Get hyped.
I wonder why they won't release it for pc, maybe they can't compete against yugioh-pro.
No PC version no buy. Also post your favorite monster
Yea Forums fears the black cards
Just give it the sonic heroes treatment.
>Another millennium duel rehash
Fucking yawn.
Legacy of the Duelist is already out on pc
I mean I'll take any decent Yugioh game but Legacy was always a bit janky and slow so its hard to get hyped.
How the fuck can older decks even compete with the bullshit they have now? Back then you had to strategize and get lucky. You'd put a monster down and a magic card and that was it. Now the little shit 9 year old you're fighting takes five minutes a turn and burns half his deck doing it summoning some bullshit card he shouldn't be able to on his first turn.