Are Jade's (a.k.a Martina) boobs too big?
Are Jade's (a.k.a Martina) boobs too big?
yes, but her armpits are just right
posting best girl
Was anyone else annoyed about that tearful farewell only to find out literally nothing happened to them situation?
not big enough
she probably got raped by that fish monster
>Beata Martina
>You know I am a righteous man
the boobs do the armpit though
if the boobs aren't heavy enough the armpits aren't that attractive
I love my wife Martina!
A gift.
I'm wondering more why the MC didn't tell everyone he time traveled. I guess it was just to keep everyone from blowing their load in front of Carnelia, but after Mordegon was dealt with he could have told them
I even doubt he knew himself he time traveled cause he was going to let the King fucking take the sword before Calasmos bitch slapped him.
>pube peek
100% based
what? of course he knew he time traveled, it's how he doesn't get backstabbed by jasper
again, I figured that was because the King was on such high alert, and the MC recognized that that particular moment was not the best time to go balls to the wall
also he definitely knew because that line where Veronica goes
>what's with that big grin on your face
when he sees her
also he wouldn't have been able to deflect jasper's blast if he didn't know he traveled, the whole thing would have just repeated itself if he lost his memory
Yeah I know he just goes full retard after that with the King.
What if one day you came home with flowers and you saw her getting mating pressed by the mailman?
>Yeah I know he just goes full retard after that with the King.
no, he just knew to pick his battles more carefully than when the king was on alert
Id stop reading image board cuck scenarios and tell my wife I love her
does she ever flirt with the main character?
He seems pretty clueless until he has a flashback of getting fucking owned by Jasper. I imagine when you travel back you only retain some of the experiences you've had.
the game kind of implied that there was an amnesia effect going on.
You read a lot of image board cuck scenarios?
Maybe, but there was no reason to let someone get that close to a weapon that would have completely ruined the whole point of why he went back. Seriously the only reason he didn't actually touch it was because of Calasmos.
>the game kind of implied that there was an amnesia effect going on.
when? just because the MC didn't go around announcing what he did?
You keep posting them
It's pretty much unavoidable on Yea Forums
>the game kind of implied that there was an amnesia effect going on.
not once did I get this impression.
The protag kept quiet so as to not fuck with time any moreso than he had already
bump because I know I'm right
Nope, he was smiling huge as fuck when he saw Veronica again after living in a reality where she's been dead for a while
There were also a few other things like this, did you even use Party Talk?
about jade fucking the mailman?
>Tried to play again for the 4th time
>Start over because i've forgotten everything
>Got burned out during the tournament
At least for every time i play, i get further and further. Maybe i'll complete it around 65th attempt
thanks for this
I swoon for any woman who reminds me of Galadriel and talks in poetry
That's not pubes you gutterhead, that's linedrawing not properly wiped. Learn2art
no you retard
about the MC not losing his memory
I wonder what her shoes smell like haha
based and correctpilled
I really liked taken screenshots
>character looks real nice
>but you just know they are used goods
what's the easiest way to get ps4 screenshots on to my pc
Just play pc bro
I thought that too, but there's also a chance that since she was traveling with Rab for so long, he kept any suitors and men away since he knew what/who she was
she compensates by being flirty since she's never actually been with anyone
>never actually been with anyone
you have a poor sense of judgment then
Rab wouldn't let her purity be tainted, lest her value as princess be spoiled. It's what I tell myself anyway.
I noticed almost all of my pics are of Krystalinda. I should go back and get more of the other girls
I want to be frozen by her and kept in her collection.
Unironically want to play this game just for her.
Should I just wait for the switch version?
i guess, since marrying her probably means a lot to you
you can marry her?
in switch version you can, though it's not like romance is a story focus at all, it'll be like five lines probably
You've convinced me to play dragon quest.
how do you play that which has no gameplay
I don't know, I haven't started yet you fucking genius.
Switch version will better overall with more features. Retro mode, orchestrated soundtrack, and additional story content. And probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.
PC gets sweat and impregnation mods though.
Should I get this for pc or wait for the switch version?
If your a straight or furfag, go for pc for lewd screenshots using free roaming camera
I just got to the Calasmos reveal after you time travel. What level should I be and how much should I do before I tackle him. I didn't uh, expect the final boss to be so huge. For note I'm on Draconian harder enemies, and no exp from weak enemies. And using greatswords cause I'm not gay
On Draconian he's balanced around 70-75 or so. I got to him at 50. It's not a fun grind
I'm gonna have to spam the pep power to summon metal slimes I'm guessing huh