How did they fall so far from grace? Where did it all go so wrong?

How did they fall so far from grace? Where did it all go so wrong?

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who are you talking about, can't be valve
you changed, not valve
you're still a stupid sheep faggot though

"The Dota Card Game" atleast that was for me

> digital distribution monopoly
They seem to be doing fine to me

They keep looking for the next big thing instead of focusing on the core gaming experience that made them to begin with.

Honestly though, was Valve right to sellout their community that got them to where they are to begin with for infinite money?

Valve has been at the forefront of VR and saved it from being a faceberg closed garden monopoly, they don't seem to care about games anymore but I'm glad for their interest in the next hardware frontier.

What do you mean sellout? The problem is exactly that they aren't selling anything.

they didn't release half life 2 episode 3, from there, all expectations from them fell drastically

They were never good. Half Life and Counterstrike are turbo shit and Steam has permanently fucked PC gaming for eternity.

I think the tipping point was when they decided to start doing "episodes".
This is what caused HL2's art director to leave, he said that in an interview, that he only wanted to do AAA-scale ambitious projects rather than this games as a service stuff.

Not many people realize this, but literally almost all of the HL1 and HL2 dev teams are gone from Valve. It's mostly fresh graduates from universities who work there today.

They've been protecting us in their own way, even if their offerings have been disappointing. As much as we all find DD distasteful you do not want to live in the timeline where EA or Ubi got first mover advantage.

Very true, they're finally taking off the shackles (HTC) and unleashing their true power. Eventually. It's like watching fucking DBZ waiting for Valve to actually do something.

they learned how to make maximum profit with minimum effort.
also the devs who work there just work on whatever they "feel" like, which is probably most of the time absolutely nothing

The moment gabe Newell doesn't even acknowledge the number 3. Epic store is going to push valve into making games again. They're working on their new engine and I'm assuming 3 launch titles for it. Once valve releases the most anticipated games ONLY on their platform. Screen cap this

Portal bridge builder shovelware game, licensed merch (fucking lego portal seriously), having fans make shitty games for them and selling them (Hunt Down the Fucking Freeman), Artifact's existence, and a fuckton of micro-transactions in all their games sounds super sellout-ish to me. Low effort, low risk, high reward.

>Epic store is going to push valve into making games again.
lol no, Epic is such small fry it's unbelievable
They're going to suffer a fate worse than Valve if they try to expand beyond milking zoomers via F2P

Portal Bridge builder was just a licensed spin-off from the bridge builder devs retard.

Epic does nothing to actually compete with Steam, it just uses underhanded monopolistic tactics to literally steal games from other stores.

Yea Forums is too casual to care about the leaps and bounds Valve staff are making in Linux gaming
If they save me from Microsoft I don't care if they never release another game again

And that refutes my statement how? In fact, that even supports my sellout claim even more holy shit

>it just uses underhanded monopolistic tactics to literally steal games from other stores.
This is the future you chose. shill

yeah valve just in the background quietly saving video gaming for the next few decades and everyone here "AWTIFACT BAD!!!!!!!"

this place used to not seem like it was for stupid people, and now it honestly seems like it is for stupid people. The average IQ here has dropped 15-20 points in the last 5 years.

They stopped making games and started making Economy Simulators.

It shows that you're ignorant and just here to whine about literally nothing.

The people trying to force Valve hate are a small group of both Reddit-Life 3 waiters and resetera trannies that read articles about journos mad that Steam is uncensored.

Using self-organizing teams doesn't scale.

Remember how some leaked files revealed that people at Valve were working on a "l4d3" a ways back? Rumor is that they actually built a functional Left 4 Dead 3 game, but then internal disagreements on whether to push the game as the flagship of Source 2 or port it to Unreal led to the project collapsing.

For small teams, you can do your fancy self-management methodologies like scrum and agile and all that nonsense, but as the company gets big, you actually need a top manager to pull the trigger on big decisions like "Source 2 vs Unreal" and crush the dissenters with "because I'm the boss and I say so." Otherwise indecision and internal disagreements mean nothing ever gets done except for small stuff done by small teams, like card games or updates to an already existing popular game.

>What do you mean sellout?
Valve continues to throw their legendary IPs around and give licenses to anyone that asks for it despite Valve themselves not even touching those IPs for years. For example, Lego, Surgeon Simulator, Poker Night at the Inventory, FF15, Paladins, Next Up Heroes, and probably way more that I'm missing.

Basically the only thing Valve is doing with their IPs is letting other people use them for promotional purposes, and that's is an extremely sellout move to do.

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Valve always did these licensed cameos, it just feels lazy rather than hype cross promotion now because they don't do anything with their IPs themselves anymore.

No hl3

>it just feels lazy rather than hype cross promotion now because they don't do anything with their IPs themselves anymore.

That's...literally what I said. They haven't touched their IPs in years, but they still make bank off of them by giving them to other companies despite the fans of those IPs asking for over a decade for a new installment. That's a sellout.

Epic is just a petty pickpocket with the chinese shill army in its arsenal
When Metro is all they could come up with I knew they were screwed, all they won was negative press

You said sellout, not lazy.
It's not sellout and I doubt they even make much or any money off it since they have always been pretty open with their IP.

Let's not forget that EVERY big name publisher got infiltrated by a certain subversive clique and Valve actually got duped into inviting a whole studio of them inside
Despite that Valve isn't anywhere near as pozzed as many others (considering that they were always fairly progressive to begin with) and the shitfuckery on Steam censorship has abated a bit, almost like people got spanked behind the scenes.
Hopefully Valve is now taking a good hard look at what they've been doing for the past 10 years and step it up.

>a person who compromises his or her personal values, integrity, talent, or the like, for money or personal advancement.

Since you don't know the definition of what a sellout is I'll just put it here.

Also, lazy does not override or replace any prior descriptions of Valve. So yes, Valve is lazy and also a sellout.

I dunno why they even hired those walking simulator fuckos, they used to hired promising students and modders with novel gameplay concepts.

So not a sellout at all, alright.
Valve got "compromised" because their work ethic sucks and led to internal strife, it has nothing do with them doing licensed cameos.

Probably diversity reasons, hopefully they make the obvious correlation.

Seeing some positive posts about Valve in this thread. Hang on, guys. 2019 is going to be the year many interesting things will be revealed by Valve. First event to look forward to is GDC in March.

Half-Life 3

I wouldn't say they fell at all. They just changed, it happens, people move on from companies, employees lose interest in the projects and it gets scrapped. Valve is a different company now and it's time to get over it, steam is a fine service.

>not a sellout
So Valve has integrity and honesty when it comes to licensing their IPs? You're saying that they're license for LEGO portal sets was completely on goodwill for their longtime fans? Or when they handed their IPs to a nobody indie that literally no one plays? This is a strange hill to die on my friend.

>Valve got "compromised" because their work ethic sucks and led to internal strife
And again, it doesn't override what I said prior. They're lazy and a sellout. This shouldn't be hard to comprehend.

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They always did these licenses like I said before, why is it even a problem?

>And again, it doesn't override what I said prior.
It does since the licensing and them not doing games aren't related in any way.