Here's your EVO, bro

Here's your EVO, bro.

Attached: evo.jpg (892x501, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>No melee
>mortal kombat
>anime fighting game

Attached: 1550693966697.jpg (550x543, 35K)


damn, evos straight shit now not even gg?

>one smash
>one capcom
>multiple anime
Finally, some good fucking food

No one plays fighting games, nerd bitch.

im okay with this

>Melee killed by anime

Arcsys needs to make a new one

They haven't been updating Xrd regularly and damn near everyone dropped it for DBZF

BBTag being in is bullshit though

>No Melee
The event organizers probably didn't want another visit from the health department.

pros: you can breathe easily now

xrd for blazblue tag battle and doa6 for samurai showdown and it would be perfect

>UNIST killing melee
Absolutely based

they just said on stream that ArcSys will sponsor a side event

>I like melee

Attached: 1536089845048.png (1154x1062, 819K)

what the hell they didn't even mention doa6 for the side tournaments

Good fuck the smelly melee fags

>and UNiST

Attached: 5ABD8945-1F31-44C5-86E4-B8DBB1FF3DFE.jpg (960x720, 151K)

you seriously fucking think DOA represents the core values of EVO?

Meleefag here. I could do without it being at EVO. I'm not hugely into watching either: As long as netplay is still decently alive, i'm completely fine with Melee slowly going out but still being enjoyed like a VSav or 3rd Strike has been. I'm glad for all Unist players their game managed to make it honestly, it's well deserved.
Only stinker to me is, as usual, MK11: The token NRS fighting game that nobody besides NRS fans like. A waste of space that could have been used for KoF or UMvC3

Attached: thumbsup.jpg (474x338, 13K)

>samurai showdown
Lol why

>UNISTchads killing melee, goober gear and DOA6
fucking based

Attached: 1447563748048.jpg (1280x960, 192K)

doa6 has been getting shilled in overdrive after the evo japan event. no one fucking cares other than the three people who still play it competitively. 90% of the fanbase are incels who sit home jacking off, not playing at locals

Samurai Showdown is fun, and most likely SNK paid Wiz a ton of money to run it on the main stage




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I hope Samsho is good. I also hope Rimururu makes it.

>No Melee
very nice


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No excuse not to play it now

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GG was already dead outside of japan though

Smash is literally right there my dude.

it's most likely not going to have gore(CERO has been cracking down on gore since it's founding, it's why MK hasn't been allowed in Japan since 2002) which is a shame, but maybe they'll make it for it with more over the top violence

>UNIST on the main stage
what the fuck

>Leave EVO's core values to me

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Puff is killing Melee

>every stream talking about the dirty mirror
Lol why didn't they clean it, very unprofessional!

Attached: 1529766395460.png (1212x687, 1.54M)

Its had 2 slots for umpteen years now.

Which means this year is less bathroom breaks and more action

>xrd gets axed because it's too old
>let's put in unist instead

Attached: 1537627571048.jpg (500x500, 31K)

Time to call Lamp to wreck both american degenerates again

>All that fucking eastern shit
>And then Mortal Kombat 11

That really stands out especially since the game isn't even out and it's probably only there because Netherrealm paid for it.




>samurai shodown
>we still don't know shit about the title
I like those games but this just feels stupid.

>samruai showdown
Jesus christ that man cares nothing except for lining his pockets
Glad for unistbros though

Don't make him B Tatsu you again

we know more about MK11 than we do about Samurai Showdown. That little trailer was the first time we had even seen the UI for the game.

MK is shit so it's lucky to be there at all.

>no more smelly Melee players stinking up the venue

Fucking finally.

Attached: 1533710682398.jpg (640x480, 29K)

This. On one hand Melee is dead on the other hand Id be shocked if UNIST/Shodown got more than 500 entrants. I’m lowkey scared he’s gonna bring Melee back in 2020 for some reason


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ohhhhhhhhhh no no no no no no

Attached: hackbox.png (1607x874, 1.66M)

>mfw no more melee shitting up six hours of the final day

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I'm upset about GG axed for games that aren't even out yet but UNIST deserves a chance. It is a good game. No reason for MK and SamSho to be there. There is no way those games will have a well developed and watchable meta by EVO. Fuck, NRS games never have a watchable meta at all.

it is now safe to open your nostrils

Meleefags BTFO

Does this means the 6th fate and more characters will be in the bbtag by the time evo comes?
Or are they going to delay that shit again?

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Fuck Melee. Those autists should count themselves lucky it got to plague EVO as long as it did.


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It will be revealed at evo.


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unist dickriders ww@

>UNIEL replacing autist melee

there is a God.

Attached: unielYuzu.jpg (746x767, 107K)

>Samurai Shodown


Attached: 1525970698460.png (233x246, 130K)

why are retards mad at mortal kombat

>Only 1 Smash

We're almost there boys. We're almost back to actual fighting games at EVO.

I haven't watched BBTAG in a minute, is the top level still mostly Ruby and Gord?

>blaz who
>samurai whodown
really, no melee... but that shit gets in?

It's not wrong no matter how hard you want to meme.

What memes do I have to shill and who's dick do I have to suck to make ST the new melee? I'd kill to learn alongside people who haven't been playing the game religiously for 20+ years

Attached: World Warriors.jpg (1200x784, 220K)

Because its fucking garbage to watch.

b-but when the venue still ends up smelling like rancid ass shit who do we blame now???

I don't think so, but I'm sure that comp is still prominent

The top 3 in evo japan was Mai/Gord, Ruby/Gord, and Ruby/Gord. Mai won.

But Gordeau is getting murdered in the next update so things are changing.

Attached: gordeau.png (626x745, 419K)

Is so beautiful to breathe in a world without melee retards.

Yeah, Samurai showdown being there is silly.

If they wanted to get rid of melee (fucking finally), they could have replaced it with Pokken instead of putting samurai showdown in; which unlike melee is still a traditional fighter, and unlike samurai showdown, has an established scene and has proved it's competitive merit as a pretty well balanced game.

Thankfully Gordeau got nerfed to the ground, people are waiting for the new patch, and for Naoto, Teddie, Seth and Heart to change the meta.

have any of you niggas actually gone to evo

>no mortal kombat

Because it shouldn't be at EVO this year? Whether or not you like MK is irrelevant. There is no way it will have a well developed and entertaining meta by EVO.

>dbfz not getting a sunday finals
fucking kek

>No Melee
Shit. Replace that with GG and you'd have a perfect tournament. SamSho's gonna suck shit

wtf FKHR where's granblue

Attached: 1543110956089.png (283x414, 175K)

check again

Don't mind UNIST over melee (as a meleefag) but
Fuck this shit

There'll still be smashies at EVO

>bbtag gets a sunday spot instead of dbfz or mortal kobat 11
how much is wizard getting paid from arcsys exactly? that shitty game shouldn't even be there.


Attached: YOU ARE ALL.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Yeah, I was inches away from UNI Top 24. I died on stream against a Linne player

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>Persona gets 2 evo spots

user... bottom middle.

>BBTag being in is bullshit though
BBTag being in is money

Go take a bath meleestinky.

>still shilling shitfighter 5

I have gone back when it was still BBB. But I moved before it became EVO. Haven't been back.

One party game off of the list, next one is ultimate and will be a full fighting game tournament

so just some mad retards never mind

>no GGXrd
fuck evo and fuck niggers

But smash is a fighting game.


Attached: hackbox3.png (1599x860, 1.73M)

Blaz blue made it in over Melee


>No melee
Absolutely based

Let's not pretend that anyone entertained the idea of Dead on Arrival 6

Nice return argument you have there.

The best EVO event is always a side tourney anyway

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Tell him to eat shit. Fucking autists.


>thinking anyone is going to sign up for Catherine now that everyone hates Atlus

look at that gut

>Samurai Shodown is coming before EVO
>Unist as a main stage game
>No Melee
GG is not in anymore but it's so worth it.

Attached: 1543207093642.gif (334x446, 1.51M)

>tfw not yet time for gbf fighting game where all the characters are powercrept a year later

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Attached: hackbox4.png (1595x873, 1.56M)

blazblue more like boring blue
under night more like under nine viewers
tekken-i dont give a hekken
mortal kombat more like mortal yawnbat
dragon ball fighterz more like drag-on fighters
at least theres only 1 smash game

Why the push for BBtag? Does it have a sizable player base?

Lmao, cry harder faggot

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Who should I main in UNIST?


At least it'll be a quick pools with under 100 entrants for each LMAO


Be yourself, faggot

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The character you like the most of course.

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So what's the Friday slot?

>Kusoge tag battle
>No Guilty Gear
Into the trash it goes

Arksys game on Sunday for the new GG announcement, you heard it here first.

Its already dead

Attached: 1550302296824.jpg (1350x1158, 231K)

I was happy it got canned. Seeing how booty blustered these subhumans are is just icing.

nope its dead to the point where the 5 year old blazblue game has more concurrent players

>no stinky day
>Samurai Shodown
>still no mahvel in sight

ultra BASED

I saw your thread die, hildafag

Attached: DION9NCUMAESMLO.jpg orig.jpg (600x530, 74K)

Fuck that
Evens: Carmine
Odds: Akatsuki

Everything is great except for NRShit.
Maybe MK11 will be better, most likely not but fucking everything they pump out is the most boring shit to watch.

I want to play Linne but her elite missions are too hard for me to do and the first one is her most basic combo. At least Akatsuki and Enkidu are very easy input wise for shitters like me.


So now that guilty gear is dead I'm thinking of maining the nun girl in uniest. Orie I think. Any starter tips?

>game I've never heard of
>Smash at all
What the fuck were they thinking?

The character you want to bang the most

For me, it's Hilda


>Blazblue tag is a Sunday game
>DBFZ and MK11 arent

You have FIVE (5) seconds to explain this

Attached: 1550800723763.jpg (400x400, 35K)

This image is unironically art

>No Melee
Nice monkey paw you have there FGC

They should've put T7 on Saturday so I could skip the Sunday stream entirely.

>No king of fighters
What the fuck is this bullshit.

No, is a party game

>still have 3 party games
Guess 5 games will be good to watch though

I thought the only game the gay furry was decent at was DBZ Fighters.

NRS games have never been good for anything, all they do is force us to acknowledge Sanicfax since he's the only semi good player who bothers with them.

McWiz and the event planners are fucking stupid


Attached: SS5ColorsUkyo.png (509x141, 12K)

ok retard go back to crying about games you dont play

DBFZ ran late last year (bullshit excuse but that's why) and BBTag is literally only on Sunday to have ArcSys announce something before it. It will be the Sunday Morning first-thing Top 8 that they use as a buffer for people to show up, just like Xrd last year.

did they announce which games are on sunday?

Attached: 1423028400474.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

I want to suck milk from Gordeau's titties!

>no melee
>under night

>hbox pretending to not know he's the reason melee isnt at EVO
Fuck that faggot

DBFZ takes a long time and MK11 still may not be as interesting to watch for viewers. With Tekken and and Ultimate already being there and games taking long for them having a third is overkill.

>Blazblue Cross Tag again
Jesus, just how much is Arc Sys paying?
Bring back the slot that viewers can donate to vote for. It was a great concept, it just needed the stipulation that games that have already been on main stage EVO within the last five years can't be nominated.

Attached: absol.jpg (900x675, 222K)

It's fine to have a pissbreak, just not for it to be 4 hours long

Im indifferent towards it mostly but I guess one smash/platformer fighter is enough for EVO. Melee was always the best casual/item smash anyway.

He autowins NRS games mainly. Recently got btfo by a samurai.

Attached: gassesfurries.jpg (768x1024, 129K)

nobody cares about tekken, its garbage

Why are videogames always held to higher moral standards than other media.

nice mad

>why do people play games i made myself hate

Attached: mfw.jpg (220x319, 43K)

Don't know shit about MK11 but for DBFZ its the fact that THE GAME TAKES WAY TOO FUCKING LONG TO FINISH

Just wait until he tierwhores his way up every Sunday game that isn't SFV

Based gayposter



Attached: gordeauReaper.gif (500x258, 105K)

He was an NRS autist first. Had he not played Morty Kombat no one would have given a shit about him joining the DBFZ scene.

>muh violence

people play samsho because of the neutral game, not violence

MK11 should feel lucky being there at all. There is no way that game will have a well developed and entertaining meta by EVO. NRS games are fucking boring even when the meta is developed.

>it just needed the stipulation that games that have already been on main stage EVO within the last five years can't be nominated.
I agree that it should have that going forward but UMvC3 deserved that last year.

I can't believe UNIST bumped melee. What a time to be alive

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Attached: Under Night In Birth - SD 04.png (332x390, 139K)

BBTAG top 8 at Evo Japan finished 45 minutes ahead of schedule.

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forgot image

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I don't get how "Under Night In-Birth" gets shorted to unist.

Stinky day was postponed, you obviously didn’t get the letter


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I enjoy melee but don't mind it being gone if that's how unist or samsho got in. Hopefully it also reduces the amount of autistic FGChimp screeching in the threads.

I'm looking to enter:
Side tournaments:
>GG xrd

Kinda wonder if that's too many games though.

I would guess that arcsys promised an exclusive reveal.

Post things that kill Melee

Attached: file.png (752x1280, 672K)

>MK11 still may not be as interesting to watch for viewers
how do you know

i dont get guys like this just because you want to hate the game doesn't mean everybody does

Arcsys will probably announce something

Under Night in Birth = UNIB
Under Night in Birth EXE Late = UNIEL
Under Night in Birth EXE Late[st] = UNIST

The only reason why he wins is because he abuses characters at release. He tried during SC6's release and got destroyed.

Very much this.
Series from the very beginning has always been as much as a party game like any Smash game.
They are really the only thing holding this event from being the perfect roster of games.

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]



There will be a huge Granblue info dump after the xtag finals.

weebs mad at mortal kombat every time

Attached: 6z8g3x2cm1rn8uxqo1_400.jpg (358x310, 81K)


So happy for the UNIST scene. By far the most grassroots support simply by just being a high quality game

>Samurai Shodown


Attached: 1536514229441.png (878x510, 882K)

Isn't there a new one coming out this year?

post yfw melee is finally dead

Attached: Absolutely halal.gif (188x185, 524K)

While I find Tekken and Soul Calibur to be watchable if dull... what the fuck is MK11 doing there? Netherrealm games are like watching golf on television.

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I can't get good in UNIST, I always get bullied by Hilda


Anybody else here just excited that SamSho is going to have a scene automatically because of the EVO slot? I want gameplay and character reveals ASAP, the TGS trailer was already rad.

Also, I guess "Samurai Spirits" as a name is dead, and they're just going with a reboot title?

Attached: 1518547854217.jpg (600x707, 45K)

I know that advanced linne combos scare the average linne player lmao

the STATE of Meleefags who said
>"h-heh, they're just bluffing about it not being in.. it'll be in, just you watch"

Attached: 1536798569507.png (670x472, 631K)

the sunday lineup kinda sucks

They just put out a trailer. GG Anniversary featuring the original and GGXXAC+R is coming mid-May.


My feeling towards the game are irrelevant. There is just no way that games meta will come together in time. That's not a sleight toward MK. All fighting games take 6+months to build an interesting meta. There ones that don't are typically shit games.

I'm pretty fucking excited. Been seeing dumb kids on social media since the announcement saying "nobody knows what Samurai Shodown even is" and it hurts.

I didnt know about this. What did he do?

Attached: hackbox2.png (1585x870, 1.74M)

Mortal Kombat is the most ugly and worst animated fighting game by a country mile. It's painful to watch how janky and amateurish it moves.

Yeah, 4 games instead of time this year.
>Tekken 7
>Street Fighter V

based jigglypuff player finally killed melee

Oh yeah I guess you're right. I think it's probably because everyone kept on calling it Shodown anyway so I guess they figured fuck it and keep to the proper name of the series. Cause even after that game came out people would still call it Shodown

Ya seething smelly?

is Yea Forums unironically acting like MK isn't an EVO draw?

Please spoonfeed me the link, I'll suck your dick

>Melee autists coming out of the woodworks saying that losing this tournament isn't a big deal
>Meanwhile their local scenes are also dying to dead

He's a bitch

It's got good spectator variety. Each of the games looks, sounds, and plays vastly different.

>anime BTFO's Melee
Christmas came early this year boys

Attached: D0XQZmKUcAAjPZ-.jpg (953x1200, 178K)

Where is it? I know BBTag, T7, Ultimate, and SFV, and I know DBFZ/MK11 are Saturday. Is it SCVI, or did SNK buy SamSho into Sunday?

lmao Melee fags are going to sperg hard

you dont know what you are talking about

this meme again

just call it Unreal Black Things

Just tiddies and more melee bashing just let it flow


Attached: 1548922064188.png (1966x985, 850K)

>melee faggots say they don't need evo

you got your wish :)))

>No Melee

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Why does he have 3 gamecubes bros

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There are 3 weeb games at EVO tho

Yeah, the shit slow boring Smash. Smash death soon.

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That's a stupid as fuck naming scheme. What were they thinking here? It's literally New 3DS XL tier.

Netherealm titles always have low entrant numbers. Whether it be Injustice or MK, they only manage 100-200 or so.
Keep your blowjob.

Attached: D0YRJ9yUUAI5Yqn-orig.jpg (1280x887, 347K)

Bros what happened to GG?


I don't follow melee at all, how did Puff killed it? did someone just discovered an infinite combo with it or what?

>no memee
thank fuck

smash bros is not a fighting game and they already put ultimate to calm you down

>only on Sunday to have ArcSys announce something before it
If it's not Persona 5 Arena, they can go die.

>like Wagner's character and design
>get bullied because shes easy as fuck to play

Attached: 0d2e0c824d9f3690d01f93363c24b407.jpg (1500x1750, 282K)

>melee is finally dead
>now there's a slot for other games on EVO, instead of the same franchise twice

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-09-25-19h04m51s037.jpg (685x480, 69K)

I'm hype because this means a lot to SNK. and with Samsho back 16'ers will finally get a taste of true neutral focused 2d fightan


>People finally got tired of seeing melee being the same 8 people in grand finals
It's about fucking time.

Attached: 1550434880655.jpg (360x360, 55K)

Go look up Melty Blood version names, newfag

Attached: Fucking Notes.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

It's a French Bread staple.
Their other notable game is called Melty Blood: Actress Again: Current Code: Hologram Summer Again, Tri-Hermes Black Land

Without melee your event is dead. Enjoy paying to go to a graveyard :)

imagine the lack of smell

Think of the money they'll save on Febreeze.

It's got me so fucking excited thinking about what content is going to be added, and what surprises they may be saving for EVO. At the same time though, after that huge wait and silence for the Fifth Fate, I'm also ready to just sit back and let it come whenever it does. Also
>inb4 announcement of an announcement

Is UNIST just blazblue CF?

Calling it a meme won't deflect from the fact that MK characters move like hand puppet theater being performed by volunteers from the local burn center. NRS either hire the worst fucking animators they can on purpose or Boon has a fetish for stilted cripple line dancing.

>No PC
Time to kill myself

If you win and have fun doing it, that's all that matters nigga.

meleefag please

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Shitty lineup but at least there's FighterZ despite Toei wanting to fuck it.

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No, it's Melty Blood

Attached: 1536887332831.png (256x251, 166K)

Is there an image compiling all the lineups from previous years?
That'd be fun to look at.

Attached: rhyming.jpg (1498x999, 236K)

Haters gonna hate, we know we're the best. Nothing wrong with playing a simple execution/gameplan character.

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You crazy? EVO was huge and growing long before Memee was ever part of it. You shit heads just think you are way more important than you actually are.

It's better than smelling like a graveyard. Goodbye, meleefag.

whats so good about UNIST?

will do :)

My wife Cham-Cham is dabbing on Melee.

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They play a lot differently.

Putting it off until Daisuke finishes the new one.


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How do we get rid of NRS fightans at EVO?
Nobody likes these

Anime fighters have no reason to be expected to be common knowledge.

That's a bit outdated
>Mortal Kombat X
2015: 1,162
2016: 713
>Injustice 2
2017: 883
2018: 363
Yes the Injustice games are always historically low, but both exceeded your expectations, 2015-2017 Blowing them away

>unreleased samsho game

No, its Melty Blood but with donut steels.

>unist on the main stage
started from the bottom now we here

Easier or harder than Blazblue?

Replace CrossTag with Guilty Gear
Replace Dragonball with KOF
Replace Mortal Kombat with Killer Instinct
and you get one of the best EVOs ever.

Attached: 1544961050199.gif (250x250, 1.89M)
hungrybox was literally crying on stream over melee being kicked, he broke down publicly for this shit

none of you are ever allowed to make fun of unist ever again after it did this for us

>lets not be toxic
>they will come crawling back :)

samsho was never about violence

really though why, what did he do?

nice over reacting idiot

>melee was replaced by another grass roots fighting game

It's a good middle ground between the grounded style of a more classical fighting game and the anime style movement, and it offers a level of reward to good offence that no other game offers.

I don't keep close tabs but basically Puff slowly rose in the tier list over YEARS of Hungrybox pushing the character to its limits. Its limits just happen to be a very slow-paced, campy match where she walls you out with Back Air and her recovery and gets Rest confirms if you get close. Eventually HBox started to dominate the scene so people just fucking hated watching Melee since every major has the same people in it and now it's not even exciting all the time. Leffen beat HBox last EVO and that was probably the last interesting thing you could've squeezed out of its meta.

Now people are calling for Puff to be banned as well as Wobbling, a piece of Ice Climbers tech that gives them infinite grab hand-offs, despite that never actually leading to Icies dominating tournaments in the years since its discovery. It's fucking ludicrous. If any Smash character was ban-worthy it was Brawl Meta Knight, and he only ever got banned in Doubles, and only in a "no Double-MK" clause.

Attached: 1522347018052.png (403x272, 182K)

its melty blood with ridiculous normals


If they wanted Melee gone sooner they could have easily secured a sponsorship with Right Guard, Febreeze, or Old Spice

Attached: yuzuriha-uniel-story-art.png (1600x1800, 821K)

BBTag is kusoge as fuck, but goddamn if it isn't fun to watch. Really excited to see it back

>Gordeau gets butchered in BBTAG
>Makes UNIST appear at EVO

Based, even though he is mediocre there i hope he performs well.

I'd say easier to get into, though there are a lot of unique mechanics and its important to learn them

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>stop playing games i dont like

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>>No melee


Attached: They are going to do this every new installment in the series.png (950x1356, 1.15M)

>we'll be getting DLC announcements for UNIST on the main stage of EVO
ready for gun nun and male orie

It's a better Street Fighter game than SF5.

Easier than Blazblue, Harder than Blazcross. Unless you pick this bitch, then you suffer.

Attached: 700px-Profile-vatista.png (700x509, 216K)

>more popular than [your favorite fighting game]

I get it guys it's OK to be jealous.

Attached: D0YS-WDXcAAEAag.jpg large.jpg (400x400, 24K)

>Melee is dead
>Under Night actually fucking made it
McRibs actually fucking delivered for once in his life.

Attached: fucking loser.png (1305x735, 722K)

These people are fucking delusional.

>Samurai Showdown
>no Melee
looking good

can't wait to watch Melee at Evo 2019!

>disgusting melee faggots actually think this a bad thing
you are the laughing stock of the competitive gaming world

Yeah but who likes these?

BBtag is still being updated and has more entries than GG

UNIST characters and artstyle look aesthetic as fuck.
Red pill me on the game I might buy it

>t-they'll come crawling back just wait

Rate the difficulty of the games in EVO 2019 from hardest to smash

okay thanks, im currently playing tekken but i´ll but UNIST in the next sale. i like the style of some of the characters. care to share some good matches?

Even smashfags hate meleetrash. Grow up.

You should feel blessed to have a job at all, NRS animator. By all rights you and the other monkeys you have in that shitshow of a studio should be taken out back and put down.

Why don't you have three gamecubes?

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t. seething copespic

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Stinky Day is RIP

I'm a gordeau main in Undernight and I can't stand playing him in bbtag, he's just not that fun

who should I learn in UNIST if I play Fox in melee?

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They hit each other during nights on jazzy songs.

Melee is almost old enough to vote and has been out of print for 12 years. Nintendo can't use tournaments as a vehicle to move copies when the game in question is no longer available

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>Becomes each year harder to stream around the world
>Gets each day more broken disks
>Gets harder times getting new GCNs and controls
>Meta becomes stale AS FUCK
>Dragon Ball FighterZ beats your viewership entry in all years (and other games too)

Be glad it didn't end as bad as Tr4sh' swansong.

If anyone wants to play UNIST against someone who is trash add me sx2kirby

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no game deserves 2 spots especially a fucking party game, good riddance

He rest'd the entire scene to death with puff
Thank God. It's about time a new smash became the main game

Why would you use EVO 2018 numbers when Melee wasn't even the most watched game last year? My favorite game in the lineup had the highest EVO viewership of all time, and the new games replacing Melee are better than it (except maybe MK11 but it has some cool stuff like the time-travel nigga).

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whats a good fighting game that isnt dead and i can play on a toaster

Take a bath stinky

it would be based if he wasn't a literal nigger faggot in fursuit

Stage 3: Bargaining

This is looking pretty cool, but I have a feeling the ports are going to be digital-exclusive for NA again like BB:CFSE was. Guess I'll need to be keeping an eye out for the European releases.

I believe you mean the first good one.

>literally knocked melee out of evo

thank god. maybe this event wont suck.

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Anyone here actually going? What game and how do you do at locals if so.

Leffen is such a fucking dick, I love it.

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They could with melee HD if they really wanted to.

But they don't care despite the game getting 200k viewers multiple times at evo. It's not quite on the same level of stupidity as what Gamefreak has done (or not done) with Pokemon but it's pretty close. They could have been making billions and all they needed to make was a pokemon mmo.

how many of those were just chilling for SFV or Tekken 7

How long ago was it that Melee players were bragging about not needing EVO? Seems weird that they'd be so salty despite being above it

I thought unist is the opposite of melty blood

>UNIST over GG, i feel happy and sad at the same time.
>DBFZ not kill, nice.
>NO MELEE, finally those manchilds will kill themselves

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No NRS game ever had such low numbers at their first evo.

I was one of them. Had free time. Melee can be really boring.

Embarrassing. Can't wait til' next year when melee is still not in and he gets shit for this post.

GG died to protect us from Meleefags

>your favorite
I specifically used that term because no one in their right mind have SFV as their favorite fighting game.

Plus Capcom pumps tons of money into having sfv get on tv so it's pretty much guaranteed to have top viewership no matter what.

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Anyone wants some pre-lobby throwdowns now that people remember this game exists again?

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how much of a trainwreck will it be

>no melee
this is not EVO

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I was talking DBFZ, not SFV. DBFZ got better viewership than anything else last year or any year prior on Twitch.

I like Smash, but EVO 2018 with Leffen beating HBox and everybody else was the last remotely interesting thing the meta could produce, and it wasn't all that interesting in the moment.

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We've Evolved

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>no melee
>mortal kombat
>anime fighting game

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Begone, stinky.

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I-It's EVO that needs Melee, guys. They'll come crawling back next year.

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NRS games drive fighting games more than any other series. No one scrambled to push the newest GG or SF or Mahvel features into their game. As soon as MK 9 dropped, every fighter had to start putting in tons of story content and more effort to match up with NRS.

Shit on the games, but because they sell more than all your other games in the genre, it will still be in the drivers seat

SamSho was always a great game and SNK proved they can make a game that plays well with KOFXIV while the first trailer for SamSho showed they're improving their 3D visuals. I'll have hope that it will go well until proven otherwise.

damn didn't know it had
nice for them.
Melee still has had consistently higher viewership than any other game (besides Street Fighter) for years running so the point mostly stands.


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Retarded meleefag. He was talking about DBFZ and Capcom pumping money into it barely helps with viewership other than it'll be in most tourneys. Keep coping that your game is finally dead.

Nigger you're not even the most entered game, Evo is probably saving money by not needed to fucking lug CRTs anymore

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>200k viewers

Let's actually look at this number, shall we? Even if we're incredibly generous and say that that was only half of the Melee community (and that all of them play the game lmao), it's still not even a tenth of the sales of any Smash game, even fucking 3DS. The majority of sales do not come from the competitive community.

nice head canon

>people cheering that one of the biggest viewership games at EVO over the last half decade didn't get in because it's one of the only games that doesn't have a huge company to pay EVO to host it
I don't get you guys

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GG, MVC3, KI, SCV, and the hopes and dreams of the venue's janitorial services.

why does guy like him think nobody like mortal kombat

i'm not cheering but i'm glad the lineup has been shaken up so much in recent years, i like seeing new fighting games and smash honestly never interested me, i feel sorry for the melee fags but i'm fine with this lineup. Only game that worries me right now is samsho since there was only one trailer so far.

It's not the biggest.

>but UMvC3 deserved that last year.

No it didn't, it already had tons of time, and you had a fantastic final year the year before that with ChrisG taking it.

Pokken damn near had that spot and it really should have gotten it. It's a really well designed fighting game that got fucked over due to how badly TPC supported and marketed it. It and it's scene really could have benefited from being in the spotlight.

It not getting widespread attention and popularity is just as much a shame as it was with KI

Hey, bathe with water and not axe body spray my man. It smells better.

how dare other games get a chance at the spotlight. Besides, there's a Smash game already there.

What do you achieve by making posts like this

>French Bread
meleefags SEETHING about poverty fighters LMAO

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Because the scene is full of self-important faggots, that's why. The people watching Melee and the people watching the rest of Evo are not the same people.


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opinion discarded like you should've been at birth

>Implying UNIST and Shodown has any money
melee got shut out because they're more effort to host than its worth

Now they just need to trash that shit fighter v and replace it with melee for a perfect lineup
>inb4 smelly
Go back to pools ltgfags

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Nah RyanLV bringing Viscant Dark Phoenix back to close off UMVC3 was hilarious

>Anime that nobody cares or plays about
>Obligatory, no-matter-what slot for SF
>The other 3D fighter
>No one cares, not out
>Nothing is known about this game at all

There is one problem here. Forget Melee, it was gonna happen. The problem is fucking anime.

Orie at EVO!

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I said one of the biggest. The finals brought in more viewers than most games at EVO last year.

Yea Forums tries so hard to be edgy it will tryhard itself right into sucking corporate dick.

>game with basically no info about it is already confirmed
First core values and now this.
MikeZ is going to fucking murder Wiz.

Oh GOd I wanted her so bad!!

Wait, doesn't Samsho have dismemberment fatalities? I mean that feels kind of bad to see her get cut in half around the torso.... But I do respect if SNK stick to their guns with the blood and guts theme considering this is a weapons game.

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>while SSBU is in
Bitch was moldy. Good to have some fresh fucking smash. And ultimate is really good

Anime fighters are more entertaining than everything else

SFV is more important than Melee, cope

>ban wobbling
>get axed from EVO

>no Meele
>9 games
>samsho and unib


Basically modern The Last Blade.

Inspire hate for lolifags and make people use the report button like they're supposed to.

>SNK gets an UNRELEASED game on the roster, and gets to show a trailer too
SNK clearly bribed McRibs, come on now. UNIST clearly got in legit though, the French Bread boys have been putting in work growing it.

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gore has never been a big thing in samsho

What's the best samsho I can play right now

how long will it have been out by evo?

Why aren't you playing my game Evo?

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Where the fuck is Melee

I thought meleefags didn't need EVO. Why are they so mad?

Granblue when. I want to play with /our boy/ Albert, Levin Saber and best girl Vampy.

Regardless, I real,y think the spot should have gone to some other game without as much of an established scene, especially one as underrated as with Pokken

I will never forgive TPC for how badly they blundered marketing it.

jap evo only

>DOA did not get even 1 (ONE) mention

How will the shills spin this one?

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In 2 weeks during cygames anniversary


best evo

The TGS trailer showed that they're going for stylized but technically less-graphic executions via silhouettes against stark red/white backgrounds, similarly to SamSho 64.

Originally you could just cut characters in half sometimes when you beat them with a slash, and not all of them. Eventually the later 2D games let you cut the cute girls in half too though, and by then there was more gore.

I like it, save for smash

It's also shit

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5sp and 2 are the good ones. 5sp is way more balanced though

Do people actually give a shit about that whole trans controversy?

who are the "easy-to-pickup" characters in UNIST?

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UNIST is there tho, Melty Blood was one of the OG stinky games


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>weebshit no one plays but everyone pretends to care
>party game
>Dragon Bore Fighter Z
>literal kusoge
>finally, some good fucking competition
>obligatory NRShit
>literal question mark
Shit evo

BBTag got in last year with a May release. I'd say mid-June at the latest. That said, Tekken 7's first year at EVO was when it was only in arcades.

3, 4 and V

>all the butthurt replies
holy shit this is great

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>forgetting to put Iori in the pic.

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It'll probably get in next year, Cygames sponsors Evo so there's absolutely no way it's not going to show up at least once.

which unist character deserves to win evo? it better be hilda


you're only played in the eastern hemisphere!


Sorry for your loss Meleebros, please enjoy the DBFZChad streams instead, one of your players used to play it.

Maybe a furry won't win our event this time around.

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>yfw Tetris99 gets in over meele


Play the game and find out. Skill floor is pretty low

Is there a list of side tourneys out too?

What the fuck did you expect? The only surprise on that list is UNIST finally digging its way out of the poverty mines and Melee dying

inb4 Grand Finals is SonicFox vs Salem

Samurai Shodown 5 Special is probably the most balanced fighting game ever made.

>under night in birth getting out of animevo
what the fuck

Pray Dogura slams him again and they dont do that side-switch crap

blessed image

Wagner, Akatsuki, Nanase

>A bankrupt company bribing EVO
More like Stinky Melee bribing EVO the other way around.

>implying I'm not already playing Melee AND DBFZ

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No one likes playing against Puff, especially HBox's Puff. Top players are literally quitting over it.

>using Iori and not Miss X

I miss Demo...

>Trashing melee and leaving in Smash 4 definitive edition

They both suck but why leave in the worse of the two evils

Alright fags, barring Melee what would you have chosen for EVO 2019?

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>ryu and ken in sfv and smash
>yoshi in tekken and sc
>all the UNIST characters in Tag

Infinity Hyde

SNK ain't bankrupt anymore. Do you really think Mr. Wizard would put an unreleased game from a series that has NEVER been at Evo without being bribed?

>No Jump Force
Yeah I'm not watching this shit

II and V Special.

GO1, Dogura, Fenrich, and Kazunoko are on a level that SonicFox cannot overcome entirely. No way he takes it over one of those four. I do hope a more out-there player makes Top 8 though, like Tachikawa, Kaimart, Acqua, or Alioune.
>Alioune running Fat Buu/Broly/21 now

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I love wiz, and his hate for Meele

The closest thing I have to experience with Samurai Showdown is CVS2. I've played with those characters a bunch and like K-Groove, are they even remotely comparable?

I'd find it hilarious if Samsho got delayed and so they couldn't run it.
Also does MK11 even have a release date?

i think this lineup is fine honestly, the only one i'd probably replace is samsho with another year of gg, it's too early for samsho

Me too nigga me too

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>tag on sunday
what are they going to announce? new guilty gear please

>Gordeau killed in BBTAG
>he takes EVO champ UNIST instead

That would be pretty kino.

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Replace SFV, BBTag and MK11 with UMvC3, XrdRev2 and Killer Instinct.

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What new stuff are going to try in there? Million Arthur?

GG over MKXI is the only change I'd make. Dabbing on Meleeniggers has been the highlight of my night.



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Fate in BBTAG

what is she saying here? Nice dick?

a little bit, but samsho's weapon system is something you'll need to get used to

Either a trailer/release date for granblue or new GG.

Hey man, jasepi is good but not too many players still play Gord

>tfw choosing the worst character in the game
Send help, I keep choosing bad/mediocre characters in all these fightan games.

It's been taking up a slot at EVO for years. Now that it's gone, 2 games took it's place. EVO isn't all about melee, and it's had plenty of time in the spotlight.


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Yeah, remotely, but you can always checkout the real deal through some emulator tho.

wtf bros the leak was wrong??

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No way when they are making Granblue Fightan.

Based Merkava

>As soon as MK 9 dropped, every fighter had to start putting in tons of story content and more effort to match up with NRS.
Oh wait you're serious

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Maybe a prodigy will pick him up in these months and excel at EVO? God knows

No way when they are making DBFZ S2, Xrd 3 and P5A.


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The new patch nerd Gord

I wanna stick my dick in Larxene

UNIST and SamSho is exciting.

Flight and hotel is only 600 right now. really tempted to pull the trigger on it

bros all my DaS2 lab time was for nothing...


> no one in their right mind have SFV as their favorite fighting game.

Says the fucking melee fan

There's a Power Rangers fighting game coming out in April that looks like a clusterfuck anime poverty game despite being western. It has BBTag-style mechanics but with 3v3.

Pray for my nigga Doggie to get in.

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Tell ASW to work faster

What I meant is that they'd be working for 2 companies that are competing in the same industry.

Just call Hairou from Japan

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lol fuck melee

I'm glad that no Melee but please god just let sfv die, it's awful.

Good, but wheres Guilty Gear?

Why are the hit effects in samsho so over the top? Legit can't see the character most of the time.

Wait, there's hype for that game? If there's a scene I am so on that shit!
Though so far the only thing we know for sure is there will be wank for MM, Shattered Shit, and Gia.

Sure! I've got an hour. Let's play.

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>not fighting edition 2

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PS4 though

Some guy on my discord going major denial over Melee. He's talking about how it'll be put back on the main stage tomorrow, that melee still has a bigger fan base, more relevant than DBZ Fighterz, MK, and SF, more balanced than Ultimate, etc. I really hope he's trolling but I'm not sure

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>DOA gets picked
>Core Values happen
>Wiz needs another game
>fuck Meele

I love that fat fuck

Time to retire, old man.

>no gg
and i had the most fun with that one last year

Probably Arck Sys wants to let it die now that they announce both, the Grandblue vs and the fact that a new GG is coming.

Don't worry, we may see the New Guilty Gear more sooner than later in any case.


Yeah, I know. See you in a few minutes.

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You're expecting reason from the people who are fine with GGXrd being replaced with unreleased games?

I don't like how they're forcing the new Samurai Shodown to have a scene instead of letting it grow on its own.

>a game no one likes except for people that like the game
you are so fucking retarded it defies description

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Man of taste right here.

>dude, down back, lmao
>dude, fireballs, beams, and invincible dp, lmao
>dude, charge partitioning while executing previous charge moves, lmao

I thought Soul Calibur 6 died already

Apparently there will still be an Arc Revo qualifier at Evo, even though it isn't a main Evo game. GG was a side tourney for years after Marn rigged it to death.

what about DoA 6?

Doesn't represent EVO's core values.

Meleefags BTFO

Pass is vee

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>Three of them are fucking dead
>One is an alcoholic streamer with a foot in the grave
>Last is actually Satan