>get home from work
>no energy for vidya
Get home from work
I usually get home around 6, eat dinner and watch TV until about 8, then play video games from 8 to 11. It works pretty well. but I don't have time for normie shit like the gym.
>get home from [insert place]
>no energy for vidya
damnit. happened AGAIN
if you learn to pace yourself you won't come home tired from sucking dicks all day mate
>8 to 11
>have nothing important after work/school
>vidya is the most important thing when you come back home
It takes you 2 hours to eat dinner and watch TV but you got no time for the gym? Get some home gym stuff and do it with the TV on or something
>still no energy for vidya
>no energy for anything
>wish for death during sleep
It doesn't take me two hours, it just let's me rest between work and playing video games. Otherwise I would be too tired to enjoy playing anything.
>$825 in rent
>$615 in donations
>mfw wanted to play RDR 2 after I got off work but had to update and I was like fuck that shit I just wanna play so click cancel update but the fuckin thing unistalls RDR2 instead
for context this is literally about one guy: cnbc.com
I think he works for himself and charges a shit load for school tutoring
>work nights
>plenty of energy after work
>work 8-4
>want to kill myself every night and fall asleep by about 8pm
>tfw 12 hour shifts
I barely have time to fucking eat when I get home, forget vidya.
>no one here plays videogames
>just failed normies shitposting
Am I in /r9k/ now?
>be NEET
>play whatever whenever
it's fucking nice being able to beat long grindy game in just one week
I only play NMH driving around the halfbaked open world doing the jobs and playing pinball collections.
>$20/month on internet
What company and what are the speeds?
>parents on suicide watch
sit out the next time your crew has to sing cotton eye joe
Get a job, you leech
>get home
>no bf
i worry that in my final moments in this world, i am going realize how much of a fucking waste playing vidya was.
u jelly
The city where I used to live offered gigabit internet for $40 a month
Getting over that crash after work was a big issue for me. I started taking classes immediately after work to force me to stay active through that until I got my second wind and it helped.
No more of a waste than anything else. Not many people will reflect on their life and say it was worth it. Things are only getting worse, just enjoy what you can.
I remember this being an issue when I worked at Staples. God, what a hellish job that was.
ill take comfort in the fact that it wont matter anymore as i die.
>get home from work
>no energy to play vidya
>no friends to play vidya due to work, school, gfs
>no will to live
Good lad.
Why haven't you adopted the superior hobby: watching anime?
>have 2 hours left in the day
>can watch half of an entire show while relaxing
>get home from work
>Too energetic to play vidya
>go to gym
>get home, shower.
>Work on new crafting hobbies.
>sit down to play vidya
>nothing new excites me
>Play like 30 minutes of Metal Slug before stopping
>shitpost on Yea Forums rest of night till pass out from masturbating,
LMAO wagie got mad
You have to force yourself to play the game to get the energy to play it, at first.
Playing the game will get your brain working and you will perk up, and your heart will start to beat harder and more blood will enter your brain.
you're getting old so your brain will will resist changes to routine. Just break through that little bit of resistance and soldier through.
jelly of your worthless and meaningless existence, where you contribute absolutely nothing? Sure.
Dunno why you guys are bragging about not having a job. Wait til your parents die and your money dries up, maybe you'll become an adult by then.
yes, go to the gym so you're nice and healthy to work some more. Then after a year of grueling physical labor on your entire body, you might see some results.
I'm not paying to stress my body even more, fuck that.
too real user. i felt that
>final stage of the game
>blows up the antagonists' ship
>wishing it was my room that blowed up while i was asleep
Time for blogposting because I thought all the wagie memes weren't true.
>can either work in a public or private company for my field
>public will refuse to train me in new technologies for fucking ages so I'll be stuck doing the same menial shit for at least 5 years making awful money
>private pays less and treats you like absolute dirt and will literally put you on shifts that are 5 hours apart and pays you for 8 hours of work despite having to stay for an extra 6 minutes (you'll be written up if you leave before that 6 minutes)
>get constantly humiliated and treated like dirt working in either
Considering just dropping college and going full time at my part time department store job, where I get treated with dignity.
then stay weak and without energy beta boy
>stresses your body
Obese loser confirmed
you're probably a fatass if this happens to you
>get home from shitposting
>no energy to play vidya
> Want to play a single player game
> Run a battlefield platoon and feel obligated to play with people.
Hah holy shit what is this feeling, I'm so glad I ditched consolefaggotry and lmaoing at your shitty predicament, but also so sad at the state of gaming and that people can't just have fun anymore.
>come home
>no one greets
>no one to talk to
>stare at the wall
>think about where my life went south
>catch myself falling asleep
>go to bed
>get a job
>able to afford video games now
>no desire to play games after i finish work
This is so true. How do you reconcile work and your hobby without becoming a complete wage slaver and find will to play video games in your free time? I've recently started working at an ice cube factory and I finally have some money to spend on my hobby. The problem is I come back home so tired that I can't muster any strength to do anything besides browsing the internet and look up threads on Yea Forums until late at night.
If you're well enough to shitpost on Yea Forums, you're well enough for video games!
It’s not work. It’s Yea Forums. Get the fuck off Yea Forums.
>has time to browse and post on Yea Forums though
>work 19:30-06:00
>SHITPOST at maximum speeds on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and sometimes /x/
>get home, nap.for 6 hours
>wake up, eat, poop all over third worlders in f2p console games like Paladins and Warframe
>make stinky monkeys rage
>shower, go to work, shitpost some more
I am still essentially a NEET. I just don't get NEETbux.
I'm sorry user
what do you do?
I usually play vidya after work. It's how I relax and unwind. I have a physical job too.
What's so difficult about sitting down and pressing buttons?
There comes a point where you'd rather watch someone else do it than do it yourself.
>There comes a point where you'd rather watch someone else do it than do it yourself.
Lad... I hope you're underage.
You know that meme image of Amazon Wage Cages?
I'm a Yard Specialist. What I do is arrive and depart the trucks with loaded freight and oversee the yard. It's mostly minor computer work and email correspondence.
The wagies inside suffer at my behest. I am neither man nor robot. I am cyborg.
>get up at 6
>shitty breakfast
>go to work at 7
>wash dishes until 3
>no energy
>want to play vidya but also want to keep up with podcasts
>the vidya I want to play takes up too much of my attention to play podcasts
>end up doing neither
You wagies think you have it so tough. I had class until 5 PM today. Nobodies paying my skinny butt to go to school.
Hit the gym and you'll have mondo levels of energy.
Enjoy your crippling student debt for a useless degree faglord
Jokes on you, I had scholarships and I'm only 6k in debt with this being my last semester.
>Faggots who can't go to work, then gym and then enjoy vidya without feeling tired
You'll be surprised how much extra energy you have with even just 30 minutes of exercise each day. Getting a manual labor job really helped with my exhaustion.
>tfw when trust fund baby
Imagine working for a living.
Came here to post this
Is that an xbox thing? Playstation doesn't require you to download updates to play your games, just for multiplayer things