If Resident Evil 3 really does get a remake, what do you want Capcom to change?
If Resident Evil 3 really does get a remake, what do you want Capcom to change?
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A non clunky way to dodge, more slutty outfits for Jill and Nemesis.
I want a scene where Jill actually gets raped by Nemesis.
Make it starring this guy. He should be the new star of all REs. He's so much better than all the current protags.
Dodge button. I also want them to rework Nikolai's storyline because regardless of his fate, it feels a little wasted and also out of place. At least have Nemesis body him viscerally later on after Jill believes Nemmy dead after the Dead Factory bridge.
Also 4th Survivor tier campaign for Brad in the vein of Ghost Survivors.
Operation Mad Jackal too but with Re5 style mercs.
RE3 already has a dodge button.
To my memory RE3 was already perfect, I can't really picture how modern technology will make the Remake anything but prettier.
Are there negros in the game? If so I'd like to see them taken out
remove the 3 and just call it nemesis. then remake code veronica and call it RE3 like it was meant to be
>able to follow into save rooms like the original nemesis
>able to break holes in more walls to surprise the player more
>replace bazooka with a weapon that would plausibly not instagib jill, since tanking a rocket looks stupid in HD, although returning the missile launcher for a true boss battle would be a good compromise
>double down on the frankenstein Nature of nemesis, push the RE engine to the limit
>replace ice bombs with something less outlandish, like electric weapons
wouldn't it be funny if Nemesis raped Jill with his tentacles and Jill going all ahegao and pissing herself haha
Boring zoomer post
>secondary CVX retard still thinks RE3 was meant to be his siblingcest crapshow
Wanna know how I know you just watched a WHACKY FACTS ABOUT RESIDENT EVIL! video?
Remove this faggot completely.
frankenstein's monster*
For me, I would say more enemies on screen, more guns, more bullets.
Have the gameplay be like RE2, with a good melee system, since Jill is already experienced dealing with t-virus zombies and monsters.
Have the city more intuitive layout. taking a service elevator to go to a lower section of a city???? that's ridiculous.
have Nemesis be more relentless. like, he can't enter saverooms in the beginning. then bam, second half of the game, nemesis even enters the saverooms.
>i-im not upset
I hope you can do the dodge more predictably than in the original. The randomness of it actually working was one of the things that made fighting Nemesis a pain in the dick. Also I hope they add the zapping system and make a Carlos campaign, just to add replay value.
He died, the ghost survivors isn't canon.
Fuck you, that fight was fun.
I assume this thing is supposed to be male but you never know
Frankenstein's creation*
Frankenstein is the monster
I want to see this battle
>For me, I would say more enemies on screen, more guns, more bullets.
>with a good melee system
Not based. We have enough RE4-likes as it is. Shooting a zombie in the head just to run up and punch it in the face would be completely out of place here. I say just tighten up the controls to make it easier to fight more enemies at once than it is in RE2make, since Jill's already been through this once, the gameplay should reflect it.
And throw this faggot opinion in the dumpster.
>i-im not upset
Then play Operation Raccoon City and see it in its full glory :^)
All I want is they don't ruin Carlos and the rest of the UBCS. Keep their accents.
I'm not though, you dumb bitch lol. What I was doing is called: Observation.
Why would Umbrella sent it's own soldiers to kill it's own BOWs?
Field research to gauge the effectiveness of the said BOWs before they mass produce them. Play Outbreak.
give jill destructable clothing
Cringe and liberalpilled
>being this mad
Holy shit, kid, calm down.
There's a second campaign in that game where you play as a group of US soldiers. You fight the five Mr Xs as them.
>For me, I would say more enemies on screen, more guns, more bullets.
This. Since RE3 is the most action packed out of the original RE games this would make sense. Jill is literally running around open in the city anyways, it should be sprawling with zombies coming from every side.
came in to make sure this was posted
RE6 already had a dodge system.
And so did RE3, thats why he said "non-clunky".
If RE2 was about losing Mr. X inside a police station. I want RE3 to be about losing Nemesis across multiple explorable buildings.
I want there to be a feature in the copies of the games that these anons get that slowly and painfully electrocutes them to death as soon as they start the game
Fixed camera angles so Capcom can't make money
Kill/write out Carlos
Add more dialogue/screen time for Mikeal
More UBCS members
Brad lives
More survivors, perhaps add some of the Outbreak cast
Add monsters from RE2 and RE outbreak
Tyrant Vs Nemisis battle
More weapons than RE2
Dino Crisis costume
Maybe a joke area where Umbrella has a zombie raptor lab
>Expanded and more open city sections.
>Either completely remove the randomized elements in the story or double down and have vastly altered routes, very different story beats, and exclusive medium-scale areas depending on which choice in the live selection you choose.
>Don't fucking remove or change the STI Eagle I swear to god.
>A REV2-like dodge system, but the dodge isn't ridiculously overpowered.
>Make Nemesis Mr. X on steroids. Rein him in a little on Normal, but show no mercy on Hardcore. He can hear you shoot from across the city and he's also attracted to abnormally loud zombie/BOW activity, meaning if a zombie were to bang loudly enough on a window, you need to get the fuck out of there as soon as you can. Also let him break barriers like walls and barricades.
>Make Nemesis harder, but also a little more forgiving than Mr. X. For example, he will always say "STARS" when he has detected you, and he will sometimes be attracted to sounds that have nothing to do with you. Make it seem like he's actually searching for you by chasing any lead he can, even if they turn out false.
>Ink ribbon toggle independent of difficulty.
>Autosave toggle.
>Either raid mode or a remake of Operation Mad Jackal.
>Kill/write out Carlos
Kys my man
Playable Brad, lots of outfits for Jill, and all the extra modes to return.
Resident Evil doesn't need a dodge mechanic. You retards asking for it are the reason why RE went to action and became shit.
>dumb spic that is never mentioned again
Go back to South America you stink nigger
I want capcom to make RE3 an actual good game
>Literally saved Jill from death at Clock Tower
You don't fool anyone kike pretending to be white. Day of the oven soon.
Did you ever play RE3? The dodge mechanic let enemys be far more aggressive
>Kill/write out Carlos
>Brad lives
I’m Asian but Mikeal or Brad could have done better by not trying to get their green card renewed during the first half of the fight. Carlos is a dumb spic that never appears again.
Brad is a better “every man” character as he is legitimately scared of all the whacked out shit happening and is more realistic compared to other cast members.
Hes a coward
>zombie raptors
Fund it
>I’m Asian
Sure you are kike.
He’s also a gutless traitor who leaves Alpha team to die at the mansion and sides with the serial killer police chief
Fuck him
What did he do in RE1 that wasn’t rational?
Fuck Isreal and fuck Kikes. Spics vote democrat and love gun control so fuck you tok you shabbos goy.
keeping your cool as a cop and backing up your teammates/friends is kind of important
Fix the Gun Powder EXP system so instead of each ammo crafting process being 1 point, it's 1 point per powder used, and actually show your EXP.
Leaves his squad to die. Only comes back when he realizes zombie dogs cant get him when hes in a helicopter
Should he have left the helicopter on the ground so the dogs could maul him too?
Dodging is a lot better than standing like an idiot and getting hit. Especially if they decide to make Nemesis an actual threat unlike Mr. X in RE2RE. Plus if you fuck it up they can punish you hard for being such a dumb ass.
I want a special edition that comes with testosterone shots so you can finally get some.
he is also partly responsible for the mess in RE1 as he ditched the team with the only helicopter leaving them to hide in the mansion
while running away at the first sign of danger is reasonable for a civilian pilot
he is nominally part of the veteran STARS team and would be responsible for the lives of his team mates as well as his own
He flew away in a helicopter from dogs (he didn't even know they were Zombies!) while still in the air, abandoning his team and leaving ~70% of STARS to die
He picked them up. If he stayed on the ground he would have gotten killed too. It’s not like he had door gunners to clear out anything and they probably left the fucking cabin doors open. He also double backed asking for survivors via radio (why the fuck didn’t everyone have one?) and dropped that M202 FLASH during the final battle.
>carlosfag is an ESL shitter
Its like poetry, it rhymes
maybe stay on the ground and wait for your teammates while giving covering fire instead of pissing all over the helicopter floor that Jill makes Rebecca sleep on later
La criatura masquerade
You're not fooling me kike.
With electrodes inserted on the inside of my urethra, I wanna ride the lighting as I watch Jill get raped by Nemesis. What a way to go.
Whatever you say, spicy el nunez. You probably voted for AOC becuase she has the same color of shit skin as you.
Is Brad an Ironborn?
Except AOC is a kike just like you.
Cover with what? A fucking pistol? He didn’t have door guns or weapon hard points? It’s hard enough shooting normal dogs trying to maul you, try several mutant dogs. Get real.
Then, why’d you voter for her you stupid spic?
He could have at least hovered out of reach of the dogs and came down to extract his team.
>*has a rocket launcher in the helicopter*
Because goy of every color will be invited on the day of the oven, even spics.
Revelations 2 dodge/sprint
More melee weapons, like taser/axe.
Sniper rifle for outdoor large areas
New locations like mall, train station, uni.
More dynamic weapon upgrade system.
Destruction system
Different path options for the sake of replaybility
Unsettling background sounds/music.
Nemesis redesign, something like pic.
Wesker died too but guess what?
>bugman is retarded
wew, go get eaten by an escalator.
What? After Jill uses the emergency brake on the train she encounters Carlos and he's literally losing his shit. To the point Jill slaps him, he's obviously scared, but he manages to keep it cool and saves Jill's life at least twice.
Taking the helicopter and bailing because of some dogs is really cowardly especially if you are part of some hardened special forces team.
Also that helicopter had to have more than just a pistol on it if it was carrying a fucking antitank rocket launcher.
I wonder if they'll change Nemesis's design. Like a dumb or /fa/ tier scarf that eventually gets burnt off to reveal tentacles or w/e
Carlos fought off Nemmy while Jill was pretty much dead with the T-virus. Plus Carlos was a heavy weapons expert. UBCS in general was pretty bad ass, hope they expand on Mikhail's role too in the remake.
Give nemesis a hat so he blends in better
You need two hands to pilot a helicopter at all times, how the fuck is he going to pilot the helicopter, then shoot dogs (something had as fuck with a door gun, let alone a fucking pistol)?
He was also a pilot for what amounted to a glorified SWAT team, not delta. Maybe STARS should have brought something besides a fucking pistol like MP5s or M16A2s
Also it wasn’t an anti tank weapon. The M202 FLASH is themobaric, meaning if those dogs were near anyone when he shoots it, they’re going to be flash fried with naplam.
Give Nemesis a beanie.
>*top hat
Brad pussied out big time and pissed his pants.
lmfao look at this chink pretending to be white
And a monocle.
Don’t forget the backblast that’s going to deadline that helicopter. Don’t forget the rotorwash which would make whoever fired it eat it.
Nigga, you're nepalese, what the fuck are you talking about?
He's not even a chink. So much time I've spent on /pol/ I recognize kikes pretending to be (((white supremacists))) online in an instant.
Basically the main thing is make it so I can actually explore the part of the city Jill stays in for the first 2/3rds instead of a handful of areas connected by one alleyway that becomes obnoxious to backtrack in
Make it so Nemesis chases you like X in Re2make but now both him and you can actually sprint, not casually speedwalk
Then he’ll really fit in, nobody would ever know he’s a deadly bioweapob
>Slutty outfits for Nemesis
Exactly. It's the perfect disguise.
Jews don’t like Hispanics even though they are destroying America? Get the fuck out of here, Martinez
But it's shit. You use the aim button to dodge if you're not aiming and the fire button to dodge if you are aiming. Needs either a dedicated dodge button or no dodge at all.
looks like a kid trent reznor
The chink is obviously false flagging, retarded criatura.
Jews love hispanics in America. What they love even more is every race's ire to be focused on whites except on themselves. Like you're not fooling anyone shlomo.
He was a BOW unto himself, not some overweight gunshop owner who died devoured by zombies on camera. But guess what?
The RE3 dodge was hella unreliable without practicing it a fuckton, and the game was perfectly beatable without ever using it. Almost every time I actually dodged something in RE3 was a complete accident. Also consider the fact that the game being third person with full character control also allows enemies to be more agressive. All of the enemies in RE2 remake were more aggressive than they were in the original and it doesn't need a dodge mechanic.
>We gotta...
>*Nemesis swoops down and roars*
>Wait a sec, who’s this dapper gentleman? Nevermind that. Buddy you should watch out, there’s a dangerous monster roaming around here.
>The RE3 dodge was hella unreliable without practicing it a fuckton, and the game was perfectly beatable without ever using it.
True words. I pretty much never made an effort to use it and beat the game on hard once.
I never played the original RE2, how much of RE3's RPD was straight copied from RE2? How much would you think we'd see in REmake 3?
Wasn't almost everyone in STARs ex-special forces? Not even that, he's still a trained pilot and just hovering isn't going to be difficult. I do agree shooting would be dumb, but staying on station for your teammates is the right hing to do.
Resident Evil 3.5 camera.
No, Wesker did not come back. They grew a new one from a clone. And guess what? Kendo cannonically has brothers. One could conveniently be a twin.
playing through it now and it's pretty garbage
lets just let nemesis run punch, knock you down then grab you off the ground nonstop
>double down on the frankenstein Nature of nemesis, push the RE engine to the limit
Fuck you mean?
git gud
have several areas of the city semi open world with most buildings explorable and optional to loot. Some can even involve puzzles to unlock different sections of a broken down building to.
Something like Metro Exodus where you are given the option to explore optional areas where you don't really need to.
It should play into the risk/reward of using ammo, facing enemies, and the possibility of running into Nemesis. Explore optional areas for more resources or continue with the story.
nah just gonna wait for the remake next year
>Maybe STARS should have brought something besides a fucking pistol like MP5s or M16A2s
This is something I've always wondered. Obviously from a gameplay perspective it makes sense having the player start out with just a handgun, but why isn't the rest of STARS heavily armed in the game, especially when they first reach the mansion in RE1? Hell, even regular cops have access to all manners of weaponry, cops in the US get issued shotguns and ARs, and some precincts even allow cops to bring their own weapons, there's an article online somewhere about a precinct in Alaska where all the cops use kitted out AKs. So how is it believable that a special forces cop unit comes in with just handguns and no automatic weaponry or anything when they're being sent it to deal with what they know is a major threat. Hell, they could've made it make even more sense by starting the player out with an MP5 and handgun, or whatever powerful weapon, and having them lose it in a cutscene within the first half an hour and making them retrieve it later.
why does samus' suit always get broken at the start of the game?
Retcon Carlos out of existence. The whole mercenary group is retarded as fuck as never referenced ever again.
There isnt any attack in RE2 or even the remake compared to Nemesis run punch. Id rather there be a dodge mechanic or something similar just for Nemesis instead of nerfing his moves and/or dumbing down his AI
gimmicky af and people are giving it more a pass then other m's dodge, also the fact that when you want to use it for evasion the dodge often puts you looking right at nemesis
I don’t think they were expecting actual monsters or if it was a cult, a lot of resistance. Joseph had a shotgun while Forest either brought or found a bazooka to kill birds with and Richard The chad brought his Assault shotgun
there is no need to be upset
Weren't they just conducting a search of the forest, investigating some disappearances? They weren't about to serve a warrant to some cartel boss in the bad part of town, why would they be in full kit and armed to the teeth?
lickers have a lunging grab and lunging slash from behind but of course that's only if you aggro them
>how much of RE3's RPD was straight copied from RE2?
Not much, you enter the RPD get two or three things and leave, never return again.
>How much would you think we'd see in REmake 3?
I'd like to see Marvin chilling around, and also include references to officer Rita and other Outbreak characters. Since you visit the RPD early as Jill.
That would be fucking nice, but you know for a fact that mouthbreathers would complain about "muh tank controls unplayable".
STARS had a chemist and a 18 year old with no police training on their teams, they are a yokel police SWAT team. Both teams don’t even have enough man power to make up a full military squad.
They really should have started out with an empty MP5 with no mags from the dog battle, forcing you to use a pistol until you find a box of empty MP5 mags in the labs at a security room that allows you to use 9mm rounds for a better end tier gun.
Just make Raccoon City feel like an actual open city.
RE3's level design was abysmally linear.
There will be a plot conflict if Jill bumps into Marvin, because in REmake 2 he has no idea on whats going on, but Jill knows, and when she get into the RPD Marvin is supposed to be still alive.
So I guess we will not see Marvin at all in REmake 3.
Lickers are easily the most dangerous enemy in the game for sure. I wouldnt mind seeing them back in RE3 remake
For the exact same reason I mentioned, to make the plot make more sense. A galaxy-famous, experienced, professional bounty-hunter like Samus wouldn't show up to a dangerous planet/mission unarmed and unequipped, she'd show up geared for the same job she's coming to do, and geared up to do it well. However it doesn't make sense from a gameplay perspective giving a player access to all that cool shit right at the start of a metroidvania game, so they take it away from you so that there's an actual feeling of progression. Just about any metroidvania/exploration game does this, Castlevania SotN did it too.
>Weren't they just conducting a search of the forest, investigating some disappearances?
iirc it goes deeper than that. A fuckton of really weird deaths and murders start popping up on the outskirts of Racoon City, and then when Bravo Team is sent out to investigate they disappear completely. The player (as either Chris or Jill) gets sent in with Alpha Team to investigate both the murders and find out what happened to Bravo Team and why. In that context I'd say it's fairly unreasonable for them to show up armed with little more than 9mm handguns. They know there's something in the woods killing people off in grizzly ways, they know that the previous task force sent out to investigate those murders disappeared when they got out there, wouldn't they be on high alert? Even if the disappearance of the Bravo Team turned out to be something benign when they got there, ie their radios being broken, the worst case scenario they'd foresee before going there is that whatever was causing those murders was also strong, or equipped well enough, to take out a full task force of STARS members. Wouldn't a reasonable special ops guy want to be in full kit and armed to the teeth going into that kind of potential nightmare situation?
Dedicated Dodge button
Raid Mode in addition to Mercenaries
More Melee weapons than just the Knife
Greatly expanded location size
>RE went to action and became shit.
The action RE games are some of the best games ever made, stay gay
>RE3's level design was abysmally linear.
But also more diverse, I don't have a problem with linearity if it means more scenarios.
Marvin is unconscious in RE3
Which didn't made sense.
>they really should have started out with an empty MP5 with no mags from the dog battle, forcing you to use a pistol until you find a box of empty MP5 mags in the labs
I could definitely get behind that, it'd make a lot of sense immersion wise, and not break the gameplay in any way. Maybe they could have even added a secret, hard as fuck puzzle earlier on that would allow you to get MP5 mags earlier. Maybe have the handgun chambered in a different caliber than the MP5 so that even if you did get the mags early from a puzzle, you still wouldn't have too much endgame ammunition to have it as your sole weapon of choice.
Eh, like I said in , they still knew something fishy was up, anything that can cause a complete disappearance of a full STARS task force within the context of those freaky murders happening can't be good news.
The ability to examine things in the environment again. You literally can't just look at stuff in 2 if you aren't going to pick up an object or open up a door. Hearing Jill's thoughts about a messy desk or a corpse on the ground would be nice.
Would it still work if there were no tank controls, could it be done and not feel like jank? I feel like one doesn't need tank controls in order to make fixed camera angles work. I love tank controls but I also don't mind it's lack of presence in the series. Fixed camera angles on the other hand, that I do care and wish it stayed.
>Dedicated Dodge button
pretty sure most people don't want this, should probably just be a context sensitive button prompt (aka dreaded qte) ala re6 only for 'bs' nemesis attacks
dear god remove shit that gets people stuck in the loop:
throw you down, (have to mash to get up)
picks you off the ground (have to mash to not die)
repeat x1000
Is there any references at all to the events of RE3 in the RE2 remake?
Other than us knowing that Jill is definitely in the area? Not sure actually
There's a hole in the wall of that one room.
Jill was referenced? Neat.
Is it near the room where you get the spade key near the beginning of the game? I was wondering if that was Mr. X or Nemesis although Mr.X doesn't get introduced that early in A Scenario
Chris sends a note to her by letter which can be found and read in the STARS room.
Which room? The only spot I can think of is the window he busts through at the bottom of the stairs, and they moved the window from facing the stairs to beside the stairs in REmake 2.
That's weird, in the original RE2 Marvin seems to know what happened in the mansion with Umbrella, the zombies and the STARS. I wonder why did they change that and how much Capcom is going to change that part of the game in RE3 Remake.
In the shower there's several walls that have been smashed through near the STARS office.
Fixed camera angles are absolute garbage without tank controls. Course correction is entirely fucked, and sometimes you're locked to a specific directional movement even if your camera angle changes, meaning that if you move off of the screen by holding left, for example, you're locked into pseudo-tank controls where left is forward until you come to a stop. (To be fair though, the only game I've had this happen in is Yakuza Kiwami, where the camera angle changes to fixed when you're near a store entrance.)
>calls it CVX
Wanna know how I know you're a casual?
Just curious, did you not like the non-tank control variant in the RE1 remake? I thought it worked great, far better than the original's tank controls and I've played both RE1 and REmake extensively. I thought that fixed angles + non-tank controls was the next logical step as far as fixed angle RE games go. I never had a moment where it was detrimental to me, when you move off screen it keeps your momentum same as it is until you change your inputs and that's not any kind of problem at all imo, I enjoyed that far better than the clunky tank controls.
I actually haven't tried it in full. I enabled the option my first time playing the remaster, got to the dining room, and basically said "This is too different, I want my tank controls back."
I'll give it more of a try next time I boot the game up.
We need tons of enterable buildings. The streets parts of the RE2 remake were horrendously boring and generic. Also different environments, not just the urban city but also an industrial area and some forest.
In the actual campaign there's a part where Umbrella drops two T-103s to attack the the Psycho Mantis ripoffs, i don't remember the reason but the Russian character mentions Umbrella trying to kill them.
Replace Carlos with HUNK
Yeah, definitely try it out for at least 20-30 minutes, you get accustomed to the fixed momentum through changing camera angles thing really fast and then it stops being a non-issue, you won't even really be thinking about it after you run around for a bit. After you get the hang of the non-tank controls everything becomes so fluid and precise that it's hard to go back to tank controls after, non-tank is imo the easiest way to juke zombies and other enemies and move around the mansion as quickly as possible.
Oh god, I forgot all about that scene. I also loved the explaination that the Spec Opa guys were the ones who triggered the self destruct
Somehow I don't think they would bother cloning Robert Kendo. Him having brothers or not is irrelevant.
You're like a child trying to win a petty argument.
Why did they change his hairstyle? He doesn't even look THAT much like that actor. This hairstyle fits him better and he doesn't just looks like an edgy Leon.
a chance to save Brad, even if it only delays the inevitable like Richard in REmake
I don't think Umbrella top soldier is going to want to work with S.T.A.R.S. Besides he already has his canon adventure in Racoon city
Man, I'm tempted to play ORC, but keep hearing that the game is awful. If only the game had couch co-op, like RE6 that would be neat.
>Why did they change his hairstyle?
Because its the same hairstyle Leon had in og RE2, it made him being a discount Leon to obvious.
Replace Jill with HUNK.
Replace Nikolai with HUNK.
Replace Nemesis with 3 HUNKs in a trench coat.
ORC is actually okay as a third-person shooter, it's just kind of mediocre as an RE game.
Will there be a extraction point?
Of course, there will be at least 2 since the Hunkesis will blow up the helicopter at the Clock Tower.
Don't have zombies be bullet sponges
I think it aged quickly, both in terms of fashion and tech. The new 'do looks less polygonal and less '90s, even now.
Jill with long hair.
I want it to be a CV remake, because giving it new perspective and controls would only improve what is already an actiony game for the series. Plus it's the real sequel that picks up where RE2 left off.
And blonde, thats a important factor.
I hope Nemesis breaks walls in R3MAKE and that's the explanation to this, instead of magical windows like the original.
Eh, the injuries these characters survive are all pretty absurd. Rockets aren't that much dumber.
>RE3make is now an open world game with vehicles and Nemesis chases you if you do a lot of noise.
How would you react?
>although Mr.X doesn't get introduced that early in A Scenario
Yeah, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't there already.
I only want such a remake if they can somehow fix all the dumb anime shit
I want the next mainline Resident Evil game to have the same gameplay formula as the RE2 remake, with the same focus on exploring a small location with tons of puzzles, backtracking, resource management, tough enemies, etc. except I want it to take place in an entirely new location with HUNK being the main character. Have him be sent into this location along with his task force, the squad splits up or gets separated and you run into them occasionally dead or alive as you work your way through. Have the 'B' scenario be a completely new character too, just some regular civilian, instead of rehashing an old one.
it was easier to accept in the PS1 days
but with advanced graphics on the RE engine and realistic looking injuries from bites and claw strikes, its gonna be unintentionally funny when jill gets propelled 5 feet away by a missile then get back up
And have this be the final boss for Hunk.
No way, I want to see Jill doing this
I actually really like how the Resident Evil games, even the newer ones, are constantly skirting the line between flat out absurdity and serious horror. I wouldn't trade that for anything, it makes the general atmosphere stand out from all the other horror games on the market
I want a Jack Baker cameo.
Why would he be all the way in Raccoon City?
Hunting alligators in Arklay with his brother and their bros.
If i could kill every single one of you and get away with with it, i would.
No, let me make it better: if i had a revolver with 6 bullets and was locked with each of you in a room for all eternity, i would shoot myself in the head 6 times.
Careful with that edge son, you have school tomorrow.
nemesis should appear more randomly and gunpowder should not make the game a joke
maybe also a longer carlos segment idk? or maybe play as mikhail for a brief moment
>died devoured by zombies on camera
not anymore
>RE3's level design was abysmally linear.
What you're saying is that the world design doesn't loop. Personally it didn't need to because you had branching paths to loads of different locations and besides, I'd rather have tight level design like an obstacle course than the shitty flat plane open world meme people always beg for in modern games. Considering the job Capcom did for RE2R I don't doubt they won't fuck up the level design as we got a teaser with Claire's section leaving the RPD.
I don't think there's gators in the midwest.
Jack and friends would be hunting wild gators though, not an experimental mutant one way down in the city sewers.
There's a zoo in Raccon city, probably escaped. I dunno though if it came from there, I only briefly played Outbreak file 1.
>I want to pretend to be le oldfeg but I have no self restraint XD
Choke on a bag of dicks, zoom-zoom.
I just played the original after getting bored of the remake, it somehow still exists. I thought my gamecube disc might have vanished when the remake came out but it's still there. Weird.
This but as like an extra mode after game completion like the 4th survivor
The addition of other modes like this would be welcome. The return of mercenaries too.
Also a better second half leading up the the lab.
I'm sorry about your daughter, but there isn't gonna be any rescue WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE.
Its definitely not if. They will for sure be making it. I would mostly hope they include another character scenario to play. Carlos making most sense.
idk bro, tons of people wanted Outbreak 3 and it never happened.
Fix weird plot holes, also think of a better way to do a time skip. Jill straight up sleeping for two days was weird.
I hope that they will remake CV as well, it'll benefit the most from it.
No dodge mechanic. It was trash. If they have to keep it, rework it as some kind of left/right dodge where you have to pay close attention to the enemy attack animation and you get fucked if you pick the wrong way.
Merge the clock tower/hospital/park into the main map. Make them all connect via the streets of Raccoon City with various connections opening up as you advance. Have the rail car be the transport to the Factory on a separate map.
Bring back "faulty doorknobs" from REMake. Some passageways break or get blocked after an undisclosed number of uses.
Nemesis stalks the entire map between boss encounters like Mr X. No safe rooms, you have to break line of sight, or block the path permanently.
Lots of choices to be made, but they're not disclosed to the player, leading to a lot of replay value in just trying shit and seeing what works.
Joe Baker DLC.
Mmmm It would be cool to have zombie animals again rather than just Nemesis and the giant worm.
Brad prequel scenario in RE2 via Ghost Survivors
no, mikami and kamiya are the reason RE went action
[Spoiler]Remake Nemesis the same way RE1 got remade.[/spoiler]
I think that they should and will just merge it with Code Veronica.
They're gonna make Nemesis walk around just like Mr.X because Capcom can't balance a dodge system properly into the format. Calling it.
all of alpha team's weapons were on the helicopter
you think they had all those guns in that photograph for show?
I want Capcom to nail RE3 so bad bros so that we can have a perfect REmake trilogy.
>Look, I'm very sorry, but...
Jesus Dario, calm the fuck down.
Me too, man. I'm still waiting for that Resident Evil 2 remake.
that was just jill looking for rebecca, user
REmake 2 is a masterpiece.
I always thought that line came out of nowhere, but it did highlight Dario's desperate situation and characterize him
Doesn't seem to be that complicated, just use Revelations 2 dodge system.
Thats how I picture it: He starts screaming then charge at you(something similar to Mr.X's insta kill attack), if you sucessfully dodge he staggers giving you time to position yourself and shoot him until he eventually charge at you again.
You know about those fixed camera angles that nostalgia posers love so much!? Yeah... they're never coming back, thank god.
a pretty face model for jill to reflect her RE3 self, so that disqualifies voth and any of her post-REmake face actors
more time in the streets, more chaos in the streets, and a lot more of raccoon city in general
outbreak references. just constant, non-stop outbreak references to tease a rerelease of the outbreaks
dino crisis references to tease a dino crisis title
more cute zombie girls!
better gun animations
don't fuck up the benelli like they fucked up the 870 in RE2make
a more in-depth mercenaries mode
more UBCS guys
mikhail getting fleshed out a bit more
nikolai being better written, less obviously evil
absolutely fucking horrifying models for the chimera and drain deimos. very important!
a shitton of alt costumes just like the original, including jill's miniskirt cop, disco, regina, and RE1(REmake?) costumes
more actual, non-nemesis bosses that aren't grave digger
Sure, maybe, I guess? It just looks nothing like REmake is all. 2 and 3 would have to be remade in the same style as REmake for me to consider them to be a true REmake trilogy.
Fear Effect Reinvented is a remake of Fear Effect and will have tank controls and fixed camera angles. It's not dead and never will truely die.
The term "REmake" doesn't imply a certain tone or execution, it's just a terminology to differentiate the remakes from the original. They could remake RE3 into a 2D metroidvania game and it would still be titled as REmake.
>outbreak references. just constant, non-stop outbreak references to tease a rerelease of the outbreaks
My dick would die if this happened.
>It's not dead and never will truely die.
Its not dead, but its obsolete, a literal who game with it doesn't mean much, you're never going to see it again in a Resident Evil game, just move on.
Playable Megaman in the postgame
OR playable Frank West with a fully working camera. I'd take either one.
That would be fun too, especially if Frank mode altered the zombie models to be like dead rising
>fear effect
>literal who
zoomers get out
How could they make Nemesis feel more threatening than Mr. X?
Full sprint
Eats much more ammo to temporary down
Breaks through walls
Breaks inside save rooms
Actually tears you apart if he catches you instead of just throwing haymakers like X.
Throwing buzzwords won't make it relevant, sorry.
make him even faster
make him use his rocket launcher all the time, even in close range
if you try to play ring around with an object between the two of you, he just barges straight through it and smacks you
More aggressive than X
Faster than X
always running
Can follow you into save rooms
Nemesis is by default more threatening than Mr. X.
Make him an actual threat unlike Mr X?
Mr X is literally never a threat.
He's just big and people assume he'll kill you when he first shows up.
But with Nemesis you can actually temporarily kill him so him being able to kill you was why he was a threat
mmhh tahts 6 tyrant or always the same ?
Cause umbrella sent 6 tyrant, one being X and an other being Nemesis, that would be non cannon
you could also temporarily kill mr x, user
not in re2make but in the original he dropped goodies and took like 3 magnum rounds to down
It really was a different time
>what do you want Capcom to change?
drop the idea of making a remake and focus on making good modern games instead of looking at the past, dumb stupid useless fucks...
nemesis wasn't dropped with the T-103s because he was dropped a bit before the T-103s were
It's been a really long time since I played RE2.
Well either way, Nem actually being able to kill you automatically makes him more of a threat than REmake X.
MrX in remake just slowly walks at you and even if you don't move his punch is easy to dodge.
dropping mr x is easy as pie, but dropping nemesis is genuinely hard because he doesn't fuck around
>Fear Effect Reinvented
Is that game ever coming out though? itshould have been released last year
>Fear Effect Reinvented
That sounds cool, that censorship tho
Imo, RE3 is the one that most needs a modern remake, and i'm usually against modernization. The original game suffers from poor pacing, level design, lack of weapons and monsters. It's not much more than an on-rails action movie. If capcom would change up the level design to be more Metroidvania-ish, and added some content, it would already be good.
But Nemesis would probably be a problem. People complained about how aggresive he was even back then, and i don't see how you can make him threatening AND appealing to modern audiences. I don't want him to be an easy kill like the Tyrant 00, but who knows. Maybe they will make him easier to kill but have more frequent encounters?
Jills tits to remain big and bouncy with her classic tube top, and her skirt to be tight with wide hips
also that she doesn't like like a goblin
>lack of weapons
How? it has every other PSX RE weapons minus the shitty ones, plus new grenade rounds, an assault rifle, a mine thrower and a new shotgun/handgun. Jill is a walking arsenal.
I'm surprised they let Sam Raimi work on another RE game after the controversy he created with the first two.
Like this
You mustn't forget her buck teeth.
The game is fine as is.
please let me user, you'd only fuck it up even if you had six chances
Careful there, Timothy, it's past your bedtime.
Her pubic hairs still retain original color. So not blonde actually
I hope they make Jill attractive
>pubic hair
Just scan Sue as a model
MrX is annoying. Not sure I'll like a full game of that. I hope they'll still make encounters with Nemesis short, maybe force the player to fight him
Best way would be to add rewards for fighting him, just like the original.
That way you have the dilemma of fleeing or standing your ground for custom parts/weapon upgrades etc.
-Remove the "get grabbed and thrown-mash button to get up-get grabbed again-repeat" cycle
-Character mobility to make up for Nemesis' speed, maybe a dodge button like Rev2
-Expand city sections, maybe even explore apartments
-Show the RPD as it was before and/or during the invasion
-Julia Voth
-No bullet sponge enemies like RE2R
-Key items not taking up inventory space
-A Separate Ways scenario starring Carlos
>julia voth
>I hope you anons...
*chomps sandwich*
>are excited for...
*smacks lips*
>my triumphant return in Remake 3!
*licks fingers*
Have nemesis be able to appear at any time instead of just at scripted moments. Be able to fight him unlike RE2 mr x. More weapon variety, more open and bigger areas to explore. RE4 style new game plus.
Brad is a fucking coward piece of of shit
>gets irrationally scared and abandons his team to fucking die in the woods
>comes back but only because he has the protection of the helicopter
>actually sides with Chief Irons for all the fucked up shit hes done
>Bitten and infected by zombie
>Face fucked by Nemesis
Karma was sure a bitch for him though.
More violent deaths. Seriously.
Ever since RE4 they toned down the violence in the RE games.
RE7 was pretty violent but no where near as fucked up as 4. Leon got decapitated, crushed, eaten, gored etc in that game but in all future titles the characters just fall down after their health drops.
It's fucking lame....
I almost creamed myself watching Claire get eaten alive by G's final form.
The severe lack of Jill lewds but pics of a faggot tranny is real telling of eurofag hours.
I hope Jill and Carlos eat the herbs like this
can you go try to kill someone irl, fail spectacularly at it and be put away so society and suffer one less of you pls
Whats your address?
>can follow you into save rooms
Thank god you dont design video games.
>Nemesis can follow you into safe rooms
>he can destroy your item box
>he can overwrite your saves with his saves
Jill must be as qt as Ada. Fix the whole Goblina situation.
This is Umbrella Chronicles you dumb nigger, of course you gotta bitch about sponge enemies.
>he can overwrite your saves with his saves
lmao, what else can he do? Ride around on a skateboard while blasting Billy Idol on his boombox?
adas an ugly chink tho. clarie and Jill are and always will be cuter
I wouldn't be against him taking ink ribbons away until you down him.
la gobliana.....
el goblinoido..
>finally make it to save room, danger status, no ammo
>nemesis used up all the ink ribbons typing out an ascii middle finger
why is _he so cute
>I called them mad so I win
every fucking time lol
this. I just want lewd outfits in my RE games
>Make the zombies super gory
>Tone down death animations
I couldn't make sense out of this.
A man of taste.
Yep Lewd > Nude.
Cute and lovely.
How can one woman be so based?
Based and redfielded.
to be fair army pants claire with no top makes me diamonds compared to simple nude claire.
does it have tanlines like the real outfit? if not its a travesty
Too old, Capcom uses teens for female protags in early 20s.
>think of the pixels! D:
I don’t care if someone wants death in a horror game
I’m not okay sharing the same oxygen with someone who derived sexual pleasure from death
Plebbit might be a better place for your sensible tastes, faggot.
I just watched my brother play the game, but isn't the last you see of Kendo just hearing him shoot his daughter?
>they're actually considering remaking the REmake from 2002
what the actual fuck
>Making a good game even better.
Sounds great to me.
good, i want to see the mansion in full 3D. imagine how scary crimson heads will be
we almost got this inventory for remake 2
>crimson heads
Please, miss me with the burning corpses shit.
>Darkside Chronicles art
Yeah sure.
Crimson Heads will be interesting with the new body destruction changes. I'm guessing you'd need to purposefully unload into zombies heads if they didn't get destroyed by a critical.
A lot of the best scares in that game came from the way the camera was setup, you can sort of mimic that by adding mirrors and other tricks I suppose, for example in the hallway where most people backtrack and encounter their first crimson head, has one of the best jump scares in history, you've run through this hallway before, it's familiar to you so your guard is down and right as you character walks past the zombie lying on the ground you can see on the bottom of the screen, get up for a split second before the game cuts to a different angle. You could reinvent that scene by adding a mirror right in front of you, and as you walk past the zombie you see in the reflection that it is getting up and running towards you.
>Crimson Heads will be interesting with the new body destruction changes.
Doubt, with new body destruction changes you can just shoot them in the legs and they become regular zombies, thats even why I think they didn't make it into REmake 2.
If they remade the first one, they could always put in less zombies, but just make them much tougher than in RE2.
Make it realistically hard to actually blow a limb completely off with small calibre rounds.
imagine a crimson head frantically crawling and scuttling towards you on the ground
source? That sounds highly doubtful to me
single mother household?
Dude... if RE1 had less zombies there would be literally no point in fighting then, since its the game with less enemies in the series.
Harder puzzles
Why would they go off of original canon going forward and not the remake? fucking idiot.
I meant in comparison to RE2, though yes it would naturally have less zombies as there were much less researchers than there were raccoon citizens.
>Jill kills the Tyrant
based and Jillpilled
>first person ReRemake.
Next up on this boring wednesday, it's a short and comfy fic to get your blood pumping!
archiveofourown dot org/works/17937329