>game gets harder with every update
Game gets harder with every update
Binding of Isaac?
and darkest dungeon
I feel horrible for the people who slogged through years of STEM courses only to find the market for those jobs is becoming more competitive than most fields.
And if you were born back then you could have gotten polio as a kid and spent your life in an iron lung. Swings and roundabouts.
Unironically preferable to being a burden on your parents into your 20's
odds are you didn't get it
>tfw I majored in mech eng and minored in English Comp
>tfw I have literally never held a mech eng job and use my English composition education every day
>tfw I make well into the six figures now
>tfw just graduated in STEM and making 6 figs easy
feels good not being stupid
How much and what do you do?
>boss attacks are impossible to avoid
>groceries 400
>Donations: $615
so these are the people donating to twitch streamers
Last one os the only one where he sounds like a cunt boss.
My monthly spending is like $600, what's this guys problem.
it's weird
job hunting wasn't actually that long of a period of my life, but fuck me if it wasn't one of the worst periods of my life so far
Who the fuck spends 600 fucking bucks on donations, wtf?
I mean you have to eat other things than tendies when youre 25 years old.
Toxic work environment. Literally the kind of shit you can sue for and get $$$.
People still fall for this scam
To drop into a lower tax bracket
>Hiring an experienced employee who will be productive from day one and won't quit because he / she needs the job
>Hiring someone fresh from college with no experience, training him / her (while work doesn't get made / gets delayed) only for him / her to bail after a few months because "totes the work was tooo hard for realsies" or a year later when he / she gets a better job thanks to having training AND experience, forcing you to start the whole process
Nah, get fucked OP.
Retards who pay for patreon porn
153k and I'm an Intelligence Officer.
I'm basically as far as I'm going to advance in my career, but I'm fine with this. Because there's a $19k annual cap for TSP Roth IRA donations I can just pile cash into my savings tax free unlike private sector poorfags. Also, firing me requires an act of Congress.
But I don't recommend my life. I recommend you apprentice as a plumber. People will always need plumbers, and master plumbers make about as much.
Came here to post these
>cell phone
>only $40
Half of the fun of Rabi-Ribi updates is seeing just how bullshit the new bosses get.
Moron, frozen shite is more expensive than actual groceries.
wtf no bros
Australian posters are the worst.
that's not how tax brackets work lol
I really need to start job hunting again but the first time was so traumatic I keep putting it off
>he freezes his tendies
The fact that OP keeps making this thread instead of improving his CV says a lot about him.
>$20 internet
>$30 house cleaner
>$825 rent
Pulled right out of someones ass
>$615 donations
why how who
I can get spending as low as $580.
Basically rent and food.
Of course when I was a wagie and on bulking months I'd blow through $800 on food easy.
get on the ting or another similar service. everything else is jew tier
Well there is your problem
Actual fresh food costs less than a bag of them delicious tendies and can last you for just under a month if prepared properly.
>inb4 Going all-american and eating it all in the first week
my phone is $10/month
>more than $200 on groceries
what place is this
>Just graduated into a 6 fig career my dad got me
The number of NEETs is still growing and skilled workers are going to be retiring in a decade or two.
keep me posted tripfaggot
>pics or it didnt happen
Get fucked
Can you elaborate? I currently have no cell phone and need to get one to be called in for job interviews.
I can survive about eight years without a job but the sooner I get back to making $$$ the sooner I can bulk again as well as go on epic vacations to other countries without feeling a strain on my finances.
What european country bro? Ameripoors can't afford good phone service.
getting pegged for goybucks doesnt count
modern life is horrible if you're a brainlet. I'm too dumb for college (went 4 years and didn't even graduate the second one) so I guess I'll work in a warehouse all my life, with 3 roomates when I'll be 40 and walking to work.
It doesn't have to be a smart phone. Also nothing like Tracfone that shit stops working after 5-6 months until you buy another phone it's fucked.
Well into six figures though you meant like 300k+.
>Because there's a $19k annual cap for TSP Roth IRA donations I can just pile cash into my savings tax free unlike private sector poorfags.
Aren't you already over Roth salary limit? How is this different than 401k?
If any job requires a CV, I would automagically drop them.
t. 90k+ a year "'Intern'"
git gud
>left school with awful GCSE's
>shit better lean a trade
>start plumbing apprenticeship
>hone my skills for a couple of years
>now self employed in a small countryside village, going around fixing up old folks plumbing while they make me cups of tea
plumbing life is so comfy lads, i cant imagine working for anyone other then myself
I graduated in Information Systems and it is a real bitch around Houston to find any entry level help desk position. My brother is an engineer and it took him almost two years to find a job.
nerfs suck balls
Nobody's hiring and nobody gives me tips.
odd are you died from it
>donations that high
>internet that low
>no self spending or gift amount
>no student loans or other debt from going to school (I mean how else are you gonna make 100thou a year)
thanks for the filter trip cuck
>market for well paying jobs like STEM is overcrowded as fuck
>constantly available jobs have absolute shit wages
>if you have a passion of literally any sort there's a 99.9% chance it either pays like shit, is overcrowded as fuck, or both
Pretty normal bullshit you deal with in the trades in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
>$270 health insurance
>$20 internet
>$40 cell phone
I can believe the other ones depending on location, but wat?
What jobs don't require a resume?
>The number of NEETs is still growing
Not at all; very few people can afford the NEET lifestyle, even in first world countries.
>Skilled workers are going to be retiring in a decade or two
People aren't retiring because retirement pensions are lower than wages, and due to that the market is flooded with young people. So when they're forced to retire or die there will be enough workers to replace them.
Stop believing everything Yea Forums tells you
>tfw got skills
>don't even have to apply for jobs because I get bombarded with job offers even though I already have one
thank god I didn't fall for the college meme
CV isn't a resume.
>game takes place in America
>mfw I live in a welfare state where I don't have to work if I don't feel like it.
Add some sauciness to your work experience points
Is this a europe thing?
I've seen them interchable unless it's academic CV which is long and includes every single thing but only research positions would want that.
yes it is
>mom talks with neighbors
>talks about how they on't have grown children living with them
thinking about just finding a nice lot and just living in my car and just letting what's going to happen, happen
The first google result if you type in cv is how it's different from a normal resume. Be humble.
It's a cover letter
It looks boring; I'm not tell you to turn it into War and Peace but you should talk a bit more about the projects you worked on.
no CV is a synonym of resume (unless it's an academic CV as you pointed out)
try finding something you're interested in and starting a business around it. With the internet it has become possible to make money out of basically anything.
>game takes place in America
>Its the best game in the series
>400 on groceries and 250 on eating out, so 750 in total
What the fuck, is this hyperglycemic mother fucker eating at Ruth's Chris steakhouse every fucking night?
>Health Insurance
These all seem reasonably priced
>House cleaner
The fuck, you spend 30 bux to pay some mexican to clean your place? fuck off, clean it yourself
The fuck is his connection like? 1mbps on a modem from 1993?
Seems steep but in what city? NyC 825 will get you a fucking box in the alley, whereas in ID where I am, 825 is almost a house
To his drug dealer or his local whore, which is it?
I guess it's an American thing then
You don’t pay rent obviously
if you know any programming language or can use sql, you do not need to get a job. job will find you.
if you know sql or python or something and can't get a job, you need to do things like brush your teeth and cut your fingernails before an interview.
I'd roll the dice
Learn to cod-
Thank fucking god for nepotism. I went to school for chemical engineering and I'm getting a job at Texas Instruments where my degree is completely useless. Good thing pops paid for the entirety of my schooling and is currently paying all my bills, including my apartment.
I hand make gourmet cheeses and dairy products. Ask me anything.
I fucking hate job hunting, luckily landed a gig at arguably the best hospital to work for around here so I’ll hopefully just spend 30 years here till I’m tired of being on the floor
Jobs are about connections, not qualifications.
How do you guys not know this?
elaborate on the android apps you made. also list any specific frameworks you used.
change "internet programming" to "web development", and also elaborate on the type of website you worked on. if your website has even just a few hundred monthly users, that's a big plus.
don't put your classes under experience, make and education section and write maybe one bullet point on each of those classes there. also include your GPA if it was over 3.0.
>utilities $195
>internet $20
>cellphone $40
>groceries $400
>$825 in rent
So, my ultility bills sit around 170 a month, it should be around 16.25 apparently.
Internet, 100 a month, should only be $1.60 a month
Cellphone is around 90 a month, but it should only be 3.30 a month.
Groceries are around 200 a month, should only be $33.00
And finally the rent. I own my home, but apparently it should only be 68.75.
Did a fucking Neet do these calculations? holy fuck.
>Houston to find any entry level help desk position
No it isn't.
>My brother is an engineer and it took him almost two years to find a job.
His fault.
Houston is one of the most booming technology markets
Because the government has different rules for saving than private sector. Because of the wackiness of the Thrift Savings Plan mere corporate savings plans are worthless. (It's, I think, $66k per annum maximum tax abatement for savings under the TSP.)
>meant like 300k+
Nah, that's not a realistic earnings goal. If I wanted to get there I'd have to get my JD and go work for Booz.
My wife makes about $120k a year, and she's still got promotions ahead of her. So we're living comfortably.
For the record, I am in the absolute oldest Millennial cohort, my degree is from Columbia, I am culturally white and demographically Latino, and I had no college debt because I graduated in 2004 with a pile of scholarships and a 529..
So I'm comically far ahead of my peers in terms of saving for retirement.
That's actually much preferable then living in this shit.
>The fuck is his connection like? 1mbps on a modem from 1993?
idk if its out of context but on mexico you can get 30 MBs for 25 dollars
Apply for trade school, ETI, pay and train. You just need a high school diploma and transcripts. Right now they are starting pay at 18 an hour. We always need more engineers.
I do some transcribing and some freelance jobs here and there but it doesn't pay enough to be able to afford rent even before taxes
Is this your actual CV? Why is the formatting so shit and not consistent? Why does it not actually tell me what you did?
What in the hell, how is this so awful?
>TFW Making 17$ per hour at a warehouse and strongly considering taking the management bullet for 55K a year.
This wasn't the path I wanted but I'm almost satisfied. Give me a few more years and I'll have my own office. Or I end up in a semi truck but hey gotta compromise with fallbacks.
Now I just gotta work on the personal life side of things and it's a steady normie life for me.
I think a decent amount of people understand this but not everybody has that easy in.
>400 dollar grocieries
>makes 100,000 a year and is only paying 825 in rent
What the fuck is this guy doing?
>work experience in chronological order
you could at least look up how to write a fucking resume. doesn't bode well for your attributes as an employee.
too much formatting in skills. make comma lists.
>$7800 annually on food for 1 person
>probably isn't even getting quality brands or going to nice restaurants