameplay.

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/dadg/ died and much was lost

One think I'm hoping for is more upgrades and flavour to whatever your Hamlet is this time around, the ability to put money towards upgrades infinatly

>exploring the city
that's an amazing idea, Jesus Christ. That might actually save this game.

Imagine if its an expedition after the book where you make your way through the mountains and the different districts of the city, hell we might get to kill a Shoggoth

when I finally get two more I'm just going to do runs with four of these fuckers

>he doesn't know that the burden of suffering cannot be shared

More finesse in the animations. Crits should be a different animation and the target should animate/die differently when crit to make it more satisfying. There should be an option to make the narrator speak only like 30% as often just to make it a little less repetitive.
Maybe some sort of joint-attack system between certain heroes. For example, you could do a Holy Lance as the Crusader that is empowered by holy fire from the Vestal if he uses it to go by her (she ignites his sword as he passes her in a lunge), but it counts as both their turns for that round.
Quest items stack, or have their own inventory.
I'd also lllllllllllooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeee a better loot system for armour and weapons instead of just trinkets. It would cause you to invest more into individual heroes and choose between upgrading their gear or going to go find your own.

> a better loot system
this too

>How the fuck do I get good
You stop looking at the adventurers as a dream team that you want to babysit and instead use them as a commodity to hoard as much wealth as you can and then discard them.

This is the main reason why I couldn't get into the game properly. RNG too

why are shitty slots machine games always popular among plebs?

On top of that grinding a new crew to 6 is such a pain in the ass it stops being fun


omg, imagine they will actually do this