What's your opinion on A Hat in Time?
What's your opinion on A Hat in Time?
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Shortish but you had loads of fun with it. Wishing for more I the future.
i want my hat back
Good, fun, amazing co-op, and better than Mario Odyssey for the sole reason that it tried its best to be something instead just being a shitty mess
>better than mario odyssey
Ahit has amazing split screen co-op.
Mario Odyssey has a shit mode where P1 controls Mario and P2 hovers around Mario without any fun
Hat Kid a cute. I want to feed her nuggies for having such a good game.
time to die
My opinion on Hat in Time is that there is no fucking point in talking about this game because it's going to get flooded by cunny posting in t.minus 10 seconds.
>Ugly black second player girl that looks like it came out of a preSchool show.
It's shit.
pretty good, albeit a bit short
though the dlc can fuck off
pretty cute and funny game, I didn't like the cruise ship world much though, moving through the level feels like a huge chore
Fantastic and charming platformer. Amazing OST.
cute and fun game
never been into 3d platformers but i really liked this OwO
when i see the little hat girl dancing like that, it really makes me want to have a son one day so he can grow to be a smug bastard
one of the only kickstarter games that was backed and actually delivered something of a good final product, I loved it
why a son and not a cute daughter to protect?
Super fun and charming, unfortunately wasn't played by a lot of people but it somehow crept into my top 5 for 2017 alongside BotW, Mario Odyssey, Hollow Knight and Persona 5.
The voice acting fucking blew chunks. Snatcher was absolutely perfect, and a select few others were pretty good. But most of it sounded like goddamn nails on a chalkboard, especially Mustache Girl and the seals.
Too short of a game, even with DLC.
For a game called "A Hat in Time", there sure is a lack of gameplay, mechanics, and plot relating to time.
Pons are pretty worthless.
The models and animations could've really used some cleanup.
Movement was fun.
Some of the music was great, too.
i want a heir , a male heir
i can have a second son and that one can be a woman
Fun game. Overrated.
SJW garbage.
when i first played it i thought it was really fun but too short for the price
i tried going back to it recently with mods and mods just made it unplayable so i dislike it a lot more now
And how so, pray tell?
Why do you write like an autist?
Very ambitious but I feel too underpolished at times
Also plot is dumb, am I supposed to feel bad for mustash girl?
shit gameplay
shit aesthetics
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
its a shadbait game
Based Yea Forumsposter
No, of course not.
She gets power and turns the world into Hell.
She's a bad guy through and through.
Moustache's problem is that she's rushed as fuck and pretty much doesn't appear at all, the Snatcher feels more like the big bad than her.
>Ugly black second player girl that looks like it came out of a preSchool show.
Yes, interesting. Anything else?
Nope, only the black girl, Once you know the backstory it makes more sense.
But it's barely rated at all.
more like COTY amirite haha
I want to CLUB that BABY SEAL!!!!!!!!
No, fuck off.
It's nice. I enjoyed it.
been doing it for so long now to piss off some people i know that i just do it without even thinking at this point
you are correct
why is hatkid so absolutely based?
did you reply to the wrong person?
Can I know who drew that so I can punch them irl?
Don't lewd hatgirl.
Delete this, right now
Post the one that follows.
Fun game, at the time it was the first game to make me actively smile while playing it. Wish it was a little more difficult over all but the "Seal the Deal" levels made up for that.
Cute and Fun/10
>every fucking thread
why does she have hand puppets?
No, I really hate how that girl looks.
Pretty boring and sloppy, but I only played the first level. The animations are weak, and so are the models. You can tell the game was created by amateurs.
>spend time collecting just about everything
>decide to do the last objective
>forced out of the level
>can't collect what I missed
>go back in
>everything resets, including the story
>lose the will to collect anything on the second level and quit the game
cute and funny*
>why does she have hand puppets?
Because she's a evil villain.
It's just as mediocre as Yooka Laylee but people give it a pass because lolis.
Is there a mod to make the black girl white yet? Or just replace her with a better looking girl altogether?
Still waiting for a dlc release for consoles...
So this is just modern PPGZ Gurren Lagann right?
What I think is you annoying cunts should stop shitting up Yooka-Laylee threads.
CUTE! Wait, that artstyle.
shit game, shitter developer that steals assets
Never played it but I like her dance
I hope so, I read that at first the second player was a little white kid, But in the end they changed it to that Black girl for some reason...I dont mind her being black, But her clothes are awful.
Fuckoff to 8ch with your pedoshit.
Would have been my GOTY if yakuza 0 hadn't come out.
Seriously great platforming with heartwarming story and loveable characters with beautiful aesthetics. Loved mecha the slag since tf2 ware and I made a map for parkour fortress. Always thought maxofs2d was a crybaby and thought max didn't deserve the shitstorm. Hope he makes a mirrors edge first person knockoff, he really has movement mechanics down pat.
Should have just made Mustache Girl playable
good cunny
And though mecha*
Pretty boring and low-effort honestly.
These recent indie 3D platforming games have been really lackluster.
Thought it ended a bit abruptly, but it's a cute charming game with fun mechanics and a load of personality.
She's adorable.
imagine if it was a black boy instead
She's disgusting, ugly and hard to look at.
imagine if it was a cute shota
Looks like the same chibi garbage as hat kid